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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 185471

Want to Jojo post but don't want to clog up any threads? Here's the thread for you!
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family, a family whose various members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using powers that they possess.

Any and all discussion about JJBA goes here! Make sure you hide any spoilers by putting '##' before and after the spoiler (without the apostrophes)

No. 185482

File: 1644453799812.jpg (258.95 KB, 564x1903, 33a72e2001cacd86745a0d6e96f7d1…)

Hell yeah it's Jojoposting time. I'm curious what nonas think about the announcement of part 9. Any speculation as to what it could be about? Any hopes on what the new Jojo is going to be like?

No. 185488

I hope the new jojo is a girl you know, to reference the main jojoverse but I know Araki's geriatric ass has probably already forgotten. How about you, anon? What do you hope it'll be like?

No. 185496

I fucking hate JoJo

No. 185499

File: 1644459254436.png (50.7 KB, 378x224, 1051789-dio1_jba.png)

Not as much as picrel you don't

No. 185506

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I was just thinking that it would be neat if the next Jojo is a girl too (probably wishful thinking though)! I know we have Jolyne, but I don't want her to be the 'token girl Jojo' so it'd be cool if there was another female Jojo who was different from her (but still badass in her own way). There's already such a variety of male Jojos I think we'd deserve at least one more girl… I also think it'd be cool to have an older Jojo. Even a protagonist in their early 20s could be interesting and different.

I don't mean to sound bleak, but I'm guessing time-wise there's only time for 1 or 2 more new Jojos before Araki retires or inevitably passes away. Of course he should take his time and take a break when he needs to, but I was just thinking how it's quite possible that this Jojo could be the last one.

No. 185511

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No. 185513

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Thanks for the thread, OP. I love the villains of Jojo.
I hope Araki actually is immortal. Even if he stopped creating Jojo, I wish him the best.

No. 185514

It really set off my autism when Jolyne was renamed "Irene" instead of Eileen. I know Irene is a reference to one of Araki's early works, but Eileen would have fit better because it sounds closer to Jolyne AND it fits the music theme (Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners), since Jolyne was named after the Dolly Parton song. Autismo sperg over

No. 185515

Dio spotted

No. 185516

Technically, if you're Japanese, wouldn't it be written the same way? So you can kinda pretend it is.

No. 185519

Did any of the endings make you cry? I cried at almost every ending kek. I cried the hardest at the ending of DIU, and the ending to SO comes in second place. Wrt to DIU, I was crying because I genuinely fell in love with the characters and the story and it was hard saying goodbye kek. Wrt to SO, it was just so bittersweet it fucked me up.

No. 185521

File: 1644469637591.jpg (56.9 KB, 564x496, a9db0bd377e5ca2bc33a66f94fb5f4…)

Yes!! I cried at the end of DiU too. First when Okuyasu had his monologue and then at the very end when they showed that epilogue part. I also cried in the beginning when Okuyasu's dad was trying to put together that family picture… Anime has never really made me cry, but DiU is so pure. It really has a place in my shriveled, wrinkly heart.

No. 185531

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I love my broody Ocean Man. That's all.

No. 185546

File: 1644486259101.jpg (383.85 KB, 1000x1402, 34o961cdecz31.jpg)

I put this on my phone wallpaper

No. 185569

File: 1644501628189.jpg (119.11 KB, 1084x1920, wp7335812-jjba-aesthetic-wallp…)

>Rohan the Movie

This is so cute! (though I think the artist forgot to draw in Giorno unless I'm blind kek) You've inspired me to change my wallpaper too.

No. 185608

My favorite video

No. 185712

I like this one

No. 185849

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Dumping Josuyasu pics because their friendship makes me happy. Wish real moids could be this wholesome.

No. 185850

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No. 185851

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No. 185852

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No. 401746

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No. 401747

What a way to necro a thread kek

No. 402479

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No. 402551

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Came here to post this kek

No. 403228

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SBR anime anytime soon?

No. 434047

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I love reading posts made by moids complaining that character designs become 'gayer' in latter parts.

No. 453139

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No. 453150

I just came here to say part 5 is trash. Bye

No. 453153

Based. Diavolo, Trish, Bucciarati and Abbachio were the only good things about it. Maybe Risotto, too and Tiziano and Squalo if we push it.

No. 453159

Holy based, it fills me with joy to see anons have the exact same opinions on part 5 as myself kek.

No. 453160

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Second ayrt, I feel vindicated, too. I think the story was boring and Giorno is a lame protagonist. Mista and Narancia were getting on my nerves. And I'm sort of on Diavolo's side because that guy is legitimately schizophrenic and them going after him just validated his gangstalkinh delusions. He's a fascinating villain and I wish we got more on his backstory. But I do sympathize with Trish, too and wish he didn't try to kill her, but recruit her and use her again Giorno and co. instead or something. Would've been interesting to see. Overall mid part. It sort of tries to be part 3 and 4 with the quest thing and the mystery around the villains, but it somehow failed miserably. Tangentially related, I was a sucker for KiraBoss back then kek.

No. 453233

File: 1737846300634.jpg (407.94 KB, 1200x1646, FDtxsg5VEAIPyWT.jpg)

How dare you Vento Aureo had the best boys, most fashionable looks and made me believe Italy was a real place.

No. 453234

Giorno wasn't a DioJona butt baby 0/10

No. 453246

>best boys
That goes to part 7. Johnny and Gyro alone are better than 95% of Vento Aureo boys. Mountain Tim, Wekapipo and Magenta will always have a special place in my heart.
>most fashionable looks
I'll give you this one.
>made me believe Italy was a real place
Ngl, it was one of the offsetters of my Italoboo-ism.

No. 453299

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Watching Stone Ocean, I feel like Araki wanted to create some shipping fuel and wars with Weather Report, Jolyne and Anasui. Though I ship Jolyne with Hermès, I also like the idea of Jolyne x Weather Report if we ignore he's as old as her dad. He was more genuine and normal towards her and she seemed a bit into him. Anasui is just annoying and creepy, and considering he killed his gf out of jealousy for cheating on him, I don't want him near Jolyne at all. But I don't mind Weather Report x Anasui, it has potential if we get to see more of their interactions prior to SO events.

No. 453337

File: 1737861048713.png (8.18 MB, 2400x1844, AnaPursuer.png)

anasui is truly the worst part of p6. ugly ass rapist

No. 453338

The best part of Anasui was his outfit, and it was still shit.

No. 453345

File: 1737862917621.png (986.16 KB, 463x841, DiavoloProfile.png)

He will never be Diavolo. The pink hair belongs to him, and only him.

No. 453352

Annasui is humorous in a pathetic, loser way. I prefer his character removed from Jolyne because he's annoying around her, but when he's freaking out on other characters he's funny. His stand is so retarded and I still don't understand it, and I swear to god Araki fully retconned the abilities at some point.

No. 453397

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Not bara enough for you, eh?

No. 453405

Nta, but some of us actually watch for the plot, not for fuckable characters.

No. 453406

i liked a good portion of it but more the characters than the story. my unpopular take is that part 4 sucks. it's so boring and i think people only like the josuke and kira memes.

No. 453408

File: 1737876093264.jpg (789.33 KB, 648x970, Giorno.Giovanna.full.3100172.j…)

Who are you kidding, nona?

Part 4 shines at SoL, but the Kira subplot is nothing special.

No. 453409

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No. 453410

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No. 453412

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No. 453424

>it's so boring and i think people only like the josuke and kira memes.
You would be wrong. The last part was genuinely exciting, particularly in the anime.

No. 453426

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where my seccoheads at

No. 453428

What the hail? I just saw this on the front page and thought it would take me to the bad fetish art thread

No. 453429

File: 1737880860908.gif (1.92 MB, 450x252, tumblr_8dff481f2e95a3cc4326612…)

he would fit in there

No. 453430

File: 1737880912376.gif (1.22 MB, 307x173, Secco_personality.gif)

I just looked up the character's wiki to try to understand what happening and this is one of the first pictures I see….wow

No. 453431

File: 1737880974281.png (180.05 KB, 720x800, Unit_Cioccolata_and_Secco_(Cus…)

he is pretty much the human pet dog of this other guy. oh, and his stand is his outfit, so anyone who doesn't see stands just sees a naked man running around acting insane.

No. 453432

Didn't realize JJBA was so freaky. Thank you for explaining anon.

No. 453433

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Oh, it gets pretty freaky.

No. 453434

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yw, jojo gay as hell

No. 453435

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god i love johnny i want to fuck his paraplegic ass. he's so cute. best jojo after jolyne

No. 453442

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>his stand is his outfit, so anyone who doesn't see stands just sees a naked man running around acting insane.
Is there a confirmation on that? That's insane if true, I never thought of it.
Funniest part about this is he's telling it to a doctor. Picrel.
Based. Gappy is also great. Parts 6-8 are the trilogy of tragedy to me. I love them. Top 3 parts. Part 9 and its troon could never. It's just a part 5 do over so it's bound to be lame and boring.

No. 453445

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i mean, i don't think it was ever confirmed as in some character or even araki mentioned it, but
>Oasis is a Stand that nearly entirely covers Secco's body like a wetsuit.
he's not wearing a bodysuit, oasis IS the suit. since secco never interacted with anyone who couldn't see stands, we never saw anyone remark "oh my god who's that naked guy". but it seems like that'd be the case

No. 453458

I guess this is not farfetched considering Diavolo is in a death loop and Pucci reset the universe. Food for thought for sure, though.

No. 453489

File: 1737892331880.webp (74.53 KB, 308x495, Femme_anasui.webp)

Araki retconned his gender. Stone Ocean was definitely the most Araki writing whatever on the fly. It's probably why his switched to monthly with Steel Ball Run.

