File: 1549059924770.jpeg (183.43 KB, 640x905, D701F416-AC5C-4B3D-B48B-2C785A…)

No. 13343
File: 1549060015402.jpeg (303.86 KB, 1000x1308, FF3A2DE6-895B-40F4-80F8-D287A2…)

I mostly only have Fate related art on my phone, but will add other stuff when I get on the computer.
(Also remember to sage any photo dumps to not annoy other /ot/ anons)
No. 13344
File: 1549060107020.jpeg (448.1 KB, 1094x1500, E29D5C2D-8C76-4395-B6DF-7ECE3C…)

No. 13345
File: 1549060279207.jpeg (305.78 KB, 1035x1500, 40DDDE09-A0AD-415F-8F28-AB0624…)

No. 13346
File: 1549061244979.jpg (164.58 KB, 1000x1350, TitaniumAndCarbon-Mononoke.jpg)

No. 13347
File: 1549061266708.jpg (251 KB, 1000x1350, TitaniumAndCarbon-Nausicaa.jpg)

No. 13348
File: 1549061289136.jpg (275.97 KB, 1000x1350, TitaniumAndCarbon-NGE.jpg)

No. 13349
File: 1549061319729.jpeg (379.62 KB, 1583x1133, 5FD29515-1F92-4F4A-9562-F46EEC…)

No. 13350
File: 1549061625228.jpeg (179.76 KB, 1200x788, 4D2516BB-A740-49ED-AEA0-2B0B65…)

No. 13351
File: 1549061649046.jpeg (210.24 KB, 1200x780, 6CB6DB7C-D859-4ACF-9460-96BC94…)

No. 13352
File: 1549066327095.jpg (3.05 MB, 4497x3200, cardcaptor-sakura-full-1004940…)

my current wallpaper
No. 13353
File: 1549066458985.jpeg (271.71 KB, 1024x888, 7FA4E730-553F-4649-B9E7-480B1B…)

>>13352Clamps stuff always has amazing art. On my old comp I remember having hundreds of pics of clamp content.
No. 13354
File: 1549073005183.jpg (1.13 MB, 1920x1431, -ghj.jpg)

MAGGI, the art director for Tree of Savior, one of my favorite artists No. 13355
File: 1549073399465.jpg (762.17 KB, 1280x1844, tumblr_p4nl2sN97Z1s1v6lho1_r1_…)

Junwool's fanart for now-defunct mobage Little Noah, No. 13356
File: 1549082178237.jpeg (533.51 KB, 762x1565, 4498793F-19D0-4E12-BD61-D39E02…)

No. 13357
File: 1549083400303.jpg (425.37 KB, 706x651, 58031682_p0.jpg)

No. 13359
File: 1549091591830.jpg (266.9 KB, 953x1473, IMG_20181204_161330.jpg)

Picking what to post in the thread made me realise the gap in skill between a lot of fanart I save. Not in a bad way, more like "wow there's so many techniques to learn".
No. 13360
File: 1549091757379.jpg (443.9 KB, 1096x2048, IMG_20190201_161559.jpg)

Also Dororo has been getting really good fanart.
No. 13361
File: 1549092463834.jpg (735.01 KB, 1200x847, 60656199_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>13358thunderbolt fantasy. not exactly anime but puppetry so that might not be your thing lol
the artist's pixiv for that work if you want to know No. 13362
File: 1549095634693.jpg (191.74 KB, 608x1121, 38bb1f0b-82e8-4f3a-b940-b1f81d…)

>>13360I'm enjoying this.
No. 13363
File: 1549211129040.jpg (85.79 KB, 848x1199, Dg7DEDBUYAAYOex.jpg)

No. 13364
File: 1549211758491.jpg (781.08 KB, 1504x2160, 10.jpg)

Atelier Sophie, Firis, Lydie & Suelle - The Alchemists and Mysterious World Official Visual Collection. No. 13367
File: 1549212832562.jpg (42.56 KB, 960x720, hateful wonderland.jpg)

was my wallpaper for awhile
No. 13372
File: 1549221245548.jpg (7.2 MB, 3219x2316, 653722.jpg)

more CLAMP
No. 13373
File: 1549235835598.jpg (67.71 KB, 536x680, 1542365367971_image.jpg)

Em Nishizuka! The world she paints is really haunting, earthy, pretty, and unique. No. 13374
File: 1549236256705.jpg (160.88 KB, 600x848, 005cf2497ddddec0b7f9cc8720560c…)

