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No. 195141
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What's your favourite Blur album anons? Modern Life Is Rubbish has always owned my heart over the years, it's perfect from top to bottom. But Parklife and 13 are pretty close behind.
(obligatory adorable band picture included lol)
No. 195224
>>195141I've been following them for few years and still haven't given a complete listen to all their albums yet. Of course I love the albums you mentioned, but Think Tank and The Magic Whip are really nice too despite the negative criticisms. I love how they explored different styles throughout years.
Also, hope this thread will be active cause I'd love to learn more about britpop.
No. 270580
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resurrecting this thread to see if there are any cockerfags out there. also pulp are fucking awesome, separations and his n hers are perfect album. different class is awesome too but over time i find it a bit too over-produced for my tastes. what are your favourite pulp songs/albums?