File: 1639857400151.jpeg (119.09 KB, 1100x1055, 78130A72-B745-4D3E-8CB3-CA8F2C…)

No. 174378
File: 1639857482822.jpeg (2.15 MB, 3069x4096, 276EC58E-D933-495F-8A0E-9386F7…)

No. 174379
File: 1639857543982.jpeg (155.42 KB, 850x721, F4A5BBC8-CDD1-4A6E-ADF8-4012C2…)

No. 174380
File: 1639857596008.jpeg (60.77 KB, 434x439, 1DB3AFD5-CDC8-4CA3-AD0F-FAEED8…)

No. 174384
File: 1639858060986.jpeg (106.29 KB, 500x658, D5D30A0E-B07D-4364-969A-9305CC…)

>>174381Waaa you’re so mean I’ll never make a thread again.
No. 174393
File: 1639861685166.jpeg (139.52 KB, 666x852, 0C56C8E0-5E6A-410A-9D56-B69DEB…)

>>174377Hot military himbo, Jocko Willinik. He’s a nice guy too.
No. 174406
File: 1639868411032.jpg (7.54 KB, 300x168, knifecat.jpg)

>>174393why does he look like this
No. 174448
File: 1639885849879.jpg (318.12 KB, 793x1600, E1epA9lXoAUxv0V.jpg)

>>174380>>174393>>174377As someone whose had family members who've served in the Military I find the fetishization aspect of this offensive
>>174390That is a thread I could do, I have some infogrpahs like picrel
No. 174471
nonnie is offended
No. 174481
File: 1639908326948.jpg (186.92 KB, 1280x855, lpl1yvig4al21.jpg)

Picrel are Danish frogmen and I love them. They look like Dark Souls characters
No. 174512
no, farmers disrespect men on lolcow?
No. 174514
File: 1639926031197.jpg (41.16 KB, 353x600, funny_picdump_540_640_12.jpg)

>>174510I'm looking disrepsftfully at this guy right now anon, what are you going to do
No. 174520
File: 1639928423350.jpg (29.54 KB, 543x604, c78e9fd25d59f0bfa9d5ba8a0ea3d7…)

>>174510I will ravage a tactical slut in a repsftful way
No. 174522
File: 1639929656738.jpg (98.96 KB, 735x532, 99b717677239b27aa2da87597f43f7…)

>>174510Hide the thread, move on.
No. 174529
File: 1639930920010.jpeg (190.3 KB, 736x1085, 4FEEE7E2-994D-462E-A021-F1657F…)

>>174510I’m gonna fetishize them even harder now hhng
No. 174535
File: 1639933893822.gif (1.73 MB, 393x498, sir-yes-sir-oorah-oorah.gif)

>>174510Don't think they care about you defending them
No. 174537
Can I post just hot guys in uniforms (or guys in hot uniforms)? I have huge retarded uniform fetish.
>>174390Too late.
No. 174544
File: 1639937006719.png (291.38 KB, 528x390, 1621548919167.png)

>>174448>>174510i just miss when men went to war and died.
No. 174556
File: 1639943083531.jpg (47.65 KB, 564x639, i.jpg)

No. 174564
File: 1639943856968.jpg (291.09 KB, 1444x2048, EFkd-zIVUAArSFv.jpg)

>>174390amagicalplace wiki has some good infographics, just go to Wiki Content>A magical place>Sticky. But this one is the best imo, and It's not on there since it was made by 8chan's /k/ not 4/k/.>>174520Based
No. 174566
File: 1639945439214.jpg (143.13 KB, 736x1163, c92ac23a6be49f9068898b24db872e…)

The best military uniform, you can't change my mind.
No. 174600
File: 1639963553852.jpg (213.88 KB, 990x1400, 1474738794656.jpg)

No. 174602
File: 1639963618348.png (873.01 KB, 919x1134, 1494809588222.png)

No. 174603
File: 1639963666087.jpg (293.32 KB, 1000x1687, 1520522960959.jpg)

No. 174604
File: 1639963688355.jpg (634.13 KB, 1277x1644, 1497327681665.jpg)

No. 174605
File: 1639963733692.jpg (1.26 MB, 1715x2048, 1507194394446.jpg)

No. 174606
File: 1639963760681.jpg (200.88 KB, 841x1200, Napoleon_-_2.jpg)

No. 174607
File: 1639963822246.jpg (83.45 KB, 600x781, General_sherman.jpg)

No. 174608
File: 1639963862698.jpg (18.94 KB, 302x400, tumblr_lve3zmERLQ1r6y3vao1_400…)

No. 174610
File: 1639963896690.jpg (66.02 KB, 450x720, tumblr_lvhjg8FCUQ1qdanvuo1_500…)

No. 174611
File: 1639963943029.jpg (25.08 KB, 500x735, tumblr_n2sgg1Ekpj1r5kp5io1_500…)

No. 174612
File: 1639963964213.png (693.12 KB, 1280x713, tumblr_ntllvqB63w1tlgzd0o1_128…)

No. 174613
File: 1639964021993.jpg (612.67 KB, 2432x1739, Ulani.JPG)

No. 174614
File: 1639964108998.jpg (48.38 KB, 572x713, William-Tecumseh-Sherman (1).j…)

No. 174615
File: 1639964132074.jpg (908.01 KB, 2364x3000, William-Tecumseh-Sherman.jpg)

No. 174616
File: 1639964153039.jpg (475.4 KB, 685x1028, Yuri-Gagarin-1961-Helsinki-cro…)

No. 174617
File: 1639964202273.jpg (40.08 KB, 500x325, Yuri-Gagarin-and-German-Titov.…)

No. 174618
File: 1639964345476.jpg (41.17 KB, 436x500, 8d72b4b4665d2015de4ce748dd7306…)