Kaneoya Sachiko but most of you already know about her glorious work
No. 13375
File: 1549236412792.jpg (103.36 KB, 474x666, c8e377aa86fdad4e854d98c0f647c2…)

No. 13376
File: 1549237905548.jpg (114.95 KB, 882x1200, DsXIcUxU8AARBPx.jpg) their style and character designs and looking forward to their finished game.
No. 13377
File: 1549241350308.jpg (111.34 KB, 510x680, 506a93cec5d59f32ff17fedc1574c9…)

>>13374Good taste anon!
Her english artbook is up for pre-order if anyone is interested, they keep moving the release date but I'm super excited to finally have a collection of her artwork!
No. 13379
File: 1549243928556.png (1.54 MB, 1440x949, Screenshot_2019-02-03-19-31-37…)

Yurie Sekiya
No. 13380
File: 1549309247745.jpg (3.56 MB, 2500x1406, 71006590_p0.jpg)

No. 13381
File: 1549331146172.jpg (123.64 KB, 997x1000, CwPoVjmVUAAQa9h.jpg) artist that some anon(s) have been posting around
No. 13382
File: 1549331200920.jpg (148.99 KB, 600x600, l6S5sD3.jpg)

No. 13383
File: 1549333645972.jpg (14.49 KB, 236x237, 28b86e27de6ba72232bb00eb3d5f33…)

>>13381ahaha i've loved that artist for years, never found a name though. this is one of my favorites.
are we just gonna convert all of lolcow's userbase to femdom now
No. 13385
>>13384>more sfw artReally? Kaneoya was already posted itt too.
Maybe browse lc on your phone instead of your work computer if you're that concerned.
No. 13389
>>13385Saw isn't just in reference to sexual imagery but violent imagery and I think it's reasonable anons might be ok with tr former and less so the latter. Sachiko's work isn't exclusively erotic and doesn't incorporate violent imagery in a lot of her work. I think spoiler tags are a good idea. And regardless it is nice to share a variety of artists while this one has been posted across various threads.
I think something like fan art with bloody zombie characters, for instance, is another example of the sort of artwork that would merit spoilers.
No. 48835
File: 1568074175502.png (570.21 KB, 540x672, tumblr_opb5jhu0oL1qmkgeno1_540…)

No. 77411
File: 1583003460015.jpg (456.78 KB, 1066x1491, IMG_2191.JPG)

No. 77412
File: 1583003484257.jpg (412.64 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2195.JPG)

No. 77413
File: 1583003584483.jpg (627.46 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_9187.JPG)

No. 77655
File: 1583217210499.jpg (108.19 KB, 600x848, a6d3e0e4c82a5c3fe260de85201fba…)

No. 77656
File: 1583217266687.jpg (71.38 KB, 600x848, ec02d4fb42a5cda366806aa17d73c4…)

No. 77657
File: 1583217437529.jpg (106.81 KB, 600x848, 3b2ed2c8fb9973ada09f155244bf03…)

No. 77658
File: 1583217484529.jpg (122.83 KB, 700x989, a481a5a0059368efe6cae564c92aae…)

No. 77659
File: 1583217526547.jpg (87.45 KB, 700x990, 00573eb9a903eace983dc45ea97c71…)

End of Jojo dump
No. 86285
File: 1587975630027.jpg (228.09 KB, 670x972, tumblr_nezipsFFzE1r7p1q8o1_128…)

No. 86372
File: 1588035701535.jpg (473.84 KB, 2048x3061, e1445ebe-6809-4f5f-a55e-97e982…)

No. 86373
File: 1588035844514.jpg (167.63 KB, 625x625, 2e87170b-fd08-4657-828d-8fbcf3…)

No. 88030
File: 1589180288190.jpg (1.31 MB, 1148x1920, tumblr_ptaleu2VDK1riacnfo1_128…)

No. 88040
File: 1589184542527.jpeg (114.51 KB, 728x1059, 091430C1-06B1-40B6-B27C-CF08EF…)

I’m a Dorohedoro fag. I’d have so many pages to post, I decided for this
No. 90363
File: 1589963591932.png (732.1 KB, 863x649, 74883936_p0.png)

No. 90365
File: 1589963706439.jpg (2.18 MB, 1388x1841, 80290154_p0.jpg)

No. 91852
File: 1590285045785.jpg (83.57 KB, 736x823, 1582418172246.jpg)

No. 91853
File: 1590285110547.jpg (645.28 KB, 828x550, 1581990809504.jpg)

