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No. 185617
Considering that there seems to be a lot of anons into those 2 games here, this thread is necessary. Feel free to discuss anything: the salt, the issues, your stylings, ugly new suits, pretty new suits, preferences, impressions, speculations… Basically everything Nikki Up2U related.
>Love Nikki-Dress Up Queen is a dress-up game with rpg elements, developed by Papergames.>Shining Nikki is a next-gen gacha dress-up game and the 3D sequel of Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen. Resources:
>LNFagbook: subreddit: Discord:>SNFacebook: Discord: No. 185688
>>185617Thank you for making a thread anon! I'm honestly kinda over love nikki, i got so many suits and i don't feel like it's worth it to get any more because i hardly look at any of the suits i have. I guess i kinda did have the motivation to complete all the hells but that motivation is gone to. I already catched up with all chapters but the story just feels slow and it was frustrating how we got hells in the wrong order so the lore didn't make any sense, remember how long it took before we got 4 gods kek. Anyway i think i will just delete love nikki for a while and start playing again when they add a new chapter.
I have been enjoying shining nikki a lot more and i feel like it's really easy to save my diamonds even tho we get so many events? Maybe it's because a lot of suits i don't like but i have 50k dias saved right now and i will probably get the current rerunning suit because I'm mainly just saving for the devil and angel hell.
No. 185702
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>>185617Thanks for making a thread!
I’m still doing the chapters (I craft and evolve all suits in them to get my wardrobe up so it takes longer) so I don’t have the same complaints as others do about the slow pace.
I’m just pissed that the game might die out because I don’t like the 3D look of shining Nikki. Part of the appeal of love Nikki for me is the crazy extravagant suits, like CLAMP on crack.
Anyone have an LN husbando? Reid is the most attractive in the game to me (he also looks like my boyfriend) but for total package I really like Royce.
No. 185751
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God, I hope the chinese players succeed at firing the artist. What the fuck are those poses?
No. 185769
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been playing ln since 2018.
i gave up on sn because it basically took away all the fun elemensd of ln to make it a straight up gacha.
like sure, the art is very nicely done but there's nothing to do but spend, and compaared to kl you get way less stuff for the same amount of money
i hope they don't give up on ln. imo it's way better
No. 185772
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>>185697It's because they fail to hide Nikki's deep soulless eyes. LN makeup changes her uncanny face so it looks better meanwhile SN just tries to fruitlessly fix it with makeup.
>>185751Same, I have no idea why they are keeping this milf hunter. Mb it's some executive's friend/relative? Also western LN fandom reaction to CN boycott (they say that art is not so bad and demanding to fire the artist is too much uwu) is so pathetic - art is the main selling point of this game, they shouldn't fuck it up under any circumstances.
No. 185783
Nice thanks for the thread op!
I started playing somewhere in 2019 I guess, and still have fun playing. It’s just the best dress-up game out there imo because it has just soo many different items and possible combinations with great art quality (if you ignore the occasional retarded proportions/poses that are accordingly related to that artist everyone seems to hat lol)
>>185702>I’m just pissed that the game might die out because I don’t like the 3D look of shining Nikki.same here I will never play SN, 3d dress up games are ugly to me and everything I’ve seen so far looks kind of lame tbh. One appeal of dress-up games for me is to be able to go as wild as possible, if what I can do is limited to making the same boring Nikki doll look only slightly different with a different hairstyle and dress, great if you’re into that but I really don’t see the point.
I really hope they don’t give up on LN I mean the game is still a cashcow, I assume and hope it would not be profitable dropping it now since there are still many players who are ready to spend shitloads of money on it.
>>185702It’s Cloris for me I just love him he’s so cute, sleeping under the tree like that.
No. 185833
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There is so much shit to talk about tbh, I don't even know from what to start lol… Anyway what's your opinion on the new hell&recharges? Have you obtained anything yourself? I've reached the second node and got 2 suits I wanted (prince - for his background and knight - for her scythe). Overall this hell seems too cartooney to me, plastic even. I don't really like this style, though I like The idea behind those suits. The last node is something severely tragic: the concept is really good and original but the execution is so lackluster, there are just so many things wrong with that snow white girl. Recharges are pretty but they don't do anything to me. Originally when I saw that elf and her breakdown for the first time I planned to recharge until I get her ears, but rn I think I don't really need them. I don't have any desire to purchase anything from this lineup at all.
No. 185835
>>185833not aa fan of the sunflower and grim reaper shit but i love the sun one (gonna use it for a louis XIV sc entry) and the starry night.
not my fave hell (i like the cloud ones better) but i like most of it. i got the recharge because i love flapper style
No. 185859
>>185772Agree. LN is not the artist's personal account, people are putting money on this game. The global players are so oversensitive and get satisfied with any little thing. This is why Elex will never change, and the players deserve it.
>>185833>what's your opinion on the new hell&recharges?The cheapest recharge is the cutest. The elf is boring and her anatomy is extremely messed up. I think the hell event is average. The prince and sunflower painter are the best suits, I'm in love with their background items. I don't like the other duo. The only pretty item of Night Stray is the dress, her pose is awful and her hair looks like something you'd craft in the early chapters. Dawn Sky is boring and I don't like the top part of her dress, it looks transparent and kind of slutty. But some of the individual items look useful.
>The last node is something severely tragicDid you get her? What do you think of it? I think Snow White looks very cute, but I don't like the pose and I don't know if I'd use her dress a lot. Her hair is gorgeous, though, and her makeup looks so gentle.
No. 185897
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>>185859>did you get herNo I didn't. I really dislike her dress and accessories (she looks like a baby in a cradle tbh), I am thinking about getting her on rerun just for the snow special effect but only if I wouldn't have anything better to spend on when that time comes.
There was a breakdown and versatility testing of this hell on reddit though, its op gave a short review of each set (how useful + compatible it is in her opinion), you might want to check it out ♥
No. 185905
>>185833Only the van goth boy + sunflower combo are worth it in my opinion, only got the boy for now and I love his background item.
Also anyone saw the subreddit drama? Funniest shit I've seen in the community in a while.
No. 186140
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Hey, how about posting our stylings for the current comp theme itt? I will start. Seems that most people go with ice themed outfits for it, I don't have them, so I've made this messenger of spring.
No. 414749
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Reviving the thread because open world Nikki is coming, nonitas. I never got into Shining Nikki (found the models too stiff personally and that they lacked the variety that was in Love Nikki) but this looks really good.