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No. 144780
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I loved Kipper the dog, it made my mornings even better than they were, it was relaxing to watch.
No. 144793
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This was so good.
No. 144796
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No. 144836
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i remember picking up an accent while watching this lmao
No. 144841
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I loved watching jacob two two at my aunt’s house. There wasn’t much to do there so I didn’t go often. Both herself and her home weren’t really equipped to entertain kids. It was a really quiet house and always raining outside. But she’d let me watch tv, so I enjoyed this part nonetheless. I could only watch jacob two two at her house because I didn’t know where else I could find the channel and never thought to ask. The style looked really cool to me with how they look straight out of a book.
>>144780>>144785>>144836I fucking loved these
>>144793I used to babysit my nephew who liked this shit since it’s been on streaming platforms, and had to convince his parents to ban it because of how disturbing and fucked up it was. Along with zig & sharko.
No. 144843
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My favorite cartoon was Xiaolin Showdown
>>144841Kek I love zig & sharko I watch them with my dad.
No. 144845
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I fucking HATED this garbage.
really loved the random dubbed episodes of the keroppi anime I had on vhs though, and Oswald
No. 144846
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>>144841youve brought back memories i didn't even know existed
did anyone watch flatmania?
No. 144849
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this show reached quentin tarantino levels of foot fetish
No. 144852
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fucking shitting bricks at the thought of this getting a remake
No. 144867
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Just seeing the character designs again for the first time in almost two decades has me tearing up with joy. I love these dated cgi robots so much!
No. 144910
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I used to love watching the Tweenies when i was a little girl. I sang all the songs, listened to their cassette tapes and even watched their Top of the Pops performance.
No. 144940
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I would watch this telenovela a lot, even if I always ended up crying, it was great. I kind of want to watch it again because I don’t remember how it ended.
No. 144943
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>>144845nah this shit slapped. the theme song went so hard
pic rel for me was the best.
No. 144944
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>>144943>>144943oh you literally just said oswald oops. ok well here's another banger
No. 144947
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My favorite PBS show. The claymation sections were trippy though
No. 144958
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No. 144959
>>144841>>144850>>144867>>144943>>144944>>144947Seeing Oobi on this list makes me so happy, I always thought the hand was so cute, it's literally just a hand with some eyeballs.
So many shows I've loved or know of listed here. It's amazing to see that anons remember shows I felt weren't popular or well known.
No. 144964
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Big comfy couch still creeps me out, I can't explain why. It's not that i'm afraid of clowns, I guess the whole "World" they are in creeps me out.
Either way, Molly is adorable and I still love the show.
No. 144965
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No. 144966
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I love the character designs and how disgusting they look.
No. 144967
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No. 144977
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>>144785the opening song is a JAM
>>144849I remember someone commenting on a clip "what if she wore a hooker's shoes" was really cute but still questionable
>>144850hadnt heard this in a long time wow
>>144966i still can't wrap my head around the fact that oblina's skill was to take her intestines out of her mouth.Klasky Csupo was based
and talking about based,i didnt realise how wrongly i thought of debbie's character till i got older.i havent seen the show in years,but annoying-ass eliza was shown to do the "cool" stuff and debbie just wanted to stay at their "home".like bitch she just wanted to be a teen,why drag her all around the world the whole fucking year against her will?
No. 144986
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fever dream…
No. 145055
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>>144970>zoomi loved this show, always wanted to be on it. that and those old nickelodean game shows that were already in reruns when i watched them lmao
No. 145114
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i loved this show so fucking much
No. 145119
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Anyone remember pinky dinky doo?
No. 145121
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>>145119I loved this show! Dragon tales had some bangerz
No. 145125
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No. 145126
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No. 145131
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am I the only one who thought Tubby Custard looked good as a child? The show was so boring to me but i loved the little vacuum cleaner thing.
No. 145133
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This was insanely popular where I lived as a kid, on par with Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Me and my friends couldn't get enough of it and we were so autistically obsessed with it that we pretended to be the characters from the show all the time. Literally our every waking moment was filled with nutting over this fucking show, I can still hum the theme song even over two decades later. Honestly looking back at it it was surprisingly edgy for a children's cartoon with its storyline featuring an all out war and the main characters being guerilla warrior war veterans with each one having some sort of a
signature combat injury. The early 90's were a much different time, you could never get something like this past the censors these days.
