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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

File: 1543793862057.jpeg (68.36 KB, 447x455, 3_jpeg5d3e0045fa7ed76ff37ea367…)

No. 16053

Welcome to meme hell!
Post old, bad, unfunny, ironically funny memes, memes that make your skin crawl, memes you're ashamed you like, etc

No. 16054

File: 1543793999022.jpg (19.96 KB, 639x367, Ceilingcat.jpg)

No. 16055

File: 1543794097065.jpg (88.89 KB, 375x500, 264897811_206ff84f71.jpg)

No. 16056

File: 1543794118924.jpg (66.29 KB, 500x485, invalid.jpg)

No. 16057

File: 1543794205593.jpg (42.49 KB, 500x503, 49xqzw4976j01.jpg)

No. 16058

File: 1543794234921.jpg (44 KB, 500x427, DU9ac9GX4AAxBEb.jpg)

just some random ones to get started

No. 16059

File: 1543794272375.jpg (29.22 KB, 512x640, MotivationalYoDawg.jpg)

No. 16060

File: 1543794926282.jpg (33.94 KB, 450x600, a97873_rsz_best-lolcats-eated-…)

No. 16061

File: 1543794959422.jpg (68.25 KB, 630x519, LOL-Cats-10.jpg)

No. 16062

File: 1543795003864.jpeg (52.79 KB, 497x366, Download.jpeg)

No. 16063

File: 1543795339199.png (355.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180628-123324.png)

No. 16064

File: 1543795400682.png (557.53 KB, 716x701, 20180530_140823.png)

No. 16065

File: 1543795463767.png (758.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180316-194849.png)

No. 16066

File: 1543795790580.jpg (54.43 KB, 690x640, meme.jpg)

this maymay fucks me up because my npd mom used to brush all the horrible, abusive things she did off with "I'm a gemini, I can't help it."

No. 16067

File: 1543797457727.jpg (93.31 KB, 630x772, Worst-Pickup-Lines-ever-10 (1)…)

No. 16068

this is a horrendously nostalgic thread. (ty)

No. 16069

can you guys spoiler gross porny memes, please? really don't want to see that

No. 16070

File: 1543816259017.png (264.62 KB, 494x571, chrome_2018-12-03_05-48-44.png)

This one's not ancient at all.

TikTok humour has never done it for me, but for some reason it makes me laugh every time.

No. 16071

File: 1543819729064.jpg (59.3 KB, 499x747, 478.jpg)

No. 16072

File: 1543825566813.png (16.1 KB, 649x200, gemini.png)

wow I didn't know this was a thing until now so I googled it.
>tfw I'm a gemini and apparantly everyone hates us

No. 16073

File: 1543827004936.png (426.72 KB, 596x598, 1531942205449.png)

I love shit memes

No. 16074

File: 1543827030950.jpg (161.86 KB, 750x894, 1543038412046.jpg)

No. 16075

File: 1543840222485.png (223.56 KB, 500x474, 20181123_110939.png)

No. 16076

File: 1543840254616.jpg (49.72 KB, 720x703, OAHpZr8.jpg)

No. 16077

File: 1543840754895.jpg (169.6 KB, 1080x1077, these-depression-memes.jpg)

No. 16078

File: 1543851458771.jpg (81.99 KB, 960x772, 26168037_594858854189651_29989…)

fucking hell the beginning of the thread gave me Vietnam flashbacks

No. 16079

File: 1543851526166.jpg (14.65 KB, 474x352, FB_IMG_1496768656963.jpg)

No. 16080

O lord this image i love it

No. 16081

File: 1543858021670.jpg (54.57 KB, 500x600, p67X7.jpg)

I unironically love this Forever Alone guy painting. I wanna kiss whoever made it

No. 16082

File: 1543858059164.jpg (63.28 KB, 540x522, C4EoLX4W8AAoZTb.jpg)

No. 16083

File: 1543858334918.png (102.7 KB, 296x300, disgusted-mother-of-god.png)

I also love the idea of reacting with ancient reactions just to confused people

No. 16084

File: 1543858416632.png (78.12 KB, 300x288, efa.png)

No. 16085

No. 16086

File: 1543858520618.png (5.42 KB, 259x194, images.png)

OP here, I thought I would get banned for making such a messy, dumb thread, thanks for your responses ❤

No. 16087

File: 1543858807251.jpg (27.2 KB, 552x527, 010d0c37-c72c-48d8-a394-62047c…)

No. 16088

File: 1543859008593.png (465.96 KB, 720x974, Screenshot_20181203-184030.png)

here is the relevant bit
>Adam Downer is a 26-year-old associate staff editor at Know Your Meme, an online encyclopedia of the form where the oldest staffer tops out at about age 32, Downer told me. He spends his days scouring the Net for memes, documenting their origins and, when possible, explaining to readers what they mean. Since 2008, Know Your Meme’s staff has indexed some 11,228 memes and adds new entries to its database every day. The strangest meme he ever worked on, Downer says, was a bizarre mind-virus called “Hey Beter.” The meme consists of four panels, the first including the phrase “Hey Beter,” a riff on “Hey Peter,” referring to the main character of the comedy cartoon series “Family Guy.” What comes next seems to make even less sense: In one iteration, the Sesame Street character Elmo (wearing a “suck my a–” T-shirt) calls out to Peter, then asks him to spell “whomst’ve,” then blasts him with blue lasers. In the final panel, readers are advised to “follow for a free iphone 5.” (There is no prize.) “That one was inexplicably popular,” Downer told me. “I think it got popular because it was this giant emptiness of meaning. It was this giant race to the bottom of irony.”

No. 16089

File: 1543859074585.png (74.47 KB, 500x333, Download.png)

big mood

No. 16090

File: 1543859163195.jpeg (40.35 KB, 500x375, Download (1).jpeg)

No. 16091

File: 1543859782337.jpg (48.65 KB, 671x645, 8uEqWp1.jpg)

I feel like I'm walking on thin ice again but these are ridiculous to me

No. 16092

File: 1543859813110.jpg (33.45 KB, 404x590, 23c907712b1c9b78ba1b85a538463a…)

No. 16093

File: 1543859936315.jpg (75.69 KB, 527x500, nj0ys.jpg)

No. 16094

File: 1543861106007.jpg (54.89 KB, 720x766, C0z1ijHUUAAOcZE.jpg)

No. 16095

File: 1543861129708.jpg (49.92 KB, 500x580, Breaking-Bad-Meme-7.jpg)

No. 16096

File: 1543861157654.jpg (49.56 KB, 400x992, 15hg.jpg)

No. 16097

File: 1543861188642.jpg (75.72 KB, 683x960, 49f9a8a678f1ae9e593133566576c4…)

No. 16098

File: 1543861209519.jpg (83.57 KB, 694x530, 1lsqs0.jpg)

No. 16099

File: 1543861983326.png (Spoiler Image,339.3 KB, 400x500, ILEWeqx.png)

No. 16100

File: 1543862214620.jpg (17.84 KB, 300x245, Funny-Stuff03-1-300x245.jpg)

No. 16101

File: 1543862247504.jpg (228.34 KB, 510x522, trying-to-bring-the-old-memes-…)

No. 16102

File: 1543862269510.png (329.59 KB, 720x696, b37.png)

No. 16103

File: 1543862293909.jpg (43.21 KB, 460x460, old-memes-are-good-memes.jpg)

No. 16104

File: 1543862360400.jpg (282.77 KB, 700x923, Old-people-at-weddings---meme.…)

No. 16105

File: 1543871331592.jpg (10.93 KB, 236x230, 77bc5e83e0c07f8618fdae6f467514…)

i find it ironic how this is an impact text meme from 2012

No. 16106


No. 16107

okay, your wishes will be respected. I just thought the templates alone were funny

No. 16108

File: 1543875449652.jpeg (198.42 KB, 1136x978, 58874019-0729-41AF-9833-03221B…)

No. 16109

i actually like this one

No. 16110

File: 1543879733032.jpg (32.93 KB, 480x480, 1522201580434.jpg)

I love this thread more than I should.

No. 16111

File: 1543882858030.jpeg (95.24 KB, 888x499, 6EABFEE1-64A8-43F5-9F22-EBC0EF…)

No. 16112

Love these

No. 16113

File: 1543885427574.gif (194.09 KB, 389x297, lolinternet0sf.gif)

No. 16114

No. 16115

File: 1543885707058.jpg (116.87 KB, 720x1280, IMG_5187.jpg)

No. 16116

lol what does this one mean??

No. 16117

this Chop Suey swing cover by Richard Cheese and the video is unironically amazing

No. 16118

File: 1543886869450.jpg (20.51 KB, 479x299, dmx-bar-chart.jpg)

No. 16119

File: 1543886903157.jpg (19.16 KB, 640x439, 9i7njgi1u9i01.jpg)

No. 16120

File: 1543886925562.jpg (25.52 KB, 605x475, Graphjam-Miss-Universe.jpg)

No. 16121

File: 1543886967040.jpg (45 KB, 655x421, pacman-pie-chart.jpg)

No. 16122

i fucking loved these

No. 16123

No. 16124

No. 16125

No. 16126

File: 1543895110864.jpeg (66.09 KB, 800x450, 8A0CFD7A-05D6-4717-A43E-49B266…)

This thread is amazing

No. 16127

File: 1543898481470.jpg (56.07 KB, 782x513, ea0.jpg)

Absolutely lost it over these when they were first popular

No. 16128

File: 1543898517419.jpg (77.7 KB, 640x480, Tumblr_m06fbwEDRD1qm3n0ao1_500…)

No. 16129

File: 1543898541541.jpg (47.21 KB, 600x459, tumblr_litkzaldnn1qghlk1o1_500…)

No. 16130

File: 1543899628083.jpg (24.63 KB, 640x418, Xr3ErDm_d.jpg)

Around when 4ch first starting using captcha, I used to think these were sooo funny

No. 16131

File: 1543905633686.jpg (42.57 KB, 305x479, 4gPwc2ONQ1E.jpg)

No. 16132

My only positive experience with 4chan is when someone started a wincest thread and it completely devolved into this meme

No. 16133

File: 1543911732072.jpeg (35.43 KB, 600x347, 90B5FAAA-1DA5-41B1-8848-D3E323…)

No. 16134

File: 1543911768825.jpeg (7.65 KB, 251x218, A5294348-9913-45BD-B067-B964D2…)

No. 16135

File: 1543911800849.jpeg (23.21 KB, 500x400, 71CB43BD-77A7-4920-999C-72D254…)

No. 16136

File: 1543911841157.jpeg (58.46 KB, 267x800, A8040D4A-092B-4EB6-9F34-B1C5B6…)

No. 16137

File: 1543911871901.jpeg (19.28 KB, 325x297, CA3FDC49-6012-4443-9728-00930B…)

No. 16138

File: 1543911897817.jpeg (47.07 KB, 600x431, 8FF2A860-373C-4521-BACD-B477A2…)

No. 16139

File: 1543911937598.jpeg (85.1 KB, 604x483, 3BD0FE13-D4BE-464F-8C5C-268294…)

No. 16140

File: 1543911966164.jpeg (51.67 KB, 500x620, F37ECB34-C7A1-4187-8472-FF4D99…)

No. 16141

File: 1543912006396.jpeg (48.67 KB, 460x450, EA916EB3-83E4-43DD-9FAF-233165…)

No. 16142

File: 1543912051745.jpeg (30.56 KB, 295x462, B163AAAE-19BA-48DD-861F-18741A…)

No. 16143

File: 1543912440508.jpeg (39.72 KB, 365x494, 1546B350-8CA7-49D4-8C30-BF6EC1…)

No. 16144

File: 1543912506056.jpg (107.81 KB, 466x466, IMG_0408.JPG)

No. 16145

File: 1543913212570.gif (132.14 KB, 374x298, DC1B150B-0F99-4D91-9AFE-646E27…)

No. 16146

File: 1543913243798.jpeg (69.09 KB, 800x750, 8B63DB40-86C1-4CAC-BD39-28EB3E…)

No. 16147

File: 1543913274048.jpeg (18.09 KB, 556x340, C7A443C5-1DF6-4A2C-8ACB-3576A9…)

No. 16148

File: 1543913296405.jpeg (25.41 KB, 604x483, 491A0DE7-B60D-4A93-A65B-08990F…)

No. 16149

File: 1543913326950.gif (411.61 KB, 159x109, FB057B4E-562C-4A1B-BBEE-E40993…)

