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No. 194458
For all things prog rock, discuss the music, bands, the members, the deep lore of the groups; anything goes. Memes and art welcome of course; music recommendations, celebrations, condemnations; comments, clichés, commentary, controversy; conversation, contradiction, criticism, it's only talk!
*classic rock welcome
No. 194459
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No. 194461
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Wow, Steve Howe made Whole Foods popular? What a legend.
No. 194464
Nice, thank you anon. I'll start with an unpopular opinion: Rush kinda sucks and I dislike their rabid fans
>>194461a healthy boi
No. 194473
>>194464I never really bothered to listen to Rush and I don't know much about the fanbase other than all their fans on Tumblr
>>194469I feel like the majority of prog today falls into symphonic prog, which I personally don't mind, in fact I like Karfagen for the most part even though I feel like a lot of their albums are way too long.
Vidrel is one of their less long albums and I like some of the songs on it, and I feel like it's chill to listen to.
No. 194482
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Based hobbit
No. 194484
>>194473Thanks for the recommendation anon, I like it so far. I never could be bothered to sift through modern prog because the amount of bands from the 70s is already vast enough for me. Or maybe it's my autism preventing me from truly enjoying music that doesn't have that 70s feeling to it.
Anyways, Steve anon, post your diatribe on his eating disorder please, this thread needs more fun kek
No. 194506
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>>194484The diatribe is long and I should probably make a google docs about it first, but part of it is his insistence on being strictly vegetarian and just being consistently pretty thin whereas other band members have gotten fat. There is even a Steve Howe copypasta that goes as follows:
I have a favorite breakfast cereal. It’s what we call porridge, but you call it oatmeal. That to me is the most rewarding and delicious cereal. Obviously if you get it out of a packet and put it in a microwave, then forget it, it’s rubbish. If you go to a health store and get some organic oatmeal, I would buy the small one, not the big things. Who needs giant oatmeal? Scary! Let’s have normal-size oatmeal. If you want to do it the Steve Howe way, it’s one cup of oatmeal, one cup of water and one cup of milk, and that gives it a nice creamy texture. Don’t put sugar in it, on it, or anywhere near the kitchen table. Through all sugar in the rubbish bin immediately and then stop eating sugar and you’ll actually get to taste things, like I can. I don’t eat sugar, haven’t eaten it in 15 years, maybe. And that allows me to really taste things. Believe me: Everything with sugar in it tastes like sugar. So that’s my favorite cereal. To make it better, get an organic banana. Bananas have to be organic, because everything they spray on bananas goes right through the skin and into the food and you’re eating pesticides.
Like who just says that? And at one point he says that the morning after a concert he'd eat a big breakfast where usually he just has a juice for breakfast. It's like, an autistic awareness of food.
Picrel, Steve selects his spring onions! Well done. Not to mention
>>194461 he looks ecstatic to be holding them. Where Steve may have autism relating to his own diet, I have autism relating to Steve's relation to his diet.
No. 194539

>>194511Camel is a pretty good band to start with. Listen to "mirage" and "moon madness" if you haven't already. I'd also recommend albums like "nursery cryme" by Genesis, fragile by Yes, "gentle giant" or "free hand" by Gentle Giant and ofc "in the court of the crimson king" by King Crimson. So yeah, all the obvious stuff but I really think these are a very good primer on what prog rock is. For albums that are more technical and conceptual but still very enjoyable, I'd say "tarkus" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer and "the lamb lies down on broadway" by Genesis.
You could also try lighter prog rock like Electric Light Orchestra, The Alan Parsons Project or Styx. I love listening to these bands when I'm not in the mood for the classic stuff.
Finally there's my absolute favorite - Van der Graaf Generator, but that one seems harder to get into for many people. You should definitely try "h to he who am the only one" though, it's fantastic and very accesible to a new listener.
nonny, you're a treasure and you should never change. I really wish I had your confidence to confess to my own autism re: my prog husbando.
