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File: 1704809360704.jpg (121.57 KB, 398x484, Screenshot_20240109_171040.jpg)

No. 347477

Post art nouveau illustrations, paintings, textiles, jewellery, architecture etc.

No. 347478

File: 1704809586360.jpg (399.84 KB, 800x1106, 800px-Bitter_Oriental.jpg)

No. 347580

File: 1704857576665.png (2.24 MB, 800x1214, Schwabe, Carlos - Le Douleur (…)

No. 347648

File: 1704883897254.jpg (569.27 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20240110_135242_Tum…)

No. 347649

File: 1704883939318.jpg (132.77 KB, 736x736, 87cb9aa2970ef02ab1d9e39734dea9…)


No. 347651

File: 1704884001740.jpg (279.6 KB, 736x1188, 60c4a4f2cf011438232191f8e48fd8…)

No. 348217

Any modern Art Nouveau artists you know, nonnies?

No. 348265

File: 1705125758500.jpg (180.47 KB, 568x1600, Miho Hirano Tutt'Art@ (19).jpg)

I consider Miho hirano to be art nouveau but I dont think anyone else will

No. 348266

File: 1705125999781.jpg (820.62 KB, 2190x3000, gri_33125013920190_0050.jpg)

No. 348275

File: 1705126920892.jpg (80.58 KB, 410x500, Eickemeyer_nesbit.jpg)

No. 348276

File: 1705126974932.jpg (120.76 KB, 659x1024, 2554601427_cca3edb76a_o.jpg)

No. 348439

I’ve never seen art noveau tiles! So pretty

No. 421461

File: 1728278578511.jpg (132.98 KB, 736x1032, 78265f330468dd7fff03218c13d6ea…)

No. 459009

File: 1739238946886.jpg (2.83 MB, 2912x4896, RDT_20250210_00412283864382349…)

No. 459013

File: 1739239776533.jpg (1.33 MB, 2200x2236, e3e95fdeaa182843ee87ec25302e49…)

No. 459014

File: 1739239810566.jpg (984.64 KB, 2336x1704, 45da8912cf512dc9540b9eeabe1541…)

No. 459015

File: 1739239848820.jpg (1.38 MB, 2156x2268, 95a0d4389309a3d80cc6cfa1e1f3c1…)

No. 459016

File: 1739239892414.jpg (3.03 MB, 2138x3018, 4db2afe66cee5d987f2df26b3fb9f6…)

No. 459017

File: 1739239933296.jpg (2.88 MB, 2112x3009, eae6fe534ec10284c9244285d2e146…)

No. 459019

File: 1739240011413.jpg (2.55 MB, 2550x3658, e1d26134cac9a99c8650a2a1f264e7…)

No. 459020

File: 1739240068374.jpg (1.77 MB, 2250x3220, e0dc364539cb1729cc6abeb4bc1c00…)

No. 459021

File: 1739240119894.jpg (1.59 MB, 2136x3023, db45b18a6e5f754de4e3cfe2c720b0…)

No. 459025

File: 1739240478376.png (1.46 MB, 828x1022, IMG_7693.png)

No. 459026

File: 1739240559702.jpeg (4.23 MB, 4912x3264, IMG_6750.jpeg)

No. 459027

File: 1739240649630.jpeg (3.87 MB, 2836x2151, IMG_6749.jpeg)

No. 459028

File: 1739240836839.jpeg (283.58 KB, 864x1080, IMG_6085.jpeg)

No. 459030

File: 1739240953766.png (1.57 MB, 800x1198, IMG_6157.png)

No. 459032

File: 1739241046343.png (1.65 MB, 800x1067, IMG_6156.png)

No. 459034

File: 1739241072478.png (1.51 MB, 1024x683, IMG_6158.png)

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