No. 16150

File: 1543914185085.jpg (32.6 KB, 800x356, thesovietunion.jpg)

No. 16151

File: 1543914407109.jpg (38.79 KB, 175x220, vengeancedad2.jpg)

No. 16152

File: 1543914437052.jpg (96.41 KB, 640x485, 1267743226_stoned-party-dog-or…)

No. 16153

File: 1543914685698.jpg (28.81 KB, 465x332, spider-man15.jpg)

No. 16154

File: 1543914739871.gif (254.5 KB, 500x299, tumblr_lkyem4obN61qdwvzio1_500…)

No. 16155

File: 1543914959871.gif (459.76 KB, 200x180, tumblr_lb2xfv2J6n1qbo9nfo1_250…)

No. 16156

File: 1543915024882.jpg (64.95 KB, 409x700, tumblr_l90983YdXE1qa1id2o1_500…)

No. 16157

File: 1543915177417.jpg (21.67 KB, 500x375, chatroulette-trolling-youre-so…)

No. 16158

File: 1543915302997.jpg (27.32 KB, 500x368, motivate-it-28.jpg)

No. 16159

I'm dying

No. 16160

File: 1543919627527.jpg (53.23 KB, 700x676, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

No. 16161

File: 1543919650487.jpg (56.72 KB, 700x412, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

No. 16162

File: 1543919686214.jpg (46.1 KB, 700x394, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

No. 16163

File: 1543919719049.jpg (73.63 KB, 700x806, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

These aren't even bad but I have to post them now

No. 16164

I hate myself for remembering this

No. 16165

File: 1543920453478.jpg (76.29 KB, 600x637, hipster-santa-christmas-memes.…)

No. 16166

File: 1543920477067.png (152.13 KB, 478x359, rVvQgD9.png)

No. 16167

File: 1543920498878.jpeg (153.14 KB, 750x750, Download (4).jpeg)

No. 16168

File: 1543920669482.jpg (27.9 KB, 700x498, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

No. 16169

File: 1543920700041.jpg (34.55 KB, 700x530, This-is-what-would-happen-if-t…)

No. 16170

File: 1543921007751.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.83 KB, 480x480, b886628b189d0392fdf293787ac0d3…)

No. 16171

File: 1543921200546.jpg (52.03 KB, 490x328, 980x.jpg)

No. 16172

File: 1543921334769.jpeg (10.95 KB, 259x194, images (4).jpeg)

No. 16173

File: 1543921221436.png (411.39 KB, 610x408, 3xvN7rg.png)

No. 16174

File: 1543921418560.jpeg (209.82 KB, 1024x1024, 4090866.jpeg)

No. 16175

File: 1543922712673.jpg (152.57 KB, 960x960, 2a4d8acb06856f361ae6273e929c96…)

No. 16176

File: 1543922916139.gif (938.21 KB, 240x224, c467b48a877879f10197ef3d4397e6…)

No. 16177

File: 1543923796468.jpeg (693.7 KB, 750x929, 445279B5-A288-4314-9C7F-3E6BBC…)

No. 16178

File: 1543933442261.png (102.35 KB, 500x444, michael-cera-always-looks-like…)

No. 16179

File: 1543933472211.jpg (61.41 KB, 300x289, s-16251-when-youve-been-chilli…)

No. 16180

File: 1543933493807.jpg (278.62 KB, 700x851, l-1927-i-thought-chef-gordon-r…)

No. 16181

File: 1543933588133.jpg (37.77 KB, 500x333, a593f43eb5a72a6d4158672cf6ead4…)

No. 16182

File: 1543934467869.jpg (37 KB, 550x309, love-is-like-a-fart.jpg)

No. 16183

All of the chart resembles pac-man this picture is bullshit

No. 16184

Wtf is this? A dog?

No. 16185

File: 1543935020875.jpg (63.42 KB, 750x750, 19740f61-abcf-4b95-8f41-8b2522…)

No. 16186

File: 1543935555645.jpg (23.01 KB, 478x456, ok.jpg)

No. 16187

File: 1543935586472.jpg (129.46 KB, 576x576, 2860fea9-de5d-4fcb-9da6-210396…)

No. 16188

File: 1543936007168.jpeg (75.32 KB, 500x500, 19B9B294-4A54-4FF5-BEAA-209722…)

No. 16189

File: 1543936666344.jpg (88.44 KB, 894x894, good_heavens_would_you_look_at…)

This thread is seriously making me wonder HOW and WHEN did I go from liking these memes to this kind of stuff :

No. 16190

File: 1543937063309.jpg (144.61 KB, 1200x1200, Dcg3DOJWkAAaYpi.jpg)

No. 16191

It's a cat lol

No. 16192

File: 1543943198451.jpg (4.53 KB, 100x100, 512842502684.jpg)

No. 16193

File: 1543943086906.jpg (77.21 KB, 604x453, 512842477734.jpg)

No. 16194

File: 1543943295878.jpg (61.83 KB, 604x454, 512842542604.jpg)

No. 16195

File: 1543943344454.jpg (16.12 KB, 403x244, 508170959494.jpg)

No. 16196

File: 1543943388203.jpg (30.12 KB, 500x362, 512842432824.jpg)

No. 16197

File: 1543943409714.jpg (39.13 KB, 467x534, 512842098494.jpg)

No. 16198

File: 1543943435478.jpg (54.37 KB, 604x453, 512842138414.jpg)

No. 16199

File: 1543943472396.jpg (23.91 KB, 320x423, 512842143404.jpg)

No. 16200

File: 1543943534929.jpg (57.1 KB, 500x333, 512842308074.jpg)

No. 16201

File: 1543943561310.jpg (49.73 KB, 604x483, 512842103484.jpg)

No. 16202

File: 1543943699927.jpg (23.45 KB, 420x294, 964670071614.jpg)

when these used to be all over fb

No. 16203

File: 1543943761309.jpg (60.92 KB, 500x467, 908889436454.jpg)

No. 16204

File: 1543943801329.jpg (46.02 KB, 427x600, 993248115984.jpg)

No. 16205

File: 1543944003980.jpg (20.73 KB, 350x244, 552439050884.jpg)

No. 16206

File: 1543958004348.jpg (173.18 KB, 1500x1500, FB_IMG_1540157016766.jpg)

No. 16207

No. 16208

File: 1543960804350.jpg (85.02 KB, 800x600, f8b.jpg)

No. 16209

File: 1543961143412.jpg (17.85 KB, 388x282, 1450977840_A9OrVbaCAAEosJd.jpg)

No. 16210

File: 1543961227814.jpg (31.45 KB, 620x470, B65cadacd81d464d722a1e42fe34ff…)

No. 16211

File: 1543961251221.jpg (43.8 KB, 495x269, 4f5.jpg)

No. 16212

File: 1543961330488.jpg (23.88 KB, 500x357, 2OoZIN4.jpg)

No. 16213

File: 1543961359224.jpg (14.69 KB, 480x344, nNejDlx_d.jpg)

No. 16214

File: 1543961381836.jpg (15.56 KB, 500x367, 7n18T7P_d.jpg)

No. 16215

File: 1543961565534.jpg (18.64 KB, 400x306, 9dc.jpg)

No. 16216

all posts ITT are hilarious

No. 16217

File: 1543966886948.jpg (50.21 KB, 380x598, download.jpg)

No. 16218

No. 16219

File: 1543983393501.jpg (49 KB, 590x572, f92.jpg)

Shit these memes got me obsessed with Inception lmao

No. 16220

File: 1544022745444.jpg (40.8 KB, 313x445, 51mHw0MMI-L._SY445_.jpg)

me, a little 12-year-old, white European girl never missed an episode of Pimp My Ride. That shit fucked

No. 16221

File: 1544023116197.png (105.59 KB, 500x375, Download (5).png)

icanhascheezburger and the LOLcats section still exist and it's a nightmare

No. 16222

File: 1544023346259.png (501.49 KB, 720x1007, Screenshot_20181205-162133.png)

No. 16223

No. 16224

I love this

No. 16225

File: 1544051153087.jpg (41.14 KB, 680x668, 0b2.jpg)

No. 16226

File: 1544173564768.jpg (98.5 KB, 960x952, 14908289_1161897517237822_2511…)

No. 16227

File: 1544294149249.jpg (28.56 KB, 600x400, ee16868d-3055-480a-b56f-86cc49…)

No. 16228

File: 1544294210816.png (67.73 KB, 720x354, sB51yew.png)

No. 16229

File: 1544294504798.jpg (84.31 KB, 1125x515, tumblr_p64nuvtYgg1s4pegro1_128…)

No. 16230

File: 1544294653585.jpg (42.43 KB, 800x450, Snakesonmyplane.jpg)

No. 16231

File: 1544294751239.jpeg (30.46 KB, 720x300, Trouble_in_my_neighborhood_bel…)

No. 16232

File: 1544294787966.png (92.8 KB, 500x208, 168.png)

No. 16233

File: 1544295224607.jpg (114.31 KB, 1110x1106, 1d535aad-7dda-4f55-a0e1-912dae…)

No. 16234

No. 16235

File: 1544298111167.png (210.17 KB, 517x614, 99e48ea.png)

No. 16236

File: 1544298245247.jpg (78.91 KB, 700x700, 6f225a9.jpg)

No. 16237

File: 1544300885124.jpg (77.61 KB, 540x530, 99dbe6e1-8be9-4795-9cd1-e494f9…)

No. 16238

I feel this

No. 16239

File: 1544328283931.jpeg (12.26 KB, 275x184, download.jpeg)

No. 16240

File: 1544328773899.jpg (30.25 KB, 500x367, barrel.jpg)

No. 16241

File: 1544329842704.jpeg (348.54 KB, 750x597, 4A57CBE6-AE8B-461D-9BE5-FBBBF4…)

No. 16242

File: 1544333122273.png (844.29 KB, 642x638, Eye deepfrydermancy.png)

No. 16243

File: 1544333455657.png (74.09 KB, 193x418, 120 levels of assfucking.png)

This thread is my favorite thread on the entire internet

No. 16244

File: 1544333546155.jpeg (72.08 KB, 350x400, Take a seat.jpeg)

No. 16245

File: 1544333691483.jpg (214.39 KB, 831x666, zero to an hero.jpg)

No. 16246

File: 1544338192810.jpg (35.91 KB, 575x350, lamp.jpg)

No. 16247

I don't get this, was this pic misposted?

No. 16248

Haha nah this one's pretty old. Try looking at in your peripheral vision and imagine the wall color is skintone and you might see it.

No. 16249

File: 1544360576052.jpg (69.03 KB, 800x800, IMG_4307.JPG)

No. 16250

File: 1544360725202.jpg (84.13 KB, 720x720, IMG_4278.JPG)

No. 16251

I love you, anon
I'm screaming

No. 16252

File: 1544370351993.jpeg (100.81 KB, 720x634, 59c3f8e41c0000240079fa95.jpeg)

No. 16253

File: 1544370379002.jpg (27.58 KB, 349x524, FN0A7871_magic_magic.jpg)

No. 16254

File: 1544370408137.jpg (99.32 KB, 400x300, gm4_s.jpg)

No. 16255

File: 1544370435443.png (639.54 KB, 633x742, 8937748.0.png)

No. 16256

File: 1544370490418.jpg (21.69 KB, 419x439, prancingcerafinal.jpg)

No. 16257

File: 1544370600931.png (316.01 KB, 425x319, michael-cera-memes-2.png)

No. 16258

File: 1544370655175.jpg (52.73 KB, 600x475, prancingcera29.jpg)

No. 16259

File: 1544370697526.jpg (47.08 KB, 468x700, prancingcera27.jpg)

No. 16260

File: 1544370771404.jpeg (23.17 KB, 400x292, photo_18659_0.jpeg)

No. 16261

File: 1544371120519.jpg (63.34 KB, 680x406, cera-soccer.jpg)

No. 16262

File: 1544372675568.jpg (107.97 KB, 580x580, 12.jpg)

I got some Microsoft Word tech for you
After pasting the image into the word document
select wrap text and it will present you with different ways to place the image next to the text

No. 16263

File: 1544448569927.jpg (22.5 KB, 441x509, 47573517_528565310971039_15392…)

No. 16264

Gmod is eternal

No. 16265


No. 16266

No. 16267

File: 1545072356249.png (857.47 KB, 870x1920, 90e3cc52-30bb-4a84-9fbe-03dae8…)

No. 16268

File: 1545072465734.png (300.58 KB, 1280x1221, 65a11da2-49f3-4d70-ac3e-87f131…)

No. 16269

File: 1545073207335.jpg (59.26 KB, 540x960, 31356558-21d5-451e-8c08-5fae74…)

No. 16270

File: 1545073643761.jpg (87.77 KB, 684x490, 580288f0-f0c2-4bd7-9e3c-035a61…)

No. 16271

File: 1545073743899.jpg (92.99 KB, 690x780, 76deaa60-772c-4394-8d27-8e6392…)

No. 16272

File: 1545073799036.jpg (95.23 KB, 683x727, 75d9ad92-b221-4ae6-b9e4-169a8c…)

No. 16273

File: 1545073860089.png (267.29 KB, 471x638, aa2cfa85-25ad-4d7d-8d9f-558b81…)

No. 16274

File: 1545157416643.jpg (87.26 KB, 1064x668, c7b3d921-5665-4690-842e-9f3fb7…)

No. 16275

god, I love shitty British magazines

No. 16276

File: 1545171335026.jpg (74.27 KB, 600x740, ebd.jpg)

No. 16277

I've been thinking a lot about who turgled lately. Thank you

No. 16278

File: 1545188050189.jpg (27.22 KB, 374x397, 63.jpg)

I remember this being the first meme that ever made me laugh out loud before I even understood the concept of memes. Then I saw it again like a month later and I laughed even harder when I realized what the red x's meant. I was like 10 or something.

