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File(20 MB max)
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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

File: 1649957162550.png (3.16 MB, 992x1405, 29392829282.png)

No. 197320

Remake of the other thread, here >>>/m/182650 (Copy + paste into search bar to find it)

Dump cute art of 2d women here. It can be classical art, fanart, shipping art, whatever. You may post art of your waifus just keep sperging to other threads. No coomer shit.

No. 197326

File: 1649958633147.png (3.01 MB, 992x1403, 2839392833.png)

No. 197328

File: 1649958753735.png (1.94 MB, 1200x1501, 28392828292.png)

No. 197329

File: 1649958905242.jpg (98.31 KB, 736x506, 43ff162289c90ad58ededb22cc278a…)

No. 197336

File: 1649959888342.png (2.01 MB, 1920x1422, mado got invited.png)

No. 197591

File: 1650038297010.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1158x1637, FEjTY3HaIAAidbl.jpeg)

I'm happy to see this thread again! Need the male thread back up too.

No. 197592

File: 1650038326751.jpeg (815.05 KB, 1013x1433, FD59jY6agAA5Uu1.jpeg)

No. 197593

File: 1650038413609.jpeg (576.13 KB, 868x1228, FJn0xjoVcAEcwRm.jpeg)

No. 197594

File: 1650039065837.jpg (187.52 KB, 800x906, 800px-Serebryakova_SefPortrait…)

Lovely pics nonas!

No. 197595

File: 1650039171422.jpg (141.93 KB, 1400x948, attachment-8.jpg)

No. 197619

File: 1650047932055.jpg (138.53 KB, 1000x1000, 033174bbab33109a016feb253655cd…)

No. 197620

File: 1650047979832.jpg (1.07 MB, 2235x4096, a7463e4e6273baa305595a3bc82461…)

No. 197621

File: 1650048024153.jpg (753.42 KB, 1397x2048, 93645932_p0.jpg)

No. 197622

File: 1650048072294.jpg (299.07 KB, 850x1080, sample_fbd6661f9def71359ae0fda…)

No. 197623

File: 1650048142069.jpg (429.51 KB, 779x1169, fb429345e02b4cd66637313ce61eaf…)

No. 197625

File: 1650048214608.jpg (2.56 MB, 2240x1584, 0dae1447bf2feb182bbb9b90f1551b…)

One day I will edit this so the computer shows the husbandofagging thread

No. 197627

File: 1650048271298.png (6.54 MB, 2444x2310, 86855724_p0.png)

No. 197628

File: 1650048308399.jpg (289.53 KB, 863x1113, 63da9d2daa70922d251f5ba5042669…)

No. 197629

File: 1650048390958.png (1.37 MB, 1280x824, f1a599422813540c1c6c9786b51c84…)

No. 197630

File: 1650048473439.jpg (386.79 KB, 1080x1920, FOiOKg3VQAge20N.jpg)

No. 197631

File: 1650048519418.png (1.49 MB, 1000x1363, ce01283c31ad428b2fd1a3ad0dbf61…)

No. 197632

File: 1650048560258.jpg (110.88 KB, 600x689, tumblr_oyvjwxwwWK1wgjmb2o1_640…)

No. 197633

File: 1650048707484.jpg (420.51 KB, 1132x1000, 77663185_p0.jpg)

No. 197634

File: 1650048777626.jpg (619.51 KB, 1020x1102, f22ceb12e058316b831296e2c43376…)

No. 197635

File: 1650048810292.jpg (1.26 MB, 1324x847, 3f625f117b3053f90c6868ba2a717e…)

No. 197636

File: 1650048907245.jpg (418.79 KB, 800x546, f7ea21989784623d5d5896d23ec770…)

No. 197637

File: 1650048933774.jpg (63.86 KB, 579x950, d870d7c6ef5ef75590555d84f1cd71…)

No. 197639

File: 1650048968811.jpg (496.11 KB, 800x566, 62649829_p0.jpg)

No. 197640

File: 1650049030218.png (700.97 KB, 649x735, 2d42d3fa94c6e21df0fae533dd2c9a…)

No. 197641

File: 1650049254566.png (621.18 KB, 656x646, 67474853_p14.png)

No. 197658

File: 1650054785390.jpg (1.49 MB, 2281x2863, 20220415_013835.jpg)

No. 197663

File: 1650056252001.jpeg (857.1 KB, 1000x1416, 88F6836A-D620-4C41-9693-AA9476…)

No. 197666

File: 1650057300819.jpg (5.96 MB, 4802x2698, 676030-4802x2698-vocaloid-hats…)

No. 197682

File: 1650060456590.jpeg (481.93 KB, 1484x2048, FOeHRpOVIAEDDdi.jpeg)

No. 197685

File: 1650062732300.png (509.15 KB, 540x776, tumblr_p5r9j1OlPz1qzqnxxo1_r2_…)

No. 197693

File: 1650065827237.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1013x1433, FCYRFJbVQAE-dYD.jpeg)

No. 197718

File: 1650074595586.jpg (306.22 KB, 750x750, my_melody_by_matsutakedo_d74he…)

No. 197721

File: 1650078534407.jpg (221.12 KB, 1332x1740, E1LRuVKXIAAPhWs.jpg)

I just looked this artist up, (redum), and they have exquisite use of color, lighting and lines

No. 197761

File: 1650091856585.jpeg (173.24 KB, 750x1000, BAEF7DB7-E4F5-4175-9336-D5D132…)

I have so many I will have to come back regularly

No. 197762

File: 1650091915852.jpeg (285.09 KB, 750x1076, 6A068D2F-6486-4B01-892F-3B3D44…)

No. 197763

File: 1650092010974.jpeg (261.55 KB, 704x1000, 91000E41-3E5C-40F1-AE7B-923FA3…)

No. 197764

File: 1650092103642.jpeg (185.39 KB, 749x899, 486ACAC8-9898-44CB-AC0E-F43A61…)

great thread btw

No. 197766

File: 1650092550041.jpeg (132.21 KB, 600x630, 2E1D5E3E-394A-4BC6-9425-35E79B…)

No. 197768

File: 1650093109794.jpeg (271.41 KB, 1200x1697, 509F58CB-8636-47D6-A330-51B9C4…)

No. 197769

File: 1650093142208.png (276.03 KB, 712x578, D2424B92-296C-4BA9-B63F-6835EA…)

No. 197771

File: 1650093204477.jpeg (472.68 KB, 1800x1218, B7D5F2C0-6780-4191-8C7F-FCEBE0…)

No. 197780


No. 197809

File: 1650102563133.png (104.08 KB, 485x543, 33F66A52-210F-4025-9D63-28F0FF…)

No. 197828

this is so fucking good, who are the characters and can I have source please?

No. 198025

File: 1650181961765.jpeg (741.06 KB, 2048x2048, DCpjzXvVoAENKuk.jpeg)

No. 198043

I could be wrong but I think they’re ocs here’s the artist https://twitter.com/rainbowpowder19?s=21

No. 198114

File: 1650208803359.jpeg (39.25 KB, 400x400, Vampire_smooch.jpeg)

Happy Easter nonnies~

No. 198117

File: 1650209320277.jpg (227.31 KB, 1000x1387, tumblr_nocxsscmZk1r07tmxo1_128…)

No. 198118

File: 1650209347742.jpg (170.79 KB, 1280x751, tumblr_a99065ea065d88265a2adc5…)

No. 198130

File: 1650213869917.jpeg (43.6 KB, 564x400, 4DA27E4F-09DA-46B2-A641-B3B96D…)

No. 198267

File: 1650252528037.jpg (112.07 KB, 636x900, 46185362_p0.jpg)

No. 198440

File: 1650300469657.png (106.89 KB, 400x400, 9a2ef868c44542c73c90a4adcd5819…)

No. 199213

File: 1650510398813.jpeg (112.29 KB, 639x900, 292928292922.jpeg)

No. 199348

File: 1650566875762.jpeg (108.05 KB, 750x957, D23EE8B5-D121-4E0D-8AC2-F77F59…)

No. 200079

File: 1650819121455.jpeg (273.38 KB, 1562x2048, 3939292293738.jpeg)

No. 200102

File: 1650824493256.jpg (155.31 KB, 602x682, Picture1.jpg)

No. 200543

File: 1650921328332.jpg (576.75 KB, 1412x1000, FFcZsruaUAEf5SU.jpg)

A maid and a skater are opposite, as one is a servant and the other has no master, yet both occupations are unforgiving and demand constant attention and discipline. Skateboarding is the art of movement, and a dress in motion becomes art too…

No. 201649

File: 1651121455241.jpg (504.81 KB, 2100x2100, d127557b96954853c88cea8d1e9351…)

No. 201926

File: 1651174432639.jpg (87.45 KB, 1200x976, FRWxXSkUcAAzq3h[1].jpg)

No. 203729

File: 1651685066300.jpg (151.01 KB, 736x920, 3f1b9de876acd70ac62a5dc0653267…)

Elsie's long lost cousin

No. 203730

File: 1651685132473.jpg (42.32 KB, 619x670, 8c74a6493252554028e63963a67864…)

No. 203751

File: 1651691910045.jpg (89.77 KB, 602x566, lesbos.jpg)

No. 203753

File: 1651692010694.jpg (114.73 KB, 602x769, Picture2.jpg)

lesbo fairies

No. 203885

File: 1651722538196.jpg (7.77 MB, 1748x2860, 76363698_p0.jpg)

No. 204960

File: 1652148364227.jpeg (271.49 KB, 783x2048, FAFBbO2UcAQOCL6.jpeg)

