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No. 272226
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a lot of shonen mangaka just radiate "I cannot interact with women" energy. Even married ones like Oda. Some of them get credit for compelling female characters because they rip off Western tropes (i.e. the rawr kick ass fierce independent you go girl like Makima from CSM or Nobara from Jujutsu). It's especially amusing with that biologically male tranny wannabe who wrote KnY. His female characters are even more sex objects than Oda's.
All the big battle shonen written by actual biological women? Night and day difference. Only a real woman could write something like FMA or Dorohedoro. Even the worthless shit series like Beastars have female characters who may be terrible but you just know that no moid could come up with something like this (Haru from Beastars, impossible for a male to write this).
No. 272230
>>272226>It's especially amusing with that biologically male tranny wannabe who wrote KnYIsn't kny's author a woman? If we're talking about kimetsu no yaiba kek
At least, that's what I hear parroted everywhere but I could be wrong.
Anyway, you're absolutely right, shonen mangaka always make male/male relationships the high point of their series and male rivalry and friendship is so much more important than anything else. It's no wonder there's so many fujos into shonen specifically and that the most popular ships arose from series made for boys kek
No. 272248
>>272226Most evidence points to the KNY author being a female or TiF, I do agree with your points but you can't just discard that fact because it doesn't fit into your narrative.
Dunno if you've read it, but how do you feel about D.Gray-Man? Female author there as well.
No. 272255
>>272226WSJ moids really can't wrap their heads around what a female character would be like when the magic trick is to write them like you would write your male characters (the developed ones that is). That being said, I'm still amazed at Oda writing Arlong Park and Enies Lobby because he really made me feel for the FCs there. Can't say the same about series like Naruto where their main passion is their inconsiderate love interests.
>>272230>>272248Wani is a woman but her characters manage to be more tropey than the average shonen. I do appreciate Nezuko being more tolerable than the two main and deeply unfunny comic reliefs.
No. 272264
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>>272024Yeah I haven’t played the game myself but have heard so much criticism toward this female protagonist in a new game. She is edgy, sarcastic and shows tough love. There are so many male characters like this but the fact that an unattractive female character acts this way made men pretty much ruin this game’s reputation.
No. 272337
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I have some thoughts about sakura. I never watched shippuden, only the original series and I don't know exactly how her character developed other than marrying sasuke and having some badass moments so I'm just gonna focus on her younger version. My hot take that a lot of the hate that she gets is because… frankly she acts like an average 12 yr old girl. Girls sometimes can't stand other girls who they deem as annoying and moids always look down on girl they aren't attracted to, and sakura isn't coomerish at all. Yes, I know everyone says kishimoto can't write girls but sakura to me always acted in a very realistic way and reminded me of the other girls around me. In some way I also related to her, like the obsession with academic grades, the temper tantrums and being insecure of her appearance. Also as a kid watching naruto, I thought her relationship with ino made a lot of sense, like going from friends to bickering rivals, the jealousy etc a lot of my girl friends acted like that. And sasuke was supposed to be the hottest guy in her age range, of course she would have a crush on him, it's only natural (I don't think they had the chemistry to get married though but that's another topic). As for being weaker than sasuke and naruto, as a kid I never saw it as an issue because she was smarter than them and maybe because I was projecting on her, but I also couldn't see myself as someone who is physically stronger. It seems to me like naruto fans focusing on her strength and badass moments is just a weird cope instead of appreciating her for more relatable traits. A female character's worth shouldn't be related to being able to compete to other moids in the strength department
No. 272356
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Mikasa. I don't get why the fanbase obsess over her or think she is well-written (and even with the mess of that ending). She has developed even less than the newcomer characte. Her presence feels like a cardboard who happens to fight good. Though I can't deny I'm digging her timeskip design.
>>272337Kishomoto wasn't even sure what to do with her.
No. 272378
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>>272337what I hate most about the (lack of) development of the female characters in Naruto compared to other Shōnen series is cause I feel they actually had potential
They had unique designs, awesome non-sexualized fighting styles and seemingly great interactions with the main cast
No. 272382
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>>272337Sakura is a prime example of what people hate in a girl. She's not the prettiest or the nicest, she's not the strongest or the fastest, but she is the smartest. A snotty know it all girl trying to fit in a group that has a boy with demon inside of him and a sociopathic edgelord. How is girl like Sakura going to interest boys reading/watching the series? She didn't and in the time skip she doesn't become sexy so what is there to tolerate in their minds? Only girls who liked Sasuke tolerated Sakura because they were self inserting with her. Now the dogshit author had no idea what he was doing, but he accidentally created the best thing ever. I love Sakura, she is everything men hate about female characters and the amount of seething she got out of weeb men was glorious. You search "why i hate sakura" on youtube and you will find thousands of videos full of rage dedicated to her. She is by far one of the most hated female characters in anime and it was all because she was ass kissing the wrong boy. This is why Hinata got all the endearment, she was the opposite of Sakura. She's a princess to some special bloodline, she is obsessed with naruto, she has big boobs (which is something every weeb moid has to bring up as to why she's better than sakura), she thinks he's cool, and she risked her life for him when they spoke maybe twice in the past. Hinata is what you would expect out of the female mc, but instead you got somebody who can't stand him because he's a loser. It destroys the fantasy for self inserting and becomes too real when she is constantly rejecting him. She's a great character that doesn't hold up too much value in the series, but had a big impact outside of it imo.
No. 272399
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>>271969>a character you think is shit. Bonus points if she's beloved by the fandom. Not beloved but Orihime is a shit character for a very simple reason. Never, ever, say a character has godly OP powers then reduce them to a whiny damsel in distress. It's going to make people hate them. No matter how "realistic" it's going to make people ask why the fuck the character isn't doing anything other than screaming and crying. Kubo deserved the backlash he got for writing that garbage. There's a lot of really awful female characters in Bleach but she always stands out because of how important she was supposed to be.
No. 272401
>>272399The biggest joke is that the entirety of her plot points were dropped while you have ichihimes grasping at straws to demonstrate that Orihime was important and her ship woth Ichigo was deep and carefully constructed.
>>272356Gabi is a better example of female character disproportionally hated kek. Moids still hate her guts (but slightly less thanks to the shit ending).
No. 272424
>>272382very good points
>>272392also worth mentioning
i just wish she had more development because obviously there was potential. she still agrees to raise sasukes kid in the end, worst timeline. should have married rock lee
No. 272432
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in retrospect do you nonnies think effy stonem was a good female character? or did characters like her and shows like skins just allow for more coomer media to exist and be successful such as euphoria?
No. 273472
>>273467I've found some like minded women but they're definitely not a majority. Funny thing is most of them do actually tend to be straight they just really like certain female characters like me… I guess it depends on fandom though.
It's disappointing but there's not much you can do about it, whenever I bring this up people get so defensive about liking there male characters too
No. 273484
>>273482Lol I've always found him annoying ironically I think if he was a female character he would be more interesting to me.