No. 453522

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No. 453528

If Pucci reset the universe, what does that do for Diavolo?
He is my favorite

No. 453617

File: 1737918531059.jpeg (232.31 KB, 694x1128, j6t44mi2366d1.jpeg)

All of Gyro and Johnnies weird talks are gold
>If Pucci reset the universe, what does that do for Diavolo?
Probably still happens in the new universe. Pucci was the only thing removed. Dio still has Girno, Girno death loops Diavolo.

No. 453624

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No. 453636

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No. 453638

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No. 453639

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No. 453983

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No. 454055

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I have this controversial opinion, for me parts 1/2/7 are the soul and I don't care much for any other part. Still reading Jojolands though since I just want to be up to date, hip with the kids
I feel like an old fag because I remember how many people were shitting on part 5 on /a/ before it got an adaptation (and no, it wasn't just because of shitty scans, it was even after it got better translation) but soon after it got an anime, western fans started to praise it and it felt like they did 180 on it, and I was like??? Influx of total newfags perhaps? Anyway, late 2018 was some of the best shitposting time in my life, I remember flooding /a/ with essays on why part 5 fucking sucks and people seething at me, although there were some who agreed with me

No. 454070

Maybe it's because I'm a Dio fucker but Part 1 is my favorite with Part 2 coming in as a close second. I miss the pre-Stands JoJoverse and how Hamon got sidelined.

No. 454079

Same here. And one of the reasons I liked part 7 is that it has spin which is like a counterpart to hamon

No. 454088

>Influx of total newfags perhaps?
Yes. I read everything in 2013/2014 until the lastest chapter at the time, so I stopped somewhere in the middle of Jojolion where Josuke and some other guy are making their beetles fight over a sport car or something. Part 5 was the least popular at the time iirc, I didn't dislike it but it's not my favorite part at all either. Everyone had good things to say about all the parts, but only really liked specific scenes from part 5. It's been so long since I read JJBA or watched the anime, I'm considering watching the anime again after putting it aside when part 3 wasn't even fully adapted yet. Nobody gave a shit about part 6 getting an adaptation, I wonder if it's just because of Netflix releasing all the episodes at once or because the adaptation isn't that good. I hope it's the former.

No. 454092

i miss old jojo fandom. somehow it feels more dead despite there being a lot of new fans, like they don't interact with each other the same way. there's also way too much gendie shit now

No. 454093

I feel like the new Fandom is very very Tumblr-influenced

No. 454096

Same..most "jojo" fans even dont know key plot lines they just know the memes

No. 454100

And they're all the same memes too. Like I get it, the JoJos pose like fashion models. Yes, their Stands have silly names that reference Western music. Yeah, I remember when they animated Torture Dance.

No. 454141

fucking torture dance, it's so memed to death and everyone acts like it's the funniest thing in the entire series my god

No. 454323

>Part 5 was the least popular at the time iirc
It had a very poor fan translation, that's probably why.

>but soon after it got an anime, western fans started to praise it and it felt like they did 180 on it, and I was like??? Influx of total newfags perhaps?
Although this is also true.

This has been a problem for a while. I remember this "normie" side of the fandom being there since Parts 1 and 2 came out. The fucking "To Be Continued" meme which wasn't even done right most of the time.

NTA but hard agree. I never found it that funny, not even before the Part 5 anime came out. And in the anime, it's even less funny, it's just cringe.

No. 454865

>Top Right
I've heard fanon that Dio's stand was originally supposed to be able to copy other stands. That's why he can use Hermit Purple for that one scene early on. Also the World in Tarot means everything.
It would've been neat twist for Jotaro to learn that Dio can stop time all of a sudden, realize that no one else can do it and be like that must be Star Platinum's ability.

No. 454868

I really like that idea, and it fits thematically with his character. Dio is a parasite whose entire existence is built around fucking over other people and obsessing over the one family who beat him. The fact that his Stand doesn't have a true power of its own and can only copy others is genius.

No. 454869

File: 1738175867292.jpg (66.65 KB, 554x416, ova-jotaro.jpg)

I've been here since the OVAs. Complain about the breaks in Stone Ocean? Try waiting 9 years for a part to be complete.

No. 454871

Well said. I guess having the stand abilities of all of his followers and vampire powers would be far too much. The only way I could see for the crusaders to beat him would be him forgetting about the sunrise and that would be very unsatisfying.

No. 454875

I could also see them defeating Dio by combining their Stands/abilities in a way he can't replicate. Power of friendship and all that.

No. 454876

Speaking of ova, I still fucking LOVE how they made Dio moving through stopped time in this, it looks like he teleports in a single frame, without any sound, and it's fucking scary. I can actually feel the horror of this fight. In david pro version it was just rule of cool all the time. And shit was all over the place. Overall I prefer newer Dio, but if the new fight had the same choreography as the ova fight, also quiet horror moments, Jotaro actually looking scared at times and Egypt being actually inhabitated by people, it would've been perfection

No. 454905

Yeah I think by the time the DavidPro anime came out the cat was out of the bag. Road Rolla da was already an old internet meme at that point.

No. 454917

File: 1738185713606.jpg (125.83 KB, 638x1029, flp59qu0o2h41.jpg)

speaking of funniest moments in the series, what's your favorite? i cannot get over jolyne/araki spoiling the sixth sense for japanese fans kek

No. 454920

Why did he do that?

No. 454921

for fun

No. 454922

Nta but Araki is something of a troll sometimes, I also feel like he's one of those Japanese scrotes that thinks he's NLOJS for being uber into American media and culture.

No. 454925

File: 1738186833262.jpg (101.28 KB, 434x780, ab02dc5584a7fe42dca9ade4f6e11c…)

araki is a total westaboo like kojima

No. 454927

File: 1738187151535.webp (102.81 KB, 482x597, Wekapipo.webp)

He's such as westaboo it's honestly weird the few times he uses Japanese bands for stand names

No. 454936

I remember how shocked I was when I read Steel Ball Run and saw a minor character with a stand called Chocolate Disco as a result.

No. 454944

Kek same. I was genuinely surprised!

No. 455033

File: 1738220086384.gif (803.17 KB, 480x291, 7up.gif)

Dio being a fan of 7UP was a plottwist I did not expect.

No. 455034

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No. 455035

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No. 455036

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No. 455038

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No. 455075

File: 1738229824432.gif (2.65 MB, 498x258, 1581530705814.gif)

Why is Kensho Ono's voice so good?

No. 455096

Gif posting nonna would you have one of the torture dance? I've been trying to upload one but all of them fail.
Dio knows the inferiority of Sprite

No. 455098

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No. 455101

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Ty nonna

No. 455119

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No. 455122

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shitty system, takes longer than 30 sec, what a failure, and you call it an imageboard, admin?

No. 455123

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No. 455152

Even OVA Dio was hot as fuck.

No. 455166

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Bros being bros lel

No. 455170

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No. 455171

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No. 455172

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No. 455173

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No. 455176

File: 1738260501800.jpg (229.5 KB, 800x1120, 800px-Jorge_Joestar_novel.jpg)

Thoughts on pic rel? I downloaded the PDF and plan on reading it tonight. I've heard things about it. It's apparently quite bizarre even for Jojo

No. 455177

File: 1738260633526.gif (2 MB, 500x280, 1468665340951.gif)

I will wait for your input for I am unfamiliar with this work.

No. 455181

File: 1738261015316.gif (199.13 KB, 500x400, 1517531462169.gif)

Love this weirdo (even though his seiyuu is a POS person).

No. 455183

File: 1738261087970.png (154.85 KB, 272x328, George_II_Infobox_Manga.png)

Jifjif nonna apparently it's an alt universe thing that alternates between Joseph's father Jeorge and Joji a kid in Morioh. It mashes parts 1-6 together. It's supposed to be a complete mess and I'm excited to read it. I'll keep you posted

No. 455184

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No. 455188

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>alternates between Joseph's father Jeorge and Joji a kid in Morioh
Time travel? LOL

No. 455189

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No. 455192

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Ranks on favourite Jojos?

Didn't finish yet

No. 455194

File: 1738262046139.gif (Spoiler Image,999.69 KB, 500x281, 1438573243197.gif)

1. Jonathan
2. Giorno
3. Joutarou
4. Jousuke
5. Jolyne
6. Joseph

No. 455196

File: 1738262164277.gif (3.24 MB, 498x280, 1678939060853.gif)

Which part is the gayest for you?

No. 455197

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No. 455199

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No. 455202

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No. 455203

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No. 455204

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No. 455206

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No. 455209

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No. 455212

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No. 455221

Deserved because he's annoying as hell

No. 455222

Milk on his VA?

No. 455224

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Doppio a cute.

No. 455225

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>The Weekly Bunshun tabloid newspaper reported on Wednesday that voice actor Takahiro Sakurai had been engaged in an extramarital affair for at least 10 years with a writer for his P.S. Genki Desu. Takahiro travel radio show. The show abruptly concluded on Monday after nine years.
>Weekly Bunshun reported that the writer with whom Sakurai had an affair was unaware that Sakurai was married until just before the recording of P.S. Genki Desu. Takahiro's final episode. The voice actor had been discrete about his marriage until last month, when he revealed his marital status to Weekly Bunshun. The newspaper added that the writer was so shocked after finding out that Sakurai was married that she had to be admitted to the emergency room, and retired from the writing business afterward.

No. 455226

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No. 455246

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No. 455478

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No. 455481

Hiroshi Kamiya was a better Rohan, in fact I prefer most of the old ASB cast compared to the subsequent recasts, Sho Hayami was the best Pucci, same with Rikiya Koyama as Kira and Toshiyuki Morikawa as Diavolo.

No. 455482

Idc for Jodio because he's probably Giorno 2.0 and he has a tranny brother so that makes him dislikable.

