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File: 1660660099414.gif (6.33 MB, 640x360, magnets-satisfying-gifs.gif)

No. 231285

A thread to post satisfying videos or gifs in.

>Oddly satisfying videos are internet videos that portray events or actions that viewers find pleasing.

No. 231287

File: 1660660139529.gif (342.88 KB, 600x338, deb837_0bcc2ee8387d457d8168026…)

No. 231288

File: 1660660179700.gif (2.64 MB, 480x480, f5edcc33218c337fff69eb8ccb07ed…)

No. 231301

sorry anon but this one just stresses me out because the holes are never completely filled kek

No. 231307

Same for me, this one pisses me off.

No. 231313

Then post something that you find satisfying.

No. 236872

File: 1662546688410.gif (7.03 MB, 300x300, wooden algo loop.gif)

No. 236873

If you want to see it being made.

No. 236916

File: 1662553795607.gif (2.01 MB, 470x275, tumblr_pnrhze8eTD1upp723o1_500…)

softbody tetris on youtube

No. 238331

No. 240443

File: 1663637581983.gif (2.4 MB, 246x246, 17d8bccb12442a3c2b1d92ca48e0fc…)

No. 240447

File: 1663637989472.gif (2.58 MB, 268x268, tumblr_118c539b74d62b4015d8675…)

No. 240449

File: 1663638102372.gif (778.32 KB, 500x300, tumblr_c94c42dace499528175f81a…)

sorry for being a fatty

No. 240539

i love crunchy

No. 240542

Are you kidding me, this gif ends way too soon to be satisfying

No. 241800

clay cracking videos

No. 245797

You are forgiven.

No. 298209

No. 299218

No. 299219

No. 367169

File: 1712046611525.gif (3.26 MB, 320x320, da5be257eb18c6e22d1345ae4473f5…)

No. 429221

File: 1730611654884.gif (6.48 MB, 360x450, 0979cf968e36f9ef5a0096e64b4799…)

No. 429222

File: 1730612304584.gif (6.83 MB, 365x365, fa6069850dcc229b3b66cf2364e302…)

I love watching this kind of stuff it's like crack to me alongside asmr, mukbangs and those cleaning videos

No. 429223

File: 1730612361178.gif (19.31 MB, 640x640, 607a4d55295a3361158a9ac4e7bdb9…)

No. 458045

File: 1738993333608.mp4 (8.66 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_beautiful_patter…)

No. 458046

File: 1738993356749.mp4 (2.26 MB, 270x480, rapidsave.com_drawing_this_tri…)

No. 458047

File: 1738993433534.mp4 (5.59 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_late_night_sky_o…)

No. 458049

I do wonder if videos like this have a brainrotting effect. They're nice but I try to avoid watching for this reason.

No. 458065

where i post from

No. 458595

god i love slime and clay and otherwise hands-mushing-things videos

No. 458597

No. 460381

File: 1739551145781.mp4 (10 MB, 360x448, rapidsave.com_garage_doors_bei…)

No. 460382

File: 1739551239310.mp4 (13.18 MB, 1080x1920, rapidsave.com_so_satisfying-bw…)

No. 460385

File: 1739551497361.mp4 (18.74 MB, 810x1440, rapidsavecom-satisfying-colori…)

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