I feel like this will get some hackles up but I also find snake to be a boring character, the female characters around him were more interesting to me like the boss
No. 273489
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>>273487AYRT, as would I, but considering scrotes are designing these games, they only know two extremes: covered in makeup, twitter/tiktok/instagram thot look, or revoltingly ugly. And that won't change as long as scrotes are in charge of this. Picrel.
No. 273501
>>273487I agree with this, I remember even when I was a kid I got frustrated when I saw media where all the female characters looked like supermodels meanwhile the male characters got to have lots of variety and creativity in their appearances. I used to draw genderbend versions of male cartoon characters to make them into women but tried to keep all their ugly/unconventional traits, just to see something different for once kek.
>>273489Don't know what that's from, but this doesn't look revoltingly ugly to me at all outside of the weird uncanny valley bug eyes (which is an issue a lot of video game characters have for some reason). She just looks like a regular woman not wearing makeup.
No. 273555
>>273547I haven't seen this beyond waifuism though to be honest. Like I haven't seen it with live action women in series and movies. I feel like specifically men fawn after certain anime characters because the character is meant to pander to them
I'm not sure I agree with being attracted to a character makes them more interesting cause there are people I might find attractive but don't feel anything for their character. I definitely think it can be a factor but I know straight women obsessed with female characters but idk. I guess it depends though because I do think there is a specific type of fandom woman that favor male characters because their entire focus is shipping.
No. 273791
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I'm close to finishing Breaking Bad and found myself angry with how I felt I was watching it. Because I hate Walt, but he remained the character (of the ones still alive) I wanted to see have a closed arc the most. I wanted to see exactly how bad he could break, what he looked like at his most evil. By comparison I found myself constantly exasperated by how unreadable Skyler was; one moment she was smart enough to sniff out that Walt was a drug dealer, the next she's too stupid to know what money laundering is, then the next she's completely OK with being in on Walt's work, then the next she's pulling a knife on him. It was as if Skyler didn't exist as a character but just existed as a tool for the writing room to pivot Walt wherever he needed to go in the story. Then, I watched a couple of writing and actor interviews where Vince explicitly says that the intelligence Anna Gunn brought to Skyler made it difficult to keep straight to Skyler's character, and in choosing to prioritize the bigger story a lot of the actions she takes come across as inorganic.
That made things make way more sense and also just made me more angry. Skyler really did/does have amazing potential, I loved the idea of her values being identical to Walt's ("protecting/providing the family") but her virtues pivoting her directly against him. Unfortunately that wasn't conducive to a good story plot, so they had to dumb her down and purposely make her OOC and do/say shit that she never, ever would. BB is great but when it's bad it's infuriatingly bad.
Poor Anna Gunn too. Didn't she receive death threats for her performance as Skyler? As if she could help that the writing room couldn't handle her.
No. 273877
>>273791Yeah she did people fucking hated her it was ridiculous
I love Anna Gunn she is a fucking amazing actress
No. 273946
>>273791I never bother looking in the comment section of any scene Skylar is in because I know how it'll go. My name is Skyler White.. YO? Was so iconic, doesn't get enough credit.
Though I feel like the writers slightly redeemed themselves with BCS because Kim is incredibly smart and isn't dumbed down for plot convenience.
No. 273976
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>>273567>>273972I don't get why game devs use the tumblr/twitter woman side shave or undercut to say a female character is supposed to be strong, it looks like fucking shit and a Portland pretentious pseudo activist haircut shouldn’t be indicative that a woman in strong. These types of people irl are the biggest cowards you’ll meet.
No. 273981
>>273567I'm sorry but I have to disagree with this. I've spontaneously chopped off my hair in the past wanting a drastic change and it never occurred to me that it could be interpreted as wanting to be more masculine because that was never my goal. I just thought of it as (symbolically) letting old parts of me go and starting fresh like the other anon said. I know other women irl who have done the same. It's also kind of daring I guess because long hair is the tradition as short hair is seen as more edgy/daring because it goes against traditional feminine expectations. The only character I can think of right now who did that was Elliot from Scrubs (a show that I kind of hate for other reasons, but that's irrelevant here) in one episode she chopped off a lot of her hair and tore apart her old bedroom posters and stuff. After that she became more straightforward and confident in herself, but she didn't really become masculine, or at least I didn't see it that way. She seemed more sexy and adult after that as opposed to girlish and timid.
If we're talking about "kweer" media then I guess that's a different conversation. I don't watch much TV anymore but it seems like the woke crowd wants women to be very feminine and fuckable (like "wanting to wear high heels and be submissive is what makes you a woman" logic) and it seems like it's the more "dyke-ish" female characters with buzzcuts who are portrayed in a negative light (unless they're non-binary or something) usually. Just my two cents.
No. 273988
>>273984>>273986I agree it's very over done but I wouldn't call it an inherently masculine thing either.
That being said I would actually love to see more masculine women in media
No. 274344
>>274223>short hair is inherently masculine is narrow minded tbhayrt the only person who thinks that itt is
>>273567my comment was a bit of a joke but i do want to see more masculine female characters, actual masculine characters.. not regular women with pixie cuts.
on another note, I never understood the hate Abby got. She reminds me of Ellie a bit. Both women who allowed revenge to control their lives and in that path they lost everything, Ellie was left alone by Dina and the baby. Abby lost her bf and the rest of her friends, all that was sacrificed for nothing. Honestly watching Abbys storyline made me dislike Ellie a bit because she was dragging it I mean you have an entire farm, a wife & a son to take care of why throw it all away to kill one woman? But I guess that is what Neil intended, how Joels death turned Ellie into Abby. A woman solely driven by her desire for revenge. The hate Abby gets is so retarded, like it was brutal but her anger is justified despite her method of dealing with it is brutal. I know her body makes no sense & is impossible for a woman but who gives a shit honestly I feel like the actual hate isnt the lack of realism but that her body isnt fapbait
No. 275525
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>>275510I feel that Gina Carano should unironically be the physical standard for female action stars, like I hate both male and female steroid freaks just as much as 90 pound Waif-Fu practitioners
No. 275657
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>>275500Hard disagree. It's definitely not a very realistic trope but I like seeing very feminine women kicking ass. It's a power fantasy thing but so are the freakish roided men that are so common to see.
It depends on the context, though. I love Meg Foster's Evil-Lyn's look in the Masters of the Universe movie, but everyone has ridiculous campy outfits on so she works in that setting. Gina Carano's look
>>275525 in The Mandalorian is perfect for her setting.
No. 275661
>>273482When I played Witcher 3 (never finished), Geralt was so fucking grating and boring. It put me off the game; that and the cutscene dialogue. I don't want to see Geralt, really. He's also very rude even if you try not to be. And yeah his voice sounds bad as well. Really bad combinations.
>>273482Snake rarely talking is a bonus.
>>273486Yes, the female characters really are interesting. I don't know much about Solid Snake and whether or not he's interesting but I personally thought Snake was really interesting, but of course his story revolves around The Boss, a woman, who I wish had her own game.