No. 455525

I want it but I know I can afford it…

No. 455678

The only times I cried at jojo was at the end of Phantom Blood (yeah I didn't expect to have a sure of emotions at Jonathan dying in Dio in his arms but I did) and when Ceasar died (that scene in the anime was just so perfectly executed and directed). During SBR read there were some touching moments but never enough to make me cry

No. 455690

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1. jolyne
2. joseph
3. jotaro
4. jonathan
5. josuke
6. giorno

i honestly just don't really care for parts 4 and 5. haven't finished sbr, and idk anything about parts 8 and 9

No. 455694

5 is literally the best part

No. 455695

Yeah it's the best at being the worst

No. 455701

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I wished Anasui stayed as a woman. She would've been more likeable and tolerable and make Jolyne canonically bisexual.

No. 455723

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original anon she replied to, real as fuck

No. 455783

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Part 5 is the most /fa/ part. Change my mind.

No. 455785

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No. 455786

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No. 455787

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No. 455791

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No. 455807

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No. 456137

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Add this to the bullshit moments chart

No. 456138

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Am I watching an Indian movie or something

No. 456183

Because the sixth sense is a shit movie.
The ending of part 6 is such bullshit. Reset the universe? Fuck outta here, you just ran out of ideas and went for "and then they all fucked". It's some old deviantart baby's first fanfic crap, i'm still pissed off about it.
Haven't even bothered to look at everything that came after that

No. 456188

THIS. "Universe reset" was literally something my OC villain did in my Naruto fanfiction I wrote when I was 12/13 years old and I couldn't stop laughing about it when I discovered Jojo and found out about part 6 ending

No. 456198

This marks my birth as an ending defender, but I think it was cool and a bittersweet ending. It concluded the original universe and Dio's plans and existence. The universe wasn't just reset, Pucci failed to reset it to the specific timeline he wanted where people can see their fate and accept it or something like that, instead he ended up dying and the universe turned into a timeline where Dio never existed and never interfered with the Joestars. So parts 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 didn't happen the way they did. And the Joestars had normal lives relatively. It ties in to the themes of fate that where present in all parts, with the Joestars being soldiers of fate against those who reject or try to change it and bend it to their wills, that being the villains of the series. Part 7 and 8 also have these themes but in a different way. In part 6, fate is controlled by gravity for some reason, like actual gravitational G force stuff, and Dio wanted to gain power over that to be able to control fate to his will. He wanted to cope with and accept his mom's death and his unfortunate life because he'd know of his future as a powerful vampire with a strong stand and tons of followers, and maybe he'll try to somehow circumvent his fate now that he's aware of it so he can achieve his goals without being stopped. It was basically his plan B if he dies, and Pucci simply carried it. There's also the alternative take of the Eyes of Heaven game but I haven't watched it yet to know what happened, but afaik, Dio gains god like powers and it seems to miss up the timelines and universe somehow.

No. 456206

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No. 456222

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No. 456225

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No. 456228

It feels odd and nostalgic remembering the age where this was all the western side of the internet knew about JoJo, ROADROLLER DA capcom fighter memes and the OVA.

No. 456229

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Let's do this.

No. 456232

>instead he ended up dying and the universe turned into a timeline where Dio never existed and never interfered with the Joestars
But that kinda kills the entire character development and achievements and struggles of literally every JoJo character upon that moment… Feels cheap, one big cop out. The entire theme of JJBA is destiny and how one deals with it. Reseting the world just doesn't fit within the theme imo. I don't accept erasing every character's struggle just to fuck Dio over

No. 456247

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No. 456253

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i love all the old meme posting. and we can't forget duwang

No. 456256

I thought the new universe was the same but no Pucchi. Although everything was kinda vague

No. 456282

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No. 456286

Same, nona! It definitely helps that Jonathan and Joseph are my favorite JoJos.

No. 456470

>The entire theme of JJBA is destiny and how one deals with it. Reseting the world just doesn't fit within the theme imo.
The Joestars turned Dio's defying of fate against him, though. That fixes everything and gives all the Joestars a better life. As in they achieved the goal of defeating Dio for good to the point of their struggles caused by him being erased. It's a reward for their all hard work where they can experience life all over again without Dio ruining it for them, and just living a normal life, given to them by fate itself for fighting for it and to protect it from Dio. Fate works in mysterious ways in Jojo, where it's almost a divine entity of some sort. I find that nice. Think about it from the perspective of the characters, the way Araki probably did, they spent so much of their lives suffering because of Dio, if they could redo things without him interfering so they can have a nice life, they'd probably go for it.
And the clean slate thing gave Araki a chance to redo some things in parts 7 and 8 he thought weren't done right in parts 1-6. And he delivered tbh, parts 7 and 8 are among my top 3 after part 6. It's when he started getting serious and heavy with his storytelling and world building. Everything before that was a bit goofy mindless fun in comparison.
If there's no Dio, then there's no Pucci. At least, not the Dio follower one. So he'd probably continue being a priest in his town and try to find a way to move on from his trauma without Dio giving him a magical solution. I remember someone once pointed out that Pucci is actually very logical and scientific and may have his doubts when it comes to religion and the supernatural, but he still went down the priest route because of his culture or something, and if it weren't for stands and Dio, he'd probably renounce that and do something else. It's why his stand, white snake, has the DNA makeup written all over it, that's his true scientific spirit. I can't remember where I heard this though, could be from the only Jojo youtuber I actually watch, who also has a very good video on the ending of Stone Ocean.

No. 456478

I didn't know about it so I read the more recent fan translation on batoto in 2014 when it wasn't completed yet. Once the last battle agaisnt Kira started I was hit in the face with "the rain sounds like Josuke" and "ABAJ!" and couldn't stop laughing.

No. 456501

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Using Chinese scans as the basis for your translation - not even once.

No. 456510

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This thread reeks of /a/utism lately and I'm not sure if I love it or hate it

I'm curious, what threads does an oldfag like you hang out at? All I see are Xitter and TikTok newfags in most threads.

For fuck's sake. It's Pucci

>But that kinda kills the entire character development and achievements and struggles of literally every JoJo character upon that moment… Feels cheap, one big cop out.
It doesn't make sense to say it erases all the efforts to correct what Dio caused, because that ending was achieved by the culmination of all that effort. Like anon said, if the Joestars and everyone else could start over without Dio's influence in the world, they would.
I get how it can be jarring that up until that point JoJo seemed to be big on "dealing with destiny", and then all those "life lessons" learned are gone, but perhaps Araki never saw it that way. Maybe that wasn't the ultimate message he was trying to convey, and he was just trying to tell an exciting story, which in my opinion, would be very typical of him.

No. 456652

I hate this faggot youtuber Kaleb I.A. and his shitty taste and takes like you wouldn't believe

No. 456662

Why all the Josuke hate? He's legit one of the best Jojos. My top 3 fave Jojos are Jolyne, Josuke, and Johnny. Part 4 was the first part that made me cry. I had such a great time reading the manga, what a good part. I wish Araki would sell out and have a part 4 spin off anime made, I need to know what happens to Josuke and gang after everything.

No. 456664

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Who even hates Josuke?

No. 456665

Like 99% of Jojo youtubers are awful. Only legit one Hamon Beat is a bit controversial but his videos are actually amazing and informative. I love his autism for the franchise and his quality content. I learned a lot from his videos.
You will love the Rohan OVA then lmao. There's the live action part 4 movie and the live action Rohan show. They feature Yukako, Koichi and iirc Okuyasu but not Josuke afaik.

No. 456670

i don't hate him i just think part 4 is overrated and boring

No. 456681

I just find it funny that Dio's ultimate fate was to be literally wiped from existence because he couldn't get over Jonathan one-upping him as a 12 year old. Deserved.

No. 456694

Part 4 is infinitely better and more entertaining than part 5 though

No. 456695

I'd rather watch Giorno's boring ass yapping about his retarded shitty dream over the Shigichi episode.

No. 456705

The Shigechi episode was funny are you kidding me. A fugly fatass got exploded to death and some Stacies were like "ew wtf is wrong with him?" I thought that was so funny overall. I think Jojo's is peak when it's wacky and you're able to not take it so seriously. Part 5 was just strangely boring, and off in some way. It was played way too straight, and Giorno was boring and not cute he's ugly as hell.

No. 456708

I think I would have liked Giorno more if Araki had been allowed to execute his original idea and wrote him as a girl.

No. 456729

Except Dio was already defeated in part 3. I never felt like it wasn't "enough". It felt redundant and cheap to drag his plot into part 6.
I like parts 1-3 and 7-8, everything in between feels like a filler.

No. 456739

>Only legit one Hamon Beat is a bit controversial
What did he do that’s controversial?

No. 456783

i get that writing the same manga for 30+ years is taxing, it would be weird if it wasn't but that doesn't make this ending less of a cop out. i get wanting to blank slate shit but surely there are better ways to go about it.
frankly i´d be more sold on araki trolling anyone than a "make right what once was wrong" type deal.
>Pucci failed to reset it to the specific timeline he wanted where people can see their fate and accept it or something like that
that's because you can't fight fate, this is about the only thing i agree with you on.
>So parts 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 didn't happen the way they did
they didn´t happen period, which if that were case, just makes this even more bad and dumb.
"reset the universe and unmake the entire story so far" has been attempted in works of fiction numerous times and it's an incredibly hard sell because 9.5 times out of 10 it comes out wrong or bad or dumb or just makes everything that came before an even more forced "but you must" and you end up writing yourself into a corner that no amount of deus ex machina can get you out of.
(i'm guessing you're the same nona from the other post i'm replying to?)
>That fixes everything and gives all the Joestars a better life. As in they achieved the goal of defeating Dio for good
if dio and pucci are unmade by pucci's actions then the joestars accomplished nothing. doesn't pucci say something to the effect of each reset being a play by play of the original one until they land on "the good one"? was pucci expecting to roll a nat20 the first time around? again, dumb and bad.
like i said, 30+ years is a long time. nobody is exempted from lazy writing.
>This thread reeks of /a/utism lately
sorry about that

No. 456820

That's just too sad.