The reboot unsurprisingly was ugly and shit though and now the franchise is forever ruined by furries like most of the anthropomorphic cartoons from the 90s. Even googling for a picture to post I was bombarded by shitty Biker Mice pinup fanart.
No. 145136
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No. 145140
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>>145131It looked like strawberry frozen yogurt to me. Yummy
I liked this show as a kid. So simple yet weird. I liked kid's shows where the characters were all a little bit sassy/mean to each other instead of being super nice and compassionate all the time. It felt more realistic to me, like this is how you act with your friends/family.
No. 145148
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Based french degeneracy.
Also all of their daily/normal outfits were so fucking good
No. 145152
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No. 145155
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>>145148Fuck yeah !
Btw, am I the only who thought that Odd from Code Lyoko was a girl ?
No. 145162
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>>145155oh the memories anon
I used to point out how a classmate of mine looked like this character and they were in denial
No. 145347
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my queen
No. 145495
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I used to adore Jewelpets when I was a kid. However only the first season of the anime because when they made the second season they changed absolutely everything, including characters, setting and world building, and it was so shocking to me that I could never get into it.
I rewatched some episodes recently and ngl it's actually kinda bad, but it still has a soft spot on my heart just because I loved it as a kid.
>>145148WTF I spent all these years thinking totally spies was Canadian
No. 145504
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>>145181>>145495as for me, it was shugo chara. i kept waiting and waiting for my egg to appear and it never did ;_;
No. 145507
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>>145504Omg me too, I remember thinking Amu was the most fashionable character ever too
No. 145511
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misa amane got nothing on pucca
No. 145530
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Did anyone else use to watch Digimon data squad as a kid? I also remember watching Sabrina the animated series (as well as the live-action series)
No. 145541
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It was my favorite show when I was 7. I used to know all the songs by heart despite watching it in German. I barely even understood German lol. Wish I had that kind of dedication now
No. 145542
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>>145530Fuck yes! I remember staying up all night because it aired so early where I live.
I was also obsessed with the previous seasons of Digimon tbf.
No. 145545
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>>145530I remember watching Sabrina all the time on Disney,I had a doll of her too.I'd rather watch it again than The Owl House.
No. 145643
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Whatever happened to Robot Jones. I still really like the retro art style it has, it looks like School House Rock.
No. 145645
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Sorry for doubleposting but How It's Made was another one I watched a lot of. It was always on before school so I'd cuddle on the couch with my dad and watch it.
No. 145686
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>>145531OMG I vaguely remember watching this as a kid, but I never heard anybody else ever mention it gain, so I almost though I just imagined it. This is the one about a family where both the parents were marrying the second time and the daughter of one and the son of the other had a frenemy thing right?
>>145530The only Digimon series I watched was Digimon Frontier. I'm not really into Digimon anymore for many years, but I feel like nobody ever mentions Frontier and like I was the only kid that liked that one exclusively.
I remember getting a bit annoyed at some point because it was very obvious that only the darkness kid, light kid and fire kid were getting more evolutions (my favorite I think was the snow kid, so I felt snubbed)
I felt bad for the second twin because I recall him being so shy and sweet and the edgy first twin (picrel) just hated him for no reason.
No. 145692
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>>145686Digimon Tamers was my favourite. Overall I preferred Pokemon though, because of the design choices. Some of the evolved Digimon looked so weird, like the creators randomly slapped on some weapon parts onto cute animals
No. 145699
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No. 145719
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>>145686I'm also one of the few kids who loved Frontier! I remember watching it with my brother and he would make my mom record the episodes because they aired while both of US were at school kek
I really liked Lucemon in Frontier (aka Ryo Asuka with a few extra accessories and kid-friendly). Also the opening song in my language was a banger.
No. 145729
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Nearly forgot that Franklin existed
No. 145735
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>>145731I got your toothpaste! Orajel training toothpaste!
No. 145788
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>>145731Little bear was awesome Cat was my favorite character!
I loved Magical Doremi, it was so fun and I remember thinking the later serious parts of the story were so epic, I think I might try to rewatch it
No. 145801
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theme song is stuck in my head
No. 145802
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the comfy couch fo today
No. 145908
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this show would get me all agitated
No. 145909
>>145804Oh shit I had the same kind of childhood TV, for quite some time we would have the basic channels (1 to 10 I think) and me and my siblings would look at some random german dubbed animes, sometimes even a sort of german DIY kids program.