No. 275671
>>272356Way back in 2014 a lot of people (myself included) loved how physically capable she was. Back then tumblr was complaining about the lack of badass characters and mikasa comes along and basically ticks off what tumblr wants. As the story progressed I realised she doesn’t really develop at all, I felt like she never really reacted to the world around her and how it progressed or to new information revealed it was weird. The only important thing was eren eren eren.
I lowkey think Hanji was probably not meant to be a woman because she’s the only well written, compelling, and interesting female character and male mangakas struggle with writing female characters. Not to say the rest of the female cast is shit in snk but Hanji feels well written.
No. 275675
>>275500Because femininity is considered weakness and stupid, so it's nice to see it being portrayed in a positive way.
>>275510I think feminine fighters can be either good or bad, depending on the genre that the characters are part of and the target demographic of the series. Magical girls and toys are a power fantasy for children. Female characters wearing ridiculous sexy costumes in a zombie apocalypse setting or something just exist to make make men horny, though.
No. 275707
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All this pearl clutching about how the upcoming movie will "ruin" Peach by turning her into a girlboss just proved to me that scrotes never respected her. Scrotes crying "NOOO SHE CAN'T FIGHT BACK, SHE HAS TO BE HELPLESS, SHE'S EMASCULATING MARIO" can get fucked. Those that claim how they always preferred the sweet and demure Peach from the games are lying because they never respected her back then either. They would insult Peach and make sexist quips about how she owes Mario sex instead of a kiss or cake. Even the idea of Peach having agency has them go into a seething fit, just read their reactions to Peach turning down Mario and Bowser in Odyssey's ending. Just goes to show that scrotes only see her as a waifu to coom to (pic related got a NSFW edit as soon as it appeared. I thought they hated her redesign). Speaking of, all this malding about Peach's movie design, especially her thinner lips is pathetic. They're minds have rotted by r34 fanart. I'm just happy that Peach is going to have a bigger role in the movie and not be the damsel in distress the whole time.
No. 275715
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What do nonas think of The Boys and its women? I personally am very surprised at the variety of archetypes it presents; plus very few fall into generic woman tropes or kind of borderline offensive "girl(boss) power xD" shit
>>275510I've seen a lot of women (or girls, I guess) on tiktok posit media as having too many ""tomboys"" and not enough girly girls lmao
>>275675>femininity is considered weakness and stupidI'm of the opinion that it is. Women aren't naturally "feminine", I tend to think of "femininity" in terms of stereotypes like pink and high heels and etc.
No. 275719
>>275675>Because femininity is considered weakness and stupid, so it's nice to see it being portrayed in a positive way. NTA but I don't think using sex appeal as your ultimate weapon is that positive a portrayal of femininity, it's like telling people that women are only good for sex and to please men. Having a woman with a feminine appearance kick ass without using her "femininity" is a better portrayal imo, it's like saying that women aren't just good for that one thing and that we're much more than just the dresses we (are forced/conditioned to) wear, acknowledging that we're good at many things that have nothing to do with that.
But ideally the high heels and stripperiffic outfits (what many consider peak femininity) would not be the default "badass female character" design. They still promote sexist ideas about women (like saying we should all dress like that, or that you're less of a woman or weak for not doing so) which, curiously, also happen to have been created for the pleasure of men.
No. 275727

>>275716>>275657there's a difference though, like Chris Hemsworth beating 12 men is obviously unrealistic but it still feels more plausible then having someone having someone like Jay Baruchel in the same role, what I'm saying is they should cast actresses that in fact look like they can fight. Like Linda Hamilton in the Terminator movies for example, instead of tiny actresses borderline anorexic, and expect me to believe they can punch out three guys who look like The Rock surrounding her.
ETA: And instead of telling me she knock him unconscious with her tiny fist, show me some moves that realistically a woman can use to her advantage in combat, or give her a freakin weapon she's expert at. there are ways to do this. Atomic Blonde is a good example
We can see she's physically weaker then the thugs and can't afford to be hit, but she's a better trained fighter and she doesn't let them gain any footing, she hits their vital spots and uses her surroundings to her advantage
No. 275759
>>275715I mean the boys is pretty hyper aware of tropes and literally makes fun of the girl power we can do it ladies trope and presents its female characters as much more than a one off gal power moment.
Starlight does get beat up quite a lot though, I get that she was literally only hired by Vought because of her looks and not her actual power (which is very weak compared to the other main supes) but still, she's in a superhero show and she's not strong like at all. In a world of electricity she should be able to do more.
Stormfront was a great
villain, straight up nazi pretty rare for women to get such a cutthroat peak of human evilness in modern history character. And she was the brains behind her horrific nazi ideals not some other mega nazi, just her. I liked that.
>>275707Doesn't help their (influenced by brainrot only) argument that Peach has been a strong character throughout the mario franchise, a tonne of women have quickly been pointing out that she has her own game. They're also mad that Luigi is getting in trouble instead of her but if memory serves correctly Luigi has been in trouble before. Even mario has been the damsel in distress taking into account games like Luigis mansion.
No. 275824
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>>275759Yeah she's not like, OP, but she is still
strong in mind and spirit; also if I'm recalling correctly (I am binging the fuck out of this show) she handles herself well against all sorts of mooks and – thus far – has only gotten "beaten up" by like. Homelander, who's practically god in series. She's also pretty young as far as the other heroes go; she's 23, and hasn't really used her powers for anything but taking out regular people + showboating. I think it makes sense.
I did read spoilers though and she apparently gets a pretty intense power up later on?
No. 275857
>>275715A lot of women enjoy femininity. It's perfectly fine to not enjoy being feminine but it's not right to hate on people who enjoy the power fantasy of being able to be hyperfeminine but also kick ass.
I think hyperfeminine badasses do work better in more obviously fantastic settings. It's easier to justify a less muscular woman kicking the shit out of a dude who'd clearly be able to mop the floor with her if she has magic or a weapon of some kind.
>>275735I think this view just proves we should have a wide variety of women just like there's already a wide variety of male characters. We should have very masc women, very fem women, and everything in between. Then no one's left out and there's nothing to complain about.
No. 275877
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I must talk about my beloved Bayonetta… I've only played the first game so far (no spoilers pls) but I totally fell in love with her!
Yes, she is sexualized, but she's also funny, badass, cocky, and super strong. I couldn't help but be charmed by her and even though there were some moments in the game that made me roll my eyes, I overall felt like she was a much more fleshed out than a lot of female characters tend to be.
No. 275883
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>>275877I love her so much, she's one of my favorite characters ever. I don't even care that she's sexualized because she's far from just that, she's a consistant character, she's funny, has an interesting backstory that's related to several other cool characters, we learn a lot about her family, etc. I don't need to post spoilers to explain why I like her but I'll stop there anyway. The other games are really fun as well so I recommend you just keep playing and avoid spoilers. There's going to be a spin-off or prequel in a few weeks as well, I've really looking forward to it. I need to beat Persona 5 Royal first though.