No. 205011

bumping to hide porn, KAM

No. 205423

File: 1652324256283.jpeg (427.46 KB, 1448x2048, FHtjIAjaMAEXaGK.jpeg)

No. 206816

File: 1652749177975.png (593.04 KB, 600x750, EJ9YlBFVUAAsyy1.png)

No. 206817

File: 1652749227687.png (498.38 KB, 600x750, EJ9YlBDUcAEfIr8.png)

No. 206855

File: 1652756507636.jpeg (319.33 KB, 850x980, 5401732F-3FEA-47BD-A508-AD50B6…)

I love those colors

No. 207675

File: 1653002246975.jpg (290.45 KB, 917x1024, 96510861_p0.jpg)

No. 207847

File: 1653064225147.jpg (137.54 KB, 647x945, 3b210df2851a24f4ba165d89d43d80…)

No. 207850

File: 1653064464345.jpg (133.95 KB, 736x548, c06116bf11d5184c83ceea56da7327…)

No. 207852

File: 1653064726137.jpg (113.22 KB, 690x635, 957370fd2add2da831485070953e57…)

No. 207853

File: 1653064841193.jpg (111.52 KB, 567x799, 68e4868ae776eaa977766b7986d4aa…)

No. 209635

File: 1653774993706.jpg (391.94 KB, 2101x1920, PCCG-00142 - 03 - Akane - Pict…)

No. 209636

File: 1653775032776.jpg (593 KB, 2106x1920, PCCG-00142 - 06 - Ranma - Pict…)

No. 209638

File: 1653775081266.jpg (704.89 KB, 2106x1904, PCCG-00142 - 09 - Shampoo - Pi…)

No. 209639

File: 1653775113931.jpg (649.35 KB, 2106x1888, PCCG-00142 - 12 - Nabiki - Pic…)

No. 209640

File: 1653775213868.jpg (631.62 KB, 2090x1877, PCCG-00142 - 15 - Kasumi - Pic…)

No. 209642

File: 1653775248439.jpg (797.72 KB, 2048x1813, PCCG-00142 - 18 - Doco - Pictu…)

No. 209643

File: 1653775276681.jpg (73.47 KB, 759x720, PCDG-00022-3.JPG)

No. 209648

File: 1653775398980.jpg (490.21 KB, 901x817, PCCG-0010.jpg)

No. 209657

File: 1653775695054.jpg (562.49 KB, 1025x844, PCCG-00101.jpg)

No. 209659

File: 1653775718989.jpg (443.99 KB, 925x840, PCCG-0010112 - Inside Booklet.…)

No. 209662

File: 1653776111635.jpg (1010 KB, 959x1112, BK_09.jpg)

No. 210615

File: 1654051065747.jpg (78.98 KB, 735x434, 45762e311b00e2f4f814e0403ab014…)

No. 210616

File: 1654051093504.jpg (71.51 KB, 735x739, b0cffbdada32b6247ffa81da9e0778…)

No. 210620

kek wtf

No. 210670

File: 1654086666186.jpg (47.12 KB, 500x694, f879ba280096798dd91ca038b958cf…)

centaurettes dump

No. 210671

File: 1654086707332.jpg (50.9 KB, 500x750, 065a60272af04c210713af8d41b241…)

No. 210672

File: 1654086747431.jpg (56.43 KB, 500x708, 27dfc6549628b1e17943501023d1eb…)

No. 210673

File: 1654086782977.jpg (46.41 KB, 500x729, 853916709183b8b099f81ef151ee39…)

No. 210675

File: 1654086930803.jpg (150.71 KB, 640x800, flirykt823401.jpg)

the beautiful women of studio ghibli

No. 210696

Gods, I love Sophie so much.

No. 210751

I love Nausicaa

No. 210753

File: 1654105402824.jpg (153.91 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mj5xbtyK0W1s5hapdo1_128…)

I looove Kiki

No. 210832

I love Kiki and San designs

No. 210861

File: 1654127245140.png (2.98 MB, 1334x750, E0AE9204-DA2E-4D39-8B84-3A9AD9…)

>no Taeko
A sin

No. 213272

File: 1654880494606.jpg (39.48 KB, 668x1246, 119784624_1728579417298152_104…)

No. 213273

File: 1654881028042.jpeg (95.33 KB, 800x1104, De27V-UV4AAALYx.jpeg)

No. 213274

File: 1654881233972.jpeg (849.57 KB, 1982x2048, E0FG2BFUUAArXke.jpeg)

No. 213275

File: 1654881255204.jpeg (719.22 KB, 1713x2047, E6Te5hmVUAAsIPj.jpeg)

No. 213277

File: 1654881276363.jpeg (530.86 KB, 1654x2048, E6Te6pyUYAAS0Xu.jpeg)

No. 213291

File: 1654886817928.jpeg (119.46 KB, 547x763, 74A9055E-8976-4D92-BF15-92C57B…)

No. 213292

File: 1654886839515.jpeg (98.07 KB, 550x972, CB73FA6E-E6AE-407E-8BB7-A94E4D…)

No. 213294

File: 1654887036358.jpg (131.67 KB, 717x862, thtr53456.JPG)

No. 216510

File: 1656023088543.jpg (84.6 KB, 720x786, 95a9fcf47b167e90962655c9842919…)

No. 216511

File: 1656023171583.jpg (61.5 KB, 736x640, 614e4fb5a2d194c0c8a0a2064dad2c…)

No. 216512

File: 1656023247460.jpg (113.22 KB, 736x981, f4bbd8a1174209e265c60e61743c7b…)

Charlie chiquita, está bonita, está chiquita

No. 216579

File: 1656061685561.png (390.64 KB, 1600x1450, 49159087_p0.png)

No. 217086

File: 1656248567343.jpg (673.82 KB, 1440x1799, @Smoltog twitter.jpg)

No. 217088

File: 1656250484953.jpg (226.32 KB, 778x1100, dd39sbh-41b46f15-1e71-4565-8c0…)

No. 217149

File: 1656264949367.jpg (74.79 KB, 1080x1080, likelihood_art - CUFfe6DKOab_C…)

No. 218450

File: 1656728898169.png (1.19 MB, 2160x1620, ddu3l1x-bb2d91ed-4645-444f-bd0…)

No. 218747

File: 1656818953188.jpeg (717.91 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_ot2ktfX9hs1qismuzo1_128…)

No. 219032

File: 1656906315541.jpg (102.85 KB, 540x352, tumblr_o0b2izvW3J1sdaww3o1_128…)

No. 219033

File: 1656906345569.jpg (238.59 KB, 540x694, tumblr_nrrdswCj6B1sdaww3o1_128…)

No. 219034

File: 1656906372638.jpg (231.09 KB, 540x764, tumblr_nlu003L5Je1sdaww3o1_128…)

No. 219035

File: 1656906917819.jpg (316.17 KB, 800x800, tumblr_nkydx8CEJQ1sdaww3o1_128…)

No. 219350

File: 1657006223003.jpg (74.87 KB, 540x800, 91c19ea148bc2dc584e91540b0895b…)

No. 219431

File: 1657053648894.jpeg (234.19 KB, 701x1024, sailormoon-artbook-5-33.jpeg)

whoa, nostalgia hit. I printed this out on computer paper and hung it on my wall when I was like 13 lmao

No. 219432

File: 1657053675930.jpeg (393.58 KB, 1212x1740, sailormoon-artbook-3-05.jpeg)

No. 219433

File: 1657053785750.jpeg (514.98 KB, 1574x1024, sailormoon-artbook-3-34-35.jpe…)

No. 219434

File: 1657053848081.jpeg (801.14 KB, 1602x2319, sailormoon-artbook-4-01.jpeg)

No. 219435

File: 1657053874279.jpeg (674.94 KB, 1592x2322, sailormoon-artbook-4-29.jpeg)

No. 219436

File: 1657053895040.jpeg (834.36 KB, 1544x2232, sailormoon-artbook-4-30.jpeg)

No. 219437

File: 1657053918528.jpeg (696.86 KB, 1545x2316, sailormoon-artbook-4-32.jpeg)

No. 219438

File: 1657053951433.jpeg (772.49 KB, 1605x2322, sailormoon-artbook-4-52.jpeg)

No. 219439

File: 1657053982047.jpeg (276.33 KB, 1467x1024, sailormoon-artbook-4-14-15.jpe…)

No. 219441

File: 1657054240569.jpeg (122.49 KB, 750x676, 176577174_500870404617059_6722…)

nanako yashiro

No. 219442

File: 1657054796371.jpeg (93.08 KB, 750x821, 186328998_3924057684316584_336…)

No. 219443

File: 1657054871190.jpeg (158.59 KB, 750x938, 39610661_275653309712389_75923…)

No. 219444

File: 1657054968812.jpeg (182.94 KB, 750x821, 101411682_286013975772973_6406…)

No. 219448

File: 1657055580756.jpeg (275.53 KB, 750x910, 163531342_259592952456174_9213…)

No. 219449

File: 1657055613991.jpeg (195.95 KB, 750x878, 135674935_153784062936069_1390…)

No. 219450

File: 1657055640896.jpeg (225.37 KB, 750x938, 140747647_114227067261994_6000…)

No. 219451

File: 1657055682732.jpeg (148.94 KB, 750x770, 83543828_628112568015749_85980…)

No. 219452

File: 1657055726102.jpeg (113.97 KB, 750x792, 118211472_338338437531378_1172…)

No. 220175

File: 1657295495927.jpg (259.14 KB, 1280x870, ss.jpg)

No. 220801

File: 1657541243710.jpeg (5.77 MB, 5176x3106, 1026FCE2-3978-4CD6-B70F-5406B9…)

No. 220802

Tag yourself, I'm the disgruntled young woman with the boater hat.