No. 91854
File: 1590285144605.jpg (452.22 KB, 2000x1500, 1589132447668.jpg)

No. 91855
File: 1590285205087.jpg (2.44 MB, 1446x2048, 6.jpg)

No. 91857
File: 1590285567879.png (1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 1586723697076.png)

No. 91858
File: 1590285629614.jpg (122.93 KB, 782x1200, f03d3194429acbe9a3d159b7556e09…)

No. 91859
File: 1590285753451.jpg (63.19 KB, 853x1024, 1511296407_c1f87c19c7ff16b72b4…)

No. 180569
File: 1642789334882.jpg (264.16 KB, 736x1040, b0b5d62956b172c8f6f024b4883638…)

No. 180570
File: 1642789358146.jpg (186.23 KB, 736x1012, 6f11dab469dcfed7db5844c1ce1a4f…)

No. 180571
File: 1642789367513.jpeg (445.54 KB, 1918x2048, C72D3823-70BF-4249-A901-2E2D9B…)

No. 180573
File: 1642789446074.jpeg (588.45 KB, 1398x2048, 829247C5-0F8C-4EB0-8F74-E365D1…)

No. 180574
File: 1642789516474.jpg (137.97 KB, 736x934, 89447eb83e28c9e09aae0c6e46352d…)

No. 180579
File: 1642789718748.jpg (134.55 KB, 735x1045, 666d0c0a55687278f98cdee641b88a…)

No. 180583
File: 1642789909050.jpg (135.88 KB, 736x1177, 5dc5a84283cedc6234092fb67d3e27…)

No. 180588
File: 1642790132229.jpg (193.41 KB, 736x1124, 355cfb9e3b9d74064d9265fc50cd80…)

No. 180590
File: 1642790214960.jpg (139.49 KB, 736x829, 596dd465f10610377f9cfef03c6c6d…)

No. 180592
File: 1642790282756.jpg (85.61 KB, 736x736, c388080bdc9f7de514298f5a30cab2…)

No. 180596
File: 1642790571115.jpeg (436.37 KB, 1874x1573, 43D53853-CAD3-42EF-A26C-9F197E…)

>>180591You're welcome
This would be a lot easier without the 'flood detected' feature, but I get why it's a thing No. 180602
File: 1642791159126.png (1.89 MB, 1150x1556, FHFm6JGX0AULMVS.png)

No. 180619
File: 1642793844995.jpeg (86.26 KB, 798x577, 39D0E36C-79D1-4E34-AAF4-97175D…)

No. 180635
File: 1642799130546.jpeg (220.68 KB, 850x624, 113D884F-160E-4AAD-8AAB-E62539…)

No. 180864
File: 1642876232830.jpeg (1.6 MB, 2798x4014, F004EE88-6C6A-4584-92BE-2128F8…)

No. 181900
File: 1643276705980.jpeg (576.46 KB, 1200x1200, 13A3FC9D-F8D1-43FE-AC83-5C20BA…)

No. 181901
File: 1643276733838.jpeg (92.98 KB, 500x500, C93B0ACC-7D1C-4C2B-82DC-F02C87…)

No. 181902
File: 1643276775154.jpeg (73.78 KB, 350x350, C9A2FF98-D8FF-4AEC-85D5-E9373E…)

No. 182237
File: 1643457418903.jpg (256.24 KB, 792x1180, E_QTZZBVIAEnDUx.jpg)

No. 185366
File: 1644403399521.jpg (107.09 KB, 850x972, diva_hyxpk.jpg)

Silly nun
No. 303742
File: 1687359245479.png (204.62 KB, 1500x2500, RAD_HAIR.png)

No. 436869
File: 1732959853487.jpg (76.69 KB, 932x613, Snapinsta.app_397236593_868380…)

No. 436872
File: 1732960038381.jpg (109.1 KB, 933x614, Snapinsta.app_397475395_109269…)

No. 436873
File: 1732960085813.jpg (110.69 KB, 933x614, Snapinsta.app_396758170_105241…)

No. 436874
File: 1732960156314.jpg (84.74 KB, 933x614, Snapinsta.app_397391111_801928…)

No. 436875
File: 1732960197435.jpg (94.4 KB, 933x614, Snapinsta.app_397884228_862369…)

No. 436896
File: 1732965799576.jpeg (95.82 KB, 720x659, __ayase_momo_and_takakura_ken_…)

>>436887This could've gone in the cute couples thread instead. But I didn't even know this thread existed.