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File: 1667781323657.jpg (572.41 KB, 2010x1080, 73828199128.jpg)

No. 253684

The same concept as those "Tumblr/Twitter posts as characters" images that make the rounds.
It doesn't have to be funny, as long as it reminds you of a fictional character, anything goes.

No. 253694

File: 1667783775978.jpg (493.79 KB, 1622x923, 1627417987370.jpg)

Very old one I made

No. 253987

File: 1667862825793.jpg (287.33 KB, 720x480, 720full.jpg)

No. 254026

Great thread idea Anon! I don't have anything to contribute right now but I'll definitely be on the lookout going forward

No. 254031

File: 1667879619858.png (346.71 KB, 539x721, Marie_posting.png)

No. 254036

what is this character from she's hot

No. 254037

Innocent (main character's sister) and Innocent Rouge (spinoff for her character) by Shinichi Sakamoto.

No. 254049

File: 1667886303744.jpg (875.72 KB, 3886x3590, GridArt_20221107_234349453.jpg)

No. 254119

File: 1668039879470.jpg (761.26 KB, 1080x1519, 247973112444.jpg)

No. 258375

File: 1669553914716.jpg (61.84 KB, 800x450, russia no.jpg)

No. 258383

KEK anon

No. 258552

File: 1669588477352.jpg (456.73 KB, 1080x1134, Picsart_22-11-27_19-33-24-690.…)

No. 265019

File: 1672008069360.jpg (670.98 KB, 1438x1080, Picsart_22-12-25_19-36-39-323.…)

No. 265038

no men on lolcow dot farm sorry you're getting the banhammer

No. 352190

File: 1706620682365.jpg (385.11 KB, 829x447, 59905.jpg)

sorry for the retarded necro
wish i could have used a female character but they are all tsundere lolishits that i don't know enough

No. 352204

File: 1706625336487.png (8.94 MB, 3000x1687, 713345.png)

No. 352253

Accurate and based.

No. 352281

I love it. Will be using the cutesy anon nicknames only from now on in hopes of calling her Nonichka once.

No. 352301

No. 352725

Who are these characters

No. 353580

File: 1707093557106.png (1.27 MB, 1152x646, barn hens as a metaphor for hi…)

No. 353583

spit my drink out

No. 353626

I think there are several Kobeni on this site.

No. 428824

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No. 429006

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No. 429020

fucking KEKK
she's right

No. 433034

File: 1731848006062.png (1015.83 KB, 620x886, 10023344567.png)

No. 433038

File: 1731849137958.jpg (6.03 MB, 4096x7287, 1000029161.jpg)

No. 433050

Who are the characters?

No. 433061

Henry Townsend and Walter Sullivan from Silent Hill 4

No. 433062

File: 1731854155668.jpg (7.91 MB, 4096x8192, 1000029188.jpg)

No. 440034

What was the context for this shit?

No. 440513

an anon was having meltdowns back when /m/ went kaputt and took ages to get fixed

No. 446412

File: 1736279207765.png (1.5 MB, 1488x2029, 1000031012.png)

She's reacting to the tranny character's mugshot.

No. 447469

File: 1736574134572.jpg (320.36 KB, 1058x800, IMG_788.jpg)

Get it off Your Chest is a goldmine for these posts, there's so many characters this can apply to kek

No. 447470

Please do, I really wish this thread was more active

No. 447480

What thread

No. 447514

whos the character?

No. 447516

File: 1736585287034.gif (19.04 KB, 220x204, cat-shoked-shocked-cat.gif)

No. 447521

i have 3 brothers i didnt get no tv time as a child because they were all watching garbage like spongebob and didnt let me choose, excuse me for being poor

No. 447549

It's Regina George's mom, from mean girls

No. 452307

File: 1737720614118.png (2.37 MB, 1959x2349, 1000032008.png)

No. 452314

jane is straight as an arrow tho

No. 452324

Nta, I can't believe I'm explaining this but she is being sarcastic. The joke is that the "Daria" poster was acting cynical and a bit arrogant and the "Jane" poster responded with a knowingly-unhelpful solution that would never happen because the "Daria" poster was just finding stuff to get mad about.

No. 452510

File: 1737743778896.png (525.95 KB, 975x513, revy.png)

No. 452512


No. 452514

>jane is straight as an arrow tho
did i dream her having sexual tension with another girl on the last episode of the show?

No. 452520


No. 452769

No. 453186

File: 1737840996310.png (1.12 MB, 1170x650, hunter (a)g(p)athers.png)

No. 457981

File: 1738977553074.png (1.88 MB, 1400x1412, 1000021634.png)

No. 458545

File: 1739118875699.jpg (318.71 KB, 1200x675, dalegrib.jpg)

No. 459722

File: 1739399888479.jpg (88.06 KB, 1080x733, IMG_322567.jpg)

No. 459917


No. 460724

File: 1739654295629.png (1.11 MB, 1694x3339, 1000032938.png)

This counts, right

No. 461529

File: 1739886468894.png (3.05 MB, 1737x2308, 1000033017.png)

No. 461537

I dont think he would care at all.

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