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No. 172845
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pls dont lewd
No. 172847
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No. 172860
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No. 172869
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Protect her smile always
No. 172872
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Pic related + every other sanrio character.
I saw NSFW art of her before and it felt so wrong.
>>172860Cute. It's a shame precure attracts the weirdos.
No. 172880
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I feel so bad for Gardervoir
No. 172882
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No. 172890
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I hate their costumes
No. 172893
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i really hate the trend of tumblr/twitter women trying to out lewd moids by sexualizing everything in sight like hollow knight, sing, transformers. i feel as if their fetish is getting rid of boundaries altogether
No. 172906
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No. 172916
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Any media that makes sexy versions of Joan of Arc make my livid. I'm mostly looking at the newer Fate games like FGO, it makes me really sad how overtly sexualized those designs are because I actually really like most of the female designs in fate/stay night and wish that if they had to make a character based on Joan they gave her a respectable design like Astoria had.
No. 172944
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I fucking hate the people that unironically fap to Pokémon porn, it’s a step away from that disgusting mix of pedophile and zoophile.
No. 172949
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>>172893don't forget odd taxi and just about anything with anthropomorphic animals involved
No. 172975
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No. 173035
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no lewd pls
No. 173036
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Care Bears are some very pure cartoon characters, and I truly hate when people make lewd stuff with them. I also hate all the edgelord gore edits, I find them tasteless.
No. 173053
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Claire from The Summoning. She's super cute but since she's a furry-looking goth, she's more well-known from porn than the cartoon short itself even to the point of having the comments section turned off because of filthy comments which I believed is to be the case. I know about separating fan stuff and the source but lewd/nsfw shit really taints a character.
No. 173076
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Leave her alone!
No. 173079
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Please. I had to scroll a bit to find a picture that doesn't feel cooomerish, and the characters sound, look and behave like children. I love Persona 5 but I don't understand why Atlus panders to borderline pedophiles. And no I don't care if "Lavenza could be a very short young adult", she still behaves in a pretty childish way and it's creepy.
This goes for all the "she looks like a child but she's 1000 years old!!!" characters. It doesn't matter, they still look (and behave) like children.
No. 173082
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I wish the anime deviated from the manga more where Kanna has zero fanservice. Would be cool if they got rid of her coomer socks and skimmed down the thighs. Kanna is just a baby I can’t stand the scrotes who sexualize her.
No. 173086
>>173076I always felt uncomfortable about her being the only little girl in a cast of grown-up scrotes. That's probably my traumatized brain, I'm not saying there is something inherently wrong with Lazy Town or the beloved actors.
>>173079Cannot believe that like a year ago, anon was extremely offended by someone calling them "BDSM lolis". Kek
>>173082That series is irredeamable trash. Probably controversial opinion, but fans of it saying 'do not lewd the loli' to Moomoo kind of felt like hipcrytes to me. At least Moomoo was an adult, the manga and anime sexualize a child. Not that I support lewd cosplay of children, she just didn't do anything the beloved piece of media hasn't already.
No. 173092
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OK only if you're a 13 year old. But still, bad taste.
No. 173126
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Laura kinney shouldn't ever be sexualized, specially dafne keen's version.
No. 173143
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I hate what the internet has done to him and other characters in the series. Especially Susie Haltmann.
No. 173147
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>>172893Moids are much worser in my opinion. They sexualized inanimate objects and non-sexual things for the memes even to the point of it being cringe material.
No. 173148
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the amount of porn for this cat on the online design download feature…. i love her and have her on my island. no lewd plz urgh
No. 173149
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it's one thing to say an actor of the live-action version is good looking but completely another to make porn
No. 173162
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Protect her
No. 173227
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>>173148This and her. I don't see the sex appeal of cute anthro animals.
No. 173256
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She deserves a world of no leading
>>173076Holy shit, agree. I've stumbled upon so many questionable edits and drawings throughout the years.
No. 173403
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Scrotes are shameless degenerates. They're more likely to be animal/monster fuckers and pedos. They would fuck anything.
No. 177332
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>>173082Kanna is precious and adorable. Too bad she's in a shitty pedo coomer anime/manga series and makes me wished she wasn't in it. Also the whole "ravioli ravioli, don’t lewd the dragon loli" meme is pretty cringe.
No. 177365
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Once I found fanart of her in a really cool alternate, maybe traditional fisherman's outfit and I was trying to find it again but found so much inflation art. Absolutely disgusting. Even just googling for a picture to post there's weird shit on there already.
No. 177423
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>>177365I really hate how every time a new Pokegirl is revealed, porn of them has been made under 24 hours. The absolute state of moid coomers. Also Lana is cute and I like her design.