No. 174620
File: 1639964380382.jpg (50.83 KB, 800x531, 6YVUVJD.jpg)

No. 174621
File: 1639964436358.jpg (44.86 KB, 370x600, 5872d2773c30a2524192e248444c0d…)

No. 174622
File: 1639964459165.jpg (241.67 KB, 768x600, 1467255957182.jpg)

No. 174623
File: 1639964536546.png (698.51 KB, 626x696, 1507350040893.png)

No. 174624
File: 1639964589215.jpg (1.39 MB, 4057x2840, 1535322939618.jpg)

No. 174625
File: 1639964637816.jpg (228.02 KB, 900x667, 1535476257477.jpg)

No. 174626
File: 1639964671773.jpg (55.64 KB, 470x711, 1558732760868.jpg)

No. 174627
File: 1639964726854.png (383.74 KB, 614x618, 1564610035516.png)

No. 174628
File: 1639964763643.png (1.09 MB, 1368x855, 1564773919827.png)

No. 174629
File: 1639964821995.jpg (519.67 KB, 2048x1375, 1580137262873.jpg)

No. 174630
File: 1639964853479.jpg (659.81 KB, 1904x1456, 1580137319200.jpg)

No. 174631
File: 1639964892426.jpg (122.74 KB, 847x1024, 1580172281558.jpg)

No. 174632
File: 1639964925591.jpg (480.31 KB, 2048x1489, 1586766801884.jpg)

No. 174633
File: 1639964996218.jpg (325.26 KB, 1123x1600, allied_soldiers_mock_hitler_19…)

No. 174634
File: 1639965034802.jpg (139.01 KB, 930x1153, b5bf342e18863a0c319489212c95f2…)

No. 174636
File: 1639965322132.jpeg (54.1 KB, 400x547, WhatsApp Image 2021-12-19 at 1…)

Carabinieri are hot.
No. 174637
File: 1639965356493.jpg (185.64 KB, 1024x709, Contras.jpg)

No. 174638
File: 1639965380886.jpg (45.9 KB, 393x648, d2401063837fb6364420cfb8e1d5be…)

No. 174639
File: 1639965419801.jpg (123.42 KB, 634x960, f0e98f60b7ad.jpg)

No. 174641
File: 1639965470242.jpg (23.36 KB, 236x339, General_Erwin_Rommel.jpg)

No. 174642
File: 1639965517343.jpg (211.88 KB, 600x1000, jacket_innerchits.jpg)

No. 174645
File: 1639966180766.jpg (108.92 KB, 1024x711, mfOEhFM.jpg)

No. 174646
File: 1639966210058.jpg (192.13 KB, 478x350, nbMjVFc.jpg)

No. 174647
File: 1639966249363.jpg (146.5 KB, 1024x948, pmCBLWU.jpg)

No. 174648
File: 1639966273511.jpg (81.53 KB, 645x909, PSnjjXV.jpg)

No. 174649
File: 1639966306341.jpg (153.31 KB, 800x600, PUCu50f.jpg)

No. 174650
File: 1639966348236.jpg (40.21 KB, 457x640, SbBubAi.jpg)

No. 174651
File: 1639966394075.jpg (470.19 KB, 1500x1563, SHORPY_09549u.jpg)

No. 174652
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No. 174653
File: 1639966475292.jpg (101.33 KB, 610x389, truth-animals122b.jpg)

No. 174654
File: 1639966510866.png (160.77 KB, 500x389, tumblr_ly9c83LZKN1r6y3vao1_500…)

No. 174655
File: 1639966548592.jpg (224.76 KB, 782x1080, tumblr_mn2e0zOBWD1rsde4yo1_128…)

No. 174657
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No. 174658
File: 1639966656446.jpg (43.69 KB, 479x720, tumblr_pe2kp5tK0w1regz7ho1_500…)

No. 174659
File: 1639966697670.jpg (694.73 KB, 2048x1365, TZKE7pq.jpg)

No. 174660
File: 1639966743032.jpg (36.22 KB, 604x397, z (1).jpg)

No. 174661
File: 1639966827333.jpg (31.75 KB, 564x488, 0b0925348b2a0df9383bdc94b45dea…)

guys in uniforms: edition with cute pets
No. 174662
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No. 174663
File: 1639966870100.jpg (104.39 KB, 550x662, 02F.jpg)

No. 174664
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No. 174665
File: 1639966955573.jpg (93.66 KB, 540x801, 8cc2916449dbd32020a98ae49b2968…)

No. 174666
File: 1639966984484.jpg (37.28 KB, 564x329, 8f4d3bcf693bbe81ea2b24f97d2a57…)

No. 174667
File: 1639967014000.jpg (38.14 KB, 563x422, 9da54e6737eb1e96f9b2f6eacba526…)

No. 174668
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No. 174670
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No. 174671
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No. 174672
File: 1639967194942.jpg (192.49 KB, 639x601, 1517742286893.jpg)

No. 174676
File: 1639968930958.jpg (119.15 KB, 750x749, BM.jpg)

Bosnian Mujahedeen
No. 174677
File: 1639969027309.jpg (61.76 KB, 370x600, australia.jpg)

No. 174678
File: 1639969087396.jpg (236.08 KB, 763x1067, 837329271611208.jpg)

No. 174679
File: 1639969117493.jpg (252.97 KB, 800x1174, Russia,_1893 2.jpg)

No. 174680
File: 1639969139219.jpg (385.31 KB, 800x1174, Russia,_1893.jpg)

No. 174681
File: 1639969335849.png (689.83 KB, 587x879, RussianImperialUniforms.png)

No. 174682
File: 1639969517709.jpg (500.86 KB, 1370x843, 1333713346641.jpg)

