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No. 225172
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Someone in video game thread asked about Skyrim mods so I'll post a few of my faves
Armours and clothing
>Anything by OperatorCactus / skyrimfuckeryDownloads in the sidebar, pics in the blog>Book of UUNP with non-skimpy patchOriginal mod is full of coomerism, but it also has quite a few nice more covered ones for females (the mod is not fitted for vanilla body, you need UNP body to use it, or CBBE/other and a patch)>Sleek Wolf ArmourMakes the wolf armour the companions wear a bit sleeker & removes boob plates from females>aMidianBorn Book of SilenceTextures, there might be better more modern ones but I love the black elven armour, won't play without it
>Vanilla hair remakeMakes the vanilla hair meshes more detailed and modern, also an option for physics>Salt and Wind retextures for vanilla hairSmoother textures for vanilla hair, without being too shiny>Natural Hair colors No. 225177
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I hope all of you have given Morrowind and its expansions a try
>playing Tribunal
>doing some sidequest in the caves under the city
>at some point have to kill a lich who's creating a plague
>I'm lvl 80+, got glass armor and enchantments up the ass, my spear of bitter mercy does so much damage I instakill ash vampires with a single stealth attack
>got so much health and healing jewelry I no longer use health potions
>"This is going to be easy"
>finally I get to the lich, Gedna Relvel
>rush to her and hit her straight in the face
>it does 1 pixel of damage
>she fireballs me, lose 3/4 of my health
>I retreat, she's faster than me and blows me up
>turns out in the base game her stats are gimped because lol bethesda code, but the unofficial patch I used fixes it and gives her 800 times more health and stats
Ended up killing her by gobbling down 30 health potions and jumping around to dodge her fireballs, took about 15 minutes but it was the best fight I've had in all of TES
No. 225178
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>>225172NPC overhauls
If you have overlapping ones, you can use EasyNPC ( and/or your mod organizer's (I recommend Mod Organizer 2) load order to choose what face to use
>RS ChildrenBegone potatoes>Male NPC overhaulKinda samefacey but idc>Everything by Pandorable>Kalilies NPCs>Mai'q the AlfiqVERY important, makes the big cat man into a small cat man
>Khajiit AlfiqAdds new small cats all over Skyrim, also changes the courier into a cat>LucienA voiced companion with a quest and a fuckton of dialogue>Interesting NPCsA huge amount of companions, many of which also have quests and commentary for the vanilla quests etc>RemielA dwemer scholar lady use appearance mods for all of them, if you check the "required files" drop down menu you see what files are dependent of that mod/modify it
>Nether's Follower FrameworkAllows you to have multiple followers and manage other stuff
No. 225179
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>>225177Damn, I admit I just TGM'd my way through Morrowinds main quest and some of the side quests just to experince the story, but I obviously missed a fuckton by basically skipping combat. Maybe I'll need to give it another try.
No. 225180
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Nexus waifus be like
No. 225226
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Blocks your path
No. 225246
>>225214I'm fine with the original models because the weird way they look contributes to the foreign atmosphere of the game, but the original textures are so low res that you can count the pixels on them, and get really ugly when you wield a weapon. That's why I have 0 qualms about high res texture mods
>>225226I'm glad all I had to do was to give him a little kiss
No. 225407

>>225178Oops, forgor link for NFF my mods rec spamming again
I would first download a huge texture overhaul (like Pfushers, Noble or Skyland, comparison in vidrel by some nice lady), then start pathing in models and textures you like better, there are a lot of creators texturing every single minuscule thing in game with the power of pure autism, bless them. Some creators;
>ElSopa>winedaveI LOVE his landscapes & shore textures, so pretty>Gamwich>johnskyrim>artbymari>Rally>Kajuan>PraedythXVI>clevercharff>IWantATardis, mods the edit only textures can be used without problems between different Skyrims (LE & SE), so be sure to check the other games Nexus pages too, you might find some gems.
