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No. 137080
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Here you go anon, I didn't do the greatest job on this but I really liked your idea. Could not pick a favorite book though lol.
No. 137107
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I really should stop reading fanfic and go back to reading real books. It's depressing how incomplete this chart is.
No. 137137
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No. 137158
>>137155A lot of people boycotted(?) it because of the drama stirred up by the author of
Excavation but otherwise the main reason I heard people didn't like it (while working in a bookstore) is that they didn't like Vanessa as a character and didn't see much growth from her, which I agree with to an extent. I thought the ending was rushed.
No. 137167
>>137158>they didn't like Vanessa as a characterThis kinda makes me lose hope for humanity. I felt like the novel drilled in the reader's head what is going on with a
victim of grooming - the whole process, what's going on in their head, the psychological trauma etc. It was kinda rudimentary to me for that reason, because I didn't feel like there was space for anything else in the novel beyond the exploration of Grooming 101. If people couldn't empathise with Vanessa despite that (sorry if I'm wrongly assuming why they didn't like her, but from my experience any time a character is a
victim of something, people don't like them because they are not empowered enough or their behavior 'doesn't make sense' even though it does), then I really have no hope for 'regular' people to understand that kind of experience… which really sucks.
>A lot of people boycotted(?) it because of the drama stirred up by the author of ExcavationCan't believe I already forgot about that book even though I read it around February last year… Wonder if the drama helped Wendy C. Ortiz sell more copies. It was a shitty move. If anything, I felt that My Dark Vanessa was too obvious in 'borrowing' pieces of narratives of other, more well known survivors (especially from Tiger, Tiger by Margeaux Fragoso - if you want more of this kind of content, read it… I felt like it's a masterpiece of a trauma memoir - as weird as it feels to say that).
BTW I agree with Eileen, really enjoyed the novel though I liked My Year as much (
even though IDK how to feel about the 9/11 plug ending, even though I expected it from at least halfway mark). Another BIG agree is I'm Thinking of Ending Things being a letdown. Could you tell me what do you enjoy about Sally Rooney's work? I haven't yet read anything by her but I'm lowkey interested, but also cautious since a lot of people either love or hate her books.
No. 137330
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great thread op this took me way too long tho
No. 137418
nonny. I love all the Brontes and Her Body is a great and sometimes disturbing collection. Bunny looks interesting, I'll probably give that a go.
No. 137430
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It's impossible for me to narrow down favorite books since I love so many. I had think of this as some of my top picks. Wish there were more opportunities to share genre or stylistic favorites. The categories are quite broad.
Outlander is a series not a movie but cheating on that one. Also Cinnamon & Gunpowder was actually a great (if occasionally anachronistic) read until the end, so damn the author for fizzling out there.
No. 137436
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>>137330>Infinite Jest three times>"Why do I like this?" being the Holy Biblekek anon, I'd love to be in a book club with you.
Tried not to list an author more than once for this, but it was pretty hard. Definitely harder than trying to think of movies.
No. 137456
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This was really hard to choose things for.
No. 137465
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>>137137>a TLT fanhell yeah. tell me, are you a griddlehark stan or wrong?
Also no mention of Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe itt is making me sad.
No. 137529
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>>137436I highly recommend "The Name of the Rose" anon. The movie adaptation is also great; it apparently has the most historically accurate depiction of medieval peasants, which is a bit depressing.
I know Amélie Nothomb isn't that popular outside of the francosphere, I love her but holy shit is she a proper cow.
I also met her when I was 15-16 at a book signing event; our interaction was so weird and threw me off so badly that I never set foot in a book signing event ever again
>never meet your heroes No. 137551
>>137410Definitely start with the Crying of Lot 49, mostly because it's his shortest and his writing can be overwhelming, when I first started it I though I would never finish it but I stopped trying to make sense of every sentence and just went with the flow. I think the greatest thing about Pynchon is how re-readable his books are, I've read tcol49 about six times and I find something new I hadn't noticed/realized before every single time. Also the fact that his books can be really funny and he doesn't take himself too seriously. You'll love him if you like conspiracies, trippy situations, funky characters, and mostly the excitement of having no idea where it's going next.
