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No. 259353
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To start, in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl there's these full outfits you can buy for your character in game. Most look quite nice and the same "style" of clothing is available to both the boy and girl characters. Dawn's Cyber Outfit sucks though. It looks ugly and uncomfortable. Lucas's looks better with its cool backpack and puffy jacket. Does any ten year old girl want to wear Dawn's Cyber Outfit? Yes, I'm sure there are a handful. But it's a shame both a) the girls version of the cyber outfit was designed to be very gender conforming, reminiscent of the femme fatale thing seen in most cyberpunk movies, and b) the player doesn't even have the option to wear the other sex's outfits. I figure if both characters are prepubescent, their models shouldn't display any large difference between one another and each others clothing should be available to both. Why can't they? Animal Crossing solved this shit years ago.
It's annoying to see girl's clothing in Pokemon still not letting them wear an outfit like Lucas's because it makes them less cute or something. As a kid I wouldn't have known I deserve better options for what my character wears (because for whatever reason Game Freak is allergic to allowing their Female characters to wear pants).
No. 259395

I feel like JRPGs are the best genre if you want to feel like the devs actively give a shit about you as a woman or as a girl. You have shit like SMT having a lot of female fans since the beginning so they add fujobait or canon fujo pairings left and right, hot guys, hot demons and a lot of things for the female audience and the more blatant stuff like recent Persona games having male MCs only dating girls are here not to retain their actual male audience but to attract new male fans. Everytime the devs are asked why the MCs are bishonen they'll answer that it's for the supportive female fans who would like to self-insert because the MCs are girly looking enough, because female fans find the MC cute this way, or both at the same time. iirc Atlus hired a bunch of young women for their next projects too.
Then there's Pokemon where it's obvious since the first game that they wanted to market them to everyone because a female playable character was planned for gen 1 (but Gamefreak didn't know how to code and still doesn't) and there are as many male and female trainers you can fight since the very beginning. Even when I saw people complaining about Xenoblade 2 I was pleasantly surprised when actually playing it because it turned out that it's not just some of the girls who look "slutty", many of the guys look just as bad and Pyra and Mythra felt like the actual protagonists as opposed to Rex (similar to Tidus and Yuna being equally important in FF10). I could go on. I don't play Western games anymore because I usually don't have the consoles for them to begin with but they look super unappealing to me because all attempts at pandering by bing franchises look half-assed or very forced but correct me if I'm wrong.
>>259353The girl's clothes just look like some 60s or 70s fashion, it's not the end of the world but yeah it doesn't look cyber themed at all to me.
>>259384When I saw that you could barely customize your character in SV I was pissed off. I'm not getting that game for many other reasons on top of that anyway but it's a shame Gamefreak gave us so many options in XY and it went downhill little by little after that.
No. 259411
>>259384NTA but while I was writing my long post in the awful designs thread I was thinking that GF should just give both the male and female player character customization options that range from the feminine to the masculine. That way we could choose between something girly or something cooler like what the male character usually wears and the male PC would also get to wear skimpier or prettier outfits if the player so chooses. I don't get this retarded taboo that males should only be able to wear practical clothes that cover their entire body and female players should only wear pretty dresses, sexy jeans and hot pants. How hard can it be to give us actual variety?
BTW I haven't played anything past Gen 6, so my only reference for Pokémon customization is Pokémon X & Y, which had very limited options even ignoring the sexism, and stuff I've read from other people regarding more recent gens. Are there really LESS customization options now? Because if so, holy shit.
>>259395>it's obvious since the first game that they wanted to market them to everyone because a female playable character was planned for gen 1It's sad that apparently they had to scrap that feature because they needed the space in cartridge to implement the nickname system. But imo adding a female player character would've been way better, and kids could've just nicknamed their pokémon in real life without having to rely on the game for that. Nicknames could've waited till Gen 2.
>(but Gamefreak didn't know how to code and still doesn't)kek
No. 259430
>>259351In Dragon Age: Origins, the character creation screen literally says that men and women are treated the same in Fereldan (the country the game is set in), and that your character's sex has no effect on gameplay.
Then, literally twenty minutes later, you meet Daveth and Joey, two other Grey Warden recruits who are both clearly never got the memo. Jory goes completely Reddit tier 'm'lady' over you, because he never expected a woman to be in the Grey Wardens, and cheeky Cockney Jack-the-lad Daveth is full-on "AYYYYY UR A WOMAN INNIT M8? WAHEEEY!"
No. 259462
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Vidya games seem to suffer in the same way other markets do. While there is a huge market for games marketed towards mainly women, they are largely ignored or not seen as "real" video games. Think of the way that romance is the for books and how its viewed but at least the publishing industry actually invests in it.
Vaguely related. I want another princess debut game.
No. 259464
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No. 259472
>>259430Mass effect has similar issues. I can't give specifics because it's been a while since I played last time but I remember being uncomfortable with some stuff that simply never comes up when you play with a male in 2 and 3. I think there is even one instance where an alien questions your competence or something like that based on your sex. You'd think they would be immune since humans probably all look the same to them, and the fact shepard walks around carrying a freaking arsenal, like, you'd think twice before saying that shit to her face… I was a lot more ruthless playing as female, some dialogues obviously don't change but a few were enough to make me take actions I didn't while playing as male.
I also hate how the female character keep that awful makeup-like eyelashes and is so skinny… she doesn't look like she belongs in the military, at least not in the position she is in comparison to male shepard.
No. 259473
I just wish male character in videogames were sexualized more. I always play as male characters so i dont have much experience with stuff like this
>>259472 >>259430 but i hate how female characters always get fanservice outfits and male characters dont. Either sexualize both or none.
No. 259474
>>259395Speaking of Persona, I played all of P5 and also tried P3 and P4 (but didn't like them that much so I dropped them) and while I do appreciate the fujo moments and bishounen protagonists and demons, I'm just so fucking tired of the female characters being written the way they're written. I know it's almost a meme by now but I really think they're so shallowly written that difference between their routes and the male character's is a lot (there are some exceptionally bad male character routes too but it's not as bad imo). They give us a character like Ann that starts out strong but then fuck up her route by making her borderline retarded with all the heart and luv uwu talk because males can't handle a real stacy I guess. All the other girls are a slightly different flavor of "I'm strong/scary/intelligent b-but actually I'm shy and I really need your help and I love you uwu". Why can't I have a female character that fucking hates the protag and comes to be okay with him while not crawling at his feet? Why are lolis still a thing? Why can't a female character have an issue, get the protag to solve it and not turn into a giggling nlog idiot by the end of it? Some of the adults are fine but they're adults and the protag is a teen technically so yeah…
The swimsuit and bath bits are awful and I don't know why they keep making them. They're not even funny and I can't believe males can't just play while looking at an attractive woman, they HAVE to have their silly moments where they're naked and talk about boobs.
No. 259499
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>>259495FF14 has some real
nice male outfits
No. 259504
>>259430>>259472There's loads of shit like that in a lot of BioWare games and it's doubly obnoxious because BioWare are always virtue signalling about how progressive they are, while being filled with unintended casual sexism.
There's a dialogue option in Dragon Age for example, where you can scold your party members for cowardice with the fucking cringeworthy line, "I'm braver than both of you, and I'm a woman."
No. 259575
>>259430anon pls I almost died. Do they even try
>>259473>Either sexualize both or none.based. I also hate it when female characters have such huge breasts that the textures of the amor they’re wearing are stretched and deformed, you see this occasionally
No. 259595
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>>259525The whole presentation in that dungeon makes sense, you're seeing how the teacher sees his female student from his own pov and since his a degenerate sex offender it looks like that but let's be real. The writers are horrible at subtle story telling. It was the same in P4 with Rise and the strip-club dungeon and shadow!Kanji wearing a fundoshi in a gay bathhouse and since the whole point is to make the players uncomfortable it works but still. I was going to say Catherine was way better at being subtle with its characters but then I remembered Catherine Fullbody and
Rin being revealed to be a man by showing his penis and testicles 5cm away from Vincent's face, Vincent freaking out being he has someone else's genitalia 5cm away from his face, and then doing the whole stereotypical speech about muh love and muh acceptance 10 minutes later instead of having a more personal scene where he realized he actually likes guy, although I don't think it's the exact same writers for that part. It sucks because the topics in these games are fairly interesting but they're not told very well.
That reminds me of SMT5. It was first advertised as a story that will be about very relatable things young people go through in out current society and will feel personal for the players. Instead the story is super minimalistic and the relatable stuff are just half-assed plot devices that could have been super interesting if more detailed like in Persona games
like Sahori being bullied by her lacrosse team to the point of always having injuries and Tao, her bff, seeing it, being worried about it but not doing anything for her to not attract negative attention, Dazai's shit personal life and rick bottom self-confidence making him super easy to manipulate and iirc he's a hafu and not treated well for this by his classmates, Miyazu having a terminal illness and her brother having to deal with it while also working as a demon summoner/hunter, just everything connected to Yakumo, Koshimizu's family members dying in tragic circumstances, etc., the game is way more about demons discussing politics for 5 minutes and trying to murder each other for the rest of the game. They don't have the same writers or devs at all but the comparison still works, because the humans in SMT5 are also high school students in Japan going through comparable supernatural shit.
No. 259625
>>259472>I also hate how the female character keep that awful makeup-like eyelashes and is so skinny… Yeah this. She was even prettied up in the later parts and you walk around super-styled with lipstick while the apocalypse is upon us.
This is something quite common btw and I hate it. It happens in Hollywood movies as well as games, the women always look like barbies even if they are fighting for their life in a war and use muscles.
ME in general had a lot of this. It also zoomed onto female asses a lot.
>>259473This. I usually play men as well and I won't complain if both are fanservice machines. But please either sexualise both or none. I have a hard time taking a game seriously if every female knight is walking around half-naked while the men are all normal cool knights as expected. See
>>259464 No. 259656
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>>259525Patiently waiting for a persona game with a female protagonist (or at least a choice like p3p). Persona has a huge following with women, come on already Atlus
No. 259659
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>>259656Atlus has a deadly allergy to female protags
No. 259661
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I know you're not supposed to care because Videogame Logic and Artstyle, but I hate Shiki's shortass skirt and ana-chan body.
Tetsuya Nomura tends to draw his young female character designs with short impractical skirts or dresses and it drives me crazy, especially when the girls are playable characters who battle and run around.
No. 259665
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>>259661I love this outfit that Heather is wearing. Practical yet feminine
and realistic what a seventeen year old would wear before killing God No. 259672
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>>259665>>259661It's funny how these clothes are similar but only Heather doesn't look awful and unrealistic
No. 259675
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I’m surprised no one has mentioned Kingdom Hearts yet. I know there’s generally a lot of sexism in video games, but I can still tolerate it, warts and all, if I like the franchise/story enough
This isn’t the case here. Most of the female characters are just damsels in distress (even the Disney female characters who were pretty badass in their own movies). I remember being annoyed at this as a teen while it was just Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Several years later, when KH3 came out, you think things would finally change right? Nope. Kairi is still a useless fuck. I don’t like shitting on female characters in general but she’s one of the most backwards portrayal of a female character in video game history.
No. 259683
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I'm surprised how many anons here like playing as male protags, but I definitely see they're perspective. The first time I played as a female protag in an adventure game was Horizon Zero Dawn. I realized how much I enjoyed it and wished I could play more adventure games with female protags.
There is definitely still misogyny in HZD for sure. Have you ever noticed a trend in not just games but most fiction that feature a matriarchal society that it's always portrayed as corrupt and wrong? Early real world religion was said to be all matriarchal and celebrated birth/motherhood so it makes sense that HZD applies that concept. I think matriarchal religion in video game world building is used as a way to indicate their way of life is very different from modern religions aka patriarchal ones, but I think narratives of these settings also serves as a way to show a world ran by women would be just as cruel if not worse
No. 259685
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>>259473>>259495>I just wish male character in videogames were sexualized more>How would that look exactly?Something like picrel
No. 259688
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whats your opinion of female-character only franchises like Touhou and Arcana Heart? i love them both, i think AC got way too coomery on later entries but i still love the designs and gameplay, wish it was more popular.
>>259495for me, Genshin Impact is the best example, but older games like DMC and RE had really hot male characters. Kinda wanna play it because those are the hottest male designs i have ever seen. God, whoever designed so many cute male characters with midriffs deserves a raise.
No. 259690
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>>259688I'm definitely drawn to all-female franchises, they have to go really hard on the moid pandering to put me off (which unfortunately a lot of them do). When I was a kid I would always create stories/universes where all the characters were girls for no reason kek, so series that use that concept always appealed to me. I think it's because female characters in media are often relegated to certain specific and boring gendered character tropes, but when all the characters are female it's more likely that some of them will break away from the mold because their defining trait can't just be 'being a woman'.
I haven't played Arcana Heart but I love Touhou. Really fun characters and worldbuilding, and completely lacking in any coomer elements (though I haven't played the recent gacha game spinoff). It actually kind of shocks me how unsexualized it is given that the creator is male; his goofy artstyle obviously helps with that but even the official manga spinoffs illustrated by other people don't feel coomer-ish at all (maybe because a lot of the illustrators chosen are women). Sucks about all the gross moid fans but it has a lot of female fans as well, so many female Japanese artists and musicians I follow started off making Touhou content.
No. 259694
>>259504>>259430nothing beats DA:I with cass 'yass girlboss' conversation with the female inquisitor… in a world where fantasy jesus and the pope are both women ???
cannot wait for more badly integrated real world politics in DA:D
No. 259696
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>>259688Female-only franchises are the best! Touhou is best weeb-franchise ever, interesting lore, strong and sometimes pretty complex characters (like Junko and Mokou) and, most importantly, no sexualization. I still can't understand why fandom is full of degenerate coomers. Even idol franchises(Love live, BanDori) where girls are just cute and doing cute stuff have more female fans than touhou (or i may be mistaken). Weird.
I tried to play the only Arcana Hearts game that can be bought on steam and instantly refunded it. Like what the actual fuck. Not only it is a coomer-y shit, it is also a lolicon-coomer-y shit. Damn. Were earlier games better? Because from my experience I can't understand how they can cater to the female audience. Also, what about ho-yay yuri baits?
I also really like Rozen Maiden. It was made by a female mangaka-group, this makes it even better.
No. 259697
>>259688>i think AC got way too coomery on later entries but i still love the designs and gameplay, wish it was more popular.Nona from what I've seen of Arcana Heart, it was always a moeshit moidpandering franchise, just not a super sexual one. The art in that pic looks like a typical galge.
I love Touhou though.
No. 259701
>>259696A lot of Touhou artists are women, but yeah, it's probably because Love Live got advertised a lot so more women outside of scrote-majority circles found out about its existence plus the original source looks much better (and may be easier to consume) than a doujin shoot 'em up with shit art. But unlike women who are looking for a story in a franchise that's about female characters, males don't give a shit and are just looking for the next female cast to jack off to. There's tons of male """fans""" of Touhou that don't give a fuck about anything but the porn.
>I still can't understand why fandom is full of degenerate coomersLove Live is too. Anywhere there's a popular series where the main cast is all female, coomers will plague the fandom.
We're talking about games in this thread though, not anime or manga.
>>259690>completely lacking in any coomer elements (though I haven't played the recent gacha game spinofI've seen art and it looks just like your standard Touhou art, nothing coomery but sometimes comes close as usual. Also no need to worry, it's a fangame.
No. 259709
>>259703>they make the recent male MCs as androgynous as possible on purpose so even if the MC is a guy you can just pretend he's a girl and move onI fucking hate this shit so much, would their dicks fall off if they made the protagonist female just once? Why is it always
us who have to settle for pretending we're playing as a character of our own sex? Oh right because male is the default and women are secondary. Also we're already used to it and a lot of moids would be put off by a female protagonist that isn't designed with moid gaze in mind.
No. 259711
>>259707kek I'm sorry but if you didn't see
Bayonetta and Luka being into each other coming from a mile away you're blind. And I thought it was portrayed as way more cutesy than usual this time so I'm surprised men are into that.
I'm 100% sure the next hidden chapters will be about her and Lukaon and will go full magical girl shojo manga though, I'm looking forward to it.>>259709I don't know, I guess they like to follow JRPG traditions for the sake of it. I mean, Persona doesn't need to have silent protagonists because all of them have very specific personalities and backstories, and yet. The only MC who needed to be a guy was Nanashi and that's because he's basically Akira's reincarnation and reincarnations look exactly like their previous incarnations in that game apparently. Atlus often post surveys, if they ever ask about female MCs someday I bet most people would approve of it so finger crossed.
No. 259717
>>259711Yeah, I'm very blind :(
My sight was blurred by Jeanne and all the homoeroticism she and Bayo have together. Media hates wlw consumers even more than regular female audience ಥ‿ಥ
(ಥ‿ಥ) No. 259718
>>259696Were earlier games better?
i really like AC1, it only had one highly sexualized character and the rest were just moe anime girls and the only 'loli' wasnt as sexualized, but they started to go the lolishit route in the latter games, sadly.
>>259697thats understandable, i like anime so i have a high tolerance to moe and i find the character designs and their quirks adorable, plus the only other all girl fighter is skull girls and i hate it.
No. 259728
>>259727Women should organize their own tournaments because it's obvious that the non-troon scrotes won't do shit about the trannies taking over women's tournaments. The problem is that we're expected to be more nice and tolerant than moids so any woman willing to do that will be incessantly harassed and called an evil
TERF if she refuses to respect tranny fee-fees and include them. It's so depressing.
No. 259753
>>259747>>259742Literally my idea of making a Hetalia fighting game (that will never get made) kek
Does anyone else remember that bara or BL fighting game that was talked about on /blog/ in like 2014? But they only ever showed concept art and it was cancelled at some point.
No. 259759
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I love WoW, I love it's lore and I love roleplaying there but holy shit it's a mess towards anything female.
Obviously you can't be surprised given that Blizzard made it but a lot of the old armour and female characters in the game were just sexist tropes and stereotypes.
>find a cool looking piece of armor
>preview it on a female character
>it's just a golden fucking bikini with half the asscrack and cleavage hanging out
>there's even a name for this, it's called a "slutmog"
They also seem to butcher almost every female character that exists in the lore and always have them undergo some sort of strange "insane woman" arc that makes everyone dislike them for a short amount of time. It's improved a little bit over time but the male fanbase is still full of fat, greasy hogs who burst into tears when Blizzard decided to cover Sylvanas up to actually give her some armour.
This is also just a side note but the roleplaying communities are exactly what you'd expect to: full of female fetishization, every female character must be insanely beautiful and thick (good luck trying to find someone's female character that looks over the age of 20), lesbians are in abundance when they're all played by males. It's basically a scene for degenerate males to act out their lesbian porn fantasies, even the women that play it are often massive coomers and pickmes.
No. 259760
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>>259742>I really wish there was a ''cute male only fighter''The closest thing I can think of to this was King of Fighters in the 90s or when it still had an art direction where the men did not look like dogshit.
KoF was so popular among women that Kyo's character designer gave him a gf character out of spite because the fandom kept shipping him with his rival Iori, and despite everything the gf character Yuki still managed to become popular among women. It even had manga adaptations by shoujo artists.
The problem is, how do you sell a fighting game to women only and make it popular enough for it to survive? The genre already struggles enough as it is with its male demographic… and even in FGs with huge female fandoms like KoF or Guilty Gear you still are forced to share space with them.
No. 259813
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I'm not really sure what thread would be best to discuss this but girls and women being forced to play as a guy in games back in the day is the same thing as modern genderspecials not having nonbinary options in viddy games apparently, according to this article. There's a bit of "sex work empowering" thrown in too kek No. 259818
>>259813I haven't played a pokemon game for a really long time but in the first ones I don't remember the player character having a gender? I know it's probably meant to be a boy, but it's represented by like 6 pixels and you get to pick its name. I don't
remember the PC being referred to in the game by anything other than "you" or "name" either, but I guess "you" is gendered in some languages (and in those, wtf are you gonna do, invent grammar for your video game? kek).
>“The character’s name and pronouns aren’t spoken, and this is also before ‘they’ and ‘them’ were really commonly in use as nonbinary terms. The character’s name [in the game] is just listed as ‘S/He,’ and I loved that.I can't be mad at this. Political cartoon -style representation where you literally just put a text label on each non-standard character in your game is one of the funniest things I've ever heard of.
No. 259819
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>>259760Kyo's girlfriend is also a huge Kyo fangirl which was done to make fun of female KoF fans.
SnK made a fighting game spin off with mostly sexy female characters(picrel) targeted towards their male fans. They did also make a spin off game with only their male character targeted towards female players but it was a mobile dating sims which just feels patronising that they assume the their female fans wouldn't be interested in a fighting game.
In SNK also heavily sexualise their female characters. Mai is just an unpleasant design to look at. Tinfoil but I legit think that SNK resent their female fans and only want male coomers to play their games
No. 259820
>>259818Nah it's pretty obvious they're male, there's a full sprite of them when you startup the game on the title screen and the sprite before starting a pokemon battle is a male silhouette too.
But it's not an egregious example so it gets a handwave, I am not fussed, it's better than having a male-only protag that god forbid, talks. That's why Link is the perfect man.
No. 259821
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>>259813Leave my girl Kris alone you dirty faggot!
>>259819>which just feels patronising that they assume the their female fans wouldn't be interested in a fighting game.It's more that the girls already buy the fighting games anyway, and gacha mobile games require minimal efforts and can bring shit ton of money quickly.
No. 259856
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>>259819No, the otome game was made by Victor Entertainment who bought the license from SNK. Lately they give licenses to literally everyone who wants to make a mobile gacha with their properties. This is just proof they still have no problem to market to women.
Their currrent in-house devs have a huge chunk of male coomers who have barely any idea of what women like, but in the 90s they were one of the first devs to cater to their female audience and it was never done with mockery, especially since they had a good chunk of female devs compared to other companies. Their then-in-house artist Shiroi Eiji (a woman under a pseudonym) has made plenty of cute and sexualized art of the company's male characters (pic related) and that was done way before it became a trendy thing to do.
But that was two bankruptcies ago and the company had many different people. This is why in my post I specified old KoF games when tapking about fgs women liked: after thir original bankruptcy in the early 2000s, SNK hasn't really done anything that genuinely grabbed women's attention aside from recycling their popular sexy guys.
SNK Heroines is also trash, I agree, and it sucks that their current in-house art directors are so horny in the worst ways possible. Even TONKO (another female artist) is shamelessly horny when it comes to drawing women nowdays, and the latest Samurai Shodown game ruined one of my favorite characters by coomifying her (Charlotte) alongside making all of its handsome characters weird and ugly in a way or another.
Unsurprisingly when the company had more female artists it actually brought in women to arcades and they cherished female fans in their official zine (most of the fanart and doujinshi published was from women and they even publicized BL doujinshi). But right now it feels like they're trying to reel them in and simply failing.
Partially related: Mai Shiranui has always been popular with female fans, which is something that surprised me when I read the old character polls directed at women. I think women like sexy female characters if they're scantly clad but beautiful, honestly. The problem is that said characters are bound to attract men in droves, so they're automatically a no-no in an hypothetical fighting game made for women.
No. 259879
>>259430>your character's sex has no effect on gameplayThey say that and immediately prove otherwise with the City Elf origin story. Spoiler for sexual assault mentions and early game.
If you play a male elf, your wedding is interrupted by a rich scrote who rapes your fiancee. If you play a female elf, your character is raped. It's not explicitly shown, but your character can later remark about it at the Gray Warden camp and they explicitly use the word rape to describe what happened. Treated the same my ass….
No. 259880
>>259430God, Dragon Age was terrible with that shit. I don't remember anything comparable happening in DA2 funnily enough, but DAO was riddled with casual sexism. If you want to portray the sexes as equals, then make them equal! Don't get me started on the awful female armor designs either, gah.
Though most of it is relegated to the first part with the other two jobber recruits, aside from the actually well done part where the party members get suspicious of the weird religious cult in the mountains because the church is lead by a man.
No. 259900
>>259430oh nonna it gets so much worse than those two fedora tippers.
>traumatic flashbacks to the Orzammar Deep Roads "midboss" intensifyIf you know, you know. Sure asf didn't see that happen to any scrotes
No. 259927
>>259759imo they got better about the armorkini in later expansions, but the female writing took a fucking nosedive.
Jaina's treatment in MoP was fucking appaling. i don't mind that she went in her "insane woman arc" because she had ALL the fucking reasons, but she was treated as hysterical by the narrative (her LI, her oh so bestie Thrall, that shit Anduin) after being betrayed and getting her town nuked.
even my waifu Maiev, whose baseline is insane (and i love her for it), got an extra "insane woman arc" in a shitty novel, for what fucking reason?! i dropped wow after WoD, but i heard Tyrande also got her own crazy arc, and Sylvannas is finally finished with hers.
No. 262722
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I really love the aesthetic of PC-98 games, but whenever I look up a source 99% of the time it’s from a lolicon rape simulator.
No. 262770
>>262725>I refuse to make scrotes money whenever I canYou can just pirate, you know? And free games exist as well. Also there are many women who develop videogames alongside moids (even if most games aren't directed by women you can still see a lot of them in the credits), surely you could at least try to play those where women contributed and don't have a scrotey subject theme that you dislike.
Kind of related but I admire Keiko Erikawa, the woman who came up with the first otome game. Apparently the first Angelique was developed almost entirely by women, thanks to her wanting to get more women to join the industry. And also it seems that these games actually inspired a bunch of Japanese girls to become programmers.
No. 262834
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>>259675KH3 did Kairi dirty, but it did everyone else dirty too, except for Sora. He always has to turn out to be the strongest which is getting more and more ridiculous since he's now surrounded by skilled keyblade masters like Aqua and Terra.
She did finally get her own moment to shine in re:mind though, and I really like her playstyle. And then Melody of Memory came and stomped over it because it's a damn stupid rhythm game.
As for most female characters being damsels in distress, this is just the nature of the series, everyone is a damsel in distress that has to be saved by sora in every world he's in, male or female. The series is really juvenile and simplistic in that way, but at least it's not coomerish.
No. 262846
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>>262752I like to lurk indie dev communities and I definitely see a lot more scrutiny towards female devs. And similar to books, moids will not even touch the game if they know it was made by a woman (picrel). That said, even when I was deeply entrenched in my pick-me phase, I still gravitated towards stuff made by women and it's a huge selling point to me now
No. 262871
>>262846I don't remember where I read it, it was probably a youtube comment on some video, and the moid said he can't relate to female main characters at all. I think the discussion was about how women tend to relate with characters regardless of gender because we grew up watching and reading stories about men.
I really do think men cannot see themselves in women at all. How many men list women as their intellectual role models? Even when they admire their mothers, it's only for their role as caretaker.
No. 262875
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>>262834Melody of Memory pissed me off so bad. It was "Kairi's game" and she was in 5% of it at the end, she didn't get to fight Xehanort, she wasn't even in the credits and didn't get any merch! Like they made a Meow Wow instead of her. Sometimes I wonder if Nomura hates Kairi, she's been shafted at every point in all the games. Her role is so passive.
I don't even want her fighting necessarily, Namine doesn't fight, I just want her role to be more active and to make sense. She's "the light", but her role thus far has been to get kidnapped and killed and just the motivation for Sora to keep fighting or whatever. You could replace her with Sora's mom and the story wouldn't change much.
No. 262905
>>262890What are you even talking about kek, the 'sexualized' outfits are pretty clearly just bikini armor (aka something that appeals to dudes) but on a guy.
It's not rocket science that straight/bi women and gay men have different taste, most women are more likely to find the 'non sexy' version more attractive if anything.
No. 262981
>>262805well I mean for gamedev women in general and not necessarily me in particular, although if I do make a game I'd probably keep it hidden too.
>>262846wow that's pretty depressing. there really isn't a way around it either imo except for women to keep their identity ambiguous or try and make games that cater to other women (ie otome games).
No. 263730
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>>262871this is the ultimate black pill for women.
men will never see you as equal.
No. 263787
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Nonas, I need to vent for a second. Being a fan of Fromsoft and trying to interact in the community at all is awful. In any group, men berate you once they discover you’re a woman, think you must be shit at the games even if you’ve platinumed them, make sexist jokes constantly. On FB (yes, I know), it got so toxic in the main groups that two splinter groups were made for women FS fans. Of course the groups are filled with pick-me’s and let in TiMs, you can’t scroll three posts without some dumbass moid making a post about how he feels lonely as a twans woman, you can’t escape men anywhere. I love those games but I hate how much the community is overrun by rabid dudebros. I admit some of the female representation isn’t great (a lot of female characters are meek or play support roles, for instance), but they’ve been getting better, especially with Elden Ring. There have always been interesting female bosses, and I like that in most of the games you can wear any armor set (DeS is an exception, some sets are gender locked). I hate how you can’t take five steps in a game without seeing some message an idiot left about “try thrust” behind a female character or whatever though. It feels like the games want women to play but moids are intent on gatekeeping or scaring away any woman who wants to learn to play. I felt bad for newcomers in Elden Ring who were probably scared off by that behavior.
No. 263805
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I'm so sorry this has been your experience. I've been playing Fromsoft games since Darks souls 3 era. I went back to beat dark souls 1 and 2 and bloodborne. I couldnt get into Elden ring because it got so popular, too many normies invading. My experience with the fromsoft community has usually been positive online at least. I dont go on reddit except to lurk for tips, but the people i've met online through the games have been nothing but helpful.
I really wish we could play together. ER really ruined a lot of fromsoft communities though since the real gatekeeping began not that I am against gate keeping for certain fandoms.
I agree with you that ER got really bad with the messages. There were always kind of stupid messages on Ds 1-3 but for some reason all the normies,coomers and losers playing Elden Ring had to make the worst jokes for any female npc. We all know about Melania too. I just play offline for ER, but the other games are great online.
No. 263885
>>263787I hate how female characters in games (or any other media) are treated as a joke and potential waifus by scrotes. It's almost as if straight moids were incapable of liking female characters in the same way they like male ones, in a neutral way. And of course since scrotes in any fandom are always louder than the women (and since they love pretending women in their fandoms don't exist) the very few moids that might be capable of seeing women as equals are bullied until they start acting as obnoxiously as the rest of them. Every moid in a fandom has to be as sexist as possible and a gatekeeper to women or else he gets brutally ridiculed.
If I played a popular game like those, I'd make a new Facebook account with a VPN and create a group for women only. I believe that the more women who aren't afraid to impose their boundaries there are, the less acceptable it will be too cancel us for not wanting to include troons in our spaces, and the more women will start doing the same. We have to normalize being more shameless and less apologetic.
No. 263887
>>262846>>262871>>263730Asmongold (a huge streamer) has repeatedly said that he will never play a female character. And even the men who do play female characters expect them to be sex dolls and fetish objects.
It feels like it's never going to get any better. Female authors still have to use gender neutral/male pseudonyms because men and boys will not read books written by women and/or with female protagonists.
Men in general do not consider women to be people, and they're never going to change.
No. 273582
>>273261>>273267Yeah, I think one of the errors of "video games as art" arguments I see is framing the game as movie with content, or as an assemblage of parts that are already established as art (i.e. music, writing, animation).
The difficulty of imo aesthetic experience in videogames is that parsing text/language takes you out of the zone of play. Cutscenes, narrative tools are disruptive, 'intrusive' in the sense that they impinge on the freedom of the audience…
I think the reason old jprgs worked so well (for me) as aesthetic experiences is that the gameplay itself was kind of 'text'-like, and it wasn't as jarring in older games when you moved from playing to reading npc dialogue. The simple melodies - no complex synth instruments or orchestration etc - flowed better, didn't exhaust the player with an overload of information, and also seemed to be more effective at imprinting itself into memory.
Also why I think games like Shadow of Colossus, Ico, and some of the FromSoft games work so well by focusing on getting the right atmosphere and minimizing text. DS3 is kind of amazing with how it achieves poetic evocativeness without ever feeling 'literary-lame' or pretentious.
No. 332309
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Do I want characters wearing bikins? Not really, but if you are going to put a bikini in your game you better give it to the male character as well, you cowards. They both look dumb, but they should at least look consistently dumb.
No. 341099

