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File: 1649404049900.jpg (103.86 KB, 640x845, me0zujzgvke41.jpg)

No. 195725

Post lolworthy bad tattoos. Remember to spoiler anything NSFW.

No. 195726

File: 1649404099401.jpg (12.03 KB, 239x320, nintchdbpict000358709426.jpg)

No. 195727

File: 1649404165350.jpg (74.03 KB, 500x750, BadTattoosWhatIsIt.jpg)

No. 195730

File: 1649404382798.jpg (155.99 KB, 1500x2346, nintchdbpict0003847638951.jpg)

No. 195731

File: 1649404424443.jpeg (9.98 KB, 224x224, images (4).jpeg)

No. 195732

File: 1649404460437.jpg (80.05 KB, 700x921, 24af2a73fb5831132567d6c1ac7acd…)

No. 195733

File: 1649404481987.jpg (16.96 KB, 329x400, A8O_jUzCYAEy841.jpg)

No. 195734

File: 1649404514686.jpg (28.15 KB, 311x459, bad-lion-tattoo-back.jpg)

No. 195735

File: 1649404539464.jpg (47.06 KB, 640x714, kid-tatt-fail-58b8d2f73df78c35…)

No. 195736

File: 1649404560334.jpg (53.75 KB, 605x605, 23835b874b7f6921348ae6580421db…)

No. 195737

File: 1649404583931.jpg (117.26 KB, 1322x1607, nintchdbpict0003847639701.jpg)

No. 195738

File: 1649404621856.jpeg (4.84 KB, 214x236, images (5).jpeg)

No. 195739

File: 1649404648242.jpg (110.56 KB, 468x804, Bad-Portrait-Tattoos (1).jpg)

No. 195740

File: 1649404677157.jpg (75.39 KB, 735x680, crazy-tattoo-58b8d2dd3df78c353…)

No. 195741

File: 1649404712901.jpeg (55.56 KB, 473x700, bad-tattoo-fail-funny-pictures…)

No. 195742

File: 1649404914263.png (489.74 KB, 720x614, Screenshot_20220408-000143.png)

No. 195743

File: 1649404942198.png (507.55 KB, 602x811, Screenshot_20220403-235137.png)

No. 195744

File: 1649404991983.png (580.15 KB, 697x759, Screenshot_20220403-235018.png)

No. 195745

File: 1649405034279.png (843.98 KB, 720x908, Screenshot_20220403-235210.png)

No. 195746

File: 1649405056279.png (725.38 KB, 720x849, Screenshot_20220403-235201.png)

No. 195747

File: 1649405102668.jpg (143.66 KB, 1242x1226, l5coey88gqj11.jpg)

No. 195748

File: 1649405138849.jpg (171.03 KB, 1500x1668, nintchdbpict0003847638851.jpg)

No. 195749

File: 1649405188532.jpg (39.84 KB, 611x612, Worst-Portrait-Tattoos-Ideas.j…)

No. 195750

File: 1649405214515.jpeg (27.65 KB, 493x660, jason-voorhees-and-mullet-the-…)

No. 195752

File: 1649405317956.jpg (57.95 KB, 400x600, Tattoo_gone_bad_wolf_black_gra…)

No. 195753

File: 1649405349626.jpg (48.23 KB, 600x839, 1-animal-tattoo.jpg)

No. 195754

File: 1649406499186.jpg (103.66 KB, 634x841, 374AC96300000578-3743638-image…)

No. 195755

File: 1649406533859.jpg (35.78 KB, 306x448, 374AC8B400000578-0-image-m-82_…)

No. 195756

File: 1649406565438.jpg (25.81 KB, 306x518, 374AC98300000578-3743638-image…)

No. 195757

File: 1649406611485.jpg (36.25 KB, 443x823, 55b244caaab8ada33c60990386312c…)

No. 195758

File: 1649406647544.jpg (51.46 KB, 525x700, bad-celebrity-tattoos-4.jpg)

No. 195817

File: 1649425458333.jpeg (9.59 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpeg)

No. 195820

I think I'm mentally ill I kinda like these

No. 195926

They look so offended to be drawn so horribly

No. 195932

Couldn't even figure out what this was at first

No. 195982

Would it be mean to say this looks like my sister when she was a child?

No. 199490

File: 1650614495558.jpeg (6.43 KB, 209x241, im scared.jpeg)

No. 199491

File: 1650614557148.jpeg (76.29 KB, 500x670, roarmahgerd.jpeg)

No. 199492

File: 1650614672107.jpeg (88.09 KB, 497x633, captain-jacked-up.jpeg)

No. 199493

File: 1650614699041.jpeg (83.48 KB, 359x458, shamey-whinehouse.jpeg)

No. 199494

File: 1650614774957.jpeg (82.81 KB, 430x695, the-lion-doesnt-like-it-either…)

No. 206031

File: 1652553858871.jpeg (505.49 KB, 828x826, FD9BD600-C929-4F71-826E-5E09FA…)

“assigned zionist at birth”

No. 207790

File: 1653051151277.jpg (198.21 KB, 1152x2048, FCovV2rXEAw4Yy7.jpg)

1. why
2. how will you explain this to anyone
3. why
4. laughing my ass off

No. 209103

Kek is this a Skyrim dark elf

No. 209117

Given the hair and bondage I'd say it's a drow from D&D

No. 209128

stared at this for a stupidly long time trying to figure out why her ear and neck were circled kek

No. 209527

at least it's well designed. I've seen worse on coomers with their hentai tattoos

No. 234160

This is good though.

No. 234161

File: 1661634081780.jpeg (66.86 KB, 700x664, 489383839393.jpeg)

Sorry this is for the good tattoo thread

No. 234162

The mohawk cat is pretty cute

No. 234165

the way its eyes are a mile part and the slope on its head make it look so derpy

No. 234232

lowkey based

No. 234235

File: 1661648687091.jpg (4.37 MB, 4096x3072, inside you there are two wolve…)

No. 234246

and definitely not at all the nipples on its bird-jowls? kek

No. 281264

File: 1678291593464.jpg (201.57 KB, 828x1275, tumblr_ac6abfafba7b653ea159176…)

No. 281265

File: 1678291639473.jpg (221.91 KB, 828x1349, tumblr_99bb0391430c6f2936b4f85…)

No. 281266

File: 1678291676634.jpg (266.32 KB, 828x1350, tumblr_4a6556890e3cec71ceaf7ad…)

No. 281267

File: 1678291718324.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.11 KB, 828x1300, tumblr_0d9751fc658b7533d607c0a…)

No. 281457

>it looks like a demon scratched it with her nails
it always has to be about their fetishes

No. 321035

File: 1694581017420.jpg (56.07 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1683227251484.jpg)

No. 321068

Its so bad i wish you had spoilered it.

No. 321095

Cronenberg level body horror. Trans joy though!!!

No. 326896

Creative use of acne scars

No. 403549

File: 1721426674656.png (1.02 MB, 945x2048, OSy6Ybf.png)

Why would you choose to put that in your body

No. 403588

those look like they were drawn on by a sharpie

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