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File: 1650069411320.png (1.22 MB, 661x920, 1578d1e9-b09f-4d63-8ca0-016e67…)

No. 197704

Like the cute 2D girls one, bringing the 2d art for boys/men back! Previous one is here >>>/m/182647

This thread is just for posting cute art of 2D guys, no gross 3D scrotes. Husbandos are fine just don't sperg about them here, use these >>>/m/188499 or >>>/g/248755

No. 197706

I want to eat him.

No. 197707

File: 1650070292929.jpg (72.97 KB, 475x633, 66d12eb955fa276e45ab29b79a7660…)

Gotta post my husband again

No. 197716

File: 1650074020523.jpg (77.78 KB, 876x1273, cde0c3e66d04e1e734c4788ba70a25…)

Thank you OP!

No. 197750

not cute

No. 197848

File: 1650123010798.png (1.1 MB, 989x1826, 5dbd206f-125a-4c01-bba4-9cb827…)

Doppio is adorable to me but not husbando tier. I wish he was pocket sized I could carry around a little pocket Doppio with me. Could even dig out old hamster cage and have him live in it

No. 197860

File: 1650125722773.jpeg (259.35 KB, 1097x918, C05A77AB-AC7E-44DC-ADD6-A9ECDB…)

I’m going to miss them.

No. 197875

Nona did you rea the whole thing? Where can I find it please I only found the first 2 or so chapters

No. 197880

I buy the chapters on Honto, they accept foreign cards:

Asada Nemui posted that it’s ending so there’s probably only one chapter left

No. 198022

File: 1650179449843.jpeg (164.22 KB, 759x1000, ETWYoD8UUAE1bma.jpeg)

Hot handsome guys should be allowed on this thread.

No. 198121

File: 1650209859876.jpg (35.07 KB, 473x750, 82fd52d9107a6c2f548308e7729654…)

He kinda hit the wall in final season but idk

No. 198263

File: 1650252122762.jpeg (376.23 KB, 2048x1884, FIFG1E_aQAEhw2N.jpeg)

No. 198276

File: 1650255328959.jpg (381.54 KB, 800x550, 32709526_p0.jpg)

No. 198291

aaaaa cute husband……..

No. 198424

File: 1650299090269.png (1020.19 KB, 1242x1920, tumblr_pqxta57M9v1v3q1xgo1_128…)

No. 198442

File: 1650300540620.jpg (70.95 KB, 581x680, D4IB67-UwAA34L3.jpg)

No. 198567

File: 1650315372339.jpg (93.07 KB, 900x800, D9gBw_VUYAAfobY.jpg)

No. 198582

Mildly related, I just made a Twitter and want to follow accounts that post cute 2D boy art. Do you guys have any recommendations?

No. 198667

File: 1650337998162.jpeg (97.56 KB, 730x721, DGCykZQUQAAQke8.jpeg)

Here are some that I really like:

There are also a lot of other artists I like but I don't know if you want to follow nsfw content.

No. 199084

File: 1650470167065.jpg (465.38 KB, 624x608, pon-marsh hetalia 1.jpg)

No. 199086

File: 1650470347493.jpg (303.46 KB, 564x486, pon-marsh hetalia 2.jpg)

No. 199087

File: 1650470805151.jpg (225.86 KB, 491x471, pon-marsh hetalia italy.jpg)

No. 201650

File: 1651121548231.jpeg (323.91 KB, 1886x1874, ELUw7KiU0AAqg9n.jpeg)

No. 201651

File: 1651121574365.jpeg (403.99 KB, 1886x1874, ELUw7KhVUAILv0x.jpeg)

No. 201652

File: 1651121620438.jpeg (320.1 KB, 1886x1874, ELUw7KjUYAAXE8v.jpeg)

No. 201653

File: 1651121656642.jpeg (348.23 KB, 1733x1874, ELUw7KiUUAIkN_J.jpeg)

No. 201660

These are so adorable, who is the artist?

No. 201670

No. 202943

File: 1651462050747.jpeg (508.84 KB, 1168x2177, C148A4C4-EDD8-487C-92AA-E1598B…)

So, this game hasn’t come out yet, but I got this ad on TikTok today and damn… he’s so pretty. I think I’m in love with his design.

No. 202946

OMG I agree, his design is so good.

No. 203880

File: 1651721790583.jpg (668.96 KB, 1200x1800, 76162475_p0.jpg)

No. 204955

File: 1652147766679.jpeg (246.57 KB, 1536x2048, DbyF1IPUwAEqZAP.jpeg)

No. 204957

File: 1652148063981.jpeg (385.46 KB, 1526x1771, EU1M0DZU4AAKebG.jpeg)

No. 204982

Ironic since most of the male viera are CUTE

No. 205010

disgusting moids don't scroll

No. 205201

File: 1652233642938.png (446.67 KB, 720x1000, 69647543_p1.png)

No. 205370

File: 1652308157559.jpg (42.31 KB, 323x470, 85862586356.jpg)

Who are your favorite bishounen artists? For me it's Lily, Shinji Chibana and Satoi.

No. 205373

is that Kisumi from Free? I love him.

No. 205384

File: 1652311513739.png (1.86 MB, 1509x2000, 97423903_p7.png)

No. 205385

File: 1652311547123.jpg (989.94 KB, 1125x1500, 93186563_p13.jpg)

No. 205386

File: 1652311610531.jpg (239.35 KB, 750x1180, QTJames.jpg)

No. 205409

File: 1652320036696.jpg (265.18 KB, 450x600, 45562104_p0.jpg)

Yup that's him! Also same. He's an absolute qt.

No. 205421

File: 1652324202039.jpeg (137.98 KB, 2048x1352, EZX4p5KUYAAJhOC.jpeg)

No. 205538

He deserved more screen time as the only basket bro in that show.

No. 205722

File: 1652422386832.jpg (1.29 MB, 2226x1343, 87567282_p0.jpg)

No. 205737

Who is this?

No. 205738

File: 1652431495986.jpg (126.68 KB, 569x815, jQkWOqWATfoAy_BFBhJ4Q9KXAJkq8V…)

Gyro Zeppeli from Jojo

No. 205746

Such luscious locks. Thanks anon.

No. 206176

File: 1652567971984.jpg (57.15 KB, 600x800, 47105742_p2.jpg)

Agree and more merch too. I wish he has figures and plushies.

No. 206266

File: 1652582069632.gif (Spoiler Image,870.33 KB, 200x200, 5489038590435.gif)

Bless you for far right

No. 206323

Oh my god he used to make me squeal like a tard. He's so cute.

No. 206813

File: 1652748852014.jpg (1.15 MB, 2200x1574, 73079593_p0.jpg)


No. 206821

File: 1652749595631.jpg (826.1 KB, 2480x3508, 87218088_p0.jpg)

No. 206822

File: 1652749618621.jpg (1015.24 KB, 4154x2365, 87072796_p0.jpg)

No. 207290

File: 1652894926626.jpg (2.75 MB, 1946x2589, __seragaki_aoba_clear_ren_noiz…)

Those are some nice artists! I also like Honya Lala and Yana Toboso.

No. 207716

File: 1653023728962.jpg (102.94 KB, 564x1055, 8a8a81bd9eb27589dce7afa519aefa…)

No. 207762

File: 1653044820580.jpg (85.91 KB, 445x750, y0nkEVI.jpg)

No. 207763

File: 1653044999162.jpg (37.03 KB, 549x653, cajpKsB.jpg)

Most of the fanart for Abbacchio is so misleading I didn't expect him to piss in a teacup in his first appearance.

No. 207769

File: 1653045960872.jpg (62.9 KB, 750x814, 0314573ec230c002eb987e0425aef5…)

No. 207841

File: 1653062643907.jpg (45.99 KB, 510x720, 9fd71a4c86fc0f23e6f670d54a57ff…)

No. 211158

File: 1654225234343.jpeg (307.07 KB, 2048x1644, Ex4zm8OUcAA7OL4.jpeg)

No. 211638

File: 1654369449785.jpeg (318.83 KB, 1345x2048, (6_0)이브 on Twitter.jpeg)

No. 211644

File: 1654369772486.jpeg (369.46 KB, 2048x1879, Ey2Cx3EUcAM_fne.jpeg)

No. 212923

File: 1654767394251.png (563.86 KB, 900x900, 71A0A008-3A5D-47A6-AA52-E8FE4C…)

No. 212924

File: 1654767452613.jpeg (635.16 KB, 1000x1000, 835FBCB9-94EA-4095-ACB0-5F2ED3…)

No. 212946

File: 1654777465963.png (216.62 KB, 699x558, 1641254908014.png)

No. 213024

File: 1654791181161.png (785.58 KB, 645x798, Eig96uxUYAE2O9W.png)

Cute, I want to eat noodles with him.