No. 275927
>>275824I won't say anymore about her getting beat up because it's later but yes she can definitely hold her own against regulars, take bullets and all that.
So, powering up, not really unfortunately, I'll be vague but still put it into spoilers.
In a scene where the current antagonist, homelander, and a few others are fighting in a climax type scene. She starts to power up and it looks epic like she's really gonna do something and then uh no she doesn't, just basically what she always does. Was disappointing. No. 276010
>>276007I'd rather watch a show with no female characters than one that has its few female characters constantly be
victims of violence or be background noise without contributing anything, but that's just me.
No. 276031
>>276019100%, any sort of fictional tv/movie thing like this is going to take certain liberties where it chooses to be unrealistic and its veeerry telling that having relevant female characters that aren't just for sex and to be
victims of violence is frequently deemed as specifically being too unrealistic. Like, standard action shit can have the most unrealistic scene of some dude easily taking out multiple other men but a woman fighting successfully is "crossing the line". The truth is that the lack of realism necessary for women to be relevant and not
victims of misogyny isn't anything that wild its just the men involved in these shows don't want to imagine scenarios like that
No. 276692
>>275857What this
>>275866 nonna said.
Maybe some women will see it as a power fantasy if a very sexualized woman (which they have been conditioned to want to be like) does some cool shit while looking like the feminine ideal of beauty, but here's an actual female power fantasy: being able to shoot a scrote in the dick for catcalling you and let him slowly bleed to death. It's something that every woman has fantasized about because we feel, and most often are, utterly powerless when we're objectified by men, and we wish we had the power to stop it.
Moids have had their own power fantasies that involve treating women like crap and killing innocents for their own sick satisfaction for millennia. A woman with huge tits in a leather catsuit and stilettos shooting some generic bad guys, made by men for the satisfaction of males in the audience before women, is a pretty lame excuse for a "female power fantasy" and we deserve better than that. But writers are pussies and/or hate women too much to give us that.
No. 277681
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I hate when either of these things happens but the 2nd one annoys me so much.
Are there any female characters that you think were treated similarly to how some male characters are in fandoms/stories? Vriska from Homestuck kind of gives me that feeling. She was pretty popular while also being hated and despite her being 'problematic' she was still given a good amount of importance in the story to the point where she felt like a creators pet.
No. 278878
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i'm just going to rant about makima; i really hate how the fandom treats her. one side is running rampant with coomers who are obsessed with her as a 'mommy dommy' and the others gloss over her character with 'yass! girlboss' then go on to write essays about the boys. which is fair, do what you want, but it still pisses me off.
she's creepy and severe in canon. she isn't nurturing at all, she isn't "seductive" – every character that "loves" her was manipulated through her devil powers. denji fell for her flirtations (which are very disturbing on a second read, after you learn it's not just a high-octane shonen gorefest) because he's underage + lived a shit, loveless life. everyone else either fears her (power, angel devil, etc.) or outright mistrusts her (kishibe).
and her ultimate goal is to "save the world" via a forced cleansing using pochita's crazy deus ex machina ability…
i feel like it's rare to see a female villain that's just evil, straight up. evil without also being a sex object. i wish people could appreciate her and see past the handful of scenes where she preys on denji tbh
No. 278893
>>277681Vriska was a tranny fantasy for gross coomers. It's always a bad sign when female characters with potential garner a tranny fandom because they all glorify mental illness.
In fact I'm wondering if there's not a heavy self-insert element which hints at authors being eggs. Like Makima from CSM.
No. 278939
>>278878>without being a sex objectExcept she is deliberately written to be flirtatious sexy dommy mommy up until the reveal that she was playing it up to manipulate Denji because she wanted to fuck Pochita.
>>278893What does this even mean? I hate Vriska too but she isn't a tranny, anon. If anything the creepy tranny fetish shit was pushed onto Jade (do not read Homestuck Epilogues or 2 for your own sanity).
No. 278953
>>278939>Except she is deliberately written to be flirtatious sexy dommy mommythat's what i'm saying, she isn't sexy or flirtatious outside of like a single scene that is more weird and predatory than sexual. in every other scene she is domineering (not in the sexy way!) and cold
i always wonder if people would see makima as some grand femme fatale archetype if she were male. like everything is exactly the same, she's just a dude; probably not, right?
was transed out though
No. 303448
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i thought shiv was a very well written flawed character with realistic flaws and a good study if a woman raised in a misogynistic circle.
but the way the fandom treats her is appalling, either they fall for the "girlboss" shit (when shic is a decinsytucrion of the girlboss if anything) or they act like she's an evil witch for being mean to their mediocre male favorite.
No. 303585
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>>303448i love shiv but the way she
betrayed kendall in the finale was pretty fucked. why side with your shitty husband (who fucked you over numerous times and outright admitted to only being with you for your $$$) over your brother. No. 303642
>>303585because her brother
also fucked her over and over every chance he got? she already got a taste of how things would be during most of season 4
where as soon as he became interim ceo he immediately sidelined her. and kendall was very clearly turning into logan before her eyes ultimately she was faced with only bad choices.
the motive behind her choices are a complicated and here's certainly a part of jealousy/selfishness but that's what makes her a complex character.
but as muchh as i hae tom i also really, really fucking hate kendall so i might be hiased hr
No. 315164
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>>273791pretty much all of the female characters in brba deserved way more character depth and consistency. shame the whole show went on with skyler being pushed down, rather than take the opportunity to let anna shine. as another nona said, i'm also glad kim was so well written and given attention, though god damn theres so many feetfag shots its so obvious ugh.
anyways, i post here to be a lydiafag, there's so much unsaid for how she ended up/stays in the business or about her homelife, and besides a cute scene where she's like "doesn't prison get people killed?", we don't see much of her in BCS. i just really love how neurotic she is, but also how she isn't the usual "girlboss" kind of villain, she's pathetic and can't stand to look at the murders she orders, is stressed out 24/7, and kind of socially retarded but is also smart and tactical where she can plan train heists, and (attempts) to manipulate things so she stays alive. i just wish she wasn't as one note and we got fuller slices of life for her like we did for gus and the wine scene, mike with his family, jimmy's past etc. people say plain greed is the reason she's there but you could say that for walt, gus and saul etcetc and it'd still be true, but there's also something else underneath/adjacent to that (pride, family, succeeding in the system, revenge). lydia has a child but we really don't know much except lydia is busy and has a nanny, and "dont kill me i have a child". i just wish we saw more lydia rodarte quayle.
No. 355901
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I feel like this character trope isn't talked about despite being pretty common, especially in western animation. The female character who is obsessively in love with the main character, to the point of becoming violent and aggressive, and tends to be extremely pushy and annoying. They almost never get punished by the narrative, and often end up together with the man they're obsessed with
No. 357101
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Most media tend to have the self-insert as a Mary Sue, but in some cases the self insert is utterly pathetic, the woe-is-me type. Just an observation.
No. 357931
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Pearl might have been unintentionally one of the best written female characters in western cartoons in a really long time.