>SMIM and fixes>High Poly Project>Everything by wSkeeverI especially recommend "Assorted Mesh Fixes">raiserfx's model/texture mods's so goddamn many good mesh/texture mods made in the almost 11 years this game has been out it would be impossible to list them all. If it exists, there is a retexture for it.
No. 225436
>>225376Bloodmoon was the worst one. Barely adds anything in terms of plot unlike Tribunal, the new map is just a murder island where you can't walk 5 meters without being rushed by 10 wolves, 3 smurfs on boars and spriggans which you have to each murder thrice to make them extra obnoxious. Werewolf powers you get are useless, and getting lycanthropy is useless because you can get a ring that gives exactly the same effects without downsides
Saddest thing is that Bloodmoon was the point where Bethesda completely departed from the Morrowind atmosphere and started doing regular fantasy games with nothing mystic or strange in it. There was a single creature that wasn't original in Vvardenfell, the rat. From Bloodmoon on you now get wolves, bears, boars, caves full of zombies/draugrs, and plots where no one is creepily seductive and nobody betrays you
No. 225439
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>>225436The tone change from Morrowind to Oblivion is INSANE. The drug fuelled lore and plot, unique world. Then Oblivion comes with moonfaces and generic fantasy forests and HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE HIGH ELVES npc conversations.
I'm so angry they chose Hammerfell (and High Rock? I can't remember) for the next game. God what I would give for Valenwood, Elsweyr or Black Marsh.
No. 225455
>>225439My fav part in Morrowind was all the mysteries, conspiracies and secrets in it that you had to uncover
>the meaning behind the 36 sermons of vivec>the disappearance of the dwarves>how did nerevar die?>the 26 threads of the webspinner>the 32 museum artifacts>the 10 propylon indices>the two creature merchants>the twin lanterns>the few daedra shrines that actually allow you to communicate with the daedra>a random person may not know much about a subject, but if you find an expert NPC you'll unlock many more conversation subjects>finding out which quests are more profitable by betraying the quest giver>finding out the best way to use transports, mark, recall, divine intervention and almsivi intervention to reach any town in 1 minute>the camonna tong's links to the fighter's guild and house hlaalu>the three vampire clans you can actually joinIf you had 2005 internet it could take a thousand hours and multiple playthroughs to uncover all of this. Meanwhile Oblivion has birthsign stones and a phantom mudcrab, and everything else will be indicated to you by markers and helpful NPCs
No. 225466
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>MyrkviorTrees and other flora an addon>Simply Bigger TreesMakes the trees bigger, makes the forests so much more stunning>FolkvangrGrass mod and villages
>Cities of the North seriesAdds unique architecture to the minor cities>JK's city & interior overhauls>Dawn of Skyrim>Solitude Expansion>The Great Cities seriesI don't use this currently myself but afaik it is liked by many people>Expanded Towns and CitiesMy favourite village mod from LE, it's not complete on SE but I still love it>Quaint Raven Rock to use patches when using multiple overlapping city mods, and check the "required files" for fixes like navmesh issues and cleaned plugins
Player homes
>Elianora's BreezehomeI love the dedicated quest item displays and the attention to detail. Check her other houses out too.>ak0d's player homes>Build your Hearthfire homes with goldI'm lazy kek's so many nice player homes available, for every taste imaginable. Even ones with husbandos chilling naked in a hot tub if that's what you like kek
No. 225471
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>Legacy of the DragonbornThe reason my autistic completionist ass is so into this game still>Project AHOAdventure in a deep underground dunmer settlement. BEAUTIFUL visuals>Carved BrinkMore beautiful underground vistas, this time goblins>VIGILANTI have not played it yet myself actually, but I have only heard good things>Beyond Skyrim: BrumaVisit Bruma from Oblivion again!>Alternate StartCheck out add ons for this too, especially the Relic Hunter one if you play with LOTD
No. 225523
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Turns out the best Morrowind official art isn't even in the game… spoiler for
foul murder>>225509>>225517You could play as gay/bisexual characters in New Vegas (but Bethesda didn't write it) and there's gay marriage in Skyrim, but they don't seem willing to go further. Bethesda knows they don't have to be original to make big bucks, and they'd much rather let the tranny modders make dickgirls than risk losing a big part of their fanbase
No. 225758
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>>225695I know! That's why I love Interesting NPCs and Rumarin. He has so much dialogue & is marriable.>>225172Just downloaded a couple bandit/forsworn armor mash ups, they have a couple revealing ones but they are equally revealing for both sexes No. 225790
>>225407>>225471>>225172based modanons, thanks a lot for posting your faves! Makes me want to start up a freshly modded skyrim again.