No. 174683
File: 1639969571130.jpg (60.21 KB, 550x705, 1337197343523.jpg)

No. 174684
File: 1639969923016.jpg (689.43 KB, 1014x683, 1364725921538.jpg)

No. 174685
File: 1639970000029.jpg (62.49 KB, 456x735, 1380696638363.jpg)

No. 174686
File: 1639970043063.jpg (628.31 KB, 1571x2039, 1385015414204.jpg)

No. 174687
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No. 174688
File: 1639970105881.jpg (63.84 KB, 496x700, 296a356001969d185da2f21eb56c90…)

No. 174689
File: 1639970117976.jpg (490.98 KB, 1024x636, 1385015597750.jpg)

No. 174690
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No. 174691
File: 1639970158743.jpg (482.22 KB, 1574x1048, 1385016885708.jpg)

No. 174692
File: 1639970174087.gif (1.98 MB, 347x260, 1518658157892.gif)

No. 174693
File: 1639970239515.jpg (70.92 KB, 498x697, 1517708222955.jpg)

No. 174694
File: 1639970286379.jpg (83.93 KB, 599x880, 3407517afe76c5c5dc4a7caf7ae66a…)

No. 174695
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No. 174696
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No. 174698
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No. 174699
File: 1639970405261.jpg (94.84 KB, 564x848, b3763980f084f3be29525b697bb1b3…)

No. 174700
File: 1639970454232.jpg (38.23 KB, 720x790, BF__H.jpg)

No. 174701
File: 1639970476535.jpg (42.34 KB, 564x556, bf48f8b4434c91403674d6e2523bae…)

No. 174703
File: 1639970622412.jpg (101.59 KB, 630x559, 1385022196749.jpg)

No. 174705
File: 1639970652490.jpg (86.95 KB, 500x686, 1385023632691.jpg)

No. 174706
File: 1639970689935.jpg (138.67 KB, 991x639, 1385024013934.jpg)

No. 174707
File: 1639970724056.jpg (383.8 KB, 982x667, 1385027210902.jpg)

No. 174708
File: 1639970760388.jpg (2.33 MB, 2000x2668, 1409955083823.jpg)

No. 174742
File: 1639992008451.png (571.29 KB, 670x419, Hetalia.png)

Oh yes I love the military
No. 174753
File: 1639998783733.jpeg (68.11 KB, 540x477, F40D346A-5208-4CF9-8260-32EA4F…)

Damn how does this have 100 replies i thought it would sink lol anyway
No. 174754
File: 1639998848208.jpeg (27.06 KB, 337x376, 93FD6E46-7900-48CB-997B-9F63B8…)

No. 174755
File: 1639999052140.jpeg (70.71 KB, 625x437, CBBB57CC-9602-47C0-955A-88DCA2…)

No. 174756
File: 1639999160573.jpeg (127.14 KB, 800x600, CBE09BA9-A4CD-42FD-BEEE-498103…)

No. 174757
File: 1639999246762.jpeg (33.43 KB, 429x424, 3A5B7848-FD51-4BF2-9B8C-3E7F9A…)

No. 174758
File: 1639999375292.jpeg (118.81 KB, 959x645, 95BA9746-44CB-4D32-A3B1-EA9718…)

No. 174759
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No. 174760
File: 1639999636536.jpeg (140.66 KB, 639x639, 4A864375-8D66-48E2-B080-E2D7C0…)

No. 174763
File: 1640000099851.jpg (43.02 KB, 234x347, tfw no twink black devil…)

had the biggest crush on this guy in middle school… i was really into ace pilots back then. im glad theres finally thread with real men and not that big nose faggot and 2d men.
No. 174764
File: 1640000496104.jpeg (619.73 KB, 750x932, 2E58DF6D-E716-41DB-AA54-2252B2…)

No. 174765
File: 1640000687001.jpeg (86.94 KB, 540x539, 1399D172-7097-4459-BB92-2CF825…)

No. 174767
File: 1640000973337.jpeg (136.61 KB, 700x700, 51360453-5C9C-4857-93A2-B44436…)

>>174762You can be a girl and wear boots with pusheen socks
No. 174769
File: 1640001232836.jpeg (97.04 KB, 380x1024, CA3597E7-D049-4900-BC74-22F3C1…)

No. 174770
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No. 174794
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No. 174796
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No. 174800
File: 1640023722650.jpeg (182.21 KB, 1460x2048, FD18AD3A-998E-4F54-97BA-307FFF…)

>>174797nta but it’s @mtmr_0721 on twitter if anyones curious
No. 174802
File: 1640024643102.png (968.13 KB, 810x809, uwu.png)

No. 174803
File: 1640024706574.png (Spoiler Image,4.47 MB, 1680x1040, spoilering just in case.png)

No. 174804
File: 1640024890949.jpg (222.37 KB, 689x1027, peace bitches.jpg)

No. 174807
>>174803With my eyes wandering off,
I spot a Dragunov
No. 174825
File: 1640037317278.jpeg (124.94 KB, 584x488, 22841DDC-49A9-4486-B3DE-B83EA3…)

No. 174862
File: 1640073519306.jpeg (137.12 KB, 586x782, 41469695-15E6-4AE8-B7AB-9229A0…)

No. 174863
File: 1640073569774.jpeg (189.63 KB, 907x1127, 17BAC5FF-BB37-4F18-B25B-DA5AC4…)

No. 174864
File: 1640073652631.jpeg (511.93 KB, 1440x2960, 0FAC5E28-389C-4A21-A172-DE8FA7…)

No. 174964
File: 1640118916394.jpg (53.52 KB, 640x479, ellie-nyland-katie-shaw.jpg)

No. 174965
File: 1640118946493.jpg (47.23 KB, 540x960, b1bygcgyjae21.jpg)