Idk how Pearl is perceived here, I know that anything related to SU is pure cringe and the people involved have provided endless drama, yet they managed to craft a fucked up and tragic character. Going back and seeing some of the older scenes is so shocking in hindsight of everything we know about Pink Diamond.
I wish SU was less cringe because I want to endlessly fangirl over Pearl, she fits the type of characters I love but unfortunately are almost always men.
No. 399679
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I’m rewatching SpongeBob and sandy is genuinely a great role model type character for young girls and among one of the many reasons why SpongeBob still stands out to this day. Especially looking back at the cartoons I used to watch as a kid where the female characters were dogshit
No. 405679
>>273791>the next she's too stupid to know what money laundering isSuper late to this but are you sure about this one aspect? I've watched Breaking Bad three times now and I don't think Skyler is ever dumb to money laundering. She immediately picks up on Ted's tax scheme, she knew the in and out's enough to pretend to be some ditsy bimbo who did it accidentally when explaining it to the IRS, she explained it for Saul when he was trying to give her the rundown, and she knew enough about it to choose the carwash over a laser tag knowing the carwash was a less suspicious option. She even told Walt what bills would be most realistic to receive in a carwash and how much is a safe amount to store at the business without raising alarm. I don't recall her ever being unaware of what money laundering is, it seemed like the opposite. I also feel like the scene where she pulled a knife on Walt kind of made sense in the moment because she had just found out Hank was killed, she was probably in so much shock and then Walt didn't explicitly say he didn't kill him, he just kept rushing her and Walt Jr to pack without really explaining anything. I can understand why that was the breaking point for her, he went missing with Hank, returned without Hank in a huge panic and told her Hank was dead without telling her what actually happened. I think one of the major turning points for her was his "I am the danger, I am the one who knocks" speech, it seemed like after that point she was a little bit scared of him.
No. 411519
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This reminded me of how non-coom GITS was apparently hated in Japan for being "too western" (which was Oshii's intent)
No. 411583
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I looove love love Gerri. She was funny and badass and so compelling and it's really refreshing how much of Roman's narrative revolved around her even though he tried to fuck her over in the end. Everyone knows he's "weird about Gerri." She probably permanently destroyed his perspective on sex and relationships and will forever have a grip on him mentally despite never actually getting involved with him physically. I adore their fucked up femdomme-y dynamic. Even if the other male characters imply she's unattractive because she's a widowed older woman and that being attracted to her is taboo. Even if there's a sort of unspoken Schrödinger's cat thing about her sexualization and how it's used against her unwillingly, being a woman among her crotchety corporate male peers. Even then, she's still vital and a pillar of Waystar because of how extensive her history with the company and family is. I like that she bites back even if she did enable the shitty men in the company for the sake of her career. There is so much to be said about her though I don't feel literate enough to express it all. She's fascinating to me.
>>303448Old post but back when Succession was still airing I thought I didn't like Shiv, but when I rewatched it I was actually quite fond of her character. The fandom was just… really weird about her.
No. 413201
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Tbh despite how they're basically sold put as idealized waifubait when it comes to merch, gacha, and cosplay, as female characters they grew on me. I like how they basically speak in backhanded compliments and blunt criticisms, and how they have a complicated relationship due to Rem (blue hair) having no self esteem and becoming her sister's keeper due to feeling glad when Ram (pink hair) became physically crippled during the massacre of their village and later Ram having to deal with the fact she has a sister she never knew about that's in a coma
I wonder if anybody else have read the novels and can give me their two cents about it, or have had a similiar experience.
No. 413216
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>>275877I like Bayonetta too. I always hate sexualized female characters but something about her is very different from the others. Like you said, she's funny, badass, cocky, and strong and also has personality, charm, and is an interesting character. Maybe its the design that has to do with it like she doesn't come off as coomery to me compared to 2B, Zero Suit Samus or Ivy (Soulcalibur). Given the fact that she was designed by a woman. Bayonetta is like a giga Stacy queen with class, style, and grace alongside with Jeanne. I guess I could say the same for Panty, Stocking, and Revy too.
>>275882>A lot of men described Bayonetta as "sexually intimidating"Lol maybe it's the fact that she's super tall with those long legs that make her intimidating to moids. I think she's not that popular with them but I'm pretty sure a lot of women love her and ship her with Jeanne.
No. 413233
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>>413217Exactly. Unfortunately there are some awful ones too.
No. 413281
>>413217And approved by a moid who was crazy enough to throw a tantrum when his colleagues suggested that maybe she would look better without glasses and pettily instructed to make everyone wear glasses in the first game instead. Do you really think she really had soooo much creative freedom when designing bayonetta? Nothing will ever change the fact that she canonically doesn't wear any clothes (it's her hair) and needs to get naked to use her powers lol
Japanese media is oversaturated with this kind of strong but fanservice female characters, if you just happen to like them personally it doesn't change what they are (see: tiktokers and super sonico).
No. 413595
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>>357931I just finished SU and I absolutely love Pearl and many of its female characters. Idc if I get called a Tumblrina/sjw/wokie, but I like that their female characters are strong, unique, charming and well-written with different personalities, body types and
poc being represented. It's rare to see female characters portrayed this way and SU did a very good job on it instead of seeing the same slender "boobs, wasp waist, wide hips, big ass" cookie cutter design in most cartoons or other media since it's done to make female characters conventionally attractive and likeable but SU proved that wrong. Also there are some lesbians too which is a plus. It makes me happy to see women in large/chubby body types being positively represented so that I can relate to without feeling doubtful since these types of women are usually invisible or frowned upon in society.
No. 413619
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I’ve loved Eowyn since I was a kid and I’m so fucking sick of scrotes pretending to like her because she’s “a strong wahmen character done right” blah blah blah shut the fuck up!!
They don’t actually like the character, they just want to use her as a prop so they can shit on Rey from star wars and captain marvel or whatever. When they’re not doing that they’re making fun of her stew or implying she’s cucking her husband or giving the credit for her witch king kill to Merry. They’re projecting their rage at being (rightfully) rejected by women on her getting turned down by Aragorn because they’re all fake as fuck and if this movies had come out in 2023 instead of 2003 every faggot YouTuber like Nerdrotic would go into aneurysms over the “no man” line.
(I do think she’s a better than average representation of a warrior type female character though. I appreciate her being terrified but still riding into battle, I think it’s a better demonstration of bravery than a character who’s completely fearless and invincible. And her line about having “courage for our friends” always brings a tear to my eye)
No. 413798
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Never forgiving lolcow for conflating the two.
No. 417752
>>357931Me too, actually. At first I thought she was an asshole for no reason so I disliked her. Then she became my favorite, though I don't remember exactly when. It's amazing how the way I felt about her did a complete 180. And I absolutely adore her design, for some reason I find skinny characters with long pointy noses appealing kek. Wish there were more female characters with that sort of design.
>>355901I never really saw the Kanker Sisters as the same kind of character as the other three, tbh. I always liked them. But now that I think about it, yeah.
