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No. 240698
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Lacedaemonian hoplite
No. 240699
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Spartan Hoplite
No. 240701
File: 1663705417187.jpg (23.52 KB, 256x320, 58efb39091a518643b685bf68731aa…)

No. 240704
File: 1663705547057.jpg (121.01 KB, 750x498, Mounted_Mongol_warrior_recreat…)

Recreation of a mounted warrior from the Mongol Empire.
No. 240705
File: 1663706005501.jpg (44.93 KB, 430x611, Hun Warrior.jpg)

No. 240706
File: 1663706260448.jpg (187.96 KB, 609x607, 12th-century-vikings.jpg)

No. 240709
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No. 240711
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Evolution of the armor of Henry VIII(the six wives guy)
No. 240810
File: 1663731100591.jpeg (74.29 KB, 884x682, FSWmNTCaQAA2LjC.jpeg)

>>240723He was considered quite the champion when he was young, he was 6'2(at a time when the average man was 5 inches shorter then today) and excellent at jousting and close combat
No. 241833
File: 1664007900648.png (54.56 KB, 439x650, 1af7a9a405b6de3741c78e6ccef817…)

ancient celt
fun fact the ancient celts invented chainmail
No. 241837
File: 1664008098071.png (1.36 MB, 2288x3072, 1536810129616.png)

early hallstatt celts
No. 241839
File: 1664008185866.jpg (1.26 MB, 3042x2274, 1626559542663.jpg)

ancient brittonic celts
No. 241842
File: 1664008465162.png (101.89 KB, 736x488, 1632944706855.png)

pronunced Bow-di-Ca
bow as in bow and arrow/ribbon bow
Ca with a hard C/k sound
No. 241844
File: 1664008541081.png (219.92 KB, 1900x2900, 1b180211e0cb528d1d9d43edcb2953…)

>>241842she was queen of the iceni tribe
prounced eye-kay-nigh
No. 241846
File: 1664008573223.png (66.49 KB, 500x500, 1632885712371.png)

historically accurate welsh king arthur
No. 241848
File: 1664008789486.jpg (90.08 KB, 800x731, flap flap.jpg)

final celt post
this is a eastern celtic helmet that is in the shape of a crow/raven (celtic bird of war)
its wings would have flapped as the wearer moved
it would have been more ornate and had gemstones as the eyes when it was new
No. 241869
>>241860part of it was prestiege by showing something that took a long time to craft showed how important you were
i get them mainly from pintrest and google searches and only save ones that are historically accurate
No. 241900
>>240810Wow, who would've thought he'd turn out to be a horrible man probably upset at life because he got fat. That is such cute armor though
>>241844I love her clashing gingham garments
No. 241901
File: 1664034354205.jpg (82.22 KB, 500x741, DirsXOYXcAAHHYE.jpg)

>>241869I assumed it was only nobles who had customized stuff as well, still I am oddly fascinated with customized armor, I have been saw since I first saw Bram Stoker's Dracula, sage for not being thread related
No. 241902
File: 1664034380665.png (76.83 KB, 500x667, boys armor.png)

Child armor
No. 241910
File: 1664036812820.jpg (284.51 KB, 800x920, Geschichte_des_Kostüms_(1905)_…)

>>241901It'd be anyone with enough money to order it, which would be well in their interest as someone with an intricate armor would be assumed to be rich, which means he'd be much more likely to be ransomed on the battlefield rather than straight up slayed. There's a lot of customized armors that are however just ceremonial, in that case the focus is entirely on it looking good
On the other hand you've got the Landsknechts, usually low-born mercenaries who all had customized costumes in part because it made each of them more recognizable during a battle, but also because the german emperor Maximilian granted them the privilege of looking as good as they wanted as the lives they had were "short and brutish"
No. 242153
File: 1664100728683.jpg (151.37 KB, 1108x1108, 22b61d2f0cfd03e757fb83b2259c07…)

Savoyard helmets (from the region of Savoy) are notable by the way they tried to be as close as possible to the shape of a human head while still being mass produced. A lot of them had "smiles", but the nose on this one was rather uncommon
No. 242154
File: 1664100801503.jpg (30.43 KB, 399x533, FM8ee9mWQAM997s[1].jpg)

