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No. 163334
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A temporary replica set of Netflix original drama series “Squid Game,” installed at Itaewon Station in Yongsan, central Seoul, closed earlier than scheduled after doubts over violations of quarantine rules had been raised."
"In response to the growing concerns of the public, the Seoul Metro announced that it will close the operation of the set, Ogame World, on Saturday, a day earlier than the expected closing date." this here because it's a shame but better not be infected.
No. 163335
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I deleted because I accidentally posted a spoiler image so I guess I'll post this here. Idk if this is unpopular because I haven't talked to anyone about Squid Game yet but he really annoyed me. He reminded me of a puppy but a puppy I want to kick.
Also what was everyone's favourite game? I loved the tension of the glass hopping game, and the twist in the marbles game with only one person from each team getting to survive.
No. 163342
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Femcel sperg ahead
There were only 3 relevant female characters. The cat looking one who is a literal top model, and her marble game partner who's gorgeous too. Both in their 20s. They were given only perfect personality traits. Everyone else is sperging out about dying but these girls are too cool to care, make great sacrifices and have fucking supervillain backstories. Then the third woman who looks closer to average and isn't 19 years old gets all the bad traits. She's made to be the biggest sperg in the show and no one likes her.
Alright bye just had to defend my queen
No. 163344
>>163342I agree with you,
nonnie. She was so weird and interesting. Unhinged queen.
No. 163345
I think the show was good. It got kind of splotchy inbetween, mainly when
the organ harvesting subplot began but it was more enjoyable towards the beginning than towards the end. If you like Gantz, Battle Royale or any other survival anime/show you'll like this show. I just wish my dude didn't dye his hair red? He would've made a good Iori from KOF but no…
>>163335Favorite game was the glass floor game by far.
No. 163357
>>163342I liked Sae-Byeok
her death was bullshit btw, she should've won and her friend, but I actually enjoyed whats-her-name despite the fact that she had a bunch of negative traits, that bathroom scene with 067. I feel like she was a good match for all the other selfish players
except for when she literally killed herself just to get revenge on that dude, but I guess that fits her brand of crazy, and the game probably wouldn't have progressed if she didn't.I get why Sangwoo did it, but Ali's death made me really sad. When I saw so many farmers saying they didn't feel bad for Ali, I was like damn. As pathetic as it sounds, that marble game episode is the one where I cried. Anyway, I saw a lot of people saying MC is a shithead for choosing to go after the game creators, and while I agree that he's a huge unlikeable dumbass, I kind of understand why he did it. They were still watching him and knew that he was going to travel to see his daughter, so it kind of makes sense that he would want to end it completely. I just hope he's doing it to protect his family and not for selfish reasons (he probably is though, who am I kidding)Anyway, I'm sorry for the long post.
No. 163360
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Sangwoo was hotttt, he was refreshing to see in a cast of random average old dudes . Ali was cute too . The guy who slapped those people was aight
No. 163372
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>>163360The cop is hotter.
No. 163374
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>rich ppl in meme tacky animal masks>basically hunger games capitol people but shitty>the common horror media trope of the evil ones listening to classical music or jazz while watching people die (really spooky)>>163372His greasy Dylan Roof haircut had me dead all along the show. The show was alright. It was cheesy and predictable, laughed out loud when the Front Man identity was revealed kek
>>163342I liked her a lot, I think the reason behind it is because her unhinged personality contradicted well with the general show's predictability. She's the only memorable character of the whole show imo. Also HoYeon Jung is way too pretty, she stands out way too much
No. 163392
I generally enjoyed the show especially for how short it is, but I am still shocked that people are hyping it out so much? Is that all because no one ever watched Kaiji or similar stuff? Are normies that limited?
The show is nice but it's also way too overrated. It has some plot holes and stuff too.
>>163335Couldn't stand him as a character either, his 'arc' was also pretty rushed. Really thought this character was just forced by Netflix, after all they add trannies and other shit in every new tv show, whether writers like it or not. Same with the sex scene.
No. 163395
>>163392>Are normies that limited?yes
it happens every time something gets hyped to death. normies get obsessed with it while a better version of the thing has existed for 10 years or so
No. 163402
>>163386Highly doubt it.
Unfortunately normies are too scared to criticize something from international countries. If this was a American or western show it’d get clowned to death lol. At the very least there’d be a wide range of opinions regarding it.