This is a boring story

No. 16279

thank you for sharing

No. 16280

File: 1545249331520.jpg (277.71 KB, 750x600, 4chan party van.jpg)

If this is hell, I don't want to go to heaven

No. 16281

File: 1545601151621.jpg (82.44 KB, 797x992, 11ee7b30-b6dd-4d7a-933f-e6fa13…)

No. 16282

File: 1545601340186.jpg (57.48 KB, 374x600, 8Yss8.jpg)

I feel bad for the kid from back then but I also think this is really funny

No. 16283

File: 1545601626044.gif (459.52 KB, 283x200, 200.gif)

No. 16284

That was probably the first thing I saw on youtube and it still makes laugh.

No. 16285

File: 1545750889311.jpg (21.22 KB, 210x224, sandwichmudkip.jpg)

No. 16286

File: 1545752778041.gif (3.59 KB, 218x200, piccolofuckingvegetaintheass.g…)

No. 16287

File: 1545752899036.jpg (264.11 KB, 1000x1000, Memeopoly.jpg)

No. 16288

File: 1545753184936.png (401.96 KB, 344x470, estoypoopin.png)

No. 16289

File: 1545753605488.jpg (25.22 KB, 406x372, Slowkingkip.jpg)

No. 16290

File: 1545753786590.gif (152.01 KB, 600x370, fuckyeahseaking.gif)

No. 16291

File: 1545889974428.jpg (40.93 KB, 680x544, lazer.jpg)

No. 16292

File: 1545890052536.png (94.21 KB, 300x300, pedobear.png)

No. 16293

File: 1545890125791.jpg (36.94 KB, 480x600, CockMongler.jpg)

No. 16294

disgusting. why would you post a pedo meme here. nobody likes pedos or pedo anime here

No. 16295

File: 1545980703063.jpg (62.24 KB, 600x450, 1dydyx.jpg)

oh man these take me back….also make me feel so old

a-are you serious?

No. 16296

Back in the day, at least from what I saw, pedobear was just a huge joke and often pursued by Chris Hansen and the like. To Catch a Predator was huge back then and pedophiles were treated as a huge laughing stock. No need to get offended.

No. 16297

not just that, /b/ was often actively harassing and even catching pedo's

No. 16298

File: 1546220378144.jpg (61.44 KB, 750x732, b2cfa60d-537c-4b4c-9f6e-42f09f…)

No. 16299

File: 1546220971551.jpg (62.32 KB, 402x595, ermahgerd-meme-maggie-goldenbe…)

No. 16300

File: 1546221013166.jpg (59.18 KB, 1077x482, cda2fa1c-d454-48d3-9947-327faf…)

No. 16301

File: 1546221494574.jpg (407.98 KB, 1602x1147, rage-face-drinking-game.jpg)

I played this ages ago and threw up

No. 16302

File: 1546354560240.png (650.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190101-155451.png)

No. 16303

Epic twitter post.

No. 16304

Does someone remember that one pic of a chubby bearded dude on bed? He was naked, smiling and posing very cutely.

No. 16305

File: 1546608093127.jpg (45.99 KB, 436x604, IMG_20180327_002638_134.jpg)

No. 16306

File: 1546608126541.jpg (29.95 KB, 499x624, IMG_20180215_170601_876.jpg)

No. 16307

File: 1546608476257.jpg (98.26 KB, 593x647, tAgBSSo_d.jpg)

this is the Meme Hell thread
stay triggered

No. 16308

File: 1546608508572.jpeg (64.93 KB, 815x458, 43CB08DB-9E02-4830-97A3-B7E463…)

No. 16309

File: 1546719599719.jpg (38.2 KB, 1080x1099, 49900038_1001542843374317_9013…)

No. 16310

File: 1546798250196.gif (265.1 KB, 694x694, YYefakX.gif)

No. 16311

File: 1546798369991.gif (1.04 MB, 320x216, UZp2UCM.gif)

No. 16312

File: 1546799085671.gif (1.58 MB, 300x270, goseegoat.com-funny-cute-hedge…)

No. 16313

File: 1546799224598.gif (168.61 KB, 220x340, tumblr_n1b41hwY3m1toamj8o1_250…)

No. 16314

File: 1546799741443.gif (551.73 KB, 220x145, raver girl.gif)

No. 16315

File: 1546800514318.gif (3.82 MB, 150x175, techno viking.gif)

No. 16316

File: 1546807026300.png (226.08 KB, 532x601, 346.png)

No. 16317

File: 1546807123238.png (656.5 KB, 1280x1709, a8e.png)

No. 16318

File: 1546807150090.jpg (86.83 KB, 474x680, 980x.jpg)

No. 16319

File: 1546807197808.png (316.51 KB, 413x549, ap,550x550,12x16,1,transparent…)

No. 16320

File: 1546807589861.gif (1.29 MB, 320x240, giphy.gif)

only 298 days till Halloween woohoo

No. 16321

File: 1546807636742.gif (129.34 KB, 220x198, tenor.gif)

No. 16322

File: 1546807696226.gif (Spoiler Image,149.25 KB, 240x180, MatureBabyishGnu-max-1mb.gif)

so old

No. 16323

OP here, just post whatever you want

No. 16324

File: 1546816004213.jpg (83.4 KB, 800x600, 72ENx.jpg)

who remembers these? lol

No. 16325

File: 1546816119929.jpg (29.44 KB, 500x375, 4PjlQ.jpg)

who remembers these? lol

No. 16326

File: 1546816187744.jpg (39.73 KB, 600x450, 4qakS.jpg)

oops didnt mean to keep the caption

No. 16327

File: 1546816272495.jpg (72 KB, 516x1008, a minute.jpg)

No. 16328

File: 1546816321822.jpg (44.26 KB, 462x810, bird.jpg)

No. 16329

File: 1546816405185.jpg (99.62 KB, 540x532, damn pencil.jpg)

No. 16330

File: 1546816458151.jpg (65.6 KB, 478x473, heaven machine broke.jpg)

No. 16331

File: 1546816515460.jpg (70.5 KB, 1008x1008, how does bro shower.jpg)

No. 16332

File: 1546816597895.jpg (107.78 KB, 1024x768, LTv03.jpg)

No. 16333

File: 1546816638797.jpg (134.64 KB, 1136x811, mcfurry.jpg)

No. 16334

File: 1546816767094.jpg (239.69 KB, 500x489, sherm.jpg)

No. 16335

File: 1546816791060.png (126.28 KB, 540x559, sucky fucky.png)

No. 16336

File: 1546816837411.jpg (46.02 KB, 475x754, superman.jpg)

No. 16337

File: 1546816868357.jpg (63.7 KB, 640x640, that ass babe.jpg)

No. 16338

File: 1546816912109.png (336.68 KB, 752x487, spider on their face.png)

No. 16339

File: 1546816942777.jpg (100.28 KB, 740x799, thicc trump.jpg)

No. 16340

File: 1546816966846.jpg (58.74 KB, 600x450, TLwBJ.jpg)

No. 16341

File: 1546816999157.jpg (84.33 KB, 958x572, totally sick loop da loop.jpg)

No. 16342

File: 1546817052651.jpg (51.22 KB, 422x960, titans.jpg)

No. 16343

File: 1546817113390.jpg (509.07 KB, 1280x866, thots.jpg)

No. 16344

File: 1546817158042.jpg (72.17 KB, 406x374, tumblr_nz180nHDGr1tlzfx1o1_500…)

No. 16345

File: 1546817208809.jpg (36.13 KB, 640x621, thos beans.jpg)

No. 16346

File: 1546817270261.jpg (51.4 KB, 599x554, two stick.jpg)

No. 16347

File: 1546817361343.jpg (35.3 KB, 721x262, VLxr2Wl.jpg)

No. 16348

File: 1546817425173.jpg (49.94 KB, 480x453, welcome to the internet.jpg)

No. 16349

File: 1546817458706.png (106.87 KB, 400x300, weed addicts.png)

No. 16350

File: 1546817495114.jpg (83.27 KB, 540x504, when hes not with the boys.jpg)

No. 16351

File: 1546817532457.jpg (135.59 KB, 800x600, Y4bKc.jpg)

No. 16352

File: 1546817569495.jpg (42.09 KB, 480x422, yes im GAY.jpg)

No. 16353

File: 1546817593460.jpg (92.82 KB, 746x625, yes.jpg)

No. 16354

File: 1546817633704.png (228.34 KB, 500x281, you hate anime.png)

No. 16355

File: 1546817675328.png (178.66 KB, 344x271, you used my comb.png)

No. 16356

File: 1546817710590.jpg (116.45 KB, 750x731, why the fuck is my ding dong h…)

No. 16357

File: 1546817861849.png (390.64 KB, 1003x636, john lennon.png)

No. 16358

File: 1546817926946.png (21.15 KB, 578x578, busy gaming.png)

No. 16359

File: 1546817973326.jpg (98.9 KB, 393x720, baby arm fajitas.jpg)

No. 16360

File: 1546818018188.png (136.85 KB, 811x480, americans.png)

No. 16361

File: 1546818054124.jpg (140.18 KB, 540x574, blood groups.jpg)

No. 16362

File: 1546820883968.jpg (144.86 KB, 500x374, 1371344569020.jpg)

>there are people in this world who made a facebook, instagram and a twitter account for joey x sheldon fanfiction

No. 16363

File: 1546821429003.jpg (51.95 KB, 521x521, sheldon meet joey.jpg)

god i didnt even notice that. the whole account is gold…i can't even imagine what kind of person must run those accounts

No. 16364

No. 16365

File: 1546878618983.jpg (102.81 KB, 609x618, 47692147_2240423296236740_5428…)


crow approves of this maymay

No. 16366

File: 1546943764228.png (738.35 KB, 719x1280, 9279c850-65ca-4981-a167-1a7345…)

No. 16367

I’m so genuinely ashamed of buying anything from him now.

No. 16368

File: 1546980374484.gif (43.79 KB, 390x338, 251356-A-Flower-For-You.gif)

I love this typa shit (a bit ironically)

No. 16369

File: 1546980549268.gif (5.49 MB, 550x400, 335308.gif)

No. 16370

anon, don't be too hard on yourself. It's better than the guy who got "Pewdiepie did nothing wrong" and Rick Sanchez as a dick on a skateboard (can't post pics rn, maybe for the better)

No. 16371

File: 1547104296527.jpg (68.61 KB, 595x595, 47583618_428194144385267_93744…)

Remember this template?

No. 16372

>posting an overused recent meme

No. 16373

this template isn't new, anon. she's talking about the template not the content in her specific image.

No. 16374


The template is at least 5 or 6 years old. Has one been made for "lolcow farmer" yet?

No. 16375

File: 1547147517806.jpg (115.51 KB, 677x1920, c9e04d98-ccaa-466c-9db4-bba4e6…)

No. 16376

File: 1547147724542.jpg (51.8 KB, 757x507, bdcd28b2-8588-4fe8-ad1e-2df746…)

No. 16377

File: 1547845011119.jpg (122.63 KB, 1080x890, 091ce62c-7f86-4bb5-be52-06d7ee…)

No. 16378

File: 1547845076729.jpg (65.68 KB, 475x562, 9ad9dc18-78f2-4fc5-84a6-f185fc…)

No. 16379

I snorted at this one lmao I miss the dog hate thread.

