>>295765Here's my answers:
>favourite episodeWhitecaps for the drama and the incredible performances from James Gandolfini and Edie Falco. Sopranos Home Movies for the comedy (You Sopranos, you go too fah!) and that heartbreaking ending with Bobby holding Nica tight.
:(>favourite seriesSeries 2, no question. The introduction of Janice was a great move, I love the tension and the funny moments she provides. The overall arc of the season just flowed so good, and the pay-off in the final couple episodes was amazing. The opening montage of episode 1 and the closing montage of episode 13 was awesome too, I love how it bookends the series.
>favourite characterCHRIS-TUH-FUH! Yes, I'm the anon from the confessions thread in /ot/ that relates to him. Yes, I'm retarded. I just love that idiot so damn much. If The Sopranos was set in this era though, Chris would actually be a criminal genius for stealing a truck full of pokey-man cards. He'd 100% sell them to a YouTuber and then we'd get a B-plot where he considers becoming an influencer or something. Honourable mention goes to Rosalie Aprile, she's a real ride or die friend for Carm and she's got some great lines in the show.
>best actorObligatory Gandolfini mention; my god, the range that man had. Obviously he was phenomenal with the heavy drama of the show, but he was also great with the more comedic scenes too. Edie Falco knocked it out the park, and her chemistry with James Gandolfini was fantastic to watch. They're one of the rare couples on the show that I can actually buy as a couple. I do feel like Aida Turturro's performance is overlooked, though. Janice and Tony bounce off of each other so well, I love watching them piss each other and seeing Janice's various schemes and grifts.
>funniest moment"Sacre bleu! Where is me mama?!" gets me every single time. It's such an evil thing to say, and it shows Tony's true colours and his jealousy at anyone who's getting their shit together. He's like a crab in a bucket. Not that I thought about any of that the first time I watched that episode because I was too busy laughing my ass off, kek. Janice trying to stab Tony with a fork felt like a great callback to Livia threatening to take his eye out with a fork when he was a kid. That whole episode is gold tbh. Janice beating up a soccer mom and running away from a cop who eventually rugby tackles her to the floor was so ridiculously absurd and funny yet still true to Janice's character.
>favourite song featured in the showMy Lover's Prayer by Otis Redding has a special place in my heart, as my wife and I had our first dance as a married couple to that song. Such an inspired choice by David Chase. Usually I think the guy's a bit of a pretentious prick, but he's got great taste in music, IMO. Thru and Thru by the Rolling Stones at the end of season 2 was a great choice too.