No. 220804

Me in the back center trying not to bring attention to my anxiety attack

No. 220807

I’m cube head on the left

No. 220812

I'm third from left to right with puffy hair wondering what the hell is going on while also being disgusted.

No. 220883

I wanna be butch cowboy on the bottom right

No. 220921

I'm the smiling woman who looks like she smoked crack

No. 220952

I'm the one on your right mirin your pearl necklace

No. 223676

File: 1658427430710.jpg (108.89 KB, 736x736, c9eba84194efff0499d275db82726c…)

No. 223742

File: 1658446019905.jpg (202.72 KB, 736x977, 9ae8361a059e060f8c2665596e8347…)

No. 226371

File: 1659494557051.jpg (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 90889414_p0.jpg)

No. 226859

File: 1659598419236.jpg (1.06 MB, 2100x1610, 83029294_p11.jpg)

I don't play this scrote game but I like her

No. 226908

Same! I like her design.

No. 227653

File: 1659771603084.png (432.24 KB, 800x620, tumblr_oac9lzVTDT1rna4rao2_128…)

No. 228005

File: 1659926653275.jpg (89.04 KB, 491x493, 276efa83169da2a1fde70e58c357ff…)

No. 228130

File: 1659949562728.jpg (2.59 MB, 3967x3000, Rex.Kyouryuu.Monogatari.full.7…)

No. 228131

File: 1659949634746.jpg (579.69 KB, 2000x2000, Rex.Kyouryuu.Monogatari.full.7…)

No. 228132

File: 1659949669105.jpg (4.15 MB, 4216x6064, Kobato..full.937221.jpg)

No. 228135

File: 1659950030404.jpg (1.64 MB, 3209x4094, Tsubasa_.RESERVoir.CHRoNiCLE.f…)

No. 228149

File: 1659953133455.jpg (5.66 MB, 5083x6968, Hanato.Kobato.full.335460.jpg)

No. 228150

File: 1659953213782.jpg (6.36 MB, 5078x6985, Hanato.Kobato.full.335464.jpg)

No. 228165

File: 1659954818483.jpg (573.34 KB, 3339x2400, CLAMP.South.Side.full.55732.jp…)

No. 228348

File: 1660003604468.jpg (336.13 KB, 700x998, Hanato.Kobato.full.24707.jpg)

No. 228350

File: 1660003899606.jpg (1.12 MB, 1489x2253, Monou.Kotori.full.31003.jpg)

No. 229499

File: 1660237517024.jpg (106.92 KB, 736x788, 6b9d0fad06c25630242f724bd3cf29…)

No. 229551

File: 1660240998332.jpg (31.59 KB, 500x352, 8306da228b72045e4fe71cacb30189…)

No. 229587

File: 1660245038615.png (315.16 KB, 678x678, tumblr_oodr8oMuBN1rna4rao1_r3_…)

No. 229592

File: 1660245755534.jpg (100.95 KB, 735x759, dc2675b503a4837f377933e316c58f…)

No. 229593

File: 1660245799957.jpg (135.62 KB, 736x944, ac09e06c89617f59882c17539bd3a0…)

No. 229594

File: 1660245832369.jpeg (389.55 KB, 1536x2048, ElCzra5VcAI1BMK.jpeg)

No. 229595

File: 1660245863016.jpg (195.69 KB, 735x765, 6c75fa94f5ae18ecd32e76b5f38864…)

No. 229680

File: 1660257183005.jpg (63.73 KB, 445x640, a9755711111acf287cd9a4da34b5e1…)

No. 229681

File: 1660257569582.jpeg (116.48 KB, 1200x1200, d3e9df3b-0a24-42f7-82cb-d31baf…)

It might be borderline coomery but i love the unhinged energy this artist gives the female characters

No. 229683

File: 1660257759643.jpeg (152.16 KB, 900x1200, 585675675687.jpeg)

No. 229723

File: 1660265668868.jpg (86.56 KB, 735x524, af921619d50f95cacf375c46c03680…)

No. 229753

File: 1660272817168.jpeg (300.67 KB, 1314x2048, 7b479820-bfc4-4ab8-b53a-a178c6…)

No. 229760

i absolutely love these, who's the artist

No. 229765

No. 229800

File: 1660281915029.jpeg (215.01 KB, 1440x1440, bottlingsunshine 247979979_450…)

No. 229804

File: 1660282146524.jpeg (578.41 KB, 1080x1217, bottlingsunshine 296066986_146…)

No. 229808

File: 1660282736344.jpeg (82.18 KB, 1080x809, aina_to 281591657_162816406215…)

No. 229816

File: 1660283565622.jpeg (101.47 KB, 1080x809, aina_to 293176835_978013896275…)

No. 229826

File: 1660284656247.jpeg (163.23 KB, 675x613, tumblr_oyikoeljFd1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 229829

File: 1660284742257.jpeg (109.92 KB, 1080x1080, 17818807_1908956122672634_5452…)

No. 229831

File: 1660284771716.jpeg (99.29 KB, 1080x1080, 27892232_223684491539764_34447…)

No. 229835

File: 1660284936620.jpeg (66.12 KB, 1024x1024, lifeismmm 21436048_49414828096…)

No. 229839

File: 1660285112125.jpeg (70.25 KB, 1080x1080, lifeismmm 22793714_45318297174…)

No. 229846

File: 1660285586898.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2481x1754, Baron Yoshimoto 5.jpeg)

No. 229847

File: 1660285964515.jpeg (4.49 MB, 2480x3909, pixiv MON 93608017_p0.jpeg)

No. 229848

File: 1660286071022.png (19.1 MB, 2584x4029, pixiv MON 97053646_p0.png)

No. 229866

File: 1660290563429.png (348.34 KB, 650x650, tumblr_ovfi10q84G1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 229894

File: 1660295374035.jpeg (66.43 KB, 516x640, deerphone ring ring.jpeg)

ring ring

No. 229897

File: 1660295479183.jpeg (77 KB, 515x800, koala.jpeg)

No. 230162

File: 1660350619852.png (191.54 KB, 675x645, tumblr_ow346qP8Tl1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 230191

File: 1660357422083.jpg (613.92 KB, 2048x2048, kjOcIgP.jpg)

No. 230192

File: 1660357466801.jpg (615.99 KB, 2048x2048, 27NMT1y.jpg)

No. 230193

File: 1660357510429.jpg (227.64 KB, 1448x2048, poGgCnt.jpg)

No. 230194

File: 1660357535865.jpg (274.97 KB, 1810x3072, vrkRmw9.jpg)

No. 230195

File: 1660357587298.jpg (290.73 KB, 1300x2300, SncMLFn.jpg)

No. 230215

File: 1660367504851.jpg (115.57 KB, 675x675, tumblr_omti4oxNr51rna4rao1_r3_…)

No. 230217

No. 230571

File: 1660428777839.png (322.04 KB, 673x665, tumblr_okuce1q9hk1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 231231

File: 1660643808295.jpg (747.45 KB, 2791x1973, spacecolonie.jpg)

No. 232862

File: 1661221751787.jpeg (258.44 KB, 960x1200, Ransom_Mitchell_Suckle_Esprit_…)

No. 232946

File: 1661272868495.jpg (941.88 KB, 1360x2048, Sandro_Botticelli_-_Idealized_…)

Impossibly detailed hairstyle

No. 232968

yiff in hell

No. 232974

File: 1661277879003.jpg (167.28 KB, 1100x732, Rebecca Leveille Guay.jpg)

nta but why would you comment something so embarassing?

No. 232980

File: 1661280197204.jpg (785.09 KB, 2500x2459, 1567669510528996-Sandro-Bottic…)

nta but I agree with her. even if it's by a famous painter it can still look ugly to someone. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. interesting hairstyle though; I appreciate nona pointing it out because I never bothered to look closely since I'm not a huge fan, now I'm looking at other paintings

No. 232991

File: 1661283586946.jpg (316.46 KB, 703x1024, Botticelli_-Simonetta_Vespucci…)

It is worth much, much more than your life

No. 233644

File: 1661454262216.jpg (925.61 KB, 1600x1132, Yoshida.Seiji.full.2148112.jpg)

No. 233672

File: 1661461748341.jpg (299.25 KB, 1191x1684, tumblr_pgr5bmf7JG1viwk0eo2_r1_…)

Nta but some anthro girls are neat. They're not for lewd.

No. 233701

File: 1661472524204.jpeg (38.5 KB, 420x597, BE700BF4-793A-4D51-B724-05ACEC…)

these are not girls you're a freak please go away

No. 233733

File: 1661481213119.jpeg (482.85 KB, 2549x3541, E5RnTizVgAMaMeu.jpeg)

Calm down and yes they are. I'm not some degenerate pornsick furry moid. They're the freaks.

No. 233946

NTA but are you in this thread just for coom or something? Why do you automatically assume that the art anon is posting is sexual?