No. 213045

Ackgjgn thank you nonnies for more qt food art.
>I want to eat noddles with him.
It'd be a blessing. ♥

No. 214529

File: 1655298392352.jpeg (341.36 KB, 2200x1421, 293993920228383.jpeg)

I love these boys. And this art is rendered so nice

No. 215086

File: 1655473039569.jpg (71.49 KB, 760x1000, 1644441745173.jpg)

No. 215098

awww i love this one

No. 215239

File: 1655509732489.jpg (347.46 KB, 900x1271, 88311543_p1.jpg)

No. 215240

File: 1655509792063.jpg (766.68 KB, 915x1200, 93575622_p4.jpg)

No. 216581

File: 1656062204558.jpg (188.25 KB, 700x993, 58641595_p18.jpg)

No. 216584

File: 1656063343692.jpg (860.32 KB, 1000x1473, FT8GVPlUYAILrHW.jpg)

No. 218775

File: 1656832625705.jpg (230.26 KB, 1200x550, ERfOfBFU4AUZHT_.jpg)

No. 219030

File: 1656906161280.jpg (231.13 KB, 1280x709, tumblr_5c8800fc24ad47055effd67…)

No. 219031

File: 1656906217454.jpg (370.02 KB, 842x1497, tumblr_55d74bc5f84fa9440f5578c…)

No. 219324

File: 1657003120840.jpeg (300.9 KB, 900x1200, D6c9WDZUEAA9Exk.jpeg)

No. 219492

File: 1657070296054.jpg (815.76 KB, 716x1012, Fukuwa.full.323197.jpg)

No. 223752

File: 1658449218597.jpeg (365.99 KB, 2048x1280, Eemb8OEU8AAM6Nn.jpeg)

No. 223754

File: 1658449642257.jpeg (251.89 KB, 1867x992, EdM0ihiUcAIDna8.jpeg)

No. 223761

File: 1658451914359.jpg (130.74 KB, 640x1180, __regu_made_in_abyss_drawn_by_…)

No. 223764

File: 1658452490999.jpg (202.22 KB, 696x1200, 4ZZ2HGa.jpg)

No. 223774

Is that a grown up Shigeo/Mob?

No. 223819

File: 1658471619539.jpeg (154.06 KB, 1000x720, EwICJ87WQAAsDSW.jpeg)

That's pretty cute


No. 224186

File: 1658634149870.jpeg (648.6 KB, 4096x3132, 0CCC388F-C68B-49F7-B26B-1D7E9A…)

No. 224556

File: 1658775463380.jpeg (296.57 KB, 2048x2048, 64C88D0B-5464-4F6F-870A-DE7118…)

No. 225060

File: 1658975754569.jpg (81.21 KB, 900x900, FSkvgsOWYAAc40X.jpg)

No. 225061

File: 1658975795353.jpg (73.43 KB, 970x828, FSh8m1WWYAMZyOk.jpg)

No. 226362

File: 1659493611244.jpg (1003.57 KB, 1500x1600, Hanako-kun.full.2876227.jpg)

No. 226368

File: 1659494418179.jpeg (129.19 KB, 600x858, 823693F2-C125-4EA8-ACDF-C990B5…)

No. 226369

File: 1659494441335.jpeg (212.29 KB, 749x1028, 185453AD-5444-4C5A-A318-9AE3F2…)

No. 226370

File: 1659494467460.jpeg (250.21 KB, 710x1142, F9EC7D2B-7146-4E77-B49B-AE013B…)

No. 226802

File: 1659594540888.jpg (114.3 KB, 768x768, froot.JPG)

No. 227652

File: 1659771550701.png (465.89 KB, 800x645, tumblr_oac9lzVTDT1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 228574

File: 1660067203652.png (325.66 KB, 750x763, tumblr_oaflhwA3151rna4rao1_r3_…)

No. 228674

File: 1660098720743.jpg (1.85 MB, 1415x2000, Sakurazuka.Seishirou.full.5509…)


No. 228675

File: 1660098775639.jpg (958.06 KB, 1703x2500, Shirou.Kamui.full.2616972.jpg)

No. 228676

File: 1660098804383.jpg (1.34 MB, 1540x2182, Yuuto.Kigai.full.26479.jpg)

No. 228678

File: 1660098905520.jpg (993.79 KB, 1358x2000, Shiyuu.Kusanagi.full.4416.jpg)

No. 228679

File: 1660098931256.jpg (2.17 MB, 2372x2388, X.full.403358.jpg)

No. 228680

File: 1660099099989.jpg (1.02 MB, 2014x2600, X.full.2616975.jpg)

No. 228681

File: 1660099202004.jpg (977.34 KB, 1470x2217, Ryudou.Owaru.full.47996.jpg)

No. 228682

File: 1660099232702.jpg (1.16 MB, 1467x2217, Sohryuden.full.48003.jpg)

No. 229504

File: 1660237830962.png (284.67 KB, 675x740, tumblr_ojdwdc7bNl1rna4rao1_r1_…)

No. 229571

File: 1660242598355.png (222.09 KB, 675x664, tumblr_p3z2jylimI1rna4rao1_r1_…)

No. 229586

File: 1660244903843.png (429.16 KB, 675x676, tumblr_oeggkq7FLr1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 229684

File: 1660258132077.jpg (132.25 KB, 673x645, tumblr_omh9qwSTHn1rna4rao1_r2_…)

No. 229733

File: 1660269569483.png (199.81 KB, 499x750, tumblr_omow0c0GHO1rna4rao1_r4_…)

No. 229755

File: 1660273038874.jpeg (177.65 KB, 675x685, tumblr_oovbs74Z4B1rna4rao1_r3_…)

No. 229807

File: 1660282703115.png (760.83 KB, 620x1240, CPOINTSS red .png)

No. 229814

File: 1660283480935.jpg (228.38 KB, 719x1438, cpoints yellow .jpg)

No. 229815

File: 1660283523920.jpg (276.7 KB, 1080x3240, cpointss yellow blindfolds.jpg)

No. 229818

File: 1660284214233.jpeg (80.07 KB, 683x683, cpoints yellow blue.jpeg)

No. 229820

File: 1660284339659.jpeg (79 KB, 719x719, 17265676_189285291565479_21384…)

No. 229821

File: 1660284372769.jpeg (61.27 KB, 719x719, 17931735_243251359474251_71669…)

No. 229822

File: 1660284402339.jpeg (60.54 KB, 701x701, 20901903_115972645685190_35591…)

No. 229823

File: 1660284424437.jpeg (55.62 KB, 719x719, 18808775_1740010509630036_3696…)

No. 229824

File: 1660284526066.jpeg (72.62 KB, 719x719, cpointss .jpeg)

No. 229825

File: 1660284570183.png (169.99 KB, 685x655, tumblr_ow1dbt5GDI1rna4rao1_r4_…)

No. 229832

File: 1660284840040.jpeg (75.52 KB, 1080x1080, cpointss 93818839_557220551660…)

No. 229850

File: 1660286465594.jpeg (74.82 KB, 600x726, 467755885358.jpeg)

No. 229865

File: 1660290481574.png (257.43 KB, 700x766, tumblr_ob0hz064RQ1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 229868

Oh, Jesus.

No. 230161

File: 1660350373873.png (615.65 KB, 994x700, tumblr_o95oxszlTd1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 230216

File: 1660367665179.jpg (94.43 KB, 650x679, tumblr_on5gxfMBsG1rna4rao1_128…)

No. 230573

File: 1660428835722.png (412.09 KB, 730x721, tumblr_otxz2tZrSs1rna4rao1_r1_…)

No. 231204

File: 1660640466799.jpg (205.78 KB, 1960x2450, TIANHAI_03.jpg)

No. 231205

File: 1660640693926.jpg (185.59 KB, 1960x2450, TIANHAI_03 (2).jpg)

No. 231789

File: 1660799496609.png (465.76 KB, 675x693, tumblr_oc0on89HXj1rna4rao1_r7_…)

No. 233045

File: 1661295032202.jpg (401.33 KB, 1000x1417, Hanako-kun.full.2955365.jpg)

No. 234374

File: 1661714841696.jpeg (347.27 KB, 1046x1582, FbInm79UsAMmLLK.jpeg)

No. 234921

File: 1661877347413.png (411.72 KB, 900x641, 05cc93674276e6d855a2be675db475…)

No. 235091

File: 1661926833869.jpg (2.64 MB, 1426x2048, Li.Syaoran.full.2393853.jpg)

No. 235092

File: 1661926887156.jpg (5.96 MB, 2350x3323, Kinomoto.Fujitaka.full.2822122…)

No. 235096

File: 1661927353204.jpg (4.29 MB, 3500x3128, Takamoto.Chikahito.full.143414…)

No. 235488

File: 1662057642373.png (260.43 KB, 428x586, 5265415236.png)

No. 235516

File: 1662062655153.jpg (147.54 KB, 1300x1000, da343902b5f877eabebeb894711dd6…)

what is his ailment?