No. 174990
File: 1640122521243.jpeg (349.61 KB, 1052x1402, 866981FE-D23D-4719-A023-967244…)

He’s happy
No. 174992
File: 1640122620392.jpg (132.4 KB, 980x653, 1395562248610.jpg)

No. 174993
File: 1640122660394.jpeg (105.86 KB, 498x750, C5B96CC7-D30F-4B94-8C04-BE3C51…)

Ya ok i can post dead boys too
No. 174994
File: 1640122871427.jpg (78.45 KB, 541x800, mw278721.jpg)

I would
No. 174995
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No. 174996
File: 1640122909380.jpeg (377.35 KB, 1364x1364, 28EED814-DEC6-4C26-B851-3CB3BA…)

my pussy is about to EXPLODE
No. 174998
File: 1640123017564.jpeg (27.4 KB, 280x365, FB409ECD-5836-40C5-B233-B023B8…)

No. 175000
File: 1640123037269.jpg (153.89 KB, 960x1280, 1405505241788.jpg)

No. 175001
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No. 175002
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No. 175003
File: 1640123314668.jpg (102.44 KB, 1030x600, 1407169707773.jpg)

No. 175005
File: 1640123376664.jpeg (60.39 KB, 433x612, 4613AF87-54F8-4E34-80EB-7DA72C…)

>>174999if you mean napoleon yes
No. 175007
File: 1640123760557.jpeg (43.42 KB, 600x773, 8F39752A-D438-49BA-A13C-BDE329…)

>>174996See yoself to jail
No. 175008
File: 1640123835080.jpeg (87.78 KB, 736x482, E7698E91-0AD1-4B61-93C7-7EF947…)

Those pants are A+
No. 175010
File: 1640124026485.jpeg (339.98 KB, 1200x906, 20629AB9-EA93-42E1-9275-05F6B7…)

>>175003Perhaps not the best camouflage
No. 175027
File: 1640134839954.png (331.74 KB, 500x348, tumblr_m0sw8hCn4p1qaac0mo1_500…)

>>174996Get in line, bitch.
No. 175037
File: 1640145816852.jpg (152.43 KB, 718x1024, napoleon-bonaparte-age-23.jpg)

>>175028>>174996>>175027>>175028Napoleon was referred to, with many terms throughout his life and afterwards
>Will Made Flesh >The Son of the Revolution >The Little Corsican>The Last Condottiereand now he will known as the "musk eater
No. 175039
>>175037I'm still living in a dream, musk eater
>>175028Holy shit, that's adorable. Didn't her legs go stiff? Lol. Where did you get the story from? I want more
No. 175041
>>175039it's mentioned in here: (section b no. 18) and I've seen other people talk about it as well, don't know where a direct translation of wherever that was recorded is, or if there's one available in english (sry 4 unreadable sentence)
No. 175043
File: 1640149672868.gif (Spoiler Image,11.19 MB, 550x334, f453.gif)

funny tactical guys
No. 175046
File: 1640151172074.jpg (52.33 KB, 512x350, 1607788848784.jpg)

>>175043So clearly there's two types of posters in this thread, one who are into tactical military guys(who have peak human physiques) either being casual or battle situations(like picrel) and others who just want to see porn actors in military gear
No. 175063
File: 1640155214488.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3264x2448, 4979B533-A336-4CB2-A248-209BBA…)

>>175039Basically he was a very restless person and didn't like posing for portraits. Most of the known ones aren't made from life.
It's also why the painting in picrel is unfinished- napoleon was persuaded to pose for the painter but hated it and only came to the first posing session, then never showed up again, presumably because Josephine wasn't there to hold him still.
>>175046What category does Napoleon fall in?
No. 175204
File: 1640212901237.jpeg (76.96 KB, 534x677, 4DCD6467-5BD8-488C-8A81-263928…)

No. 175281
File: 1640252758937.jpg (137.1 KB, 1030x600, main-qimg-aa844a8c9872d887f328…)

>>175010The blue colour used for their uniforms was called "horizon blue"
>Thought German soldiers in tranches wouldn't see them coming since their uniform was the colour of the sky>Saw them coming miles away, even in misty weather>Didn't want to change the blue colour because iconic and cute>Better lose in style than win while looking uglyClassic french moment
No. 175335
File: 1640266731405.jpeg (72.93 KB, 612x762, 5064445E-CC4B-4A5C-830E-91C67F…)

No. 175378
File: 1640284390481.jpg (488.36 KB, 1146x1802, 035fd.jpg)

No. 175379
File: 1640284433142.jpg (188.92 KB, 859x920, 7.jpg)

No. 175388
>>175046See this is what I mean,
>>175382 >>174800
Military Fetishists are almost always civilians who care more about the uniforms and leather roleplay aspect then the actual soldiers, hell I'm sure most have never seen an IRL gun in their lives
No. 175392
File: 1640289773517.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.85 KB, 600x313, IMG_20211223_205850.jpg)

>>175388damn anon can't we be horni in peace, go lick boots somewhere else. oh and I ackctually see guns all the time because I live in a big euro city where there's military patrolling all big metro stations. and yes I am attracted to them, what are you going to do about it
No. 175393
File: 1640290273255.jpg (178.18 KB, 1000x640, Vigipirate-un-niveau-d-alerte-…)

>>175392Based vigipirate nonnette?
I honestly feel a bit bad for them, imagine joining the army and doing this shit for like what, 3 years? Crazy. Can't even be mad at the military moids in Calais car drifting in the mud kek
No. 175398
File: 1640292802450.jpg (254.84 KB, 978x604, IMG_20211223_215256.jpg)

