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File: 1674885278714.webm (10.43 MB, 640x480, tastiger1_pr.webm)

No. 272034

No. 272035

No. 272036

No. 294169

No. 294170

No. 294171

No. 294178

Berlin in July 1945, in color
I like the lady at ~1:35 and smoking man on a bicycle at 2:37

No. 294180

No. 294231

No. 295179

Kyiv 1956

No. 302726

No. 302736

footage from the very first modern day olympics

No. 302737

No. 306736

No. 334259

No. 345867

No. 359235

File: 1709197370276.mp4 (3.2 MB, 480x854, t5naaB1.mp4)


No. 364660

File: 1711125512626.mp4 (15.25 MB, jtf9v5.mp4)

No. 366238

No. 366241

No. 366625

File: 1711840636130.png (782.24 KB, 750x750, IMG_8233.png)

My dad likes to fall asleep to WW2 footage.

No. 366632

I must be his long lost daughter then. My favourite is the air raids with the sirens and all. A thing of great beauty.

No. 366756

me too kek thought i was the only one

No. 377198

File: 1715095838988.webm (5.93 MB, last day of school 1994.webm)

No. 388819

No. 388909

why is this posted twice kek

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