>>242153One of the cutest designs
No. 242166
File: 1664108559332.png (712.82 KB, 535x937, tcuZmL5.png)

>>242155They were mostly used by heavy cavalry, which means the wearer would be approaching you very fast
No. 242167
File: 1664110284115.png (175.82 KB, 360x450, Winged_Knight_Set.png)

>>242153so that's where these cuties got their inspo from
No. 242169
File: 1664110548342.jpg (118.41 KB, 1000x734, horned-helmet-3.jpg)

there are some funky helmets out there
No. 242242
File: 1664124509877.jpg (26.25 KB, 400x400, FTFYaGHw_400x400.jpg)

>>242169>>242170These are endearingly goody. I also can't imagine what the vision is out of these. Who says you can't look, um, fancy while going to battle?
Also the first one reminds me of another dark souls dude.
No. 242614
File: 1664216934187.png (2.39 MB, 1352x1018, aztec1.png)

I'll post some precolumbian mesoamerican (not all of them are aztec but I'll use "aztec" for short) warriors, pics are taken from Osprey's Men-at-Arms books
You'll notice in all of these pictures a great abundance of feathers, which aztecs loved as much as they loved flowers, and a complete absence of iron, as aztecs never discovered how to melt it, since it requires a much higher temperature than other metals. The black parts on the weapons are very sharp obsidian (volcanic glass), the green parts on the cotton costumes are quetzal feathers
The goal of warfare was either to add more cities to the empire or to capture prisoners (especially during the religious Flower Wars), and a warrior rose in ranks as he captured more and more opponents. Once he captured 4, he became a jaguar warrior
No. 242619
File: 1664217902348.png (2.77 MB, 1043x1460, aztec2.png)

>>242614The goggly mask this priest wears represents the Mixtec rain god Dzahui, which is about the same as the Aztec rain god Tlaloc. The goggles are so significant as a religious symbol that even in the 50s the anthropologist Levi-Strauss was able to use lensless glasses as a trading commodity with amazonian tribes
The warlord is holding an atlatl and darts. Contrary to popular belief the Aztecs weren't in fact defenseless at long distances, and their defeat against conquistadores were caused mostly by opposing superior forces (sacrificing and enslaving the neighboring tribes made them a LOT of enemies) and the same western diseases outbreaks that decimated the tribes of North America
Aztec heraldry was very developed, but used neither painted shields nor western-style flag. The standard bearer is wielding the symbol of the city of Tilantongo
No. 242624
File: 1664219317200.png (1.82 MB, 1460x1067, aztec3.png)

>>242619This priest is wearing human skin, a byproduct of intense flaying activity during human sacrifices (after cutting the heart out, they weren't monsters). I remember a story of a princess that got married to a noble of another city state to create an alliance, said princess ended up being sacrificed and a priest wore her flayed skin in front of her father, all this done in fact to honor her (her city didn't have the same interpretation of the events so they went to war). Sacrifices were honored while they were alive, their remains were venerated as relics and they were said to go directly to one of the greatest heavens, same as the braves who died in combat and the women in childbirth. If that part about women in childbirth sounds familiar, yes, that's how the spartans thought too, and they also had regular "artificial" wars like the Flower Wars (they just killed defenseless helots though). I guess war-based societies end up following the same lines of thought
Sacrifices that showed fear of death were shouted at and admonished
No. 242625
File: 1664219509121.jpg (68.55 KB, 640x626, scythian.jpg)

Too many scrotes, not enough amazons
No. 282006
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No. 282007
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No. 282008
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No. 282009
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No. 282010
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No. 282011
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No. 282015
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No. 282017
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No. 282018
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No. 282019
File: 1678533441034.jpeg (97.77 KB, 640x485, warriors.jpeg)

No. 282023
File: 1678538054621.jpg (50.92 KB, 480x674, gladiadores_006.jpg)

lovely thread anon! here are some gladiators i saved a while back.
No. 282024
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No. 282025
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No. 282026
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No. 282027
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No. 282203
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No. 282589
File: 1678737693589.jpg (84.68 KB, 563x564, FqpSMd5WIAMQdJN.jpg)

Tomyris of the Massagetae
No. 282949
File: 1678918042601.jpg (57.95 KB, 400x550, GLADIA2.jpg)