Since anime = pretty we wouldn't mind that much lol
No. 145917
>>145148I legit hate the fact that Totally Spies was probably made as fetish fodder. Because to me growing up in an Eastern Euro shithole it was my favorite show not only because I thought the fights were good, but because I literally never saw interesing spy shit being acted out by women/girls. Was the only show I knew of that centered women as their main characters, and that made me feel ~seen~ i guess.
Just a little mad that a show that helped me cope with being a girl turns out to be for scrotes to jack off to.
No. 145919
>>145917That's why I was more of a Martin Mystery girl growing up lol.
>>145810The theme song hasn't left my head since I first saw it.
No. 145949
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>>145908I watched it a bit as a teen and idk if it was my country's dub or the actual english dub,but the blond bitch being like ~kAiTo~ bothered me af
also the winx rip-off that tried to address teen issues
No. 145982
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here's allegedly the first local production of an animated show targeted towards children in my country
never liked it and thought something was pretty off about it even as a kid
No. 145994
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>>145982Omg anon I thought about posting that.
All I remember was finding it repetitive and kinda dumb but I had merch like those little books with some characters for some reason.I went to YouTube to get related screenshot and I think I understand what you mean by "off".The characters' animation is weird with the dub.Unless you meant something else
Posting the screenshot cause the "villains" had some weird ass design
No. 145996
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>>144836this was my favourite show ever, i still watch it occasionally its so cozy
I used to watch so many cartoons, this is one amongst many that I can remember off the top of my head.
No. 146006
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Cleo the Misfit Unicorn.
Helping people from different worlds accept their faults and realize they are unique and strong.
No. 146009
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>>146006Next is Rock a Doodle.
Real life boy changes into a cartoon cat during a flood and helps burnt out rock singer become a shining star again.
No. 146011
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I also loved Jake Long the American Dragon and Juniper Lee and kinda shipped them
No. 146012
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>>146009I loved this one the most.
It's about a gambler dog that gets murdered by his rival (who gets him drunk, hits him by a car and drowns him… cartoons were brutal in the 90s) and goes to heaven.
He seduces and tricks an angel to get back to earth. There he steals from his rival an orphan human girl that can talk to animals. He uses her to talk to racing horses so he could bet on the winning ones. But the dog gradually starts to feel affection for the girl, his time on earth gets shorter… and I won't spoiler the end.
It sounds like a wild ride but it's a fun unique movie.
No. 146013
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Am I the only muhfucker who watched Ultimate Book of Spells? No one ever includes Cassandra on their childhood goth crushes :(
No. 146022
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Martin Mystery!!!
No. 146038
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Mr. Dressup! Probably the earliest show I remember
No. 146047
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>>144964Big Comfy Couch and Pappyland were my faves
>>145686Frontier was also the only season I watched and I really loved the kids becoming the digimon warriors so I get defensive when people try to shit on it
No. 146053
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No. 146126
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any other europoor anons remember this piece of abomination?
No. 146133
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>>146126kek I think I randomly saw it on tv or maybe at school.
Reminds me of Kirikou, it was creepy and nightmarish but a legit great African folklore fairytail. Also I was in love with picrel, coolest bitch alongside Yzma from Kuzco
No. 146136
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>>146133We had to see it at a screening in the cultural center with our school, but apparently it wasn't a general experience, since no one else I asked remembers it. Maybe they just repressed it too hard.
No. 146152
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one of the best kids shows ever made IMO
No. 146155
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Does anyone else feel like they missed out during their childhood?
My parents were religious so we weren't allowed to watch things with magic in them, so no Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Mary Poppins etc. I mostly just feel like I missed out in terms of 80s kids movoes like The Dark Crystal and Neverending Story. I think i would have loved thise as a kid. You can watch then as an adult but that's not the same.
No. 146158
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No. 146362
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>>146149aaa I had no idea kek
>>146155Yes anon you missed out, wtf. Now I'm so thankful I grew up with a 10 years older sis who had tapes of Neverending Story + DC. They were the pinnacle of creepy-cool, the plot is still awesome today, and the musics were super good too.
So no Harry Potter for your child self either I expect?
No. 146444
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No. 146451
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>>146444Good shit anon. I gotta rewatch this soon!