Nah, part 5 has much better drama and homolust.

If Jojo is peak when it's wacky, what's your opinion on part 1?
>just strangely boring, and off in some way. It was played way too straight

No. 456826

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1. no
2. never going to not think part 4 isn't boring, has nothing to do with josuke

No. 456850

Part 1 was also funny and wacky, what do you mean? That was peak Dio and they fought a roided Jack the Ripper. That was fun.
Part 5 seems to appeal to people with more obvious autism so maybe it's that. Part 5 sucks, but it had the best villain.

No. 456853

Actually I just remembered Kira existed, so Diavolo is the second best villain.

No. 456869

Part 5 will always be a reverse harem manga with fight scenes to me.

No. 456871

He said some racist thing on Twitter and people couldn't let go of it, not because they actually care about racism, but because he dared to criticize the other Jojo youtubers and debunked all the misinformation on the series and ruiend their unfunny "Araki forgot HAHAHAH" meme for them. So they had to drag him somehow. He apologized then continued making his videos and doubled down on quality content, and ignored the whining in the comments. I think his channel is probably prospering better than the clown annoying Jojo youtubers, too, as things should be tbh. He's the only one who actually posts news on the series. The others just talk about their opinions on x and y as if we care.
Fair enough. But Dio and his followers were behind the events in parts 4 (with Kira and Okuyasu's dad) and 5 (Giorno), so you can't deny he still had an effect on the flow of things. It was only fair to make part 6 the one where his biggest, most dangerous follower gets defeated. I know it's frustrating because he wasn't foreshadowed before, but I still think it's plausible that Dio had some backup plan and someone to continue his work somehow. And it's nice to see some depth added to his plans and goals, so he isn't just some cartoonishly evil villain, but actually someone with an insane plan he researched and worked on for centuries. It's only fair that it almost succeeded, too.
Maybe what I said to the anon above would be relevant, but I'd also like to add it's down to personal preference at the end of the day. I don't have an issue with the idea of a universe reset, and some or all characters retaining some memories from the previous iteration. I think it's tragic and cool. It worked for me in part 6. I think it fits the themes and what happened so far. But I admit there are some plot holes and ambiguity when it comes to how Emporio still remembers and knows everything at the end, but he also sort of was paranoid and worried something bad will happen all along from the beginning. Feels like a loose thread about a possible time loop or something. You could be right about writing the manga for 30 years taking a toll on Araki, though. Hence wanting to end Jojo already and in the most depressing way possible. He even tried to make part 7 its own thing that has nothing to do with Jojo at all, and not even related to the universe reset or anything. Not an alternative universe either. Just a new separate story, and he only added the Jojo label way later down the line since he already referenced tons of things from Jojo and it's too late to try and save part 7 as a stand alone IP. And I'm kinda glad he did because I like the result and part 8 is one of my favorites, I think it executed everything part 4 was doing infinitely better. Now if only that could be said about part 9 and its parallels with part 5…

No. 456881

Ironically, it seems that Part 5 is liked more by memefags and fujos than Part 4.

That's completely fair.

>There's also the alternative take of the Eyes of Heaven game but I haven't watched it yet to know what happened, but afaik, Dio gains god like powers and it seems to miss up the timelines and universe somehow.
EoH's story is just an official crossover fanfic as a excuse to put all the characters in the same game lol. I wouldn't take it seriously as a potential alternative take.

No. 456883

>EoH's story is just an official crossover fanfic as a excuse to put all the characters in the same game lol.
I'm unironically autistic enough to actually like that and want to see it. It also fueled awesome parts crossover fan art and I'm here for it.

No. 456886

Digi was so based for this

No. 456908

The best thing about the ending of Part 6 is that it implies that Giorno doesn't exist anymore in the universe reset kek. Ugly fag.

No. 456914

No. 456921

I liked all the little team up specials in EoH. Seeing Dio being all proud of Girno during their father son Muda was fun

No. 456932

AYRT, same. It's dumb ass shit that could never be canon, but I'm a sucker for retarded hype multiverse spin-offs like that.

No. 457027

I ship tbem tbh

No. 457029

I'm a Dio fag so more Dio is always appreciated. There could never be enough Dio for me.

No. 457030

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>Part 5 seems to appeal to people with more obvious autism
are you really this mad that people don't like part 4 as much? you just have scrote tastes. part 4 appeals to insecure moids who don't like the more blatant homoeroticism of the other parts. get better soon.

No. 457038

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Nta actually that anon wasn't even me, the original anon who was saying part 4 was better than 5, anyway funny how the part 5 lover would resort to accusing me of "scrote taste", almost like you are a memefag. Jk. But anywho, I do like to fujo out with Jojo, I just think Josuke is cuter and more fun than fug Giorno's pastaboo mafia wannabe ass. Part 4 is only fujobait for very special occasions, because I love the characters so much they're basically real people to me. It's objectively the CUTEST part for sure. I unironically think Part 5 is just butt ugly.

No. 457043

Samefag kek actually I am the same anon linked in your reply my bad, I thought you linked a different post.

No. 457046

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do you just hate gio then? he's kind of hilariously overpowered, but i just didn't take him very seriously

No. 457050

I just can't like a Part if I don't like the main Jojo or the jobros. I didn't like or respect Giorno, and would have such a good time with every other character and yet when the story would focus back to him it was just such a sudden switch to unbearably difficult to get through. Diavolo is fucking great, the supporting cast is great, but when Giorno's there it's nigh unbearable to sit through, I don't even know. His design irks me and I feel like his voice in the sub lacked any real character and it frustrates me that I have to root for him.

No. 457059

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Hate me all you want but he was sexy as fuck.

No. 457062

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Is this whole thread just going to be part 5 vs 4 slap fighting? It’s stupid especially because part 1 is the best part…

No. 457064

From the adapted parts 1 and 2 are easily my favourite. SBR is overall my fav in terms of writing, but in terms of the atmosphere, nothing can top the first season of the anime for me. I doubt SBR adataptation will change that.

No. 457072

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Preach, nonna

No. 457317

Any JonaDio shippers in here or is it just me.

No. 457319

I ship JonaDio and JonaErina so you're not alone, nona.

No. 457320

Ayrt, damn I also love JonaErina too. I can't read JonaDio fics where Erina is much of a character because it feels disrespectful to her. She's so cute, fuck Dio for disrespecting her. That's why I like to imagine him sexually attracted to Jonathan and popping boners about it that send him into a psycho schizo rage. How about you nonnie what's your favorite ship dynamic.

No. 457321

Kek, yeah, I definitely prefer one-sided Dio -> Jona because that's more believable to me personally. Dio is such a prissy bitch who just can't handle big boy feelings like love and jealousy and so decides to take it out on everyone around him. He seems like the kind of narc who thinks that the very idea of being attracted to someone else gives that person power over him and so has to go ape shit.

No. 457328

Kek you're so right. I hate that this isn't even the most popular characterization of the pairing in fanfiction, it makes so much sense in the context of canon.

No. 457628

I'm extremely attracted to Takehito Koyasu's voice. Like to me he makes 90% of the sexual appeal of Dio. It's both so deep and velvet-like and has so much character to it, it's unreal

No. 457632

Same, his voice is literally one of my favorite things about him and amplifies his charm by a thousand fold. Dio isn’t the first koyasu role I’ve heard but I always think of him when hearing other characters with the same va. He’s simply just that iconic.

No. 457636

Dio is the hottest JoJo character, and his voice is perfect for him.

No. 457649

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It sure takes me back. Came in with the animu like everyone else so I experienced the tail end of the old era
>the part 3 capcom fighter and OVA
>bad scanlation memes (the confusion surrounding King Crimson died with the anime)
>CLAMP in Wonderland
>memorable incidents like the Straizo yumejo letter
>7th Stand User (haven't played it yet, oops)
>fake spoiler panels
The fighting game players still exist in their own corner, and the fake panels worked for a while, but the old western culture has been pretty much replaced with reddit's and tumblr's.

No. 457758

>memorable incidents like the Straizo yumejo letter
What was that about?

No. 457761

In the late 80's, while part 2 was still ongoing, Araki received a letter from a female fan telling him that Straizo was too beautiful to be killed off so quickly and begged him to make him return in the manga, in the letter there was a doodle of herself crying while leaning on Straizo's chest.

No. 457936

I know this is kinda childish complaint and nobody cares but I started writing and preparing my own comic book when I was a teenager before I even heard anything about Jojo and I had this thing with referencing my favourite bands and songs (and also other stuff like names of ancient gods) in the names of my characters and their super powers, so when I found out about Jojo I got really sad because now if I ever decide to release it people will immedietely assume I got inspired by Jojo. My characters were also weird and over the top so yeah now I don't know if I should change it or just leave it the way it originally was. I'm still sad about it kek

No. 457945

Jojo is ancient so it's not a really big deal if you coincidentally have similar ideas. This thing has been running since the 80s, ofcourse it did everything under the sun, lol. Other media out there also has that stuff, street fighter was influenced by Jojo, too and I don't think I see people talking about that whenever it's brought up, so you'll probably be fine.

No. 458113

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After part 9 where would you like the next Jojo to take place in that hasn't been before? I'd like a massive adventure across Australia. The protag would obviously be called Joey.
Alternatively a short murder mystery set somewhere really remote. Some people have stands and have to hide their stands while trying to figure out others.

No. 458241

If fate "favors" good people in Jojo then why do evil people get OP stands in the first place

No. 458254

Because there is no good without evil and vice versa. Or some gay shit like that.
I thought part 9 was the last part?