>>282040gladiators were said to sometimes be hired as personal bodyguards for the right sum, nona, often by noble women. i think you can guess why.
No. 282950
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>>282949their blood
(among other bodily fluids) was also harvested to sell as an aphrodisiac.
No. 283155
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No. 284188
File: 1679257273808.jpg (133.66 KB, 768x803, Storming_of_the_Teocalli_by_Co…)

No. 284189
File: 1679257344032.jpg (579.93 KB, 630x913, zpage238.jpg)

No. 284203
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No. 285171
File: 1679661750164.png (478.54 KB, 800x1159, Lathgertha_by_Morris_Meredith_…)

The Legendary Shieldmaiden Lathgertha
No. 285393
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No. 285394
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No. 285395
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No. 285396
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No. 285993
File: 1679927871768.jpg (96.8 KB, 728x1082, Sandahl Bergman.jpg)

No. 285994
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No. 286129
File: 1679996863197.jpg (388.37 KB, 1300x2888, Scythian_Amazon.jpg)

No. 286130
File: 1679996905619.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.51 KB, 600x833, Amazons_1.jpg)

No. 286131
File: 1679996933945.jpg (144.21 KB, 600x826, Amazons.jpg)

non-spoilered version
No. 286673
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No. 288514
File: 1681052458101.jpg (315.38 KB, 800x1079, Death of Absalom.jpg)

No. 288930
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No. 288931
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No. 290546
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No. 290548
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No. 290549
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No. 294083
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No. 294214
File: 1683220899021.jpg (160.95 KB, 781x960, Bronze Age Warriors.jpg)

No. 294215
File: 1683220944189.png (637.92 KB, 758x502, Bronze Age Warriors re-creatio…)

No. 294897
File: 1683542978314.jpg (317.42 KB, 800x1153, 800px-Cuinbattle.jpg)

No. 295108
File: 1683625652312.jpg (418.98 KB, 1371x1170, The Black Cauldron (1985) by M…)

No. 296066
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No. 299761
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No. 300100
File: 1685723211317.png (2.72 MB, 2229x2877, 1673131303391.png)

No. 300441
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No. 300442
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No. 300543
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No. 300544
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No. 302030
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No. 305217
File: 1687932393129.jpg (945.79 KB, 2584x1788, fk1fkf.jpg)

No. 305444
File: 1688039041312.jpg (126.99 KB, 1080x607, VUInO02onVmZPhVGg.jpg)

No. 305887
File: 1688208461598.png (292.04 KB, 800x613, Rolfs_sidste_kamp_-_Louis_Moe_…)

No. 306034
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No. 306040
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No. 308899
File: 1689612452724.png (334.64 KB, 497x340, snowhyyy.PNG)

No. 309324
File: 1689786147900.jpg (120.04 KB, 700x945, 028_16.jpg)

No. 309325
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No. 309326
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No. 309327
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No. 309328
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No. 309335
File: 1689787312335.jpg (159.52 KB, 716x900, large_barnet_900.jpg)

>>309325>>309326>>309327Medieval knights are cool and 12-13th century armor is the best looking IMHO. Aesthetically speaking, I loose interest at late 13th and after armors.
Modern moids would never dress this fashionably.
BTW, the artist you posted is Graham Turner and he makes really great art. I gonna spam a few of my fav pieces.
No. 309336
File: 1689787344645.jpg (345.64 KB, 1200x856, large_battle_of_st_albans.jpg)

No. 309337
File: 1689787381494.jpg (168.1 KB, 518x1200, large_gic_g109_disturbing_the_…)

No. 309338
File: 1689787412781.jpg (93.07 KB, 527x700, large_joust.jpg)

No. 309339
File: 1689787440051.jpg (109.51 KB, 700x558, large_richard_iii.jpg)

No. 309340
File: 1689787487449.jpg (219.88 KB, 1000x609, large_towton_1000.jpg)

No. 309740
File: 1689916049619.jpg (109.03 KB, 680x554, FtisP0XXgAAU1n4.jpg)

No. 310799
File: 1690327393833.png (1.15 MB, 1000x717, image_2023-07-26_032507140.png)

how come men used to have all this fun? :((newfag)
No. 311538
File: 1690659199027.jpg (113.97 KB, 564x833, Tajik warriors.jpg)