No. 163443
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>>163333I liked it but I don’t think it’s the greatest show ever made like some people are pretending. These two were a cute ship though.
No. 163447
So glad /m/ agrees with me. I can’t stop hearing about this underwhelming pile of cliches. Got me thinking I was contrarian for a sec.
>>163443Only time I was even remotely intrigued is when they’re interacting plus the crazy #212 lady antics
No. 163452
anons annoyed with the popularity, what the fuck did you expect. This show isn't some epic, it's just the casualnormies dangan ronpa.
>>163377It's a netflix original production. Them dubbing and subbing it into multiple languages was purposely engineered to make this into a success.
>>163431>MC's red hairsame but it's supposed to be symbolic with the whole red/blue teal/pink throughout the whole show.
No. 163459
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>>163342Based and pinkpilled. I loved Mi-nyeo too, she was way more entertaining and likable than half the cast. More shamelessly unapologetic manipulative queens, please.
No. 163463
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>>163360>>163336Sangwoo was the best character imo. He wasn't the typical deadbeat with a heart of gold, he felt like a real person that was pushed to do terrible things for someone he cared about. My friends disagree, but I think Sangwoo was playing purely for his mother, so him purposefully trying to get his "friends" killed wasn't THAT bad.
And I feel like the show was being extremely hypocritical in trying to portray Sangwoo as a bad person. Hi-gun also "killed" someone, and if Sangwoo didn't push that person they all would have died. A thank you would have been more appropriate than accosting him. /sperg
Also ddakji-guy was hottest, Sangwoo is second No. 163477
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I was very excited to finish it because it catched my attention but it's like it didn't really left a mark on me like all the series I watch do, probably because it's not an original concept and predictable. However it's so perfectly done to be so popular and mainstream, the formula is just exactly as it has to be. I read that the creator spent six months to write the first two episodes and he lost six teeth (how?) while producing it because of the stress, crazy.
I liked the acting and the music, as well as the production of course, it was amazing. I would have liked a background on the workers, soldiers, etc (the guys with the red tracksuits). There was a theory going around that if you chose the red paper while playing with the guy on the train, it meant you were going to be one of the red guys but it's not possible because we saw people who were participants and chose the red paper, would've been very cool.
Sangwoo was the most interesting character for me too, he was the only one with some kind of complexity and contradictions like an actual human being, I really liked his smart takes as well
Which one was your favorite game? To me the tug of war, the marbles (because they confronted someone they had affinity for) and the glass bridge were horrific to watch but they were also the best ones
No. 163499
>>163477the part of the show that stuck with me the most was when jiyoung sacrificed herself for saebyeok. it was so touching and tragic especially because of how they talked abt hanging out when they got out of the games, even though it wasn’t possible. they had a short lived but very impactful bond.
what struck me the most about this show was the production value, coloring and over all aesthetic of the show. it’s the type of show someone can make endless tumblr aesthetic posts and gif sets about lol
No. 163507
>>163477Agree on the formula part, that’s why I was so surprised by people acting like they’ve never heard of the “abducted to play a deadly game” concept.
Wouldn’t be surprised if in 10 years we have an Isekai type of Netflix show.
I know it’s a sort of Sci-fi type of show but there were so many parts that didn’t make sense to me.
>The staffWho recruit those people? Clearly they need people with some firearm knowledge and diving knowledge (Potentially a doctor onsite). Sometimes people can slip out unnoticed and sometimes the cop can switch costumes and nobody notice, but also they record everyone and make sure everyone is accounted for. Plus the people driving the boat, etc.
> The (hot) copMate maybe leave a note to your boss? Get a geotracker tag on you? Maybe don’t rely on getting some 4g in the middle of nowhere to send your texts?
I also felt like everyone besides Sangwoo was pretty 1 dimensional. I wish they showed the 2 girls friendship growing more along the episodes than quickly within like 2 games.
No. 163586
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It's already a little mysterious how the staff in the game is so obedient in mowing down people to entertain the rich but recruiting people into a death game is also quite odd.
I hope season 2 is going to tell us more about him.
Also he's cute, 10/10, would let him slap
No. 163587
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i want to fuck this ugly pos so bad it’s not funny
No. 163605
>>163335I think he is cute.