fuck this video triggered me so much I have to spreg about it. I first came across it with the reaction but I'm not going to comment on it since it would add another two paragraphs.
so he starts this videos first quarter hour by stating that all human bodies in games are unrealistic therefore there is nothing to be offended about and it goes both ways for men and woman - yeah dumbass that's not the problem the problem is that they all try to appeal to the male audience, ofc guys wouldn’t be offended by male bodies in video games when that’s their own ideal, there is a huge difference between seeing a depiction that caters to you vs ones that are meant for another audience, take for example the korean Lyney controversy in Genshin, suddenly all the male players were offended hmm I wonder why maybe because he was fanservice for the female audience, so clearly this goes both ways he just cant recognise it because the instances of the female gaze are so rare.
he then acknowledges that the game industry is heavily skewed towards a male audience but says it's so because there are no female game devs or woman in the industry and gives indie games made by one person as an example (he only mentions two female devs, giving it as evidence that girls aren’t interested in the game industry) - first of all I already know there are more games then he mentioned made by woman that I saw on this board alone and I'm not even interested in indie games secondly why do games need to be made by woman to appeal to a female audience? The one isn’t necessary for the other, a game targeted at girls could much as well be made by an all-male team and the outcome would be the same. and he even sites himself that half of all u.s gamers are woman so what is he even on about? Theres an audience so why do companies not try to target it?
anyway I didn’t bother watching the rest of the video after he says that there are no ways to sexually appeal to woman in video games – WHAT, just off the top of my head genshin, honkai, enstars, otome games and blvns all of those sexualize men in a way that is appealing to woman, he even mentions otome games later on but then dismisses it as too complicated to include in a video game that is not centered around romance. all that is telling me is that the idea of appealing sexually to woman in media is so far fetched to him he can't even recognise it when it's right in front of him.
No. 341126
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>>341099>admired by men>lust over by womenwe had sexism fixed in 2005
No. 341151
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>>341126I was always ashamed to admit that i liked him because i didn't like his fuckboy attitude, but looking back, he was actually respectable to women despite his wacky woohoo-nes and i think this is something no moid can pull off in this age.
Male characters that moids like now either have to be sigma lone wolf misogynists or fantasy harem perverts, all pathetic characters that they need to project into.
Also it's funny how Dante then became hobo looking despite not even being human, the wall is truly biased even in fiction.
No. 341157
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>>341099This reminds me of a farming sim I came across on steam that had nothing but young looking women for the female love interests but the male love interests looked like a grab bag of whoever was leftover. At first I thought it was spiteful because I find it hard to believe any male thinks that those designs would make women want to play this game but maybe it's just laziness? I don't think every love interest needs to look like a bishie but I don't know. All the female LIs look pretty intentionally designed but I don't think a single one of them is over the age of like 30. Of course when this was brought up on steam there was a "evil feminists complaining" response and one commenter even hoped the devs were not listening to ideas that would ruin the game. So women and supposed to want to date older gray haired and/or ugly men but adding an 'ugly' woman is going to ruin it for the male players?
No. 341197
>>341104He has no ass either kek
>>341187Leon has the same titty strap on re4 and it's just funny if you know DMC's origin story.
No. 341198
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>>341099Watching the vid and already he's equating stuff gay men find attractive (big bara men like Ryu) to men women find attractive.
It's like the bikini armor thing up thread, women generally aren't into that, I'd say if anything lingerie for straight/bi women is like a guy in a suit.
This vid is already also pissing me off though.
No. 341199
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>>341176They just wanna be kappa from harvest moon, but they can't be him. They can never be him…
No. 341253
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>>341246anon where did they say it was the only way a men can be attractive? they aren’t disputing that feminine men can be attractive quite the opposite they're saying 'bara type' aka overly masculine male characters are not what is attractive to most woman
No. 341261
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>>341246Lyney works as a male version of a teenage fanservice girl, but what about characters who are meant to be older/tougher?
Like what would the male equivalent of Chun li or Ivy Valentine look like? Chun li is sexualized, but it's still believable that she can kick ass in a fight.
No. 341278
>>341171>Kek that looks like NFT "waifus" vs ugly bastards and male npc charactersThe laugh I let out anon, those male characters seriously do look like ugly bastard NPCs. Even the female Kappa has a cute hairstyle and bedroom eyes while the male one is just a straight out monster, it's so goofy I can't help but laugh at men not being able to handle a single female character being not fuckable while women have to make do with hentai mobs and sleepy Gandalf.
>>341239>the male equivalent of a short skirt and thigh highs on a cute female character is when the (handsome) guy is wearing formal clothes and rolled up his sleeves while wearing a watch. Why are women memed into this? Why? Men get to absolutely degrade female characters and put them in all sorts of horrible coomer outfits each more revealing than the last but it's okay, women are sexualizing men by putting them in suits and expensive watches too teehee we just can't handle a bit of maletitty it's too lewd and dirty for our tender ladybrains.
No. 341291
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If suits are supposed to be the ultimate in sexy men's wear (despite completely covering the body and being boring as fuck) why are all the Leon fangirls going crazy over mods like this one? Shouldn't he be completely covered up to appeal to the feminine taste?
Nah, suits are a patriarchal meme.
No. 341298
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>>341261Probably the closest male equivalent to chun li would be someone like garou from opm. He has a lot of female fans (I can see why)
No. 341303
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>>341291idk I prefer men with their clothes on, and if revealing not to the extant where I can see everything, I like to leave things to the imagination. I generally believe that woman are less visaul (for example when most buyers of playgirl were gay men rather then woman) in the sense that the the male body in itself is kinda boring if not presented in an intersting way, I do hate old or ugly moids so that’s one thing we can agree on I hope.
No. 341306
>>341303We aren't less visual.
We are more nuanced and subtle in our taste. Moids are half-blind and can't tell if a female character is hot or not unless her breasts looks like footballs and you can see her underwear.
No. 341316
>>341308My retarded take is that we are visual but in a different way from moids. We don't see a massive dick bulging out and get turned on in same way men would about tits or pantyshots (maybe some women do idk), but I think if a naked or half-naked man was illustrated or filmed in an alluring angle or emphasised on what he's doing while looking that sexy then its hot.
Thats just my retarded take though. I don't like when nonnies pretend like lyney or naked strong men are for gay moids. Unless its barashit. That's trash.
No. 341320
>>341246>Fuck off with your tradwife preferences??? Liking a good looking man in formal clothes is being a tradwife? I'm everything traditional people hate so that's kind of funny. iirc it was Sachiko Kaneoya who said this or a similar artist, would you call her a tradwife?
>>341278It's not about the watch itself, it's about the skin showing between the sleeve and the watch.
>Why are women memed into this?Because I'm normal and men are mentally ill, you answered your own question anyway but I just wanted to make sure you understand my point of view.
No. 341322
>>341316Very sane take nona.
>>341311No thanks, I'll stick to my sexy Leon pics.
No. 341323
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>>341260I think Dante just looks like this because of the 3D models looking slightly uncanny valley and because of the white hair, beard and haircut. His face model looks his age and he has brown hair and a basic short haircut. Vergil has shorter hair and no beard so that helps a lot.
No. 341324
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>>341316I also think women care more about a male character's personality than men. Men can jerk off to a female character who lacks any charm and is unappealing just because she has big tits. I don't think women would be able to the equivalent. Personality allows women to appreciate the character more it's why so many women like characters like reigen, who become more attractive with the fanservice.
No. 341327
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Lyney from genshin impact is just ugly as fuck in general and no one cares about him, not sure if he has a husbandofag who keeps dragging him into these debates who's still seething over her fave getting called a trap faggot or what. He isn't even popular among the shota looking male genshin characters with women, in fact his irrelevant little brother who actually has a cute design is more popular with both sexes. Korean incels hating him doesn't mean women like or need to like him, building your tastes around pissing off the moids who you think live in your webcam is what's really retarded.
No. 341331
>>341325why do you need to be reactionary to male tastes? woman should like what they like that's it
>>341327it's just the first contreversy I could think of nona it aint that deep, woman can like him or not like him the fact remains that korean incels got angry because he was
marketed towords woman
No. 341334
>>341329Why do you assume it's "reactionary"? Some women actually like coombrained male designs and want more of them instead of the "suit and watch" stuff we're peddled to as a true equivalent of a girl wearing a bunny outfit. Funny how it's only reactionary when it's against straight male tastes but not when you hate scantily clad slutty male designs because "it's for gay moids".
>>341332Based. I like both Lyney and Freminet but anons who have a hate boner for Lyney and call him a trap adjacent weird me the fuck out especially when Freminet wears a skin tight diving suit under his jacket and has the shortest pant legs in the game.
No. 341339
>>341332Sorry, I don't see what about him screams "designed specifically for women". His design is bad and unpopular with women and the designers did go out of their way to add extra inches to his shorts and make his garters loose, things they would never have even considered doing if he was a girl. (Notoriously homophobic) moids seething about him because that's
their idea of a character women like doesn't mean anything.
No. 341340
>>341334>Why do you assume it's "reactionary"?why? maybe because you literally said that
>>341325 first sentence
>I don't care about being turned onyou contradicted yourslef you tard
No. 341347
>>341323Yeah i don't deny that his face model does not actually look THAT old or mean that it's ugly, it's just that other features make him look more like an old hobo and i've been seeing him that way since his DMC4 design, while Vergil and Trish looked pretty much the same.
I don't want them to keep the same looks of the characters even if they're supposed to be older, but the first time i saw DMC4 Dante i was kinda shocked, it's his style, but still.
What's the deal with anons calling each others retards over discussing male appeal in media kek, chill out.,,
No. 341348
>>341346it's reactionary bc you do it to
spite them not because you actully like (as you admit to not being turned on by it), do I need to explain it to you like you're a toddler or what.
>if I truly wanted to like something that men hate I would be fresh out of optionsnow let me ask you this - why do you care about what they think? enjoy what you enjoy and don't ruin it for other woman because you want to "get back at moids".
No. 341352
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>>341323>>341347They already hobo'd him in DMC4, I know they had to change him in 4 because of Nero but couldn't they just gave him a stubble bear and keep the bishounen look?
No. 341360
>>341348Why the hell does the only agenda to enjoy something genuinely be "to be turned on by it"? Actual moidbrained thinking.
>enjoy what you enjoy and don't ruin it for other womanPractice what you preach. Let women like slutty male designs without crying about muh spiteful reactionary, why does it even bother you that much?
(infighting) No. 341365
>>341352It's so bizzarre, i agree that they must have wanted him to look different and older than Nero, but i feel like what upsets me the most is the pants, for some reason the whole look made me think of some biker boomer that loves beer, so it makes him look more hobo looking than just older looking to me.
I can't put on my finger what it is about the DMC4 and DMC5 designs other than him being older, but it was just a downgrade to me.
No. 341378
My hot take on sexy moid garments is that hakama >>> suit. The main reason being that I'm a weeb who loves wacky sword battles. I like suits, but it really depends on the suit as little elements can make or break it (thankfully fictional characters tend to be wackier than 3d and thus generally spared from weak aura shit) but a hakama always has a strong impression regardless of if it's a regular or a formal type. I never get enough of flashy 2d moids in hakama whether it's the joseimuke/touken danshi flavor or the muh manly sincerity flavor.
>>341323Not a DMCfag but they're the most uncanny valley looking characters I've ever seen. Lady is the only one here that isn't deeply unsettling to look at. I don't know why they didn't just update the old style a bit. It's like if you took some Final Fantasy character and swapped out his face for a random moid off the street, the clash is weird.
>>341339When I saw him and Lynette I wondered "how come they gave her plain tights instead of adding shorts with a garterbelt like Lyney's under her dress ?" then realized, it's probably because Lyney's short shorts would still be considered long for a female character nowadays. I don't understand all the debate over him. I sort of miss the golden age of gothloli edgy manga when no one would have given a shit about a design like this, not to mention they seem about the same length as Furina's.
When did scrotes become so nitpicky ? Is it specific to the Korean Genshin Impact community? Overlord was a scrote series and yet the tomboy elf girl wore full length pants. No coomer complained, they just went on with their coomer activities.
No. 341386
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>>341378Speaking of japanese clothes with male appeal, there's this thing that i think it's called nagatekkou that always looked so cool and attractive to me.
It's piece of armor (?) you see sometimes that covers the arms, i'm using picrel for a normal example, but i don't see it often enough.
No. 341389
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>>341386> i think it's called nagatekkou that always looked so cool and attractive to me.>but i don't see it often enough.It's a staple in the Fate franchise
No. 341390
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I will never forget that Square Enix censored a male Final Fantasy character for being "too sexy and revealing" yet they have female characters in bikini armor like Fran. Fucking cowards. We were robbed.
No. 341396
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>>341389Tell those Fate artists to work more and put them on other eastern themed games, especially ones that use realistic 3D models thank you
No. 341399
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>>341397Wait what? I haven't played any of the Nier games but you're saying that the guy on the left was not what they originally wanted? I've never heard of it before but i remember how weird i felt when i saw him the first time, he didn't look like a main character i would expect from them so i thought they were working with some americans or stuff like that.
Is picrel what you mean? The difference is insane.
No. 341400
>>341386That's hot
>>341389Those are only Muramasa though
No. 341401
>>341255Apparently he was so popular with the female staff that he got a redemption arc in ultimax.
He's just sort of the first example I think of when I think of 'women being into guys with suits'
No. 341403
>>341399>Is picrel what you mean? The difference is insane.That's exactly it. The bishonen is the original character, the albino gorilla was created because of Western complaining about good looking young men in JPRGs (or even complaining about JRPGs in general if you remember that era). I boycotted the game back then just for this and I'm considering getting the remaster because it has the OG main character. I don't even want to know how the story works with Nier becoming a dad instead of a young man and protective big brother with his now love interest being like half his age and the other guy having a crush on someone who could be his dad. I don't know. I mean even as part of the audience, with the story being that people are struggling to survive during a pandemic and it's basically the end of the world I can sympathize with a young man trying to just survive with his sister, while with an ugly grown man I'm just like, idk, maybe you shouldn't have reproduced to begin with? More than a decade later and I'm still disgusted.
Square-Enix is legit retarded with the English speaking audience, now that most localizations aren't butchered anymore they still keep making English scripts for FF games barely related to the original ones (for instance Clive and Joshua are way less polite and cute, and way more sassy and sarcastic in English for no reason at all, among other things that could be spoilers), they're so out of touch that they didn't even consider localizing Bravely Default outside of Japan at all and were shocked when it sold very well in the West, etc.
No. 341404
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>>341246I'm sorry what about this is tradwife exactly?
No. 341405
File: 1702334871136.png (766.87 KB, 877x785, 1700016358249628.png)