No. 234087

File: 1661617096765.jpg (3.43 MB, 1883x1331, 97926118_p1.jpg)

No. 234096

this character is so ugly and stupid looking

No. 234112

That's not Jerry

No. 234154

Don't call your mother that

No. 234401

File: 1661719329422.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1920x3307, celestial-fang-e921ed61-a46d-4…)

No. 234500

File: 1661755453592.jpg (108.1 KB, 540x540, tumblr_pcktfeUSVq1t58g0so1_540…)

No. 234501

File: 1661755761281.png (265.69 KB, 700x890, C5hx1m8U4AEYcuE.png)

No. 234513

File: 1661761524395.jpg (2.46 MB, 1600x1200, 16522451_p0.jpg)

No. 234575

File: 1661789289360.jpg (10.1 MB, 7544x4220, 99384102_p0.jpg)

No. 234830

File: 1661850574045.jpg (318.29 KB, 1185x1920, tumblr_ozit2zf4Kd1vokn58o1_r1_…)

No. 234831

File: 1661850670342.png (246.26 KB, 466x638, dc6vr2u-d202e585-2c7a-4f76-ad7…)

No. 235078

File: 1661924806822.jpg (4.4 MB, 2481x3533, Cardcaptor.Sakura.full.2553616…)

No. 235082

File: 1661925151447.jpg (2.24 MB, 1752x2500, Monou.Kotori.full.2616971.jpg)

No. 235083

File: 1661925246268.jpg (1.16 MB, 2364x3000, Shidou.Hikaru.full.3136347.jpg)

No. 235084

File: 1661925398392.jpg (11.1 MB, 4390x6015, Suu.(CLOVER).full.2582685.jpg)

No. 235093

File: 1661927118605.jpg (700.31 KB, 1668x2368, Kinomoto.Nadeshiko.full.810457…)

No. 235094

File: 1661927209295.jpg (7 MB, 5635x8085, Kobato..full.937250.jpg)

No. 235095

File: 1661927278280.jpg (6.27 MB, 8446x4940, Kobato..full.937238.jpg)

No. 235099

File: 1661928068635.jpg (6.06 MB, 5607x8081, Kobato..full.937206.jpg)

No. 235110

File: 1661929312575.jpg (1.97 MB, 1400x1380, CLAMP.full.914824.jpg)

No. 235111

File: 1661929542205.jpg (510.21 KB, 1957x2800, Suu.(CLOVER).full.423527.jpg)

No. 235114

File: 1661929909877.jpg (1.56 MB, 2213x1808, Shirahime.(Shirahime.Syo).full…)

No. 235925

File: 1662228417513.jpeg (609.59 KB, 827x1223, connie.jpeg)

No. 236043

This is gorgeous. Any clue on who the artist is? Reverse image search isn't helping.

No. 236833

Take my hand and we can yiff together below for eternity, my lady.
Huh. I wasn't able to find it either and I tried almost everything. I hope another anon can help you.

No. 237190

File: 1662610791882.png (823.18 KB, 1024x751, 543556565.png)

No. 237191

File: 1662610863760.png (235.54 KB, 900x880, flame_princess_and_fionna.png)

No. 237195

File: 1662610972239.png (226.08 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mibhbt17ok1r3rf69o1_500…)

I used to be obsessed with this when I was younger.

No. 238574

File: 1663042978283.jpg (61.4 KB, 564x846, 1370bbb7cbc7fb9c50c933a39f9c8f…)

No. 238575

File: 1663043048454.jpg (64.94 KB, 564x1001, 1452ef297ad0c1ea3129f6db21dffc…)

No. 238576

File: 1663043141977.jpg (39.86 KB, 564x875, a746a7ce8bd484437e55b2672da630…)

No. 238594

File: 1663053159428.png (786.25 KB, 1667x1302, ng_4.png)

Go Nene!!!

No. 240354

File: 1663614904849.jpg (177.36 KB, 850x1202, historia.jpg)

No. 240355

File: 1663614925454.jpg (59.11 KB, 542x600, hisu.jpg)

No. 240357

File: 1663614948268.jpg (394.96 KB, 800x604, hisu2.jpg)

No. 240358

File: 1663614970217.jpg (95.81 KB, 850x1119, yh1.jpg)

No. 240359

File: 1663614993500.jpg (226.77 KB, 487x650, yh2.jpg)

No. 240370

File: 1663618961881.jpg (60.52 KB, 564x608, 50d8782a9998fa29968a21bb83355c…)

No. 240386

No coomer shit, nonnie

No. 242086

File: 1664077258814.jpg (177.79 KB, 736x900, EYswHzFU0AARxqB[1].jpg)

No. 242087

File: 1664077393294.jpg (88.53 KB, 525x700, 58894f1132633a256843338cc8865a…)

No. 242088

File: 1664077642225.jpg (31.94 KB, 564x762, e2b370591a3475cc8163e87d3c6c86…)

No. 242282

File: 1664133601784.jpeg (186.09 KB, 1080x1343, aizawa_aiz on insta.jpeg)

Wednesday contribution

No. 242283

File: 1664133631444.jpeg (161.75 KB, 1000x1000, aizawa_aiz russian kokoshnik.j…)

No. 242285

File: 1664133747067.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.15 KB, 1080x1080, aizawa_aiz russian embroidery …)

I would not consider this coomer but there is a silhouette of a boob shape. I like the pattern in the hair though.

No. 242287

File: 1664133889273.jpeg (208.8 KB, 1080x1066, 306229572_378476774328595_7684…)

No. 242288

File: 1664133946013.jpeg (215.17 KB, 1080x867, 275525600_637701710623108_1722…)

I have a real soft spot for the cute overly-staged insta art posts with the color blocks

No. 242321

File: 1664138525140.jpg (158.39 KB, 640x400, bbb0124900ca40166f7ac6e4a53825…)

Maybe it's just me but I hate this shit. When you put more effort into the eyes than anything… Anyway. Idk who picrel is but I've had her on my computer for years.

No. 242325

File: 1664139575261.jpg (775.87 KB, 2000x1418, starfrontgallforce2.jpg)

No. 242533

File: 1664192855483.gif (1.23 MB, 400x316, miku_mix_by_dav_19_d9h49fo.gif)

No. 242579

File: 1664209036063.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1193x1582, 85513927_p4.jpeg)

that's a famous waifu from Amagami SS nona

No. 244646

File: 1664840901200.jpeg (927.54 KB, 1280x1778, alice.jpeg)

No. 244654

File: 1664842607664.jpg (250.81 KB, 901x1200, EkiRDrHXEAUbiuQ.jpg)

good taste

No. 244848

File: 1664922132559.jpeg (173.65 KB, 848x1199, Fbefz2gaUAIKtCx.jpeg)

No. 244849

File: 1664922255094.jpeg (622.89 KB, 1881x2661, FeOCc39aEAAbs17.jpeg)

No. 244850

File: 1664922278092.jpeg (564.57 KB, 1447x2747, FTRlTHMagAA6ZVl.jpeg)

No. 244851

File: 1664922299342.jpeg (420.75 KB, 1447x2047, FV-jmWBUcAIRmtH.jpeg)

No. 244894

File: 1664935379121.jpg (95.65 KB, 500x725, 01f275f2599e5a485334787badd48f…)

No. 244896

File: 1664935869558.jpg (56.87 KB, 564x705, 5f8d80e8cbf4afd938c4018b8d0910…)

Careful while scrolling

No. 244972

File: 1664970356369.png (7.57 MB, 2000x1775, elsiiie.png)

elsie and 2x meeting up at the farms

No. 245276

File: 1665073895045.jpeg (252.48 KB, 1080x1350, antonioreinhard.jpeg)

No. 245281

File: 1665075743662.jpg (175.73 KB, 1010x944, FeZsEPcWQAQuHWo.jpeg.jpg)

My daughter Iris!!
So glad DGS finally released worldwide and I can stop relying on japanese proxies to buy merch of her since now artists keep making fan merch.

No. 245387

File: 1665128716657.jpg (58.16 KB, 563x682, e4e71e15a4dbba9edd84c48b1d0dda…)

No. 245389

File: 1665128883369.jpg (57.69 KB, 564x1001, ad409b50b4f5b0610b6c86c893a2a5…)

No. 245390

File: 1665128946084.jpg (58.26 KB, 564x770, 069fc6250425aa0416327a97a53735…)

No. 245391

File: 1665129050262.jpg (45.01 KB, 564x624, fe3bf2fea40e00b2f45b2dcad14e6e…)

No. 245407

File: 1665133260494.jpeg (9.01 MB, 3508x4961, anime-school-girls-bicycle-sak…)

No. 245411

File: 1665133411019.jpg (304.32 KB, 1500x1000, yande.re 943688 sample dress l…)

No. 245412

File: 1665133651592.jpeg (2.39 MB, 2560x1440, anime-sisters-artificial-garde…)

No. 246203

File: 1665450436743.jpeg (139.21 KB, 500x704, banana by f.ami on pixiv.jpeg)

No. 246211

File: 1665452551654.jpg (458.68 KB, 747x1200, eva.jpg)

No. 246213

File: 1665452576867.png (777.44 KB, 1000x1417, neeko.png)

No. 246215

File: 1665452664737.jpeg (887.89 KB, 2048x1534, FTApctaVIAAby2d.jpeg)

No. 246217

File: 1665452685713.jpeg (514.84 KB, 2048x1552, EW6T5e5U4AAald1.jpeg)

No. 247301

File: 1665729173092.jpg (57.53 KB, 564x431, 128dff225c1d57849ffd498db1ab01…)

No. 247302

File: 1665729341301.jpg (35.82 KB, 563x585, c9a2d300f49f42413a2cafaae22bfa…)

No. 247337

File: 1665752869641.jpg (588.61 KB, 716x716, by poo (donkan gokko).jpg)

I like this artist's work. I think her/his style is very pokemon-esque, although it's not seen here. They should be hired by Game Freak tbh.

