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No. 192847
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>>192831Use good earplugs designed for going to concerts and don't use those cheap foam earplugs as you will get permanent hearing damage and tinnitus without earplugs
No. 193079
>>193073Thanks! Their old stuff is their best, Rain Upon The Impure is my second favorite album ever.
I actually got to see my favorite band last November but it was at an opera house with seating, tomorrow will be my first "real" concert in a while, god I've missed it so much. I've never been to a festival, I think it's best experienced with friends and I don't have any who are into metal.
No. 193827

The new Meshuggah album is out today (yay), and they made a black metal song.
I think, half of the songs are brilliant and original. I especially like Broken Cog and They Move Below. And this one too even if it's not a song to listen to on its own. On Broken Cog the rhythm froze my brain trying to follow it and the end was so creepy and something I never expected from meshuggah, and on They Move Below, the beginning is so refreshing and beautiful, I expected that would be the entire song and then the vicious part started and I don't know if it's just because of the contrast but it's so extra vicious and brutal and there is not a boring part in the entire 9 minutes.
But the other half of the songs sound good, but they're all "dun dun dun du dun dun dun dun du dun" with different decorations thrown in. They all have a few very interesting parts and brilliant solos from Fredrik but overall I would have liked less dun dundudun. Of course, not every song will be for everyone, maybe someone else likes those parts best. Anyway, I like it better than I liked The Violent Sleep of Reason when I first heard it.
What do you think? Maybe I wrote too much, but I love Meshuggah and I don't have anyone to talk about it with. I hope you decide to listen to it.
No. 194874
>>194853Oh man I hope you can listen to all their albums too, I for one think they are all amazing and worth the time, especially Catch 33 and Koloss. I wouldn't know what kind of metal it is either, actually I was just thinking about how people label them but no label is really right I think, it doesn't really sound like progressive metal, or death metal, and certainly not djent. It's a beast of its own
If you like it I think you would like Gojira too
No. 208153
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Is anyone else here going to the Rammstein concerts this summer?
I'm so excited, I bought the tickets 3 years ago but the fucking pandemic got in the way! Glad it's finally happening!! They're one of my favourite bands and I have never seen them live before.
No. 208167

Despite considering myself a Rhapsody fan, I rarely listen to any of the albums beyond the Emerald Sword Saga (I guess it makes sense since they changed their name to Rhapsody of Fire after that).
I've heard that Dark Wings of Steel has been RoF's lowest point, and I tried listening to the re-recorded versions of the iconic old songs with the new vocalist Giacomo Voli, but I hated it so much that I couldn't even finish that album (Legendary Years).
But after reading some reviews for their new album a few minutes ago, because apparently they got better, I decided to listen to some of the best songs in Glory for Salvation.
When I listened to the first song, "Son of Vengeance", I thought "holy shit, this is an entirely different band. It has none of the essence of the old Rhapsody." But the next seven songs are actually pretty decent, some better than others of course, and at times do remind me of the early albums. But I still wouldn't say any of them are as good as ESS-era Rhapsody, hell no. Perhaps they're almost as decent as The Dark Secret Saga.
I've still yet to listen to the remaining songs in this album, but I doubt they'll be good.
No. 209167
>>208016She literally did though hence
>bands i knowIt is bait.
No. 209294
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>>209173D.G. but only when covered in dirt and 5 years ago
No. 209372
>>209294idk shit about metal.
No. 216053
>>216036I actually did go on my own for Saturday, and I had a great time. But I understand fully. I was comfortable because I know the area, and stayed mostly sober (only had one small cocktail for Iron Maiden).
Many interactions I had with strangers were polite and easy to end without the other trying to overstay their welcome. Baffled that I dared hug a man for being friendly to me and help another man in need of sunscreen and they both just carried on without treating it like a special moment, I even stayed after midnight. Obviously drunk people were a real nuisance but easily avoided. I hope you can find someone to tag along with you some day! I would not dare go to Hellfest alone either.