No. 16380

File: 1547881762582.png (814 KB, 1200x1200, 71dab8c6-3616-4d24-9155-eae4ec…)

No. 16381

File: 1547881791259.jpg (119.21 KB, 738x512, 8cbb9acf-1802-4872-9190-5edf36…)

No. 16382

File: 1548020289019.jpg (67.85 KB, 540x448, 23843723172_091ed6bd94_k.jpg)

trying to get some positive posts on the front page

No. 16383

File: 1548020331771.jpg (72.13 KB, 540x375, tumblr_o3lnhjsVSI1txjt7wo1_540…)

No. 16384

File: 1548025486652.bmp (40.49 KB, 404x721, 240.bmp)

No. 16385

File: 1548027105013.png (44.62 KB, 500x372, a-friend-told-me-i-was-sional-…)

No. 16386

File: 1548027818316.jpg (51.96 KB, 676x676, image0.jpg)

No. 16387

File: 1548257934436.jpg (22.59 KB, 400x374, facepalm.jpg)

No. 16388

File: 1548258978394.png (26.05 KB, 487x380, 2f7.png)

No. 16389

File: 1548259136885.jpeg (17.54 KB, 429x343, Download.jpeg)

No. 16390

File: 1548259280390.jpg (66.63 KB, 750x600, jiFfM.jpg)

No. 16391

File: 1548260489894.jpg (22.59 KB, 474x395, 4a8920eb-ca8d-465c-b7ca-4a4906…)

No. 16392

File: 1548261197838.png (226.43 KB, 440x495, 6976_DrPhiL.png)

No. 16393

What does the L stand for?

No. 16394

"Take the loss

No. 16395

File: 1548398927466.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.5 KB, 310x500, 4gp1gsn-1.jpg)

I have this, does it please you?

No. 16396

File: 1548399137278.jpg (12.08 KB, 225x241, conanaobrienbarbarian.jpg)

No. 16397

File: 1548399175074.jpg (31.69 KB, 426x480, lizardtouchingitself.jpg)

No. 16398

File: 1548399253979.jpg (45.11 KB, 599x449, m9811g.jpg)

No. 16399

File: 1548399297839.gif (20.36 KB, 600x179, garfield_birthday.gif)

No. 16400

File: 1548399336210.jpg (89.74 KB, 545x599, HULK.jpg)

No. 16401

File: 1548399383788.jpg (42.31 KB, 512x512, jesushomerun.jpg)

No. 16402

File: 1548399420263.jpg (36.66 KB, 455x548, this-thread-is-gay.jpg)

No. 16403

File: 1548399442526.jpg (28.18 KB, 395x395, 4qhrpg6.jpg)

No. 16404

File: 1548399490833.jpg (26.67 KB, 604x453, 4yhklmf.jpg)

No. 16405

File: 1548399513686.jpg (66.36 KB, 371x800, RETURNTOYOURSLUMBER.jpg)

No. 16406

File: 1548399561911.jpg (34.47 KB, 400x436, pokemons.jpg)

No. 16407

File: 1548399593990.jpg (56.5 KB, 714x633, TANKCatwhat.jpg)

No. 16408

File: 1548399726737.jpg (19.62 KB, 260x383, ohboy.jpg)

No. 16409

File: 1548621916454.jpg (69.31 KB, 259x799, kurt cobain bear.jpg)


No. 16410

File: 1548625804010.jpg (71.08 KB, 967x640, fantastic.jpg)

No. 16411

File: 1548625822051.jpg (27.58 KB, 480x480, DVYjYqJXUAAPC0O.jpg)

No. 16412

File: 1549094487249.jpg (22.34 KB, 500x363, JlJpJXJ-uv3aXfQe2P1q-6yjq2ubU5…)

No. 16413

File: 1549094757028.jpg (25.44 KB, 500x333, 54c.jpg)

No. 16414

File: 1549095094268.png (495.16 KB, 340x791, 1d4.png)

No. 16415

File: 1549095352368.jpg (52.3 KB, 960x960, guqrvnn603ux.jpg)

No. 16416

File: 1549469492684.jpg (67.82 KB, 1200x1029, 8c5d8686-75d8-47bf-87e0-0afb9c…)

No. 16417

File: 1549627569968.jpg (71.08 KB, 1129x960, 453d3103-bbcf-47a7-a31b-a9afed…)

No. 16418

File: 1549681414369.jpg (91.03 KB, 960x544, animal_cracker.jpg)

No. 16419

File: 1549828135153.jpg (56.96 KB, 911x855, nihilist-memes.jpg)

No. 16420

File: 1549828260813.jpg (33.77 KB, 500x388, cbbe3eaa4ea8a84c719f7d2f693c82…)

No. 16421

File: 1549828322577.jpg (54.4 KB, 800x611, 9IzUlwp.jpg)

No. 16422

File: 1549828462794.jpg (34.34 KB, 236x419, f1525e21249ef7991075848ed38cb9…)

No. 16423

File: 1549828532611.jpg (74.2 KB, 720x652, 6wtxkbncwf201.jpg)

No. 16424

File: 1549828752992.jpg (52.52 KB, 640x627, ff2b2b7fb5a3a364e197e6d62f72f7…)

No. 16425

File: 1549916972181.jpg (148.87 KB, 1242x955, 6337f940-17e6-41f5-b992-ed1a3b…)

No. 16426

File: 1549917022255.jpg (48.49 KB, 497x499, bbc4018f-8333-4735-9ba1-4b0992…)

No. 16427

File: 1549928930991.jpg (695.85 KB, 1243x1920, tumblr_o29ksxxOVY1rtl73po1_128…)

there's tons of fanart of hobo and glunkus!

No. 16428

I love them and that's a really nice piece! I had made fanart, too, and it ended up in someone's collection and on google results. It flattered me that someone liked my art enough to use it even though they technically stole it. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside after all this time

No. 16429

File: 1549985871307.png (441.55 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nzu9itzMy61qerqkbo1_r1_…)

Hobo and Glunkus forever <3

No. 19923

Thanks Doc

No. 36428

File: 1560949360442.jpg (55.08 KB, 750x515, 1db6be20-4f36-49cd-9666-263c61…)

No. 36429

File: 1560949544780.jpg (213.62 KB, 2048x2048, PHFGlDv.jpg)

No. 36441

File: 1560954501316.jpg (15.54 KB, 360x289, longform-original-24550-141457…)

No. 36474

File: 1560962879778.jpg (81.11 KB, 640x397, IMG_0869.JPG)

I love weird surreal memes

No. 48001

File: 1567739498032.jpg (165.89 KB, 1080x1920, f69f78a6-27d0-4fc0-b235-71bef9…)

No. 48002

File: 1567739524580.jpg (71.73 KB, 750x765, 497fca57-4cf7-4580-ae5f-6701d4…)

No. 48003

File: 1567739636451.png (979.62 KB, 1080x765, beb84d47-6be6-4ac5-aba7-b379dd…)

No. 48035

File: 1567768742071.jpg (36.94 KB, 700x601, 1565591402446.jpg)

No. 48036

File: 1567768942473.jpg (11.47 KB, 225x225, emoo.jpg)

No. 48147

File: 1567834682321.jpg (92.77 KB, 543x550, Dank_Memes.jpg)

No. 48148

File: 1567834723408.jpg (62.92 KB, 625x491, pylons.jpg)

No. 48154

File: 1567839254291.jpeg (40.66 KB, 480x397, 2C3AD9C4-1326-4379-9E37-6C4ECA…)

No. 48155

File: 1567839313403.png (372.51 KB, 399x482, 21DF203C-7AF3-4A1A-B1D2-95905A…)

No. 48157

File: 1567839357458.png (388.28 KB, 400x413, 77E716C0-814E-4091-A722-3ADC1A…)

No. 48513

File: 1567974853699.jpeg (153.5 KB, 750x715, 51D21707-F8ED-4A94-B3B4-4AD6D9…)

No. 48725

File: 1568051463684.jpg (42.35 KB, 300x283, cade.jpg)

No. 48726

File: 1568051608305.jpg (53.72 KB, 800x450, anime (1).jpg)

No. 48727

File: 1568051718090.jpg (139.21 KB, 1080x1558, 1552440823557.jpg)

No. 48729

File: 1568052260562.png (1.24 MB, 1788x525, b50.png)

No. 48730

File: 1568052448263.jpg (72.53 KB, 646x960, shitposting.jpg)

No. 48731

File: 1568052584953.jpg (37.02 KB, 700x452, tricks.jpg)

No. 50011

File: 1568598800752.jpg (29.7 KB, 500x319, tumblr_maxwlu5iJT1qamhyd.jpg)

No. 62777

File: 1573862276824.jpeg (63.55 KB, 640x1031, download.jpeg)

No. 62779

File: 1573862319423.jpeg (7.77 KB, 228x222, images (1).jpeg)

No. 62780

File: 1573862361855.jpeg (4.98 KB, 222x227, images (2).jpeg)

No. 62781

File: 1573862490304.jpg (35.3 KB, 720x584, deff014f-3ae8-44c6-a5d8-4a7820…)

No. 62782

File: 1573863960644.jpeg (34.74 KB, 243x243, 2F37088A-155B-4172-9BBE-F59C6A…)

No. 62783

File: 1573864045034.jpeg (110.27 KB, 933x933, A7FCB663-88B2-4C3B-91C0-582716…)

No. 62784

File: 1573864165134.jpeg (238.88 KB, 1122x1295, A757CCA8-AD67-4CF8-9BC0-282025…)

No. 62785

File: 1573864193376.jpeg (176.13 KB, 933x815, FC3C0C8A-D78C-48DB-84D9-2589BE…)

No. 62788

File: 1573864288646.jpeg (79.3 KB, 750x542, D0B9B52A-1AF7-405C-BBAA-A1FDD7…)

No. 62794

go hubie

No. 62795

that's disgusting

No. 62798

File: 1573868558727.png (124.71 KB, 500x397, im-not-saying-its-hot-in-tekas…)

No. 62799

go hubie go hubie

No. 62967

File: 1574092090332.jpeg (84.78 KB, 720x841, 7CAE61ED-A1CA-4BBF-9D8C-E89FD0…)

No. 62968

File: 1574092127360.jpeg (138.49 KB, 906x771, A92928C5-0609-4F4D-8D9F-6693DD…)

No. 62969

File: 1574092162284.jpeg (252.51 KB, 933x1575, 53DEF046-0A02-405A-8D60-5A9E0F…)

No. 62970

File: 1574092193633.jpeg (208.41 KB, 1242x691, 0744B285-BF99-47DB-A233-9F0B59…)

No. 62971

File: 1574092214359.jpeg (132.9 KB, 933x849, 3A6C1989-D83A-454B-8076-E41D5B…)

No. 62972

File: 1574092252184.jpeg (130.03 KB, 933x806, 9C941C43-E6E5-4534-95BA-7A301A…)

No. 62974

File: 1574092459724.jpeg (66.62 KB, 933x746, 460F60D3-D9D1-4638-9A59-AE6FC0…)

No. 62976

File: 1574092676772.jpg (120.61 KB, 1024x768, 1572470728672.jpg)

No. 62977

File: 1574092809076.jpg (8.81 KB, 400x400, image_400x400.jpg)

No. 62978

File: 1574093020300.jpg (650.92 KB, 1778x1464, 1574037083046.jpg)

No. 62980

File: 1574093108665.jpg (56.28 KB, 600x802, 1304884055066.jpg)

No. 62981

File: 1574093320691.jpg (123.15 KB, 960x720, bpd.jpg)

No. 63103

I don't even get this?

No. 63104

File: 1574141248156.png (299.56 KB, 731x519, D6z7YpLW0AcWp0D.png)

No. 63105

File: 1574141362055.png (55.14 KB, 720x362, nietzche.png)

No. 63142

I want to die

No. 63237

File: 1574198213233.png (2.06 MB, 2048x1911, 1571286805233.png)

No. 63238

File: 1574198582791.jpg (59.84 KB, 500x380, 1574138775107.jpg)

No. 63446

Lmao, wby?