>>341399>>341403The wiki says they're Father and Son.
Square Enix cut corners and only released the game with the father in the west because they thought it was more fitting for western audience.
No. 341407
>>341404kek finally someone who gets what I was talking about. Did anons think I was sexually attracted to rolex wristwatches?
>>341405If this is true and not some rewriting done after the fact then that's even worse. I have no words. Just straight up removing content and putting the same price tag on the game.
No. 341418
File: 1702337066637.png (12.17 KB, 533x533, LOOK_AT_THAT_MASS.png)

No. 341419
>>341412More like they didn't want take a risk and in the end chose the most economical """reasonable""" choice.
I think they tried to get some of the Gamer Bro PS3 audience, because God Of War III and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 were both released one month prior, March 2010.
No. 341456
File: 1702343186510.jpg (65.76 KB, 850x1173, a1538a7dbb36a1f28e.jpg)

>>341246Ackchyually, thinking that liking men in suits is some tradwife stuff is incorrect, we always have to see men either overdressed like space marines or underdressed like brute barbarians and suits simply compliment them the best because they still show their body frame.
They keep them discreetly hidden between those monotone colors, dark pants and jackets that shimmer under the correct lighting, plain white button shirts that can become see-through with few raindrops, or maybe they express something about their personality by showing the colors they wear, men will never be able to understand this charm.
Suits in videogames are still stuck with bad solid physics, they don't wrinkle or delicately flutter their most loose parts after the characters move, but this is the right time to bring them back and do justice, this level of pretentious faggot detail is something only Kojima can bring if he wasn't busy making art games now.
Also i don't care if they're wearing suits because of their jobs, even better if those fancy clothes get torn while they get in trouble.
Suits lovers raise up.
No. 341460
File: 1702345339158.jpg (47.35 KB, 500x713, 3f47fa82496098e6357d027e5179d2…)

>>341420Nta but ofc that's just plain fanservice stuff, that wouldn't have the same appeal if he's someone that would just run around like that kek.
I've never played The Evil Within, but when i was younger i would see a lot of fanart of picrel (obviously done by women), i don't know what the appeal of the character is though, he looks pretty, i like suits, but he's not necessarily my type when it comes to looks.
I'd say Yakuza games have a spot for that too but i think it's very subtle and mostly about the players getting attached to the characters, but there's surely a lot of thought put into how they dress and look.
No. 341470
File: 1702347798070.png (10.59 MB, 3690x2467, sekusu.png)

>>341198nah, fuck suits they are ugly and boring as shit. Whenever i think of suits the least thing i think is ''sexy''. suits remind me of those christian gay larpers, old ugly depressed salary men, and the donut steel avatars of every single skeptic youtuber dunking on le feminazis in the early 10s. Cringe outfit for cringe moids. nah, give me sexo outfits, male bikini armour if you will. Men are already prudes that refuse to show an inch of ankle, why the fuck would i want my vidya moids to also be boring prudes? i want them to be hot and sexy and show pecs and arms and midriff, none of that gay burka for men(suits).
(derailing and infighting) No. 341473
File: 1702348783663.jpeg (293.25 KB, 720x1176, 2175781.jpeg)

I like them both kek, FFXIV has some nice examples of that when they actually change those clothes for male models (like bottom right picture
>>341470) but i haven't touched it in years.
I've always liked Ozymandias design, i know fate tries to be coomery in general but Ozy is one of the few ones i like, maybe i'm just biased because he looks more natural, but i also really like the pants, it's just a bit sad that most of male characters with revealing clothes come from 2d media.
No. 341477
File: 1702349367658.jpg (99.07 KB, 600x841, d762b7839c024cab4b5dbcdfaa121f…)

>>341472I didn't say that. Maybe degredation-chan will get his appeal, every image I see of Doppo crying or pissing himself or covered in semen or trying to make his terrible out of shape body look sexy adds another happy year to my lifespan.
No. 341478
>>341475The artist of the ones with the hot pink background is female and i like them too kekkk (i'm unable to like Ghost because he's british though)
>>341476I've seen men drawn with the pornrot troon bodies and the gendie troon bodies and none here recently came close to that btw, maybe just one here
>>341470 but anon was mostly talking about clothing and you can clearly see that she likes masculine men.
No. 341484
>>341409Same, they're max sex.
>>341470The Kurose and Shirotani figures are wearing suits though? They're just open suits with bunny ears.
Most of this art is too bara anyway, only the china dress outfits look good.
No. 341490
I'm the anon who rambled about suits and Kojima being a faggot and i just want to say that the world def needs more sluts for the slut lovers and they have harder times, as i said i like both looks, i just wanted to say that liking suits is not supposed to be tradwife because it made me very angy!!11!, call them ugly or boring, i'm fine with that.
In general i don't see why some have to be upset about what nonas find attractive kek, we barely get even cute faces in videogames sometimes, no one is oppressing others with their preference..
>>341488Don't make me go back to my folder of nameless and faceless illustrations of 2d guys in suits…
No. 341491
File: 1702351660080.jpeg (823.53 KB, 1563x2036, ab92fcae871a491e09d65d10228ad8…)

>>341488>Suits are boring because they dont show the skinWhat does skin have to do with anything? There's a reason why pure naked figures look way more strange than ones with some clothes on. Also you're ignoring the most powerful group of outfits, maid outfits which usually cover most of the body (same with butler outfits, which are also suits).
No. 341492
File: 1702351759121.jpg (449.3 KB, 1870x1713, shinji-mousepad.jpg)

>>341491kawoshin mentioned..
No. 341494
>>341491NTA but think of it this way, we always get to see men dressed, sometimes it happens that they wear cool stuff we like, sometimes they're just too generic, and wanting more men with slutty outfits is completely fine when we barely have any characters that come to our mind when we think about that concept, unless it's some shirtless dude which is not even slutty most of the times.
Now imagine preferring that but being forced to just get used to fully clothed men because moids don't want to play with a male character that shows his bare back because they think they would turn gay, it's really unfair.
No. 341499
>>341495Anon… i'm not speaking for all women either kek, i've never done this but my replies so far after the Nier topic have been
>>341490 and
>>341494 i think that's all
>You dont like men in suits because suits are hot, you like what the suit entailsNah, personally i really love clothes, that's why i'm fine even with faceless guys in any situation, also unrelated but i hate old men
I just never said that my preference is everyone's preference so i don't get why you seem so upset.
No. 341501
File: 1702352951020.gif (624.68 KB, 320x240, bed slappa.gif)

>>341498>>341499suits just arent hot, sorry. Its fine you like them but they are overrated and evrytime i see a guy in a suit i think of him. They are just too cringe for me, they are on the same level as fedoras in dorkiness.
No. 341504
>>341501Fuck anon don't reply to me with literally the most repelling gif i've ever seen, i love suits but i'm not that strong + that's a real moid and a jumpscare…
What's the point of trying to sound
toxic tho, i'm not trying to make you love suits kek, you could add to the convo and share what you like instead but i guess you don't care.
No. 341506
File: 1702353963949.png (492.71 KB, 1600x2244, 103557441_p16.png)

>>341492plugsuits are pretty slutty honestly.
No. 341508
File: 1702354404456.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1593, IMG_1382.jpeg)

>>341473unrelated, but damn I have forgotten about ozzy, he was such a good husbando back when I was into fate still. Maybe I regret selling my fgo account a little bit.
No. 341511
File: 1702355526837.png (588.14 KB, 1010x546, rqhyj5mh21x81.png)

>>341510I will never forgive game devs for nerfing men who have cake. Let hot men have asses!
No. 341512
File: 1702356348584.gif (684.81 KB, 254x174, 5-6f5924d048.gif)

>>341511Last time i saw a crumb of cake was on him, i'm starving
No. 341520
File: 1702363866767.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1306, 3g1vptvasaw.png)

>>341518whatever makes nonas talk about fictional men i guess
No. 341533
File: 1702371288671.png (1.16 MB, 1353x1400, pic_chr_in_muramasa.png)

>>341261Touken ranbu's Muramasa is peak strong and sexy
at least to me, he is my dear husbando>>341488>burka suitsLmao
No. 341535
File: 1702372167225.png (283.57 KB, 1039x1546, Sephiroth.png)

That reminds me… we all know that he's popular but do you think Sephiroth looks slutty? He technically has some points for it, i don't see him that way but if he didn't come from a Final Fantasy game i would absolutely find him slutty looking
No. 341539
File: 1702373823536.jpg (21.26 KB, 220x610, FHyH70vXoAIiKi3.jpg)

>>341537super ultra mega based
>>341538I feel so confused, shirtless is definetly slutty and it accentuates the leather pants and thigh boots that are super slutty but when you think about it, why does he normally walk around with just his pecs exposed and covered by two leather straps?
This also reminds me when i saw lots of thirsty fanart of coatless Vergil, he's literally just showing his arms but i guess that it's appealing because you see what's under his weeb burqa, nothing slutty about that
No. 341546
File: 1702378050338.png (177.96 KB, 512x448, 26f8c986000db4558b0d055e2f0323…)

>>341539That video game did so much right.
No. 341548
>>341535I'm going to use this common phrase from the 2000s "sexy but not slutty". I think slut territory is reached when you start having a bit of a hard time taking the character seriously and his design is nowhere near ridiculous enough to divert from his coldness imo. But also it was kind of the norm for male characters to wear edgy hoe outfits back when I was a baby weaboo so I may just be used to it
>>341539Sleeveless high neck tops are just hot, it's the timeless classic for fangirls (and it doesn't bother scrotes the way crop tops do, so you can shove them in just about any type of game). The currently popular version that looks a bit more like a halterneck does look slutty though.
>>341537It's really useless to design characters just to humiliate men. I don't design characters for games (just have a webcomic project) but what matters to me is creating characters who are hot, cool and based and have a soul and the visual design must represent that. Because it's this sense of "visual honesty" that makes a character attractive to me (male or female). Men will still seethe over muh unrealistic standards anyway, they've always been trying to condition us into liking their pathetic soggy bread self inserts. A lot of them hate seeing high quality men, who have their own ambitions and values and display strong visual symbols for who they are, more than anything because they're stuck up weak bitches with no personality and no drip.
My problem is whenever I create a moid character I think "wait a minute we don't have women like that. That would be cool" and now almost all my characters are women with like 2 or 3 guys in the middle, kek.
No. 341593
>>341588Nta but you're just being blind, i've never played Persona yet i've seen him a lot because of what she has been mentioning, it reminds me of that Reigen guy but that's in anime
>>341589This guy and Reigen and that other neet that nona mentioned would have much less fans if they wore something more casual or slutty as their default costume and i know that for sure, you're just not getting it and that's why you don't like suits, which is fine.
No. 341604
File: 1702399802642.jpg (24.32 KB, 480x272, crisis-core-final-fantasy-vii-…)

>>341535I think he looked very slutty in Crisis Core. He's not my type, but I was a horny teenager. You could kind of almost see his nipples in that game and I was constantly trying to oogle them any time he was around. I think the absolute territory situation with his nips made him more alluring.
No. 341616
>>341598idc if you like suits just dont pretend all women like it and then give terrible examples of ugly saul goodman tier characters to back up your argument
>>341611i think for an outfit to be truly attractive it has to look good on all character tropes. For example, bikinis look good on all female characters regardless of personality, meanwhile suits only are attractive on characters that fit the personality of a suit wearer. Link in a suit would look retarded.
No. 341625
>>341606whoever bumped this shit thread again in the first place will pay
>it was a genshintard posting some random scrotetuber they hatewatchvery cool
No. 341639
File: 1702409031716.jpg (118.06 KB, 901x1666, Fs_mUEZaAAA-HWV.jpg)

>>341625no need to thank me anon
No. 341667
File: 1702417045021.jpeg (87.47 KB, 416x859, IMG_5538.jpeg)

>>341587Matsuda is the only good husbando in DN, so it tracks
Adachi is for homo accomplice times with Yu though.
No. 341684
File: 1702420003253.png (1.58 MB, 1200x1200, trapfemboyvrigins_and_chadbish…)

They're not even traps or femboys which are literally drawn girls being called boys. Please don't call bishies or twink-looking men "women".
No. 341685
File: 1702420025222.jpg (Spoiler Image,933.88 KB, 1364x2048, EtI6cRXU4AIugU0.jpg)

>>341639>>341645>>341659Spoiler for 3dpd. Suits makes the mail waist and ass look positively slutty. I think that's the allure of any nice piece of male garment, they emphasize the attractive parts of moid physique (provocatively tiny waist, nice pair of shoulders, i.e. inverted triangle shape)
No. 341687
File: 1702420214017.jpg (68.72 KB, 1024x576, EDI23YzUUAIolLK.jpg)

Does anyone else struggle with being in a video game fandom that's dominated by men? Either that or I feel like I've gotten into fandoms too late for there to be a withstanding female audience. I'm not upset with the community, but more so the lack of a fanbase to talk about characters and lore with. The only current female fans are from the east and I'm a burger.
also I can only enjoy male characters who are coincidentally hot and not designed with the conscious decision of wanting to make a "guy that is hot">>341667I'm glad there are more matsuda enjoyers out there, he is so cute
No. 341689
>>341678they don't it's established lore that Virgil left the city before the woman knew she was pregnant.
sage because off topic
No. 341699
File: 1702422694747.jpg (58.59 KB, 1024x780, 1e4ccf278dccce4695fc8e9190cf69…)

>>341604>Absolute territoryAbsolutely true
>>341659Stop being silly, you sound like those moids who get scared of guys who don't have a flat ass, take that meme to actual femboys
>>341687I get you nona but i don't really interact with any fandoms at all, i just enjoy the games by myself
>>341606>>341625Hide the thread then, i'm interested in how other anons see male characters and we should get more sexist so we get appealing clothes and characters
Too many things to reply to now but i will keep everything in mind, thank you for your contribution, may the future grant us nice burqa suits and creative sluts that women can appreciate
No. 341711
File: 1702424649278.png (Spoiler Image,930.81 KB, 1487x1956, 106488047_p2.png)

>they're still replying to the suit hating twitterfag(spoiler this shit)
No. 341718
Popular opinion: slut outfits are a sometimes thing, overall I don't care to see excessive skin. Male characters with tacky slut outfits seldom get popular with women, fujo, yume, both, neither, whatever, and it isn't because they're less common. It's a fact that they appeal to women less than suits, uniforms, or normal clothes generally speaking, they're less common because there's less demand for them. Niche personal tastes don't matter. You would virtually never see women lamenting the lack of them if there wasn't such an abundance of skimpy female characters, its a direct response to that most of the time. And we're back to women putting the feelings of irl men at the center of their tastes.
No. 341722
File: 1702426393929.png (Spoiler Image,529.66 KB, 1499x1795, 106488047_p4.png)

>>341716I might spam him in the fujo thread again later
(spoiler shit like this) No. 341724
>>341701>suits dont look like that irl its literally just female yoga pantsthat is the worst comparison for your point yoga pants are skin tight and accentuate the figure
>>341718based take nona
No. 341743
File: 1702432685313.jpg (56.49 KB, 501x745, 1129996885ea70a420a5bb241ea3bd…)

I wish there were more games with men in suits who piss themselves and then get raped(derailing and infighting)
No. 341747
File: 1702434782943.png (5.16 MB, 1492x2026, 92230822_p15.png)

>>341744Based companies, the mods look like shit
No. 341751
File: 1702435585854.jpg (4.93 KB, 236x236, 5d4b911160bd5f8b4b9ed5c7e7bf49…)

>>341747Nta but that's just your preference and good on them for putting effort into something they want to see, bring your husbando to a toilet room and chill oki, being rude is not making anyone lean into your views anons, both suitfags and slutfags
No. 341763
File: 1702436997515.jpg (8.97 KB, 236x236, 5d4b911160bd5f8b4b9eb911160bd5…)