No. 194540
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Peter in Hat Peter in Hat
Bottom text
No. 194550
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>>194539Don't even get me started on the Leotard Incident
No. 194690
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Best Yes lineup in my opinion
>>194612Supertramp is cool, I like their album Crime of the Century
No. 194707
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People in the prog discord I'm in despise Steve Howe and one of the users said they (probably a tif) used Steve Howe as THINSPO WHEN THEY WERE ANOREXIC AND WOULD WRITE FANFICTION ABOUT ANOREXIC STEVE HOWE MY SIDES ARE IN ORBIT, some of the members are saying they wish he would just die already, I should be crying but I am laughing imagine hating a geriatric so much and projecting your eating disorder onto him (more proof Steve Howe is an ana-chan though)
Should I leave this server? It's kinda milky but they literally hate Steve Howe and "skinny people" I'm so astonished I didn't realize there was a whole group of prog fans who project their insecurities on this random man for being skinny, TIFs are wild.
I feel like screenshotting their convo, probably won't post it, it's fucking hilarious though they are fantasizing about making him watch a movie about anorexia.
Damn I was kind of half joking with my ana-chan theory i didn't know it was something people took seriously and gave them depression, imagine playing the guitar for a band and giving people eating disorders 40 years down the line.
Sorry for the rant, this is just so unbelievable
>steve howe should try being an afab teenager living with their mom
No. 194730
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>>194725He actually didn't do any drugs besides weed (and shrooms), and inb4 you say he was lying about it, he was shady towards other band members that brought in drugs even including alcohol, plus even before he joined the band he already had a young son and was all family-oriented.
He was just a staunch vegetarian since '71 and jumped around on stage all the time , not to mention yeah people in the 70s and born in the 40's were just not obese. Didn't Brits still eat rations after WWII ended?
No. 194731
>>194707What the fuck? Leave anon, they sound like a bunch of deranged, terminally online teenagers. I'll admit I'm morbidly curious about their schizoposting, but it's probably not worth it to mess around with them for a little bit of milk. I'm not the one to point fingers at people for getting autistically attached to artists but this is the scary kind of autism.
Shouldn't they be listening to sad acoustic songs about bugs anyway? I never thought TIFs and TIF-adjacents would be into prog. It's neither stereotypically manly nor ~uwu softboi~ enough.
No. 194734
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>>194731>teenagersIf only. It's weird that there are teens in the server but they don't speak, thankfully.
No. 194741
>>194730Nah I can believe it especially if he was a vegetarian and health nut.
These people sound fucking insane though, why are so they heated that they're wishing death on some old ass man? Save that energy for the gross pedos, rapists, and wifebeaters at least. I'd just leave the server but I also get autistically upset when I see retards desecrating the things I like. If you have thicker skin than me I guess it could provide some funny milk but the people in there sound obnoxious as all hell.
No. 194743
>>194734Oh god, that is an adult? You should just
trigger the shit out of them anon. Sing your praises of Steve from the bottom of your heart. Spam them with pictures of fat Greg Lake from a sock account. What a bunch of dork ass losers kek.
No. 194969
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No. 195057
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I once found some japanese artist that makes bishounen bill bruford
No. 195072
>>194969>>195057Kek, I love the spergy aura that surrounds prog rock. It's definitely one of the reasons I appreciate the genre so much.
We need more anime prog bishies though.
No. 195080
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>>195072Yeah I wish I could find more art kek, there's a decent amount for certain bands that attract a lot of ftms and fujo types.
No. 195126
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Quiz time, progfags. Which band are you getting kicked out of? got ELP. I guess that's what I get for calling Greg Lake fat.
No. 195240
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>>195126I also got ELP kek
>>195129Time is a great album, also about Supertramp I think only some of their stuff is considered prog, and it isn't usually listed as a classic prog group. I guess there are proggy elements. It's a fun group anyway
No. 195313
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Oh my god it's his birthday in two days!!!