No. 63782


No. 65278

File: 1575277616218.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x1241, B8A1C475-8092-4855-A293-8AD12B…)

No. 66105

File: 1575515129351.jpeg (973.6 KB, 1242x784, 3A89BCB0-E47D-47D9-8F98-54BB8D…)

No. 66688

File: 1575835462804.png (85.46 KB, 500x475, rac-cree-pin-calarts-style-mem…)

No. 66690

File: 1575835561843.jpg (61.76 KB, 709x544, 8305177ba02c56faac38958be4544b…)

No. 67199

File: 1576150414954.jpeg (231.42 KB, 1242x1185, 54176442-55C1-4106-B66E-C71E1C…)

No. 67200

File: 1576150476016.jpeg (236.92 KB, 933x1106, D24C8955-F07B-4D1B-82A8-40CAB8…)

No. 67201

File: 1576150541791.jpeg (284.01 KB, 1122x1096, D166F7A0-B914-4CC0-8032-C203C7…)

>then you see that panties!

No. 67202

File: 1576150619549.jpeg (262.77 KB, 1242x770, 477E56AD-6B26-42DE-BB10-12A55C…)

No. 67203

File: 1576150730292.png (794.01 KB, 640x640, D0254673-E717-4BF2-AB69-9AE2A9…)

No. 67205

File: 1576150831205.jpeg (Spoiler Image,149.54 KB, 1122x771, D208F55F-F5B2-436A-B07D-F9BC41…)

No. 67212


>pee is stored in the balls

>poop is stored in the shaft

No. 67391

File: 1576203551521.jpeg (148.67 KB, 933x920, DB436FB0-AC53-41D5-A449-46BFD0…)

No. 67591

File: 1576329698551.jpeg (141.01 KB, 750x730, 6FAE6830-69AE-49CA-8108-9581A5…)

No. 67791

File: 1576475882774.jpeg (219.63 KB, 933x1297, 39171455-7DBC-4EFB-A380-7A72FE…)

No. 68050

File: 1576663056430.jpeg (175.55 KB, 898x921, 17EA3283-FE9B-4DD0-9873-669F7F…)

No. 68052

File: 1576663147283.jpeg (131.89 KB, 933x1013, 22451145-B12E-42DA-A037-459E1A…)

No. 68053

File: 1576663185400.jpeg (166.68 KB, 920x906, F5641CAD-967B-4714-846C-F8BE79…)

No. 68054

File: 1576663245165.jpeg (78.79 KB, 933x602, 65B92AAD-94F7-484D-AF91-9A19A9…)

No. 68055

File: 1576663277183.jpeg (107.69 KB, 933x933, 25561DE7-D284-4DAB-AF63-B1B425…)

No. 68057

File: 1576663481541.jpeg (206.9 KB, 933x933, 21DD1B8A-7B35-475B-B97E-CD47DC…)

No. 68349

File: 1576838109084.jpeg (176.88 KB, 933x917, 36684BAC-8B40-429D-92F0-562143…)

No. 68350

File: 1576838164006.jpeg (107.66 KB, 933x769, 0DE96828-2743-4A63-BAA9-9910C5…)

No. 68351

File: 1576838195866.jpeg (182.11 KB, 1122x1104, 4A0D3826-CA33-4E4B-AEC1-031DA1…)

No. 68477

File: 1576920111441.jpeg (144.61 KB, 933x649, D64DF1A9-227C-4AF3-AC76-7A475D…)

No. 68478

File: 1576920143253.jpeg (111.95 KB, 933x783, 537A0932-5CEE-4E0E-869D-F4F027…)

No. 68479

File: 1576920165246.jpeg (176.32 KB, 933x1099, D1F0BD6A-F4F3-4F05-B705-AC9C6D…)

No. 68682

File: 1577032477280.jpeg (249.84 KB, 1122x936, 235769F9-5202-4A86-A754-4E8709…)

No. 77445

File: 1583029671114.jpg (204.14 KB, 936x1200, memes(43).jpg)

No. 77446

File: 1583029735026.jpg (40.65 KB, 530x366, soon..jpg)

No. 77477

This image single-handedly gave me cancer. Beautiful.

No. 77616

File: 1583195203948.jpeg (170.61 KB, 1122x938, 88322C91-17DA-443C-8BFA-13630C…)

No. 77617

File: 1583195229080.jpeg (90.6 KB, 528x499, 6090DE51-B98A-4D0B-842D-431D8A…)

No. 77618

File: 1583195257524.jpeg (175.48 KB, 933x1258, 97544360-9070-4990-96A1-9430C5…)

No. 77619

File: 1583195457777.jpeg (211.85 KB, 933x1431, FD1F3A92-DA88-42F6-899C-6B06C4…)

No. 77627

File: 1583199797147.jpg (61.57 KB, 445x363, sup_o_7164764.jpg)

No. 78027

File: 1583403431185.jpeg (103.08 KB, 911x678, FFAAB898-C9AA-4347-ACE5-B0471B…)

No. 78028

File: 1583403456618.jpeg (210.98 KB, 1122x1111, 39C79ADC-9516-4315-A21D-A73171…)

No. 78031

File: 1583404347220.jpeg (65.89 KB, 750x624, 75A33C47-F9D7-4131-95C1-49D7D1…)

No. 78032

File: 1583404376352.jpeg (141.46 KB, 933x924, 6249D8EB-1383-4241-BA6E-5DD862…)

No. 78033

File: 1583404397951.jpeg (70.65 KB, 622x572, C126A419-796E-49DD-8F4B-9FF591…)

No. 78086

File: 1583446671311.jpeg (213.45 KB, 1241x1209, 09333E47-18A3-4A29-92E0-424A8B…)

No. 78289

File: 1583595942821.jpeg (108.55 KB, 933x608, 9E5C2FFB-2207-4B53-9660-9611BA…)

No. 78290

File: 1583595979497.jpeg (51.27 KB, 400x528, 5126BFCE-A3C0-4D61-AF7B-A7F98A…)

No. 80703

File: 1585246327591.jpg (63.71 KB, 720x774, e80886ab1617cb17ac6c9ebb63829d…)

No. 83478

File: 1586844951297.jpeg (210.8 KB, 933x776, 0AD8A5B0-1386-4D0A-A38F-B8869F…)

No. 83501

File: 1586865101077.png (79.19 KB, 500x339, 2009-2019-2019-is-the-year-of-…)

No. 83503

gtfo with this coomer shit

No. 83511


>Meme hell

No. 83513

File: 1586869663180.jpg (42.69 KB, 470x533, sOnnmuX.jpg)

No. 83516


No. 83524

File: 1586876241181.jpg (290.48 KB, 1242x1212, tumblr_4213acdb631626f83bbac95…)

No. 83529

This ones fucking funny idc

No. 83600

File: 1586904058935.png (400.96 KB, 640x409, heewd7maq8r41.png)

No. 83784

File: 1587022955641.jpeg (142.12 KB, 933x922, C280DBAA-8440-4663-818F-81DF92…)

No. 83785

File: 1587022987974.jpeg (102.59 KB, 933x915, 74C9B921-FC50-4C46-8A1A-62DD9A…)

No. 83921

File: 1587104591145.jpg (12.72 KB, 274x234, im so desperate.jpg)

No. 86259

File: 1587952248352.png (93.8 KB, 352x288, not even once.PNG)

No. 86271

File: 1587962917311.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.57 KB, 637x477, 02E1C835-352D-4DB7-956B-40922E…)

No. 86421

File: 1588146912488.jpeg (18.32 KB, 717x480, 03B958ED-6EED-4F9D-9666-97056E…)

No. 89235

File: 1589687812591.jpeg (242.05 KB, 750x943, 6803D281-705E-4FCB-8E5B-9DE9ED…)

No. 89237

File: 1589687944972.jpeg (165.06 KB, 933x933, DE0F9BD1-F8FC-4502-8122-C580E2…)

No. 94245

File: 1591040243908.jpeg (188.09 KB, 1041x1200, 11FE9CA9-C2BC-4EE3-9705-D4D8E3…)

No. 94257

Someone photoshop a bong in his hand

No. 94259

The early 2010s tumblr is so strong with this one

No. 94692

File: 1591304732263.png (34.27 KB, 274x200, 53C79683-38B7-4B3D-8823-10EE6D…)

No. 94693

File: 1591304762810.png (7.65 KB, 679x427, EBD49A97-376A-40F2-995B-04D020…)

No. 94695

File: 1591304783927.png (6.32 KB, 492x328, A988456A-108D-45B8-81B8-24231A…)

No. 94696

File: 1591304813765.jpeg (16.27 KB, 275x183, BEDB5B7D-C9E1-44C1-AF02-20D464…)

No. 94701

I need you all to know that i nearly peed myself laughing at these fucking maymays

No. 94716

File: 1591326953028.png (376.87 KB, 560x392, ymv5IZQ.png)

No. 95449

File: 1591783165909.jpeg (277.34 KB, 1122x1496, 7C93750A-7201-40AD-9935-36A452…)

No. 95476

File: 1591792917284.jpeg (170.37 KB, 933x705, 85BAE58B-30E6-46A9-A767-584636…)

No. 95633

File: 1591924421976.jpeg (27.23 KB, 320x242, BFCFD679-F343-4F1F-B34D-D33FA1…)

No. 95634

File: 1591924468382.jpeg (178.07 KB, 1241x1236, 6F6FF50A-EB82-4C4D-B3E6-777CC2…)

No. 95767

File: 1592023728540.jpg (1.3 MB, 1242x1060, [p[pl.jpg)

No. 95768

File: 1592023774180.jpg (85.28 KB, 640x629, dfsdfsdf.jpg)

No. 109122

File: 1601155228457.jpg (92.44 KB, 900x903, paranormal_activia_by_brandtk_…)

No. 109140

File: 1601160171449.jpg (79.07 KB, 600x781, peecat.jpg)

No. 109141

File: 1601160271989.jpg (107.49 KB, 600x600, 8923843.jpg)

No. 109142

File: 1601161128526.jpg (48.58 KB, 500x395, 3534534.jpg)

No. 109146

File: 1601162192555.jpg (120.95 KB, 1080x1253, 118684685_317124026040316_3399…)

No. 109158

File: 1601164478594.png (165.66 KB, 500x691, lifehack.png)

No. 109181

File: 1601178225196.jpeg (82.56 KB, 749x718, E59A117F-F93B-4613-BDDF-F140F1…)

No. 109196


No. 109220

File: 1601218484735.jpg (47.63 KB, 512x288, e26bcf03cccb38d081e420667a9395…)

American Psycho reminds me of board culture a lot, when I went on 4chan for the first time in around 2011 as an early teen, first thing I saw was a gif from this movie on /b/

No. 109334

File: 1601299284778.jpg (108.68 KB, 640x1249, tomboygf.jpg)

No. 109701

File: 1601603021229.jpeg (88.74 KB, 750x753, 96484698-A44F-452C-874C-D5CBD0…)

No. 109802

File: 1601691666119.jpeg (118.11 KB, 750x578, 5eb9bc6766f97.jpeg)

No. 111008

File: 1602204847974.jpeg (77.05 KB, 500x441, 331DB2A7-EC06-4D60-9DFA-BB485C…)

No. 111009

File: 1602204884979.jpeg (164.03 KB, 750x750, EC751780-5A16-4E37-841A-EAB230…)

No. 111010

File: 1602204909386.jpeg (Spoiler Image,102.05 KB, 500x484, 9B3B69AE-AF13-4F4C-97EC-214638…)

I’m sorry.

No. 111060

File: 1602237488573.jpg (63.59 KB, 600x600, 14134960_1149923328401439_6562…)

imagine posting this unironically

No. 111063

i wonder what the person who made this is doing RIGHT NOW

No. 111069

File: 1602241764524.jpg (110.18 KB, 750x750, 7225b877a1bf61021adb03ddcee452…)

No. 111106

File: 1602259741129.jpg (158.41 KB, 666x500, 19fcd40d-b43a-4c6e-a798-8e0b58…)

No. 111112

File: 1602266896249.jpg (45.28 KB, 540x540, 68bcc761b9a2dbcb740d03af0ce9ef…)

No. 111115

File: 1602267250860.jpg (111.36 KB, 1242x871, or0tdqgqhcc31.jpg)

No. 111120

File: 1602271115877.jpg (205.8 KB, 400x550, sjw-stay-away-from-my-metal-mu…)

No. 111163

No. 111164


No. 111165

File: 1602296772219.jpeg (144.57 KB, 750x750, D61C939D-03C1-44E4-82DD-A007E2…)

something I find endlessly fun to do in 2020 is seek out memes like this, on pinterest of course. I love the cringe so much. slightly unironically tbh

No. 111166

samefag oops what i put is not 'meme' in the same sense but it may as well be, now

No. 111236

File: 1602358645973.png (223.7 KB, 434x406, tumblr_91c14aa7b617c47ea636283…)

No. 111242

File: 1602362060077.jpg (87.36 KB, 1080x1062, tumblr_53fb2ffa96817dac192b700…)

No. 111246

how to find this kind of cringe snarry content?