No. 311542
File: 1690659730280.jpg (63.55 KB, 540x736, 60f0b42e1fa0bb195633d46a72e399…)

>>310799I don't think having head concussions or broken bones would be considered fun but at least you get to die in fashion kek.
No. 312055
File: 1690877669150.jpg (182.02 KB, 800x787, Sammon_puolustus.jpg)

No. 312057
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No. 312059
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No. 313148
File: 1691333584242.jpg (341.79 KB, 736x1227, Celtic Warrior.jpg)

No. 313149
File: 1691333607155.jpg (298.28 KB, 736x1304, Celtic Warrior_2.jpg)

No. 313202
File: 1691350116878.jpg (40.55 KB, 434x600, Ancient Hungarian warrior with…)

No. 314090
File: 1691753841659.jpg (48.54 KB, 500x659, Vnzv2yivbhb0.jpg)

>Libyan warrior, c. 800BCE
No. 316988
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No. 317457
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No. 317686
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No. 317828
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No. 317829
File: 1693039509695.jpg (434.91 KB, 800x1248, Straz_hetmanska.JPG)

No. 318646
File: 1693459772600.jpg (84.38 KB, 520x1000, The Death of Absalom James Tis…)

No. 319379
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No. 320382
File: 1694256543257.jpg (190.18 KB, 1024x685, 1024px-Edward_Burne-Jones.The_…)

No. 320852
File: 1694509161233.jpg (26.32 KB, 424x480, A Spanish Soldier of the 16th …)

No. 320853
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No. 323208
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No. 323965
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No. 327777
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No. 331053
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No. 335116
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Joan of Arc Dump
No. 335117
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No. 335118
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No. 335119
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No. 335121
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No. 335122
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No. 335123
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No. 338759
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No. 353394
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No. 353395
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No. 363511
File: 1710741025140.png (2.42 MB, 1463x1394, X7YdcNN.png)

>Sikelgaita (also Sichelgaita or Sigelgaita) (1040 – 16 April 1090) was a Lombard princess, the daughter of Prince Guaimar IV of Salerno and second wife of Duke Robert Guiscard of Apulia. She commanded troops in her own right.[1] Robert Guiscard wrote that she stood six feet tall
>in 1081 she was on the field in full armour, rallying her and Robert's troops when they were initially repulsed by the Byzantine army and were in danger of losing cohesion. According to the Byzantine historian Anna Comnena, she was "like another Pallas, if not a second Athena,"
>"in her we come face to face with the closest approximation in history to a Valkyrie. A woman of immense build and herculean physical strength, she hardly ever left her husband's side – least of all in battle, one of her favourite occupations. At such moments, charging magnificently into the fray, her long blond hair streaming out from beneath her helmet, deafening friend and foe alike with huge shouts of encouragement or imprecation, she must have looked – even if she did not altogether sound – worthy to take her place among the daughters of Wotan."
No. 363513
File: 1710741765289.png (1.52 MB, 800x1232, GqDQuR6.png)

>Inés Suárez was a female conquistador who took part in the Araucanian war against Mapuches in Chile. During an attack on the Mapuches, she beheaded the chief and took his head as a war trophy.
No. 363515
File: 1710742113247.png (1.79 MB, 800x1216, 8v3uniL.png)

>Maria Pita was a Galician woman who, during an invasion by the English, led local militiamen against them after wounding her husband (an army captain) and even allegedly killed the brother of the invading commander (Sir Francis drake).
No. 363516
File: 1710742134466.png (2.1 MB, 800x1095, CxNqtr8.png)

>Born in Dinan into a soldier family, Duchemin married a soldier named Brûlon and served from 1792 to 1799 in the defence of Corsica. She initially fought disguised as a man along with her husband, but was eventually discovered to be a woman. Despite this, she had shown such valour in battle that she was allowed to remain in service. She survived her husband and was proficient with sword and dagger in hand-to-hand combat. In 1797, she asked to be allowed into Les Invalides after she received severe wounds in the siege of Calvi, but was denied seven years. When she received the pension in 1804, she was also promoted to the rank of lieutenant.