No. 417956
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Im so frustrated most content and topics for women are moid-centered interests whether its media, online, irl and rarely anything woman-centered and when there is anything woman-centered thats decent moids shit it up. I wish i liked moids more so i could join in fujo and het stuff but im just not as interested in moids that much. Im not even a yurifag im just sick of moids. Lolcow lately labels anything with two women as a tranny trait, as if being het and liking moids was a an indicator that youre a woman.
No. 417996
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>>417985This is exactly why I don't read yuri or any japanese content, it feels soulless as fuck. i hate anime, i like western content (or atleast content with large western fandoms) much more in relation to how lesbian stuff is portrayed. It just feels much more fleshed out I guess. I'm so tired of japanshit being shilled, I never really found it that interesting.
>>417984yuri just isn't as popular as other forms of girl-girl content, especially in 2024 and the interest-boom relating to south korean and chinese content. Also you're not going to see yuri/gl threads be as active because most bi/straight women consume hetshit and fagshit and bi/straight women are obviously going to be the majority on a woman only site. When you compare the lesbian thread to all of the moid threads it's much more dead. Lesbians literally make up like a tiny fraction of the female population and you expect the yuri thread to be bustling, that's such a dumb nitpick. Plus look at ao3 statistics and you'll see that lesbian content is outnumbered by hetshit and fagshit.
>And this is bullshit.No it's not, ships like homumado are definitely more popular within lesbians in fandom communities online. Nobody makes OCs because nobody gives a fuck about eachother's OCs unless they're actually publishing shit. Plus a lot of artists do unfortunately they just don't get recognition, i don't even read this shit though so like lol. The reason yurislop consooming lesbians DO shift characterization is because they go into consooming yurislop with the intent of finding other lesbians. Lots of lesbians just look in the wrong areas for gay content and end up becoming yurifags. The anon i was replying to isn't into yuri (neither am I) but said it's hard to find community with other women for anything woman-centered. The troon psyoping shit just sounds so schizophrenic, sorry. You're definitely nitpicking at picrel too much and she probably just downloaded some random drawing. It's fucking stupid for retards to be pushing moidshit on lesbians and then act surprised and spam dyke whenever they get pissed off because lesbians don't want to read the dick n ballz book. It's also stupid to call any lesbian who feels like she's excluded for not being into content that portrays males romantically/sexually a moid, or scrotey. I get the hatred towards yuri shit but im just saying don't act like it's necessary for lesbians to like fagshit and hetshit, and don't get onto them for feeling excluded
No. 417997
>>417996I don't "expect the yuri thread to be bustling", I never fucking said that. I called it out that people in fandom threads are constantly whining about the "lack of female-focused content" but are never willing to contribute to the community besides reblogging coom or CGDCT garbage for aesthetics and then whine about being read as trannies for acting exactly like them.
>Nobody makes OCs because nobody gives a fuck about eachother's OCs unless they're actually publishing shit.Then why are OCs huge in the fujo community, and even in het communities? A ton of popular fujo artists create original content and get support even if there isn't a published comic supporting them, but god forbid should lesbians create something that isn't a shitty homumado fanart or eimiko porn nobody gives a shit? No. Lesbian original content gets traction within their boundaries, but they simply don't have the support of straight women like m/f and m/m content has so they stay inside of their own personal circles.
>The anon i was replying to isn't into yuri (neither am I)Yeah I can tell for speaking completely out of your ass. Imagine claiming "homumado is popular with lesbians" when literally everyone obsessed with them is a kinsey 1 at most posting "
toxic yuri" memes and most adult lesbians see it for the pedoshit that it is.
No. 418000
>>417997I'm gonna reply to like a few points I agree with from you because I think you're missing my main point which is that lesbians often get told they should read yaoi/hetshit by bisexuals and heterosexuals and that obviously comes off as homophobic for many reasons. Like "this yuri is bad and immoral so here's this heterosexual alternative", it's not going to get anybody anywhere. Like I said alot of yuri consumers (other than the proud lespedophiles) tend to be misguided and don't know where to look, telling them to watch heterosexual content (as many bisexuals and hets do) is going to piss them off. Do you get what I'm saying now?
>are never willing to contribute to the community besides reblogging coom or CGDCT garbage This I agree with and it's why I don't interact with yuri content.
>No. Lesbian original content gets traction within their boundaries, but they simply don't have the support of straight women like m/f and m/m content has so they stay inside of their own personal circles.Yes unironically this the community is too scattered for any sort of original creation to get big, I'm saying that lesbians are misguided when consuming sloppy coomer moidshit because they think they'll find community there instead of actually interacting with other lesbians and creating stuff. The fact it only gets traction in closed off spaces is why there's much more lesbians consuming useless yuri slop and the annoying
toxic yuri memes.
>most adult lesbians see it for the pedoshit that it is.You seem to be trying to pick a fight that or you think I'm trying to pick a fight with you at this point i said i don't read it because it isn't fleshed out + the culture around it and most japanese content sucks
No. 418005
>>418000>I'm saying that lesbians are misguided when consuming sloppy coomer moidshit because they think they'll find community there instead of actually interacting with other lesbians and creating stuff. This is absolutely true which is exactly why I don't sign the "we should create our own headcanons for badly written female characters" clause. Fujoshit has gotten huge because it has the support of all women regardless of sexuality (infighters about lesbian fujos can fuck off this is not the time nor the place) but
actual lesbian content is so scattered and scarce that all straight women see is the horrifying coomshit men prepare. I had to dig for years to find a community creating butchxbutch content for example, and it's really hard to get it all out there because straight women don't want anything they can't coom to and a lot of lesbians have either trooned out or conditioned themselves into coomified malegaze content and CGDCT because it's all they're ever given. It wouldn't be the first time I saw good f/f fanart only to be disappointed when I find out it's just a very liberal take on an already existing property that looks and feels nothing like the actual fanart did. I'd much, much rather be the change I want to see and support peoples' original works than be cucked by some bastardized interpretation "fixing" bad writing.
No. 418008
>>417997I guess it depends on fandoms because personally I've never seen OC characters being well received in fujo fandom, seems more common with hetshippers.
I agree that it would be preferable for lesbians to interact with other lesbians to help promote original works as opposed to settling for male-oriented coomshit. I do think that means carving out social spaces that aren't a part of broader fandom trends. To me it kinda feels like the internet now is too centralized and impersonal for something like that to take off compared to the days of like, forums and livejournal. You'd think having more people means more eyeballs and more support but it's like niche stuff gets choked out by the fandom heavy hitters and that affects the fans in turn. I could be wrong though.