No. 111247

File: 1602363798306.jpg (76.98 KB, 640x640, a5ec054c995f52f3783a52b594f20d…)

No. 111259

File: 1602368418224.jpeg (47.79 KB, 589x315, B9CCD0B0-DFD5-4ADE-B4C6-684BF4…)

No. 111260

File: 1602368485041.jpeg (105.26 KB, 750x548, 1E57B661-117A-4892-9881-DD8739…)

No. 111278

File: 1602383480183.jpeg (115.07 KB, 749x742, BF8C80B2-E411-4C23-AAC5-3CEFB7…)

No. 111279

File: 1602383502498.jpeg (108.75 KB, 396x594, 06204D82-D9B9-426F-8A5D-53DD53…)

No. 111297

File: 1602410661208.jpg (42.51 KB, 640x360, med_1473918271_image.jpg)

No. 111339

File: 1602441331838.jpg (104.15 KB, 482x1280, tumblr_981addb22b5e5fa0ecc65a9…)

No. 111346

File: 1602445795190.jpg (68.12 KB, 468x520, JUST-DRANK-MY-OWN-PISS-BETTER-…)

No. 111361

File: 1602455907504.jpeg (156.25 KB, 750x750, 4A6BCAB2-06E9-4825-9490-989CEF…)

No. 111366

File: 1602457264891.jpeg (280.34 KB, 750x1060, 180E054C-853E-40E8-B191-965D20…)

No. 111367

File: 1602457362630.png (7.56 MB, 1242x2208, F6AD3C27-E75B-4F63-9361-F2A10C…)

No. 111368

File: 1602457384685.jpeg (150.44 KB, 750x853, 90300B98-6469-4BDF-8988-ADD4A6…)

No. 111369

File: 1602457410239.jpeg (102.28 KB, 627x602, 7B4F374C-A915-43FA-B046-FD21B6…)

No. 111370

File: 1602457504220.jpeg (176.65 KB, 749x746, 7891EA1C-5031-419C-A3AE-3E84E6…)

No. 111372

File: 1602457527687.jpeg (227.75 KB, 736x1020, F55CBE79-1750-4034-8F66-25148D…)

No. 111374

File: 1602457739726.jpeg (48.27 KB, 419x414, 1B896542-B2FA-4BCE-BE77-4D596A…)

No. 111388

transboys pull this reaction image out w the caption "kill all terfs" and call it a day

No. 111400

File: 1602469859634.png (585.25 KB, 708x710, Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 03.29…)

No. 111402

thanks you too

No. 111470

>the angle looks like I'm flying away

No. 111471

File: 1602517638641.jpeg (62.28 KB, 295x600, 6284787E-E8EA-4FB1-B0F1-E87CC8…)

(samefag, pic unrelated) do like me and search on pinterest. simple really

No. 111622

File: 1602613493047.png (79.65 KB, 217x233, tumblr_inline_p7evkmnML81twa7t…)

No. 111626

File: 1602616609777.jpg (102.94 KB, 750x556, tumblr_oxh5h1JTge1u62sqvo1_128…)

No. 111686

File: 1602682978538.jpg (72.03 KB, 1080x517, 1602681707909.jpg)

found in another thread

No. 111689

No. 111725

File: 1602714676872.jpeg (103.55 KB, 828x755, F25D4DBE-C4F6-4054-A8C8-6BC635…)

No. 111735

File: 1602726884687.png (428.5 KB, 567x590, EgZzdPnWkAAosZt.png)

No. 111855

File: 1602774185497.jpeg (261.16 KB, 1076x1308, 9905B99F-7493-466A-8E97-1DCDA3…)

No. 111856

File: 1602774244860.jpeg (89.63 KB, 720x839, 91A07342-59D5-49AE-A6B2-3DC7C8…)

No. 111894

Kek. I love ghetto Spongebob art solely for the fact that Spongebob is quite possibly the dweebest cartoon character in existence (and it was intentional).

No. 111930

File: 1602864507126.jpeg (90.86 KB, 750x699, 5679CE53-7676-49B4-A526-BBA49E…)

No. 111931

File: 1602864539199.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.8 KB, 750x750, BF8305A9-5FDB-4ADE-A0EA-EF062C…)

No. 112171

Uuuuuh source for the art?

No. 112196

File: 1603070377731.jpeg (164.79 KB, 710x1102, CABDAAC7-9011-4E6B-9433-4FD9C5…)

No. 112197

File: 1603070405546.jpeg (139.94 KB, 750x647, B138ACC1-372D-4E8F-B8DF-40D8B5…)

No. 112199

File: 1603070449751.jpeg (87.2 KB, 749x755, 33940D2F-F299-42B7-9908-623FE5…)

No. 112200

File: 1603070480714.jpeg (35.07 KB, 492x336, BEE7F659-9C20-4556-B193-5B2195…)

No. 112327

File: 1603148256373.jpeg (55.87 KB, 640x613, FFA34583-BEA3-4CF4-B1AF-8CE2D4…)

No. 112334

File: 1603151268960.jpeg (122.65 KB, 584x600, B0CF20CD-BF44-4692-8539-0B864E…)

No. 112335

File: 1603151304292.jpeg (99.4 KB, 600x577, FE9E7DD8-BC75-4D8D-AED3-B5C92E…)

No. 112336

File: 1603151327982.jpeg (43.67 KB, 320x383, AF0DDCE7-C072-47AE-B303-F5741F…)

No. 112337

File: 1603151447939.jpeg (45.28 KB, 640x640, 66C68CDD-910C-46F1-ACD0-576A73…)

No. 112338

File: 1603151910817.jpeg (85.42 KB, 500x471, 5DD44890-DB0A-47FB-9E46-D59CC5…)

No. 112519

File: 1603240856040.jpeg (114.69 KB, 885x925, 0bc92c16-98a9-4495-a269-5b5cc9…)

No. 112520

File: 1603240912208.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.45 KB, 828x807, 122809e0-983f-4673-ab92-558266…)

No. 112612

File: 1603309634263.jpg (23.24 KB, 485x341, fuckitimmakingmeth.jpg)

No. 112615

File: 1603309735643.jpeg (96.43 KB, 750x745, 2E11E77E-4697-45DF-A1C6-7BBC7D…)

No. 112616

File: 1603309769718.jpeg (294.56 KB, 725x960, 87195763-CA12-4630-ADB8-33EB56…)

No. 112619

File: 1603311149299.jpeg (40.04 KB, 306x306, 8326CC5B-76E7-461E-B7E9-28010B…)

send help

No. 112620

File: 1603311221953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,67.58 KB, 450x418, 7A1E7082-A3D0-4DC0-8601-A2BAE8…)

sorry for these gross sexual memes I hate that I'm laughing so hsrd right now

No. 112622

File: 1603311369050.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.59 KB, 320x320, CF66CFE3-0AA2-4BCE-A87A-1531E7…)

No. 112649

File: 1603331140006.jpeg (131.65 KB, 750x741, 8DE6F862-3882-4B3B-B43B-370ADD…)

No. 112650

File: 1603331161227.jpeg (51.87 KB, 465x347, CB87121F-5FEA-43C5-B111-4A75D5…)

No. 113050

File: 1603750344536.jpeg (107.06 KB, 680x670, A87F21C2-8F89-4285-9B50-BBAD55…)

No. 113248

File: 1603852360295.jpeg (42.03 KB, 640x479, 404283C1-D5A7-4BEC-911F-6A6502…)

No. 113249

File: 1603852422650.jpeg (74.5 KB, 676x560, 5DBE82D8-D0D4-4806-9562-608352…)

No. 113252

smh this made me laugh

No. 113304

holy shit, I can hear the accent so clearly in my head

No. 113865

File: 1604313563557.jpeg (103.92 KB, 1080x1080, 4FC7DD75-A23B-4EBB-A409-9F93F9…)

No. 113957

File: 1604402445732.jpg (43.5 KB, 540x495, 420.jpg)

No. 114028

File: 1604454193140.jpeg (79.69 KB, 742x500, 0C7C2351-86CB-4FC1-A2F8-FB2A49…)

No. 114035

File: 1604458790123.png (644.74 KB, 788x580, unknown55.png)

No. 114037

every day I wish it was

No. 114083

File: 1604503946141.jpeg (40 KB, 475x476, D1B7AD81-3FA2-4CB6-BBCA-D639C6…)

No. 114133

File: 1604544783246.jpg (68.34 KB, 720x720, earth-is-healing-cows-are-retu…)

No. 114182

File: 1604612989754.jpg (92.08 KB, 640x578, 9t1gbwkmiep51.jpg)

No. 114269

File: 1604678014505.jpeg (141.05 KB, 750x750, 98512A86-654B-455F-81FF-AD80C2…)

No. 114582

File: 1604906006337.jpeg (82.88 KB, 682x670, 34E1C7A9-FCF2-497A-BCAC-F33CEE…)

No. 114895

File: 1605149215650.jpeg (120.23 KB, 851x828, EgGLiDZXoAAizZ1.jpeg)

No. 114896

File: 1605149341848.png (106.64 KB, 500x339, adderal-cocaine-well-help-you-…)

No. 114897

File: 1605149396862.jpeg (101.15 KB, 1124x1106, EfVCNrQXYAQ4pKW.jpeg)

No. 114962

File: 1605201452691.jpeg (63.69 KB, 622x643, 2A81A3F4-05C7-45CD-8BCE-942695…)

No. 114976


I love it, thank you for posting this gem.

No. 114991

I think I saw a variant of this saying 'this is what no pussy does to a nigga'

No. 114992

These are literally just trannycore, I've never seen an actual woman be or dress like this but I've seen multiple hons trying to emulate them.

No. 114997

File: 1605221546136.png (6.29 KB, 296x170, 16E29F63-8BE2-424E-A30A-ED7D90…)

You’re absolutely right, you could fill a whole ass building with these autistic ideal gf memes.

No. 115012

File: 1605232901023.jpg (48.39 KB, 452x649, 1603823233700.jpg)

I miss when tomboys were so popular.. they were so cute.. why can't she be a tomboy..

No. 115048

I wish I could unsee your incel meme

No. 115050

File: 1605272525030.jpeg (45.66 KB, 934x529, EkbhAtgUUAAspUo.jpeg)

No. 115371

File: 1605553177053.jpeg (145.36 KB, 750x619, 1FE27367-6528-4C14-816A-E09C56…)

No. 115742

File: 1605832901253.jpeg (132.93 KB, 750x544, 44781EA1-0F1F-4C1C-99D3-7EC586…)

No. 115762

File: 1605856953624.jpeg (79.2 KB, 500x502, 82613A8D-6F8E-440F-A9C3-A37E1A…)

I better listen to this cat now (unironically find this meme soothing)

No. 115765

Good visual representation thank you

No. 116239

File: 1606273767433.jpeg (67.65 KB, 534x467, 65A79197-691B-42FC-AD6A-DFE0FC…)

No. 116282

blocked and reported

No. 116458

File: 1606453055127.jpg (116.59 KB, 960x626, 6e6dd7a1-1b3e-458f-8f61-357786…)

No. 116461

File: 1606454306719.png (131.7 KB, 450x585, free-hall-of-fame-lolwut-makeu…)

No. 116464

File: 1606454962697.jpg (58.25 KB, 698x674, 351.jpg)

No. 117558

File: 1607351006578.webm (14.2 MB, 480x480, tokyo_retard-_1_.webm)

No. 117559

File: 1607351081111.webm (2.02 MB, 730x480, romance_between_me_and_your_mo…)

No. 117560

File: 1607351146544.webm (1.46 MB, 572x360, uh_oh-_1_.webm)

No. 117561

File: 1607351179509.webm (757.77 KB, 624x720, ohno-_1_.webm)

No. 118323

File: 1607887607127.jpeg (145.83 KB, 733x890, CEA90FE8-7EB0-49C7-B42F-740990…)

dunno what those videos anon posted are but take meme

No. 118327

File: 1607888794376.jpeg (131.28 KB, 686x677, 0DDDF522-327A-4591-8A31-0EED87…)