Her wife and child worry me greatly
No. 163619
>>163604must be a yakuza fan, his thug appearance reminds me of a yakuza character
>>163603Ali was a lot less fun than other characters. While I was rooting for him, felt bad when he died, his nature is so naive. Morally dubious characters like crazy gal and Sangwoo are so much more interesting because they're not goody two shoes, or even flawed characters with usually good intentions, like the main character. Ali played well off other characters dynamics but as an individual character he's pretty bland
No. 163645
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>>163642>averageStop scrolling IG 8 hours a day. Do you know what average means?
No. 163680
>>163647>that’s what most Asians look likemy fucking sides,
nonnie I wish.
She was so pretty she stood out like a sore thumb in most scenes, despite them trying to uglify her by giving her a britbong shag kek
No. 163710
>>163680I was born/raised in CA so maybe my perception of average is skewed idk, I grew up around people who look just like her
I’m not trying to say she isn’t attractive, is my point. Also I’m not the OP of the first average post, sorry for the confusion lol
No. 163758
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>>163644Models are chosen because they photograph well and make clothes look good. They don't have to be beautiful themselves, they should still have the "look" thought
>>163645I don't even have IG
nonnie lol. She seems like a very nice girl but I think she's just not what I think of as beautiful. She's tall and more stunning compared to the average person person, but she is not the typical kdrama lead that I think are really beautiful, like Bae Suzy for example. Plus her character in the show was very grungy looking so perhaps it was the styling I didn't like.
>>163647I agree with this, I see more beautiful Asian people in the mall and at my uni any day
No. 163761
>>163758>>163645Sorry I thought
nonnie was an endearing term when I used it, ignore that pls
No. 163781
nonnie is an endearing term.
No. 163910
I really like the main character, he feels real and the more I think about it the more I feel like I somewhat can relate to him because I'm a poorfag retard.
>>163864Unrelated but this meme just reminds me of that one lolcow
No. 164769
>>163335I liked him but his writing frustrated me. He's obviously not a doormat and doesn't take people at their word (like how he stood up to his boss to try and get his pay) so I wish we'd seen more of that in the games.
>>163392Don't be retarded. Migrant worker abuse is a huge issue in East Asia and the guy who wrote the show tried to get it made for ten years. There was no agenda.
No. 164795
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>>163335Ali is so cute, sweet and kind.
I'm so sad that he's been done dirty but it's a last man standing game. Should've known better. No. 165047
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>>164795Best boy. He was my favorite right away.
I’m still absolutely seething over his death. I adored Sang-woo and thought he and Ali were an amazing duo up until that happened. I’m so upset. No. 165050
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This tweet doesn't sit well with me for some reason.
Also she's very cute but that's besides the point.
No. 165096
>>163374The rich degenerates hamming it up were the worst parts of the show and made me cringe, not gonna lie. They could've showed them without any of the dialogue, it would've been more effective. Also agree about the stupid front man plotline, it was so predictable and cliched it actually made me groan out loud.
Nevertheless I really liked the show and the people scoffing at it because of muh intellectual Kaiji and Battle Royale need to take it as it is, survival games are an age-old trope and at least the writer had the balls to admit that he drew inspiration from manga and movies instead of autistically denying it like the author of Hunger Games.
No. 165102
>>165028All of this. Even the mastermind in the end congratulates Gi-hun for his
good luck and hard work, not just hard work alone. So I still think it's safe to say that the games weren't supposed to be seen objectively fair from the viewer's point of view because like in a capitalist society in general, some people have natural advantage and some things are simply based on luck. When you really think about it, none of the games were fair and equal, all of them had some handicap to them.
>>165050This is pretty damn disrespectful to me. Her looks were absolutely not a defining trait for her character and she was written to be a jaded, traumatized, desperate person who still wanted to stick to her morals with no tolerance for injustice. It really bothers me when a role like that is treated like a yass kween gorgeous k-pop doll. Also why the fuck is an account for a kids' doll line tweeting about a violent, TV-MA rated show?
No. 165111
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>>165047Same here, he's just so precious and a hard working husband/father. He also saved mc on the first game.
