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No. 222071
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Just an hour ago I played Mario Kart Wii's CTGP mod with a friend. She'd never played the Wii version of Mario Kart before. It's a must have for anyone who still plays the game from time to time, even though there are some duds in the custom tracks. The Wiimmfi rooms have people in them on Fridays/weekends too, but local-multiplayer is still the best way to play TBH.
No. 222077
>>222075Yeah, it's not a big deal if you lose a few points, you get matched with people who are around your level, anyway. I had a couple of guys "lose connection" as soon as I knocked out their first pokemon in a single hit kek.
The reason I stopped playing competitive was that I simply refused to use the teams that were commonly found in competitive and preferred to make teams based on my favorites, that's the main reason I kept losing most of the time. I really don't like playing Pokemon online because competitive doesn't allow for a lot of creativity when it comes to teams and movesets, and most people play competitive. The scene is way too serious, they suck the fun out of the game. Pokemon is way too unbalanced for it to be fun.
No. 222234
>>222225I'm playing league a lot these days as well. Gold, main support. I hate that the star guardian event is just a fucking boring visual novel shit, i remember the very first SG event was a PVE mode i absolutely loved, but Riot never brought it back because the player base didn't care that much about it.
I don't know why, it was so different, i've never forgotten about it. It was so fun.
No. 250612
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anyone still playing left 4 dead
No. 322857
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Why is he like that?
No. 323493
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>>322971it's my habit to drop tf2 for a year and then come back for another and so on, but i always come back. i really want to sit down and spend effort on other classes, but whenever i start playing i say fuck it and just screw around with scout/pyro/heavy, which relatively require less skill than others(like spy). i think the only time i played with the intent to improve was me spending hours in pyro dodgeball maps. quality time.
>>322970DO IT. it's cheap anyway.
No. 323751
>>323493>like spyHOLY FUCK i remember when i was younger i tried to learn spy and fucking ragequitted cause i couldn’t grasp his abilities and overall the character and never played him since. honestly now after your comment i wanna finally sit down and actually learn him instead of just wandering around not knowing whatdafak i’m doing.
i’ll also buy left 4 dead today maybe, are you playing it?
No. 324571
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>>323751he is the ONE merc i want to be good at the most. i'm an.. "aggressive" player and i don't have the patience for lurking and waiting for the right moment to secure one kill then dying. you can play him bold if you get into the arcane art of
trickstabs which only works on yt videos apparently. only a very small percentage of the spy players i encountered in-game played like that, which oftentimes ends up being a huge fail and i own them (or they are good with an ambassador and they violate me kek).
spectating spy players is a hobby of mine. most of them waste half of their time lurking a sentry and the other half running around cloacked like "HUFF HUFF NEED MY NEXT DOSE OF AMMO BOX". it's funny.
>i’ll also buy left 4 dead todayit has been 4 days. so how is it? and yeah i still play but not much. currently i'm focused on hunting shitmods to transform my game into total anarchy
No. 324858
>>324571yeah i should really learn spy though youtube vids honestly, most of them are helpful. but yeah i see sometimes rookie spies who just run around lurking then dying kek
>it has been 4 days. so how is it?i didn’t buy it because i waited for your response so i can have someone to play with heh (if you wanna play of course)
No. 324925
>>324858>so i can have someone to play withwell.. i'm playing a "free" version (it does support multiplayer with people playing the same cracked version btw) because yeah, i have no one to play with. it's a good option if you wanna try it first, just get it from fitgirl.
yes i'm aware it's sorta slimy telling you to buy it while i'm doing this so don't comment on it kek.
doesn't mean i don't want to play with you, i'm ga
yme if you are.
No. 324933
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>>324925>yes i'm aware it's sorta slimy telling you to buy it while i'm doing this so don't comment on it keksponsorship at its finest lolol. even if it's not pricey on steam i'll get the pirated version so i can play w you. it's picrel right?