>>341758I like them both and anyone who says that women prefer x or that the other option is just shit is silly, stop fighting over other anons not having your same taste and both suitfags and slutfags don't have more than 3 not brute looking videogame characters to name anyway because moids are scared of male buttcheeks and clean faces for now
Come back when more games will care about appealing female fans
(avatarfagging) No. 341794
File: 1702452791327.jpg (314.31 KB, 500x1500, 1517dd39ffedd4b1d5706f42bd7ac7…)

>>341711The two sides of suit men
>Kills people>Pisses pants No. 341890
File: 1702487543445.png (1.77 MB, 2998x1521, tf.png)

>>341285Ugh yes anon, once you're aware of it it's impossible not to notice it everywhere and it's so fucking annoying. Female characters just have to be physically appealing in some way. Even when people try to make more original designs they're rarely as fun and original as the male characters get to be. No one bats an eye when we get fugly male characters, no one has a problem relating to them and finding them interesting, but we get one unattractive female character like recently in TLOU, Horizon, Fable, and suddenly it's "but muh escape from reality" and "damned feminists making women ugly". The concept art in picrel for Team Fortress female characters is great, they're cool and fun, they have varied ages, body shapes, faces, and the artist didn't try to make them attractive at every cost. Some of them are still feminine without necessarily behing attractive. They have a lot of personality, they look fun and make me eager to play as them and see them interact with other characters, that's good design
No. 342509
File: 1702661865247.png (1.21 MB, 1573x1024, image (2).png)

>>341285>>341890This reminds me of this game I currently play where they released a new character who is in her late 40s-early 50s and looks like the left, and then in the very next patch they release a man in his early-mid 40s who is on the right kek. Fucking blatant. I don't even think there's anything wrong with the man on the right, he looks dapper as hell, but its the straight up misogyny in your face while everyone chooses to pretend it doesn't exist. If you point out the difference between male and female characters you're "reading into it too much".
No. 342515
>>342509They'd probably look the same age if the guy didn't have that mustache. But yeah, the woman doesn't look 50 at all. What's the point of making her older if she just looks like a 20-year-old?
There's plenty of ways to design a woman who is 50 but still sexy, but I guess this designer lacks the creativity to draw women as anything but teenagers.
No. 342664
>>342522I wouldn't have minded that scene on the beach if Jill were important but she's just the mandatory love interest. Imagine the scene in the lake with Tidus and Yuna if Yuna were a literal who as opposed to being as important as Tidus? It would be just as stupid and boring. I wonder if
the devs really wanted Joshua to die as a kid and never, ever come back because he's the actual heroine in that game.
No. 342665
>>342664Kek. I honestly imagine Joshua
is the real heroine too. He was the entire reason behind Clive's drive. Making Jill was a cope to make moids seethe less. Aside from Mid, Joshua's ninja servant, and Anabella, they could have made the game full of pretty boys and Ikemen for ladies' gaze.
No. 342681
File: 1702720367564.png (1018.2 KB, 2544x744, jo34bs5ajkk61.png)

>>341403Westaboo game devs who really want to lick western boots are a cancer destroying JRPGs. I'm seething like nothing else at the current state of Guilty Gear, every single male character is a roided out space marine when they started out as bishounens, Testament was actually trooned out into a slutty goth gf from his androgynous male form, Bedman was replaced with a girl, all the female characters look like drag queens and Bridget is now a tranny. Like holy shit, they really went out of their way to make sure no homophobic prissy gamerbro gets left behind.
No. 343024
File: 1702836894925.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1440x2160, 1702745256244.jpeg)

>>343021Troonifying Testament was an unforgivable crime.
I demand that the videogame industry release a new game franchise with a hot goth guy MC to compensate.
No. 343078
File: 1702848417816.png (403.38 KB, 1099x486, inb4 fat poster replies to me …)

>>343071What do you mean women aren't sexually attracted to this?
No. 343186
>>343155Well, there’s BL/otome VNs but that’s only if you consider VNs to be games (which a lot of people don’t) and I think the South Park games maybe because of the yaoi collectables in the second one? Granted it’s also meant as kind of a silly joke there and It’s been a while since I played them though.
Literally only other one I could sort of think of is mobile rhythm games.
No. 343317
File: 1702932974472.jpg (1013.08 KB, 1795x1751, FKXz2h5XEAEa0rK.jpg)

>>342681>>343021Yeah, I remember the Testament-nona who was, rightfully, crushed by that whole deal. I've hated all GG merch pretty much being Bridget merch, skipping newer DLC characters. It's interesting how that plotline around Bridget's brother disappearing got sidelined by needing to pander to troons.
We're not even allowed to have pretty guys in a niche anime fighting game anymore.
Happy Chaos seems like some offering to female players, as if we can ignore the rest of the cast being mutilated.
No. 343834
File: 1703102581870.jpg (326.55 KB, 2136x2062, 1703098636726.jpg)

Bow tie, nice watch AND shirtless like a slut. Nonas I found the perfect outfit to unite the two camps.
No. 343838
Just thought it was funny that he is wearing a watch which someone up thread classified as sexy
No. 343845
File: 1703108290333.jpeg (530.29 KB, 1170x736, IMG_1439.jpeg)

i never liked him that much personally but i can’t believe they ruined the only twink in the game like this kek. can’t we have a single bishie? does every single male character have to be male self insert fantasy?
No. 343952
File: 1703150395638.jpg (67.8 KB, 604x368, Girls of Tekken.jpg)

Since the thread exists, I have a complaint about tekken. Even though I haven't really bothered with the game since dark resurrection ,one thing that always bothered me was that no woman in tekken was older than her late 20s. Only Nina and Anna are supposed to be in their 40s chronically, but due to plot cryosleep shit, they are also in their late 20s. It's as if a woman turning 30 in this game is a death sentence and they have to be kept young or be taken out(ex. Michelle Chang being replaced with Julia who is almost the same as her to the point that weird sumo character who crushes on Julia because she looks like a young Michelle). And I know tekken designs always had misses and wtf outfits but even the characters tend to look shittier than back in the mid 20s despite the updated graphics. It's for both sexes but especially women look like they've gone though the waifu filter and all look the same. Xiao looked like a chinese girl more in tekken 3 and 4 than she does now. And some revamps of the characters' looks are so shit in tekken 7 onwards like Julia being turned into a quirky streamer girl.
I know this is an issue in lots of videogames and nothing out of the ordinary but the age thing specifically was getting to me
No. 343958
>>343842Is the characters dialogue not part of gameplay and worldbuilding?
>>343881women aren't allowed to age period according to males in games or real life.
No. 343968
File: 1703156037319.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1695, IMG_1442.jpeg)

>>343962the way they were making fun of her like as if she said something absurd. meanwhile making their female characters run around looking like this.
No. 345736
File: 1703948892168.png (3.43 MB, 1897x1617, more like tumblr type.png)

>your male love options in a vn m'lady
No. 345746
File: 1703952899010.png (2.49 MB, 2240x1015, DqDp9XuVAAA2ex-.png)

>>345736Those aren't the only men in it though. There are actually tons of characters
No. 345763
File: 1703959364007.png (1.85 MB, 1552x873, bfa558878ea1005181740f1cb85103…)

>>345761>>345736Oh my god, I remembered this game's kickstarter. Their unique selling point was that the game lets you choose what gender you want your romance options to be, so every group of three is supposed to be the same character/type of office supply but male/female/nonbinary. It's not made by the Dream Daddy devs, just the same sprite artist. Don't know if that makes some of the design choices better or worse
No. 345776
>>345763>Male, female or ENBY!!!! Gender doesn't exist guise!!!!!>Every single enby option is immediately identifiable as male or female regardless of hair lengthNever change, Tumblr.
I just looked at the fundraiser and it's incredible. The perspective on the backgrounds is totally fucked, the dialogue is atrocious, the characters are completely devoid of personality and charm. The most impressive part is that not only did they hit their fundraiser goal, they actually surpassed it. Someone paid an entire $500 to own the notebook that the game was presumably planned in. 71 people paid for the privilege of buying a second copy of this game 'at a special price'. Gender really sells.
No. 345816
>>345746Except for
top row second from the left
top row fifth from the right
bottom row second from the right
all these people either seem annoying or insufferable smug. Half these people would start ranting about NFTs or dumb start-up ideas 5 minutes in a conversation.
No. 345976
File: 1704094300173.jpg (163.95 KB, 1280x720, sims4010829141280jpg-ed62e1_16…)

>>345746They look like sims NPCs.
No. 346947
>>345763The short haired themby girl with the camera is a cutie tbh
>>346942>the black woman was supposed to be a TIMYou mean… The one with the E-sports tee is a tranny ? kek
No. 347550
>>347469Not directly related but I don't get why she's like "omg Japanese phones make a shutter sound when you take pictures with them because of men taking creepshots of women" because that happens everywhere all over the planet and should be implemented in other countries. By itself it's not proof that Japan is worst than others, I'd say the amount of hidden cameras in changing rooms and toilets in Japan (and Korea while we're at it) is much more telling. And I've seen some crazy shit while working retail in my European country in the changing rooms, trust me you shouldn't feel safer in a country just because the phones sold there don't make that one noise. I get her original point about the panty shots that look ridiculous in a game that tries to seem serious and 2deep4u.
As for Nier Automata, I've never played it and I don't plan to. I refuse to believe the story is as good as people say because it seems pretentious as hell from what I've heard about it.
And I can't bring myself to care about robot characters anymore these days. I guess it's because of how advanced technology becomes everyday but there's no more dreamy, fantasy elements to robot characters anymore imo, they're just objects that look like people and are programmed to seem like people, and they're unrelatable no matter what, that's it. I considered playing the remaster of the first Nier when it was announced but I haven't bought the game yet and just keep forgetting about it. I couldn't watch the whole video yet so maybe I'll give it a try later.
No. 347552
>>347469Nier Automata has nothing going for it except the sexy waifu. Coomers pretend is much deeper and well designed than it is because they feel they need to justify their obsession with the waifu but its honestly painfully mediocre in every way.
I beat it and regretted it, kept waiting for the momment when muh "genius game design" of Yoko Taro would start showing but it never came. And yes, i got all endings, it was a waste of time and i felt like such a loser for completing a game i didn't even like because i couldn't believe what i was playing was actually that overrated.
No. 347561
>>347550>As for Nier Automata, I've never played it and I don't plan to. I refuse to believe the story is as good as people say because it seems pretentious as hell from what I've heard about it.Robots…with feelings!? it can't be!
literally all it is. Babies first existentialism.
No. 347758
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Torn on whether I like Mushihimesama's art or if it's too male gazey. The character is only 15!
No. 347816
>>347622Her ff7 remake review was good, I'm glad I'm not alone in my opinion of Aerith. She is just SO annoyingly QuIrKy and not like other girls ugh and she literally has ZERO flaws other than being clumsy uwu. The friendship between aerti was so cute though and much more enjoyable than watching either of them with Cloud
and not just because he's mine kek I will always have a soft spot for TIfa though…
>>347469I had this game on my list since I actually love the character designs and always thought the focus on her ass was all just coomer moids I can't believe they have so much of it showing in the game. Disgusting.
No. 347889
>>347757they make you play the same super boring game twice, fighting the same boring enemies on the same bland levels and hack journos praised it because "ackshually its meta comentary conveying some deep themes about existentialism and blah blah blah…."
Pseuds will defend anything if they coomed.
No. 348107
>>347837You visit 3 regions in total, all have new clothing options yet not a single one is a skirt/dress or anything that only a girl would wear. They've NEVER done this before, every other game with customization has had much larger clothing options for female characters because they know girls are typically more into fashion than boys.
And it's a school uniform, which famously puts girls in skirts and there are a billion pokemon school uniform npcs with different takes on the "sailor" uniform in pretty much every game. They clearly made a choice to remove any girly aspect of it from the entire game.
There are also other details such as the fact that if you wear a helmet, which is an on-theme region gimmick, your hair is automatically cut off to a buzz cut. No little girl wants their hair cut off to wear an ugly helmet. I know it's a nitpick but to me that reeks of a short haired male who doesn't understand women still want their game hairstyle while wearing a helmet. Hat options is one of the few things we do get to pick, yet there's no simple bow or hairclip. No high heel or girl boot for shoes.
There's also a gross loli toddler character so I'm convinced some they/them pedo troon is working at pokemon now.
No. 348322
>>348214fans being gross fetish pedos in one thing, but the actual people making the game and somehow being able to actually put it in the final product without anyone vetoing it is another thing. doesn't matter what franchise it is, even the smallest franchise has gross deranged fans
>nintendo also hired a lolishotafuta artist to draw one of the mangas once lolnintendo and gamefreak staff are not the same people though
No. 348323
>>348220One of pokemon's biggest cash cow games has had an openly known enby for 7 years though. Why is it suddenly a stretch or nitpick to assume the game company has gone a bit troon woke when game companies in particular are one of the most troon/handmaiden infested jobs we know of?
It's not that the protag "isn't girly enough" it's that they've chosen to make it gender neutral specifically by removing the things that are coded as too feminine for boys. Just like how every other area troons infest remove all the words/things meant for females yet keep all the boy/male things because they're seen as the default. I even remember seeing lc posts about a trailer screenshot of a troon looking female npc before the games came out and anons on here literally thought it was fake until the source was posted.
No. 348662
File: 1705271863629.png (66.57 KB, 178x206, latest - 2024-01-14T172841.332…)

Being a woman and liking jrpgs and vns is hard. I don't understand why even women artists feel the need to put coomery male designs in their games. Finding out both FE3H and engage artists are both women respectively and still have women wearing skimpy clothing while the men are fully clothed is literally some next level pickme dickworshipping shit.
Trails in the sky, one of my favorite jrpgs ever, has outstanding female characters where they're genuinely well written and also reasonably dressed instead of bikini armor tits out all the time, renne and estelle being my favorites in particular. And then with later titles they completely ruin it by having the female characters wearing overly sexual clothing for no reason and feeling more like they're there to be ogled at as opposed to actual characters. The day we stop pandering to japanese moids who can't even see their own genitalia when standing up is the day we move forward.
No. 348663
>>348662>Being a woman and liking jrpgs and vns is hard. I don't understand why even women artists feel the need to put coomery male designs in their games. Finding out both FE3H and engage artists are both women respectively and still have women wearing skimpy clothing while the men are fully clothed is literally some next level pickme dickworshipping shit. This thought crosses my mind every single fucking day
Its so depressing when you find out a women made or drew something you're playing/watching and it looks no fucking different from your average moid creation. The girls are perfectly appealing to incel tastes but the men are either ugly or compeltely fully covered up with maybe 1 or 2 actually attractive characters.
No. 348669
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>>348662Some games have issues with sameface models. Kiseki has sametits (and also sameface and samebangs lol). Literally bolt on balloons that they use a size slider on at this point. I wish we lived in a world where Falcom stopped after Sky 3rd.
No. 348671
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>>348669KEK i couldn't agree more. I wish they had more body types for the women beyond giant tits + nothing everywhere else and loli. In sky their bodies were never really the focus but it was a breath of fresh air seeing the women have normal ones, of course there are coomer designs like schera but how amazing she is as a character completely makes up for it, can't say the same for modern trails women though.
Also i will never forgive what they did to rixia, sadly she always had some element of coom to her with the arc en ciel outfits and even just her casual clothes but her being an idol by day and an assassin no one knew the identity of by night was really cool and made her my fav crossbell girl. Then in azure onwards she has balloon tits for no reason and feels like a blow up doll more than an actual character. Fuck shirley btw, i hope she gets killed off next.
Case in point
>I wish we lived in a world where Falcom stopped after Sky 3rd No. 348676
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>>348674This. You are all acting as if artists had any control over the game, like?? Idgi, do you really think there aren't moids running the companies/studios that develop these games telling the women to draw balloon tits?
Just take a look at how Rune Factory's art style has "evolved" over the years. The first games of the franchise have designs that are tasteful and even cute from a female-gaze pov (?), because the lead artist was a woman and at that time coomerism wasn't everywhere. Now, take a look at RF5 and you can see how the company/studio publishing the game is probably run now by a group of moids with only coom inside their pebble brains. The lead artist is still the same woman from the first game, but they have also brought in a new artist that looks like draws vtubers and all that lame uninspired overdesigned shit.
No. 348678
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>>348663>Its so depressing when you find out a women made or drew something you're playing/watching and it looks no fucking different from your average moid creation.I'm pretty sure that this is due to the fault of the art directors, like others in this thread have said. Reminds me of picrel, who is a character in a game that I've been playing with friends. I hate this design so much, but looking up the credits of this game, the artist is actually a woman. It kind of breaks my heart a little that it's like this, women can become artists, but they have to draw in a way to appeal to coomoids. The other female characters in this game are (for the most part) coombait, too.
No. 348692
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>>348683I feel a little guilty about this because the artist died, but I've played the Suikodens and I really disliked how moid pandering the women were drawn in V. The main artist for the game was a woman, but she'd draw the female characters with huge boobs or give them really impractical clothes, like this knight that wears a skinsuit and no pants. At the same time some of the guys like Shigure were definitely drawn with the female gaze in mind so it was a mixed bag.
No. 348751
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Speaking of downgrades, compare the female designs of Drakengard 1 and 2…
No. 348752
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>>348751…to the third game.
No. 348753
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>>348752The designs were really nice in the second game. Why choose generic coomerism over this? I don't get it.
No. 348790
>>348753I love the girl in the middle. it looks cute, cool and "natural" at the same time. I wish we had more female characters with pants that are well designed like this. I'm tired of men's obsession with skirts.
>>348752She just looks like she's having a really bad case of wardrobe malfunction kek. Tragic downgrade, shitty gachas have better designs.
>>348678I hate how close this is to being ok. The scarf top could have just had the same coverage as a normal IRL one and she could have had shorts and lower heels and it would be alright. It kinda looks like it was originally drawn normal but was later revised in a half-assed manner to be more scrotey.
No. 348805
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>>348692Ouch, I remember playing the 3rd one in particular, and loving the design in picrel. The hell happened between those two games? I never played IV so I'm not sure of the designs in that one, how are they?
No. 348874
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>>348752Five has to be the worst regarding the intoner designs in 3. Her whole shtick is being the horny one that wants everything. No wonder she gets killed off first kek. Shame cause I remember the concept art for her had some more interesting designs while still being obviously coomery.
Two is a literal wardrobe malfunction but at least it's interesting to look at kek
No. 348886
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>>348884??? How?? She looks like the Dancer of the Boreal Valley from Dark Souls 3 if the enemies were designed as anime waifus instead
No. 349054
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>>348805I never played IV either (apparently it’s very tedious) but from what I’ve seen its designs seem fairly normal for the setting. It’s nautical themed and has mermaids, female pirates with exposed midriffs, that’s kinda it. The biggest outlier is this character who was obviously some kinda coom cash grab. She has a promotional cg model and in-game there’s a cloth wrapped around her skirt so it looks less stupid
No. 349055
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>>349054I’m going to throw in Shigure’s concept art because the artist obviously put a lot of effort into making him eye candy. I hope companies get back into hiring more female artists for JRPGs
No. 357368
File: 1708457867133.jpg (59.99 KB, 588x547, ww.JPG)