No. 165112
>>165050>>165102her performance really lacked imo
it's clear as day she was only cast cause she's good looking, it's south korea after all
No. 165208
>>165104some people do not seem to realize he isn't fluent in korean language and that's why he asks so many "stupid" questions because he doesn't understand the words
this (lack of understanding language barriers) seems like a monolingual problem mostly
No. 165215
>>165096i kinda thought that maybe then being like cartoon characters was the point, that they have become so rich that they don't seem fully human anymore but act more like characters because they just have all the fuck you money in the world so why not waste it in stupid masks and all that over the top hammy shit
it's what i thought gi-hun dyeing his hair was about, he has so much money that he could just go ahead and fuck with his appearance for shit and giggles because why not? he can do anything now
No. 165501
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Gong Yoo as the salesman was my favourite character despite only having like 3 mins screen time. I think they are going to explore his character in S2!
No. 165504
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I wanna horny post so bad.
No. 165529
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>>165501>>165504>>165527Best part. Apparently they will explore his characters origin in S2
No. 165556
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>>165550one last pic of him
No. 165558
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>>165556hey, it's those abs from The Housemaid
No. 165559
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>>165545I also like the cop. But I love him, he is top tier over there. I'm not Korean and I adored him in Goblin. He looks so handsome, he is in his early 40s too.
No. 165576
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>>165559Viejo sabroso. He's a great actor and apparently is a descendant of confucius? That's funny
No. 167195
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for fucks sake lmao
No. 167629
>>163377..aaaand nevermind I got subtly persuaded into watching it anyway.
>>163335I agree, he seemed way too over the top polite and kind and innocent to be a real person during the game and it became annoying real quick. Which, like the other anon said, is a shame because the work scene was more interesting. You'd think he'd have a strong opinion after getting bullshitted by his superior for 6 months while he and his family wete living heavily impoverished despite him working hard.
>>167611>My favorite character was the old man. I knew he was gonna end up being a bad guy,I'm only at Ep 5, but that short off-hand "I used to beat my son too tehee" comment was so weird, I didn't get why he was displayed as poor senile man otherwise. So I'm glad it might be intended and not some cultural or quirky punchline
No. 167673
>>167646Korean feminists are so based, I wish they take over the country
>>167658Exactly. The necrophilia (and all the stuff you pointed out) made me want to break the tv, it wasn't necessary at all, just using women being violated for shock value and entertainment like all types of mainstream media. It's depressing and something we can't ignore
No. 167683
just finished it here are my small brain thoughts
-sangwoo was my favorite at first,
I rooted for him up until he killed sae-byok. He did what he had to do bla bla idc that was too mean-the two young female characters were beautiful and had potential but they made them boring and 2d, shame. the crazy lady was a cool, interesting character but insufferable. Can't have shit in detroit
-the ending was
sad and weird but ok
-I agree with
>>163335. I don't like characters who are so morally perfect, they take me out of the story because I can't empathize with them like real people
-that kpop looking cop mf is hot.
My biggest gripe with the ending is that all his efforts were seemingly in vain. I hope he's still alive somehow and plays a bigger role in s2-none of the players were really likeable to me (except for the mary sue girls) but out of all of them I liked the main chacter the most, even thought he's kind of dumb. Ig I relate to him because I'm a lazy disappointment to my mother too
No. 167691
>>163342>>163459She was my favorite character by miles, I thought her
final line was especially based. I also think we should have gotten more backstory on her, I want to know more about all the crazy antics she was known for on the outside of the game, she even mentions having a reputation far and wide. The actress did a great job and made her both a complete wacko and a likable underdog at once
>>163619He really does look like a Yakuza character tbh
No. 167993
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>>163342i loved all the female characters so much. best ship pictured here
No. 169753
>>169367Those links you posted are from a month ago. The hype for this show is already dying off.
>>169495It was all in the marketing. I heard that Korean conglomerates funded that btw
No. 170095
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Squid game haram, confirmed
No. 444528
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Thoughts on season 2?
No. 444554
>>444528Kinda liked it,
I'll be more sure when season 3 comes outMain gripes
Too much time on the off island searchHoly troon who is the most best boy and can do no wrongRapper is an ass but he's so over the top I both hate and love itVoting after every game mixed things up but got a little stale No. 444609
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>>444558Wasnt Thanos from a k-pop band? Kek
No. 444682
>>444528Female characters are ass once again
woman who exists to be pregnant
woman who exists to be a mother
woman who exists to find a child
woman who exists to call a man "sister"
woman who exists to look slutty then die
woman who exists to be called a bitch 5 times an episode.
Only interesting lady was
shaman and because of how ass the sub plots of S1 were, we don't get that much of her.