I hate how coomers pointed out that "Lana" backwards is "anal". Ugh. No. 177441
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No. 177451
>>177441people actually do?
No. 177465
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>>177451>>177454I've seen some really weird shit. I don't think she's as sexualized as everyone else in the series, but there's still a small percentage of people that do it.
Weirdly enough, you can tell by the drawing style that they are women? It's usually not over the top coomer hentai shit, but unfortunately I've seen some doujinshis and fanarts of her and Ogata (way more often than her with Sugimoto). I am thinking it's some weird yumejos making a very inappropriate self-insert fantasy with Asirpa.
A very tame example of this, it's Ogata repeatedly telling her he loves her.
No. 177639
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>>177602I'm not sure I get your point? You can sexualize characters that you ship? I'd say that's the case more often than not. Even if the ship was not sexual and was strictly platonic (a bit weird imo, but it could work), it's still very sleazy to ship a 12/13 year old girl with like a 23/25 year old man. It's not about being het/gay.
As I said, I posted a very tame comic. There are way worse stuff. This page is from a doujinshi that has explicit sexual stuff with her, and it's just weird. And there are other like these, even modern AUs where she's wearing an elementary school uniform before they do it.
No. 177665
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Really really wish I hadn’t seen this
No. 177713
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I'm not sure if I can include her since the geniuses at Sunrise had her bare his kids at 14. But even before they listened to the degenerate minority there's been so much lewd of her as a child.
No. 177835
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>>177715Well the show attempts in the second season to pretend she's 18 with ad-libbed lines stating. "As I recall Rin was around 18" and "Rin must of been 18 then" But this was only due to the backlash and Sunrise realizing the shippers are a very vocal minority. But given their timeline and the fact Kohaku is canon 11 at Inuyasha it doesn't work at all. They're trying to say these 2 characters are both 14 here. Which clearly isn't the case.
No. 181515
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I've never seen this show but what the absolute fuck. Coomers think this is a sister harem cartoon.
No. 181516
>>172899Isn’t it a permaban there if you post lewd Yotsuba?
Even 4chan agrees that Yotsuba is not for lewd (yet they post lewds of whatever other child…)
No. 181523
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I know she's "naked" in some scenes and is also in revealing clothes in others.
Finding fanart of Lain that is not coomerish depictions of her in that one scene where she's in a nightie that's slipping off one shoulder is hard sometimes.
I know she's your goddess, but perhaps show some respect as she's 14. And also maybe reconsider why you're actually worshipping her. Okay for transhumanism/schizo reasons, will absolutely destroy any pedo who touches the source material to coom.
No. 181538
>>181523I never found her nudity sexual in any way, kind of like Sailor Moon being a naked angel in her final fight with Galaxia. Both evoke vulnerability rather than sex. You have to be a coomer scrote to sexualise either heroine's nudity in those scenes. TBH I don't remember Lain wearing revealing clothes, but I never saw anything as sexual in SEL. The scene of Arisu masturbating made me uncomfortable because I wasn't used to scenes of girls/women doing it. I guess someone could wank off to it, but it was presented in a very chaste manner.
I should rewatch Lain someday and see if my opinion on it hasn't changed. I agree 100% that Lain should never be lewded. If scrotes absolutely have to, they should at least have the decency to age her up.
No. 181591
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Ok, this complaint involves some shitty theorizing, so indulge me for a minute.
Plain Doll from Bloodborne always felt like a commentary about objectification to me, even if it was not intended by the game creators. She is a man made version of a real woman, Lady Maria, made by a gross obsessive old moid who was in love with his student. After Maria left, he made a doll version of her, dressed her in very feminine clothes that Maria would probably not wear and then discarded her after realizing that her personality is nothing like Lady Maria's. The game itself even tries to tell the player that Plain Doll is an object, with Gehrman telling the Hunter that "You're welcome to use whatever you find… Even the doll, should it please you…" and the description of the tear stone that you get after she cries even says that "Whoever thinks this is precious must be troubled by severe naivete."
I always viewed it as a comment on how people treat her, there might have been hunters that "loved" her but no one ever respected or truly cared for her, she was created to love humans, but she questions whenever that love is only artificial. She also clearly feels some sort of spiritual freedom after Lady Maria, the woman who she was created to be, dies. Whenever it is her realizing that she's free to be truly herself or that she is now the only version of Maria is up for debate.
Anyway, excuse my shitty theory, I kind of felt like writing an autistic paragraph today and if I got some lore wrong please correct me.
No. 183864
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I feel actual maternal feelings over this zombie child.