Fuck this stupid game, it's being shilled so hard right now and it has the most ridiculous boob physics I've seen and the few playable male characters are ugly as sin. I seriously don't understand women who are hyped for this.
No. 357389
>>357370They made the female MC's suit even more revealing than it initially was (removed the bra/undergarment she had under her top) and gave her bigger boobs. At least Genshin's female main was more of an otome princess design than coombait.
>>357383Yeah as much as people shit on Genshin's male characters they're pretty cute and fun looking for anyone into that fantasy anime aesthetic but the guys in WW are so fucking ugly I haven't seen anything as repulsive. So sick of gacha games acting as if the only gameplay women want is visual novel style.
No. 357390
>>357383>genshin scrotes are cute, they might not be everyone's cup of tea but they are cute and attractive for women into bishies >and they do show skinLmao. They look just as bad if not worse, nona, and almost all of them are clad in stiff, stuffy suits while the women are all ecchi. It's pathetic even by normal co-ed gacha standards. You've just gotten used to it from playing it for years and the attachment to it you've developed is probably where your vitriol for this perceived threat to it is really coming from rather than WW actually being a worse offender of any of the things you're criticizing it for. It doesn't make sense to post a carbon copy of another shitty waifu gacha in a video game sexism thread and then pretend the other game isn't as bad because you're biased.
Genshit will always be worse to me for widespread and shameless its pedoscrote fanbase became is and the Vtuber monstrosities it memed women into liking, lowering their expectations for how much pandering these game companies should be giving them even further than before. It was a mistake.
No. 357393
>>357389>Genshin's female main was more of an otome princess design than coombaitCleavage and panty shots are definitely what I think of when I think otome princess kek. Yeah, as expected no1curr about genshin 2 besides genshinfags. They're mad about it because it's all over their timelines and now they're trying to cancel it because they don't want to have to pick up a new game. If you genuinely wanted to call one out for sexism, you wouldn't jump to whiteknight the other when it's equally bad.
>>357391You should go back to your containment thread. This is the sexism in video games thread and I'm talking about a sexist video game. Not my problem that you like it.
No. 357398
>>357397>green pineapple head husbandokek anon what husbando are you talking about.
anyways saying women are 'memed' into liking conventionally atractive male characters is crazy lol. women have always liked pretty bishies, is nothing new.
No. 357400
>>357393Lumine wears safety shorts. Genshin has faults but the fmc isn't sexualized any more than the male one.
>>357368I saw the female models walking around and immediately saw what kind of game this was going to be. There was a cute catboy in the trailers but he's probably going to be redesigned or cut entirely at this point.
No. 357401
>>357397Literally who? I don't currently play or plan on playing either game or the Honkai game, sorry.
>>357396If you're impressed by generic samefaced anime guys in games you should take a look at any other gacha game with either an all male cast or 40%+ male cast, because Genshin has some of the worst male designs among the top gacha games. They're not popular because they're good.
No. 357402
The fact that people are applauding WW for enlarging character breasts to appease players and for keeping the ridiculous boob physics (that even Genshin toned down right after launch)
while it's being sold as a "co-ed gacha game" is ridiculous. Granblue Fantasy is possibly the only gacha game that actually comes close to earning being called an unisex gacha but the game itself is ass and painfully dated compared to the big budget action RPGs coming out today. I don't even know why I keep playing gacha games just for the crumbs, I'm just living the vain hope that if I show support for the femgaze male characters enough maybe the industry will change someday.
>>357400The catboy initially caught my interest but then I saw the rest of the characters and they were all just horrible looking, both male and female. The boob physics drove me away for good.
No. 357403
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>>357400the disgusting fedora guy with a beard feels like a hate crime against women. I think i have never seen such a repulsive design.
>>357401the world doesnt revolve around you and your personal taste. Lots of women love genshin boys. It's only popular with women because it has attractive male designs, regardless of if they fit your personal criteria of attractive male characters.
No. 357404
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>>357403the rest of the ugly characters
>not a single moid showing even a bit of tummyi genuinely cannot understand how someone can see this and not understand why women flock to genshin. This is how 99% of gacha male characters look, completly covered generic angsty edgy guys.
No. 357405
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>>357403>the disgusting fedora guy with a beard feels like a hate crime against women.Kek I was about to post the exact same words, I can't even figure out if he's supposed to be a moid self insert powerfantasy or if someone genuinely thought that women are into this. It's like they wanted to snatch Genshin and HSR's playerbase so they felt they needed to add at least some male characters into the game to catch female interest but absolutely refused to put any effort into it. Picrel is the atrocity everyone is trying to shill as the top tier husbando just because in comparison to the rest of the male cast he looks marginally less reprehensible. The hair gets me every time.
No. 357407
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>>357405holy shit he's completly covered up except for the face. Talk about moids being too insecure. Also something people dont talk about genshin is that the male characters do have different personalities, while
>>357404 is all angsty dude and like one cute cat boy, in genshin there are tons of male characters that have both angsty edgy and cutesy genki and tsundere personalities.
No. 357410
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>>357405Isn't this just a knockoff of a HSR character mixed with Alhaitham? Anyone who thinks the male characters of Genshin suck, it could be way worse.
No. 357412
>>357403>>357405I dunno, they're cute, but I like ojisans and tight bodysuits.
The main reason I'm not gonna try this out is because I'm already playing too much games as a service stuff and don't have the time.
No. 357413
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>genshinfags(?) sperging about game
>can't tell the gameplay apart
>can't tell the ui apart
>can't tell the character designs apart
is this a mr beast video
No. 357417
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>>357416There's no point in arguing about taste with someone who unironically likes picrel. You drink out of a toilet bowl and I can't take the smell anymore so I'll be withdrawing from this conversation.
No. 357419
>>357418you shouldnt be condemning other anons' taste or prune vampire-kun if you dont see the problem with
>>357417 ngl. dirtiest trick someone can pull on a genshinnie is posting a picture of all the dudes together kek the absolute state
No. 357423
>>357420>bawwww genshid haydurrs are obsessed schizos for boolyin muh blorbosPLEASE go back to your containment thread oh my god youre as bad as enstars-chan
why is this thread so bad? every time it's active it's always a bunch of gachatards flinging shit at other games while they slobber on their own ai generated-looking husbandos imaginary balls. you guys suck.
(infighting) No. 357424
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>>357421genshin is genuinely the only game i can think of that has male characters that show skin. That's already enough to set it appart from other games that dont want to offend moids so they cover male characters from head to toe like
>>357405 No. 357426
>>357423are you really getting this upset over women prasing some male characters that arent completly covered up for once? you sound a bit insane honestly if anime boys offend you this much
>>357425i genuinely have no idea what this means kek
No. 357432
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>>357419>>357417Not even close to all the guys in Genshin but okay.
>>357421It's fine to not like them or think they're overdesigned but I don't understand anons saying they're anything like the Wuthering Waves designs
>>357403 or
>>357404 who apart from the catboy are all variations of head to toe tacticool edgelord slop that men want to see on male characters while all the female characters are breasts breasting breastingly. Even the worst female Genshin designs don't have jiggle physics like that.
No. 357433
>>357424so i don't hate shota content at all (to the contrary i do sometimes enjoy harada works), i just hate that most genshin boys are stick thin shotas kek. can't they just put in one guy with some meat on his bones. give a boy thick thighs or something and don't use the youthful looking model and i'd shell out my $$$ so fast
>>357426also i'm pretty sure that nonas implying the only game you really play is genshin impact. the average nu:carnival boy makes everyone you posted look like nuns in comparison
No. 357438
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>>357437tbf the same team designed this guy who has a lewder outfit than any twink in genshin
No. 357459
>>357449The fewer options are because women aren't targeted in games and men are crybabies who can't live without seeing tits on a screen. So developers just know that female audience will accept crumbs or just don't care about wanting to fuck every character on the screen. While men throw real fits over it.
It's not about better options, regardless of what you think they are, there aren't that many options to begin with. Men don't argue over this, because they have all the possible options available. They can enjoy from coomer anime games, to coomer realistic 3D, to games without sexualization. Never worrying some dick and balls will pop into their faces gratuitously. Women are lucky to get an eyecandy in one neutral game if at all. When I pick a game that doesn't pander directly to coomers, I still expect at least one stupid fanservice character or scene, because that's the norm unfortunately.
No. 357460
File: 1708482321850.gif (4.96 MB, 490x476, john travolta confused.gif)

I am going insane trying to understand the level of animosity against Genshin Impact boys. I see a lot of hatred towards them, but no one explaining why
>They are too generic.
Best vidya husbandos all have 'generic' designs. Leon is a blonde cop with an emo haircut. Link is a blonde elf, you can't get more generic than that. Dante is a DeviantArt 2009 donut steel devil oc with white emo hair.
It just sounds like the rambling of a narcissist that's angry that their personal tastes aren't being catered to, rather than being happy for their fellow women who got a bit of eye candy for once. I don't fing Genshin Impact boys attractive, but I am happy my fellow women got some attractive husbandos for once. I cannot imagine being so self centered that instead of celebrating this small accomplishment, a rare sight of women being considered players, I make it about me and my 'superior' tastes.
Also, all of the anons who are sperging really need to post what they consider ''good husbando vidya representation'' otherwise their opinion is invalid.(off topic use the genshin thread)
No. 357491
>>357460Yeah her especially going hard after Genshin boys has an actual hyperfixation for infighting for hours about how anons who like them are literal retards who have been "memed" into it. Did her bestie drop her for a Genshin boy or something? It's that level of personal vendetta, especially because she keeps making these detailed assumptions about them.
>You like those Genshin boys because you're a boymomian enstars sperg who would defend a mid husbando while making fun of my precious Astarion, aren't you, Vanessa?!?!?!?!It would be funny if she wasn't spamming the thread for hours. It all started from someone just having a problem with the boob politics of a new Chinese gacha game and someone mentioned Genshin in comparison because it's literally a ripoff of it and she just went nuts. That enstars sperg
really traumatized her during a previous infighting about bishies vs roidpigs but for some reason she's taking it out on genshin boys in every thread around the site kek
No. 357564
>>357499> some guys in a different game being ugly when they look indistinguishable from the genshin boys. you are so dense, compare all the half naked boys
>>357424 to this guy that's fucking all covered except his face
>>357405 You are the reason why videogames keep getting away with fully covered men while the women are all dolled up sex dolls, because you are to prideful to praise one single game who decided to be fair to both sexes.
No. 357680
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Men hate any game where women aren't just waifus for them to jack off to or where the female character engages in romantic relationships with different male characters.
Take their reaction to Goodbye Volcano Highschool. It was tumblr tenderqueer pandering which is a problem of it's own. But the sheer seething it cause in scrotes was so weird. They hated it so much they had to make two seperate fan games with male self insert characters. And of course every female character including the original MC was delegated a boring waifu love interest.
As annoying or lolcowish Anita Sarkeesian was I do not take any woman who engages in bashing her seriously. Like did she seriously deserve getting verbally abused + death threats from scrotes just cause she was over women in games just being porno.
I'm a full on lesbian but I'm tired of male characters being designed as boring self inserts or uninteresting side characters because scrotes seethe over the idea of their fictional waifu touching another male character.
No. 357691
>>357690Venti is definitely for scrotes with femboy fetishes kek. I've noticed femboys is the latest porn trope they are going crazy for. Venti is even more popular with scrotes than actual female characters.
They are fine with anything sexual as long as it isn't a threat their(emphasise on their) masculinity and sexuality. Femboys who are basically a troon version of waifus aren't threats. But the ones who are clearly aimed for women's own attraction/sexuality make them feel inadequte and ruin the fantasy of every woman existing for their pleasure and only theirs.
No. 357712
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>>357690>>357691I am so tired of this misconception women must only like angsty edgelord slop in tacticool gear or suits. Women love genshin because, unlike most games, it offers variety in husbandos. Moids killed cats when this character was release, but women fucking love him. Like
>>357703 said genshin male characters are made for women, not scrotes. Women can also like cute guys, deal with it.
No. 357717
File: 1708623036345.png (408.56 KB, 850x1186, venti-genshin-impact-v0-zr8y8z…)

the reason genshinfags are so hated is how bold and delusional their claims about genshin being the only game ever made that caters to the femgaze are when they don't even play other games. they shouldn't be speaking on other games when all they play is one f2p gacha game with mid designs.
>>357715he IS a femboy. it wasn't women giving the femboy x big tiddy milf art the most attention. women can pander to scrotes.
No. 357718
>>357717>the reason genshinfags are so hated is how bold and delusional their claims about genshin being the only game ever made that caters to the femgaze are when they don't even play other gamesfunny how none of you ever give examples of the other supposed femgaze games there are.
also is your fanart pic that looks nothing like canon venti supposed to prove anything? let me guess you think link is a femboy too because he doens't look like kratos or ryu.
No. 357719
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>>357718not knowing 20 off the top of your head is a dead give away that you don't play any games besides genshin. even fgo has more femgaze with higher quality designs and writing,
nonny. you can't pull the "b-but it looks too moidy" card on it either because you breakdown when anons bring that up wrt all genshin's heavy moid pandering kek. can you corral your autism back to the genshin thread like the redtext on
>>357460 says or are you that eager to get banned again?
No. 357720
File: 1708624117450.jpg (128.04 KB, 640x902, i1t8s1n8mzv51.jpg)

>>357718>is your fanart pic that looks nothing like canon venti supposed to prove anything?samefag but good point. here's the canon venti from an official comic released by hoyoverse, it's a better example.
No. 357723
>>357719>fgoYou cannot seriously be saying FGO is less male-pandering and sexist than Genshin. Every second character has breasts three times the size of their heads in that game.
>>357720This never appears in the game. Not even once.
No. 357727
File: 1708624690851.png (327.97 KB, 830x785, femgaze.png)

>your femgaze game mlady
No. 357728
File: 1708624814806.png (146.6 KB, 300x649, kek.png)

>>357726i dont even play genshit i just find it insane some retards think the world revolves around them and that women cant like moids from x videogame but must like fate shitty self inserts. Literally all fate scrotes are made to be ''safe'' for their lolicon scrote audience. They all look ugly as fuck.
No. 357730
File: 1708624863737.jpg (194.53 KB, 850x1046, kek2.jpg)

>>357728like come fucking on
No. 357735
File: 1708625016916.jpeg (72.72 KB, 940x529, IMG_1804.jpeg)

ah yes fgo the ultimate female gaze game
No. 357738
File: 1708625103883.jpg (177.8 KB, 850x1471, generic fate scrote.jpg)

>>357730i cant believe anon seethed so hard over genshit scrotes just to be in the most pedomoidpandering game with the ugliest most 'safe' male characters. Literally all fate scrotes are completly covered while the lolis and big titty waifus are half naked.
No. 357744
File: 1708625301221.jpg (75.83 KB, 850x808, __ephraim_and_ephraim_fire_emb…)

>>357712How did you get that from my post? I specified women like shota too and I know Genshin has plenty of female fans, but why is it only the shotas that get to show off skin?
I'm not saying skimpy shotas can't be for women, I'm simply saying that it's moidy that only the shotas get to show as much skin as the female characters. There's not a single non-shota male character in Genshin that shows off his legs like the shotas do, for example. Genshin would be more based if it did this equal opportunities fanservice with guys like picrel
>>357417 (which btw are mostly "like angsty edgelord slop in tacticool gear or suits", which is not a type of outfits I particularly like either).
I don't think there's a 3d game with the type of male fanservice I'd like to see. Genshin gets close to it but only with the shotas and I don't like shotas, I like bishies and I wish the industry was less chickenshit and we got more of them in regular skimpy outfits instead of just context sensitive swimsuits.
No. 357745
>>357712It's a stupid trad aligned mindset too, like when I was a teenager a lot of girls liked cute guys who were very similar to characters like Venti and Wanderer yet nobody was yelling femboy at them. They have boyish charms that are appealing to women because they're nonthreatening and adorable. That's literally why k-pop boys are so popular, you rarely see them going for the hot and masculine style but the fairly dainty and cute one which is why they're called "flower boys" in China. Scrotes trying to approriate them as "femboys" especially in video games is a trend that needs to die, let women have their cute PNGs.
Also god the anti-genshin sperg needs to fucking shut up and stop derailing, it doesn't kill you if you just scroll past someone saying something postiive about the game without replying.
No. 357765
File: 1708626487236.png (501.18 KB, 751x900, 113725355_p11.png)

>>357763i don't organize my pictures at all anymore so it's easier to do that than dig through 40 gigabytes of various anime boys for just the fgo ones. i had merlin and cu chulainn phases years ago but those folders are on my old laptop.
No. 357768
File: 1708626832610.png (358.98 KB, 1084x1434, 80135090_p28.png)

>>357766honkai impact lets you grope underage girls tits all day and genshin is a spinoff of it. you watch dump months worth of women with their tits and asses on display and lolis in crop tops and booty shorts for some anime men in suits that aren't even hot, and call it femgaze. pot meet kettle.
No. 357769
File: 1708626845945.jpg (210.91 KB, 850x731, femgaze22.jpg)

i dont play genshit but is moid fanservice this bad in genshin too? fate has to be single-handly the most repulsive gacha trash
No. 357770
File: 1708626942543.jpg (236.43 KB, 850x1036, femgazebtw.jpg)

>>357768>you watch dump months worth of women with their tits and asses on display and lolis in crop tops and booty shorts for some anime men in suits that aren't even hotoh the irony of a fatefag saying this
No. 357774
File: 1708627118970.png (448.76 KB, 655x875, fate is femgaze btw.png)

meanwhile the male characters arent even completly shirtless kek you have to be kidding me, you support pedoshit for this?
No. 357776
File: 1708627510293.png (795.16 KB, 1200x1212, 80135090_p30.png)

>>357771at least I'm not trying to pretend fgo is something it's not. and at least fgo at its best is far, far better than… baizhu and wriothsley. they're impressed by mediocrity because of their lack of experience, i'm impressed by arjuna's wet hole. we are not the same. genshin impact is no more femgaze than any other gacha that panders to both sexes, it's just a mediocre game that got popular because of the pandemic.
No. 357783
File: 1708627994826.jpg (Spoiler Image,644.14 KB, 1024x1448, tiamat-ascensions-v0-feih9pjx5…)

>>357775They used to pander women more for the first few years but I'm guessing someone new took over because they absolutely ditched the female audience and started going overtime catering to moids with more and more degenerate coomershit designs. I remember when they gave Merlin a summer costume that was practically him being covered with black clothing from head to toe because "he doesn't want to tan" or some retarded excuse like that but a few years later they gave the genderbent girl Merlin a fucking bikini with big tits. I'm so glad I don't play that dogshit game anymore, they even turned playable Tiamat into a goddamn loli who turns into picrel. Repulsive beyond comprehension, I hate men so much.
No. 357785
File: 1708628046522.jpg (143.58 KB, 993x1200, EtPCjM-VoAEE-Na.jpg)

it seemed like the mods were more active lately but they're dead alseep now, huh?(nope)
No. 357790
File: 1708628245729.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 759x875, eww.png)

ewww what the fuck i keep looking into abyss and it keeps looking back. What is this disgusting shit?! this is almost naked. I cannot imagine sitting through this disgusting pedo shit for ugly as fuck moids that dont even show an inch of skin
No. 357791
File: 1708628327858.jpg (Spoiler Image,288.54 KB, 850x983, gross wtf.jpg)

this shouldnt be legal how is this allowed in the playstore
No. 357794
>>357778Mixed gender gacha games are a sunk cost fallacy. By default gacha as a genre already is the definition of sunk cost fallacy (the games are a service that will shut down sooner or later), but if you play ones with a mixed gender cast for the cute boys you lost from the start because only female players care about the male characters, at large, while female characters are enjoyed by both audiences, so developers know where to put their money.
Sadly, unless someone out there decides to be brave and make a big budget male fanservice game for women, I doubt we'll get anything more than scraps (and it's disappointing when most of these scraps are shotas in booty shorts because they know men like them too).
>>357783Female FGO fans must either be deranged bisexuals into everything, lolicon lesbians or basically stuck in an
abusive relationship just for one bishonen bone once every blue moon.
No. 357796
File: 1708628542861.png (1.12 MB, 1777x1300, 80135090_p29.png)

>>357782>eroge = badanother telltale sign that you don't play games besides genshit or consume media besides youtube and tiktok yet you continue to act like an authority on everything under the sun
No. 357797
File: 1708628551745.png (Spoiler Image,562.23 KB, 512x724, gross2.png)

I knew fate fanservice was heinous, but never this fucking bad this is worse than i expected. gross, just gross. At that point why even support this shit? the moids are mid at best, why not support an otome or bl game instead of this pedo scrote shit.
No. 357798
>>357791Your picrel is what made me quit FGO, you can not tell me this artist didn't reference actual little girls to create this thing. The amount of attention paid for detail in her body is ghastly.
>>357794As an Ex-FGO player I can attest that most female players who didn't ragequit the game at around 2020 when the bishounen drought started are terminal pickmes who think if they gather enough sexualized little girls and big titty waifus and brag about them men will be impressed.
No. 357801
>>357795FGO is shit but yes, oberon is indeed cute and a good character. It legit makes me sad that a few good men are stuck in this kusoge.
>>357796NTA but eroge is indeed shit you dumb NLOG. I played FSN and the best parts about it are the autistic chuuni moments, not Nasu’s absolute dogshit poor attempt at trying to write porn. You dont want to die on this hill in lolcow of all places.
No. 357802
>>357798Curiously enough I knew of a bi woman who had Nero and other big tiddy chicks as waifus.
Personally speaking I enjoy some of the women in FGO purely as sexy waifus (like Orion/Artemis) but the lolicon content in that game is repulsive. Only pedo women and pickmes would tolerate that crap.
At least in Genshit most of the designs look normal, especially to normalfag eyes, but it's still too much loli and shota for me.
No. 357807
>>357797At least that's not a loli, I guess.
When I learned Melusine's artist has 2 young daughters, both still children, I phsyically recoiled.
No. 357811
>>357800an eroge is any visual novel with a sex scene. if you think liking one makes someone a pedo scrote, would you call any movie with a sex scene a porno? the vn is good, the creator didn't want to include the H scenes.
arguing which moid pandering rife gachas are more moid pandering than the others is a waste of everyone's time. genshin doesn't deserve all your praise and shilling for releasing two men in suits per year. it's not a good game, it's not the only game that panders to women, and it's no where near the best one. it's popular because it's a gacha amerifats can handle, like persona 5 to jrpgs. fate isn't good at any of those things either, but the best fate boys really do mog all the genshitters in both design and writing. all the female designs in genshin are terrible and pandery as well, some are bootlegs of iconic fate characters, and they have some of the least personality I've ever seen in gachas. if you like it, good for you. go shill it in its thread and not here.
No. 357813
File: 1708629827225.png (853.74 KB, 632x901, Screenshot 2024-02-22 192556.p…)