I've noticed that the subplots of S1 have brought down S2, if we got more time with certain characters I wouldn't go "oh yes and them" every time they pop up like twice per episode. Organ harvesting is boring!
No. 444723
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They made the troon so ugly and masculine and his only reason to be in the game is paying for "gender affirming surgery"
No. 444725
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>>444609Turns out he's T.O.P. from Bingbang in case anyone wants to know.
No. 444729
>>444723Well it's for debts accrued after paying for the surgeries and more (though it's still incredibly stupid and the fact he
voted O at one point which ended in the game that killed the character who literally only existed to hype him up and he wants to live in Thialand.
Did laugh when the son said the mother called him like, an abomination or whatever.
No. 444753
>>444729>he wants to live in Thialandof course he does
>debts accrued after paying for the surgeries and more damn. and he still looks fugly
No. 444832
>>444723For real. There's a dad in there trying to get his daughter money for cancer treatment and then this troon wants an axewound. Also they really had to add a handmaiden storyline where a little dainty girl calls him sis and validates him. And the handmaiden dies! I wish handmaidens irl could see the irony.
Of course Reddit and Tumblr and Twitter are crying about how the troon is bad representation and a trans stereotype. They're so close to getting it. He's realistic, portrays the narcissism and retardation of a real troon. Also them crying about the fact he's portrayed by a man and how they'd rather have him portrayed by a cis woman is so funny like they're sooo close to getting it. But I guess they hate to be told what they really are
No. 445560
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>>445109>tranny slapping a woman thanks I hate it.
>>444978my god I'm watching this shit and I'm cringing at him not wanting others to stare at him while playing a game because "he's not done with his procedures", kek. typical insecure tranny. and the funniest thing is he still looks like a man on his first week of transition. in general I hate the whole "this is the inclusive trans talk" that a lot of shows do but this one is even funnier because he's literally just a guy. based
terf granny clocking him from minute one (she's my favorite character so far).
No. 445606
>>445580seeing him do that even if it was a crucial part of that game was such a ITS MAAM moment kek. no wonder trannies hate him, 90% of trannies look just like him.
>>445604this actually sounds fun, should had happened instead of
the black masked guy joining in covert mode like imagine if main character invited him to be part of the game after the russian roulette game instead of taunting him to continue, it would had made more sense thematically and the spin would had been fun to watch
>>445582pretty sure they only added TOP this season for nostalgia bait lmao
i was never a fan of BigBang but as someone who relates that band to my early teens i get it No. 445693
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This is stupid.
No. 445707
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>>445693said while being held at gunpoint
No. 445773
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>>445636>Hulking MASSIVE actor>Unflattering haircut>Squid game uniform means he just looks like a dude with a ponytail for the entire show>Scrotal voice>Based old lady calls him unsightly and then concedes with "I wouldn't say you're BEAUTIFUL but you're okay I guess", and the other characters just treat it like an "oh you" moment instead of defending the poor victimized troon lmfao>Smacks a woman in the face>Wants to move to Thailand because it's full of other trannies (KEKAROO I wonder what Thai viewers thought about that scene) so he won't stick out as much>Awkwardly third-wheels in the background while two real women share a cute moment of solidarity in the bathroom>Has an autistic amount of knowledge about guns>Used to be in the militaryNo fucking wonder TIMs hate the character so much kekekek
No. 445785
>>445693the fact that she was pregnant and they had that juxtaposition made me think it clearly highlighted the fact that that tranny will never be a woman.
also i 100% think netflix forced the director/creator put the tranny character in there
No. 445811
thanos was the best character by far, T.O.P. is a GOAT. unrelated but i think it’s hilarious that gi-hun is this autistic about tracking down the VIPs/organizers/stopping the games but he doesn’t realize in-ho pulling all the exact same shit il-nam did in season 1.
>>445785NTAYRT but it was pretty obvious that was the point in the bathroom scene when he was staring at the mirror all sad while the pregnant girl was crying, he was clearly realizing he’ll never have the capacity to do that no matter how much money he spends even if he wins.
