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No. 143365
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I remember I had these really cute scissors from Daiso that I would use in high school. Whenever there was a time they were needed I was so happy to pull them out from my bag. I have no idea where it is now.
No. 143369
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i love stationery but i try not to buy any because i barely use it, especially now that everything is online. aliexpress and the likes make things very tempting though, especially with cute pastel sticky notes and paperclips shaped like flowers…
the bane of my existence is notebooks, though. i only ever managed to fill one notebook in my life and that was because i used it as a food diary. i also have ugly handwriting, am a lefty and my hand cramps really fast whenever i write. basically the worst prerequisites for someone who wants to be a notebook or diary writer really badly.
and yet i still want to buy the yellow cat notebook in picrel soon.
No. 143370
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I used to have so many of these, I had a scratch n sniff one that I brought to school and passed around for people to enjoy. Nowadays the only ‘nice’ stationary I have is my muji diary and pretty highlighters. I have stopped myself from buying any more stationary for now because I want to properly use what I own already first.
No. 143456
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>>143370God these were huge back in the day. I was obsessed with Diddl when I was 6-8 years old, I had the scented ones, planners, sticker albums, the comic magazines, even some plushies. My elementary school had a huge economy around trading the singular sheets/pages separately. Kids (mostly girls) would bring those transparent plastic file holders filled with different sheets and negotiate trades with eachother during recess.
Actually writing on them was, of course, considered sacrilege. Only a completely pure untouched sheet retained its value.
Were any other elementary schools this weird about Diddl or was it just mine? I don't think it was ever even popular outside of Germany and a few surrounding countries.
No. 143474
>>143370>>143456god, the hype around diddl was insane. i never had many of the single sheets (since i only had like 2 different note pads) but i had a stuffed diddl, two pencil cases, a coin purse… looking back it's really strange how obsessed we were with this weird creature. i had those thick square magazines too, not the regular Käseblatt magazine but some weird booklet type of thing.
i also watched this video just a few weeks ago, it was pretty interesting. dude has a super nasal voice though kek
No. 143501
>>143456Not helpful but it was the same in Poland. I wonder why did the brand disappear? Nici is still going strong, or at least was 5-6 years ago. I guess
>>143474 may answer my question, but I don't speak German so I can only hope that the automatically translated subs are accurate.
I always found Diddl ugly and Pimboli looked like a pedobear to me. I've adored Mimihopps, her design was charming and memorable. Wish she got more merch tbh.
No. 143622
>>143398Cherish it for me,
>>143456>My elementary school had a huge economy around trading the singular sheets/pages separately. Kids (mostly girls) would bring those transparent plastic file holders filled with different sheets and negotiate trades with eachother during recess.That'd make an interesting show kek
>>143604Aw your post reminded me of when I would write to my grandpa when I was younger. All I used was plain notebook paper though, lol.
>even though no one ever writes me back.I'm sure they appreciate and keep your cute letters, anon! Never stop!
No. 148587
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No. 148608
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>>148598I believe is for sale. I found it on Instagram by searching "マスキングテープ". Japanese stationary is next level.
No. 148611
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>>148610I love scrap-booking art.I used to follow a Japanese scrap-booking artist on Tumblr years ago and she did very beautiful and sometimes creepy things. Also a memories album could be a good use for washi tape.
No. 148613
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No. 149181
>>143456These were big in Finland as well. There was not this economy around them (at least not in my school), but girls bought lot of these products.
Also my friend searched pictures of these sheets on google and printed them out. Those were fun times!