No. 458258

China or Russia with references to the culture, music, food etc. and stands based on legends from each but with a modern spin with song/band inspiration.
From how I understand it, the fate of everyone is set in stone, whether they get OP stands or not is irrelevant. It only becomes an issue when they try to use their fate granted OP stands to overthrow the fate thag gave it to them in the first place. So fate retaliates by sending equally OP stand users who have the perfect counter power and who are willing to follow and enforce fate the way it is. Think of it as god and messengers, and the evil guys are the devil and his followers.

No. 458284

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This slut has a tight grip on me

No. 458823

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Why is the sexualization of Lucy so normalized even though she's only 14 but when I find shota Joseph hot I get cancelled huh

No. 458834

Jojo's readers are retarded, but Araki didn't help with how he made her look way older and put her in compromising situations all the time.

No. 458874

That’s not a shota.

No. 458929

He was like 12 there

No. 458930

canceled by who?

No. 458937

I fucking hate Kakyoin so much. Such an annoying, useless character that is flanderized to unimaginable proportions by retarded meme-obsessed "fans". Horrible character.

No. 458938

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I really hate the fact she had to be 14, even 16 would be so much better for me. Why not 16? And people defend it with "muh symbolism because she's like virgin Mary and Mary got pregnant with jesus at 14". Bible doesn't fucking state her age, and even if it was normal back then, the bible states that Mary traveled to her cousin Elisabeth when they were both expecting a child, but it doesn't mention that she was accoaccompanied by anyone during that travel. She traveled to a town 80 miles away from hers. So do you think parents would allow a 14 year old to travel alone back then? I don't think so, so I assume she must've been older than that. People "assume" someone must have accompanied her, like Joseph, but the bible doesn't state it. That's why there's so much significance put onto Mary traveling to Elizabeth; not only because Elizabeth's pregnancy was also considered a miracle because of her old age, but because Mary had to travel for such a long distance, and the bible doesn't say anything about any person helping her. I wish people stopped making shit up. Sorry for the autism
I know Araki has an adult way of drawing characters and usually can't draw kids for shit, but come on, then there's shit like picrel, don't tell me this isn't sexual on purpose. Why portray a 14 year old in a sexual way

No. 458945

Yeah I do think it's weird. I think he made her 14 because of the Japanese AOC being 14? I'm not sure what's the logic here. The relationship with Steele was weird, too. I understand she was an impressionable kid who really thought she was married to this dude so he's her husband and she took it seriously or something, but at times it felt like Steele played into it and was just a weird pedo at the end of the day. The only thing that makes me try to not bat an eye on all of this is that Lucy gets a big important role in the story and ends up being the one who saves the corpse and kills Dio. She was so cool and totally stole the spotlight from Johnny and Gyro to me. Like, she's the true part 7 protagonist. I'd read an entire manga about her shenanigans climbing up the ladder and becoming the head of the Speedwagon organization. I'm so proud of her and happy for her achieving so much after all she went through.

No. 458953

This but with Dio

No. 458954

nta but dio at least has some depth, he is a genius and a thinker with his own philosophy, he only becomes a screaming retard around Jorstars, so people kinda forget about the other side of him, like how he talked to polnareff in SDC, and the same people think his "deep" and more soft spoken side in Stone ocean is something new and out of character for him, while it really isn't

No. 458956

dio is fun. kakyoin is largely forgettable to me and i only remember him when i see the rero meme or some TIF soulbonding to him

No. 458957

Yeah Dio is a fucking retard when it comes to the Joestars but he does have charisma and intelligence… that we just never really get to see kek

No. 458971

This conversation reminds me of how when I first started watching Jojo and I was obsessed with JotaKak.

No. 458974

JotaKak is probably the most distasteful pairing out of them all, excluding the parental incest ships. If anything Jotaro had more chemistry with Polnareff than with Kakyoin. Kakyoin felt like a different character away from Jotaro too kek, it's like he was scared of being bullied or something. Plus Kakyoin is ugly.

No. 458976

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I mostly like JotaKak if Jotaro is the bottom or if Kakyoin is at least a power bottom. Ultra feminine submissive Kakyoin A SHIT

No. 459373

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Kakyoin was fun and even relatable somewhat to me, and pretty cute too in the same way, say, Speedwagon and Josuke are. It also helps he's the closest thing in the series to Rei (HnK).
For me it's Kak and Pol who have the best dynamic that part, they're better with each other than with their designated bros.
Agreed, he gets ukefied to such a degree it even goes against his character, not unlike Ishimaru from Danganronpa

No. 461020

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Back when I read part 7, I was really obsessed with those 2 and they were my favorite Jojo ship for a while. The angsty fan art and fanfictions were so fun to go through. Can't wait for part 7 to get animated and Magent's line about "liking" Wekapipo so I can have more fan art and fanfics of these 2 retards. I just love how toxic and "I can fix him" their dynamic is.

No. 461033

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No. 461089

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Anon every caejose pic triggers me back into my teenage caejose phase (plot twist: it never ended for real) and I feel like spamming caejose any moment

Also I just remembered a story back from when /fujojo/ was still a thing and very active. Caesar was one of my favourite characters and because during his backstory the narrator says he "committed every crime aside from murder" one anon assumed he definitely commited rape at some point in his youth. So every time I posted Caesar that one anon was calling me a rapist poster kek. Caesar being a rapist was a weird meme at some point there. Or just a way to bully me

No. 461114

Jotaro is only hot when he's the sub in a femdom situation and that's the truth

No. 461316

Watching Stone Ocean and F.F.'s death hit me just as hard as when I read the manga. I love her character arc and her speech about intellect and life. I miss her already.

No. 461318

FF is one of the top JoBros. RIP my plankton queen

No. 461806

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No. 461817

Josuke deserves to be in top place, fuck the Josuke haters he is literally the only one pictured who wouldn't be incredibly fucking annoying and eye-rolling in a real life scenario, just don't talk about his BPD sperg trigger aka his hair.

No. 461832

I'm just happy Diavolo is high on the list. Wish we had more content about his past and his weird and unique condition.

No. 461835

Shigechi is well liked? Above Dio?

No. 461840

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My dio fucker soul is crying so hard right now

No. 461844

If I'm not mistaken, that's Araki's ranking of his favorite characters back when part 5 finished and before part 6.

No. 461894

Surprised joseph was above his poster boy jotaro considering how much more often he draws jotaro and how he shat on joseph's character by making him a cheater but ok

No. 461930

i had this image as my phones wallpaper in high school, thanks for the nostalgia

No. 461937


No. 463715

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No. 464056

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I want to see Jojo anime in CLAMP style.

No. 464510

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Hes so fucking stupid

No. 464511

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>neurodivergent people tend to favour sitting positions with contact between body parts, because it increases their awareness of how their body is occupying space

No. 464512

Joseph is both a big stupid dummy and a Bugs Bunny-esque genius. I think Bugs Bunny was one of Araki's stated inspirations for Joseph but I can't remember.

No. 464641

i actually think the characters look better in their style.

No. 464650

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fuck battle tendency is my comfort part

No. 466665

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Ngl I fucking HATE how popular Jojo has become among normies. Well, in general. It goes for both Berserk and Jojo; I remember when western anime fans barely talked about those shows/manga, fuck I remember a time when videos with Guts theme didn't even have 1 million views on youtube (now some have 30 million) and now the theme is inserted in every single fucking retarded zoomer meme about not getting laid and gorillas riding their wives. As for Jojo, sure after 2012 show it gained some traction, but it was still niche among anime fans, and the roundabout meme didn't appear until like 2015 or 2016 (and many people who knew that one meme didn't even know its origin anyway). Then after SDC it was steadily becoming more popular but I feel like it totally fucking BLEW up in 2018 with part 5 adaptation and brought so many newfags it's unreal (funnily enough I predicted it will happen before part 5 premiere). Now it's everywhere, literally everyone talks about it. It's not just that I'm autistic and I prefer when my special interests stay fairly niche. It's mostly because now I have to constantly see SO many shitty retarded opinions from retarded midwits. I hate this shit. I hate their retarded opinions I disagree with. Newfags opinions regarding certain parts are the worst and their taste is shit. It's also how they have to spam about Jojo everywhere and hate on other fans who have, god forbid, more nuanced and critical views on Araki's writing instead of mindlessly sucking his dick off and pretending like it's the best writing in the history of all fiction and if you dare to criticize it you're "ruining fun" and not allowing others to have fun and "telling the author you know better", like you actually have the power to fucking do that. It's a fucking hivemind. I want to go back to 2012 so bad. It was so comfy. I hate fans and big communities. They ruin everything. Fuck, I unironically wish that after adapting parts 1 and 2 DavidPro didn't have the money to adapt later parts. I wish nothing after part 2 was e v e r adapted kek

No. 466668

Caesar looks ugly af here though

No. 466669

God, I didn't notice until now, but the hair on the back of his hair is really badly animated when he does the flick.

No. 466672

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Is it worse than NuRaki's way of drawing faces, like literally every single one of those characters suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome? Idk

No. 466674

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Nta, took me a while to realize what NuRaki meant kek. I think he can draw properly in this new style when he wants to. It's just that he half-asses or rushes some pieces for convenience. Although I'd say his art style peaked in part 7 mid and late chapters. The early ones were just part 5-6 art style though. GIFrel shows his consistency in character models, iirc he said he sculpts the faces and keeps the sculpture in front of him while drawing to check every single angle and what it would look like to get the character's face right every time. Impressive tbh. He doesn't get enough credit as an artist beyond being a mangaka, there's a reason his art is in museums and art galleries all the time.

No. 466675

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Samefag, he made this glass painting for some place in Japan. Get that bag, grandpa.