Bishie julius caesar is so damn hot nonnies… I'm so glad we get this alongside some lolis in our femgaze game(derailing)
No. 357828
>>357816see >>357817
>if I actually liked it, I wouldn't have brought it up in an infight with someone who's going to immediately spam the thread with whatever coomer waifus they can find on google imagesI brought it up because I like a few designs and I don't care about defending it kek it's not a game I enjoy. I look at genshin the same way as I look at it, or at least I would if genshin's best male designs were half as good as oberon, arjuna, merlin, or douman. all these gachas are the same. I know because I've played, have friends who've played, or am aware of a lot of them. your word salad sounds just as crazy to me as it would sound to hear someone make fgo out to be femgaze. none of this fgoposting has been irony lost on me, I've been looking at your pro genshin posts and larping as you to show you how ridiculous you sound kek.
>>357823you've been banned like 20 times and continue to evade.
(ban evading retard) No. 357841
File: 1708634473728.jpeg (Spoiler Image,939.8 KB, 1003x1410, IMG_1805.jpeg)

>>357797she is not a 500yr old loli or anything she is literally a kid in the game. like an actual child. Gross.
(continued derailing) No. 357905
>>357872Not sure if I'm wording it right but including a lot of insecurities, worries or desires that are for women. Or empowerment fantasies for women. And I mean actual worries not just superficial rape backstories that scrotes keep giving to female characters to make them seem badass while not addressing the elephant in the room (rape culture) and still going out of their way to play into the perfect
victim narrative.
A big reason why scrotes are uninterested in chick flicks like legally blonde or twilight or girl centered media like barbie cartoons or shoujo manga. Is that even if they do find the characters attractive the female characters have enough autonomy that they can't just project their fantasy onto them. In other words they can't treat them like waifus.
Another thing is that if there is meaning ful connections and female friendships not moe blob superficial moments.
the bottom line when the female characters works on her own agency/desires and is not just an accessory for other people to jack off too or fantasize about.
No. 357949
>>357872NTA but here's my personal list of things:
>Has complex relationships with other female characters that aren't just her mother or sister (extremely important imo)>Has personal goals and motivations that don't center around "proving herself" or a personal vendetta>Sexual trauma is portrayed in a more nuanced way than a boogeyman rapist and the writing recognizes how integrated in our society it is and how women are forced to cope with it>Can be both taken seriously but also found funny or even silly, not just either-or>Can get angry and feel rage and it's portrayed in a realistic way, not just hysteric screaming and yelling>Has to make actual decisions and has authority over the plot>Can be self centered and prioritize her own needs and wants>Can be weird and gross not just in a funny adorkable way ("oh no my hair is so messy tee hee!!") but in a way real women sometimes can be with people they trust and it's not portrayed as a sign of insanity but humanity>Isn't just a tard wrangler for a male characterAnd so forth. A general rule of thumb is to try genderswapping a character and see if she immediately turns boring or insufferable.
No. 358084
>>357949I agree with most of this, but keep in mind that video games usually have simpler plots and characters compared to other media.
Even the male characters in games rarely have genuinely complex motives and relationships with each other.
As for sexual trauma, I can't really think of any games that touch on that besides horror games like Rule of Rose, Haunting Ground, and a couple of the Silent Hill games. Sexual trauma is too heavy a subject for most games, even the darker ones.
No. 358226
File: 1708801415298.png (296.84 KB, 661x903, cowfighters.png)

Saw this on the doodleboard and thought of this thread! I like the female character.
No. 358479
File: 1708926027572.jpg (695.44 KB, 2560x1920, 11111.jpg)

the women look like they belong to another completly different game
No. 358537
File: 1708961331177.jpeg (195.14 KB, 1125x1131, IMG_4058.jpeg)

The difference between the designs is cracking me up. No shame whatsoever
No. 358539
File: 1708961491782.jpeg (222.46 KB, 1188x894, IMG_4059.jpeg)

>>358537You’d think this is a rollable waifu
No. 358587
File: 1708976766217.jpg (25.87 KB, 548x309, 3161c5d4510da0950323282ab2caf3…)

>>358585Kek I saw some thirst for this ugly motherfucker (aptly named Scar) but it felt like pure cope. The game won't be mentioned anywhere because the characters aren't cute and it doesn't even have fujobait
No. 358591
File: 1708977101145.jpg (177.9 KB, 850x870, 8 years old dudeeee.jpg)

So can we finally talk about how pedophilic and misogynistic fate is or are we going to get censored by the mods again despite it being the correct thread. This character is fucking 8 years old.
No. 358593
File: 1708977384692.jpg (494.14 KB, 512x724, fatego.jpg)

>>3585918yo in a bikini. I hate fate so fucking much. All the pickes me that suppor this belong in ahell.
No. 358595
File: 1708977701224.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.57 KB, 850x1202, more fateshit.jpg)

>>358594this is absolutely repulsive. And need i remind you none of the male characters look this degenerate, at best they throw him into long swim trunks and with a tshirt on so moids dont get pissed.
No. 358604
File: 1708979488651.png (925.12 KB, 1991x882, FE.png)

I hate when games do this. It's why i always choose to play as male characters.
No. 358609
File: 1708981124434.png (785.58 KB, 1870x474, dokapon.png)

another example i hate is dokapon kingdom. It sucks because some classes like ninjas/hero/wizard have pretty equal male and female designs, but then you have these…
No. 358618
File: 1708983755133.jpg (34.53 KB, 640x480, 1000006499.jpg)

>>358609And it pisses me off that the solution for the female outfit is always just a bikini or a short skirt and more skin. Why did they give byleth
>>358604 metal arm greaves and no sleeves under it? It's just a dumb design to keep them "sexy" and they go through extensive lengths to cover the male characters.
No. 358625
File: 1708984520272.png (871.77 KB, 1080x609, genshit starters.png)

look i have never played genshit but you have to be actively blind or never play games to not notice how equal genshit fanservice is in comparison to all of this.
>>358618>>358609>>358604>>358537It's genuinely the best there is and a huge step towards some sort of equaliy, hopefully. The funnies thing is that i dont think most women care about modesly sexualized female characters as long as they treat the male characters the same.
No. 358627
File: 1708984790254.png (2.56 MB, 1080x1920, Shenhe_Card.png)

>>358625>as they treat the male characters the sameThere's no male character in genshit dressed like this. The closest is the ogre guy in cargo pants kek.
No. 358630
File: 1708985074437.png (1.06 MB, 1200x1804, Character_Eula_Portrait.png)

>>358628Or this, or any of the girls from the Japan region. For every 5 genshin women who look like this, they release one conveyor belt anime boy covered head to toe like a nun.
No. 358631
>>358625Are they supposed to be the player's avatar? I won't pretend I like the different designs, I personally prefer when they have the same outfit, like robin in fe awakening. But I will agree they are much closer to each other than the others, even if the outfits look different.
I just feel that if we have an game with a self insert avatar, we should be able to customize it. If not their appearance, just let me pick their clothes. Give us options, at least.
No. 358634
File: 1708985266409.png (1.94 MB, 1080x1920, Dori_Card.png)

>>358630Not to mention all the lolis dressed like this while they don't even have a male child model after over 3 years. Genshin is smashing sexism for sure.
No. 358635
>>358630ok but can you give any other game that has both half naked men and half naked women? it's always just moid fanservice. To be fair the fanservice could also be much, much worse. Compare what you posted to anything from fate and it makes the genshit woman look like some prude nun kek
>>358633no, they arent the same, but they are the 2 of the 3 starter characters.
No. 358641
File: 1708985692628.jpg (389.44 KB, 1024x768, Character_RoyalGuard.jpg)

>>358618KEK i can't believe i got to see RO being mentioned on lolcow. I've played this for more than a decade, and it had so much potential, but it got rekt by Gravity all the way around. The art you posted was still made by Lee (the manhwa author), pretty coomershit, but still good, it only got worse after he stopped working with them. Picrel one of the worst designs they ever made, Royal Guard from the swordsman branch.
No. 358642
File: 1708985694410.jpg (175.9 KB, 977x1269, GDaovrGWQAAuJ2B.jpeg.jpg)

>>358597It is. But fans could probably look past it if his face was pretty kek he's like an edgy kfc gijinka. I feel like most issues with ugly male characters stem from the designers or people in charge being moids that aren't attracted to men themselves. Genshin seems to have a lot of female designers, even though their better ideas are usually not used for the final product they influence it a lot
No. 358643
File: 1708986019403.png (417.24 KB, 360x1009, Character_Arataki_Itto.png)

>>358635Among gachashit alone: Fate, as much as it
triggers you, Arknights, Granblue, Onmyoji, Food Fantasy, Alchemy Stars, PGR, Reverse:1999, Limbus Company, ID:V has a coraline art style but still has man cleavage, etc. and they all have much more overtly fanservicey male designs than anything in genshit. This is legit the most risque male design genshit has to offer and it's the least sexy thing I've ever seen and surprise, surprise: it's on an unpopular joke character made to be as non-threatening as possible. Every claim of male designs being watered down as to not chase off scrotes is pure projection when genshin has one of the most male heavy fanbases among the big mixed gachas.
(genshin sperg derailing) No. 358648
>>358643NTA and I dont give a rats ass about genshit but I can't believe you dared to list Arknights here when its also a big offender of whatever you guys are arguing about. The men make up only about 20% of the huge ass roster, most of them have shitty gameplay unless its a safe/relatable male character that moids approve of, and every summer event is 99% bikini waifus with maybe ONE bishie half covered.
If you're going to make an argument then don't fucking lie.
No. 358649
>>358648>>358647dont respond to her she's this retard
>>357796she supports this pedo shit and should not be listened to
>>357790 >>357791
(infighting) No. 358651
File: 1708986563533.jpg (370.31 KB, 1595x1550, goldkris.jpg)

>>358631Yes and no. They're siblings. Whichever one you don't choose
becomes the game's villain.>>358640Pokemon.
>>358643>unpopular joke characterItto is quite popular. Also you didn't even post the most risque male character, you managed to ignore Cyno.
No. 358653
>>358641So how is she supposed to defend herself from damage without any armour?
>>358649she will probably come back with another paragraph to sperg about genshin, just report and continue to stay on-topic
No. 358655
File: 1708986810415.jpg (41.15 KB, 408x611, Genshin-Impact-Nahida.jpg)

>>358646Arknights, Granblue, Onmyoji, Food Fantasy, Alchemy Stars, PGR, Reverse:1999, Limbus Company, ID:V has a coraline art style but still has man cleavage, etc. and they all have much more overtly fanservicey male designs than anything in genshit. I'm not listening to a cuck that plays it, enjoy having to wade through pictures of your husbando fucking a barefoot lolibaba while you look for your own coom material.
>>358648I know that, the point is that genshin isn't any better than any other mixed gacha when it comes to sexism despite how insistent that anon is on it being the only one with muh half naked men. There are like 5 men who aren't completely covered, of those five none are comperable to even the least sexualized female designs, including the ones that had to be censored to comply with the chinese government, the boob physics are insane, and the gender ratio is fucked. That's nothing to brag about.
(genshin sperg derailing) No. 358656
File: 1708986936015.png (484.53 KB, 437x839, 1708445085059688.png)

>>358642Agreed, I think they have zero concept of what women like and they dont want to risk upsetting their male playerbase, so they just play it safe and they know women wont kick up a fuss.
No. 358657
File: 1708987053171.png (872.63 KB, 1765x984, reverie.png)

>>358648literally none of the gachas she listed have scrotes as revealing as genshin kek she just threw every gacha under the sun hoping it sticks. Pic rel the most revealling reverie female character wearing a fetish bunny suit vs the most revealing male character showing collarbones kek
No. 358658
>>358656The crotch zipper is unironically funny.
>>358654How is that relevant? They look like young teenagers.
No. 358664
>>358656KEK how does it get worse the further down you look!? But I doubt they'd care if women made a fuss either way because they aren't the target. If a waifu gacha like that has males it's almost like hitting a diversity quota, they aren't making these characters to cater to a female audience because they don't care about cultivating one. And that's why male characters are usually less rare or useable in-game. But genshin became so widely popular because the gender ratio isn't that bad and the coom isn't as prevalent (at least when the game was released). It's not overly coomery to the point where it would turn normies off and it has males that are appealing enough to keep female players interested
though I myself tend to drop the game for months at a time until a new one I like is released. Not to mention that it has a pretty world, simple UI and straight-forward combat. Wuthering Waves, Tower of Fantasy and all the other knock-offs will never have the same appeal and it's not just because of the characters
No. 358665
File: 1708988516210.png (1.45 MB, 1736x1994, rev.png)

>>358663yeah they are supposed to be from different decades or something. The game has a good premise but the designs are super lackluster and boring, specially the scrotes. I am so tired of this arknights boring style anyways i noticed the guys never have any hair color that isnt brown/grey/white, they are so sad looking
No. 358669
File: 1708989132159.png (167.57 KB, 360x540, APPLe.png)

>>358665I remember when this game came out and people made thirst posts about this guy and the living armor gloves because there were no other males or something? But the style is insanely boring and I don't like that they have so many different artists. It's always so jarring to see two characters that look like they should be in different medias interact
No. 358672
File: 1708989422015.jpeg (61.87 KB, 715x429, images.jpeg)

>>358665Reverse 1999s art style and character design can be a hit or miss sometimes
and sometimes down right infuriating as in the thembie and that one "healer" child but there are some good designs in it I really love the current events sure they take liberties with the eras they're portraying but it's supposed to be a alternative world anyways.its not everyone's cup of tea but I quite like it
No. 358688
File: 1708993830014.png (797 KB, 1024x931, jobinfo_sc.png)

>>358653We all know armour is only meant for the weak sex, female characters can protect themselves and fight with the power of girlboss alone.
>>358659Oh, sorry anon, it's so rare to meet someone that knows RO that i assumed you got the image randomly. I second everything you said, his art was full of personality and he was actually very skilled, i will never forget how i fell in love with his gypsy artwork back in it's glory days. And agreed. They "tried" to fix the disgusting over the top coomery designs when they designed the 4th jobs, but most of them ended up looking like shit anyways. Gotta love how emo and badass male shadow cross looks vs female shadow cross looking like a fucking stripper. Picrel.
No. 358718
File: 1709003176119.gif (Spoiler Image,68.33 KB, 250x250, 1000006510.gif)

>>358688I miss RO so much, I can't stand how generic and overdesigned the classes got over the years.
A small off-topic sperg about RO, my issue with how the jobs evolved, was that they stopped having a distinct silhouette. The first few jobs are easily recognizable and fit within their categories, dancer/gypsy look close and are easily recognizable, but once you got to trouvere, she is just another character in a dress.Back to the topic, even just being a game with pixel characters, while most of them were fine and had very cool designs, it always felt weird to see monsters like picrel. It was soo obviously porny. We had a few male monsters sexualized, but I don't think there was the same ammount and intensity as with the female ones.
No. 358722
File: 1709005432504.jpg (1.46 MB, 1411x6454, Screenshot_My torment as a gam…) documentation and small snapshot of how men perpetrate virtual terrorism onto women and try their damnedest to push women out of the hobby. The comments are predictably filled with the usual suspects. The gist of it is that every time she plays as a female avatar in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online, her avatar, and by extension herself, gets virtually gang-raped or otherwise virtually sexually assaulted by male players.
Many male excusers:
>gosh, boys used to have physical outlets for their sexual aggression. now they're just so much worse and videogames serve as a poor way way for them to "let off steam". let me pretend males haven't always been sexual terrorists.>AkUaLlY, patriarchy good because it didn't hurt women, it's real purpose was to curb the worst of men's behaviour >why doesn't she just stop playing?>muh male suicide rateMultiple commentators solely pissed about how Gamergate was described in a couple of throwaway lines
One guy confirming men are trash at their core:
>There is a weird irony here – murder, theft, lawlessness are all fine in the game for the author it seems – she is happy to kill and rob her way through the story line etc, but for some reason gendered crimes are beyond the pale? To be clear, I’m not advocating for the latter – I think the author actually has a point. It’s just odd that only a specific type of criminality is perceived as a problem in a Wild West scenario, rather than, you know, the whole premise of the game being open to the fostering of human beings’ worst inclinations.And another, note the quick change to "people" rather than "men":
>““In a world where players can do exactly as they want, why do men keep choosing to rape?”>The naivete of the writer’s question made me feel pity for her. Why do people put themselves and their desires before other people’s well-being? Why do people like to have power over others? Why, indeed, do people do bad things?And finally, someone simply saying "thank you for this article" with a ratio of +11/-21
No. 359019
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Metal Slug
No. 359236
File: 1709197746289.jpg (98.49 KB, 612x516, kue8e6000001t8cq.jpg)

>>358688NTA and another RO oldfag here and
>That female shadow crossActual strippercore, jesus christ that's awful and I can't believe they went back to this bullshit. I think all of the 4th jobs look like overdesigned trash though and the 3rd jobs were coomery and ugly as hell, ironically enough the Japanese server redesigns they were given improved upon the issue a lot (compare picrel with
>>358641 , it's the same job class). Revisiting all of the job designs I really had forgotten how sexualized the female costumes were since it's been a while. Looking at the female kRO Royal Guard is like being punched in the face, that looks so fucking goofy next to the male design walking around looking like the tin man kek.
>>358718Hey, at least you got to actually see Maya instead of pointlessly trying to wander Ant hell waiting for her respawn only to see some champion asshole asura strike her in a microsecond.
I'm sorry No. 359237
File: 1709197960017.gif (Spoiler Image,25.53 KB, 133x171, 1289.gif)

>>358718>>358719That monster did have this male version though which was the exact same design with a bishounen naked male in the same position instead of the girl so eh, the scales have been leveled in that regard.
No. 359361
>>358651The male character has baggy shorts that reach to his knee and the female character has tight shorts that end at her upper thigh. Even at their most gender equal, there’s always some excuse to make the female character show more skin or have tighter clothing. It’s miles better than the other stuff posted in the thread though. Unfortunately the Crystal characters just represent a real life trend of girls clothing being skimpier/tighter. Some of these characters like
>>358641 don’t even look like they belong to the same class. Designers (including female designers) will never stop succumbing to the urge to make the female characters cute/sexy.
No. 360189
>>359236Kek she used to teleport too, so even when you spotted her, you had to kill her super fast.
>>359237It's completely different, look again. She has her arms back, bouncing tits and eyes closed and the bugs arms are touching her. He is just standing up being held by the bug with eyes open. It's completely different vibes and you know it. Btw they clearly just slapped some other sprites parts to form the male counterpart. It's even more clear if you look up his dying sprites, they are the same from the female maya's death. I liked RO and I don't think Maya represents most of the game, but we can't turn a blind eye to when a male dev gets to sneak in his bug fucking fetish and nobody even said anything back then. Besides purple maya, we had the dickless naked guy in the dungeon with that domminatrix esque monster, then I can't remember many sexualized males. Females we got a bunch. Marionette flashed her panties, isis had boucing boobs and so on. They don't represent most of the game, but it's still dumb to include all that.
No. 361004
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No. 361153
File: 1710014426236.png (1.77 MB, 1516x692, DQB2Babs.png)

I picked up Dragon Quest Builders 2 after a break. I just did the storyline of Khrumbul-Dun. On this desert mining island there is only one woman character, Babs, for 60% of the storyline who is the daughter of the man who owned the town bar and all the male characters are creepily obsessed with her. Throughout the story they beg her to run off with them and dance for them. The males ask you as the builder to build rooms for Babs to change in and a personal neonlight showgirl sign like she's on the Las Vegas strip that says Babs. As you progress through the story, Babs changes clothing progressively and does basically reward the miners with dances. The last 40% of the storyline a couple more women join the town. One is important that you find in the mines and the other women show up as the town grows. Of course those women arrive wearing bunny costumes. The have no lines no important lines and basically just work at the three bars you build for the town. The other important woman you find in the mines is old and they eventually dress her up in the bunny costume as kind of a joke "Like look at this crazy old woman in a bunny costume". Back to Babs all the male characters say you are rivals for Babs' affections despite her not showing interest in anyone nor any flirting and I also play the female builder so I don't know if she speaks any different to the male builder. At the end of the storyline of the island she almost decides to not comeback to the Builder's personal island as a way to keep the spirits of Krumbul-Dun high despite clearly wanting to leave until the town golem we had to sacrifice to save Bab's life (the golem was also creepily in love with her and expressed wanting to marry her) gives his blessing for her to leave. I've attached pictures of her "transformations"
>what in the Metamorphosis
No. 361259
File: 1710049433172.png (76.24 KB, 761x413, SMT_Incubus_Succubus.png)

>ugly gremlin with long erection
>beautiful enticing lady
Why can't have both of them be attractive or just gremlins?
No. 361272
File: 1710053943549.png (4.27 KB, 112x98, Incubus.PNG.png)