What are your opinions regarding the pros and cons of LE and SE nowadays? I remember discourse about different performance results with enb for example
>>225520I have a similar problem lol, while I have a 970 that still holds up I definitely have to update my rig one day because as
>>225693 said, default skirym looks like shit and needs to be intensively modded to become beautiful. I want to run all the 4/8k textures and good meshes with nice enb fx without having a significant framerate loss.
>>225758cute and
handsome if modded hehe one of the best npc mods up until today for real.
If anyone wants, I can post a doc with links and a list of faves since I have spent a lot of time with this as well.
No. 225831
>>225790Seconding the other
nonnie, please post your faves! I'm the nonna with the 1060 but i love to see what you nonnas fav mods are, i discover so much. It's fun.
No. 225833
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>>225790>What are your opinions regarding the pros and cons of LE and SE nowadays?Imo SE runs better, I have not looked back since I switched. SE runs 64 bit and also has .esl mod files which do not count toward the 255 .esp limit, so you can have more mods.
Oh no, I forgot I had started the "M'rissi Tail of Troubles" mod like a hundred hours ago.
I finally realized I have to save her from a prison, there was a time limit I was not aware of, and when I got there she was turned into stone/dead ahhh. It's a bit badly voice acted silly mod of a catgirl all furry scrotes want to fuck but I still feel sad boo hoo. I appreaciate you can actually get bad endings though!
No. 226054
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Do you read the in-game books? What are those you like? I've read all of them at work, my personal favorites are the ones with Decumus Scotti: A Dance in Fire and The Argonian Account
No. 226089
>>225520Just to tempt you some more, I recently got a 3080 and can run the heaviest ENBs at solid 60fps (…on a 1080dp monitor but I'm not a monitor slob, I'm just tired of worrying about ENB performance).
>>225157Confession: I'm trying to make my own OC husbando in this game, I even picked out a voice actor and am trying to find as many clips of his voice so I can put it through that AI voice mod to make him say whatever I want to.
No. 226110
>>226054Is that the Berenzia one that got censored past Morrowind because of
barbed khajit penis?
No. 227073
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No. 227747
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Not me using the console command every 10min to edit the hairstyle of my character, choosing between one of the 876 hairstyles the mod i've installed offers.
This mod is a blessing and a curse, i can't focus on playing i have to see how she looks in game with every hairstyle, ugh, so dumb.
The mod in question is KS Hairdos SSE if anyone's wondering, here: No. 231263
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Anyone else play ESO? I got it when it was in beta in 2014 but never really played it, now I started again a couple weeks ago and I like it!
