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No. 296963
Repost from the animated shorts thread because i didn't realise there was a thread dedicated for animated music videos
>>265965I mean they are literally two anime guys making out so you can't even call it bait kek
No. 369214
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>>369176this one was a goldmine for reaction gifs, ima share some of the ones i ripped
No. 369234
>>369176Amazing video though it would've been way better without the bimbo shit
>one of the girl's tits spinning>Hooters poster>tha_homegurlz bimbo emoji icon>the military trainer's tits held up and wearing no pants, it's like one of those awful slutty Halloween costumes for womenAlso little nitpick but
>nipples in dress up game, no undergarments>weird dentist game that's probably made by child predators to corrupt children with disturbing content No. 372273
>>369176Greatest animated shitpost.
>>369236But abortion IS for sluts.
(bait) No. 373138
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>that moment when the white blonde girl is magically darker than the latina girl and the black girl, so much so they had to make the black girl even darker so she'd actually look black in comparison.
Why do these people blonde white girls so much? Also, why is it always the winx fans and not the W.I.T.C.H. fans? I guess that's what winx gets for using diversity and celebrities as bases for characters as a marketing strategy. It attracts the worst type of wokies. And the outfits are ofcourse overdesigned a bit.