>>175393wrong country lol, close though. And yeah I always feel bad for them, especially the ones standing outside in the summer
No. 175399
File: 1640293348204.jpg (181.74 KB, 675x1024, 926rsnaa0pr51.jpg)

>>175392>>175390See I'm attracted to soldiers as well, I guess you could say I objectify them
I find the build of a soldier to be the ideal male form, the form man evolved to have naturally
That's why I don't care much for the Military clothing fetish aspect of this thread, any scrote could wear some fetishy military uniform but If a man has actual military training and the fitness of a soldier, I found that to be the most attractive aspect of them, not the guns or the uniform
No. 175400
File: 1640293697223.png (601.44 KB, 700x436, unknown.png)

The fact that someone, somewhere, owns a Hello Kitty desert eagle keeps me up at night
No. 175403
>>175399just fuck a gymbro
>>175402literally seething and shitting myself, you've killed my myth
No. 175407
File: 1640296120821.jpg (153.81 KB, 603x606, Acadian_farmer.jpg)

>>175401Its funny you posted that pic, cause the guy was actually a fitness fanatic who bulked up just for the fun of it before slimming down when on active duty
>>175403gymbros(men with super big muscles not just regular fit guys) may have seemingly strong bodies but I wouldn't trust them with my life, he'd be just as useless as anybody else if SHTF and again I don't appreciate that make form
a man has to have a certain look that I'm attracted to, picrel is about as muscular I'm willing to tolerate for males
No. 175410
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No. 175411
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No. 175413
File: 1640297738424.jpg (102.4 KB, 850x960, 109916121.jpg)

No. 175414
File: 1640298041690.jpg (206.86 KB, 1022x1019, 960.jpg)

No. 175415
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No. 175417
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No. 175418
File: 1640298339349.jpeg (63.6 KB, 500x495, 98C2773E-9572-4519-A5D6-C457F1…)

No. 175422
File: 1640301900549.jpeg (58.68 KB, 960x772, BBA10870-C68B-4AD6-B235-531086…)

>>175413>>175388I will always fetishise napoleon
No. 175424
File: 1640303601275.jpg (101.45 KB, 578x732, truth-animals110b2.jpg)

>>175388I refuse to feel bad about objectifying moids.
>>175423He was a man who came from nowhere and became the most powerful person in contemporary Europe if not the world for a while and it took a combined effort of almost all European powers to bring him down. People compare him to Alexander the Great or Hitler, but Alexander was a prince who was born into power, and Hitler came to power partially thanks to mass media (Goebbels himself said that the Nazis wouldn't get anywhere without the invention of a mere microphone) and never personally commanded an army. A man like Naps is born only once per millennium, maybe even less.
Also, he was cute in his youth, and I dig the general aesthetics of his era.
No. 175425
File: 1640304305147.jpg (445.5 KB, 1697x1169, _8efe38294249f8e716d1053d4fd4…)

>>175400>>175403Will this lift your spirits?
No. 175426
>>175425kekk ty nonna
>>175423amazing pussy eater
No. 175442
File: 1640312376442.jpg (405.52 KB, 1080x1069, bwgt9jz9yu651.jpg)

>>175407at least to me the uniform and the military status implies that theyre super fit underneath nona. its part of the appeal. sometimes less is more.
No. 175444
File: 1640313097373.png (115.32 KB, 1800x1578, ca1.png)

>>175439it's not that deep
No. 175448
>>175444It is, though. Soldiers are responsible for mass rapes in every war that has ever happened. It's part of male military culture, and you can tell because it always happens. Ignoring that reality to get your cooms in is embarrassing and shows a real lack of empathy to all the women who have been
victims of male military culture.
No. 175454
File: 1640315613905.jpg (155.21 KB, 640x785, 5ebe577076bdfb6288d74e1c0_b12c…)

>>175423he had a really interesting life from penniless petty officer to master of europe, he was not only a military legend but also made a lot of very important reforms
plus was cute in his youth, and his simp letters to joséphine are the stuff of legend
No. 175462
>>175456>>175455>>175448Fuck off you absolute sperg, leave them alone don't you have anything else better to do? Hide the thread if you're so offended
>Ignoring that reality to get your cooms in is embarrassing and shows a real lack of empathy to all the women who have been victims of male military cultureIt's literally just suits, you sound unhinged.
No. 175468
>>175462ayrt but I'm not anorectalviolence-chan (
>>175456 ) idk why she dropped in just to bash pegging lol. fetishizing military isnt based, but pegging is. love and peace everybody
No. 175482
>>175468>>175471>>175476I'm literally not a soldier-fucker, I just think anything involving the asshole is fucked up, I hate ass-eating, sticking your finger in a someone's ass, just anything in general related to assholes
the thought of even being near someone assholes makes me wanna barf
Porn has conditioned both men and women to think anal sex is somehow clean, people bury their head in the sand and pretend that an asshole isn't a thing that is only capable of producing feces, farting, prolapsing, etc, you wanna dominate a scrote kick him in the nuts or some shit, anal stuff is just barf inducing
No. 175483
File: 1640326051881.jpeg (48.74 KB, 366x400, C7F61E1C-A2CF-404C-9CA2-358FFF…)

>>175482no one gives a shit post more napoleon
No. 175486
File: 1640328402233.jpeg (153.1 KB, 461x345, D9373B9C-9C52-4AC3-9432-EB6882…)

>>175485This is literally just a thread for eye candy no one wants to hear autistic sperging about troons and arses hth
No. 175487
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No. 175503
File: 1640344103401.jpg (93.8 KB, 1300x1144, army-pasta-is-served-on-cartoo…)

I love this thread, keep em coming nonnies
No. 175508
File: 1640346782128.jpg (20.33 KB, 480x320, P05-151214-301.jpg)