No. 236969
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I love bosmers as a race they can go from goofballs (like Fargoth and adoring fan) to cannibalistic feral beast creatures, but I hate that their concept was "women are all gorgeous waifus and men are ugly fucks", I'm glad that it's one of those Michael Kirkbride's ideas they never used I saw a version of this concept art with notes before, but now I can't find it, but oh well. This is literally imaginary world let women be feral
No. 237000
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Very demented theory but I think Barenziah was inspired by Theodora I (T1) and Theodora the Armenian (T2), two byzantine empresses
>before becoming queen/empress Barenziah and T1 had a disreputable profession (thief/prostitute)
>they got married to an emperor (Justinian)/emperor's best general (Symmachus) who started life as a peasant
"Symmachus" ends like "Belisarius", who was emperor Justinian's best general and as famous as the emperor. IRL T1 and Belisarius didn't date, the writer just merged Belisarius and Justinian to make a better story
>their husbands had to face an important riot, had the possibility to flee, but ultimately decided to stay for the good of the country
The difference being Symmachus died in the riot, Justinian didn't
>they both had a slanderous biography made by a scribe who worked for them (The secret history/The real Barenziah), balanced by an official proper biography
>the names of the scribes sound the same (Procopius/Plitinius)
>just like T2, her husband died early and she ruled alone waiting for her child (Michael III/Helseth) to be of age, said child proving to be quite the plotter and fond of using assassins to murder those who wouldn't let him rule as he pleased (Theoktistos/the Nerevarine)
>just like T2, she named her daughter after her husband's mother
The pieces fit…
No. 237027
>>236969This is the same series that has lizard people with titties, soooo
(I do love Bosmer and Argonians though)
No. 237035
>>237027I'm just a sperg and I hate when I have to face scrotery even in my dumb fantasy world. Can't even watch lore video without some soyboy being a sexist pig (yes I talk about camelworks)
>>237000ooh I like this theory. This all could be coincidental, but bethesda went wild with Morrowind in comparison to Oblivion and Skyrim, so who knows
No. 237065
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>>236969Speaking of egregious scrotery, why tf is she wearing a fur bikini when she lives in a cave in the mountains. Let Girls Be Cosy And Practical 2k22
>>226089I admire your dedication, please let us know how it goes
No. 237069
>>237000Probably true and if so, that's awesome
>>237065true, it's such an uninspired look. I guess since the Forsworn seem like a lazy allegory for native americans, they have to wear skimpy clothes like how the most basic of southern and tropical native americans look in art, or in pornos. Imagine they actually dressed like wendigos with proper large skulls on their head instead. All of them.
No. 243232
>>225831super late since i’ve not as terminally online anymore, but ata
>>225790 and I wanted to mention that I just finished modding a new SE session after days of work! I’ll hope I can post my faves soon, I just want to make sure to not recommend shit mods since I’m trying out a lot of new stuff. Anyway I was looking for that one blog (eskyrim) where shitloads of armor and clothing mods were compiled just to see that the guy who ran it made it locked behind a paywall. I was searching for alternatives and found the modbooru, which is nice but 90% coomer stuff and I’m pretty sure it’s missing some really good ones. does anyone know of other good armor mod blogs? I’m pretty out of touch
>>231263>>242181I used to play it a lot for a while. I got so much stuff that was hard to grind for but somehow I stopped playing idk. It’s true it’s a super generic mmo but I liked the huge amount of lore and stupid side quests as well as the fact that you can go nuts with styling and roleplaying ( if you ignore the main questline. ) I do not like that everyone is the literal chosen one, wish you could be just some generic peasant or something but well. almost everyone runs around there looking like some overstyled donutsteel character lol while I love to make themed characters who fit neat into the world. I also loved how the ingame economy had a weird life of its own. I actually considered playing it again this winter! It’s also a very pretty game if you use LUT and reshade smaa because the default antialiasing is abysmal, or at least it used to be.
>>242500Thieves guild as well.
No. 252029
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>>243232>be me>spend hours modding skyrim into near perfection while keeping a playable fps rate with over 200 mods >decide to remove all creation club content from the AE update for better compability and performance>start to play, fucking finally everything looks beautiful and runs smooth>take a break and come back later to see that bethesda just gifted us with another mandatory update via steam>>250629no idea on most of this but I would suggest tumblr, you can edit your posts and choose layout I think its better than twitter for this. I am getting into 3D and would love to make custom armors anyone got some good tutorials on how to implement them into the game? It must be relatively easy seeing the many armor ports.