No. 195459
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>>195057Oh I can beat that, I found out there were comics make about Led Zeppelin and other bands back in the 70's/80's. They're, uh… charming, let's say.
No. 195468
>>195461You've seen this before?
Finding it on /m/ years ago made me actually listen to the album for the first time.
No. 195482
>>194538diff anon but, lol I've seen that album art a ton on /mu/ and always assumed it was Hip-hop for some reason so never looked it up.
That track is too noisy for me, but the title track is nice.
No. 195547
>>195461I love the song When Time Stood Still
>>195482Kek it does look like a hip hop cover doesn't it
No. 195548
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>>195459>>195540The fuck? That's not fair why are serial killers so fucking annoying.
I wonder if there were comics made about Yes. The only one I know of is from a fanzine and it's kind of funny. I doubt there were many Yes comics and things considering they weren't very mainstream rock and roll.
No. 195576
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No. 195581
>>195540Whaaaat?! Do tell, that's fascinating.
>>195547I also like "Another Heart Breaks", sounds very vaporwave.
>>195548That comic is way more flattering in their depiction of the band than those shitty 70's ones were, lol.
No. 195599
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>>195581Yeah that whole Time album is really interesting, though not prog. It's kind of giving early new wave? The album was released in '81 which is well after the whole prog scene. Underrated though, my dad is a fan of ELO but doesn't even know about the Time album.
Also how do you all feel about Klaatu?
No. 195612
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>>195576ANON did you know that a based Japanese lady made a BL manga called "sons of eve" in which one of the main characters is inspired by Keith Emerson? He's a pianist and his name is Heath!
>>195581His name was Todd Loren and he made a career out of publishing unauthorized biographies of famous bands in comic book form. Record companies kept getting on his ass but he just refused to stop and actually became somewhat successful lol. Sadly one day he was found stabbed to death and his murder is still unsolved but there are some leads that point to serial killer Andrew Cunanan. Here's a good interview with a guy who made a documentary about Todd, it really is fascinating No. 195613
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>>195612There's plenty of little nods to ELP in the manga and even Tarkus makes an appearance kek
No. 195618
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>>195612Kek, no wonder I see so much ELP fanart despite only having like one/two iconic albums. It's all the fujos! Wow that artist really got his hairstyle down, but why's he playing the piano so gently? Why isn't he standing and stabbing at it with knives?
>>195613This is amazing, why does nobody do the same for my fave band Yes? Were they just not appearance heavy enough?
At least we get cool shit like picrel
No. 195660
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This thread makes me feel old, I was buying Eroica in highschool and one of my friends asked if I was reading Led Zeppelin yaoi
No. 195693
>>195689Yeah, I have New World Record, Out of the Blue, and Discovery on vinyl. One thing I like is that their songs are just fun to sing to
>>195691Japan's kinda based in this sense
No. 195855
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Happy birthday Steve Howe
>>195703ELO were very ahead of their time, they sound very 80's but in the case of this album, they aren't! I find King Crimson also ahead of their time because when I listen to their albums I am astonished by when they actually came out
No. 195960
>>194539 >>194511
And if you enjoy Genesis, check out Steve Hackett's (Genesis lead guitarist) solo work. Spectral Mornings and Voyage of the Acolyte are pretty great.
No. 196153
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>>196052Wow that's some interesting lore
>>196103It is real, Tarkus is real, my other car is Tarkus in fact. Plus prog lore is so interesting at times it's almost like an anime. The great Bill Bruford Chris Squire battle. ELP and Yes' friendly rivalry. Peter Gabriel's existence. Keith Emmerson playing the piano while spinning in midair like an anime powerup sequence.
No. 196167
Recently discovered 'Ars Nova' - a rare all-female prog rock band from Japan, formed in the early 80s. Very ELP-influenced with the Hammond organ sounds. Any fans here?