No. 466676

Agree on part 7 overall, Jojolion is a downgrade though
>He doesn't get enough credit as an artist beyond being a mangaka, there's a reason his art is in museums and art galleries all the time
Well, you can see many things in museums and art galleries those days, not all of them are good. Just because you can find something at a museum, doesn't mean it's good per say. If he can only draw faces that don't look retarded when he tries, then he doesn't try often enough while drawing his own manga I guess. Honestly, I think the more he started focusing on high fashion and making his characters bodies look like sculptures, the more soul was lost in his work. But "soul" is subjective and that's just my opinion.

No. 466678

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Fair enough. I actually can't stand part 9 because of how ugly everyone is, both art style wise and design wise. The troon shit is also annoying. It feels like part 5 2.0 as well which I'm not into either. But at least, the based TERF girl is cute. She looks like Yasuho.

No. 466679

Kek maybe with "soul" I just mean characters being actually expressive and art being more dynamic, I prefer that over characters with stiff expressions, despite the art itself being more detailed overall. I miss that.

No. 466726

>Fuck, I unironically wish that after adapting parts 1 and 2 DavidPro didn't have the money to adapt later parts.
Too hot a take.

No. 466902

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Why is Araki such a pleb? And he sounds like someone who never struggled mentally in his life, with depression or something

No. 466930

Nah this is based and I agree with them. Eva is overrated trash for 3deep5u edgelords. He is kinda retarded/insane but that's a given with the genius in writing and art. I don't like part 1 but I'd rather watch it 10x than watch a single second of Eva.

No. 466933


No. 466934

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JoJolion is my favorite part and honestly I don't even really know why. It feels like a breath of fresh air. I love reading it and it makes me feel good. It even made me cry.

No. 466937

lmao oh shut up, enough with the NGE reverence. i'm saying this as an NGE fan. it's fine to have characters who aren't "deep". you have no idea about araki's mental struggles or whatever, maybe he just doesn't like to wallow in his own problems and instead wants to make "inspiring" heroes.

No. 466938

Nice argument
Except the way Shinji overcomes his fear at the end of EoE and chooses existing in the real world, even if it equals suffering, over unity, is inspiring. Eva is an anti-escapist show and that is inspiring.

No. 466940

Agreed. It's in my top 3 Jojo parts and it's the number 1 spot. 2nd goes to part 7, and 3rd goes to part 6. I like to call them the trilogy of fate even if they're not 100% connected.
Why do you need a cartoon to teach you that and make you reach that conclusion lol. And it certainly didn't work because all its fan are rancid weeb and otaku escapists who never leave their houses. So much so that Eva ended up selling out and pandering to them eventually because it succeeded with its target of critique. People who aren't into escapism won't be watching an anime to validate their position like little insecure faggots. Learn to see media as entertainment and quit being pretentious about it and feeling the need to appear smart via the media you consume. Prove yourself with actual important behaviors and achievements irl instead of pondering a fictional story. Have fun.

No. 466946

>Why do you need a cartoon to teach you that and make you reach that conclusion lol. And it certainly didn't work because all its fan are rancid weeb and otaku escapists who never leave their houses
Where did I say it "taught" me that? You're the one who said "maybe Araki prefers to write muh inspiring protagonists huuuh?" so I simply replied with saying that having a character who chooses to face reality and an anti-escapist theme is inspiring in a world where basically all fiction promotes escapism and where so many people fear to face reality. No movie/tv show ever changed my outlook on anything (maybe except for Lawrence of Arabia kek) so I'm not trying to defend Eva because it showed me the light or some other shit.
I don't judge a work of art based on its fanbase so idgaf what "the majority of Eva fans" do. If I wanted to judge Jojo based on its fanbase I would call it trash. Also many Eva fans still hate Rebuilds so it's not like all of them are glad that Anno sold out. I'm not going to retroactively judge a good anime based on what its author did X years later. It still is what it was. Also I hate you faggots who go "everything is just for teh lulz enternaitment, don't take anything seriously, never expect a fictional story to have deeper meaning lol, it's just cartoons lol!". Cringe pathetic post-ironic post-modernist approach.

No. 466958

I wasn't the anon who said he likes to write inspiring characters though. Meh, wanting media to be deep and teaching life lessons or whatever means you don't have real life experience. I go through hard shit all the time irl and I inspire myself with my constant fighting to break free from it all. I don't need to see a character doing the same or going through the same to enjoy a piece of media. I like media that entertains me and puts a smile on my face as a change of pace in my daily hardships, and I enjoy seeing them going through fun adventures that sparks the imagination and make me think about creative concepts. I like fun because I have enough suffering in my daily life. I don't need to see more suffering in media I choose to consume, although I don't necessarily mind it, but it kinda gets annoying when the whole point is misery porn. No offense but if you need to see struggles in fiction, maybe you don't have any irl and have it easy enough to not be tired of seeing it everywhere. Some of us live in the real world and have enough to deal with, let us have our retarded mindless fun for a change. You're not a genius for being anti-escapism or something, you're just pretentious.

No. 466977

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>Meh, wanting media to be deep and teaching life lessons or whatever means you don't have real life experience
Prove to me how. I disagree, I think people that actually saw and experienced some real shit in their lives are not always satisfied with surface level storytelling, lack of symbolism etc. I never said all fiction needs to be like that, far from it. But it's good when it does it right, and from my personal experience it's the people who've been through a lot + have some sort of mental disorder (like autism kek) seek patterns and meaning everywhere. And it's nice when you can find something that answers the call. I know people with similar experiences to mine who ended up as junkies because they couldn't cope. My closest relatives are dead and I was abused in various ways since I was a kid, I never had outside support and I was also my only "inspiration", with a strong sense of self and justice (but tbh I think it's the autism that protected me because it made me unable to accept the "norm" around me so I never absorbed any pathological patterns of behaviour from my environment like substance or physical abuse or even the way of talking to people kek). I think I have a lot of life experience, mostly negative experience, but also lots of perseverance. Like "yeah my own father might have tried to strangle me when I was 13, buy I know my survival instinct is simply too strong to give up". To me you are the one who sound like someone who doesn't have any struggles, because from my experience those are the people who want to see ONLY light hearted shit. I meet that kind of normies all the time at work. Accusing me of "thinking I'm a genius" because I stated that something besides light-hearted protagonist might be (god forbid!) inspiring, sounds like projection. I don't like when it's JUST misery porn. I like it when it's hard but in the end, after struggling, the hero finds a way and meaning anyway, against all odds.

Btw this whole shit reminded me when I read parts of Araki's Manga in theory and practice. He talked about the audience disliking Phantom Blood and even Battle Tendenciy due to percieved "negativity" (that's how he called it). So he wrote SDC to be more positive, having at least one win for the protagonists so his chapters don't end on a sour note, to which audience responded well and gave him more praise. First of all, I don't understand how can someone view part 2 as "negative" and disregard Jonathan's death in part 1 (as if that shit wasn't inspiring as fuck and revolutionary for a main character in a shonen), second of all it's so funny how Araki literally bent the knee to fucking normies because LE COMIC BOOK wasn't light hearted enough! I'd much rather see his writing for SDC without bending the knee.

No. 466982

Sir this is the JJBA discussion thread, nobody wants to read your fucking autobiography

No. 466989

I'm not the one who started the "boo I deal with hard shit every day!" stuff
Also it's ok to disregard everything else I said I guess

No. 466995

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not everything is inspiring to everyone. i think dark souls is the most inspiring game i've ever played. a lot of people think it's annoying and difficult for no reason and hate it. that's fine. it's so weird to go through life being mad that people don't experience the same things in the way you do.

No. 466998

Should've mentioned you're autistic. That explains everything. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. I had the same mentality as you when I was an edgy teenager, once you grow up you start to see through it and stop being impressed by all these "deep philosophical" stories and realize they're actually surface level and shallow and don't say anything new or important. It just rehashes and reframes already existing ideas. I'm disillusioned with these things so I let loose and started enjoying retarded stuff shamelessly because it makes me happy and makes going through my life easier. Beisdes, none of these more complex stories actually have the specific experiences, thoughts and beliefs I have, so with time I started losing interest in watching them. Finally enough, retarded innocent fun shows sometimes have what I'm looking for, which is a pleasant surprise at times. I'd also argue that you're point of view is actually more popular, and the true unpopular opinion is just enjoying media the way it is and not trying to take it too seriously or look into it too deep, especially if it's silly kids shows or some really basic normal story. But when it's a show that claims to be deep and philosophical, it's fair to try and get something out of it and criticize it more harshly and seriously, which leads me back to my criticism of Eva attempting a message of some sort, failing at it, and giving it up. It's fair for me to look at it this way because it's the one that tried to be more than it could ever be. Another thing I'd like to add is by trying to seek specific experiences from media for some form of validation, you're sort of doing another kind of escapism anyways, by trying to make sense of your experiences/feelings through the framework of fictional depictions of it, but since you said you have autism, it's understandable why you do this because it's probably easier than relating to real people. My current escapism form is watching a reality show of some artists I like so I can see their real life experiences and what it's like to be an artist since I always wanted to be one. While the cartoons I watch are just background noise for when I'm eating, lol. I see experiences and feelings I actually never had before in media, including superpowers and adventures since these are impossible irl and fiction exists so we can experience anything and everything from a (safe) distance. So I'd rather watch something that has things new to me then my own personal experiences being replayed in front of me in a slight variation. I can watch a documentary about child labor for that instead, but I don't because that would make me feel awful. I'd rather move on and forget about it personally. But to each their own I guess. Glad I come off as a normie, mission accomplished successfully.

No. 467005

>So I'd rather watch something that has things new to me then my own personal experiences being replayed in front of me
Wow I didn't know people watching and liking Eva had the experience of piloting a giant biomechanical robots and fighting giant aliens. That's soo cool.
Original Eva didn't fail at what it tried to convey though.
Also, I've been an edgy teenager a long time ago, then I became like you, and then I matured and started to like all kinds of shows, not just "retarded" ones. You sound lowkey butthurt when trying to patronize others and assume their age and experiences.
I love moving the goal posts too kek
>you actually didn't experience hardships like I did! That's why you like what you like!
>I did actually
>nooo you're just trying to have an unpopular opinion and ackchyually the unpopular opinion is what I THINK, not you!