No. 247340

File: 1665753554597.png (379.95 KB, 742x1107, tumblr_nhnqmxLcTJ1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247341

File: 1665753629257.jpg (395.45 KB, 868x1228, tumblr_nnfn9nLftr1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247343

File: 1665753791984.jpg (271.87 KB, 1154x1119, tumblr_nhrfc9XviH1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247344

File: 1665753939578.jpg (313.93 KB, 804x1178, tumblr_nj5g732mS41rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247345

File: 1665754231922.jpg (261.03 KB, 1160x1880, tumblr_mgzc81qtxM1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247346

File: 1665754331864.jpg (257.38 KB, 978x1167, tumblr_mf50e2EqwD1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247347

File: 1665754704943.jpg (118.05 KB, 678x868, tumblr_mfae7aCG121rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247348

File: 1665754825960.jpg (529.58 KB, 1280x1761, tumblr_md4sdpdGxc1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247350

File: 1665755044941.jpg (141.48 KB, 850x1516, tumblr_mymn52vW7p1rggqdgo1_128…)

No. 247351

File: 1665755182684.jpg (241.62 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_mmdb57Ba0k1rggqdgo2_r1_…)

No. 247427

File: 1665776364094.png (452.35 KB, 628x889, D0LLBJKUUAEDV-z.png)

this is so cute! I tried to look up the artist and got results for @_poo_illust but I'm not sure that's right

No. 247428

File: 1665776401268.png (803.82 KB, 900x900, @_poo_illust.png)

No. 249746

File: 1666508513537.jpg (113.11 KB, 821x588, DaOwwoYVQAEwO7u[1].jpg)

No. 251389

File: 1667053604342.gif (906.42 KB, 500x281, 78a5547043c2c925a35598e5be4796…)

No. 251936

File: 1667271502865.png (573.56 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_phtw34n78l1utnzjuo1_128…)

No. 251938

File: 1667271721443.png (120.24 KB, 500x500, 2c3b4a86c0ead6453a73d80cc5b04c…)

No. 253580

File: 1667746575745.jpeg (79.73 KB, 678x960, DKDSJgLVoAAqlOV.jpeg)

No. 253581

File: 1667746636999.jpg (30.72 KB, 500x576, 68f6f82819e5bbabff5532715f167c…)

No. 253582

File: 1667746664623.jpeg (67.56 KB, 756x1000, EVLAN2hU4AIP6h0.jpeg)

No. 253584

File: 1667746702798.jpg (43.51 KB, 446x512, 8206acba3cabc11e507e5f69c3cb50…)

No. 253585

File: 1667746729039.jpg (150.65 KB, 735x1111, ebbe125fd4956d4b296b27525077b3…)

No. 253623

File: 1667759630396.jpg (128.95 KB, 750x519, kon.jpg)

No. 254190

File: 1668084424467.jpg (356.18 KB, 2048x1666, gyuh.jpg)

I love this design so much, it's sexy but not in a male-gaze way, I wish there was a word for that.

No. 257923

File: 1669410357032.jpg (6.6 MB, 2315x3274, illust_84744331_20221125_23031…)

No. 257928

File: 1669410964497.jpg (187.91 KB, 1137x2339, Tumblr_l_246329922928583.jpg)

No. 260741

File: 1670195468536.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2400x3840, ErxsnbVUcAUuCd-.jpeg)

No. 265065

File: 1672113480908.jpeg (864.19 KB, 2056x2778, FjZa5T6aUAAMWDY.jpeg)

No. 265287

File: 1672222586604.jpg (111.85 KB, 1080x1346, littlethunder 317298964_860428…)

No. 265288

File: 1672222657439.jpg (114.71 KB, 1080x1346, littlethunder 317367057_154217…)

No. 265347

File: 1672248908727.jpeg (202.53 KB, 1128x1544, FjHDtyjVsAER6On.jpeg)

No. 265360

tbh I'm not a big fan of artist using pictures of child actors and redrawing them in a semi realistic style

No. 265515

Didn't think of that before I posted but I know what you mean. If it makes you feel better the artist is a lady in hong kong who is not a pedophile as far as I can tell.

No. 265576

File: 1672338069547.jpg (432.98 KB, 769x980, 103228745_p0.jpg)

No. 265577

She’s also done a ton of other art related to movies she watches

No. 265988

File: 1672533534175.jpg (26.44 KB, 564x652, 7563797ac03ccf147c36dab72b7a87…)

No. 265995

anon who is this?

No. 266000

Captain ice cookie

No. 266005

This is the second time I've seen some cookie run fanart and thought she was hot…. Why does it have to be the cookies

No. 266008

File: 1672542548516.jpg (50.48 KB, 412x604, 1e4eff2d703626417c63988cd6fccc…)

Tbf, she is a pretty great cookie.

No. 266009

The fanart of her is top tier but I admit I do not understand the appeal of this cookie game lol

No. 266356

File: 1672634950494.jpg (1.16 MB, 1171x1569, _5cf58fcd9246e5fdac87dc1d45aaa…)

No. 266357

File: 1672635224378.jpg (4.17 MB, 2217x3198, FThc_2DUYAAfIsa.jpg)

No. 266359

File: 1672635374263.jpg (1.99 MB, 3023x4096, 1dedc694929ecfc60b29b29a42a66b…)

No. 266360

File: 1672635460432.jpg (890.18 KB, 1500x907, reimu.jpg)

No. 266586

i love her, she deserves the world. hopefully that watermelon is a really tasty one.

No. 268180

File: 1673332593294.jpg (132.92 KB, 700x692, 31948332_p0.jpg)

No. 270090

File: 1674081819298.jpg (68.43 KB, 500x497, d89ba532b80d2714c0776bfb5ca7a0…)

No. 270800

File: 1674225926918.jpg (129.2 KB, 736x1182, 00fbc17efdaee40b63eb9b37d9fb7f…)

No. 270801

File: 1674225972803.jpg (89.02 KB, 735x610, 35de24cdcdcd5b9b9cb592e47c2549…)

No. 270802

File: 1674226020870.jpg (99.72 KB, 735x779, fb2bb900fcbc7a17eb9521dfe80442…)

No. 270803

File: 1674226046080.jpg (88.53 KB, 702x937, 5f490f4374eb648dab569c0f0c3583…)

No. 271115

File: 1674373457290.png (377.49 KB, 800x800, EY1OkzRUYAAZhTm.png)

No. 272111

File: 1674930143740.png (591.04 KB, 970x878, __sakura_chiyo_gekkan_shoujo_n…)

No. 273081

File: 1675409690848.jpg (1.68 MB, 2600x2600, 82425344_p0.jpg)

No. 273694

File: 1675639482493.jpg (2.04 MB, 1200x1189, 105008979_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 274778

File: 1675996130676.jpg (34.79 KB, 706x687, 1675491177173.jpg)

No. 275243

File: 1676166686714.jpg (47.98 KB, 563x435, 583e30073a7936e729660c97458482…)

No. 275244

File: 1676167156747.jpg (41.87 KB, 563x788, cd3bef16857a338422ae2b2ddb2052…)

No. 276293

File: 1676595699486.jpg (2.67 MB, 3000x4000, 93886412_p0.jpg)

No. 276819

File: 1676775545674.jpeg (708.13 KB, 1229x1800, FgOhzB9akAA5MCx.jpeg)

No. 277225

File: 1676970198498.jpeg (213.33 KB, 1000x1303, FNVgZ2qXIAI_d43.jpeg)

No. 279599

File: 1677742719746.jpg (69.65 KB, 564x752, b4a86705bb20599fee0e5beabe8ae2…)

No. 279600

File: 1677742854306.jpg (43.9 KB, 564x563, 1ea09ab4cd3f7e3637c7aeb6540175…)

No. 280914

File: 1678209996848.jpg (159.85 KB, 1422x2048, 1647478716580.jpg)

No. 281118

File: 1678244610096.jpg (548.41 KB, 2396x2784, 5467834dt8.jpg)

No. 281148

File: 1678251612423.jpg (123.24 KB, 564x733, 8b0c822f34bc1af14c076b513e888c…)

No. 281152

File: 1678251723435.jpg (63.76 KB, 564x564, 47c766ae384577147a98e079e7186d…)

No. 284564

File: 1679453724880.jpg (219.71 KB, 900x1232, 103293925_p0.jpg)

No. 284593

File: 1679464821585.jpg (83.22 KB, 564x753, 5be08c08482b006864afa5bed7d7f9…)

No. 286901

File: 1680315703346.png (7.01 MB, 2900x2552, 103532443_p0.png)

No. 287087

File: 1680429764437.jpg (66.46 KB, 640x480, e2b2235a-8db6-4e77-b49b-525e3a…)

No. 287118

File: 1680455684767.png (194.29 KB, 498x657, 987FA2B9-FB1A-454A-AB07-919B21…)

No. 287119

File: 1680455803065.jpeg (74.63 KB, 894x894, 4C8DA58F-8CF6-4BB3-A523-46B1F5…)

No. 287138

File: 1680464608755.jpg (55.61 KB, 495x600, 27b99976d4c4be6d9ded34f90a9273…)

No. 287139

Gah I love tenchi muyo!
I loved washu and sasami.

No. 287143

File: 1680467176319.jpeg (413.59 KB, 1448x2048, A81175E0-9F0C-471F-8650-01CCF2…)

No. 287147

File: 1680468277865.jpg (105.47 KB, 564x794, 15df78713a83b7c75c2770aac4d6a3…)

same! i really loved every character but ryoko and washu were my bi awakening. i wanted hair like sasami tho.