No. 226340
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Are any nonnies going to Wacken this year? Aside from Powerwolf and Judas Priest this year's lineup looks pretty meh, none of my favorite bands will be playing there. I still hope to go someday though
No. 226431
>>226340>HaggardHoly shit they are still a thing? Will they eventually release the new album they've teased for 10+ years?
You're right, what a weak lineup, a lot of mainstream shit, even Hellfest was better this year.
No. 227209
>>227146>It's really nice to see women represented in power metalIndeed! More women should sing regular power metal, I mean one of the reasons I like this genre is that it's easy for me to sing along since it's in my vocal range.
Dark Moor (greatly underrated Spanish PM band) also had a female vocalist from 1999-2003, her name is Elisa C. Martín, and seems like a cool lady. I really liked the band's cover of "Halloween", and the songs "Bells of Notre Dame" and "Maid of Orleans".
This vocalist is now in a French symphonic power/folk metal band called Hamka, but I just found out about it so I'm not familiar with them, but from the looks of it I'll probably like them.
No. 231924
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>>227146Thanks for the recommendation, whoa the singer is great and she is totally my type too.
>twf no lesbian metal witch girlfriend No. 241719
>>192752I honestly love everything metal save for nu metal and black metal which aren't bad at all but not my cup of tea. I listen to a shitton of folk, mainly slavic (usually Russian) bands. Italy also has some cool shit, Rhapsody of Fire and all of that.
>>192824I love them as well. As the other anon said they sound like Sabaton singing about occult stuff and fantasy to me which is alright because I love Sabaton too. Some of their recent songs almost made me tear up like a loser. Namely White Friday. I think Sabaton is also fun because listening to them I often learn about historical events or people I didn't know before.
Currently also enjoying the new Windrose album Warfront a lot.
No. 249017

>>248582The obvious general recommendation would be a band like Nightwish but you probably already know them.
If you like folk you can try
>>241719 (Russian), ГРАЙ (also Russian, try the song Mlada to get an idea), Eluveitie (Swiss, they literally sing Gaulish, try Epona maybe) or Almora (Turkish, but they also sing in English, try Cyrano).
If you like more convenient metal with female lead try Epica, Coronatus, Within Temptation, Xandria, Delain or Visions of Atlantis. Maybe Amaranthe too, their themes are more sci-fi (try Digital World for example).
Maybe songs like Nostos would be also for you (see video).
In general there are hundreds of band someone could recommend so the best is that you randomly listen to a bunch to determine your taste. I personally have no specific taste and listen to all subgenres of metal save for nu-metal maybe, so it always depends on the band for me which makes searching harder, but there is also a bigger pool of bands that could work.
No. 249076
>>199723I love the song because of my teen years loving it. Things were tough back then but I miss them I think mostly because my parents were still alive and even though things were horrible I didn't have so much stressful adult horror to deal with all by myself. I agree it's one of their best songs.
I love this oldschool white trash metal now that I thought was goofy growing up, funny enough
No. 249248
>>248582Idk what kind of metal you are looking for as there are many subgenres. I really like symphonic metal, those bands are probably more beginner friendly. Some of my favorites are Epica, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Lacuna Coil, Amberian Dawn, Xandria. There's Unleash the Archers, a power metal band with an amazing vocalist.
If you want something harsher sounding I'd recommend Jinjer. There's also Arch Enemy (though I prefer the old vocalist the new one is still good), The Agonist, Once Human have some pretty good music.
No. 249254
>>248616Kittie isn't metal.
>>249076Not metal. And why you would enjoy music by a meth head and serial cheater is beyond me.
>>248582Windhand or Brume. Get into the doom.
No. 257343
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Hi nonnies, I'd like to ask for advice. I used to listen to metal when I was younger but then stopped and got more into grunge and alt rock. Also thought it was childish and cringe for a while after that, sorry nonas
I've been wanting to get back into it for a life but I can't get over the misogyny. How do you deal with it nonas? Obviously all genres of music have some misogyny in them but it feels overwhelming with metal. So many times I came across a band that with a sound I liked just to be hit with shit lyrics like
>rape and torture to all the cunts YEAAAHHHHH I WILL STAB YOUR TITTIES
Well, more or less.