No. 146458
>>145699i loved this shit but barely remember anything about it now
>>145140i was looking to see if someone would post this, i loved the world and their dynamics!
No. 148700
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Anyone else grow up watching the Wiggles? I had all their video cassettes and I even went to one of their concerts kek. I was just going through some of their old songs and I literally remembered every word and even some of the dance moves. Nostalgic af. There's something so warm and charming about the bright colourful and plastic sets of kids shows
No. 148952
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Is there anybody besides me who remembers Poko?
No. 148975
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I loved this show so much as a kid, especially in my Ancient Egypt phase (apparently everyone has one).
The second result I got when googling this was yaoi fanart for some reason.
No. 148990
Also, being a silly LATAM toddler/kid, I thought everyone in present time England dressed like that kek
No. 149054
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No. 149403
>>149054i was never a horse girl but this show was brazy
remember when one of the horses gave birth? during a storm or something?
No. 150429
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No. 150456
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Look how they massacred my girl
No. 150463
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I love them so much
No. 150469
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i loved the old magic roundabout, the remake is so ugly
>>146026that's such a weird like to dislike ratio for a children's cartoon. really fun though!
No. 150511
>>150463It's so strange how you would see these exact outfits fit in on TikTok today
>>150472How old were you when you saw this and did you understand what was happening? I just read the backstory it's amazing what they used to show to kids
No. 150538
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>>150463This was my ultimate comfort cartoon as a kid. Bad day at school usually. Alone on the weekends (every weekend.) No friends. It was a show about everything I ever wanted and let me pretend that I could have.
No. 150544
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No. 150562
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Brs will understand
No. 150563
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>>150544I distinctly remember watching the Christmas special and being jealous of all the biscuits she baked, Pippi is a badass
No. 150588
X men evolution. I remember running back home after school just to watch it. Sometimes I missed it completely thanks to some nerd asking the teacher something right before the last bell. Like, dude, we have class again tomorrow you nasty nerd lemme watch my stupid cartoon
My favorite characters were Nightcrawler and Rogue. Loved when they interacted with each other and Mystique. Speaking of Mystique, I wish Risty were just a new character or something, I guess Risty and Rogue were one of my earliest ships.. So you can imagine my disappointment when she turned out to be Mystique
I also liked Toad for some reason, idk, he was fun when interacting with Nightcrawler instead of annoying Wanda and being a weirdo
>>150562As fadinhas do lustre eram minha parte favorita do programa
No. 150596
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No. 150658
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Did anybody else watch Shinzo? This is such a low budget show, I have no idea how it got on the air. Let alone, localized.
>>145133Absolutely based. I was late to the party when I found out about Biker Mice, already in my senior year of high school. I watched a couple episodes as soon as I found out. I really wished I had the experience of watching it during my child years, instead I was watching Inspector Gadget and Samurai Pizza Cats.
No. 154687
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A simple and fun comfort show. I personally like the wacky and vividly colored animation.
No. 154690
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I'm surprised nobody in this thread has talked about Sooty, Sweep and Sue (and little Scampy too) yet. I would watch a bunch
No. 157098
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PL/HU/RO (and others i guess) anons, does anyone else remember these games? i also remember similar games with matołek the goat, did anyone else play them in their childhood? i spent so many hours on them!
No. 160112
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Okay hear me out, Трое из Простоквашино (Three from Prostokvashino) i used to love this as a kid and would always ask my mom to put it on, they sadly made a remake and it really took the charm away.
Also, i used to love Antoshka and Cherepashko and lvenok, they were my favorites, and i still remember the songs from them.
No. 160318
>>160112Hey these were my favorites, too! I have to mention Karlson and Nu Pogodi. Also the soviet animation of The Little Mermaid was my favorite soviet one-off cartoon, I constantly watched it.
Since I'm pretty young, I also used to watch the early movies from the Три Богатыря franchise (and i think I had a crush on the tsarevich, kek).
No. 161203
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>>154317When Jane put on the armor and went to protect Sir Theodore from Dragon was so badass. I was always dying to know what happened with the dragon stones and sword, I lived for that lore kek
No. 161210
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Redwall! I was obsessed with this show as a kid, but now I can't tell you a single thing about it. I've been considering reading the series though.