No. 418009
>>418005I agree with what you're saying here. I think a lot of the community's issues could be fixed if lesbians just 4b'd it and started avoiding moidshit and made their own stuff (that'll probably happen in like 1000 eons kek). It's probably why I'm much more gravitated towards western content, it's waaay easier to find content made by and for actual lesbians. I'm not pro yuri and I'm sorry I came off that way especially since I avoid yuri for the sole reason that japanese culture fucking sucks
>I don't sign the "we should create our own headcanons for badly written female characters" clause.No no no, i wasn't recommending it I was just saying that it definitely happens in lesbian yuri circles. like you said,
>It wouldn't be the first time I saw good f/f fanart only to be disappointed when I find out it's just a very liberal take on an already existing property that looks and feels nothing like the actual fanart didThat's what I was conveying (or trying to convey), a lot of online lesbian fandom seems to be run by headcanon instead of actually focusing on the original piece itself. It sucks because it's not really productive and makes the community even more scattered as everyone's interpretation of lesbian media will just end up being different because it'll be run on fantasy-fuel instead of actually being grounded in the purpose of said lesbian media
No. 418011
>>418010I meant OC as in Original Character, not Original Content. I wasn't sure if the nona I was responding to meant Original Character or Original Content and the context made it seem like it was a little more likely she meant the former rather than the latter. I might have been misunderstanding.
>>418009It's harder now because younger people are so much more used to having an abundance of (expensive) content freely available. I think organic lesbian media realistically will entail media with lower production costs like novels and maybe comics, which can be hard sells for people that don't read for fun and are implicitly only interested in engaging with expensive media formats like animation or video games. I think something like light novels with illustrations are probably the way to go.
No. 418029
>>418009>It's probably why I'm much more gravitated towards western content, it's waaay easier to find content made by and for actual lesbians.It is. If I was into western content I would be eating so well, but alas, the life of a weeb is a bitch one.
>>418011I was talking about OCs as in original creation or
original characters, not some harry potter mary sues.
>>418026>it's way more because you're gonna say you don't like how a shitty female character is drawn or written and one of these will accuse you of something that ends with -ist or -phobe because they're so obsessed with their headcanons they forgot the original characters.Exactly. The amount of times I've been called a misogynist self-hating lesbophobe because I called a coomer waifu what it is just because some teenage lesbian has a headcanon of her being a based girlboss or a deeply written tortured character is astronomical. I hate it so fucking much. More power to the people trying to cope with female characters routinely being ruined by bad writing, horrible porny design or both but they should be directing that energy into both demanding better and creating their own.
No. 418053
>>418049>Is there a certain way women-centered media can be created so it doesnt attract moid/tranniesit’s nearly impossible not to attract trannies/men i
think. but you can minimize their attraction. just don’t make the women conventionally attractive or feminine (feminine in a way that’s just explicitly for men rather than to find community with other women/make the best of the corset) and don’t put them on a pedestal and just write them as people, maybe goofy and uncomfortable people. woman-centered media i’ve seen that has little to no male involvement within fandom and isn’t really male-pandering:
>bottoms >sex in the city/“chick” movies/shows >stuff like enchanted or buffy the vampire slayer with a lot of dreamy hunks >shojo/josei media No. 418078
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>>418058Off-topic but I would agree. Scrotes that are into waifufaggotry are some of the most vilest misogynists out there. It’s unfortunate when 2D boys, who are supposed to be a form of escapism from 3DPD, get labeled as moids and scrotes.
No. 418105
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It's been awhile since I've watched Law & Order SVU and I haven't been into the show for like a decade now ever since a lot of their original characters were written out but I remember really liking the ADA characters of Alex Cabot and Casey Novak (took me awhile to warm up to her but only because I liked Alex a lot lol).
Their characters may not have been as deeply written as Olivia and Stabler but I still felt like they were decently done. I admired Alex's wit and how devoted she was to getting her job done. She was shown to have some flaws like in the episode where she tries to catch a pedophile and the plan backfires when the victim attempted suicide and his mother was furious at her. She felt the guilt but still wanted to push things on to make things right. And then the episode where she tries to take down a drug cartel and has to go into witness protection, I thought the acting was great and it was an interesting route to take the character (even though it was just a way to write her out of the main cast).
And then she comes back being a woman's rights activist (so feminist) and tries to help as many women as she can. Again, the character may not be deep as i think she is but she's one of the female characters in media that I enjoyed.
Casey Novak, the replacement for Alex took awhile for me to like but she won me over as she did have the same wit and sharp thinking of Alex but they tried to make her feel more fleshed out by giving her hobbies (she likes to play softball) and was into music. They also tied in some cases that she related to on a personal level like in one iirc, there was a case ivolved a group of high school mean girls who killed one of their friends and she has a talk with Olivia where they (briefly) talk about their time in high school. And there was another one where she mentioned how she dated a starving musician.
Again, I'll have to do a re-watch since it's been a good while but yeah. Such a shame the show is a hollow shell of what it once was, at least imo.
No. 418112
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>>418109It's so trashy and schlocky and downright bad but 12 year old me was mesmerized. If more authors made literal yaoi just with girls instead, I'd read yuri more often
No. 418130
>>418126Thank you. I like women. Why would I want to read or watch about moids?
Those anons misconstrued my post but I do find it funny that they both replied with "what about moids? What would they think reeee" I'm glad I was born gay because moids are the last thing I think about when I just want to chill and read about women
No. 418166
>>418130>>418120Yeah exactly, I want to see a drawn representation of women. I don’t care if that makes people seethe or not
>>418112This is so gorgeous
No. 418169
>>418070She said "women-centered", not "female-oriented". Those are different things.
>>418093Exactly, waifufags from imageboards tend to project their own retarded and harmful beliefs onto their waifus. They turn the characters into their ideal pickme. There was a moid on Tohnochan that waifu'd Asuka and his version of her was a white supremacist. So they love their waifus just because they can project whatever they want onto them that real women usually wouldn't want to do or say.
The moids that make those pictures about real women being inferior think we're seething because we want to fuck them but they reject us. But if they weren't waifufags they'd definitely be incels seething about real women not wanting them. This is NOT something I could say about 99% of husbandofags, most of them could get a boyfriend if they wanted but real men are actually shit,
abusive and have higher rates of violence than women ever could. Those who are misandrist are misandrist for a reason, unlike misogynistic waifufags.
>>418130Not any of those anons but your post sounded as if you were claiming that people only ever consume media to coom to it, which is obviously not true and an annoying way of thinking some people have.
Although I do agree with you that it still reflects our sexual orientation, for example, women would watch non-coomer shows about women because we are not straight males (regardless of whether you're a lesbian or not), but a moid would probably watch it if he had a specific coomer preference for the kind of characters featured in it, not for a normal reason. Women might watch miltary dramas because they find the male soldier characters endearing when they suffer, but men obviously don't watch it for that.
>>418112I love how you can tell this was drawn by a fujo, kek. Not bad tbh, it's refreshing compared to the moe style often used in yuri media. And I just realized this is Love Stage's author.
No. 418290
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>>418105>>418105Thanks for reminding me of my love for SVU. I fucking LOVE Casey. When I started to watch SVU more seriously (they were airing the episodes in order on cable), I watched the seasons where she's the ADA first, so I actually experienced the opposite and it took me a while to warm up to Alex lol (but I still liked her in the end).