The only metal I listen to currently is Type O Negative which I love but Peter Steele's incel tendencies shine through a little too much sometimes so I try to pretend I don't hear it lol and Portal. Now as for Portal I keep forgetting there are even any vocals there because I can't understand what this mf is saying and my brain registers it as ambient noise. Do you have any recs based on that?
Of and course this is without mentioning the community, all the male metalheads I know have been the most open with their misogyny thus far which scares off from going to live shows. Sigh.
No. 257349
I'm sorry you experienced that anon. I don't really engage with the metal community, so I haven't been through that. I went to a club night once that was playing metal music and I had a great time. I'd say it helps if you have female friends that also like metal. All I can suggest is that you listen to music you want to support, and surround yourself with nicer people. I've been listening to black metal recently. I haven't got a clue what the singer is saying, but for me, the music feels kinda relaxing.
>>257343>Peter Steele's incel tendencies shine through a little too much sometimesHow so?
No. 257604
>>257343I mostly listen to the bands I already know and like over and over and over and don't stray from what I already know regularly. And I don't interact with the community whatsoever which significantly limits the misogyny.
I also feel like certain subgenres are significantly worse than others? Or do I have a wrong impression because I don't "explore" a whole lot?
No. 257609
>>257343That's new to me tbh I never met any misogynist metal fans. Male metalers are known to be huge beardy fantasy lovers with jobs who are super chill here despite the loud music they like. I have seen Americans calling metalers edgy but always assumed it was some fundies that never listened to it because the fandom seems to be the opposite of it here.
I guess it depends on the subgenre and place you live in or something. Symphonic metal for example has a huge female fanbase and most lead singers are women too, power metal and speed metal fanbases seem even, but again chill. I also love folk metal I guess this is a genre where you might encounter rightoids, but the fans of it that I am friends with are also chill dudes.
Symphonic and folk metal is also somewhat popular among old people in some Euro countries.
No. 259713
>>255664I usually have a playlist for power metal, or power metal plus folk metal, another for thrash/death, or simply play everything on my device. Sometimes I'll be in a traditional metal mood as well.
I have a playlist just for instrumentals, and sometimes make ones with certain themes (like Halloween).
>>241719It's nice to see someone else talk about Sabaton on here. Maybe one day I'll sperg about them in this thread, I have so much to say about their most recent albums.
No. 259733
>>257855I'm a huge fan of Rammstein's music, past and recent, been to many concerts, have all the albums and shit; and can't help but cringe at this video. It looks like they're trying to kill the "old rammstein" but the zombies - symbolizing fans - hold them down and don't let them move on to other things. If they don't like working together and making music and playing concerts why don't they just stop instead making a whole ass video about trying to break free from being Rammstein lmao
They keep implying it's the end for the band for a long while now, maybe it's time.
No. 259782
>>259777Hard to give up on money. I don't blame them on being tired but I've been to LIFAD tour and to the current one and the energy and dedication really is very different, you can tell. I've also seen Iron Maiden live, another super old band, and they seemed to be genuinely happy to perform; I may be overthinking it but Rammstein guys just genuinely don't seem to be enjoying this anymore.
I also wonder how exhausting this specific tour has to be; it's incredible how it's done (have you seen a timelapse of the stage being built??) and even with what I've said above it's one of my best live show experiences, but it seems so tight on timing, and so elaborate with gimmicks, it's gotta be more tiring than any previous tour and they're all older…
No. 259995
Can I give a bit of a hot take, nonnas?
I've been to a couple of metal gigs this past week and have come to the conclusion that I actually fucking hate moshing and people who mosh. It's a selfish, aggressive and very, very male way to enjoy metal music. There's nothing wrong with headbanging, there's nothing wrong with jumping up and down, there's nothing wrong with putting your arms in the air, but moshing is the worst and I hate the people (men) that do it.
