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No. 268621

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No. 268622

No. 268651

No. 269074

It's none other than this bop.

this song reminds me of a simpler time! Back when I was 13 and was getting to anime. I feel like if I watched Bleach today I'd be so underwelmed, but back then it was EVERYTHING.

No. 270582

No. 271552

Tacocat has a lot of cringe libfem songs but they have some absolute bangers that I love

No. 271553

No. 271641

No. 271662

can't help it

No. 272069

No. 272088

loved this as a kid

No. 272117

No. 272296

lolcow, you're outta your mind.

No. 273205

No. 273617

No. 273662

love this intro didn't even know there was a music video until yesterday! The vid is amazing

No. 273961

No. 274625

No. 277058

No. 280373

No. 280483

can always tell meds have kicked in/in a good mood cause this shit starts blasting in my mind
been 3 days with this on a loop and I'm not even mad
it used to be STEP You by Ayumi Hamasaki for like a good 10 years and I got fresh tracks on deck baybeeee

No. 280485

this song makes me feel like I took mdma

No. 280497

More of a serene kind of happiness than an excitable one. Very life-affirming

No. 282484

No. 282486

Very calm, bedroom-indie lullaby-ish vibes. The band's 2nd album has more energy while still being calm and wholesome

No. 282494


No. 282510

Yes I am a touhou fan but this circle always makes the best touhou songs

No. 282519

I got the SeaWorld song stuck in my head. It's so fucking good. Eurodance or whatever this is needs to make a comeback lmao.

No. 282523

No. 282531

good choice

No. 282577

based taste anon, stack voice is pure heaven

No. 282578

Glad to see other Akatsuki Records fans, I love Stack so much.
I also love the centipede girl Momoyo.

No. 282592

Akatsuki Records have a lot of good songs, it's hard to choose one but video rel is one that I'm obsessed with for a long time now.
>I love Stack so much
Everyone loves her kek, she's the best. Her voice range is amazing. She can sing cutely and roar too kek.
Though I liked her "gasping" sounds she made in songs at beginning of her singing career.

No. 282761

No. 283544

No. 284195

No. 286797

No. 286798

No. 286801

No. 286829

No. 287749

No. 287847

fuck yeah the soundtrack to this movie was banging

No. 288172

I loved it as a child and then haven't listened to it for years, just recently remembered and downloaded this song and a couple of others I had on my "the best" cd. It really does make me happy. This voice and music…

No. 288174

Also this one. "Tango" album is amazing in overall

No. 288372

No. 288373

No. 288853

No. 289282

No. 290534

No. 292944

No. 294127

No. 294176

No. 294204

No. 295109

No. 295110

No. 295300

No. 296021

No. 296022

No. 296681

No. 296685

No. 296697

No. 296901

No. 297080

No. 297147

Blasting this on a Friday night

No. 297148

No. 299065

No. 299068

No. 300133

No. 300238

No. 305967

No. 306916

No. 307126

No. 307128

No. 307151

No. 307165

No. 307505

No. 309768

No. 309815

No. 309816

No. 309835

bonus very cute cow

No. 309836

love this album!

No. 312856

No. 314135

No. 314177

No. 314497

No. 314911

2010s had some amazing fucking music but we took it for granted. Take me back.

No. 314918

fuck yes a pain post! sucker punch is my favorite song of theirs, i also found them from this song.

No. 316927

No. 316947

No. 316958

No. 317018

No. 317048

No. 317174

No. 317186

No. 317243

No. 317244

No. 317471

No. 317544

No. 317795

new spiritbox goes crazy it made my whole day!

No. 317798

No. 317859

Yessss Spirit Box, Courtney is great!

No. 318375

No. 318712

No. 318714

No. 318945

No. 318982

No. 318985

No. 319519

No. 320396

No. 320397

No. 321496

No. 321497

No. 321760

No. 321941

No. 321942

No. 321948

No. 322096

No. 322349

from the composer for ape escape

No. 322552

No. 322554

No. 323001

No. 324233

No. 324289

No. 324296

No. 324306

No. 324444

No. 324877

No. 324914

No. 324915

No. 325025

A FOREVER BOP TBH god I wish I could just go live in the 80s

No. 325728

No. 326998

No. 328509

No. 330199

No. 332945

No. 334598

No. 334637

No. 334918

No. 335250

I didn't know the band also did sing in French, so I'd be willing to give them a re-listen now that I know

No. 337858

No. 339494

my anon!

No. 340383

No. 340385

No. 340386

No. 340639

No. 341792

No. 345435

No. 346186

No. 346522

No. 348045

No. 351163

No. 351164

No. 351187

I'll always adore the OG, but this version activates my almonds in a way that only a rock cover of a pop single can.

No. 352381

No. 352410

No. 353117

No. 353331

this song always calms me when i’m in a bad mood

No. 353391

I just know HYPERDRAMA will be a great album as usual of them!!!

No. 353497

Whole album is great but the last three tracks are perfection

No. 354250

No. 355390

No. 356906

No. 358190

No. 360041

No. 360495

No. 361104

No. 361718

No. 363976

it has the perfect vibes of my waifu, i wish she was real

No. 365103

No. 365719

No. 366175

No. 367735

No. 367752

No. 368557

Post is just… such a perfect album. I love it, Isobel is the catchiest song in the album in my opinion.

No. 370397

No. 372242

No. 372753

No. 372770

No. 372771

No. 373958

No. 374117

Hell yes!

No. 375271

No. 375272

No. 376212

No. 376213

No. 379082

No. 382872

No. 384668

No. 384838

No. 384840

No. 386675

I don't even remember when but I definitely listened to this song on a loop and then completely forgot about it. So happy I've found it

No. 387459

No. 389298

No. 390885

No. 390934

No. 391516

been cycling to this, and only this for years.

No. 405175

No. 405366

No. 415901

No. 416228

No. 416230

No. 416231

No. 416272

No. 416553

No. 416559

No. 419423

No. 419452

No. 424080

No. 424083

No. 426254

No. 426324

No. 427901

No. 427927

No. 428281

No. 430980

No. 433090

No. 436982

No. 436983

No. 436985

No. 440353

No. 440381

No. 446924

No. 446943

I miss you Melody

No. 446944

love this song and the entire album so much

No. 446953

No. 446954

No. 446957

The Dreaming is Kate Bush's best album hands down.

No. 447095

No. 450272

No. 457401

No. 458255

Were you perhaps a warrior cats fan as a kid

No. 458654

No. 459255

No. 459780

No. 459781

No. 459808

I loved this album so much when I was like 12 kek

No. 459853

No. 459855

No. 460559

No. 463843

No. 463844

No. 463845

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