No. 161407
>>154317oh my god anon hearing this again made me almost tear up, I forgot how wonderful the theme song is!
>>154687this show was wonderfully comforting, I used to watch that and Ruby Gloom whenever I was at home alone during school holidays
No. 161926
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Pic related, with shitty Italian dub, was my jam, as well as Captain Tsubasa and several others, like animu Jungle Book and Mysterious Cities of Gold.
I can honestly say I hated most non-animu kid shows of my early childhood, particularly Smurfs, all Br
tish stuff like Pat and Noddy (no wonder Brts are so fucked up) and that faggot Colargol. The only ones I didn't hate were Moomins, but they ran only once a week so I wasn't left with many options. My parents installed cable TV when I was about ten and then I fell in love with Courage the Cowardly Dog and Dexter's Lab, but I'm sure everyone is familiar with those already.
>>157098Too much of an oldfag to play those online, but I remember watching Reksio on German TV for some reason, lol.
No. 161943
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Muzzy on vcr, I guess they still continued the series, I like the first one's story and didn't care for the second one's story as a kid
No. 161944
>>161943wow, talk about a blast from the past. we had muzzy vhs tapes to learn english at my school in france bacck in the 90s.
i liked the king best bc he was a lion and i thought lions were the shit when i was 7 lol
No. 162098
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Best goddamn show.
No. 162099
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>>161210The rat reminds me a bit of the movie The Secret of NIMH
No. 287000
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Watership Down and Queen Millennia/Galaxy Express 999 influenced me like nothing else. I went as far as even tracing frames from WD when I was 6 to re-animate certain scenes. Bigwig was also the first favorite character I ever had. Something else I got deeply attached to was Animals of Farthing Wood when I was 8.
>>162099Also a really good movie that I enjoyed a lot and probably rewatched like five times when I was 9 or so.
No. 287003
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I've probably watched Ferngully ~20 times as a child, it was one of the only movies our teacher had on VHS when there wasn't work to do
>>287000WD is something I plan on showing my kids (if I ever have them) People only remember it for the
gory scenes but it tells a beautiful and melancholy take about life & death. It used to be shown around Easter on BBC because it has bunnies in it without warning it wasn't wholly meant to be a family film, kek
No. 287031
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I would just replay this movie over and over and over. Loved the giant lizard that screamed moo kek
No. 287060
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Flapjack gave me autism. I love it so much
No. 287189
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The Magic School Bus "cold feet" reptile episode lives in my head permanently
No. 299606
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>>146012That was one of my favorites. I like that it's kind of… seedy? And generally that the cartoons and family movies of 80s-90s could be not that light-hearted/shallow and showed darker sides of life.
I'm gonna post few more of those that I liked.
First one, Little Nemo: Adventures In Slumberland. The boy had an adorable flying squirrel, flied on his bed, and there was this scene with the ~evil~ dark matter chasing him after he foolishly released it from its prison. There were lots of details that I liked, it was perfect for a child, so dreamlike.
No. 299611
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>>299606I also LOVED The Brave Little Toaster but it legit had some scary/stressful/depressing moments oh my god. No wonder I grew up so anxious. Nevertheless, cool idea and the characters were cute. I rewatched it so many times.
No. 299823
>>299611Whenever I hear Tutti Frutti by Little Richard, I think of this movie. That was the first time I heard the song.
It did have a lot of nightmare fuel scenes, though, like the air conditioner basically killing itself, to the scene where the gigantic magnet is hoovering up cars and carrying them away to be crushed. There's also the weird firefighter clown nightmare scene. What a fucking weird movie in retrospect. It was a Disney joint, but they distributed it through another company for whatever reason. Maybe they were embarrassed by it? Who knows.
No. 299824
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I was always so eager for Friday as a kid, because that meant there was a new episode. Flower's death upset me more than when my own grandmother died around the same time. I'm not even kidding. I remember being so angry that the camera guys did nothing (as an adult I understand why, but back then it triggered my tism lmao.)
No. 426754
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A very nice Fuck the Police show for kids. I've always loved cats.
No. 426755
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>>287060I know everyone was scared by this scene with the cat (and in hindsight what a bizarre thing to put in a kids' show kek) but for some reason I just found it funny and would laugh my ass off whenever it smash cut to its face.
No. 429595
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This show had a grip on my childhood self. It was my first mystery show that wasn't scooby doo.