No. 253041
>>252029Not sure if this suffice but here, i used to use this tutorial back in the days but it's been around for years so I'm not sure if it still holds up? Yeah, porting is pretty easy if you know your blender basic though! Just extract the armor model and fit it into Skyrim with blender, best of luck to you nona! another topic, would you nonas indulge in my autism and share your favorite armor mod for Skyrim?
No. 254129
>>252029That pic is diabolical, my thoughts exactly on these updates. I recently watched a documentary made by the former team that worked on Skyrim, I thought it was insightful because even though it's such a buggy game they really seemed to pour their love into it and I'm convinced whoever is told to update the game now are just a skeleton crew to keep reminding us Skyim exists and they don't care about it at all. The consequence being that they introduce even more bugs because they didn't create it (see: one of the updates corrupted two textures somehow that makes you crash upon viewing them, meaning potentially any file in the game is botched and we just haven't discovered it yet).
About the armor, I don't know anything about making 3D assets but the part where you set up the objects for them in the CK is relatively easy. You can just copy and paste an existing armor to be your template and reroute the meshes to be your custom ones. It can also be done in xEdit if you don't want to touch the CK.
No. 256757
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About ten years after finishing Oblivion for the first time I'm playing it again with all DLC, seeing Kirkbride's books in Knights of the Nine reminded me of how different Oblivion could have been if he had been kept as art director
No. 259948
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I just started building homes with Hearthfire and I am so obsessive about it, I love it. GET ME MORE LOGS AND CLAY!!! I started with Windstad Manor and chose the greenhouse, kitchen, and alchemy tower.
No. 259950
oh my flipping god there is a elder scroll forum?!
>>259948It’s really fun, try to get as much iron as possible if you plan on furnishings your own homes. I love lakeview manner.
No. 259954
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I adore Halloween, so about a year ago, I made a special Halloween-themed character. I customized the fuck out of her, she's a witch in the "Wizard of Oz" sense. I'd downloaded some Halloween decor mods, a custom spell that lets you throw exploding, laughing pumpkins, a shack out in the swamps that sells Halloween goodies and armor, and my vampire boyfriendo follower. Our gimmick was we could only roam around during nighttime. I forgot to play her this year, but there's still time left before the year is out. Picrel is boyfriendo in the swamp shack.
No. 259962
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>>259960Aww, thank you. Honestly, the best way to come up with good roleplaying is download a silly mod and see where it takes you. Picrel is one of my other characters. I downloaded a flower crown mod and everything just spiraled out of control.
No. 260211
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>>260005>recent updatesIn the base game, the major city of Dawnstar is a big as Morrowind's shittiest fisherman village. Even if the devs are talented and passionate it doesn't mean anything if their management doesn't care
No. 263564
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I got my sister hooked on Skyrim for the first time ever this month and it's so cute to see her get obsessed with it.
No. 264688
>>263703Oh man I remember having sexual fantasies about Martin Septim because of his voice. Sean Bean has one of the sexiest voices ever.
I used to love Oblivion but after playing so much Skyrim I have trouble going back to it. Mostly because it's harder, and because of the ugly people like you said. It definitely has more of an 'rpg' feel if that makes sense, and Skyrim is more of an action game. I really want to play and beat it again someday though.
No. 266400
>>266392i would kill to play oblivion on switch. or any fallout game, but itll never happen. i cant imagine tes6 will come to whatever current Nintendo console either, they just didnt want to be left out as the only platform you
couldnt play skyrim on. i cant believe the switch eventually got the anniversary update either, they didnt have to do that
No. 284025
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I'd like to thank the nona who recommended Legacy of the Dragonborn in a previous thread, I installed it and have since been very obsessed with it… collection gameplay really does hit the spot
No. 284046
>>284025nice haul
No. 296401
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Not sure which thread to use.
I recently started playing Morrowind. I have about 10 hours on record. It's ridiculously hard lol but I'm getting better at it.