The amount of retards complaining about this thread based fetishy content and yet not posting anything remotely useful unlike
>>174564 No. 175521
File: 1640353034235.jpg (57.73 KB, 500x620, B3-flight-jacket-8-1-1.jpg)

WW1 and WW2 era airmen are my absolute favourite.
I wish I could find a genuine b3 sheepskin jacket in good condition and wear it. My mom bought one in the 80s and it survived up until the early 00s. It was incredibly warm and looked cool as hell.
No. 175529
File: 1640361747378.jpg (806.68 KB, 1214x1224, EmypiRrWEAIuWTf.jpg)

the only thing better than old-timey uniforms is women in old-timey uniforms
No. 175549
File: 1640369517871.jpeg (129.7 KB, 1024x683, E665A548-5DBD-4020-96FF-AB5459…)

>>175487I love these pictures of women soldiers . Also soldiers being kind to children
No. 175590
File: 1640385958528.jpeg (43.49 KB, 450x600, 8B4F35CB-73B3-400F-892F-2D207D…)

>>175587Can you please chill with the moralfagging? this is just a picspam thread you can hide it if it bothers you that much
No. 175594
File: 1640387004001.jpg (93.38 KB, 953x912, Pride 1945.jpg)

>>175583That's a pretty shit propaganda pic, kid isn't having any of it lmao
No. 175596
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No. 175597
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No. 175598
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No. 175599
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No. 175600
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U have 5 seconds to put ur toes in my mouth
No. 175602
File: 1640389770870.jpeg (20.83 KB, 362x570, 2ddb4e5e-7b2c-4518-965b-330d33…)

>>175590nice, hadn't seen that one before
No. 175810
File: 1640547489869.jpeg (198.47 KB, 869x1242, E4CE89C1-3A56-4A70-BE34-D1B255…)

>>175750You are completely understandable nonnerina.
No. 175863
File: 1640565373047.jpg (43.15 KB, 500x494, 78hc5srduv841.jpg)

>>175810nona im going insane. mental. thank you so much for showing me that image i will read this and cherish it
No. 175907
File: 1640615342044.gif (2.22 MB, 270x319, tumblr_ca7d059dc54c0477e92623d…)

No. 175918
File: 1640625518629.jpg (97.08 KB, 1024x683, boUjbFmCae1wSb1jL8ggZUVxX0Xr_e…)

>>175594Chinese and Pakistani border guards in the Khunjerab Pass
No. 175925
>>17591810/10 would write a slow burn fanfiction about their forbidden love as soldiers who are loyal to their own causes and how it makes them so reluctant to confess their undying love to each other, but then, a tragedy in the Chinese platoon happens, and chinese soldier admits that he fell in love with paki soldier that evening in which they hid themselves in a trench due to the sheer cold and lack of rations.
First they shared an expired energy bar and water, then they started sharing their experiences, and soon, they shared their warmth as the cold got harsher and harsher on that silent December night.
No. 175928
File: 1640628832763.jpg (422.64 KB, 1100x733, 2720796_orig.jpg)

>>175925>>175920Their just holding hands, its considered a common thing in South Asia for people to hold hands
You probably wouldn't be shipping guys like picrel cause their all as sin mostly ugly(like most south asian males sadly)
No. 175932
>>175928I can see a classic love triangle, white shirt is in love with purple squares, but blue shirt likes white shirt, so he gets literally in the middle of purple squares and white shirt so they don’t notice their feelings for each other.
Blue would convince white to go on a date with him, but things wouldn’t go well because they don’t share the same opinions on pizza toppings and milkshake flavors, so white goes crying to purple’s house where they share a passionate hug in which they admit to have had feelings for each other for a painfully long time. The confront blue shirt and then become friends again. It’s a happy ending.
No. 175941
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>>175935Kancolle shipgirl USS Hornet
No. 175943
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>>175928I know, paki chan. And you're right, I don't ship ugly dudes, cause why bother. Maybe if they are masked.
No. 175947
File: 1640636619433.jpeg (57.29 KB, 976x549, 33B39F33-6F44-4481-8CAF-BD4D97…)

What are you favorite military focused movies? I like Dunkirk, the guys are cute, even Harry styles looks less like himself and more like a cute guy, but it’s probably just the uniform doing its magic.
No. 175953
File: 1640639686055.jpg (155.27 KB, 1000x1020, eXTCCOOMPEc9eH7cWa9CxAhDZj09HQ…)

>>175947Not a movie but I loved Four Tankmen and a Dog as a kid, It was an old Polish tv show, and it's what sparked my tank autism.
BTW It's hilarious that Polish facebook boomers have literal waifu wars, arguing whenever Lidka or Marusia is best girl.
No. 176015
File: 1640676839091.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.88 KB, 913x489, 135402391832.jpg)

>>175947Das Boot (1981). I watch it for the plot, I promise.
No. 176176
File: 1640763952758.jpg (2.25 MB, 2011x2000, 12.jpg)

>>176044Your ex sounds like the kind of scrote to unironically post shit like picrel, and feel like he's a genius for "getting" popular and universally beloved movies
>>176093They had a pubic lice outbreak iirc
No. 176249
>>176242oh I found it already, that video in particular seems to be private on his profile though rip. thanks anyway
nonny ♥
No. 176287
File: 1640835925380.jpg (1.25 MB, 2011x2000, ffgsdf.jpg)

>>176176wonder what scrotes would think of my taste
O are the one's what I watched and liked
X are the one's that watched and didn't like
No. 176289
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>>176287no1curr, post cuties in uniform
No. 176308
File: 1640848101677.png (2.75 MB, 2132x1800, no men, just fascists.png)

reposted because someone else had already posted the exact same photo my pic was based on No. 176310
File: 1640848889717.gif (3.67 MB, 310x162, f02ad72cb2263d75da3e80a7e42b3c…)