I think Casey might be my one true genuine waifu, but I feel a bit guilty saying it because I believe it just confirms the notion that we are usually this autistically enthusiastic only about characters we're attracted to.Anyway, I love how smart she is and how ruthless she can get in court, she's so cool. On the other hand, I guess what I liked so much about her was that sometimes she let herself get more emotionally involved in her cases, which clouded her judgement and often led to her royally screwing up. Despite first impressions, she turns out to be flawed. I guess I liked it because it allowed us to see a side of her that we otherwise wouldn't have seen.
And I just think her playing softball is adorable since she usually seems so cold.Two other examples: that episode where she promised a key witness, a male student, that he would be fine, but he ended up getting killed by the perps, his classmates. IIRC, she cried when they found his body, which also made me cry, haha. Another thing I remember clearly is that she had a schizophrenic boyfriend but had to leave him due to him not taking his medication, and she felt very guilty after learning that he had died in an accident during a psychotic break. In one episode, this made her want to help put a schizophrenic sex offender, who wanted to kill himself after realizing the crimes he had committed, in a mental institution, instead of sending him to Louisiana to get the death penalty like the rapist wanted. Olivia and others judged her for this, although Olivia was also trying to get revenge (the schizo rapist rammed his car into Elliot's, who was left temporarily blind by the impact) so she was too involved in the case as well. To be fair, other characters did successfully convince Casey that it was "the right thing to do", so it wasn't entirely her fault.
In another episode, I cried when some scrote physically assaulted her in her office, kek.
SVU has (or had; I haven't watched the more recent seasons) good female characters IMO, even if, in the old seasons, the writing doesn't focus much on the characters or delve as deeply into their lives as we'd like. I also liked the ME Melinda Warner, but she, naturally, didn't have as much screentime as the detectives and ADAs, although I did notice at some point they also tried to flesh her out more like they did with Casey.
By the way, surprisingly, I've found ship fanart of Casey and Olivia on Pixiv, of all places. I was looking for fanart of Casey, or just Law & Order in general, but that was the only Casey pic I could find. I always appreciate those super specific westaboos who are, like, the only people drawing western show fanart in Japan even though their art tends to be super simple doodles. Actually, when you think about it, it makes sense that western dramas have more f/f shipping fuel and, at least on the surface, better female characters, especially since it's harder to objectify a female character in live action, played by a real person, than in cartoons, drawn by coomers.
No. 418378

>>418290Woo nice to meet a fellow SVU fan haha. And that's interesting (though not surprising) that you had the opposite experience but either way, you came in at a good time because the ADAs that came after Casey were just not as good imo. But yeah, Casey is so easy to understand why she is waifu material. I'm not a lesbian or bi but if I were, I could see myself falling for the character's charm (and Alex's kek). All those points you mention, I remember them and I agree, so many great moments with her and I felt the same way as you, especially the episode where that scrote physically assaulted her, I wanted that guy to die kek. Also vidrel, one of her best moments haha.
> I also liked the ME Melinda Warner, but she, naturally, didn't have as much screentime as the detectives and ADAs, although I did notice at some point they also tried to flesh her out more like they did with Casey.Yeah I loved Melinda as well and she was pretty great despite how brief her appearances were though I do remember her notable episode where she gets shot by a drug addict (I think) and she talked Olivia on how to treat her wound, I remember thinking she was so great there. And I agree, most of the female characters in the show were but I guess my issue with the newer seasons (I personally dropped out around season 14) was I just didn't like where the stories were going and we lost so many of the main cast to where Olivia and Finn were the only ones left and the newer characters like Rollins and Carisi didn't grasp me like main cast did.
>By the way, surprisingly, I've found ship fanart of Casey and Olivia on Pixiv, of all places. I was looking for fanart of Casey, or just Law & Order in general, but that was the only Casey pic I could find. How interesting lol I've seen some shipping going on but it was usually Olivia with Alex. I don't think it's too surprising that you'd see lesbian shipping with the character because they are so nicely written and have good onset chemistry with each other. And I think you're right that it's easier in western dramas for f/f shipping since you can't objectify them to cartoon/anime degrees and have to take them more seriously.
No. 418379
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>>411519Motoko is one that I have such love/hate relationships with (more so her handling). I haven't read the manga so I have no scope of reference for it and have only seen the '95 movie, Stand Alone COmplex, and a bit 2046.
I really liked how she was portrayed in the 95 film, while there were some brief moments of sexualizing her, for the most part she was played straight and I enjoyed following her story. Then we get SAC and she wears that awful outfit that was totally meant to coomify her and it distracted from her bad ass moments because personality-wise, she was still just as competent and had some relatively good moments. They thankfully gave her a better outfit in the second season (though still coomy since they felt the need to highlight her breasts) but yeah, that show did sour my taste for her a bit.
And I tried watching 2045 a long while back but only made it 2 episodes, I wasn't digging the art style and how infantilized her character design.
No. 418425
>>416006Their design is part of their character, so it's hard for me to ignore this. Let's say there's a character who is supposed to be a boxer and she's skinny, then I'll think that's silly, but if the whole universe and characters don't follow real-life logic, then yes, I'll let a weird design choice go by, given that I like her personality in that case.
I apply this logic to sexualization too, if it's too unrealistic, overdone and there was absolutely no need for it in the story's context, those will be negative points in my book. Seeing a well-developed character being sexualized for no reason makes me sad. It's like seeing a nice meal from a chef's restaurant that has sprinkled pieces of shit on top. Yeah, I could ignore the first layer and appreciate the rest, but that sours my experience. I have characters I like that were sexualized within a certain limit, but I think they would be even better characters if they had been portrayed without or less of that.
No. 418572
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>>418379Yeah, I just can't treat SAC seriously seeing her like this. (And doesn't her organisation have a reputation to protect? Why are they allowing her to dress like that on the job?) The S2 design should have been the default from the start. Then again she (and everybody else) is so bland in Arise.
No. 418657
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>>418572>Yeah, I just can't treat SAC seriously seeing her like this. (And doesn't her organisation have a reputation to protect? Why are they allowing her to dress like that on the job?)Exactly, I still remember when this scene happened in the show and it really highlighted the sexism done here where you have the male characters dressed in appropriate snesible attire and then you have Motoko looking like THAT. Totally jarring, totally tone deaf. Eugh I hate it so much kek.
>AriseOh right I forgot about Arise kek. I never watched it but her design doesn't look too bad there and I can appreciate that they didn't make her face look like a teenager.
>>418582FFR kek. Watching her animate in the show's season 1 opening where she does the jump flip off the building and the camera zooms in on her body, I cringe every time. And exactly, it's not even remotely pleasant looking. And don't get me wrong, when I turn my brain off to not focus on the outfit (hard to do), her character is mostly fine.
No. 419673
>>419671Cute uguu and yuri kawaii stuff, plus fotm.
If it's popular then they must be a part of it.
No. 433099
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i'm just here to say i love arcane and its female characters, no other western studio is quite doing it like this
No. 433446
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>hated her the first time I watched CCA
>loved her upon re-watching years later