No. 235640


No. 235660

His blood is glowyy

No. 236834

He's a glowstick.

No. 237137

File: 1662604185929.jpeg (198.39 KB, 1080x1346, DbLCW0zU0AAeOLo.jpeg)

No. 237138

File: 1662604213773.jpeg (232.63 KB, 1080x1349, DbLCW00V4AA29J4.jpeg)

No. 237182

File: 1662610220712.jpg (39.6 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m65tihvPo21rsibfio1_500…)

No. 237184

File: 1662610310806.jpg (412.82 KB, 600x525, brother_my_brother.jpg)

No. 237185

File: 1662610356238.jpg (238.07 KB, 1179x678, 3b61-d2u23oh.jpg)

No. 237193

File: 1662610935893.jpeg (92.75 KB, 735x581, 46DD3B19-2497-4B19-85BF-EE9CC0…)

No. 237194

File: 1662610964538.jpeg (162.38 KB, 850x1134, EAF40554-0A8C-4A3C-A4C2-B73295…)

No. 238387

File: 1662976251812.jpg (99.42 KB, 554x767, tumblr_p2um4jDoZH1vf5hx3o1_640…)

No. 238388

File: 1662976293238.jpg (201.09 KB, 736x1031, 1bdb6321276b4b6026343ac1e66d21…)

No. 238389

File: 1662976323898.jpg (91.1 KB, 500x760, bb25213f5adc76bc3d5cdba0b6a6da…)

No. 238431

Damn wtf, he looks so hot here. I wish Toby Fox's style wasn't so hideous.

No. 238599

File: 1663055600810.jpeg (137.61 KB, 900x1271, D2MPMj4UYAAnuVA.jpeg)

No. 240318

File: 1663611835224.jpg (51.51 KB, 500x567, L1.jpg)

No. 240319

File: 1663611856110.jpg (57.76 KB, 380x481, L2.jpg)

No. 240320

File: 1663611877588.jpg (46.6 KB, 450x536, L3.jpg)

No. 240321

File: 1663611899113.jpg (196.84 KB, 1280x1280, L4.jpg)

No. 240344

File: 1663613945819.jpg (58.05 KB, 850x1063, levi1.jpg)

No. 240345

File: 1663613967553.png (332.11 KB, 480x640, levi2.png)

No. 240346

File: 1663613989538.jpg (276.17 KB, 480x640, levi3.jpg)

No. 240347

File: 1663614011189.jpg (118.7 KB, 800x595, levi4.jpg)

No. 240348

File: 1663614035212.jpg (213.7 KB, 533x752, levi5.jpg)

No. 240349

File: 1663614059785.jpeg (135.58 KB, 1080x1524, levi6.jpeg)

No. 240350

Not even a Levifag, but this os hot as fuck

No. 240362

this is only the cute thread anons, this would be more fitting for the hot one. >>>/m/230936

No. 240405

File: 1663629563764.png (2.41 MB, 1920x1287, 1004158.png)

I love how he can switch back and forth between dumb-looking, hot, murderous and cute within seconds but in the end I prefer the cute or dumb-cute scenes the most.

No. 240410

File: 1663630467719.jpg (660.66 KB, 1100x1338, c21a251e5437d46658af000a4d2099…)

No. 240411

File: 1663630509553.jpg (228.61 KB, 1200x935, b573c27ec7aeee11f0f5f341e147d7…)

No. 240490

File: 1663646385673.jpg (45.72 KB, 564x626, bd0f4b4b5ce42655bcb7663ca3d9ce…)

No. 240491

File: 1663646444255.jpg (80.01 KB, 564x721, d4486d93cc20bf1d06e9a30c879c46…)

No. 240717

File: 1663708317372.jpeg (71.97 KB, 540x543, B3286C04-7433-4EF2-B7CD-D2DBE6…)

That spamming scrote made me want to post the hetalia art I have now

No. 240718

File: 1663708372028.jpeg (53.28 KB, 470x601, E9EC3A83-31FC-4448-B4A6-8FAA04…)

No. 240719

File: 1663708412884.jpeg (58.99 KB, 530x770, BAB5C939-2042-48CF-BF41-8CA1FF…)

No. 240720

File: 1663708473469.jpeg (63.9 KB, 530x514, FD585FCE-1771-4EA0-B111-44DB56…)

No. 240722

File: 1663709200410.jpg (95.41 KB, 1000x990, 1565290716129.jpg)

Moriarty is maybe a bit old for some but cute as fuck in his own way IMO. One of the few great things coming from that gacha game.

No. 240725

File: 1663709661925.jpeg (72.18 KB, 450x718, 8547E47B-4F29-4C0E-9ECD-939D87…)

No. 240726

File: 1663709691210.jpeg (42.27 KB, 400x514, 2A440E10-CD1B-485E-A61D-2D2305…)

No. 240741

File: 1663712067270.jpeg (51.09 KB, 340x412, A006FE66-62B0-4B7C-AD9C-304BF6…)

No. 240743

File: 1663712162192.jpeg (90.39 KB, 550x509, CA18870C-8E30-4F76-A55D-79E09A…)

No. 240749

File: 1663712832508.jpeg (145.91 KB, 850x850, C7E8DCC6-20FF-46B7-BABE-7E6CFA…)

No. 240757

File: 1663714403507.jpeg (72.86 KB, 683x600, 6C5CACB4-C084-4469-9409-A97C7B…)

No. 241764

File: 1663977425632.jpg (120.44 KB, 1000x1000, 908e3e393612730c6ec16ba8613695…)

No. 244931

File: 1664949280347.png (396.36 KB, 715x697, D3CTFTqX0AAgA_-.png)

No. 244949

File: 1664956756971.jpeg (169.76 KB, 1200x1200, 9885F923-A285-4B99-93DF-B4448D…)

The lack of Best Boy just seems odd

No. 244950

File: 1664958648005.jpg (323.8 KB, 2048x1877, __kasuga_ichiban_ryuu_ga_gotok…)

No. 247235

File: 1665695742832.jpg (325.52 KB, 661x943, 79406537_p23.jpg)

No. 247255

God I used to be obsessed with him when I was younger

No. 247309

File: 1665731616785.jpg (66.39 KB, 564x480, 75611ec4f8db6eb2b9ad31468e75f6…)

No. 247310

File: 1665731712086.jpg (107.6 KB, 500x800, d95e90d1ae4df5fc5f496b971d09e2…)

No. 247311

File: 1665731806892.jpg (67.62 KB, 532x720, 7570aca7307aef62d2d97f9739a14e…)

No. 247327

Kanato-kun! I love him

No. 247445

File: 1665780811030.jpg (260.14 KB, 560x664, Russia.full.675419.jpg)

No. 247449

File: 1665781551306.png (2.07 MB, 1280x1600, canada.png)

No. 249135

File: 1666293438377.jpg (119.86 KB, 736x989, a72d1c30ca0d36667fd083af99da1b…)

Funny snake guy

No. 249749

File: 1666509893136.jpg (98.76 KB, 564x1114, 640237face9ddcb8b2ec72059635b0…)

No. 250074

File: 1666585343927.jpeg (250.99 KB, 800x1067, 8BA9EC0D-DBA6-4FE7-B1A2-013FC4…)

No. 253579

File: 1667745783759.jpg (78.87 KB, 736x876, d9bdb1f5fb28cf4354357b16655e1c…)

No. 258046

File: 1669452951713.png (327.61 KB, 500x710, tumblr_p3be8hrCsl1ur2va8o1_128…)

No. 258051

omg who is he

No. 258070

nta but Kisumi Shigino from free!

No. 263335

File: 1670975441980.jpg (108.59 KB, 648x1080, tumblr_n0uaje866g1rwh8o1o1_128…)

No. 263336

File: 1670975533143.jpg (86.42 KB, 800x600, tumblr_n0uaje866g1rwh8o1o2_128…)

No. 263341

File: 1670976306976.jpg (344.22 KB, 1214x933, 3561413-t2.jpg)

He was designed after Edward Furlong

No. 263367

File: 1670985832308.jpg (180.41 KB, 1000x1000, 84c612b7dc711b1f72cdf1dd214397…)

Colonial brothers

No. 263593

File: 1671054417519.jpg (354 KB, 1931x1670, FhMsbuxVIAElgQ9.jpg)

No. 263598

Portugal has no right being this cute.