>>137436Can we have a lc bookclub? I'd be so down with that
No. 137555
>>137533Even though she’s a massive cow, I still recommend her books, kek
Some things to know before I get into the “Fear and Trembling” controversy:
>From a rich family; daughter of Patrick Nothomb, a Belgian baron and diplomat who was the Japanese ambassador to Belgium >Probably grew up in a wealthy bubble>Massive weeb (most of her younger fans are weebs too)>Describes most of her books as being “autobiographical” even though they aren’t, as she weaves lies and mystification in her work>One of them is being born in Kobe/Japan, while she was born in Etterbeek/Belgium>Neuroticism (alongside eating disorders) palpable through her style, there’s no way she isn’t on the tism spectrum too>Bi or closeted lesbianWhen it comes to “Fear and Trembling”:
FaT is supposed to be an autobiography in which Amélie recounts her life in Japan as a young employee for the Mitsui company (name changed in her book to Yumimoto for obvious reasons). FaT deals with the rigid Japanese work ethics, moral harassment and the difficulty of working in Japan as a gaijin.
One of the main character of the novel is Fubuki Mori; she is portrayed as an incredibly beautiful and jealous woman who is bitter towards Amélie for achieving the position that she reached in the company in a matter of weeks, when she herself fought for years for an equivalent rank. Fubuki is therefore constantly on her back and actively participating in humiliating her.
Around 2013 (in an article that I can’t seem to find anymore) the real Fubuki apparently came forward to share her side of the story. From what I remember:
>Dropped “Mitsui” as the real company name, said she decided to come forward now as she is no longer working for them>Said that Nothomb’s treatment in the company wasn’t as extreme as her book led you to believe>Amélie apparently got the job in the first place because of her well-connected father>Exposed her as being “unqualified” for the job she was given; Nothomb’s incompetency made the company loose a lot>Mitsui didn’t want to fire her however, because of her father status>Had no grasp of Japanese etiquette whatsoever and her Japanese was very poor>Amélie acted “inappropriately” with her and said that she was in love with her. Made Fubuki extremely uncomfortable. When Amélie left the company, she couldn’t help but feel relieved.I didn’t think too much of it at the time, until I met her at the book signing, and it kinda validated the story in my head.
Long story short; she spotted me in the crowd, told me to skip the queue and come to her, she was drunk as fuck and told me I was pretty (I was 15-16) and small talked with me for what felt like an eternity to the point the people in the queue were starting to get understandably mad. She gave me a free copy of “Pétronille”, signed it and kept talking to me. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and my mom had to intervene and say that we had to go, kek
No. 138665
>>137571yaaay I'm excited for you anon, please share your thoughts when you're done.
>>137578it would be awesome but idk how to organize it
No. 138969
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why did this take up so much of my time and why is my taste so embarrassing!
No. 138997
>>138969based catcher in the rye appreciator, everyone shits on holden for being annoying as if every teenager isn't kek
>>138665nayrt but someone could set up a discord and post the link here
No. 139083
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I read a lot, but some of these categories still ended up being kind of hard! My taste is kind of random, but I like horror.
No. 139108
>>139083>best plotIs it still plot if the book is non-fiction? Something to ponder…
Glad you liked The New Me! I enjoyed The Social Creature as well, would love more books with plot like that. I find the dynamics of a clueless ritch bitch and her aspiring poorfag friend fascinating, especially combined with the skinwalking. If anyone knows something similar, I will be thankful for recs!
No. 139158
>>139108Hah, I was unsure about that myself, but Just Kids is one of my favorite books and I decided fuck it!
I'd love to see recommendations for books similar to Social Creature as well. Something about it was so addicting.
No. 141905
>>137430>The Master and Margarita>OverratedYES!
>SteppenwolfWas a surprise for me as well, love this book. Damn I want to do this thing too but I find it so hard to remember all the fitting books. I often forget even those that I liked, my memory is shit.
No. 142767
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Hunger Games is one of the only book series I've read, so I guess it wins.
Side note: I read the Dragonfly Pool as an adult. For a children's book from my actual childhood, either Little Witch by Otfried Preußler or Crocodile Gene and His Friends by Eduard Uspenski.
No. 142809
>>141905I was shocked that Steppenwolf felt so modern when I first read it (not all that long ago). Harry’s attitude is of course taken to the extreme, but the general misanthropic outlook and how he feels caught between the modern world’s conveniences and a desire to just throw it all away and chase the next high is something I think a lot of people can relate to. The numbness that can end up settling in from participating in a “bourgeois” existence and wanting to feel anything for yourself instead. It was wonderful and I liked the surrealism.
Maybe you can fill out some books as you remember them! I like seeing nonnies’ interests.
No. 150652
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I don't really like Anne Rice, just didn't know what to put. I guess I just realized I like standalone novels and not series.
No. 151938
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Hard to choose between the cover illustrations done by Hugh Thomson, they are all really pretty.
No. 151972
>>151938>China Mieville>Dark PlacesLove you
nonny, impeccable taste.