>>361259>A male demon of popular European folklore during the medieval ages and the male counterpart to the succubus. They are known to visit women in their sleep and have sex with them, bringing about horrendous nightmares. The offspring born from these incidents are said to later become witches and wizards.- sh2 bio
Incubus is interpreted as a creepy rape demom, a demon who impregnates sleeping women and gives them nightmares moreso than a seducer, while succubus is a wet dream demon who steals mens' semen, which is then given to the incubi to impregnate human women.
There was a hotter incubus design in majin tensei 2, but I don't think it was used after.
>>361261>the Zelda games managed to accumulate a huge female following by just… having an attractive male lead and being fun games to playSo did SMT, they've always had more female players than male players because of their bishie protagonists, antagonists, and demons
No. 361278
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>>361259Tbf they probably just wanted the incubus to look like a gremlin because they're supposed to be creepy. Even if they're not on the same level of coom as the female ones, there are a lot of smt designs that are beautiful men. Smt and persona games have a big female audience.
No. 361282
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>>361259I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. AT LEAST they can make decently cute male protags.
No. 362073
File: 1710260335268.jpg (174.62 KB, 850x601, sample_73f67b051ab8bd7513fe775…)

>>357790The artist (wada arco) is a woman and the final boss of dicksucking pickmes. Just look at the difference between how she draws men and women. Imagine hating yourself this much
No. 362094
File: 1710267898584.jpg (584.91 KB, 1080x1501, MegatenProtags.jpg)

>>361626I found this chart of Megaten protagonists, and only 6(the circled ones) out of the 32 shown here are female.
Maya in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is the only mandatory female MC. The others are female alternatives to the male MC and Aegis is the post-game protagonist in P3.
I understand they stick to male MCs for the Persona games now because of the social sim stuff, but why don't they let you be a woman in the other Megaten games? The Mcs gender is completely irrelevant in most SMT games, so why don't they give us the option?
No. 362097
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>>362094>reverse trapped by dds2's Sera/Seraph, the coolest looking megaten protag in existencethere's also dx2 where you can choose between male and female. they've said many times they make hot male protagonists to appeal to both women and men at the same time. a lot of these protagonists are actual characters and yes, their sex almost always matters enough that adding a female equivalent would be more trouble than it's worth.
No. 362148
File: 1710282262258.jpg (504.37 KB, 1348x900, GCW95IobAAEgcig.jpg)

>>362123>>362144I have the opposite opinion of you to be honest. I like dungeon crawlers but I don't like dating sims or the general style of the new Persona games.
Given the choice, I'd be fine with just moids getting pandered to by the Persona games if it meant women got more pandering from all the other SMT games.
No. 362197
File: 1710302105835.jpg (141.62 KB, 1107x817, kHOjSTM.jpg)

since scrotes are starting round two of gamer gate I hope all the game dev nonnies are doing well. I know a lot female game devs tend to be libfems genderspecials. But they still make a lot of games that are undeniably female gazey which pisses off scrotes. Keep supporting female game devs and female catering games.
What are nonnies thoughts of Coral Island? The actual game is unfinished and still updating but I like that they offer a good amount of male + female love interests. My only criticism is that they have unconvential male love interests while ugly women are pratically non existant. It's by Thai/SEA game devs.
No. 362365
>>362325>NTA but moids love their dating sim shit in personaMy point was that they like it as it is and if Atlus pandered to women the exact same way they pander to men currently, men wouldn't give a fuck about these games and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, unless they're shotacons who want to date Ken I guess.
>the women who play persona anyway are playing for the combat or story because they are not catering to women in any of the ways they couldYeah no shit, that's so obvious I didn't even feel the need to state it, especially considering that the mainline games are very popular with women and don't have dating sim elements. I didn't excuse it, I just explained it from a marketing point of view, and you basically got upset while… repeating my point.
>Atlus doesn't care about doing anything women in particular would likeThey do but in other games. They picked Catherine and gave us a yaoi route in its updated release because they know that plenty of the women who like Atlus games are fujoshi. SMT5 intro and tutorial battle are a retelling of the myth of Susanoo rescuing Kushinada before marrying her, but if Kushinada was a young man instead of a princess. I don't expect shit like this from an eventual Persona 6.
No. 362366
>>362325Agreed the fact that Atlus had multiple adult love interests for a teen character (in a game where the first villain preys on teenage girls). But only had one implied yaoi storyline cause they're too scared of scrotes freaking out. And it wasn't even with Akechi. Women need to stop accepting the absolute bare minimum.
While scrotes are praising stellar blade for appealing to their horniness women are trying to pass off men in suits or tumblr sexyman ugly designs as hot or "female gaze".
If we've accepted that scrotes want the average female character to look like a porn actress then it's time to stop accepting mediocrity when it comes to pandering to women.
No. 362401
>>362365ntayrt but it came off like you were saying like the game has to actively try to appeal to men otherwise they wouldn't be interested in it when these games are designed from ground up for men and they add bishonen boys and fujobait to appeal to female fans. Obviously men don't give a fuck about male romance options but it's not going to hurt game sales to add a female protagonist. If that was the case then games like Fire Emblem wouldn't have a male fanbase or sell well. And yes, most MegaTen games have some type of fujobait including mainline persona but it's always so softly teased because male fans hate it and female MT fans lick up any scraps they are given. Off the top of my head, the only examples of MT games being sincere with fujobait is Persona 2, a one-off event in dx2, and Full Body like you said. (If you count Catherine as an MT game and even then Rin is a "Femboy" which appeals to men as well)
>>362378I think it's disingenuous to say that feMCfags are a minority of female players, but maybe I'm biased. Most female fans that I have met, oldfag or newfag, want another female protagonist even if they're not as vocal about it. I'm not going to count Maya or Aigis as they're already established characters and P2 is completely different from modern Persona, but from a narrative perspective P3P's FeMC had a lot of interesting social links that I found to be more compelling then the male counterparts. (There are some narrative flaws as well but p3p was made with sticks and tape) I wouldn't call myself an oldfag, but I've been a fan of the franchise for over a decade now, since before p4g's release. I don't expect to have a feMC anymore from mainline anymore but it's incredible frustratingly to be blown off over re's lack of feMC. Why is it that men get to have their self insert character and that's treated as the default but when women want them they're annoying otomefags that don't actually play or care about the Megami Tensei franchise? We don't even have any male romance options, despite Ryoji and MC being a popular pairing since the game came out in 2006.
No. 362411
>>362365I got upset with your stupid "moids won't like it" faggotry because it applies to everything we want in this thread being discussed, you're the one that felt the need to state the obvious, coming across as some happy trash eater feeling the need to tell me and other women not to desire or expect any better bc oh nooo the moids won't like it. Also with the femc thing you're literally wrong, since as has been pointed out, fire emblem has been doing fine with this. And kek, yeah Rin, the "draw a girl call it a boy" trap was TOTALLY for fujos and not the huge audience of moids who love that kind of shit.
>>362378why do femcfags have to go back to otome when moids get to continue to have their dating sim shit? At least say you want to remove the dating sim shit from the game entirely. How is it turning into modern fire emblem literally any worse than it already is? Not sure why you're so defeatist about any fujo possibilities that I guess you feel like yumes ought to be thrown under the bus too. Fire emblem may not let you be gay with everyone but they still have some options, I know three houses didn't really have any good ones but Niles from fates was plenty popular
No. 362414
File: 1710372395045.jpg (163.97 KB, 1024x768, Crusader.full.637733.jpg)

>>359236I find it funny that RO is being posted here because I think it has some of the best and worst examples of female character design. Female Crusader has always been one of my favorite female armor-type designs. She looks really cool and arguably better than the man without being sexualized at all.
No. 362415
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>>362414Samefag, and then they killed it by making paladin (the advanced version of this job) the ugliest job design I've ever seen.
No. 362422
File: 1710374469309.png (73 KB, 191x311, Screenshot 2024-03-14 010300.p…)

>>362094>The Mcs gender is completely irrelevant in most SMT games, so why don't they give us the option?The thing is, the sex of the MC should not be irrelevant in a good SMT game. Since the beginning of the series, the male MC played the role of the archetypal man, like Adam, Osiris or Izanagi, while the heroine by his side played the role of the archetypal woman, like Eve, Isis or Izanami. Usually the heroine is also a reincarnated goddess (tends to be Amaterasu) or something just as important for the plot.
The only classic Atlus titles that let you pick the protagonist's sex are actually the ones where this duality between a male hero and a female goddess is not present.
Even the more casual titles that exist outside the more mythological backgrounds tend to give focus to a male experience instead of a female one so simply switching pronouns wouldn't be enough.
So in an ideal world there should be a SMT game where you play as a heroine should be built around the archetypal woman in the myths of the world. It shouldn't leave space to a male MC at all because it would go against the theme of the game. It would be interesting af to play the role of a silent protagonist who must choose to reincarnate as a different goddess depending on the route she picks, for example.
Also picrel is a woman and she fuses with the male MC to become an actually androgynous being. IDK I never played Digital Devil Saga but I thought that was interesting.
No. 362424
>>362073I always got the impression wada arco is either a lesbian or a huge pickme. Here the male MC looks like he's posing with his bros while the female MC seems to actually have a harem of gacha girls… .so I'm leaning more towards lesbian. She also drew some sexual art of Tamamo being touched by the female mc and the female mc looked self-inserty instead of coom.
Still don't like her though.
No. 362431
>>362425>self inserts as an anime character to pretend she's in a romantic relationship with other anime character>most of the time the characters are from series with no romance or self insert pandering to begin with>nickname for people who do this literally means delusional>hates fujos for being delusionalBut it's only a sexism problem when
you don't get pandered to enough. No self awareness. It's bad enough when the scrotes act like this.
No. 362443
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>>362422I know that's a thing in quite a few of the games, but there's just as many exceptions. The story of SMT3 would be exactly the same if the demifiend was a woman. Same with SMT: Strange Journey, SMT2, and SMTV. Those games have no excuse not to have a Female option.
>>362325>the women who play persona anyway are playing for the combat or story> If this were true wouldn't there be more women playing other Megami Tensei games besides Persona? Most women I've seen online are more into Persona than SMT, though maybe that's just because Persona is more mainstream. No. 362459
>>362452>You don't speak for everyoneneither do you, nonita. you're the one who sounds totally out of touch with what female smt fans want and with the series as a whole, like you're looking for something to be mad about above all. the sex of the mc is often relevant in not just the plot but everything from hundreds of lines worth of unique demon negotiation dialogue to their occupations and their roles in relationships with other characters. they're not just self inserts, they go on to be reoccurring characters throughout the whole series and which mc was chosen would only create more drama. I'd say all that alone makes a good enough excuse, but on top of it most of the games you're yelling about came out 20-30 years ago.
>GAYMURGATEmy eyes just rolled so far into the back of my head
No. 362490
>>362197I hate this modern Disney-esque sameface art style so much that I can't find any of them attractive. They look boring and normie level anyway.
>>362249This, how come there are multiple dainty women but no beautiful bishounen characters?
No. 362491
>>362073>(wada arco) is a woman and the final boss of dicksucking pickmes.I'm laughing and crying at this description anon it's too real but also depressing. She has one of the most influential jobs you could think of making Fate characters yet she chooses to create uninspired ugly women in bikini while the male ones walk around in a burqa.
>>362424Anon don't be stupid, do you really think straight women don't draw coomershit all the time? I swear people are overdosing so hard on copium thinking that pickme artists are ackshually lesbians because they draw moidgaze women and not poisoned by a male-dominated environment.
No. 362493
>>362422It is an interesting concept to think about.
No. 362540
File: 1710431992659.jpg (2.75 MB, 1600x900, Full-Cast-2.jpg)

I don't know why anyone cares about the sex of the next protagonist of a series 1. they don't play and 2. if they did play, they'd know has been garbage since 2013, around the time Kaneko left, and will never recover because the new team has no creative direction and has chosen to go down the corporate route of becoming watered down Fate/Persona. Persona's protagonist, whatever, but SMT has been cooked. There was just a female MC in SH2 that I see no one has brought up yet because the game was dogshit and she was a horrible character. Are you willing to buy a bad game just because you can play as a girl in it?
Moreover, do self-insertfags hate every game that doesn't have a self-insert MC or female MC they can ignore the character development of and pretend is them? There isn't even any romance in these games, and it's not just fujoshits who enjoy cute boy MCs. In fact, the only other people I've ever seen feel entitled to it like this are trannies, it's not something the female players are clamoring for and they don't care when it does happen. The sex of the MC matters in every game with the mechanic that allows you to talk to demons, aka most of them.
No. 362555
File: 1710437180777.png (165.59 KB, 250x278, New_Danganronpa_V3_cover.png)

Anyone else not a fan of how the only mainline Danganronpa game (yes I know about the despair girls spin off) that advertised a female protagonist actually ended up immediately fridging her for the sake of the character development of the real sadboi male protagonist who she was the waifu of. I don't even particularly care that Shuichi was the protagonist, just not a fan of how "you didn't REALLY think that girl was the real protagonist" using Kaede for the bait and switch felt. Maybe I'm being schizo, but it did make me wonder if the scrotes behinds danganronpa weren't very happy with how popular of a series it is with women, especially since the ending of V3 is basically a direct meta response to the fanbase
No. 363319
File: 1710695013925.jpg (53.18 KB, 645x475, images_18.jpg)

>This is from an otome game
Goddamn imagine if the male protagonist dressed this slutty in an eroge.
No. 363402
>>362197Late but this feels weirdly homogeneous. Basing this off the picture but they all feel like they have the same personality but with a minor twist like X plays guitar, Y likes baking, Z is a little bit wacky. Wakuu, Sameru and Leah feel like they wouldn't have more or less the same personality as the rest.
Maybe it's the art style but I feel like I'm being offered Pepsi with lemon, Pepsi with cherry etc rather than a coffee or heck go nuts and give me gasoline. If you're going to give me a dating sim with that many characters go bananas.
No. 363575
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>>363542True. Even so-called femporn by genuine female creators focuses on the girl's body too much. The male gaze has Japanese women on a chokehold.
No. 363722
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>>363709Are you another one of those suitfags who swears up and down skinnyfat salarymen are the peak of sexiness? Because you sound like it. The fact that something like nu carnival exists is a miracle in of itself, even if you don't like it, you can't deny it's a necessary game in the current gaming climate that's so male-centric and near impossible to find a game that doesn't sexualize women. The designs are still hot btw
No. 363731
File: 1710811099583.png (156.99 KB, 217x499, Mammon_Sprite.png)

>>363729they did and it is SO hot! look at how unclothed this man is! it doesn't get any better than this
No. 363744
File: 1710811662197.png (155.41 KB, 450x757, Site_Characters_-_Garu_Still1.…)

>>363727>>363726>>363733Just admit you have internalized misogyny. These are some of the best designs in the entire industry.
No. 363745
File: 1710811737114.png (158.01 KB, 450x757, aster.png)

Aster shits on Venti(bait)
No. 363749
File: 1710812035196.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.39 KB, 600x1375, 620236_27000626.jpg)

>>363743His pecker is a bit on the smaller side but i like it
>>363744>>363745Some of my favorite designs in the game for sure! Love olivine
>>363746I don't think fatefag would go to bat for a femgaze game like nucani
>>363747I hate to break it to you, but fujos and yumes alike can like shotas and it's much more reasonable than roidpigs or safe horny tumblr sexymen.
No. 363770
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>>363769I am not that anon though. It's just tiring that anons always start shit ITT because god forbid another anon likes something they dont. Be more like monky.
No. 363774
File: 1710816654768.jpg (252.06 KB, 786x1794, etna.jpg)

I genuinely will never understand how a png of a half naked anime boy can cause this much seething, specially since more revealing female designs are dime a dozen in even SFW videogames.
No. 363824
File: 1710829456774.png (1.43 MB, 1280x712, this collab for example.png)

>>363744>>363745Don't care for slutty designs like this period and would rather just see the characters in regular clothes or some sort of alt fashion.
No. 363834
>>363824Normal clothes seems like such a waste considering it's a porn game and the point is to see them as sex.
Well, it's not like Blue Archive doesn't have some outfits that are not sexed up, I wonder if moids are the same in not wanting porn outfits in porn games and shitting on other men for wanting silly revealing outfits.
No. 363836
File: 1710834917987.png (1.73 MB, 1283x802, Mobile - THE iDOLMSTER Cindere…)

>>363824I just wish games with male casts put as much effort into the outfits fashion-wise as ones with female casts.
No. 363872
>>363834KEK "Noo women look better when they are fully dressed! A well tailored suit is better than a tiny bikini!!!"
>>363836What effort are you talking about exactly
No. 363875
>>348662>both FE3H and engageIIRC FE has had separate designers for characters and their outfits/armors for a while. Art director is the one who almost always does the clothes and armors.
>>349054I was gonna say that doesn't look too bad and then I opened the image kek.
No. 363876
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>>358496Adachi looking like this at 70 despite everyone calling him fat made me kek.
No. 363884
>>362555I don't think Kodaka is even that scheming to begin with. He's just dumb and Shuichi was just his "Surprise! Did you really think this game is any different from the previous ones? You gotta sit through ALL the same tropes!" But yeah I agree that it does give bad vibes. Kodaka is just a mostly normie scrote that stumbled into making a series super popular with women. At least he isn't one of those completely pornbrained eroge guys that your usual "hardcore" VNfags seething over DR tend to shill, and isn't a troon panderer like his buddy Uchikoshi.
>>362566I was happy that he looked like bishie. So many moids seethed over his eyelashes kek.
>>362415That legitimately looks like the rookie version of the prior job kek.
No. 363892
File: 1710857833538.png (2.41 MB, 788x1778, BA skins.png)

>>363834>I wonder if moids are the same in not wanting porn outfits in porn games and shitting on other men for wanting silly revealing outfitsMale gachas always have sexy skins, even for the non-sexualized designs. The problem is that in mixed gachas like fate/granblue/arknights they give female characters thong bikinis and then they give male characters long ass trunks with a tshirt so men dont feel offended.
No. 363905
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>>363834>Normal clothes seems like such a waste considering it's a porn game and the point is to see them as sex.Not really, even if games advertise themselves having erotic content and do indeed have sex scenes it doesn't mean it's just porn with no plot or that they need to be wearing revealing outfits 24/7. This isn't even a BL game exclusive thing either, pic related are the main heroines from an eroge VN with sex scenes and they all look like this for 99,9% of the game.
I believe the choice stems from the writer wanting the reader to take the story seriously which would be hard to accomplish if everyone had their dicks/tits out all the time.
No. 363924
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>>363905>vnShouldn't you be comparing gacha with gacha? Then again, pic related isn't porn.
No. 363926
>>363924What? Every character in
>>363824 is from a VN.
No. 363929
>>363905>it doesn't mean it's just porn with no plotbut nucarnival is that
>>363882…because they're not porn games. they're games that are 99% story and 1% sex scenes like most BL eroge. if you want to larp as a pornsick moid who needs everyone to be wearing something hyoersexual you'll have to go play coming out on top or jock studio or something else made for fags because those are the only games that dress their characters like that since they
are made purely for porn. normal bl vn players don't want that.
anons cant seem to grasp the concept of eroge
No. 363933
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>>363930they probably hate it because you can't go 2 days without screaming that a stupid porn game should be the new standard for male characters in gacha. just say you have crippling porn addiction and go.
No. 363937
>>363933Nta and I get that shilling is obnoxious, but if you're already playing gacha and are on the look out for more gacha with sexier men, then isn't it a bit too late for that?
Why would you be looking at gacha for sexy men to begin with?
No. 363938
>>363936Nothing's wrong with wanting it. It's the slutwear posters being fucking obnoxious and touting their slutty gacha as the pinnacle of design and complaining about the fact that other things exist that causes these problems
>Spam their gacha moids continuously in multiple threads in /m/ and /ot/>Some anons call them ugly >Gacha spammers come back to this thread to cry and whine about this same topic for the nth timeJust give it up to god already
No. 363940
>>363937Anon is completly unable of understanding women can have different tastes and that the world doesn't revolve around her personal taste in gacha trash. This shit
>>363924 is from a non porn gacha game and it's 10 times more lewd than anything from nucani, an actual porn game. I don't know if its one or several anons that get butthurt when women ask for male characters to be treated the same way as female ones, it's really not a crazy request and streetwear tacticool slop is literally the norm already so no one is taking her fully covered boys away from her.
>>363938You know more than one person can like the same game right, especially one as niche as nucani which is basically the only one of its kind. I dont even play or care about it, but i am glad it exists.
No. 363943
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Fwiw the same site is releasing a more tacticool bl gacha, as well.
Just having more variety is already a bit of a good thing.
No. 363954
>>363944N+c fujos are usually pickmes fine with scrote eroge, evident by the fact the male characters in their games are always fully clothed while the token female of the game is without exception sexualized in some way and dresses more revealingly than any of the males. So yeah, of course n+c fakejos are offended.
>>363948And they're still hotter than your husbando will ever be
(baiting) No. 363958
File: 1710873938311.jpg (173.15 KB, 850x478, 2 lewd 4 scrotes.jpg)