No. 265064

File: 1672113409284.jpg (191.86 KB, 818x1200, __rotom_rotom_phone_arven_and_…)

No. 265100

File: 1672148599125.png (299.46 KB, 819x1200, __kasuga_ichiban_ryuu_ga_gotok…)

I like seeing grown men cry

No. 265108

File: 1672149449467.jpeg (273.76 KB, 1090x916, EC3FB94B-0600-4BB1-B750-60ED78…)

No. 265151

File: 1672173860858.jpeg (34.66 KB, 516x595, 2DEC2AE7-1B43-48AD-94CE-EBCA1F…)

No. 265166

File: 1672186531023.jpeg (117.2 KB, 1157x1157, 87ADD560-34B2-495E-92E5-69E833…)

No. 265337

File: 1672248181194.jpg (282.92 KB, 2039x1378, FG8PYXBaIAQmFtX.jpg)

No. 265578

File: 1672338376501.jpg (133.41 KB, 600x693, 69633129_p33.jpg)

No. 265588

File: 1672343445674.jpeg (81.56 KB, 550x507, E7E3155E-CD13-47E8-BD05-4F2664…)

Ew wtf

No. 265728

wtf i love tradwojak now

No. 265743

no… that's not wojak is it?

No. 266259

File: 1672629423538.jpg (45.66 KB, 563x644, f99b4e300b0ec020609008ab348bb5…)

Rabbit year, let's goooooo

No. 267090

File: 1672915879298.jpeg (272.77 KB, 2048x1418, FjlimGkagAAe6S2.jpeg)

No. 268177

File: 1673331613636.jpeg (602.17 KB, 2000x2000, FPHCvYNakAESXys.jpeg)

No. 268348

File: 1673397608812.jpeg (136.16 KB, 1148x1200, D6C437AE-69E0-493D-B750-34B150…)

No. 269079

File: 1673821890091.jpeg (204.07 KB, 1280x895, 4A386C4A-E85E-4ED2-AC0E-7D5C46…)

No. 270604

File: 1674121759788.jpg (1.36 MB, 922x1690, 101800282_p0.jpg)


No. 271497

File: 1674585276061.jpeg (364.52 KB, 1448x2048, FfaG1FhUcAYxu0w.jpeg)

No. 271743

File: 1674743423909.png (542.99 KB, 1000x760, clear_by_memipong_d5296wl.png)

No. 272529

File: 1675185373347.jpeg (78.11 KB, 865x1891, D9t9pigVAAA9E3t.jpeg)

No. 273085

File: 1675411187742.jpg (421.77 KB, 1280x1810, 74537149_p0.jpg)

No. 273089

File: 1675411757638.png (441.46 KB, 573x869, Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 3.09…)

No. 273090

I hate it when I am simply trying to look for cute SFW art and find porn. "Porn is good for you" is such a coomer take.

No. 273094

This feels like coomer/pedo 4chan art and also most swedish adult men don't look like that

No. 273109

literally how

also i highly doubt people seeing this image are thinking omg thats totally what swedish men look like, come on now anon

No. 273119

I dont think it does and its literally an anime boy

No. 273121

You are the one sexualizing it

No. 273191

File: 1675450591229.jpg (47.54 KB, 563x751, 362d5585a29866b7652c96aade3908…)

No. 273211

File: 1675455207952.png (1.5 MB, 2440x1700, faggots.png)

She's not irrational for thinking that, because it's a wojak called swedetwink which is popular in gay /pol/ threads

No. 273314

File: 1675504056338.png (356.06 KB, 1000x2160, character_towa.png)

I wish Honyalala did more design work.

The only character in Golden Kamuy I hate.

No. 274777

File: 1675996082840.jpg (98.06 KB, 1086x1200, DG3ggbyWsAA-yM3.jpg)

No. 274799

and most importantly it looks like an underage boy

No. 274923

that's a boy?

No. 275028

File: 1676074618658.jpg (93 KB, 717x844, 87b6b8fa175fc2e0f4cd17a49def99…)

Yes, that's Kamukura

No. 275070

File: 1676096807047.jpeg (718.98 KB, 2048x1638, BE4D3318-ED87-4EF8-A59A-E2AB57…)

terrible taste all around

No. 275071

File: 1676096969463.jpeg (65.17 KB, 749x394, 5548FA5E-8B57-40CE-A10E-CFD042…)

No. 275420

File: 1676235773900.jpg (89.5 KB, 563x647, 6a65073e72e14f25c1e377d17d52ed…)

No. 275422

File: 1676235855647.jpg (30.34 KB, 564x752, a4d29aa0b3c2bf2a18def9cb0fa150…)

No. 276338

File: 1676603861262.jpg (233.8 KB, 1408x2048, E11HA32VEAAhVWK.jpg)

No. 277212

File: 1676960254160.jpeg (470.31 KB, 1241x2048, EXxgWe_U4AA8kxo.jpeg)

No. 280036

File: 1677952388938.jpg (178.47 KB, 841x1249, 841.jpg)

No. 280908

File: 1678209351346.jpg (134.44 KB, 1200x1200, 52bfe528da0d9cda773f5d0036c5b5…)

No. 284570

File: 1679455102274.jpeg (70.73 KB, 847x1024, 1643909959079.jpeg)

No. 289051

File: 1681268708229.jpg (158.78 KB, 643x900, Ev3Ic7pUYAYXItk.jpg)

No. 289062

File: 1681280844666.jpg (110.04 KB, 736x1104, tanimura.jpg)

No. 290404

File: 1681757875261.jpeg (295.49 KB, 1991x2501, FRwAkuXaQAAxjEm.jpeg)

No. 291372

File: 1682146513682.png (1.94 MB, 1200x1500, 58904218_p14.png)

No. 293088

File: 1682799482361.jpeg (208.68 KB, 1000x1400, Ftz5P7ZaIAA09nS.jpeg)

No. 293089

File: 1682799516068.jpeg (151.79 KB, 994x1317, Fj7XYg4aUAMQ3nW.jpeg)

No. 293206

File: 1682834650280.jpg (84.04 KB, 578x600, Sayonara.Zetsubou.Sensei.600.3…)

No. 293638

File: 1683015459942.jpg (126.37 KB, 566x800, 40386633_p0.jpg)

No. 293770

File: 1683072314714.jpg (44 KB, 736x736, 1cdcef8ff2ff5ba20f2f71fe82eb27…)

Any anons have pixel art of cute guys? I'm looking for more

No. 293797

File: 1683078398930.jpg (36.97 KB, 500x320, 84840688_p1_master1200.jpg)

There aren't any search tools for pixel art that's focused on cute guys, so finding it on Pixiv (no way to search by popularity by sex, or widely used tags for attractive guys) and Danbooru (no tags for attractive males, and 1boy/2boy, etc. gives you tons of gross scrote porn) is very difficult because you have to go looking page-by-page…

I found this artist:

No. 293799

File: 1683078432518.jpg (19.29 KB, 250x200, 89743280_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 293803

File: 1683078553253.jpg (17.11 KB, 250x160, 94934498_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 293806

File: 1683078935245.jpg (17.08 KB, 250x160, 92547785_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 293807

File: 1683079039774.jpg (17.27 KB, 250x160, 92547785_p1_master1200.jpg)

No. 293808

File: 1683079130944.jpg (42.16 KB, 320x480, 81772349_p1_master1200.jpg)

No. 293810

File: 1683079418181.jpg (19.9 KB, 250x160, 87337499_p1_master1200.jpg)

No. 293811

ikr it's such a pain! Thanks anon I loved the ones you shared

No. 293812

File: 1683079798105.jpg (16.9 KB, 250x160, 85042721_p0_master1200.jpg)

The good news is that once you find one of these pics the artist will probably have more pixel art!

No. 293813

File: 1683080051491.jpg (35.28 KB, 320x480, 79166432_p0_master1200.jpg)

Also apologies if there are jpg artifacts, I don't have a pixiv account so I can only save the master1200 thumbnails. If you care about the quality you can get the originals from the artist's gallery.

No. 293815

File: 1683080367595.png (21.18 KB, 320x320, 78743960_p1_master1200.png)

Alright, it seems the images are compressed when they're posted, not when I save them. That's a shame.