>>175281I learned this in Hetalia
No. 176311
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No. 176312
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No. 176315
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No. 176316
File: 1640851176659.jpg (104.58 KB, 807x474, NKVD2.jpg)

No. 176318
File: 1640852319474.jpg (145.14 KB, 1000x703, __Oman_Women_Fighters.jpg)

>>176312I wanna sperg here for a moment, the UK and US really helped fundamentalist Islamic monarchy that practiced actual human slavery over an organic peasant revolutionary movement just cause "muh irrational fear of communism
No. 176339
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No. 176363
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>>176318I know, anon, I know.
No. 176391
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No. 176415
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>>176399Crossover art of girls frontline and rainbow 6
No. 176432
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No. 176433
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No. 176466
File: 1640915764258.gif (163.7 KB, 220x220, pet-jager.gif)

everyone in rainbow six siege is hot as fuck but i especially love recruit, bandit and jager. i would love to bully them.
No. 176468
File: 1640916022021.jpg (Spoiler Image,405.02 KB, 1716x1200, 4520712 - AchooHo Tom_Clancy's…)

can i post siege porn?
No. 176471
File: 1640916072479.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.69 MB, 5016x3541, 4236218 - Tom_Clancy's_Rainbow…)

im gonna do it
No. 176477
File: 1640918340904.jpeg (527.82 KB, 1262x2048, 2A0E07F9-1915-4A98-81A9-D70186…)

>>176452well i know there's at least two napoleonfags
No. 176492
>>176471>>176468nta but come on, your way more in it for the uniforms more then anything
I have a fetish for men with peak perfect bodies and trained combat experience, you got a uniform fetish
we are not the same
No. 176500
>>176492so we aren't allowed in this thread if we like the uniforms?
that anon was right, this thread 3 autists circlejerking
No. 176512
File: 1640938053265.jpeg (35.8 KB, 420x555, 27ED6C9C-2BAC-4632-9BB6-0AA19B…)

>>176492fuck off. what if we're into it for the uniforms?
No. 176514
>>176452Just fuck off, hide this thread and let people post things they like, ffs.
>>176469I posted about 20 pics, it seems there are more people enjoying military shit.
>>176477At least four.
No. 176525
File: 1640946832804.jpg (117.7 KB, 564x752, 66915f88d01178afcd1712758f8dbf…)

Can someone spoonfeed me on the NEET Army cringefest?
No. 176584
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>>176525I hate that the girl is wearing a tennis skirt and thigh highs cause ~le girl~
She would look so much better in regular tactical attire, like the men.
Also the gatekeeping is so water brain, for either side. If people are into it for the uniforms, or for the combat training, or for buff men and wen, or for the history, or for the guns/arms… What difference does it make? Tism, not even once
No. 176589
File: 1640978686168.jpg (345.26 KB, 599x846, 1358083486909.jpg)

>>176525It started as joke cosplay at comiket
No. 176610
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No. 176612
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No. 176613
File: 1640991017342.jpg (120.52 KB, 1080x771, FCfMp-oXoAUgL0x.jpg)

No. 176622
File: 1640996794714.jpeg (71.74 KB, 564x705, A1F25A4D-1F59-4FD1-BA60-376253…)

>>176584It makes no difference. I made this thread to post about absolutely everything tangential to the military. Here look it can even be fashion
No. 176631
File: 1641000639138.jpg (1.17 MB, 956x1230, James_Clark_Ross.jpg)

>>176629I'm dying to know if this is the same retard as before that can't understand we just like the images or if there's multiple. anyways I like old british military dress, picrel
No. 176644
>>176632>let me enjoy fantasizing about men who massacre people in peace you meanie!>>176631>this retard can't understand we just like the imagesoh so you like it for the pixel layout? Come on, you know this is a dumb cope argument. anons itt like these pictures because they fantasize about violent moids, see
>>176616 If you're just here to appreciate 18th century military uniform fashion then obviously this doesn't apply to you, use your brain. I'm talking about this weird shit
>>176610 which deserves to be clowned on. Report me if it makes you so mad, idgaf, it needs to be said.
No. 176649
File: 1641005269086.jpg (171.22 KB, 535x933, 1490666828690.jpg)

>>176644Hide the thread and touch grass.
No. 176650
File: 1641006151090.jpeg (105.05 KB, 447x596, A4753D38-D2B8-489A-A48E-A887A9…)

>>176644i like these pictures bc i fantasise about bullying napoleon, cope
No. 176651
File: 1641006190254.png (2.12 MB, 1280x831, 1623078295968.png)

>>176452There are different possible reasons why a woman would save pictures of this kind, a uniform or armor fetish is just one of several.
This might come as a surprise to you, but being a military and/or history sperg is not an exclusively scrote hobby. For example, Japanese rekijo:, I don't want to talk about my reason for having these, and don't mind what other people post, rather, I appreciate the variety.
And also I have a uniform fetish lmao
No. 176652
File: 1641006715836.jpg (87.26 KB, 800x1072, 1362823191496.jpg)

No. 176653
File: 1641007215213.jpeg (449.55 KB, 1983x3000, 10173A61-3802-4343-AFF4-42D3EA…)

Uniforms are sexy and based, moralfags can sue me
No. 176656
File: 1641009315676.jpg (144.02 KB, 736x1101, 3f88aef9c0747e8a4f16106d1ab00b…)

nonnieI like history and combat/survival/military training as well, but I'm the first one to say I also have an uniform fetish. No idea which came first.
No. 176662
File: 1641015801743.jpg (158.07 KB, 997x763, Rom.jpg)