No. 445825
>>445811>NTAYRT but it was pretty obvious that was the point in the bathroom scene when he was staring at the mirror all sad while the pregnant girl was crying, KEK and I'm supposed to have sympathy for that??? old lady and preggo girl are in way more vulnerable conditions than him but I'm supposed to root for this character that shoehorned himself in the ladies bathroom? kek I hope this show peaks people for real
>gi-hun is this autistic about tracking down the VIPsgi-hun becomes literally mentally challenged this season and not even because he's obsessive/autistic about the game, he just has a massive downgrade as a character overall
No. 445827
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Going to copy paste my reply from another thread here
>He should had died, worst useless piece of shit I've ever seen, I don't know why the fuck he was spared but wait for them to pull out some semi heroic shenanigan from him last minute to redeem him. Rip that one girl I hated seeing her die while this moid cried himself to sleep.
About the MTF guy: a lot of people are angry about him because he doesn't look like a cute dainty post op troon no such thing really, even then they tend to be clockable and my crypto terf way to respond is: "Don't you see, anon? Not all trans women start in privileged positions where they all can look like women from the start… no, all of them start like this, they look male because they're trying to save up money for more surgeries… this is why this character is playing the squid game after all… Pls understand"
No. 445834
The general consensus seems to be that Thanos was the number one entertaining character and kek I kinda do agree. A lot of characters come across as depressive unfun assholes, it was fun trying to meet more characters to build a sense of community but as a consequence it does spread itself thin maybe a little.
The dad of the sickly girl for example, we barely get to know him but he seemed like a good guy that was put in a shitty situation. He deserved to live more than this guy >>445827. My number one character is the granny/mom though. I think she's sweet and she deserves the world, but I have an inkling they will kill her or kill her son
(or as the shaman lady said, they'll die together). I mean, the failson can die for all I care but his mom would be sad and I don't want that.
>>445831The troon guy was in a higher rank (??) position in the air force though
No. 445838
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>>445707new meme format just dropped
No. 445856
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>>445693it's especially crazy to say this when this character is mogged by every female on the show. what?
No. 445863
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>>445856it would be funny if picrel took him down for good
No. 445869
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>>445834I also loved the old lady, she was my second favourite after Thanos. She deserves a better teammate than her retard son.
I was SO sad when it looked like she was gonna die during the game of Mingle. No. 445969
>>445921I usually avoid all media with trannies in them so the constant transplaining and inclusivity moments were extra annoying for me
>>445918The kid's subplot legit made me want to cry, specially when
she gets ignored by the second bunny at the theme park, it sounds silly but for a child those simple things mean a lot I would had loved to see that subplot being developed instead of all the time we had to take learning to pity the tranny and seeing how he will always be othered for something he chose to do to himself
vs a kid that literally didn't chose to get cancer at that age and has a legit medical condition that needs to be treated or she'll die honestly having the dad and the troon in the same season is enough to peak me once again kek
No. 446115
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I'm only on EP 4 so not many thoughts yet, but am I the only one who thinks In-Ho looks like a Korean Mads Mikkelsen. Imo, hE'S actually more handsome than Mads
Other than that, how was he able to sneak his way into the game without anyone noticing? Either there was a player 001 and they killed him to add InHo add, or there was never a player 001 because they already planned to sneak him in. Either way, absolutely no one noticed that this dude wasn't here before? I do get that there was 456 people, but at least one person out of that 456 would have taken note of who is player 001. Or maybe I'm overestimating how much people pay attention to others.
No. 446165
>>444528S2 surpassed my expectations. I enjoyed how it leaned into dark comedy as a genre. Lots of fun. However, the cliffhanger did suck. I hope S3 comes soon.
>>445636Nonna, we think alike. Thanos was my favorite character because he was hilarious. The tranny was fine but Gary Stu like
>>446147 said. It’s insane we’re supposed to sympathize with him when he votes repeatedly to continue the games and kill off more people just to fund his surgery. That really pissed me off. But everything else about his character was just meh.
No. 446185
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>>446152>And of course, the actor is a creep that posted Squid Game porn on Instagram.Holy shit lol. Caps please
>>446147It's funny because I think anyone that watching would just reject him like a lot of people did inside the show when he wanted to form a team and everyone was like "no thanks". They want you to pity him so hard though, it doesn't work.
>>446165>It’s insane we’re supposed to sympathize with him when he votes repeatedly to continue the games and kill off more people just to fund his surgery. This. I know Gi-hun was pathetic with his lack of good parenting and gambling addiction in the first season, but he eventually became likeable and the story didn't ask for constant sympathy like they do with the troon. A pathetic character can become sympathetic but not in an inorganic, shoehorned way. If I wanted to watch a power point presentation on why trans women are so brave and stunning I would, they need to stop trying to "teach" people to like them. It never works.
