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File: 1622191493074.jpg (1.21 MB, 1978x1219, smoke.jpg)

No. 145618

Feel free to post historical comics

No. 145620

File: 1622191569249.png (1.35 MB, 707x939, hc1.png)

No. 145623

File: 1622191844015.jpg (311.33 KB, 710x935, hc2.jpg)

No. 145624

File: 1622192013153.png (3.51 MB, 1570x1184, hc3.png)

No. 145626

File: 1622192539861.png (1.08 MB, 745x949, hc4.png)

No. 145627

File: 1622193054037.jpg (2.56 MB, 2250x3186, hc5.jpg)

No. 145628

File: 1622193520733.jpg (128.95 KB, 1236x862, Screenshot_9.jpg)

This is from a satirical paper from the 1920s but feels ridiculously modern lol

No. 145629

File: 1622193639028.jpg (330.35 KB, 1234x1065, hc7.jpg)

No. 145633

File: 1622194358055.png (268.4 KB, 802x821, hc8.png)

No. 145636

File: 1622195657200.jpg (346.06 KB, 1024x1151, 1976PatriciaSavageDeZunigaMoen…)

No. 145638

lmao this is great

No. 145639

Quality old-timey shitpost. I have nothing to contribute, but I hope this thread get more posts soon, this was a hoot.

No. 145640

>Well, the glare from his HALO might temporarily BLIND you, MISter Meeker, but it HAS been done.
My mind is overheating trying to imagine someone inflecting like this
kek this is hilarious

No. 145648

File: 1622199714188.jpg (325.99 KB, 1010x989, d1a51c09b5900d15a509c1666ff012…)

From the Illustrated Police News, 1898

No. 145649

File: 1622200084915.png (945.41 KB, 893x868, tumblr_pm6qdadiJT1tcqhjho1_128…)

lmao from the same newspaper. I love these over the top, sensationalist Victorian illustrations

No. 145651

File: 1622200769186.jpg (134.53 KB, 572x762, Nina-Allendar-Suffragist.jpg)

No. 145653

File: 1622201210389.png (300.14 KB, 883x514, hc9.png)

No. 145656

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No. 145657

File: 1622202329534.png (1.12 MB, 939x733, hc11.png)

No. 145659

Those trousers are epic, can you blame her for borrowing them?

No. 145662

File: 1622204066990.png (957.02 KB, 950x1450, hc12.png)

No. 145667

File: 1622204610046.jpg (78.21 KB, 721x439, hc13.jpg)

No. 145668

File: 1622204611788.jpg (723.51 KB, 700x1095, 55-5ddfcec796765__700.jpg)

Nice thread!
Look at some anti-suffrage posters KEK

No. 145669

File: 1622204737372.jpg (860.79 KB, 700x1058, 26-5ddf8fbff2842__700.jpg)

No. 145670

File: 1622204880837.jpg (656.98 KB, 700x1102, 5de4cff029876.jpg)

Pants are so based

No. 145672

File: 1622205121859.jpg (24.35 KB, 500x279, IMG_20161205_011333.jpg)

The pre-modern equivalent of leaving a fuckboy on read.

No. 145688

It's very telling how they're implying it's ok if a woman stays at home doing the cleaning and childrearing, but it's emasculating when a man does it. God forbid a man contributes to housework.

No. 145713

Good thread!

What is the name of the paper?

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