No. 467006

Also, this whole thing started from Araki not understanding how a character who doesn't always want to fight can be a "manga protagonist" which is an absolutely midwit retard take.

No. 467007

You're the aggressive one here, calm down, it's just cartoons. I was making a more generalized statement and not specifically talking about Eva. Although all the praise Eva gets is for the slice of life parts and problems between the characters rather than the pioleting the creatures and fighting aliens. Because people want it to be deep so bad. The characters' problems seem so silly to me, except Asuka, she's the only one I felt sorry for. The others are so lame and such crybaby I can't take them seriously at all. You can enjoy your 3deep5u edgy slop all you want though, no one's is stopping you. Just stop being triggered by people having different preferences than you. You can just drop JoJo if you don't like it or don't like Araki, it's not a big deal. Also, learn to read next time.

No. 467008

>Just stop being triggered by people having different preferences than you
You literally got triggered by me saying Araki stated a pleb opinion (which I said because I didn't expect to read something so narrow minded and trivial from him). You sound like a child.

No. 467009

God forbid he has an opinion I agree with I guess. People have different tastes, get over it. Or is this your autistic special interest?

No. 467014

Lmao I'm not the one who can't get over something since you were the one constantly making assumptions. I was not the one shitting on "light hearted" shows (since I have some of them among my faves); you were the one shitting on all "deep" shows (whatever that means) and assuming all of them are trash, and assuming I, by definition, dislike "light hearted" shows because I happen to also like Eva, and you started getting personal towards me, making assumptions about my life. You can point out that I said something personal about Araki first, but I'm not discussing with fucking Araki, I'm discussing with you, and I never made a personal assumption about you nor insulted your taste until you did it first towards me. I won't even mention how the content of Jojo is not always light hearted imo, so idk what's the point of saying you prefer "retarded innocent shows" in the context of discussion that started from Jojo's author and his opinion; if you enjoy Jojo then you enjoy some things that aren't always "retarded and innocent". Can't stand hypocrites who start shit and then accuse others of doing it.
I'm ending this discussion, no more yous from me

No. 467015

I wasn't arguing with you though, I was just giving my 2 cents but you got offended over that for some reason. Struck a nerve I guess. Anyways Eva sucks and Araki is right on this one. Now I know he's a real one.

No. 467104

I guess Araki just doesn't like it when something exciting isn't happening on-screen kek. His writing style seems to be "make up some cool shit and think about it later". He can't even keep up with his own fucking manga and often forgets things he wrote. I suppose he likes to "live in the moment".

No. 467148

>fell for the "Araki forgot" psyop
All that shit was sebum and the unfunny joke was started by lame tranny faggot YouTubers. It's not true at all or/and straight up people not understanding or/and remembering things correctly and blaming it on Araki.

No. 467175

Araki literally uses christian symbolism in his stories and considers Jesus to be the ultimate protagonist, it didn't just start with part 7 because the theological wink-winks go before that. I like it a lot too so I don't understand this division between jojo and evangelion, how can one be considered good here and the other one considered fake-deep because of its use of symbolism?

No. 467198

I bet Araki has as much knowledge of Christianity as the average white person who has a trashy kanji tattoo, knowledge of Japan. He just thinks it adds some foreign spice.
I do think it's a funny though that since the Saint's Corpse is in America it confirms that Mormonism was the one true religion in the Jojo universe.

No. 467231

He said he didn't like the writing of Shinji as a protagonist, I don't remember the Christian themes being mentioned in his statement?

No. 467722

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I was refering more to people fighting here and calling evangelion fake deep and saying its fans pretend it's super deep because of the symbolism it has or something. As if Jojo doesn't have fans who pretend Jojo is super deep
>dude you need to know philosophy and listen to certain music in order to understand this character and if you don't like it you simply don't understand!

No. 467795

They're right about JoJo though. It does have some cool subtext, themes and symbolism. And characters' personalities, storylines, and designs can sometimes be based on the songs/artists they're based on which is kind of a fun easter egg thing, you don't 100% need to know it to enjoy or understand the story, but it does enhance it. JoJo doesn't claim to be some genius masterpiece that's there to change society or something, because it doesn't need to, and it still achieves it better than Eva ever did. You can still enjoy JoJo without reading too deep into it, but I don't think the same can be said about Eva since it's whole thing is attempting to be deep, and if the depth doesn't appeal to you, you can't really enjoy it for the mecha stuff for example or the characters (because they're are trash and insufferable), and you'll be told you just don't get it and are watching it wrong or something. It did this to itself though by trying to be on the nose with its philosophy shit. JoJo just exists and doesn't try to appeal to everyone and knows its niche. It's basically pretentious Eva vs. down to earth JoJo. I'd take the latter any time. The characters' struggles and development was also more enjoyable and relatable and better in JoJo parts 6-part 8. They put into words certain feelings and experiences and it feels very cathartic to see it finally said/done, and kinda unexpected when you don't take JoJo seriously. Can't say I felt the same about Eva when I watched it.

No. 467978

In my opinion evangelion didn't claim that either, it was made by some depressed guy who just thought christian symbolism looked cool. Someone can just as well say you need to read Jung's philosophy and study kabbalah in order to understand characters and symbolism in evangelion and it would be just as silly. Many people claim they found the ending of the end of evangelion cathartic too. I don't see any difference between evangelion fans telling you you don't get it and jojo fans telling someone they don't get it, it's both dumb. I believe that works of art speak to people unconsciously, and it either speaks to you or it doesn't. You can't change that. If someone has an opinion that diavolo is a shit villain it's dumb to say that they only dislike him because they didn't understand the symbolism and didn't listen the playlist required to understand a fictional character, because the work should speak for itself
On a personal note I found part 6 to be lacking and I didn't find anything in it relatable, and also I don't need the characters and their action to be relatable in order for me to appreciate them. Relatability is like one of the least important factors on my list. Shit part.

No. 467982

Damn… 'Confusion' will be his epitaph…

No. 467985

I bet this faggot only started to listen to King Crimson because of Jojo, well I listened to it at 13 without even knowing about Jojo's existence and I think this guy is a retard

No. 468065

Fair enough. I don't think relatability is important either, just wanted to say it adds an extra layer of appreciation for part 6 to me. Although I think Eva had tons of wasted potential, waa rushed and went nowhere, so the people acting like it's deep are probably overcompensating.

No. 471416

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No. 473882

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what do you all think of Araki putting the androgyne symbol in Dio brando's character sheet? Is Araki finally giving in to gendie shit? I know the latest part has a qweer but he never said he wanted to be a woman or identifies as such.
If he really did fall for this i'll just treat it as disregardable just like Rowling retconning everyone to be bisexual and into kink or whatever. But then again, it's said that he wrote the Phantom Blood character sheet "from memory"

No. 473889

Maybe he meant it as in "apparent" sex and Dio simply "looks" androgynous… kek

No. 473928

nothing about Dio is androgynous

No. 473934

what the fuck is with the anasui hate. a long haired hot guy in a stripper outfit lusting over the female MC? hell yes. where the fuck else do you see this? they have a healthier relationship once the universe resets
and if he stayed femle that would be boring. wow a girl in a slutty outfit who goes lesbo for jolyne, and people complain that the hets are boring

No. 473935

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>Is Araki finally giving in to gendie shit
no. he's always drawn what he considers androgynous males and this is how he draws women. he has a very "hard" and masculine style is all

No. 473937

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he's ugly actually and an obsessive creep. never seen him have any fans for a reason. he's the worst thing about part 6. he also murdered his girlfriend. why the fuck would anyone like him aside laughing at how pathetic and shitty he is?

No. 473941

>he's ugly
not to me. if you found him attractive you wouldn't care lol. also he actually does a lot for jolyne's sake and becomes righteous
>never see him have fans
go look online for more than 5 mins instead of looking on quora where people have the blandest twitter DNI takes ever

No. 473945

Pickmes will defend Anaslut.

No. 473947

no i wouldn't. i hate jotaro for being a retarded misogynist too. no one likes your ugly rapist.

No. 473948

>her father is the light that shines on the darkness of my heart

No. 473949

baby's first buzzword
anasui never calls anyone a slur. also go look up the definition for "rapist" you sound like a twitterfag

No. 473950

On that topic does Japanese have woman specific slurs? Don't most of the stuff that gets translated to "bitch" is something that's just "damned woman" or something?

No. 473951

who said anything about slurs? what are you talking about? defend anasui killing his girlfriend.

No. 473954

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>a female killer being obsessed with female MC is better than having an actual lesbian couple in a shonen manga
This is the ultimate hybristophilia pick me core

No. 473955

you were talking about jotaro being a misogynist and he's the one who says "bitch." Anasui killed both the ex and the guy she cheated on him with so it's not like he did anything specifically misogynistic. also he actually regrets his actions but it's still not a good place for jolyne to like him, hence the universe reset.
yeah okay and people go and simp after myriad of pwoblematic hot men only to make them into gay ships uwu. So it's suddenly bad when it's with a woman? Y'all are cucking yourselves

No. 473956

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i didn't call anasui a misogynist. just jotaro. you said i wouldn't hate anasui if he was hot. jotaro is hot, and i still hate him because he's a misogynist. i hate anasui because he's a sex pest stalker who doesn't care that jolyne doesn't want him, who also killed his girlfriend. but whatever i guess you'll excuse that because he got cheated on. most people who are cheated on don't kill their partners if they're a good person.

No. 473958

Jonathan is the best JoJo. He is hot and not a misogynist.