No. 287156

>>bi awakening

Hi are you me? Kek

No. 287571

File: 1680683120748.jpg (411.16 KB, 900x612, Tumblr_l_419584659249729.jpg)

No. 290389

File: 1681755497289.jpg (247.32 KB, 1000x1415, 99098388_p0.jpg)

No. 291374

File: 1682148850086.png (96.77 KB, 600x669, 57316655_p1.png)

No. 292888

File: 1682743342242.jpeg (195.42 KB, 999x1302, Fu0q0ubaQAE7niC.jpeg)

No. 293512

File: 1682954709060.jpg (86.78 KB, 648x955, 4fb713fb368420b6931943356fdf1e…)

No. 293513

File: 1682954852501.jpg (106.14 KB, 436x1178, t8675.jpg)

No. 293645

File: 1683016027818.jpg (424.21 KB, 1660x2048, 65517647_p0.jpg)

No. 293663

Which art book is this from nonna?

No. 294331

File: 1683269415630.jpg (76.24 KB, 1127x720, 1669160157451.jpg)

No. 294333

So hot omg. Anime women looked so much better back when they were allowed to look like women and not weird little moe bobbleheads.

No. 294343

File: 1683276916130.jpg (33.71 KB, 564x423, a237c369f743cd482f4df92d0f5875…)

This, her and Relena.

No. 294653

File: 1683446676320.jpg (41.62 KB, 712x534, Tumblr_l_1945553905816831.jpg)

No. 294702

Literally the best couple

No. 295085

File: 1683610637603.png (331.41 KB, 1600x900, 91971823_p0.png)

No. 295230

File: 1683656141923.jpg (121.06 KB, 662x891, The.Path.(Game).full.1997638.j…)

No. 295232

File: 1683656301030.jpg (121.88 KB, 800x640, 77997247707240ea47fdb8260c1dac…)

No. 295233

File: 1683656587570.jpg (161 KB, 1040x770, 2b719bc13e50ba5fed499aa51e2685…)

No. 295302

File: 1683677533186.jpg (85.11 KB, 800x600, steamworkshop_webupload_previe…)

Aww nostalgia just punched me square in the jaw, best girls. Too bad the endings were so obscure but it helped make the game more memorable I guess.

No. 302569

File: 1686893755700.jpg (259.67 KB, 1080x1016, 312502916_495247165823266_6841…)

The art style reminds me of those old dress up games

No. 302977

File: 1687107284615.jpeg (142.84 KB, 736x1034, D9A06F14-C9FA-4CBA-989F-CC13A6…)

No. 304232

File: 1687510400910.jpg (256.46 KB, 1000x1256, tumblr_oh2kbbFWZE1u0pntao1_128…)

No. 308380

File: 1689307185680.png (373.12 KB, 733x900, tumblr_pdtwbjxtVA1w4bqyfo1_128…)

No. 308381

File: 1689307219504.png (413.17 KB, 733x900, tumblr_pdtwbjxtVA1w4bqyfo2_128…)

No. 308382

File: 1689307290258.png (410.06 KB, 733x900, tumblr_pdtwbjxtVA1w4bqyfo3_128…)

No. 308599

File: 1689439254877.jpg (702.02 KB, 1446x2048, 20230715_165417.jpg)

Bump for cp

No. 308614

File: 1689451738252.jpeg (231.69 KB, 946x2048, 751836AF-EBE0-4B44-BC93-06E878…)

No. 308871

File: 1689595773261.jpg (186.02 KB, 1024x721, 28853726_p0 飴降り。.jpg)

No. 308872

File: 1689595822270.jpg (234.74 KB, 910x910, 29368078_p0 はしゃ.jpg)

No. 308873

File: 1689595904196.jpg (199.13 KB, 600x377, 30097112_p0_master1200 mojihar…)

No. 308874

File: 1689595937154.png (346.17 KB, 950x1078, 49820688_p0 tofuvi.png)

No. 308875

File: 1689595979775.jpg (572.02 KB, 900x900, 64152946_p0 Q.jpg)

No. 308876

File: 1689596053174.jpg (211.96 KB, 1000x1000, 71715599_p0 飴屋エマ.jpg)

No. 308877

File: 1689596093926.jpg (1.02 MB, 1600x2263, 82517464_p0 はしゃ.jpg)

No. 308878

File: 1689596132422.png (1.28 MB, 768x1024, 91223758_p0 さいなかもなか.png)

No. 308879

File: 1689596306504.jpg (678.03 KB, 800x1200, 109370313_p0_master1200 DM.jpg)

No. 308882

File: 1689601300756.jpg (981.11 KB, 2100x2100, 77164948_p2 さいなかもなか 2525monaca…)

No. 308883

File: 1689601365113.jpg (355.61 KB, 1667x1667, 85796266_p1さいなかもなか 2525monaca.…)

used to hate this artstyle but for some reason it really grew on me recently

No. 309224

oh my gosh toothpaste hair, of course! how genius! i want to eat her hair and i need a bubblegum taste version stat.

No. 309479

File: 1689817216339.jpeg (193.3 KB, 1448x2048, F1YiIJ6acAAKGMB.jpeg)

No. 309481

File: 1689817431394.jpeg (245.44 KB, 2048x1479, FyNn4x1WcAEN7NE.jpeg)

No. 309935

File: 1689999982874.jpeg (122.46 KB, 560x818, F0hClzMaYAAcJms.jpeg)

No. 310014

File: 1690044844760.jpg (360.94 KB, 1440x1800, dolman_00 296395619_5544825864…)

wish they had more art online, it's cute stuff

No. 310178

File: 1690127464043.jpg (629.14 KB, 742x1100, 82745324_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 310180

File: 1690127569182.jpg (659.25 KB, 837x900, 86172711_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 310190

File: 1690128695440.jpg (437.12 KB, 1087x1200, 68138082_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 310191

File: 1690128790616.jpg (451.92 KB, 840x1200, 68138082_p1_master1200.jpg)

No. 310192

File: 1690128826052.png (2.8 MB, 3472x1651, 84214728_p0.png)

No. 310193

File: 1690128850577.jpg (303.95 KB, 876x1200, 91277312_p4_master1200.jpg)

No. 310194

File: 1690128887309.png (1.94 MB, 2000x2698, 82228736_p62.png)

No. 311399

File: 1690602070627.jpeg (494.73 KB, 1828x2048, F0qoCvXaYAIwIV7.jpeg)

No. 311620

File: 1690688926393.png (2.14 MB, 1000x872, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo1_128…)

No. 311622

File: 1690689460086.jpg (79.2 KB, 577x799, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo2_640…)

No. 311623

File: 1690689563891.jpg (319.8 KB, 662x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo3_128…)

No. 311624

File: 1690689781888.jpg (391.64 KB, 761x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo4_128…)

No. 311625

File: 1690689925213.jpg (339.83 KB, 736x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo5_128…)

No. 311626

File: 1690690019341.jpg (385.24 KB, 788x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo6_128…)

No. 311628

File: 1690690923642.jpg (369.05 KB, 709x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo7_128…)

No. 311629

File: 1690691067251.jpg (371.87 KB, 697x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo8_128…)

No. 311630

File: 1690691249527.jpg (393.08 KB, 700x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo9_128…)

No. 311631

File: 1690691668329.jpg (357.33 KB, 660x1024, tumblr_n5onuvAgVI1qmi9sbo10_12…)

No. 312250

File: 1690976258991.png (74.34 KB, 500x728, asumiko nakamura 003.png)

I love them, such nice art. her manga has really creative panelling and she writes great psychological dramas and sweet romances too.

No. 312271

File: 1690987129725.jpg (750.38 KB, 849x1200, 83625815_p0.jpg)

No. 312273

File: 1690987241002.jpg (839.65 KB, 1731x2386, adfd4c8573f4c1f466bdc23d5a0f65…)

No. 313506

File: 1691490383497.jpg (970.72 KB, 1500x1667, bWVkaWEvRmlnWG03ZFVjQUE4SUxLLm…)

No. 313507

File: 1691490455770.jpg (660.92 KB, 900x1276, bWVkaWEvRmt3TUp1OWFnQUFFN2E3Lm…)

No. 313508

File: 1691490595304.jpg (330.96 KB, 850x1744, __gardevoir_mega_gardevoir_and…)

My wife

No. 313512

File: 1691490838916.jpg (249.66 KB, 2048x1192, __rika_and_ryme_pokemon_and_2_…)

No. 313515

File: 1691491110338.jpg (1.62 MB, 1262x2551, __mina_and_chinchou_pokemon_an…)

No. 313516

File: 1691491177153.jpg (1.08 MB, 1750x1226, __lenora_watchog_and_herdier_p…)

No. 313517

File: 1691491257108.jpg (101.01 KB, 900x716, __diantha_and_opal_pokemon_and…)

No. 313532

File: 1691494645339.jpeg (489.15 KB, 1644x2048, 5ABE063F-84F5-4344-8A57-66CA44…)

No. 313541

File: 1691504287637.jpeg (458.67 KB, 1283x1724, Fyl4qOqWIAEAo19.jpeg)

cute! Nemui Asada? where does she post sketches like that?

No. 313543

It’s an old post from her Twitter. The dark haired woman is named Shizuka and I think the light haired one is the original design for Ai, the middle girl in your pic.

No. 313549

oh ok I didn't go back far enough on her twitter. just checking she doesn't have a secret pixiv or something lol

No. 313565

File: 1691515341723.jpeg (460.55 KB, 1734x2048, FxhIbHGaIAMwRLk.jpeg)

No. 313566

File: 1691515375668.jpeg (534.99 KB, 1734x2048, FxhIbHFaUAA27eD.jpeg)

No. 313905

File: 1691681758340.png (441.72 KB, 1299x1831, 1649623283391.png)

No. 315102

File: 1692141180481.jpg (583.54 KB, 1448x2048, @hun5751.jpg)

No. 315103

File: 1692141206879.jpg (465.21 KB, 1024x2048, FtWWxOeakAAkDEX.jpg)

No. 315105

I absolutely love the atmosphere and style here.