I also started replaying Skyrim. I've spent 6000+ hours playing this game already (yes, I know) but most of that was probably in the first 5-6 years the game was released. I recently started playing it on my switch which I kind of hate because of the small screen but the only other way I can play is on my laptop which will only last playing Skryim for about an hour.
I honestly hate how much fun I'm having. I feel like the most basic bitch ever to still have fun playing vanilla skyrim after 6000+ hours of gameplay. That being said for years I tried to play it and and I'd immediately get bored so I don't why the spark was just relit for me recently. I can tell they've added/changed a lot of things over the years, like making the game somewhat harder. I'm definitely leveling up a lot slower than I did the first time I played this game.
Also on all my previous playthroughs I'd play a mage type character and use all my perks for magic skills. I've been trying to rely more on weapons and potions instead of just magic even though it's tempting to just use spells for everything.
No. 296404
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>>296401Morrowind is amazing. Have you got horribly lost yet while trying to look for a family tomb for a quest? Or had a vast line of cliff racers attacking you one by one? That's all the bad stuff I can think of. I love Morrowind, I semi-recently started it and have around 75 hours in it. I'm not finished it, but I'm close. What house are you going to join?
No. 296426
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>>296411I hate getting stuck just looking for random shit. I dunno why but I never remember my stamina effecting me much, though I barely know how to combat in this game besides spam sword and spam spell. My spell of choice is Righteousness, yeah maybe I should upgrade but then I find I don't have the mana. I want to use fireball more but leveling that is so tedious
No. 307644
>>307579I'd say yes since even if someone skips over any visual and weather enhancement mods, there's several bug fix and quality of life mods that make the game better to play. And there's several dialogue/follower/quest mods that add a touch of polish or expand variety to what's already there.
iirc if you go the wabbajack route to more quickly mod the game, a modpack like nordic souls is one example of vanilla plus style that's more strict about trying to stay true to the base of the game with added variety and enhancements. Lostlegacy is a mod list example of allowing power levels and scaling to get wackier and is aimed to be more exaggerated high fantasy. It also includes legacy of the dragonborn for people who want an expansion and display for the collecting artifacts part of the game. Someone can also look at these lists and pick out only the essentials of what they personally want for a lighter mod list and download the mods themselves from nexus
No. 347968
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I hate what scrotes do to serana. She’s my favorite Skyrim character, but her male fans are so damn creepy. Half the time, they’re not even attracted to Skyrim Serana, but the modded out version of her with a smooth face, fat tits, and some fuckass overrendered hairstyle, I’m sick of it, this is not my Serana!!! They don’t even like Serana as a character, they just like her clothes and the fact she’s one of the few followers with a personality. The fact she’s one of the only followers that you can’t marry, and who actively rejects the player, but when moids install the “marry serana” or any other sex mod, it feels so disrespectful, considering what she went through to become a daughter of coldharbour. Fuck moids, the only appropriate spouse for serana would be a woman with low libido, so they don’t make her uncomfortable with advancements
No. 348971
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>til Barenziah was 16 years old when Tiber Septim raped and impregnated her
This makes me hate him even more. I already didn’t like him because he had an affair and forced her to abort their baby, but she was SIXTEEN!!!! Dunmer age way differently too, so in her race, her sexual maturity was probably the equivalent of a human 12 year old, it was written that she was the youngest dunmer to get pregnant. I’m on the Thalmors side now, I’d also outlaw the worship of a rapist.
No. 357038
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No. 357040
>>348971Based, fuck Tiber Septim.