No. 118354

Every wafflepwn video

No. 118455

File: 1608055891718.jpg (47.87 KB, 748x744, IMG_20201215_191000_659.jpg)

No. 119010

File: 1608432171753.jpeg (Spoiler Image,422.43 KB, 1728x1080, 91355542-ECB5-496A-AB26-494EC8…)

No. 123735

File: 1611622529399.jpg (32.91 KB, 800x573, EsCxf1WXUAIOZky.jpg)

No. 123736

File: 1611622911573.png (104.12 KB, 876x1580, B82D87D5-4A9A-4262-B1A0-0862AA…)

No. 123844

File: 1611675342152.jpg (Spoiler Image,419.97 KB, 1300x1012, Chinesetouristspoopingoutsidea…)

No. 123923

File: 1611696649249.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.72 KB, 800x596, tumblr_de90358a4f5125eae97f07c…)

No. 124034

This will never not shock and disgust me

No. 124035

please don't, this is beyond disgusting

No. 124036

welll fuck you too

No. 124057

File: 1611755637505.jpg (36.16 KB, 682x568, a10e70e584df28175532eee70267f3…)

No. 137581

File: 1618517534019.jpeg (82.23 KB, 469x512, 1B2CE1B1-C06F-4B43-BDE0-0714C5…)

No. 137582

File: 1618517573221.jpeg (160.66 KB, 1125x1162, B3188AA0-7DA4-4D6F-A217-108EFC…)

Feel like pure shit just want ms Linda

No. 138487

File: 1618950106359.jpeg (137.06 KB, 1080x1261, AB52E8E6-96EC-43CF-BED5-E83695…)

No. 138508

File: 1618957158271.jpg (130.63 KB, 598x639, 1617551748551.jpg)

Time to break out the turf maymays

No. 138509

File: 1618957230330.png (891.23 KB, 660x672, hauntred.PNG)

No. 138510

File: 1618957468844.jpg (74.86 KB, 640x640, 1_640.jpg)

No. 138511

File: 1618957549782.png (158.18 KB, 500x500, f7309c1_500.png)

No. 138512

File: 1618957653220.jpg (10.94 KB, 571x437, 8d3c88_640.jpg)

No. 141795

File: 1621021250593.png (159.64 KB, 400x234, a72feb3dff8d490d60bf12c6045a81…)

No. 146669

File: 1622687812426.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.21 KB, 645x593, 9434C4C5-A22F-4C93-9C50-1858AA…)

No. 147434

File: 1623143121905.jpeg (319.79 KB, 828x417, 3E390872-D19F-45C8-86F2-A4AA78…)

No. 149041

File: 1624092319227.jpg (180.68 KB, 750x747, dang.jpg)

No. 149042

File: 1624092487519.jpg (237.48 KB, 1242x1182, gay.jpg)

No. 150188

File: 1624817221184.png (253.12 KB, 508x491, E45-3VwXoAEdl55.png)

No. 151430

File: 1625616962888.jpg (10.41 KB, 236x233, af164c730b121f538c18efec66c647…)

No. 153337

File: 1627047616252.jpg (44.28 KB, 621x612, qatnmvz5vh771.jpg)

No. 153629

File: 1627298030823.jpeg (223.21 KB, 1076x1313, 7F572AAA-65FB-42A5-B954-35FC34…)

No. 153630

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No. 153632

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No. 153633

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No. 153672

File: 1627322520398.jpg (58.08 KB, 364x486, funny-pictures-history-to-tell…)

No. 153689

Ahahahaha this is way too relatable

No. 158301

File: 1630400999015.jpeg (55.87 KB, 536x686, dumb.jpeg)

No. 158302

File: 1630401059954.jpeg (76.95 KB, 600x721, s.jpeg)

No. 158304

File: 1630401163297.jpeg (193.56 KB, 960x940, b.jpeg)

No. 158305

i actually lol'd at this ty anon

No. 158312

Does anyone know what painting this is? It's such a mood

No. 158363

File: 1630446213329.jpeg (260.84 KB, 900x701, A5D77B68-864C-4A83-8757-524A62…)

Allegory of the Apocalypse by Joseph Heintz the Younger.

No. 162462

File: 1633022104388.jpg (66.83 KB, 700x700, 4bf6ee87-3d1f-4b8b-9c6b-0a8321…)

No. 162463

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No. 162464

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No. 162465

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No. 162466

File: 1633022464163.jpg (80.75 KB, 888x499, dc6f2ea3-1235-4e43-b750-497e9f…)

No. 163148

File: 1633558435649.jpeg (156.67 KB, 574x435, 392CB252-27F4-4333-8679-EE0770…)

No. 169042

File: 1636303533739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,193.44 KB, 897x761, 9A594127-19BC-40AF-AB2D-C10958…)

No. 169045

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No. 169049

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No. 169057

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No. 169181

File: 1636388437637.png (656.85 KB, 960x646, Chew _ JoJo's Bizarre Adventur…)

No. 169741

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No. 169742

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No. 170113

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No. 170119

File: 1637048093351.png (784.9 KB, 946x844, IMG_5735.png)

No. 170121

File: 1637049665584.png (709.79 KB, 750x715, imagen_2021-11-16_020126.png)

No. 170122

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No. 170123

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No. 170126

File: 1637050528133.png (163.91 KB, 720x492, imagen_2021-11-16_021402.png)

No. 170144

No. 170147

literally genshit fans

No. 170148

this is literally the thread for shit memes

No. 179450

File: 1642248285512.jpeg (103.12 KB, 828x813, 75A171C7-2448-416A-9F52-EB3361…)

No. 179455

Why do I find humor like this funny ?
like I'm not racist but just the term ethnic genocide makes me laugh for some reason

No. 179460

Youre white

No. 179475

File: 1642256541323.jpeg (466.1 KB, 803x670, 15F78712-A064-48FC-A27B-FB90E1…)

No. 179476

i have shitty internet humor too anon.

No. 179480

I'm not white and don't use faggot twitter humor

No. 179494

File: 1642268643914.jpeg (44.16 KB, 480x423, D53A0AB9-DE55-47F9-B989-3D16DF…)

No. 179495

File: 1642268881302.jpeg (34.16 KB, 451x492, 68D4B56F-1BC0-4BB3-AC77-0EB2B8…)

No. 179497

Omfg that's one of the funniest memes I've seen in forever.

No. 179498

File: 1642269919777.jpeg (191.08 KB, 1008x1113, 2C5DC3BB-1DB9-4F98-8E3F-4B2337…)

No. 179500

File: 1642270344769.jpg (61.48 KB, 564x574, 62649b448e683a7c120449ff5e53ef…)

a classic

No. 179501

love it, such a classic

No. 179503

Ew no, those men troon out and I don't want to be near smelly man ass

No. 179512

Ok, but leaving the ocean was a mistake

No. 179590

File: 1642329031277.jpg (34.26 KB, 700x472, gMu8OSY.jpg)

No. 179591

File: 1642329054016.png (1.29 MB, 1096x1014, Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at 10.4…)

No. 179592

File: 1642329086010.jpg (124.99 KB, 719x420, aq9vtixbliw11.jpg)

No. 179593

File: 1642329110147.jpg (125.28 KB, 640x1024, rqo1zv4wwww51.jpg)

No. 179594

File: 1642329137004.png (1.59 MB, 1848x1274, Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 6.50…)

No. 179596

File: 1642329258177.jpg (66.83 KB, 1080x691, the future feminists want.jpg)

No. 179599

File: 1642329652019.jpg (80.38 KB, 567x764, 00yvzmzvt6081.jpg)

just balkan tingz

No. 179600

File: 1642329674552.png (500.75 KB, 757x768, dfymocbus4781.png)

No. 179601

File: 1642329707489.png (584.33 KB, 900x900, Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 9.27…)

No. 179602

File: 1642329762448.jpg (40.97 KB, 500x500, 20140145_10203836485749521_870…)

No. 179603

File: 1642329843533.jpg (57.03 KB, 628x767, kAsw77Z4YWCcJ_wvlhBa4CIaWIJNV0…)

No. 179605

File: 1642329908365.png (575.34 KB, 606x767, 2y2tqrb5vjc51.png)

No. 179606

File: 1642329955999.png (222.45 KB, 974x798, Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 13.4…)

No. 179810

File: 1642439322753.jpeg (142.76 KB, 1280x960, haqgkkrn2s101.jpeg)

No. 180925

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No. 180936

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No. 181284

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No. 181377

File: 1643036586198.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.97 KB, 574x372, 2FB4DD78-5421-42EC-B9B1-8CAF04…)

No. 430423

No. 430511

File: 1731046924248.jpg (29.44 KB, 1059x953, im-just-a-girl-.jpg)

No. 430759

This shit is just pure, distilled dadaism. Duchamp is crying in his coffin because he would never reach this level of meaningful meaninglessness. Maybe he wouldn't like that memes became mainstream but he can cope and seethe, Beter ftw lolwtfbbq.

No. 430760

File: 1731140177509.webp (28.22 KB, 475x562, c94CEBVaCHWQ_9S7pnW1X_5HoFPqQb…)

No. 431073

File: 1731228261465.png (341.02 KB, 537x702, 1643984522873.png)

No. 431075

I don't even know what to think anymore

No. 431076

lmao i like this one

No. 431078

File: 1731229747394.mp4 (156.77 KB, 360x360, 1700861807443.mp4)

No. 431084

File: 1731231298821.jpg (106.81 KB, 509x644, tumblr_ohqs1wpFSC1vgp77go1_128…)

No. 431129

FUCKING KEKK I can't believe I laughed at this

No. 431135

File: 1731258806759.jpg (278.3 KB, 1017x1263, F2PNAqXWYAAt2my.jpg)

No. 431154

lmaoo please, let America get behind this.

No. 431156

File: 1731266386077.jpg (77.31 KB, 720x840, 1587135177916.jpg)


No. 431182

File: 1731272976395.jpg (69.69 KB, 712x423, CwwnThoUsAAA8zz.jpg)

No. 431294

File: 1731299894609.jpeg (52.82 KB, 750x746, 1726887582731.jpeg)

From the monke thread

No. 431295

KEK, I love this comic.

God tier

No. 431300

File: 1731300621381.jpeg (52.34 KB, 560x544, FEp4AKIX0AcuA53.jpeg)

No. 431323

File: 1731308648671.jpg (531.48 KB, 1079x1363, Screenshot_20241111_015410_Chr…)

No. 431324


No. 431325

Extremely fucking old post but KEK

No. 431459

File: 1731354245780.jpg (78.67 KB, 1170x1161, IMG_20210818_152230_891.jpg)

No. 431475

File: 1731358732869.jpg (13.76 KB, 180x180, b5pifn.jpg)

No. 431846

File: 1731495685225.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.03 KB, 540x539, Ep_k03jUYAEtPWu.jpeg)

No. 432115

What's the joke?

No. 432126

File: 1731567899094.jpeg (37.79 KB, 554x554, EwLIydRUYAUMYcZ.jpeg)

No. 432349

File: 1731630364233.png (100.02 KB, 406x406, 5zjk32.png)

No. 432777

File: 1731754523763.png (2.04 MB, 600x3075, uta.png)

No. 432825

File: 1731773098450.jpg (822.1 KB, 1179x1017, rs.jpg)

No. 432829

File: 1731776992457.jpg (196.04 KB, 1076x759, minor.jpg)

No. 432836

pedo ass post

No. 432842

You are in the hell thread after all.

No. 432899

Thank you for reminding me of super lovers.

No. 432910

it's a lame old yaoi joke, that's why it's here dumbass

No. 432978

File: 1731829843443.jpg (124.69 KB, 1080x850, 1646978315186.jpg)

No. 432980

File: 1731830831604.jpeg (128.56 KB, 610x813, IMG_5972.jpeg)

No. 432983

Never understood this meme, the original pic is a place that looks comfy already.

No. 432987

it does look better with a cherry blossom but it can probably be replaced with an apple blossom just as fine

No. 432989

cherry blossoms are fucking beautiful tbh they instantly improve anywhere they're placed

No. 432991

File: 1731833536931.jpg (86.34 KB, 720x480, 71.jpg)

Macedonia is safer than South Korea, Vietnam, Greece, France, Thailand, Cyprus and US (obvious, really).
Perhaps you need to update yourself, 1995-chan. I've been to Macedonia and it's as comfy as Croatia from 15 years ago.

