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File: 1676958860952.jpg (600.23 KB, 1080x749, global-short-film-awards.jpg)

No. 277207

Post any kind of short films that aren't animated

animated short films thread

No. 277334

Decent production design for a short film made over 8 years ago

No. 277335

Suicide Note - (2017)
>Three friends try to read a poorly written suicide note.


No. 277339

I love the game and was blown away when I saw this short film years ago.

No. 277340

Found it on youtube

No. 277538

The Original What We Do in the Shadows Short Film

No. 277578

Short Australia anti-bullying film
I have never been fond of the trope where the bully who 'comes to' and realizes their wrong behavior and tries to make it right, so I liked in the end it offers more realistic advice

No. 289474

No. 290442

No. 293614

No. 294015

No. 297520

>How to Write a Short Film

No. 298957

No. 317008

Don't know if this counts, American 1994 Sailor Moon Pilot.

No. 317025

goodie from old youtube days

No. 334865

No. 371759

No. 455911

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