>>357038Dumb meme, sorry
No. 357134
>>357072I'm assuming you mean totally new unique followers that have a decent amount of dialogue? The main ones I've used so far are Kaidan 2 paired with a face replacement (but I don't remember which one I picked)
>Rebuilt and expanded, this romantic follower features over 1200 lines of dialogue, custom home, and mini quests. and Xelzaz (scholarly argonian mage)
>Xelzaz is a Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Lawman of House Telvanni with ~7250 lines. He is on his way to Rivenspire in High Rock, having traveled all the way from Port Telvannis in Morrowind. Xelzaz has just arrived in Skyrim and is looking for a traveling companion. In return he will keep you company, cook you warm meals and brew powerful potions.and a bit of Nebarra (sarcastic high elf) because he has dialogue with Xelzaz
>Nebarra is a Lore-Friendly, Story-Aware, Custom-Voiced Follower with over 1,600+ lines of dialogue and his own Personal Quest. An Aldmeri Veteran of the Great War, Nebarra has traveled to Skyrim and become a Mercenary-for-Hire. Surly, opinionated, and morally gray, Nebarra lends biting humor, battle stories, and his sword-arm to your adventures. I don't know if my opinion can be trusted on quality of mod voice acting since honestly I don't really weigh that kind of thing much when it comes to Skyrim, but these 3 were decent enough imo, Xelzaz in particular.
No. 390169
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So I was just supposed to find out that Cicero has a hidden husbando fandom on my own!?! I'm playing on PS3 and I can't mod Cicero to be a marriage option, my day is ruined and my sadness overfills all vessels
No. 390170
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>>390169samefag but bountiful blessings on the one who bishified Cicero, this is amazing. I can't believe there's more of us. I thought I was the only one who liked Cicero. I always thought his devotion to the Night Mother but also conceding respect for the Dragonborn as the Listener was fantastic. I never kill him and I think the (probably overwhelmingly male side of) Skyrim fandom's hate of him is weird.
No. 390171
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>>3901703/3 Look how cute this husbandofag is!!! She's a queen! Living her best life!
No. 390268
>>357072Try Lucien too, but you may want to use a replacer mod since he looks 10-20 yrs older than his voice in the base mod lmao.
I know there's a few more male followers out there, but they get kinda annoying. Lucifer especially. Haven't tried Sal Verano out yet though.
>>357134Xelzaz is such a sweetie omg. Quickly became my new fav
No. 393009
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just downloaded the skyrim artbook. honestly really interesting to see how the concepts were developed. some of the illustrations for the nordic ruins made me feel a bit sad though, because seeing them in-game would have been so fucking amazing. a lot of concepts didn't make it through bc of time/budget, but recognizing places or items just from the rough sketches is some super cool stuff. really makes me appreciate the game and realize how much love and effort is needed for developing a game
No. 393020
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>>357072Alexander Follower SE: fucking hate scrotes. I'm also grateful for that one Conan the Barbarian armor mod, lets me see my male followers' tits.
No. 405816
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"hot vampire lady" as if they don't use a bunch of mods to make her look 12. I'm so sick of this shit
No. 466577
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Nonnas I feel like I haven´t had the full Skyrim experience. I see memes about it and I can´t really relate despite me counting this game as one of my top 5. As a women I didn´t seek out partnership so I dunno who these two famous love interest women are and generally I have just been doing random stuff and not following big quests like the brotherhood. I really want to play again lately but I´m hesitant because some major bug will always get in my way. I mostly play on a console because my stupid macbook can´t handle shit. I´m at a dead end I feel like. Should I look up some guide?
No. 466682
>>466577Mjoll has a quest you can do for her where you get grimsevere.
The marriage options are generally shitty and people who obsess over the characters are just fantasizing. Once married, your spouse only has a few lines they repeat ad nauseum and you can get them to set up a store or cook for you. It's really only fun if you're hard into role-playing or you enjoy fucking with the bugs. People enjoy mjoll because typically aerin will not leave her after marriage, so you'll have this random guy hanging about your house.
I played on ps3 and it was buggy as hell as well but I was able to navigate certain missions by looking up guides. I say just be proactive on saving and if you think you screwed up reload and look up a guide or discussion online about the bugs. I married derkeethus last time I played and personally it was funny meeting him on the roads while doing quests. He never stops running.