No. 293822

File: 1683082237011.jpg (213.7 KB, 1284x1408, 107756095_p0.jpg)

Alright, I made an account.
Here's another artist:

No. 293824

File: 1683082496012.jpg (265.35 KB, 1500x1359, 107036564_p0.jpg)

She likes Yakuza

No. 293825

File: 1683082651841.png (42.42 KB, 1500x1306, 105410305_p0.png)

No. 293827

File: 1683082782563.jpg (374.06 KB, 1500x1500, 105636955_p0.jpg)

No. 293829

File: 1683083115802.png (94.75 KB, 1500x1382, 107303617_p0.png)

No. 293830

File: 1683083423558.png (40.1 KB, 1500x1139, 107206668_p0.png)

No. 293831

File: 1683083470428.png (3.88 KB, 256x256, FdE_Qo9WAAEefCE.png)

ilu anon

No. 293832

File: 1683083620049.jpg (360.6 KB, 1500x1723, 107077787_p0.jpg)

me too nonny, pixel art is great

No. 293833

File: 1683083681081.png (521.11 KB, 1080x1350, 103801630_p0.png)

This artist also likes Twisted Wonderland

No. 293837

File: 1683084418038.png (11.07 KB, 1500x1490, 99516917_p1.png)

No. 293838

File: 1683084706606.png (5.24 KB, 583x578, 99288050_p0.png)

No. 293839

File: 1683084814340.png (6.53 KB, 678x667, 99061067_p0.png)

No. 293840

File: 1683084865679.png (28.68 KB, 1071x1605, 98514395_p0.png)

No. 293841

File: 1683084918568.png (28.12 KB, 1280x1580, 98514395_p2.png)

No. 293843

File: 1683085719063.png (11.32 KB, 1440x960, 102444522_p0.png)

No. 293844

File: 1683085781454.png (14.38 KB, 800x520, 81850933_p0.png)

There's a lot of Touken Ranbu pixel art lol

No. 293845

File: 1683085911095.png (7.28 KB, 600x400, 84353454_p0.png)

No. 293846

File: 1683086010927.png (4.3 KB, 506x390, 75119506_p0.png)

No. 293849

File: 1683086302434.png (7.71 KB, 600x400, 90736748_p0.png)

No. 293856

File: 1683086862064.png (18.18 KB, 1200x600, 91190515_p0.png)

No. 293870

File: 1683087132780.png (17.39 KB, 750x1000, 93052005_p0.png)

No. 293877

File: 1683087596347.png (8.78 KB, 600x600, 73369511_p0.png)

No. 293879

File: 1683087926911.gif (397.46 KB, 560x400, 83715122-large.gif)

No. 293880

File: 1683087968797.png (35.04 KB, 1250x1400, 92812385_p0.png)

Same artist

No. 293882

File: 1683088174624.png (9.46 KB, 800x900, 93365129_p0.png)

No. 293883

File: 1683088326537.png (9.38 KB, 800x900, 93365129_p1.png)

No. 293884

File: 1683088436253.png (5.32 KB, 600x400, 85979066_p0.png)

No. 293885

File: 1683088770384.png (14.8 KB, 750x750, 98737430_p0.png)

No. 293886

File: 1683089101973.jpg (54.78 KB, 704x806, 83236302_p0.jpg)

No. 293887

File: 1683089180831.jpg (45.69 KB, 682x784, 83236302_p2.jpg)

No. 293888

File: 1683089286784.jpg (64.53 KB, 750x904, 83236302_p6.jpg)

No. 293889

File: 1683089372357.jpg (177.3 KB, 1160x1116, 98588484_p0.jpg)

No. 293890

File: 1683089486404.png (9.38 KB, 615x531, 91804566_p0.png)

No. 293891

File: 1683089525601.png (7.22 KB, 310x206, 78130832_p0.png)

No. 293893

File: 1683089656331.png (8.89 KB, 620x458, 77347264_p0.png)

No. 293894

File: 1683089688470.png (7.75 KB, 477x471, 74241128_p18.png)

No. 293895

File: 1683089978448.png (2.35 KB, 600x780, 102543663_p0.png)

No. 293900

File: 1683091449133.png (33.51 KB, 900x1140, 86471880_p0.png)

No. 293901

File: 1683091561769.jpg (89.11 KB, 880x832, 88019131_p0.jpg)

No. 293902

File: 1683091702744.png (14.25 KB, 1104x920, 101542965_p0.png)

No. 293903

File: 1683091806748.png (36.87 KB, 1200x1520, 90968357_p0.png)

No. 293906

File: 1683092674685.png (32.47 KB, 1200x1200, 93243391_p0.png)

No. 293908

File: 1683093114715.gif (1.2 MB, 832x1056, 106822153-large.gif)

No. 293909

File: 1683093243789.png (2.82 KB, 384x384, 94256617_p0.png)

No. 293910

File: 1683093387030.png (9.75 KB, 415x317, 93528037_p0.png)

No. 293911

File: 1683093415242.png (23.62 KB, 500x680, 92574536_p1.png)

No. 294718

File: 1683476204032.png (2.43 MB, 4299x6071, 96104748_p0.png)

No. 294719

File: 1683476301538.png (2.02 MB, 4299x6071, 96104774_p0.png)

No. 294731

File: 1683479158751.jpeg (123.55 KB, 750x984, A2A6BF12-B18E-4031-8944-7524BD…)

No. 294871

File: 1683532759614.jpeg (272.22 KB, 846x1200, FiP96ewUAAAQP_r.jpeg)

No. 294873

File: 1683532805998.jpeg (603.18 KB, 1444x2048, FiaapASVUAEDPgI.jpeg)

No. 295450

File: 1683735146664.jpg (86.38 KB, 768x1024, 61855942_p0.jpg)

No. 295738

File: 1683825658059.png (337.34 KB, 900x980, __yagami_takayuki_and_kuwana_j…)

No. 295776

File: 1683834605970.jpg (217.28 KB, 2990x1665, 02.jpg)


No. 295785

File: 1683838022675.png (807.86 KB, 1421x2388, __venti_genshin_impact_drawn_b…)

i'll never play genshit but venti's super cute

No. 297409

File: 1684529307681.jpg (400.84 KB, 1889x3006, FgUzaO6aYAIzO_z.jpg)

No. 298257

File: 1684904034264.jpeg (220.58 KB, 1966x1919, FeByQRkUcAI13Tj.jpeg)

No. 298270

File: 1684911595484.png (46.92 KB, 370x320, __original_drawn_by_kagoya1219…)

No. 300132

File: 1685735886821.jpeg (84.7 KB, 850x850, 6E0CE5FA-9148-4505-98B8-E5205B…)

No. 301118

File: 1686200503089.jpeg (93.39 KB, 1100x949, FuJR8SwakAY4Uq-.jpeg)

No. 301147

so cute. who is this?

No. 301151

Grusha from Pokemon SV

No. 301254

File: 1686268161516.jpeg (278.23 KB, 1520x2048, FuYPBh1akAAaG42.jpeg)

No. 306131

File: 1688266269508.jpg (1.32 MB, 1300x1839, Sousuke_Shima.jpg)

No. 306136

No. 308488

File: 1689368423584.jpeg (208.14 KB, 1344x2048, EogkP5_UwAEvWlM.jpeg)

No. 308489

File: 1689368449095.jpeg (268.54 KB, 1344x2048, EogkP7NUwAU_C3T.jpeg)

No. 310311

File: 1690173809275.jpg (432.45 KB, 1953x1322, Fnhvo9oakAAvxpo.jpg)

No. 310313

File: 1690173951645.jpg (321.66 KB, 1600x1600, FucwvN2aIAcD0Y_.jpg)

No. 310412

File: 1690217736485.jpg (97.5 KB, 500x781, __hawks_boku_no_hero_academia_…)

No. 310413

File: 1690217757716.jpg (60.41 KB, 500x707, __hawks_boku_no_hero_academia_…)

No. 310414

File: 1690217784553.jpg (86.99 KB, 500x707, __hawks_boku_no_hero_academia_…)

No. 310655

File: 1690285138271.jpg (140.07 KB, 600x367, 1466587718767.jpg)

No. 310659

File: 1690287064550.jpg (184.13 KB, 1259x900, 20230723_004033.jpg)

No. 310660

File: 1690287218503.jpg (249.92 KB, 2123x1431, 20230721_184350.jpg)

No. 310661

File: 1690287263863.jpg (493.6 KB, 1618x2048, 20230722_162519.jpg)

No. 310662

File: 1690287302380.jpg (350.23 KB, 2048x1188, 20230721_035148.jpg)

No. 310718

File: 1690299143786.jpg (77.36 KB, 830x830, __kiryuu_kazuma_and_gouda_ryuu…)

No. 311972

File: 1690825364628.jpg (620.88 KB, 700x1010, Amamiya.Ren.full.2614696.jpg)

No. 311973

File: 1690825403103.png (806.62 KB, 851x1098, Mayuzumi.Kai.full.3206422.png)

No. 313062

cute but they lack facial hair

No. 313509

File: 1691490747375.jpg (759.9 KB, 1000x1409, FjTDIJEUYAAGwF2.jpg)

Those characters don't have facial hair, nona

No. 313513

File: 1691490963121.jpg (72.37 KB, 800x1067, __kabu_pokemon_and_2_more_draw…)

No. 313519

File: 1691491550381.jpg (224.49 KB, 1191x1536, __larry_and_falkner_pokemon_an…)

No. 313523

File: 1691491852204.jpg (228.69 KB, 1304x1739, @bocmocmoc Fn-_YKAaEAAX4WI.jpg)

No. 314364

File: 1691871734010.jpg (48.52 KB, 564x405, d1fa9dcebabf79bb0da7cc31753220…)

No. 314366

File: 1691871977644.jpg (167.51 KB, 900x1277, sandra-gh-900palette04-alliste…)