>>176651>>176656I do prefer the combat/survival/survival training aspect over the uniform fetish, as well as the political history of these conflicts but I still like the "aesthetic" of soldiers and insurgents
especially of eastern european one's or anywhere that's chilly
I admit that it is somewhat
problematic, so there are lines that I don't think should be crossed, e.g any gore posting, shipping/sexualizing and any Persofnication of the conflict with anime chibi fan-art
No. 176668
File: 1641020311913.png (1.62 MB, 780x993, air_craft_uk.png)

>>176652This one is from the sukeban-themed, 80's Japanese TV series Shoujo Commando Izumi btw, this pic circulates in some places as a "Vietcong insurgent" kek
>>176656Is that by Kotteri? I love her art so much.
>No idea which came first.For me, the military uniform fetish came from Hetalia, lmao. But the serious interest in real-life history and military stuff came much later in adulthood, although it helped that my family (and my environment) taught me to care about those things since I was young.
No. 176671
File: 1641021349226.jpg (96.06 KB, 897x1200, God_No.jpg)

>>176668>>176662When I talk about persofnication of conflicts with anime chibi fan-art I mean shit like picrel
which portrays conquest and colonization as being relationships
No. 176673
File: 1641024923477.jpeg (468.21 KB, 960x1280, BC3ECDB6-61F6-4A93-BFCD-550F3B…)

>>176671Why do i have to be subjected to this on my own thread
No. 176676
File: 1641026320252.jpg (55.35 KB, 500x270, japeneselarpingasbalkan.jpg)

>>176671>which portrays conquest and colonization as being relationshipsHetafags used to do more or less the same thing lol
But despite cringing at it now, I think Hetalia will always be better than Countryhumans. At least the Hetalia guys wear their uniforms.
No. 176677
File: 1641027198299.jpg (22.18 KB, 412x274, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_a1…)

I recommend reading "The Unwomanly Face of War" by Svetlana Alexievich
No. 176678
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No. 176679
File: 1641028472516.jpeg (65.33 KB, 604x400, ezln-oldie.jpeg)

No. 176680
File: 1641028631718.jpg (50.76 KB, 960x756, 1614431638065.jpg)

No. 176682
File: 1641028886735.jpeg (45.57 KB, 468x700, BD49883B-1BB5-4B55-BAFA-84FC56…)

>>176671wah wah romanticizing
problematic relationships wah wah imperialism no one cares
pics or gtfo
No. 176684
File: 1641029699099.jpg (75.12 KB, 740x702, podavqznovadfaywickefgegsqgoof…)

>>176682NTA but I care. I'm aware that I can't discuss that stuff here though.
No. 176696
File: 1641035835002.jpg (329.13 KB, 2160x2420, Kaiser.jpg)

>>176682hey everyone here is for got guys in military uniforms and fun historical facts, just think gay fan art based on historical colonization is fucked up
any way here's Kaiser Wilhelm
No. 176698
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>>176696Very good addition
No. 176707
File: 1641038237044.png (250.22 KB, 464x506, d0fff514504e48dc8d7e21a7ef47a4…)

>>176696not gonna lie he was a kinda cute when he was young
No. 176805
File: 1641077456154.jpg (88.95 KB, 549x768, E3706lBUYAE9S7j.jpg)

No. 176908
File: 1641153254209.jpg (508.54 KB, 1899x2560, 81ChW8-tbjL[1].jpg)

Reminder that the absolute reference for any uniform lover is Osprey's Men at Arms series, which is reasonably easy to find for free
No. 177839
File: 1641576507967.jpeg (218.45 KB, 750x936, 731D4FA1-890A-4C44-A0D0-41B689…)

>>176302No way, you dumby
No. 177885
File: 1641597048682.jpeg (37.13 KB, 402x451, 01controlli_allerta_sicurezza_…)

Border guards
No. 177964
File: 1641642060023.jpg (45.07 KB, 540x695, 20220108_194039.jpg)

No. 178388
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No. 178389
File: 1641760959517.jpg (533.65 KB, 950x1025, 8.jpg)

No. 178390
File: 1641761026834.jpg (180.36 KB, 811x1200, 1017855.jpg)

No. 178413
File: 1641766278910.jpeg (290.5 KB, 850x1450, 6A83483D-96B8-446F-B937-397387…)

No. 178467
File: 1641789892384.jpg (53.95 KB, 500x718, 1f9622b507c0b8c973064567fd6fad…)

No. 178469
File: 1641791097265.jpg (52.23 KB, 500x694, b89f9b3c4e17b9f346f0e74c9e0c6e…)

>>178468idk why I have these two saved but they appear to be a bit different so whatever
No. 178603
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No. 179453
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No. 180116
File: 1642595903163.gif (8.79 MB, 540x304, jl2.gif)

No. 180182
File: 1642621316365.jpg (780.9 KB, 1397x2255, rose.jpg)

No. 181994
File: 1643319770959.jpg (237.87 KB, 2048x1440, 51190428_2238170889756729_1832…)

No. 182076
>>181994holy shit
before i say these guys are hot i have to ask, who are they
No. 182104
File: 1643393049331.jpeg (54.31 KB, 540x362, 50E0ED83-4F65-4E41-9C5F-D87C68…)

>>182076Bolivian military police
No. 182111
File: 1643394898121.jpg (466.69 KB, 1024x766, 5417029833617320.jpg)

No. 182152
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cats w guns reminded me abt this cute ass photo of che w a puppy
No. 184695
File: 1644127208565.jpg (68.08 KB, 495x600, Colonel-Thomas-Grosvenor-1764-…)

No. 430683
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No. 444627
File: 1735753753951.jpg (325.53 KB, 790x1116, media_GVEdV6UaEAEbEtz.jpg)

No. 444630
File: 1735754156095.jpg (252.03 KB, 1440x1920, 419903422_1420166762247502_438…)