No. 473959

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>Anasui killed both the ex and the guy she cheated on him with so it's not like he did anything specifically misogynistic

No. 473960

Oh yeah and I forgot to add but idgaf about lesbian couples. I only care about more interesting het ships that aren't laced with misogyny.
so someone has to be a 100% good person in order to make an interesting romance? lmao. Go read Kimi ni todoke nonstop. Also most people don't strangle people to death out of resentment, that's what jolyne did to that lawyer
Anasui still not a rapist btw.
putting it green text doesn't make me wrong buddy

No. 473961

There's a wast sea of possibilities between someone who is a "100% good person" and someone who literally murders a woman just because she cheated on him
He was probably a controlling freak in that relationship too. Women usually have different reasons for cheating than moids

No. 473962

Anasui sucks because he's a cardboard cutout obsessed with Jolyne. The main three get so much more screentime, and even Weather Patrol is tied into the main plot.

No. 473963

Why even talk about part 6 like it isn't hot garbage…

No. 473965

are you trying to project the nuances of real life gender dynamics onto a fucking jojo's relationship? All we know of anasui in his past is that he liked to diassemble. For all we know he came autistic and pathetic after the fact/unlocking his stand
a "cardboard cutout" isn't anyone not directly tied to the plot.

No. 473968

Yeah except if a man KILLED HIS GIRLFRIEND you can assume he’ll abuse or even kill the next woman. Are you trolling? Serious question.

No. 473969

I really wish Part 6 was better because it was the last time we got to see the original universe.

No. 473975

I understand where you're coming from and it would've worked if he didn't literally kill his gf and tried to force Jolyne to marry him without knowing anything about her. If he was a lesbo female character who killed her useless boyfriend when she cheated on him with a girl and he got angry or something, she'd be a better character overall and her and Jolyne being lesbians would be interesting in a 2000s manga on shoumen jump with a female protagonist.
I honestly find the women he draws very attractive because of their more sharp features that I'm more into.
KEK, I enjoyed these scenes for their comedic value and seeing Anasui being put in his place by Jotaro and the rest of the cast. He should've fucked Weather Report and called it a day and left Jolyne to Hermes.
>y'all are cucking yourselves
Oh so you self-insert as Jolyne and are a Twitterfag, got it.
Wrong opinion. It's one of the more serious parts that ties everything together.
His disassembling obsession is probably a mental illness thing he has tied to being a control freak and a pyscho autist. Don't forget he killed his girlfriend and disassembled her parts then iirc reassembled them with the disassembled parts of the guy she cheated with, and some parts were missing too iirc.

No. 473977

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I think I didn't phrase it correctly. Anasui is a cardboard cutout because he doesn't get much to do. There's very little time dedicated to his motivations, any character development, or his impact on the story. The main three get tons of time, obviously, and Weather Report is given some stuff to do by his connection to the main plot. Anasui seems to be along for the ride, really. Though he does get my favorite quick bit.

No. 473978

>more serious equals good
The only thing we have "more" of is the schizophrenia during Pucci fights and his blabbering about subliminal messages and asspulls with being able to see while blind etc. kek
Dio dies in part 3 and bringing him back in part 6 feels like a cheap way to make the story feel like it's important. I hate when new stories try to retrospectively add something more to already dead characters. "Hurr Diavolo is important because without him Dio wouldn't get arrows durr". Yeah we only find out about it in part 5, not 3, therefore I don't care. "DURRR actually before part 3 happened Dio met this one priest and they had this big plan about heaven and all so the story is not over yet and Pucci is important durr!" I literally don't care. I always wish we could just skip from part 3 to part 7 because parts 4-5-6 always felt like fillers to me.

No. 473982

Sure. Parts 4 and 5 were a bit of unnecessary filler. But I don't mind the addition lore and details they along with part 6 provide. Araki isn't the type to plan ahead and he just improvises on the go, and after all, it's titled Jojo's Bizarre Adventures for a reason, ofcourse it has tons of asspulls. And some of them are references to topis that were popular at the time of writing the manga, like the mysterious rods the cow pattern wearing Dio son controls, they were a real mystery spoted in some cave or something and later on revealed to be bugs flattering their wings in a rate that matches or contradicts the camera or something and it confuses it, hence the cylinder appearance. I think it's fun and creative when he incorporates such bullshit into the stories and finds a way to use it, it's unique, entertaining and in the rare occasion educational in a way because it leads me to deep dive into the referenced topics.

No. 473984

It's a fucking anime character they don't follow crime statistics. How the hell do you people have fun
When did he want to force jolyne to marry him?
>Oh so you self-insert as Jolyne
It's more like projecting. Everyone projects certain values onto the characters they like that's a big reason why characters are liked so much. If jolyne were male we wouldn't care so much would we?
>His disassembling obsession is probably a mental illness thing he has tied to being a control freak and a pyscho autist.
So he was a control freak over a Porche? Damn you're reading so hard into a quirky Jojo-ism. What's next, Kira is a control freak for chopping off hands?

No. 473990

>It's a fucking anime character they don't follow crime statistics. How the hell do you people have fun
why are you acting like nobody likes or dislikes a fictional character based on their actions. you think anasui is hot and you literally said that's why you're excusing his actions. most people don't like him because he's boring, creepy and unlikeable with no redeeming qualities besides being a punching bag for jokes. why are you caping so hard for him

No. 473992

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kira the creepy hand fetishist murderer is much more liked than anasui because he's an actual character, also his entire character isn't based around obsessing over one woman and bothering her for marriage/sex

No. 473995

there's actions, and there's writing a whole fanfiction about le problematique characters based on le real life logic. learn to have fun
there is value in male simp characters who are dressed in such a humiliating fashion, especially given how you can't really find that anywhere else. There's also this strange idea that characters aren't characters if they revolve around someone else, as if real life people don't do that already. Meanwhile anasui actually grows in his morality and concern for others

No. 474000

I'm referring to when he made F.F. try and set him up with Jolyne, and his whole "I'll only help her if she's willing to marry me" aspect. Idk about you but I don't project onto any Jojo character, I can find them relatable but I'm capable of observing their stories independent from me and root for them or be against them based on their behaviors, actions and motives that I can or can't get behind. I just enjoy the story and characters the way they are.

No. 474001

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No. 474002

You can enjoy him if that's your thing, but understand he doesn't appeal to everyone and that's fine. Although I'd say real people who revolve around someone else are also pathetic and have no personality and are sometimes looked down upon for a reason.

No. 474003

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My heart skips a beat every time someone posts them. Those two (and that ship) had me in the chokehold since 2012. Every time I think I start to get away, they always pull me back

No. 474013

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You’re telling others they’re moralfagging while literally saying Anasui was justified in killing his GF and also he grows as a person. You’re doing the same thing you’re accusing others of doing. Stop shitting up the thread with your retardation and ugly husbando.

No. 474018

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My favorite JoJo artists Rei17 and Kuren were obsessed with this ship when the anime's popularity peaked, so it's a bit nostalgic to me.

No. 474019

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No. 474020

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No. 474022

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No. 474025

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No. 474028

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god i love kars

No. 474029

also when i first started reading jjba i forgot that characters are named after bands instead of music in general so i associated him with this song

No. 474040

File: 1742786423841.jpg (Spoiler Image,956.54 KB, 1200x900, pixiv37531478_1.jpg)

Me too, anon. I'm also in love with the idea of Kars interacting with DIO like this.
Spoiler for gore, hope this doesn't get me banned.

No. 474047

I mean Pillar Men eat vampires… by which I mean fuck them

No. 474122

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>Weather Patrol
It's Weather Report.

No. 474188

where did I say he was justified, no shit jolyne would never like him in his current state

No. 474189

I can only hope that's the case considering how much Araki simps for him. I should get out of the jojo fandom lmao

No. 474321

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He should have hooked up with Weather Report - he had great chemistry with him.

Please. We're talking about a franchise of 100000s who made Dio their husbando.

>Wrong opinion. It's one of the more serious parts that ties everything together.
Hahaha. It's no more serious than part 5 and definitely silly when compared with part 1.

No. 474324

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shut the fuck up about anasui, hypocritical moralfag
jojo fandom was taken over by gendies awhile ago, there's nothing good or funny left

No. 474327

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You shut up. Your lesbian fanfiction can't erase the purely heterosexual nature of part 6. Cope.

No. 474337

no one said anything about lesbians you weirdo

No. 474339

It's the perfect time to do so with part 9 being absolute dogshit. But maybe wait until part 7 and 8 are animated if you're into them.

No. 474345

Why did part 8 and 9 drop off so hard. Part 7 is so good too. Araki is phoning it all the way in.

No. 474357

Part 8 was actually fun. I enjoyed the family drama intertwined with the mafia and rokakaka fruit plot line. J8suke's mystery was also very interesting.

No. 474449

Are there websites that have a better jojo fandom than fucking reddit

No. 474454

Kek nice catch. Autocorrect.

No. 474469

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Steel ball run anime will be an inconsistent ugly mess and they will butcher all my favorite scenes. DavidPro's attempts at imitating the manga art style are horrendous.

No, leddit isn't a good place either. Jojo fanbase is dead.

No. 475043

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is it really canon that Speedwagon likes Jonathan romantically?

No. 475284

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It's a good thing that Diego is simply too sexy to be ruined.

No. 475289

I don't think there was any confirmation ever. But knowing Araki, it's possible. I see it as a ship fans enjoy. Although Araki can be more explicit with his gays like in part 5 (Gelato and Sorbet, Tiziano and Squalo) and part 7 (Scarlett Valentine and Magent Magent).

No. 475291

I don't think Speedwagon was gay, necessarily, but a LOT of dudes were hot for Jonathan including Dio.

No. 475318

Is romance or sex the only way you can see two characters having a deep bond?

No. 475328

When both are male - yes.

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