No. 314593

File: 1691976074639.png (1.33 MB, 1280x1068, __noctis_lucis_caelum_gladiolu…)

No. 315918

File: 1692394623246.jpg (585.54 KB, 2011x2659, 94337282_p28.jpg)

No. 315920

File: 1692395080857.jpg (390.02 KB, 1535x2048, 20230818_053716.jpg)

No. 315921

File: 1692395239404.jpg (206.03 KB, 1448x2048, 20230816_213324.jpg)

No. 315924

File: 1692395817441.png (1.4 MB, 1000x1200, 106509012_p27.png)

No. 319363

File: 1693773274151.jpeg (136.92 KB, 850x1200, EyhvGGNVcAIOpDx.jpeg)

No. 321268

File: 1694653759056.jpeg (190.82 KB, 1060x1660, Eu-JTiKVkAQF2GZ.jpeg)

No. 321269

File: 1694653818796.jpg (58.28 KB, 424x600, Angel.Devil.600.3334238.jpg)

No. 321270

File: 1694653879517.jpg (118.83 KB, 736x982, 33ed61ace04a434324f6fd78d80d4a…)

No. 321465

File: 1694762201482.jpg (794.93 KB, 1772x1608, F5cm8j9XkAAcHlZ.jpg)

No. 321625

File: 1694813265213.jpeg (229.47 KB, 2000x2000, F6F0yH_XYAA1cSN.jpeg)

No. 321663

File: 1694822241040.jpg (120.17 KB, 933x1200, 1672178157251621.jpg)

No. 321775

File: 1694856418092.jpg (131.24 KB, 600x600, Super.Danganronpa.2.600.154964…)

No. 323476

File: 1695674737155.jpg (352.02 KB, 1400x1900, 20230923_225548.jpg)

No. 326031

File: 1696804886581.jpg (205.84 KB, 1037x1920, tomnwade.jpg)

No. 326045

File: 1696813588691.jpeg (343.02 KB, 1158x1637, Fnt29BkagAIjmKu.jpeg)

No. 326046

File: 1696813795414.jpeg (416.29 KB, 1736x1736, F4NjF03bAAADECp.jpeg)

No. 330679

File: 1698453372541.jpg (1.78 MB, 1200x1859, FsPl8uiaUAEz6CQ.jpg)

No. 330680

I love male Viera

No. 331626

File: 1698742534227.png (551.1 KB, 600x800, 98102612_p0_master1200.png)

No. 332524

File: 1699035640727.jpeg (161.29 KB, 1184x1709, FbezwPpVsAAJZaO.jpeg)

No. 332525

File: 1699035691483.jpg (126.25 KB, 973x1200, FbPMhG1UsAA8jfl.jpg)

No. 332717

File: 1699086746974.jpg (329.98 KB, 1125x1500, Fc70TZnacAEk35o.jpg)

No. 333598

File: 1699344584599.jpeg (462.76 KB, 2048x2048, F-QbIcUWEAAzojS.jpeg)

No. 338006

File: 1700865697923.png (600.46 KB, 688x800, EYpoCx0XgAAVsDa.png)

No. 339042

File: 1701380181028.jpg (68.9 KB, 742x1062, v5eks0uspcxb1.jpg)

No. 341749

File: 1702435091755.gif (11.52 MB, 1000x1000, drxmip - 1680950780067721217.g…)

No. 343880

File: 1703117852757.jpeg (242.77 KB, 1422x2048, GA5Z03wakAAQDnu[1].jpeg)

No. 344043

File: 1703182220737.jpg (844.86 KB, 2048x1152, Seragaki.Aoba.full.1072330.jpg)

No. 344324

File: 1703302047533.jpg (254.5 KB, 1741x1832, FueGIaLacAAdxiL.jpg)

No. 345111

File: 1703670473286.jpeg (360.49 KB, 1448x2048, GCG2Dq1bkAA4SA-.jpeg)

No. 345822

File: 1703985953697.jpeg (203.79 KB, 1060x1062, IMG_4562.jpeg)

No. 347107

File: 1704649087373.jpg (72.58 KB, 800x980, F6EuI90aUAAu3xL.jpg)

No. 347108

File: 1704649186430.jpeg (210.8 KB, 1024x1298, F_mms1lbQAASGFN.jpeg)

No. 347206

File: 1704688054259.jpeg (492.62 KB, 2048x1448, GCbuJxsbwAArW1R.jpeg)

No. 347207

File: 1704688097592.jpeg (480.04 KB, 2048x1448, GCMR0uebEAAmhvO.jpeg)

No. 347276

File: 1704723742174.jpg (100.6 KB, 685x1024, EsQrRGGU0AMqo-q.jpg)

No. 347277

This is pretty, who is the artist?

No. 347334

It's quruiqing. She's a very skilled chinese artist!

No. 347412

File: 1704775372683.png (1.05 MB, 564x797, cc1b7h4.png)

No. 347433

File: 1704781355082.png (1.92 MB, 774x1182, pantherzzz.png)

No. 347727

File: 1704908612087.jpg (494.62 KB, 965x1363, raidou.jpg)


No. 347728

File: 1704908672503.jpg (570.1 KB, 1072x728, Kuzunoha.Raidou.the.XIV.full.1…)

No. 347729

I see a rare Raidou on the front page. Nice.

No. 347730

A fellow Raidou appreciator!! Love to see it

No. 354929

File: 1707594284453.png (2.11 MB, 1891x2600, __naitou_kun_nitro_chiral_draw…)

No. 361268

File: 1710053069521.png (503.3 KB, 1200x1350, 92611100_p25.png)

No. 361946

File: 1710225980276.jpg (87.99 KB, 440x1200, 20240303_134634.jpg)

No. 363126

File: 1710633718351.jpg (577.35 KB, 2048x1734, EegWL58UcAAJQ0G.jpg)

Watched Akira for the first time and I think Kaneda is pretty cute

No. 363133

File: 1710635743190.jpeg (441.75 KB, 1590x2040, F8pIsCVbcAEgrxx.jpeg)

No. 363136

File: 1710635817469.jpg (1.73 MB, 2081x1668, Hanako-kun.full.2898244.jpg)

No. 363137

File: 1710635966970.jpg (509.87 KB, 1600x2205, img_VFZRMEhOZUdVdFBQcmZha21NS1…)

No. 363147

File: 1710638784875.png (3.35 MB, 1334x750, 1682352772967.png)

No. 363150

File: 1710639499246.png (662.7 KB, 798x1222, FoodSoul-臭鳜鱼-skin-defeat.png)

omg stinky baby

No. 363151

File: 1710639533687.jpg (57.3 KB, 850x558, __sichuan_hotpot_and_stinky_pe…)

No. 363156

I love this baby so much. Still waiting for his skin to come to global

No. 366066

File: 1711616072947.jpg (422.92 KB, 1330x2300, GAl0JB8bwAAEDTF.jpg)

No. 366067

File: 1711616126604.jpg (393.43 KB, 1330x2300, GA1Rks0bEAA13yQ.jpg)

No. 366068

File: 1711616211125.jpg (822.17 KB, 2660x2300, GBOvRuWbAAAa4v0.jpg)

No. 366123

File: 1711637345566.jpg (76.94 KB, 1204x1221, 20231023_011828.jpg)

No. 374819

File: 1714386763937.jpg (207.77 KB, 1500x1500, FtP2NnIaMAI0YXv.jpg)

No. 376805

File: 1714948054406.jpg (122.56 KB, 1044x2048, 446cc34dd0ed4bef15891bc2685b21…)

No. 377112

File: 1715056516840.jpeg (1.01 MB, 846x1200, IMG_1390.jpeg)

Gotta love Fellow Honest From Twisted Wonderland!