No. 433309

File: 1731970156474.jpg (52.88 KB, 416x554, pico.jpg)

No. 433395

File: 1732008838482.png (122.75 KB, 514x424, Lola.png)

No. 433427

File: 1732016219033.jpg (1.46 MB, 2480x3246, 82540967_p0.jpg)

Better image quality

No. 433554

File: 1732043633911.jpg (35.43 KB, 474x632, 1000025262.jpg)

I wasnt really a marvel fan but this dumb meme theory was so hilarious to me back in 2019

No. 433555

File: 1732043714780.jpg (35.57 KB, 421x362, 1000025551.jpg)

No. 433634

File: 1732066572349.jpg (206.62 KB, 989x1289, 1731843765566656.jpg)

No. 433637

Is this some kind of reference to something?

No. 433643

Admittedly, I laughed at this. It might be the first version of this meme I've seen that I didn't hate.

No. 433649

it's an ironic fucking joke dumbass(trying to infight a 2 year old post)

No. 433663

Saya no Uta. Horror VN

No. 433715

File: 1732088371836.jpg (138.52 KB, 800x600, 123282.jpg)

No. 433718

this game had such a nice plot but it got ruined by lolishit because gen is a pedophile

No. 433756

Like there's also the cannibalism, rape and MC keeping his former crush as a brain dead pet. I'm not sure aging Saya up would fix that bits of the plot.

No. 433795

I was desperately looking for this meme a while ago, thank you nona

No. 434683

File: 1732373719442.png (620.01 KB, 720x934, CYk2Ud6.png)

No. 434704

File: 1732380487223.png (138.48 KB, 500x361, C81X3Zd.png)

No. 434705

File: 1732381197118.png (455.87 KB, 1078x1047, 2D6EDBA3-8CF0-4E0B-975E-7B3FA7…)

No. 434710

Based mom

No. 435366

whats more funny all of those examples are of the hypotheticals not happening in reality, fucking racist fags

No. 435373

what's hilarious is these are basedddd male dominated societies

No. 435395

None of that is actually hypothetical.

No. 435880

Why was that meme deleted?

No. 435885

It was a racebait meme

No. 438314

File: 1733396613721.png (1.24 MB, 2065x915, 1733354962711490.png)

No. 439508

File: 1733774619141.png (1.23 MB, 929x785, he keeps on winning.png)

No. 439848

File: 1733919348024.jpg (1.06 MB, 2480x3507, __bowsette_diego_brando_yoshi_…)

No. 439850

kek i like this one

No. 440021

File: 1733995533644.jpg (73.28 KB, 1179x1437, GYEWiteb0AEOpTA.jpg)

No. 440026

File: 1733996232077.jpg (144.93 KB, 958x1252, landmine-status-v0-rnc7cgibrfs…)

Why are there multiple of these kek

No. 440028

if these people went outside and saw other human beings more often they'd realize literally nobody will see you as a fucking anime character because no human looks like that

No. 440030

File: 1733997222318.jpg (140.1 KB, 884x1278, landmine-status-v0-961lgifbrfs…)

No. 440031

File: 1733997316452.jpg (136.56 KB, 914x1244, landmine-status-v0-t8l1s5cbrfs…)

No. 440032

File: 1733997365353.jpg (101.65 KB, 905x1220, landmine-status-v0-zhm1p0lbrfs…)

No. 440060

>super European and American thick lips
My fucking sides

No. 440062

I know the pain of having an ugly big nose as a woman, felt all of these

No. 441449

File: 1734495034131.jpg (114.96 KB, 1080x1350, Gb-ekaYWkAAir3K.jpg)

No. 442657

File: 1735004714923.png (204.09 KB, 500x428, 056fc09a1b7b2ec8711c69d500e092…)

No. 442659

File: 1735005381390.png (80.79 KB, 500x417, pedophile-cries-in-court-after…)

No. 442667

File: 1735006996377.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.26 KB, 1181x1309, GffLtQ0aoAEy7zL.jpg)

No. 442670

>Being a husbandofag be like

No. 442674

Cringe meme but relatable kek

No. 442694

Me with my husbando

No. 443165

File: 1735273999609.png (971.44 KB, 978x1229, 1734910326830.png)

No. 444601

File: 1735747779570.jpg (210.02 KB, 644x956, tumblr_ndotee3rln1s4uwvzo2_128…)

No. 447728

File: 1736647886202.jpg (109.61 KB, 1283x1291, GZD3mqRX0AARqFB.jpg)

My guilty pleasure, horny husbando memes

No. 447733

Do you ever see something where you can tell the person was exploding from rage while making it

No. 448059

File: 1736736208628.jpg (352.1 KB, 899x1008, 1000009302.jpg)

kek nonnie i love this meme

No. 448060

File: 1736736435726.jpg (93.91 KB, 559x974, 1000009303.jpg)

No. 448067

File: 1736736766638.jpg (67 KB, 1032x942, 1000009304.jpg)

No. 448068

Kek love the variation here

No. 448069

File: 1736737268683.jpg (46.38 KB, 640x849, 1000009305.jpg)

No. 448638

File: 1736902985984.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.05 KB, 640x1118, 1000018981.jpg)

No. 448698


England got babytrapped so he had to babytrap others
Hurt people hurt people

No. 448856

File: 1736967514512.jpg (29.5 KB, 658x139, uh.jpg)

What is his illness? Having been bitten by a 'boner spider'?

No. 448928

File: 1736980773141.jpg (65.59 KB, 643x720, 1000031494.jpg)

This format was the funniest shit ever to me when I was younger

No. 449876

File: 1737224227036.jpg (38.56 KB, 519x703, js0r8r0e6b321.jpg)

No. 449894

File: 1737225496172.jpg (163.66 KB, 800x1323, serb.jpg)

No. 449899

File: 1737225934774.jpg (549.75 KB, 1048x1440, enemy stand.jpg)

No. 451719

File: 1737594126940.png (1.36 MB, 992x1500, 1000019525.png)

No. 451761

File: 1737603007551.jpg (42.59 KB, 720x710, lcu742aa3bn61.jpg)

Traps and femboys are cringe

No. 453101

File: 1737831238385.jpg (447.02 KB, 1256x1263, kek.jpg)

Have you nonas read the Antioch shooter's manifesto? I can't stop laughing.

No. 453107

Imagine having a son just for it to turn out to be a sharty user that shoots up a school

No. 453109

kek so retarded

No. 453114

I would honestly kill myself and my husband out of shame

No. 453165

>another school shooting

Burger nonnies I think putting shock collars ala Zootopia on your male teenage population would do wonders for society, just saying.

No. 453613

File: 1737918249646.gif (704.69 KB, 783x428, 1598570181867.gif)

No. 453615

I think societies all over the world should do this.

No. 453631

This meme is painfully unfunny but at least its hetalia
I love this fagslop show

No. 453632

it happens so often it's hard to even react anymore. lawmakers don't care how many children die.

No. 453681

File: 1737930142628.png (931.61 KB, 807x1020, 4egFQk9.png)

considering they are all porn stars, they probably have had gay sex, which is why I always find it funny when moids of any race try to use male porn stars as status self-inserts, because they are all std-ridden fags

No. 453826

Andrew Tate phenotype.

No. 453964

this guy actually became a massive meme in india and was even cast in a major tv commercial

No. 453984

File: 1737995119545.jpg (73.6 KB, 596x579, 1464913677677.jpg)

No. 454014

File: 1737999414191.png (69.77 KB, 1600x1200, 1218738982528.png)

No. 454026

At this point I've just accepted that we live in the weirdest timeline

No. 454037

I don't know why but for some reason I forgot I was on /m/'s catalogue and saw the OP image and legitimately Chuck Norris died. He's 84 so it's not a wild thing to assume

No. 455778

File: 1738392518202.jpeg (148.81 KB, 1024x640, 27F3651B-05F2-4944-969A-226585…)

No. 455788

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No. 455956

File: 1738441101726.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1690x2587, 1727947927569.jpeg)

No. 455960

File: 1738441147123.jpg (88.43 KB, 454x680, GYRCHg9WAAAPDVW.jpg)

No. 456208

File: 1738525775535.png (3.39 MB, 1058x1590, chris.png)

No. 456209

File: 1738525895148.jpg (319.2 KB, 692x695, 070430.jpg)

No. 456211

File: 1738525990535.jpg (176.09 KB, 640x480, dn.jpg)

No. 456214

File: 1738526188523.jpg (114.21 KB, 1394x1122, June1989.jpg)

No. 456231

File: 1738527687230.png (1.1 MB, 900x675, 1559864177861.png)

No. 456234

File: 1738527830410.jpg (475.87 KB, 800x1000, 1552676086309.jpg)

No. 457464

File: 1738836276659.gif (2.34 MB, 500x1042, 1625014909972.gif)

No. 457471


No. 458111

File: 1739015129390.png (948.03 KB, 736x736, J7Wb14J.png)

(kpop is banned on lolcow)

No. 459631

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No. 459651

File: 1739391180398.gif (1.67 MB, 220x220, 1888799498660421982.gif)

No. 459655

>hot tanned cardiobunny
men are autistic

No. 459885

File: 1739429011544.gif (794.19 KB, 1540x1222, troon.gif)

No. 459901

File: 1739432231822.gif (928.87 KB, 320x240, 1383010611534.gif)

No. 464045

File: 1740550808032.jpg (72.35 KB, 849x729, __hakurei_reimu.jpg)

No. 464076

File: 1740552414668.jpeg (37.97 KB, 680x498, 5a6.jpeg)

No. 464085

File: 1740556708203.png (334.59 KB, 1104x807, tumblr_ca5ec24db2f3d0ac2d9d4df…)

No. 464086

god i know it's rotting in its grave but it still makes me laugh. esp since this convention takes place in my town. i still quote "I LOVE ANIME! AND MANGA!"

No. 464356

File: 1740636618534.png (1006.81 KB, 1080x1632, no_more....png)

No. 466879

No. 467108

It will never die in my heart

No. 467900

File: 1741423315341.gif (1.39 MB, 500x300, 1664531657442.gif)

No. 469167

File: 1741659514546.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.96 KB, 680x673, 1000010955.jpg)

No. 469178

File: 1741662852059.jpg (27.41 KB, 553x414, GSaR0lbX0AABbif.jpg)

Reminded me of

No. 469281

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No. 470422

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No. 470427

File: 1742023592283.gif (1.28 MB, 360x202, 1742003299971.gif)

No. 471276


No. 471277

File: 1742204485128.png (2.57 MB, 2024x3233, b76ea794fbfd72b6f25ab7e69dca9c…)

Meme template

No. 471598

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No. 472039

File: 1742410957535.webm (2.34 MB, 1280x720, k-on.webm)

No. 472046

File: 1742411382906.webm (2.83 MB, 1280x720, overlord.webm)

No. 472073

File: 1742412465608.webm (2.55 MB, 640x360, SnK Orga.webm)

No. 472078

File: 1742412694584.jpg (76.09 KB, 600x920, 1580835866152.jpg)

No. 472467

File: 1742493847384.jpg (39.66 KB, 608x429, drrmeme.jpg)

No. 472470

File: 1742494260789.jpg (21.71 KB, 380x331, tails cry.jpg)

this reminded me that promare exists, galo is such a cutie patootie

No. 472486

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No. 472490

File: 1742495526666.png (309.41 KB, 827x974, 1561235338159.png)

No. 472531

No. 472536

No. 472542

No. 472551

I miss this era of memes, it was so bad but also so soulful

No. 472735

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No. 473280

File: 1742645876155.gif (1.69 MB, 1280x720, 1405969827777.gif)

No. 473313

File: 1742647648186.gif (1.26 MB, 1463x930, 1476656588571.gif)

No. 473411

File: 1742666324268.mp4 (1.72 MB, 640x762, 12372934.mp4)


No. 474920

File: 1742989000181.png (600.99 KB, 500x576, mistakes.png)

No. 474922

Can this pleeeeease be an amerifag threadpic

No. 476336

File: 1743245263104.jpg (209.2 KB, 600x1912, 1585141257112.jpg)

No. 476340

Is this from /his/? I've only seen screenshots of that board but I like how anti-/pol/ they seem to be.

No. 476553

File: 1743284729201.jpg (95.09 KB, 1079x1079, GnKgDYRaAAAsd_e.jpg)

No. 476647

File: 1743293087575.jpg (373.55 KB, 1920x1080, gut model.jpg)

Now that I think about it, Elon would make a fantastic gut model

No. 476649

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