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No. 170052

Reposting from another thread
one of my personals heroes and one of the most influential game designers of all time, Roberta Williams, she was a housewife who had no experience or knowledge about programming or game design but she had quickly developed a passion for early text based videogames when her husband(an IBM computer technician) bought a personal Home computer(this was during the 70's) she had played almost every text based adventure game that was available at that time and wanted more and so she set to create her own
Her husband handled the programming aspects, she wrote the story and dialogue and most importantly used a simple singular black and white graphics for the Apple II computer, this was the first computer game to include graphics
now she created this as a fun hobby and shared it among friends, but it spread like wild fire, eventually reaching 80,000 copies sold overall(something never been seen before or even thought possible)
Roberta had created a new genre and a new era of gaming, she and her husband then started their own studio and built upon and improved their previous works and they revolutionized gaming once more in 1984 with King's quest, something which challenged the limits of what people thought could be done with PC gaming
Roberta would continue to work on more adventure games that would have good to mixed reviews but nothing on the level she had previously accomplished, she still loved games but technology had caught up too fast and for a newer (mostly male) generation of gamers didn't have much interest for her type of game design and the genre of adventure games as a whole declined popularity, even then her most badly reviewed and most experimental game, Phantasmagoria still has a cult following to this day
so out of her own choice she retired from game development and set out to write a historical novel, which she did and released in 2021, it is a fictional account about her ancestors in Ireland during the Irish famine. a lot of reviews I have seen praise it for its historical accurate and generally okay story
either way she is incredibly accomplishment woman and I love her so much
No. 170053
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>>170052samefag from what I've researched the early game development scene(in the west at least) had probably more working in proportion to men then today
No. 170056
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Interesting thread idea! I'm a concept artist in games and I'm so close to just quitting this shitty industry tbh. My current job is so boring to me and I'm the only woman on my team which means they all dump emotional legwork on me just for being female.
No. 170059
>>170058It's been 4 years. I get paid well but I can't stand how fucking
lame the projects are 99% of the time.
No. 170115
>>170085Not on my current team, to my knowledge. I'm in talks with some people to maybe form an indie studio but honestly I just wanna go do a normal job sometimes.
I do highly recommend continuing to develop your own ideas. You may run into something that you can make on your own, just keep the scope small.
No. 170211
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>>170172Knowing an all-women studio was around would do wonders for my motivation even if it was nowhere close to me kek. Working in gaming has been my dream since I was a child, but I lost motivation to improve my skill set or work toward that as a career due to the industry being so shit. Big props to you anons who kept at it.
I want to learn programming so I can make simple fan games for people thirsty for content from larger IPs but I'm not sure where to get started. Coding is a form of art I've always been into but it seems near impossible to fully self-teach it. I haven't looked into resources for years though, maybe things have changed. It's annoying when you're non-stop creating things in your mind but don't have the knowledge to make it a reality.
No. 170275
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If any of you nonnas actually make a woman only studio I'll send my portfolio ASAP. I live in a 3rd world shithole but I can work remotely if you let me, wish you all the luck in the world.
No. 170322
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>>170318anon I looked at your post and I thought this were me lol.
Isn't adventure horror rpg been popular in indie scene lately? I saw they take off so easily when a new title released (bonus if it's edgy anime girl doing yandere thing). I keep getting recommended to those by my peers just because I'm running a game project as a hobby.
Is there any game engine you're familiar with? My mutual recommended me to use gamemaker (picrel) and I haven't tried it yet. Unity and Unreal Engine cant run on my poor PC so they're out for me.
also are we allowed to plug our itchio page here No. 170324
I'm not in the industry and don't know if I would plan to make a career of it, but I'd love to offer creative/art support if anons pursue this!
>>170318>>170322I love weird, avant-garde, heavily story or lore driven stuff. I'd be curious what everyone would come up with.
No. 170326
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I hope this doesn't come off as milky or anything, I found Pacthesis twitter by accident recently, which got me so excited and nostalgic to replay her old otome games (she's the only female game dev I had known back then!).
I googled her and ran into this reddit page, and it seemed that she took down her games due to unhinged tumblr fans. Can anyone confirm this for me? This is pretty recently too and I'm just sad about this in general.
Link to reddit discussion No. 170329
>>170257Honestly, thanks for this. I'm gonna look into those engines when I have time and see what I could make of them!
>>170275this pls!
No. 170335
>>170315I want to make an RPG fangame that has a ton of lore to patch up missing pieces in the original universes of my favorite games. So it'd be almost like a series of games focusing on different IPS, each with story add-ons for highly requested characters. Ideally having simple to learn, hard to master real time battle systems that can be heavily customized and enjoyed by casual and hardcore gamers alike. I want to have in-depth romance and sex scenes tailored to dialogue choices you make along the way so you get to experience your favorite character exactly as you imagine it, right down to the sounds (or lack thereof) your favored character makes during a sex scene. A character creator that has no male options and instead has cute things like nail color, custom piercing/accessory placement, a mini clothing design system of sorts (similar to Animal Crossing possibly), etcetc
If I could create my own studio, I'd want to make something fully dedicated to husbando/waifu culture for women specifically so each game, no matter the genre, could be trusted to appeal only to our tastes. Just pure women-approved ideas with no scrote-pandering undertones. I wouldn't be making money off any of this if I'm doing fan games of course, but I'm so passionate about women getting to explore fictional worlds as the comfy self-inserts they deserve to be. It's a place of bliss left untouched by so many ladies because we're made to believe not catering to real people at all times somehow makes us less deserving of our own comfort and happiness.
This will never happen because I have no real game design knowledge so i'm sure a ton of my ideas would clash when programming comes into play, plus it's a lot of work for no pay, but it sure is nice to dream.
No. 170351
>>170326Damn, I miss the good old days..
Confirm what ? yeah, her site is down but it's already archived, you can still download her stuff through that, but it's not exactly straight forward, still easy tho. The only thing about the "drama" i can find is her tweeting this: think she just wanted to delete her old stuff because she cringed at them then made it like these lame 2 tumblr posts mattered. I can't find anything on tumblr other than fanart.
Anyway, Lancer is best boy.
(this is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 170418
>>170319Nonnies, for real, if any of you ever want to try this out I can give you free character design art. Just be like "hey here's my idea" and insert
>Character Designer Needed and I'll come and drop u my best art possible.
No. 170419
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not to sound doompilled but I've in and out enough passion projects based on "oh I have such a good idea for a game, I will do the arts you do all the coding/SFX/music/UI". And even so none of them made any progress for months despite for just being tasked with arts and writings. I'm retired from being a mule for those girls.
No. 170599
>>170594Click on the "Anonymous" of
>>170445 and you'll find the email to send to for the invite code