>>363957It has been explained to you before that mixed gachas dont have sexy male designs because moids are entitled and insecure and throw a hissy fit every time a male character is slightly sexualized. This thread is FILLED with examples of men censoring slightly sexualized men. It's not women not wanting sexy men, otherwise shit like nu;cani would literally not exist, it's that most gachas are mixed and men are insecure. Friendly reminder this was considered too lewd for scrotes and they sent death threats to the artist until she was fired. You need to understand women do like sexualized male characters, and the only reason they aren't more common is because of scrote entitlement(just like you!)
No. 363963
>>363959Source: Dude trust me
>>363957Except, they do and don't realize it. Women are brainwashed and shamed into liking attractive men, hence why shit like tumblr sexymen are so common. I don't see why it's a bad thing for women to like trashy, slutty fictional men.
No. 363965
>>363959Isn't there an all female design team? Are they something like gay man pick mes?
>>363961I do feel a bit of sympathy since there's not many places to talk about it without some twitterfag going "um, nucarni is for mlm men and fujos aren't allowed"
No. 363970
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>>363966There are actually a lot of women who watch gay porn so it makes sense to advertise in gay porn sites.
No. 363972
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>>363967dunno, is just an observation.
>>363968because the ads are a meme among the players (and fujos in general)
No. 363975
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>>363969Pic related is an actually for gay men gacha.
No. 363977
>>363968ntayrt, but KEK, really what was
nonnie doing at the devil's sacrement?
>>363972i've seen this exact one on myreadingmanga lol.
No. 363980
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>>363973one in broken japanese went semi-viral just the other day but I didn't save it
No. 363984
>>363827I think they all look pretty cute, but your post made me laugh my ass off.
>>363834>it's a porn game and the point is to see them as sex.It's really not, you're supposed to care about them as characters first sex objects second.
I feel like that's a better way of summing up my point though, I don't think stuff like nu carnival shouldn't exist or whatever, I just personally don't care for the designs and would rather have a game with plot in it.
No. 363990
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>>363984>It's really not, you're supposed to care about them as characters first sex objects second. Please just shut up. Everyone is different, the world doesn't revolve around you, women are allowed to be more visual leaning. How many times are we going to have this fucking convo until you accept the world does not revolve around you and your personal taste. Move on.
No. 363992
>>363984>It's really not, you're supposed to care about them as characters first sex objects second. the moment you open the game, you're hit with a threesome between
>>363745 and the incubus character and the MC, and in battle the more damage they've endured the more ripped their clothes get and get a lewd flushed face.
No. 363993
>>363983Sort of OT, but I always do find it strange how different bara is from every other anime art style
like compare moe and shoujo artstyles that you find in otome/BL stuff and they're usually not SUPER far off from each other aside from joseimuke characters usually having slightly more realistic proportions.
But then you look at bara and they all have dot eyes, huge eyebrows and little round flat noses instead of the slim ones you see in the other art styles.
Also bara 100% will have furries.
No. 363996
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>>363983no one cares about your barafurshit, samefag. which game do you think the characters from this game look more like? can you guess who it was made by and for?
No. 363997
>>363994Well, obviously they're always fat/muscley but I'm more talking in terms of face shape.
You can pretty easily spot a bara artist though even when they're trying to not draw bara style since they all have the same art style.
No. 364014
>>364011Tbf equality doesn't necessarily mean sexual for both.
Maybe they want sexual designs taken out entirely for both men and women.
No. 364354
>>364346It's been talked about before in the mobage and otome threads.
Not bad for Chinese gatcha. The guys are just generically hot, the female characters are fine.
No. 364412
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I've been so bummed out about the misogyny surrounding Fire Emblem in recent years. It's been going on for a while now so it's nothing new but this was a series I got into as a kid partly because the female characters looked cool and weren't the usual chainmail bikini type designs that were common in other RPGs. But then the 3DS and especially the mobile game came around and the series went full coomerbait. And when it's not coomerbait they're retconning characters and turning them into theythems in the English localization. It sucks. It feels like I've lost something I really loved all so the series could pander to a bunch of pornsick scrotes and genderhavers since those are the most profitable demographics.
No. 364421
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>>364412I have been like this since Awakening and I haven't quite recovered yet despite still playing and enjoying the games except for Heroes.
Funnily enough the game that bothered me the least with its coom fanservice was Engage of all things. Despite being the cringiest and most weeby game of the series it has the most equal opportunity fanservice but also doesn't go beyond "boobs out and bare stomach".
>but Three Houses!Three Houses is a serious game so I found any of his sexual fanservice to be a blight on its story and many of its female characters are ruined by dicksucking the player. Rhea is the worst because despite being a scary villain, she's also a beautiful woman and thus she gets too many scenes and dialogues where she acts like a dommy mommy fetish character,ike when Byleth wakes on her lap or the whole concept of marrying her.
Also, Shadows of Valentia is one of the most misogynist games I ever played. Despite its normal exterior, the game goes to extreme lenghts to redeem a man who commits feminicide by throwing his plot device wife into burning fire so he can gain power. Right after he dies, her ghost apologizes to him and tells him everything is ok.
Then afterwards, Celica is possessed and turned into a witch and the way for Alm to purify her is so penetrate her abdomen with his new sword. If that's not both stupidly over the top dramatic and a symbol for fucking the crazy out og her… I don't know what that is. Plus that game not only still has weird coomer designs tucked away (with weird horny details) it also has many little instances of sexism that pile up and culminate with the apology.
The worst part is that the director wanted the game to be about the duality of male and female, so I wonder what's his opinion on women altogether…
No. 364508
Carrying over a topic from VG General because I felt it fit better in here, but does anyone else feel a genuine sense of loss over the Project Moon/VellMori situation? A big part of why I liked the series was because of the anti-capitalist, anti-exploitation narratives and depictions of female characters that were largely just as competent, interesting, nonsexualized, and overall human as the male characters were, but firing a female artist because MRAs started a witch hunt against her because they were mad at the lack of T&A fanservice for moids in the games goes completely against all of that.
This isn't an issue of feeling betrayed by a single studio, though. It hurts so much more than that, because I feel as if I'm being shown that even the artists and studios that depict women in a non-objectified way and write narratives that condemn favoring a bottom line or arbitrary rules over human rights will still sell women out if men get cranky, no matter how retarded those men are, and therefore women will never be able to enjoy the vast majority of readily available art or media without somehow contributing to our own oppression. Searching for media that isn't misogynistic, nor is it made by misogynists or those complicit in misogyny feels like searching for a ring someone else lost at the beach three days ago, and it makes me feel somewhat hopeless.
No. 364551
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>>364508Same, I still don't fully understand how that even happened. Why is one half of the fanbase terminally online twitter users posting "Here's why Sinclair is minorcoded" and the other half dumb coomers? Both are so random considering what the game is. And even now I don't get it. PM manages to make things in a way where their moid fans can laugh and meme about it while the other ones take it seriously. I always liked Limbus Company for being well-written and respecting all characters equally, now I feel like I was oblivious and missed something I should've seen earlier.
No. 364578
>>364508What pissed me off from that is that some men will laugh and call the men who complained incels or make some light fun of them, but they would never intervene in favor of women. Why would they even do that? If the incels win, they keep their titty waifus without having to speak up and can still act high and mighty after the deed is done. They eat the cake and have it too. Women put themselves in a much more strict moral code and also demand that moral view from other women. They will empathize and defend moids. Men just watch things happen and think "not my problem" or "thats fucked up" at best and move on. This incel lunatic moids have a lot of power because other men enable them by almost never confronting them, because deep inside they also want the sexualized women.
>>364512Jiggle physics is honestly something I grew to despise, to the point it makes me dislike some female characters. I can't see past the devs intentions behind her. It ruins the character for me and she needs to be really well written so I can look past it, and they usually aren't. Boob physics became such a normal thing they moved on to give then butt jiggles too. I even commented on that with other men, and they just shrugged it off. They aren't losing anything. Why would they care.
No. 364586
>>364489He threw a tantrum despite you mostly agreeing with him? Jesus.
>>364551Can't believe Twitter unironically made me cringe whenever I see someone talking about being lesbian in this shitty self-congratulating manner because they almost always turn out to be troons (yes I checked, it's a troon in this case too). Why the fuck are the most porn-brained incels of them all the most protected demographic.
No. 364595
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>>364512Reminded me how Rosaria from Genshin Impact got "nerfed" because they had to make her chest smaller when she was made playable which made so many people say shit like "it's erasing representation for women with big boobs". The pathetic whining was so funny kek imagine getting catered to in every game and still finding something to be upset about
No. 364596
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>>364595Meanwhile, this happens for no reason.
No. 364599
>>362443>SMTVThere's really autistic lore about Nahobino being Yamato Takeru but in their obsession of having minimalistic story ATLUS basically threw it all away and you can only gather it from hints in random lines, side quests, and character names.
SMTVV is supposed to be more about gender where Bull God (Nahobino, Susanoo, Zeus, Baal) are supposed to represent men, while Snake God (Hydra, Yamata no Orochi, Nuwa, Vasuki, Lucifer) are supposed to represent women. With the new faction in SMTVV exclusively consisting of women, and it's supposed to be reversal of mythical trope of Bull God slaying Snake God and be about women rising up from men's control, but that makes no sense to me with women being set up as antagonistic faction. Almost guaranteed we're going to get hit with more classic ATLUS misogyny. Praying SMT team won't be as bad as Persona team in that regard.
No. 364644
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The Arknights korean sever changed the art hand position of a new female character because it looks so similar to the pinch emoji apparently
Left is the original for CN, JP and English servers while right is the different version for KR servers.
No. 364649
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>>364595Rosaria's boobs looked ridiculous before. "Nerfing" them was a good thing and she got a much cooler outfit because of censorship. It's a shame she's so irrelevant because she's one of the better-looking Genshin women now.
>>364596Never forget what they took from us.
No. 364778
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>>362401>>362171>>361626From what has been said in interviews, it seems like Femc was primarily left out of the P3 Remake due to budget and time constraints. It sucks, but at the end of the day they are a business and they believe it's easier to make money off of coomer men than women.
No. 364800
File: 1711151176343.jpg (28.84 KB, 550x309, Genshin-Impact-Clorinde-2-550x…)

>>364595>so many people say shit like "it's erasing representation for women with big boobs"God you just had to be there to believe it. Her original breasts were clipping all over the place when in motion and looked absolutely ridiculous on her body model but people were pumping their fists in the air screaming about big boob oppression. The same happened in Fontaine when Clorinde was released and she had that blouse with buttons one breath away from bursting open (picrel) and if you called it out for the coomerism it was people acted like you just insulted and degraded people with big breasts. You can't fucking make this argument in good faith.
No. 364834
>>364421SoV would’ve been better as just a Celica game since her story is the best, despite the end.
>The worst part is that the director wanted the game to be about the duality of male and female, so I wonder what's his opinion on women altogether…Really, now?? I might’ve missed it between all the times the story and characters suck Alm’s dick. It’s awful because I actually like Alm, but everyone near just can’t help but coo over how Awesome and Special is. Even Celica is affected because she suddenly loses her mind whenever he’s involved. Yeah, I really can’t image how low this motherfucker views women.
No. 364995
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I've been seeing this game, Rise of the Ronin, and the mc's playable costume on jap twitter and I wonder if there's any interesting reaction to it.
No. 365109
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>>365042>>365044ballsack physics
No. 365112
>>364995Would. Thanks for the rec.
>>365108I like it as long as it's not the kind of beard that's long enough to hide the guy's face shape. I'm talking about how some guys will look completely different and way worse as soon as they shave. But that's less of a thing in Japanese games because it's not trendy in East Asian countries, either that or men there can't have long beards to begin with.
No. 365224
>>364995Well, I am definitely having an interesting reaction to it right now… But also I'm a raging hakamafag/general wafuku enjoyer so I don't even need that because all I really need is more fit guys doing cool sword stunts in traditional clothes to stare disrespectfully at.
>>365094Fanservice needs to be either subtle or kinda stupid to mesh well with the rest. When it was just silhouette-flattering cinematography or nonsense scenes it was alright but now that everyone is trying so hard to shoehorn more fanservice into their media it's all cringy shit because they are both way too serious about it and way too deep into their obsession with tropes to make it at least a bit "honest". As for sex scenes they are completely unnecessary for the most part, it's just like in movies, always embarrassing. Just lame shit that we put up with and try to forget out of love for the rest.
>>365112Guys with facial hair look so much better in Japanese games/media compared to western stuff, I think it's because it looks more well groomed rather than messy realistic stubble (and because they have better hairstyles too.)
No. 365393
>>365094That's not as unpopular as you think. I think that
if they are going to put fanservice, I want it to evenly applied. Do I like skimpy outfits and sexual things in games that it didn't need to exist? I personally don't, but if we have to deal with this, then so should men, plus I know some women do enjoy it, so they should get what they want.
No. 365499
>>365094I agree. Not everything should be coom-brained.
>>364587It’s the way they say it to me. Like I’m the fucking weirdo because I don’t enjoy having every female character’s boobs highlighted with every frame. Actually infuriating.
>>364596And I’ve been called weird by those same people for pointing out that they keep toning this down and nobody seems to be upset.
I hate it out here
No. 365531
>>365094Yeah I don't really want the "both should be sexy and naked" thing, I just want female characters that are treated with respect and given relatable personalities and actual interesting clothes that aren't porny and skimpy. I like good looking female gaze male characters as much as the next person but I don't care about seeing a moid's cock and balls jumping around if the woman's still wearing a thong bikini.
>>365500I'm blessed with knowing a lot of women who enjoy playing all sorts of games but it's true, most women are pushed out because the community smells of ball sweat and they're intentionally made to feel unwelcome and ostracized in there and even genres with some prolific female players like FPS games are filled with pickmes. I used to fake being a man all the time in games to avoid men trying to hit on me or call me a whore and trying to doxx me.
No. 365922
>>365915I dunno, maybe you actually
are playing with some women, but they're using voice changers too and you just don't know. Wishful thinking, but still.
No. 365925
>>365865Idk how old you are but genuinely most normie scrotes in my age bracket exclusively play Valo, Fortnite, those identical ball sport games and whatever new steaming pile of shit that’s getting mass advertised by faggot streamers for one week. All the Quake or Dota fags I’ve come across irl are literally all ricels.
>>365915Could it be that it’s because they’re hiding just like you. Even in massively popular games with strong established female player base, women still don’t disclose themselves unless voice comm is essential.
No. 365928
>>365887Well how about you talk about these games in the actual videogame thread here?
I will fully admit I don't like RTS games because they're slow and require too much thinking, and the graphics are usually less immersive.
And I don't like rougelikes cause I don't like randomness and being punished for dying.
Haven't actually played a metroidvania.
Watched a stream of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Really cool with nice music but no idea how good I'd be at actually playing it.
No. 365950
>>365928Bomb Rush Cyberfunk isn't that challenging even if you've never played a JSR game, it certainly has a lot more content than both and the devs actually are into skating. A neat detail is that they chose the music for the game based on whether they could dance to it.
The chiller tracks in the base are pretty catchy too.
No. 365958
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>>365887kek nona, do you think silksong will ever come out? j'adore most of those games you mentioned; most of my favs in my library on steam are roguelikes and I've recently heavily gotten into shootemups/danmaku. I've also been enjoying my time revisiting dungeon crawlers, a la grimrock, one of my fav genres. but lemme tell you, I would cry tears of joy if I could find other women into "traditional" roguelikes like nethack, zorbus, jupiter hell etc. now that's an autist scrote's genre (unfortunately) if I ever saw one
No. 366052
>>365925I am russian so dota being mainstream is a given. And they dropname Doom/Quake when they want to impress me, because they probably think that these games are super niche.
>>365958Sorry, I didnt know about this isssue, since I have never even played this genre of games. I just had an issue with the implication that women play nothing but mainstream games, meanwhile scrotes do not, since in my experience its not the case at all.
No. 366275
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I absolutely fucking hate the LTD in FF7 and specially how it only basically exists to slutshame Aerith for being a female character who dares have a romantic history outside the main protagonist but also to diminish her role in the entire narrative
No. 366476
>>366052Of all the women I know, none of them play the kind of games I do, but that doesn’t mean no women do. I just wish
more of them did.
No. 366913
>>366482Anon… Her being one of his love interests is literally part of the core of the themes in the game… Can we not?
Anyway my point is that due to ship wars people will say the most heinous shit about Aerith (and Tifa too but Aerith seems by far the biggest
victim) and it pisses me off. It's so clear to me that it's because Aerith, despite her design, is a lot more proactive than the usual LI in traditional fantasy games.
No. 366991
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I know that Tekken is not the best example for good balance but i wanted to say that i find it hilarious how the main screen circles around Kazuya's bare torso. I don't think anything special of him but if i was a moid i'm sure that it would make me kind of uncomfortable kek.
No. 366993
>>366991I just don't get why so many were ticked off about it.
Haven't they ever seen a torso?
No. 367023
File: 1712004118964.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.11 KB, 1000x563, outlastwb13.jpg)

>>366991based, more men need to be made to feel uncomfortable.
it's why i always liked the outlast series. it may be too gory for anons here, but there's a ton of sexualized violence directed at men. enemies raping male corpses, enemies trying to cut your dick off, enemies fisting you to death, talking about raping you (male) and raping other males, and naked dicks everywhere.
No. 367033
>>367023Ok I kind of empathize with the scrotes over the gross bara pecs in
>>366991 but what you described is hot
No. 367295
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>>367023>enemies fisting you to deathGod damn, i know the other examples aren't lighter but this is so insane kek, kinda like it, sounds more terrifying than the usual violence you see in these games.
Another thing that i appreciate about Tekken is that the character who is supposed to be surrounded by half naked girls is not a misogynist ugly old man, but one that doesn't shy away from showing himself and is supposed to look kinda pretty even if Tekken male standards are that you have to look roided even in your cheeks.
No. 367698
*because anons want
No. 368251
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>>368238>make these games with hot men (or males in general) and women will flockthis is the exact reason I played a metroidvania for the first time, because Alucard was hot in symphony of night kek (also because the aesthetics and art in general were beautiful) found out I actually quite enjoyed the gameplay which I didnt expact.
No. 368280
>>368276There's a myriad of genres without coombait, not just RTS. Puzzle games, strategy games, simulators, racing games, sports games, shoot em ups, platformers, immersive sims, rhythm games, card games etc… you're the one making it about men's dicks…
No. 368324
>>368322kek you are right but anon wsa talking about the ''pure uwu'' rts so i imagine she meant stuff like factorio or age of empire.
>>368323it already happens and moids dont care
No. 368330
>>368327How is it the fault of the gaming industry exactly? Game devs not putting female coombait in games which also don't have male coombait isn't being hostile to us. In fact it seems to me quite neutral.
>>368329I get you. I got into gaming through the orange box just because HL lore seemed cool to me. I got into strategy games after I played an ungodly amount of Slay the Spire. Idk if I can really recommend a generalised jumping off point for anyone here, but at the same time it doesn't seem that niche or a huge barrier to entry to me. That said I did have to teach some of my female friends how to download games so… I guess everyone is different.
No. 368478
>>368407I'm none of the previous anons in this discussion, but are
you for real? Are you implying Resident Evil and Dark Souls have no coombait? fucking kek. Have you even played them? How many of these games threaten men in in any way either? Do they need to feel uncomfortable playing a game and have to looks past anything to enjoy a the mechanic? Every game caters to them because
when there is coombait it will certainly be targeted to them. Also, most of these games with no sexual incentive are centered around their male fantasies of war, soccer or whatever the fuck.
>"too much coom for men/not enough coom for us" isn't the answer.It isn't the final answer, but you are blind to not see how their retarded coombait make it unappealing for a lot of women. All the fanservice is catered to them, they are barely able to make good looking men, so there is also no fanservice to us either. Women have to not only put up with all the misognny and sexualization of themselves on games, but also endure their male power fantasy characters on screen. They don't need an incentive to play a game, because the whole industry is made for them, they have every possible choice available to them, without a worry in their minds.
I play a lot of the games you mentioned, plus a lot of niche games. I fucking hate the communities, it's filled with pornsick men and autists. I know other women who are into niche games and games targeted to men and we all hate it. It's a poison you need to actively decide to take to enjoy the rest and that's not something every woman wants to do. Niche unsexualized games are… niche, even among men they are niche. Not every male gamer who plays fifa and CoD is out there playing those specific games either. If we have less women playing games in general, ofc we will have even less women playing niche games. A lot of women who play these games, they just keep to themselves. Every time I dared check any community of any game, even "neutral" ones, it was filled with moids acting retarded and spamming female characters turned into waifus naked.
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can someone explain to me clearly why fanservice in games is bad? is it just because women generally don't get any? does something like picrel contribute to male views of irl women? does anyone have proof, studies, etc. i'd like to pose stronger arguments than i do but the more i think about it, the less i see why it matters if some nerd wants to play a tits and ass game in his room. he's never going to seed anyway