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No. 150992
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Misery (1990) is a good one!
She’s not a scorned jealous lover and she’s not obligatorily sexy for the male gaze. She sends death threats to her favorite author, irl.
No. 150994
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Gone Girl seems like a good example? She's crazy but it's understandable and honestly, it's had to not sympathize with her to certain extent.
No. 150997
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I love Norma from Bates Motel. She is as obsessed with her son as he is her. On the outside, she’s nuts and morally dubious to say the least. Some would even blame her for how Norman turned out. Yet Norma’s BPD black magic works on me, I’d kill for her kek. I think the show did a great job showing a very traumatized woman trying desperately to protect whom she loves.
No. 150998
>>150992Misery is interesting that she is obsessed with a fictional character and not the author (though she has to use the author to get to the character). I wonder if there are any more like that.
>>150994>it's had to not sympathize with her to certain extent.I never thought of her as a sympathetic character before but now I think about it, her husband cheated on her and that other guy was weirdly obsessed with her. Her "craziness" didn't come out of nowhere and her cool girl monologue was completely right of course.
>>150997Haven't seen this but will check it out. Thanks for the rec!
I guess the original Psycho film works as a male obsessed character who is then humanized well in Psycho 2.
No. 151418
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her mom sure fits the obsessive bill (obsessed with religion)
No. 151421
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>>150989as a psycho lesbian myself, single white female titillated me tbh
No. 176154
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Heavenly Creatures - obsessed with each other
No. 176162
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Excision (2012) has the main character not so much obsessed with a person but has a psychosexual obsession with medical macabre. I like this portrayal of the female psychopath, it is not romanticized and appealing. She is not seductive or cunning or righteous. She's delusional, disorganized and motivated by id. The plot doesn't revolve around scrote or even romance. But still she has sentimentality.
No. 176173
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The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (1992). Evil live-in nanny plots to replace mother
No. 176182
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I love Stoker so much, India is based and Love from You wishes she was her
No. 176183
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Swallow is about a woman who takes misconstrues advice from a mother's to be book and begins to literally swallow random shit. I thought it was good and loved the ending too.
No. 176211
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Saint Maud (2019) main character is obsessed with the belief she is on a mission from God to the point it consumes her entire life.
>>150992Misery is a fantastic film, Kathy Bates is everything
No. 176226
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Girl, Interrupted (1999)
No. 176238
>>176226>>176237apparently the original memoir the film was based on was greatly exaggerated and admonished with a narrative
even some of the women who were in the asylum ended up attempting to sue Ssanna Kaysen for the way they were portrayed
Kinda ruined the film for me to be honest
No. 176248
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>>176211I really enjoyed Saint Maud, the main character was strangely loveable. You could really tell that it was directed by a women too. I also enjoyed the ending!
A bit unrelated but I really like weird/obsessive caretaker characters, does anyone know something similar ?
>>176162I really need to watch this! sounds really intersting
No. 176266
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Notes on a Scandal
No. 177595
>>177594She literally kills a dude when the things don't go as she planned and goes back to her shitty husband.
I think it's easy to sympathize with her but she's definitely mentally unsound.
No. 177783
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The Night Caller". The main actress, Tracy Nelson, is really good for the role. The main character, Beth, is meek and has never been shown appreciation. She finds someone that finally cares about her and shows her kindness, Lindsey, a therapist on a radio talk show. Beth does anything to integrate herself into Lindsey's life, and this is where she starts to change.
The world around her is rough and the majority of characters are assholes. Beth is pushed around by others throughout the whole movie. You sort of root for her at times. Beth has a gentle demeanor and is polite, but is still a sociopath.
The movie is similar to Carrie in some ways. No. 177797
>>177649She still went back to him. Spending your life with someone you hate and raising his baby seems like a waste, even if you can treat him however you want. In general she put way too much energy into trying to mindgame a stupid man who didn't really care about her, reminds me of FDS kek.
Cool girl speech is iconic though.
No. 177798
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3 Women. Sissy Spacek and Shelly Duvall become obsessed with each-other.
No. 177852
>>177797She loved the image of him that she had in her head and made it a reality. She wanted to kill herself first, which would suck, but eventually found a better solution.
Didn't she fake the pregnancy test? I never thought that she is supposed to have a baby… What did I miss
No. 178058
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>>176162I watched both the movie and the short film it was based on. I think the movie script really dates it and I think the endings were pure shock value, kind of came out of nowhere, I just couldn’t picture her psychosis (though it was severe) manifesting in the way that it did, the whole scene reeked MALE mad scientist. You can probably get the same experience out of watching the short film but both actresses were crazy good in their roles. Fun crazy stupid watch.
No. 178070
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>>178058I thought the movie portrayed her worsening psychosis with a surprising level of realism despite the campy tone (my best friend from high school developed schizophrenia and it reminded me a lot of him) until the ending went full schlock. I didn't really like the dumb music video dream sequences either, it just felt like they were there to nudge the film into feature length.
The heroine being called Pauline kept reminding me of picrel, who I guess would also count as an obsessive woman (I know that's a man, this is from when it was still pretty common for British male comedians to play physically ugly female characters). A Dolores Umbridge type who dreams of owning her own stationery shop but just torments the people at the job centre where she works instead. She's also bisexual for some reason.
No. 178851
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Unicorn Store. Obsessed but more in the immature otaku sense. The main character is an awkward unicorn obsessed woman who has a hard time trying to be normal adult. I find this movie comforting.
No. 347481
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Young Adult (2011). Depressed alcoholic yet successful-ish YA writer returns to her home town that she thinks she is better than and tries to snare her ex from 20 years ago who just had a baby. Written by Diablo Cody.
No. 347596
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Not going to spoil anything, especially as it's a quick read, but I really enjoyed this one.
No. 347608
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Jennifer's Body (picrel) of course, love this movie. Jennifer is so obsessed with her friend Needy. They did this film extremely dirty by marketing it so hard to only Transformers teenage boy fans because of Megan Fox's co-star role when it was clearly made for women. Pretty well known so I won't bother with a synopsis.
There's also Braid (2018). Sort of a strange one but I liked it. Made very little at the box office so I think this one is not well known. It opens with two drug-dealing women who lose their cash and stash deciding to hit up one of their old friends who is mentally unwell. She forces them to participate in their old childhood game and it spirals from there.