If I've paid fifty bucks to see a band, I want to see them. I don't want to have my attention dragged away every five minutes because some flabby, out of shape fuck is coming barrelling into my direction because he's thrown himself at another flabby, out of shape fuck and lost his balance and is now threatening to crush me beneath his neckbearded bulk. Worst is when, twenty minutes into a mosh, when they're all sweaty and fucking stink, they insist on taking their shirts off, so we can see their pale bellies, spotty shoulders and sweat-sheened man tits.
And it's always these huge, towering fucking moids that do it, seemingly completely oblivious of or ambivalent of the smaller people around them, usually women, and how someone could get seriously injured by their dumb ass blundering into them, not looking where they're going.
TL;DR - moshing is cringe and scrotey. Discuss.
No. 260088
>>259995No, I agree. There's certain bands and venues I avoid all together because of this reason. Partially because I dislike the moshing, I want enjoy the concert from somewhere in the middle without getting into a pit and partially because I don't feel safe in a majorily male audience actively displaying aggressive behaviour even if I'm not in the pit.
I was thinking recently that it's kind of a shame those digital live performances that artists used to do during COVID haven't seem to stick around post-pandemic. Personally I would pay to watch high quality live concerts from the comfort of my own home without having to deal with moid audiences. I'm actually surprised it's not more popular within the genre considering how much of an investment touring is for a lot of bands.
It's a shame how unfriendly the whole genre by large is for women, you've really got to actively curate the stuff for yourself if you want to have a good experience.
No. 260350
>>259995I agree. I never really knew what the point of moshing was supposed to be. I recently saw a band that I've wanted to see for years and near the end of the concert they actually encourage everyone to mosh, it's annoying. I wanted to be up close to the stage but that's where all the moshing was. I just want to head bang and enjoy the music, not body slam with random strangers, most of whom smell like BO like you said.
I remember when I went to a lot of concerts as a teen and I was actually kind of into moshing (not sure why) but I got hurt more than once. One time a guys foot came down on my head since he was crowd surfing and it hurt like hell.
No. 260454
>>260369One of my friends is currently injured from moshing.
>>260369I also knew someone who broke his neck crowd surfing. He needed a halo which is where they drill nails in your forehead to support your spine.
No. 260514
>>259995I feel like the odd one out of all nonnas here and I genuinely do enjoy mosh pits. I've always enjoyed the aggression you can express without having to be apologetic and the energy it builds in the room. Many of my friends don't enjoy the pit so they either stand on the left/right side or even in the front. I find the front has almost no action if you want to avoid all that. I also don't really drink too much at shows so I'm not some sloppy drunk collapsing on people.
In your experience maybe in your city it sounds fully male dominated. The shows I go to here its always a mixed crowd, and the other women who join in the pit don't seem to mind. Everyone is usually always friendly.
Unrelated but related note, I saw Black Dhalia Murder once and the pit was so crazy I lost my phone. I was able to call it from my friends cell and the guy who found it happily gave it back. The scene is friendly to everyone where I'm from.
No. 290962
I love Nothing's vocals and Schmotz's keyboards
No. 292660

>>259995This is because some genres have a lot of crossover with hardcore punk such as sludge and thrash metal. Just stand in the back with all the old fucks, on the sides, or the VERY front. Mosh always happens in the middle towards the front. I always see women in the pit in my location and even though I don't participate, I acknowledge it's just a way to get energy out and is part of the culture. It's like bitching about someone headbanging too hard.
I'm surprised this is the thing that bugs you because there's tons of horrid concert goers that are both men and women but the thing that really bugs me is people not knowing how to navigate through the fucking crowd or adult children who cannot handle their liquor/drugs and pass out or throw up before the show starts. Worst offender ime is women who will walk through the crowd to go to the bathroom, won't dare to push or even TOUCH a man, but will somehow think it's ok to push me out of my spot and rub their hands all over me. I've had to judo strike a few cunts for that and they always back off because they know what they did. Not sure if they see me as competition (sad mindset) or they just really wanted to feel me up but moids are not the only ones to be pissed about. People in general are just really fucking ignorant. The more junkie the crowd, the worse the experience gets. I find people at black metal and groove metal (although that's a very broad term) shows to be the most courteous. Genre's where people are more in their shell or just have nerdier demographics.