No. 385122

File: 1716313231638.jpg (657.24 KB, 2048x1640, GLh4KMXagAAV5ec.jpg)

No. 388195

File: 1717230633842.jpeg (376.57 KB, 2048x2048, E6f7bzYUUAMyV30.jpeg)

No. 388196

File: 1717230688233.jpeg (111.44 KB, 1024x1024, E6gpKcOVUAATdPv.jpeg)

No. 389730

File: 1717699449345.jpg (1.25 MB, 1372x1832, 119089242_p0.jpg)

No. 391389

File: 1718092542413.jpg (213.35 KB, 689x933, tumblr_nu5pmdnQaR1szhisro2_r58…)

No. 397167

File: 1719942885955.jpg (351.29 KB, 1280x781, tumblr_omu6u1EzFV1vw4ilzo1_128…)

No. 397175

josuke is so cuuuuutttteeeee!!!♥ ♥ ♥

No. 397189

File: 1719948520245.jpeg (184.64 KB, 735x1110, IMG_9882.jpeg)

No. 397190

File: 1719948634581.jpeg (162.15 KB, 704x896, IMG_1969.jpeg)

No. 398824

File: 1720411500278.jpeg (224.99 KB, 1536x2048, GEorEvob0AAnCey.jpeg)

No. 398827

File: 1720411598924.jpeg (643.12 KB, 2048x1536, GE7zboub0AAbhSW.jpeg)

No. 398925

File: 1720462273785.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1236x1830, GRiWRZhbIAA4fQr.jpeg)

No. 402481

File: 1721194385110.jpg (297.43 KB, 1445x1600, GN0g2C1a8AA5Ku7.jpg)

No. 408837

File: 1723330424216.jpg (1.24 MB, 2894x4093, FNQPX2UaMAMPTmS.jpg)

No. 410145

File: 1723676787477.jpg (509.9 KB, 2894x4093, FEfd6tNacAEpMhP.jpg)

No. 410385

File: 1723748230068.jpg (49.5 KB, 736x1024, c28d03e4bee005af9275e57c90ef3c…)

No. 410451

File: 1723757541349.jpg (423.76 KB, 1582x1672, FAp7FC1X0Ak0hTo.jpg)

No. 410454

Aww so cute. I thought he didn't eat humans though? in before Americans aren't real humans or similar

No. 410459

File: 1723758819729.png (396.36 KB, 715x697, D3CTFTqX0AAgA_-.png)

Alucard would never!

No. 410472

File: 1723760241883.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3029x2157, IMG_2322.jpeg)

No. 410473

File: 1723760292616.jpg (98.29 KB, 800x1100, Ehwt5UJVoAE888b.jpg)

No. 410478

File: 1723761626297.png (424.44 KB, 650x700, IMG_2335.png)

No. 410508

File: 1723768445405.jpeg (240.64 KB, 640x480, IMG_2333.jpeg)

No. 410744

File: 1723850064526.png (802.3 KB, 636x900, IMG_2399.png)

No. 410766

>>410478 babyboy, I wanna give him so many kisses

No. 410781

Len-kun is so cute

No. 411082

File: 1723969829144.jpg (1.36 MB, 1000x1414, 79301749_p0.jpg)

No. 411985

File: 1724222743454.jpg (511 KB, 1192x1323, tumblr_a388398e36473d0d97ee117…)

genderswapped flan from touhou. i need more touhou boys.

No. 412243


No. 412842

File: 1724440121919.jpg (1.22 MB, 1488x2084, 83996080_p2.jpg)

No. 412977

File: 1724464973267.jpg (2.43 MB, 2880x2880, 20240824_050232.jpg)

Wish there was more art of him out there, he's so beautiful.

No. 412981

File: 1724465931071.jpg (290.43 KB, 1536x2048, 1724256014643180.jpg)

It's funny, 2hu characters that I don't really care for suddenly become very appealing when the genders are swapped

No. 413182

File: 1724535710502.jpg (201.71 KB, 1276x1561, FlnOJTfagAAv4pW.jpg)

No. 413229

File: 1724555596995.jpg (193.74 KB, 960x1270, GDlAAO7boAAmxtT.jpg)

No. 413542

File: 1724670706838.jpg (188.25 KB, 700x993, 58641595_p18.jpg)

No. 414658

File: 1726057789064.jpg (1.05 MB, 1200x1068, 82675261_p1.jpg)

No. 414662

File: 1726058040225.jpg (197.6 KB, 950x680, __komeiji_satori_kaenbyou_rin_…)

No. 416989

File: 1726845031003.jpg (138.04 KB, 1111x1551, __inumaki_toge_jujutsu_kaisen_…)

No. 416990

File: 1726845171289.jpg (371.46 KB, 1451x2048, __inumaki_toge_jujutsu_kaisen_…)

No. 418437

File: 1727301416648.jpg (183.32 KB, 964x1383, GPYH-KmagAAlw1a.jpg)

No. 418664

File: 1727380750446.png (376.25 KB, 700x700, 1697530784180-0.png)

No. 418665

File: 1727380776867.jpg (546.24 KB, 1000x702, 1697530784180-3.jpg)

No. 418667

Thank you for posting best boy

No. 418675

File: 1727383224296.jpeg (136.92 KB, 850x1200, 1693773274151.jpeg)

No. 418686

File: 1727390168228.jpg (423.4 KB, 1984x1984, italy.JPG)

No. 418687

File: 1727390214952.jpg (470.48 KB, 1832x2048, russia.JPG)

No. 418690

File: 1727393875066.jpg (88.11 KB, 900x663, C7MTCdVV4AAyJA_.jpg)

No. 418725

File: 1727407116429.jpg (6.61 MB, 3924x4150, 85537286_p0.jpg)

You're welcome! He's so cute

No. 418726

File: 1727407141702.jpg (1.41 MB, 1296x1920, 102156255_p0.jpg)

No. 418727

File: 1727407306163.jpg (245.67 KB, 780x1024, 87711810_p0.jpg)

No. 420420

File: 1727988301675.jpg (323.3 KB, 1653x1981, Fsy9PNeaEAAP4Tc.jpg)

No. 420422

Cute brown eyes

No. 420449

can't believe everyone simps for gojo and testicle ears when ideal male (doesn't talk) exists

No. 420592

I wish Inumaki didn't talk. Instead he lists onigiri ingredients like an autist. He's cute, he deserved better than that.

No. 420855

File: 1728092166148.jpg (279.93 KB, 1009x1702, 91163912_p10.jpg)

I like both Gojo and Inumaki

His voice is cute though I wish he could do sign language too. That would be super cute and would probably get people interested in learning it

No. 425181

File: 1729254351908.jpg (277.7 KB, 1200x1004, F96MfrhaoAAv7ek.jpg)

No. 426343

File: 1729631919764.jpeg (234.15 KB, 1486x1930, Ewfcyd5VkAQ5t9u.jpeg)

No. 427485

File: 1730012240707.jpg (264.68 KB, 1325x1705, GR07nPDacAETH2O.jpg)

No. 430004

File: 1730870015536.png (546.83 KB, 1181x856, 46404447_p26.png)

No. 431447

File: 1731350782482.jpg (173.58 KB, 738x1024, sweet erogenous cover.jpg)

No. 431449

wow this takes me back to the summer of 08 when i discovered smut BL

No. 431806

File: 1731476239099.jpg (158.88 KB, 806x1328, Ga3x4T5XsAAJ7hH.jpg)

No. 437484

File: 1733147110751.jpeg (140.41 KB, 1096x1504, dgmg_110(1).jpeg)

No. 437516

File: 1733159396413.jpg (6.9 MB, 2194x3777, 91414918_p0.jpg)

No. 437532

File: 1733162595598.png (7.96 MB, 2000x2910, 112111989_p0.png)

No. 437533

I unironically like this

No. 437541

File: 1733164028715.jpg (188.27 KB, 1361x2048, ooo.jpg)

No. 437600

File: 1733173540086.jpg (2.07 MB, 1170x1463, 113140034_p10.jpg)

No. 437605

File: 1733174392193.jpg (2.97 MB, 1836x2754, 119470732_p10.jpg)

No. 437794

File: 1733221102261.jpg (4 MB, 1512x2150, 102251096_p47.jpg)

No. 437825

File: 1733230794979.jpg (4.56 MB, 1491x2136, 102251096_p50.jpg)

No. 437830

File: 1733234580098.jpg (4.49 MB, 1348x1824, 102251096_p22.jpg)

No. 437851

File: 1733240678579.jpg (6.16 MB, 1570x2261, 102251096_p6.jpg)

No. 437878

File: 1733248447489.jpg (10.39 MB, 1672x2787, 113140034_p39.jpg)

No. 437925

File: 1733254600627.jpg (124.29 KB, 661x818, 93320827_p17.jpg)

No. 437963

File: 1733263086356.jpeg (260.04 KB, 873x1500, @pinkjunkie082.jpeg)

No. 438186

File: 1733340664104.jpg (136.3 KB, 667x1000, hakaze ‪@238tt.bsky.social‬.jp…)

No. 438475

File: 1733449820489.jpg (284.71 KB, 1808x965, 20241206_014737.jpg)

Pretty bird.