No. 319356

File: 1693772633252.jpg (80.51 KB, 797x1124, FzmO7hVXsAEKw0n.jpg)

No. 321482

File: 1694777206522.jpg (1.25 MB, 3508x2480, F46G5kqaYAAczXY.jpg)

No. 323019

File: 1695495310451.jpeg (680.76 KB, 750x1200, F6tmJc3a4AAEtPS.jpeg)

No. 324634

File: 1696139189691.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, 100191209_p0.jpg)

No. 325675

File: 1696618692826.jpeg (260.78 KB, 2000x1327, F7DIA6HXkAApejJ.jpeg)

I love her

No. 330483

File: 1698386658044.jpg (91.64 KB, 992x1000, F0SOJJjacAAtduy.jpg)

No. 330678

File: 1698453189334.jpg (1.59 MB, 1500x1500, 105669905_p0.jpg)

No. 333011

File: 1699206769215.jpg (2.08 MB, 1363x1920, 86502268_p0.jpg)

No. 333125

File: 1699218827218.jpeg (294.42 KB, 1300x1600, F8kZamRbwAAXuw0.jpeg)

No. 333170

File: 1699228423833.jpg (52.14 KB, 457x600, Yashiro.Nene.600.2877993.jpg)

No. 333185

File: 1699231666766.jpg (109.79 KB, 736x736, e942d87e493a61a46144a6b99ebddb…)

No. 333186

File: 1699231688155.jpg (154.17 KB, 720x899, 0ed58baba4ed5b6ae586e41cbec369…)

No. 333187

File: 1699231711805.jpg (189.07 KB, 736x1040, a42cbdbbe065741b2757e2f547d29b…)

No. 333188

File: 1699231733389.jpg (210.29 KB, 736x1039, 295be72d1377db7645cf2a9cb12355…)

No. 333189

File: 1699231754967.jpg (138.83 KB, 736x736, 1ca6ff0f68c0bc01846087567868ea…)

No. 333196

File: 1699232364480.jpg (106.88 KB, 736x736, b455681e28bbb304b028493fc56ce7…)

No. 333197

File: 1699232387380.jpg (133.77 KB, 735x757, 3e2a325c0a26cf080b18c7d6b4d2a7…)

No. 333198

File: 1699232962253.jpg (75.58 KB, 640x1164, fab34251f8b12e5b465546ecabb036…)

No. 333203

File: 1699233937360.jpg (43.32 KB, 736x402, bc09207a5ed1b4278cfbfc741d0340…)

No. 333204

File: 1699233958452.jpg (92.25 KB, 735x481, da6cd17d531799d37829edaf1f7a54…)

No. 333205

File: 1699233986785.jpg (56.86 KB, 736x1041, ab789965d2e929d2c69820be69a6ff…)

No. 333206

File: 1699234008508.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x320, 3b6936420d981ff30ba0349bd75b27…)

No. 333207

File: 1699234029789.jpg (38.56 KB, 735x547, 081906796f3b42e5ef0f6f21231b31…)

No. 333208

File: 1699234276355.jpg (89.84 KB, 736x718, 4e59e6ec2de7c2287407314eed2996…)

No. 337528

File: 1700647785513.jpg (361.45 KB, 1488x2105, F7PSzrCaQAA2kR6.jpg)

No. 337529

File: 1700647893356.jpg (93.62 KB, 720x1200, F847CGLbYAAsq9x.jpg)

No. 338324

File: 1701037891583.jpg (348 KB, 1242x1906, F8FFiRNaUAAEjNB.jpg)

No. 338325

File: 1701037944618.jpg (400.78 KB, 1402x2048, F7GX22LaEAA1TCk.jpg)

No. 340312

File: 1701913317837.png (2.58 MB, 1200x1622, i.png)

No. 341945

File: 1702497108641.jpg (348.81 KB, 1399x1827, b127bd199519d11e6eae86ea0b35e9…)

No. 342897

File: 1702775291387.png (642.41 KB, 765x481, tumblr_ngfoecBMCM1tx32tto1_128…)

No. 342899

File: 1702775444933.jpg (226.55 KB, 800x558, tumblr_nfr0npcXUi1rgqe3po1_128…)

No. 358144

File: 1708754427671.jpg (367.7 KB, 1280x1323, Mayura.full.3206716.jpg)

No. 358168

File: 1708769245344.jpg (77.09 KB, 414x600, 20201126180052874235_185951d6b…)

Dumb question but are these painted with watercolor ?

No. 358169

File: 1708770296337.jpg (532.25 KB, 926x708, 1708760876590772.jpg)


No. 358220

ntayrt but no it's most likely ink

No. 358406

File: 1708885127512.jpg (459.58 KB, 1200x1855, F3qvYhnW8AANEPp.jpg)

No. 358407

File: 1708885206751.png (906.62 KB, 1000x1334, tumblr_p0kg9hNLnp1t3geodo1_128…)

No. 358408

File: 1708885267409.jpg (622.18 KB, 1280x1836, tumblr_f667606c695b01f0e0d69c0…)

No. 358411

File: 1708885482781.jpg (5.31 MB, 2581x3635, CCS_MC_PG31.jpg)

No. 359703

File: 1709403007514.jpg (53.33 KB, 703x557, CanhAoqUMAAhCE1.jpg)

No. 359704

File: 1709403076969.jpeg (454.93 KB, 1324x1324, FpkwU29aMAAvrVN.jpeg)

No. 359706

File: 1709403145743.mp4 (768.31 KB, 800x800, __mayura_ukagaka_and_1_more_dr…)

No. 361241

File: 1710037422834.jpg (138.84 KB, 500x1081, Y18z4is.jpg)

No. 361247

File: 1710040711317.jpg (458.45 KB, 1240x1754, 97241638_p19.jpg)

No. 361249

File: 1710040813544.jpg (168.08 KB, 1506x2000, 20240309_192240.jpg)

No. 362344

File: 1710353558426.jpg (226.93 KB, 1080x1527, GIkYdp0W4AArOJ3.jpg)

No. 372231

File: 1713593512201.jpg (162.95 KB, 850x1301, __original_drawn_by_yaqing__.j…)

No. 372232

File: 1713593581288.jpg (102.07 KB, 850x1747, __original_drawn_by_yaqing_.jp…)

by the same artist

No. 376804

File: 1714947940948.jpg (519.98 KB, 2152x4082, Fz3z5C9akAE39u0.jpg)

No. 377597

File: 1715207531796.jpeg (422.45 KB, 1448x2048, GLEk_g-bUAAt57j.jpeg)

No. 377599

File: 1715207563628.png (1.19 MB, 634x900, GMz6XieaoAADfJM.png)

No. 381237

File: 1715623762675.jpg (3.5 MB, 2894x4093, GM5r-JdagAAWZpX.jpg)

No. 381238

File: 1715623811002.jpg (1.92 MB, 2894x4093, GMrl3l-W8AE5T1z.jpg)

I love this artists use of line work, shes beautiful

No. 381239

File: 1715623835952.jpg (2.01 MB, 2894x4093, GMhOCaJboAAeSgC.jpg)

No. 382818

File: 1715918173206.jpg (191.23 KB, 943x1200, FjDPfFpacAAUZjw.jpg)

No. 382859

File: 1715934883561.jpg (69.74 KB, 697x830, BuR625HCMAAO9yu.jpg)

No. 382880

File: 1715944991452.jpg (549.53 KB, 1050x1439, GEcYm9PWgAAJ_z5.jpg)

Yes nonnie! i'm obsessed

No. 387220

File: 1716909835688.jpg (257.4 KB, 709x899, ju5jgibz4ro81.jpg)

No. 387222

File: 1716910183076.jpg (629.04 KB, 728x1032, 84658771_p0.jpg)

No. 390319

File: 1717806860645.jpg (214.98 KB, 1369x2048, __rika_pokemon_and_1_more_draw…)

No. 390320

File: 1717806902386.jpg (180.34 KB, 1246x2048, __rika_pokemon_and_1_more_draw…)

No. 390348

File: 1717815339617.png (502.45 KB, 670x700, __kashima_yuu_gekkan_shoujo_no…)

No. 390435

File: 1717843033921.jpg (52.29 KB, 600x849, __hirate_yurina_keyakizaka46_d…)

No. 392032

File: 1718270705404.jpg (119.03 KB, 774x1024, 55932605_p2.jpg)

No. 397335

File: 1720001997908.jpg (612.16 KB, 1036x1036, __ten_ou_haruka_and_seiya_kou_…)

No. 399943

File: 1720644248282.jpg (400.95 KB, 3708x2021, __marceline_abadeer_princess_b…)

No. 399944

File: 1720644289121.jpg (249.35 KB, 1490x2048, __marceline_abadeer_and_prince…)

No. 399946

File: 1720644397437.jpg (253.02 KB, 1114x2048, __marceline_abadeer_and_prince…)

No. 399947

File: 1720644438889.jpg (243.07 KB, 1114x2048, __marceline_abadeer_and_prince…)

No. 400879

File: 1720802010087.jpg (41.06 KB, 564x565, pariya.jpg)

best girl, she's so bad at everything she does </3

No. 400899

File: 1720804416443.png (4.92 MB, 1200x1872, Frieren.png)

No. 400900

File: 1720804584610.jpg (300.97 KB, 1655x1937, Shoko.jpg)