No. 295917
nonnie I’m so happy to see this here! I was obsessed with zombie ghost train! I’m so sad they dont exist anymore
No. 295918
nonnie I’m so happy to see this here! I was obsessed with zombie ghost train! I’m so sad they dont exist anymore
No. 298529
>>257343I know this is months and months late, but the best way i deal with the bullshit from the metal community is to simply not interact with them in any capacity. I just listen to the music on spotify and bandcamp and do not engage, granted i still hear about some bullshit through the grapevine. It sucks because metal is the only genre of music that appeals to my angsty side and I can properly engage with on an artistic level. For much of the reasons as you, it's a big reason why I have avoided going to metal shows
as well as racism. I personally feel like there isn't a single genre of music that was truly made with specifically someone like me in mind or that i won't be isolated from fanbase, so silently enjoying music on my own is something i am stuck doing.
No. 298581
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Hey metal-nonnies, my favourite band Ignea will go on a tour in Europe! They will visit my country and I'm so excited! Unfortunately, the tour is shared with a bunch of other bands I've never listened to: Fear Factory, Butcher Babies and Ghosts Of Atlantis. Nonas have you heard these bands and what do you think of them?
No. 298627

>>298529Don't let worries about potential shitty people keep you from going to shows! Metal is one of those genres that really tends to lose something in recordings vs live, kind of like jazz or punk. There's something about the energy of a live show that can't be duplicated.
Maybe you could dip your toes in the water by waiting for groups that have higher concentrations of female fans to have shows near you? Maybe it's just the bands I like, but I've never had a particularly bad experience with other metalheads. If anything, they've been more respectful and polite than the average moid I am forced to interact with in public. The worst has been dudes being kind of inconsiderate of others' personal space, but that happens in any crowded venue. I can't speak to racism, but at most of the shows I go to the crowd is pretty diverse.
>>298595It is kind of an odd combination, but it's not that uncommon for record labels to group random acts together if they have somewhat similar demographics and it's probably pretty hard to figure out who to group with Ignea since their sound is pretty unique. I think the most similar to Ignea in that lineup is probably Ghosts of Atlantis but the vocal style is totally different.
No. 299537
>>298581So jealous you get to see Ignea, they have become one of my favorite bands in the past few months. I live in America so I will probably not be seeing them anytime soon, especially with what's going on in Ukraine right now.
As for the other bands I've never heard of them except Butcher Babies, which I haven't listened to in a long time. I don't remember liking their music but it probably isn't terrible. Anyways, I hope you have a good time regardless
No. 308787
>>308320Supreme taste
nonnie. I've seen Arch Enemy a couple of times and she's so gorgeous irl. I also love the song she did with Nita Strauss, I've been playing it non-stop at the gym.
No. 349738
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what do you nonnies think about her? i really like her in bethlehem, i genuinely love what she does with her voice, and i really think she added to the band's sound. it's just that i can't get myself to listen to DNS on account of the lame name kek. maybe that's shallow of me. she looks cool though
No. 350414
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Nonas I posted ages ago about going to see Ignea live, and I did! So lucky that the band was able to get out of Ukraine, and they all had gotten a cold during the tour but were able to play anyway. They were easily the best band.
God I fangirled so hard when I saw Helle, she is just amazing. Did anyone else see them during this tour?
>>347515What the actual fuck? How does a metal band turn pro-muslim terrorism? They know they would be a target right?
>>349721Fuck yeah I love Therion so much!
No. 351548
nonny I'm so happy for you. Literally listening to Ignea as I scrolled past your post lol. I'm an Amerifag but hopefully I will get to see them someday.