No. 446216
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Ok anons I wanna do a little poll. Who's the hottest? In this pic
>Dae-Ho/Player 388
>Myung-Gi/Player 333
>Mercenary Kim
>Sae-Byeok/Player 067
I feel like they really amped up the amount of attractive actors for season 2 after how Hyoyeon/Sae-Byeok got so popular for her looks.
No. 446218
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>>446216>I feel like they really amped up the amount of attractive actors for season 2 Really? I saw a lot of uggos in there
picrel is the only guy I find handsome No. 446253
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>>446216Out of that group? Salesman or possibly Stolen Valor.
Sang-woo mogs them all though. No. 446305
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>>446216Salesman all the way.
No. 446389
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>>446218agreed, he has the best face. it kinda sucks he's so old though. wish we could freeze good looking men and keep them young
No. 446827
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I can't believe moids are dumb enough to simp for this BPD whore.
>Votes to continue the games despite knowing 100s of other players will die
>Thots around and goes out of her way to manipulate the men in her team
>Literally tries to groom the nerd into being her sacrificial pawn
>Cold stone killer: immediately goes for the throat with a broken piece of glass
Horny apes couldn't see she was playing everyone
No. 446830
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Troonshit is infesting even east asia and people try to tell it's on its way out. It will never be over will it?
No. 447849
season cutting off halfway through seems like a pretty blatant cash/clout/award grab on the part of Netflix but aside from that nothing I can think of.
No. 448743
I just finished the second season. it gets better as it goes on for me. The first couple of episodes are a bit of a slog, and the Front Man throwing out a Matrix redpill/blupill reference was really cringe. Manosphere retards have permanently ruined any reference to that movie for me, no matter how benign. The first woman we meet is some vapid woman who hits on the cop and wants his Instagram, of course. Combined with how few women there were in the first few epsiodes, and it made this season seem even more misogynistic than the first. A lot of characters were pretty insufferable early on for me too. The shithead rapper, who I actually grew to sort of like, the crypto bro, the fashion girl
who of course immediately dies because she's a woman and the tranny all screamed "We want that zoomer audience" to me.
And of course the tranny is
ex-military. That part is accurate to troonism, actually. Gonna echo other sentiments here, the bathroom scene was disgusting, the handmaidenism was disgusting, seeing him slap the based shamaness was rage enducing, and seeing the dude with the glasses and Jewfro simp for trannies in Thailand being "hotter than real women" was the most repulsive of all. Closet case gooners gonna goon.
And, of course, number 11 gets called a bitch countless times. At least we didn't get another gross scene where the organ harvesters admitted to raping a dying woman, I guess.
>>446827The term "BPD" has really lost all meaning, hasn't it? People in this thread keep using it for female characters they don't like. Very suspect behavior. She was based, and deserved to live over the scrotes.
No. 448754
>>445065>first spoilerIt's hard enough getting that in western media. Asking for it in Korean media is almost impossible.
>>448749Yeah, but it seemed to imply during the
shootout that he stayed in longer, and maybe had something of a career in the military. I just find it funny. Military men love fucking trannies, when they aren't trooning out themselves. No. 451067
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This scene made me feel things
No. 451075
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>>451073It's basically based on a manga/anime, so yeah. Kaiji is maybe even more over the top (but leagues better than squid game).
No. 451191
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>>451089akagi is better than kaiji tbh
No. 451286
>>451191I tried to watch it but I can't understand mahjong…sorry
nonnie. But also Kaiji is incredibly sexy, Akagi looks walled as fuck.
No. 457661
everytime i see the troon character getting shilled as "hot" by braindead fans i die a little inside. id kinda get it if he was a regular ass male, any asian actor is hot by default for some, but he looks really ridiculous in tranny-mode. when he slaps the other woman is such an uncomfortable scene.
also i got really worried when the sniper girl was cornered by the other snipers. i know these are actors playing pretend but i did not want to see a rape scene, luckily it didnt happen.
the typical kdrama humor doesnt fit this show lol, it stuck out as a sore thumb.
>>446115oh god i thought i was insane for thinking that. i asked my mom if she also thought she resembled a western actor and she said no but that's because i dont think she has really seen stuff with mads on it?
>>446216daeho is an uggo and a literal filler character. notice how its his first time getting mentioned in this thread lol
No. 457789
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