No. 404453

File: 1721726994295.jpg (1.01 MB, 2111x4096, FcC9dOJaUAAZ3AL.jpg)

No. 404454

File: 1721727033963.jpg (359.19 KB, 2048x2048, Fkg1wm8aAAAdY0x.jpg)

No. 404927

File: 1721865588422.jpg (296.84 KB, 800x1131, __hatsune_miku_sakura_miku_and…)

No. 406245

File: 1722374651198.jpg (147.87 KB, 736x1113, 1000048010.jpg)

No. 406256

File: 1722377777118.jpg (763.98 KB, 1668x2048, 99482420bb991e6d458ee13e3259b9…)

No. 406257

File: 1722379351141.jpg (653.79 KB, 1400x1200, 87343982_p3.jpg)

No. 406280

File: 1722390819412.png (845.88 KB, 1000x1138, 1000 (58).png)

No. 406680

File: 1722550155915.png (1.11 MB, 736x977, 9kXoHBg.png)

(ai out of containment)

No. 406689

File: 1722552677754.jpg (42.98 KB, 735x496, 1000000667.jpg)


No. 406691

File: 1722552852744.jpg (57.17 KB, 454x640, 1000000669.jpg)

Nvm I forgot about the flood counter

No. 406828

File: 1722613279882.jpg (39.39 KB, 620x348, 1000000679.jpg)

I had to post this one too

No. 406984

File: 1722675600313.jpg (247.32 KB, 1094x1306, Dejiko_digi.jpg)

No. 407034

File: 1722699472709.jpg (398.9 KB, 1200x732, 96985500_p3_master1200.jpg)

Would this count?

No. 407036

theres a moid in it so no

No. 410220

File: 1723695083458.jpg (104.61 KB, 736x992, a4ccbf536dbcd319543d83e13e06ef…)

No. 410877

File: 1723898696880.jpg (365.85 KB, 1362x1844, 113552710_p0.jpg)

No. 411621

File: 1724138511950.jpg (9.78 MB, 1971x2709, 121439520_p0.jpg)

No. 412914

File: 1724452809966.jpg (460.13 KB, 1370x961, 92892029_p0.jpg)

No. 412915

God damn

No. 412916

File: 1724453231701.jpg (700.7 KB, 1524x988, 88123134_p0.jpg)

No. 413238

File: 1724558165802.jpg (561.53 KB, 2048x2107, tumblr_fb972f729b1ef7579ccc7db…)

No. 413244

I love love looove Amanda.

No. 413245

File: 1724559617519.jpeg (22.64 KB, 480x640, Suitmanda.jpeg)

No. 413405

File: 1724623772298.jpg (562.54 KB, 1280x1893, aw.jpg)

No. 413408

File: 1724624139024.jpg (671.46 KB, 1392x2012, hjgj.jpg)

No. 413810

File: 1724735801650.jpg (387.71 KB, 1092x1857, F9dRWZ5bwAAYmT2.jpg)

No. 414787

File: 1726092750162.jpg (2.23 MB, 2210x1702, Traveling.Mood.full.314475.jpg)

No. 415250

File: 1726225864913.jpg (1.07 MB, 1491x2048, F_sS8m1bYAA1JMb.jpg)

No. 415251

File: 1726225899949.jpg (513.68 KB, 1527x2048, GB3cVYDakAAgXJW.jpg)

No. 415252

File: 1726225933952.jpg (983.23 KB, 1475x2048, GTz3A7AbwAA57im.jpg)

No. 415277

File: 1726243114677.png (313.54 KB, 480x640, 53086468_p0.png)

No. 418257

File: 1727241927241.jpg (436.57 KB, 1809x1431, tumblr_46ffc7246b89916dcfc85f4…)

No. 418258

File: 1727241954107.png (97.14 KB, 600x450, tumblr_miy83jduX81rhqb3no1_128…)

No. 418289

File: 1727252427271.webp (71.73 KB, 1066x1600, kamisama kiss chapter 19.webp)

No. 418294

File: 1727254280286.jpeg (176.03 KB, 1079x1340, roxy and jane.jpeg)

No. 422531

File: 1728548051729.jpg (383.28 KB, 2048x1596, GYsWkX4boAAqngK.jpg)

No. 422533

File: 1728548123524.jpg (334.31 KB, 1692x2048, GZF6zNzbAAAPw4O.jpg)

No. 422537

File: 1728548699548.jpg (243.05 KB, 1452x2048, GJvcHVHbgAAVh8F.jpg)

No. 422575

this looks so badass

No. 422739

File: 1728586264987.jpg (388.05 KB, 874x1050, casca and her fangirls.jpg)

No. 422741

File: 1728586431222.jpg (286.98 KB, 1750x1400, tumblr_d9002323a9fea2928c95190…)

No. 422885

File: 1728619647062.jpg (97.08 KB, 1284x952, Hayami Ayuko.jpg)

No. 422907

casca is so goddamn pretty and i will forever hate what miura did to her

No. 427306

File: 1729952191726.jpg (97.84 KB, 400x566, karisummerm.jpg)

I love Akira Ebihara's art, here's her website http://sugartoy.net

No. 427307

File: 1729952216309.jpg (1.07 MB, 880x1100, girltripweb1609.jpg)

No. 433421

File: 1732015534156.jpg (254.35 KB, 1000x1619, DHlWhGPUIAACxz6.jpg)

No. 433658

File: 1732073824664.jpg (282.87 KB, 1428x1600, 1000016775.jpg)

No. 436484

File: 1732856379995.jpeg (439.28 KB, 1300x1300, __jinx_vi_arcane_jinx_and_arca…)

No. 436487

File: 1732856537366.jpeg (785.07 KB, 1622x1622, __jinx_vi_arcane_jinx_and_arca…)

No. 436489

File: 1732856771873.jpeg (927.11 KB, 1622x1622, __vi_caitlyn_arcane_vi_and_arc…)

No. 436490

File: 1732856883188.jpeg (824.97 KB, 1622x1622, __caitlyn_and_arcane_caitlyn_l…)

No. 436491

absolutely love this

No. 436493

File: 1732857241918.jpg (187.91 KB, 1080x1080, by tunasnaps on instagram.jpg)

I don't even watch Arcane, but I knew nonnies would like it.

No. 437324

File: 1733079756700.jpg (211.01 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_2bfab7fe46a10acd3aaaf71…)

No. 437348

File: 1733084851355.jpg (5.93 KB, 234x216, images.jpg)

No. 439017

File: 1733648797744.jpg (273.83 KB, 1540x2048, 20241208_110529.jpg)

No. 439818

File: 1733902859825.jpg (235.8 KB, 732x1000, 485949459878218.jpg)

No. 439819

File: 1733902884302.jpg (355.27 KB, 857x1268, 657394279595.jpg)

No. 439820

File: 1733902964450.jpg (313.11 KB, 887x1280, 784398479349.jpg)

No. 439823

File: 1733903972635.jpg (601.94 KB, 2093x1854, 20241209_192125.jpg)

No. 440619

File: 1734202141021.jpg (639.05 KB, 1549x2196, GaRxgciXAAAGq6T.jpg)

No. 440638

I would die for her

No. 442675

File: 1735010109775.jpg (272.73 KB, 1766x2048, Gey_f-eWUAAUffR.jpg)

No. 442712

File: 1735023884411.mp4 (92.19 KB, 1026x694, __akemi_homura_kaname_madoka_k…)

No. 443393

File: 1735364263488.png (3.33 MB, 1092x1857, __original_drawn_by_sakutake_u…)

No. 443395

File: 1735364607566.png (3.14 MB, 1092x1754, __original_drawn_by_sakutake_u…)

No. 443399

File: 1735365455254.png (3.38 MB, 1092x1857, __original_drawn_by_sakutake_u…)

No. 443400

So cute

No. 443404

File: 1735365812985.png (14.83 MB, 4053x2300, __original_drawn_by_sakutake_u…)

No. 446052

File: 1736190295379.jpg (365.25 KB, 2048x2048, 20250106_210410.jpg)

No. 447719

File: 1736646985004.jpg (471.3 KB, 733x996, __rika_pokemon_and_1_more_draw…)

No. 450383

File: 1737315312887.png (1.77 MB, 1280x1637, WD96dxg.png)

No. 450384

File: 1737315335558.png (976.21 KB, 1028x778, aJtRtma.png)

No. 450429

File: 1737320369811.jpg (1.07 MB, 1920x1200, __kasugano_sora_yosuga_no_sora…)

No. 450616

File: 1737350146261.jpg (393.25 KB, 1592x2048, Gf9DlkLbsAAgPVg.jpg)

No. 456295

File: 1738535829959.png (2.13 MB, 1080x1303, fI1nAma.png)

No. 456296

File: 1738535852432.png (976.51 KB, 1246x1012, t6Xvkvi.png)

No. 456304

File: 1738536871568.png (1013.22 KB, 640x878, eB297MA.png)

No. 456414

File: 1738551638535.png (1.2 MB, 1276x1639, oXdXZYL.png)

No. 456561

File: 1738600496470.jpg (830.42 KB, 1727x2048, Gc8aOUaaMAAX7Ab.jpg)

I kind of hate the beatles but this drawing is so cute. I love fangirls.

No. 456562

same feeling about the beatles kek but this is cute!

No. 456564

File: 1738601189750.jpg (258.88 KB, 1840x2048, F3fcMxabsAAjdpo.jpg)

No. 457008

File: 1738697629844.jpg (545.82 KB, 1678x2048, Giyt8-hbsAAaluM.jpg)

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