No. 361771
>>360727>The song/album is about AI.ugh
>This video was made with an AI generator from art from a single artist. AI videos are so fucking ugly.
No. 361955
>>361771I think the video looks great, it says it's "Created in Unreal Engine 5 and animated in Stable Diffusion with AI models trained on the licensed artwork of a single artist." Not entirely sure what specifically that means, but it wasn't totally made with AI at any rate, at least it's not like images mashed together with midjourney or something. Then again I'm not super into animation though, I prefer music videos with real people, so I'm usually not one to judge whether animation is good or bad.
But yeah, it's a topic I'm tired of hearing about, I wish they had picked a different one. Still looking forward to the new album though. Hopefully they will make another album soon after. They were on hiatus for a while because the lead singer had a baby last year.
No. 363296
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I went to see pic related the other day and it was seriously the best show I've been to in the last year. Any eurononnies who get the chance should see them while they're on tour
No. 366912
>>366869I like Master's Hammer, their vocals especially sound good (all in Czech!)
>>366873Oh this is cool, thanks for the rec!
No. 367053
>>366873Thanks anon, fitting since I've recently gotten interested in the ottoman empire
>>366912Awesome, I like the cover
>>366921Thank you, I'll check them out too
No. 367059
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No songs to post but apparently there is a Megadeth manga…
No. 367061
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>>367060Apparently this is the cover
No. 367064
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>>367059Holy shit! I think this is from something called Suicide Assistance or something like that by Kishida Koi. I think the character’s design was based on Dave Mustaine but he was named something else.
No. 367067
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>>367064Samefag, found a link to some auction site that has it listed by googling 自殺志願. Looks like Alice Cooper is in it too?
No. 367248
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>>367067>Metal guy gets his shirt chainsawed offMuy bueno.
No. 370003
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>>369767>>369931Looks like they have an instagram. first floor of the shop is fine and the iconic black metal wall's alright. Seems like they can save a lot of stuff
No. 371555
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>>370003I think this is the correct one. There are a few fakes floating around but this one was linked by Darkthrone.
No. 372938
>>372146I listened to some Death albums and really liked the instrumental, but the style of the vocals is not for me, even knowing that the vocalist was very praised… Maybe check out Morbid Angel? The embedded song is my favorite one by them, but it's not really a metal song.
>>372510Well, I'm not that good at describing music but I found that the albuns are very consistent with each other (not sure about their earlier work, i did not get into it), so if you didn't like Trauma you might not like True Power too. Each album got 13 songs, which I think is a lot, some of them fell a bit filler-y, I only loved about 5 songs from each. Overall, Trauma sounds a little sadder than True Power, but honestly most songs would fit into both of them, to me.
No. 385229
>>385174I'm on the same boat. Although I like the lyrics from their albums with Floor, the sound itself is a bit uninspired imo.
Ngl, I kinda miss when Tuomas wrote more sentimental stuff lol
No. 387468
I know Todd Jones is a stupid asshole, but this is my anti-troon anthem
>>387437Man this slaps, but the mix is so shrill it kind of makes my ears bleed after a while
No. 393666
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>>389521Yeah, I only liked maybe one song and die4u that's been out for years now. They've fallen off a lot in recent years.
Was wondering if there's any metal groups that do these kinds of guro/obscene shirts like this band (spoilered for explicit sexual gore), but male of course. If any nonnies know anything like that, please tell!
No. 399376
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Do any of you know a BM band that makes music with themes of misandry? Does that even exist? I just want musc with themes of violence towards men kek.
No. 401963
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Mfw the metal thread is active again
No. 402048
>>401628thanks for sharing anon, this looks interesting. if nothing else it has a gorgeous cover
>>401963you're always welcome to bump it yourself
nonnie No. 402304
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Which sites do you guys buy your patches/pins from especially for licensed merch? I hate bootlegs because the quality is never comparable, they always peel or fray. Sorry to anyone that buys from that South American dude kek. Hell's Headbangers and Riffs are legit, Razorray's is mostly bootleg but his embroidered patches are decent. I lost all my bookmarks recently, had so many shops I wanted to check out that sold OOP/underground band merch, there was one that had really cool shaped ones for sale but fuck if I can remember what it was called.
