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File: 1555673919622.jpg (111.94 KB, 600x399, punjabi_tribesmen.jpg)

No. 27019

ITT:Post attractive rural living tribesman

No. 27020

File: 1555675029020.jpg (56.29 KB, 900x601, S5Eokt4BcQdoHNhyWZYRSpsbtN57KV…)

Ew. I wish racebait was legal on this board, this deserves to be shamed.

No. 27021

File: 1555675439601.jpg (59.05 KB, 660x783, _91985026_arshadkhan.png.jpg)

what about this thread is wrong

No. 27022


Why are so many weird, shitty threads popping up on /ot/ lately? I can't help but wonder if they're being made by the same faggot.

No. 27023

Nothing. Anon is just not so subtly whining that brown people are icky.

No. 27024

That's a good looking man

No. 27025

I…was hoping for a traditional dress thread lol not this.

No. 27026

File: 1555679728479.jpg (55.08 KB, 1300x866, 10174849-young-clueless-woman-…)

>Get married to an attractive rural living tribesman
>Move into his home
>Curtains everywhere
>Curtains start talking to me
>Turns out the curtains are my Husbands other Wives
>Start talking to my Sister Wives
>Find out my Sister Wives are my Husbands Sisters
>Leave the house without permission
>Get traded to the local goat herder for three goats as punishment
>Find out my Husband will be marrying those goats
>Don't receive an invite to the wedding
Such is life married to an attractive rural living tribesman

No. 27027

alright post hot christian rural living tribesman

No. 27028

>Get married to an attractive Christian rural living tribesman
>Move into his home
>Curtains everywhere
>Curtains start talking to me
>Turns out the curtains are my Husbands other Wives
>Start talking to my Sister Wives
>Find out my Sister Wives are my Husbands Sisters
>Leave the house without permission
>Get traded to the local goat herder for three goats as punishment
>Find out my Husband will be marrying those goats
>Don't receive an invite to the wedding
Such is life married to an attractive Christian rural living tribesman

Also wtf is a Christian rural living tribesman lmao


No. 27029

A Tribesman who is a Christian
you will find them In Siberia,Central Asia,areas of Punjab,North Africa and the Caucasus

No. 27030

I don’t see how they would be any different when OP stated
>ITT:Post attractive rural living tribesman
nowhere does it say anything about religion/race so I’m really not sure what posting a Christian one specifically would achieve

No. 27031

File: 1555683749979.jpg (26.69 KB, 510x359, media_xll_10180642.jpg)

Abbas Alizadeh aka Afghan Bruce Lee

No. 27032

File: 1555691991403.jpg (148.56 KB, 681x1024, maasai.jpg)

lol this kicked off because another anon and I found some handsome tribesmen but we were expecting a traditional clothing thread.

No. 27033

File: 1555694703533.jpg (378.85 KB, 1080x1440, 73663_v9_bb.jpg)

Fun fact Bruce Lee was 1/4 th German on his mothers side

No. 27047

tf is this thread. is it some /pol/ man's parody or what

No. 27057

Someone posted some hot tribesmen in the cute boys thread, anons thought about making a new thread for it. Two anons made a thread at pretty much the same time, this one and another more general one dedicated to people wearing traditional clothes (cute boys included). The other one is more active because it has cute boys and pretty dresses.

No. 42920


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