No. 438705

File: 1733522861306.jpg (116.26 KB, 591x935, Eb7GoBUUMAAAyk0.jpg)

No. 438898

File: 1733597064058.jpg (31.77 KB, 474x474, 96a54296b5c37de74fbb8bdc168f47…)

No. 438918

youve convinced me, i will now try shark meat thank you

No. 438933

File: 1733607207244.jpg (83.05 KB, 638x373, Clipboard01.jpg)

No. 439089

File: 1733671828028.jpg (714.22 KB, 1200x1700, cd90c8ddc1a4bf7bb1ba0faf3b59f4…)

No. 439113


No. 439150

File: 1733687432958.jpg (114.46 KB, 552x590, haaaaaaaa.jpg)

No. 439585

File: 1733793313207.jpg (151.54 KB, 1200x900, GdYlr7-WAAA0BBr.jpg)

No. 439962

File: 1733966433587.jpg (73.9 KB, 715x927, e9e743af6b008cd9a095a208fde2aa…)

No. 439964

File: 1733966993507.jpg (437.58 KB, 798x1200, 116402308_p43_master1200.jpg)

No. 439965

File: 1733967081320.jpg (403.89 KB, 856x1200, 106998982_p11_master1200.jpg)

No. 439967

File: 1733967158119.png (535.77 KB, 910x624, __spain_axis_powers_hetalia_dr…)

No. 440000

File: 1733987546535.png (1.44 MB, 666x950, image (9).png)

No. 440086

File: 1734030092582.jpg (108.44 KB, 850x1200, __duo_maxwell_gundam_and_1_mor…)

No. 440093

My first big crush was Duo when I was 15. I still crush hard on him. Best Gundam boy

No. 440119

File: 1734041960175.jpg (108.38 KB, 516x689, cf2dbf30d4c7116802073ae51ad410…)

I could sperg about Duo for ages, agree he's best Gundam boy though I also really like Kamille

No. 440599

File: 1734197785723.png (3.25 MB, 1567x1852, __gojou_satoru_jujutsu_kaisen_…)

No. 440605

File: 1734198412316.jpg (1.61 MB, 849x1200, 111739167_p2_master1200.jpg)

No. 440654

File: 1734219797270.jpg (411.58 KB, 1374x2000, ‪@sakura-ensteden.bsky.social…‬)

No. 440768

File: 1734276342802.jpeg (220.68 KB, 886x886, EuaPIbbU4AEGOzb.jpeg)

No. 440769

File: 1734276397097.jpeg (122.84 KB, 613x817, Hubby_EWmdN_uUwAYH5_M.jpeg)

No. 440771

File: 1734276479612.jpg (126.49 KB, 850x861, __kurama_yu_yu_hakusho_drawn_b…)

No. 441170

File: 1734412843601.jpg (206.28 KB, 1422x2048, FJECDxNUcAEBjXs.jpg)

No. 441174

File: 1734414448992.jpg (53.04 KB, 433x650, d4362e93a1309c17bbca2e879a30a9…)

No. 441175

File: 1734414834304.jpg (89.95 KB, 520x810, 51uwl1ss7wf5o1_540.jpg)

No. 441343

File: 1734472008923.jpg (173.38 KB, 1500x2000, Homicipher.full.4363893.jpg)

No. 441534

File: 1734518956150.jpg (196.86 KB, 750x1333, 958c2e35c8d5f728b1c210c27a274a…)

No. 442421

File: 1734901528630.jpg (71.58 KB, 735x745, 5c1957df5ce7585b490633703e6a51…)

No. 444628

File: 1735753805556.jpg (67.26 KB, 357x512, 32853630e0c76da17e4b0e80ea6a9e…)

No. 444647

File: 1735757119776.jpg (2.21 MB, 2000x1145, 125673105_p68.jpg)

No. 445077

File: 1735914501948.jpg (169.38 KB, 1384x2048, Ge5pFo1bwAA8bRD.jpg)

No. 445080

How Tuna sees Lurch.

No. 445266

File: 1735978885955.png (288.62 KB, 513x511, 04eab583215d122a6896dc920f9531…)

No. 445267

File: 1735978924137.png (665.57 KB, 564x834, 798d30afbbd588e3ef1b7514c4b8ce…)

No. 445624

File: 1736094378722.png (2.97 MB, 2000x1300, 125511323_p0.png)

No. 447545

theres no 2D guys thread for hot guys like >>>/m/230936, so i do i post that here or make a new thread for that?

No. 447707

File: 1736644983166.mp4 (425.6 KB, 790x720, 1736421766150.mp4)

No. 447709

File: 1736645137973.jpg (528.8 KB, 2376x3461, GfJEYAQagAA9ipk.jpg)

Posting here should be fine

No. 447755

File: 1736655069593.jpg (174.47 KB, 1704x1208, 2b76732ee601579f45343f9ab14c31…)

No. 447777

File: 1736663879019.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.46 KB, 1487x2048, 1000065887.jpg)

ok, have mercy please

No. 447779

You could just have made a second thread for the Hot guy thread. Jt probably fits that thread better.

No. 447787

ffs, by 2030 we're going to have 10 different 2d guys threads, separated by cute or hot, race, and hair colour, and body type.

No. 447796

File: 1736668680944.jpg (301.06 KB, 1409x2048, GcQxfYHbwAAY2G0.jpg)

I think it's unnecessary to have another 2D guys thread specifically for hot men when we already got >>>/m/182647. Besides, the 2D girls thread don't need another one for hot women either. Just stick with this one then move on to the other.

No. 447809

And that's a good thing.

No. 447913

File: 1736704204605.jpg (265.06 KB, 1416x2048, Gf5IfMqaEAA0O0C.jpg)

No. 447914

File: 1736704294974.jpg (228.51 KB, 1452x2048, Gck8XgAaAAA39Kh.jpg)

No. 447916

File: 1736704527476.jpg (220.19 KB, 1412x2048, Gck8XgBbgAAFgaT.jpg)

No. 447917

File: 1736704561837.jpg (317.68 KB, 1614x2048, GfEC37HbwAAE0NU.jpg)

No. 448304

File: 1736796053798.jpg (354.28 KB, 1158x1311, media_GeMD4aDbYAAPTyw.jpg)

No. 448327

>L if he were an actual cop and not just a shoeless weirdo
top tier, thank you for this

No. 449953

File: 1737232796673.jpg (542.04 KB, 732x1040, 57622175_p12.jpg)

No. 450433

File: 1737321270012.jpg (291.73 KB, 1200x1600, F8aMlIraIAAH3E7.jpg)

No. 450618

File: 1737350190023.jpg (387.74 KB, 1800x2000, FrwBFrraUAAEH9Z.jpg)

No. 450768

File: 1737385828694.jpg (634.04 KB, 2532x2294, 1672706402517-0.jpg)

No. 450793

File: 1737387129009.jpeg (119.25 KB, 832x1216, E43144BC2698B8128FFAE7E092632C…)

Too bad him is a "non-binary" TIM…

No. 450797

mazamuno/oncha if she didn't insist on being a retard and was based.

No. 450811

File: 1737391324397.jpeg (152 KB, 736x1061, IMG_2459.jpeg)

No. 453622

File: 1737918756253.jpg (88.07 KB, 1308x1169, 1000005628.jpg)

No. 453706

File: 1737932605644.jpg (245.92 KB, 2048x1384, 1000001358.jpg)

No. 453897

File: 1737970479723.jpg (131.5 KB, 1102x1500, F9NcVM1a8AA5GSs.jpg)

No. 453901

File: 1737970597645.png (129.88 KB, 836x1119, FNAW0fxVgAM2Q90.png)

No. 453970

File: 1737991257658.jpg (858.35 KB, 2048x2048, 1000005645.jpg)

No. 455223

File: 1738265601742.jpeg (282.71 KB, 902x1276, 6C0AE97E-FF5B-4E83-828C-AE7305…)

No. 455421

File: 1738304832465.jpg (47.47 KB, 458x840, 4b10be42c6a68564c3cba56c171b5c…)

No. 455520

they them shit made it to japan? cringe

No. 455792

File: 1738393839800.jpeg (197.78 KB, 1047x1460, 1681863802359.jpeg)

No. 455793

File: 1738393928075.jpg (2.36 MB, 1655x2221, GZsBkN4aAAQ0ahA.jpg)

No. 455794

File: 1738393973504.jpg (1.04 MB, 1680x2378, c0VxR2g1MjNhSDFjUkJuZDdKQkRaZ2…)

No. 455796

File: 1738394010701.jpg (51.43 KB, 708x798, ELZaOgNUwAIUTsW.jpg)

No. 455797

File: 1738394036976.jpeg (478.3 KB, 1597x1536, 4657128E-7C23-49E5-BEE8-020FF4…)

No. 455798

File: 1738394066453.jpg (181.13 KB, 1880x1746, D6I2qNQUEAAZjOT.jpg.jpg)

No. 455799

File: 1738394094000.jpeg (147.81 KB, 900x1273, E5RHOhxVIAAk9nA.jpeg)

No. 455800

File: 1738394158801.png (403.51 KB, 600x760, 45094051_p2.png)

No. 455801

File: 1738394189472.jpg (139.18 KB, 500x600, 36294867_p4.jpg)

No. 455802

File: 1738394246018.jpg (271.47 KB, 381x530, 1278308333038.jpg)

No. 455803

File: 1738394303584.jpg (2.27 MB, 1680x2776, NXl6R09yTDhVNnQ3NzdoQksycW83dG…)

No. 456306

File: 1738537119218.png (407.46 KB, 500x485, TF7GkXH.png)

No. 458778

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