No. 444471
>>444385Fair enough lmao
>>444409I figured from the name, but the song is still not to my liking
No. 444747
>>444345taste is taste but
>they can't sing at all and think shouting is good singing and high notes or somethingIdk about Helloween, I've never really listened to them, but in my experience power metal usually has the best vocalists (Hansi Kursch, Brittney Slays) although I could see just not liking the vocal style. I have never been able to get into Dragonforce because I don't like the singers voice, even though technically he's probably a good singer I just find his voice kind of annoying
No. 445293
>>444316yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhh that's my shit right here.
>>444551Literally one of the best albums ever recorded. Rediscovered it and absolutely obsessed with it again. Vidrel is currently my fave song from it.
No. 446903
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>>399376The only one I can think of is Matriarkathum. cover art is NSFW).
The music is actually good too lul
No. 450098
>>450096Evanescence is gothic hard rock to me. Maybe gothic/symphonic metal if we push it. Though I don't think majority of their discography sounds like Bring Me To Life, which is probably where "they're not metal" comes from, as in they occasionally have a metal-ish song from time to time but aren't a full-blown metal band.
For Linkin Park, their 2 first albums have hard rock songs and nu-metal ones, but they dropped that sound eventually and turned into more pop rock and later on electrorock sound, so it's fair to say they're not really metal but have some metal sounding songs.
For slipknot, it's just gatekeeping elitist fags not wanting to admit a huge mainstream band is metal because mainstream bad but they also cry about metal not being mainstream. Though I'd say the guitars in slipknot are too high for a metal band, but the screams are pretty metal. Early slipknot was pure nu-metal. Iowa was death metal-ish, the rest is a bit hard rock.
I think the genre evolving and becoming ridiculously heavier with genres like technical death metal and deathcore made older bands sound softer in comparison and therefore perceived as "not metal", but back in their day they were the heaviest thing possible after death metal, black metal, and thrash metal. Also these bands being all mainstream and popular doesn't help their case.
No. 451020

>>450098Ah okay, that's interesting. When I think of 'gothic rock' I think of a totally different sound (something more like Siouxsie and the Banshees or Sisters of Mercy) but I'm sure it's a very broad term and the sound has evolved a lot over the years. I honestly think Fallen and The Open Door sound like metal, the song Whisper has a choir in it singing in latin (not that that makes it metal) but it definitely has a symphonic metal feel. Gonna be honest, I haven't listened to any of their music after that lol. I saw someone calling them nu-metal, I never thought of them as that, but now that I think about it they do have kind of a nu-metal sound I guess. I saw someone calling them post grunge the other day which makes 0 sense to me, I thought post grunge was like Bush/Creed/Nickelback, and Evanescence does not sound like that to me at all.
>I think the genre evolving and becoming ridiculously heavier with genres like technical death metal and deathcore made older bands sound softer in comparison and therefore perceived as "not metal"Yes that's definitely true, I've been listening to some NWOBHM bands and if I heard them without knowing they were classified as metal I wouldn't even think it was supposed to be. But then again the recording quality back then was much worse too.
No. 463298
>>463142Nona I
love Theater of Tragedy! Shame I could never see them live.
No. 469646
>>463482Poor woman's Asenath Blake. While Asenath has that sort of simplistic ambient vibe, the riffs in this just sound like generic noisecore. It only has one review on Metallum and it sums it all up.
"This cannot be stressed enough: this album isn't for people who actually like black metal. This album is for people who hate it, but want to appropriate the aesthetic for their own ideological purposes."
And that's how I feel about a lot of the more virtue signal-y bands out there (Body Void, Liturgy, Femina Nazgûl, most RABM). They don't care about making quality music.