>>194575Liking this a lot
No. 196168
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>>196167>one of their influences is rick wakemanThey seem cool, I'm glad Japan is so into prog. Same with Italy.
No. 196173
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Don't ask me how I know
Just look over your shoulder
You won't recognise yourself
You won't have to ask
Is everyone here much older
Are communications feeling much colder
Everytime you look over your shoulder
Sudden like the wind transversed
The gulf of friendship passed
Stillness mounts in this high place
Silence stays the same
I am I will I can are aims
But can we tell which are the games
Everytime we pass the blame
Fearful thoughts are bitter sweet
His charms are soft in youth
The sting is of elusive hands
That reared him from his tooth
We know that shadows move on course
We'll have to take this boy by force
Everytime you look over your shoulder
-Steve Howe
He's even a very poetic writer, is he not perfect?
No. 196323
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Wtf. Howe's son Virgil was the drummer in a band called Little Barrie and they were about to go on a tour called 'DEATH EXPRESS' in 2017 when he had a heart attack and died aged 41. Damn. No. 196325
>>196173Our perfect wholefoods king
pure sex.jpg indeed
No. 196363
>>196323Yeah it's pretty fucked up, especially to have a heart attack so young.
Songrel I really like, but I can't find the lyrics anywhere. I might just transcribe the lyrics myself. Prog songs have the coolest storylines sometimes.
No. 196740
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>>196735Wasn't he insecure about his playing abilities? Why? He is a genius. It isn't fair when geniuses underestimate their abilities.
No. 196746
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>>196740Yes, apparently one of the reasons why he ended his life was that he couldn't play as good as he used to due to muscle issues and was worried about his fans taking notice.
He always stayed humble, even though he deserved way more recognition than he ultimately received. A lot of truly talented people are like that and it really is unfair. RIP legend.
No. 196757
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>>196746RIP, it's really not fair, the world can be so evil sometimes.
To lighten the mood here is an awful interview with Chris Squire featuring health food sperging
No. 196870
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>blinks awake
No. 198133
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>>197950Yeah, I appreciate the genre though for being such a large part of prog and for being such an interesting selection and connected to Canterbury itself. I like prog for not only the music but also its lore, basically. As it is often considered a very incestuous genre.
I notice /mu/ has been having more and more prog threads as of late. I only check /mu/ and 4chan in general for the hidden prog content as of late.
No. 200932
>>200071I've been on a TLLDOB binge again lately. Such a fun album.
>>200071>whether or not Pete Townshend deserves to dieKek, is that because he's
allegedly a pedo? If so, based boomers.
No. 200940
>>200932>based boomersVery few of them thinks he deserves to die because of some moral dilemma of "nobody deserves to die"
Also nice album, a classic of prog
No. 200960
>>200940Honestly, I'm just happy for boomers who don't jump to his defense bc "hur dur, greatest guitarist of all time", so I'll take it.
Looks like I need to read progarchives more, boomers throwing shade at each other sound entertaining.
No. 201824
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A little late but rest in peace, Klaus Schulze! He contributed a lot to music and he is prog-adjacent though mainly ambient, electronic, and synth
No. 201826
>>201824Samefag, is his official website, lists his discography, has images, and other. He has a very large discography. He was also in Tangerine Dream and Ash Ra Tempel.
No. 210457
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Prog Rock Night tonight for Tuesday Tunesday ladies, it begins in
half an hour No. 210469
>>209003Listen to Close to the Edge by Yes, Moonmadness by Camel, Tarkus by ELP… ngl look at the first few posts itt and you'll find that chart with pics of album covers, just search for those
No. 262612
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How do you nonas feel about going to see old bands play live? I mean when the members are 70+. Is it mostly disappointing or still good?
I have seen Steve Hackett and Focus play in recent years and they were still excellent but other seem like they would just be depressing to watch. I'm thinking of going to see Rik Wakeman on his current tour if tickets are still available.