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File: 1708706836714.jpg (95.21 KB, 1024x1024, 12312.jpg)

No. 358073

Do nonas like cute and wholesome things?
Post cute and wholesome stuff.

No. 358074

File: 1708707018749.png (1.93 MB, 978x1174, sharpeibies!.png)

No. 358075

Toasted loaf of bread

No. 358076

File: 1708711444320.mp4 (4.66 MB, 1280x720, bells.mp4)

No. 358097

File: 1708728527756.webm (3.84 MB, 704x480, 1600291612574.webm)

No. 358098

File: 1708728568999.webm (2.84 MB, 704x480, 1600291497885.webm)

No. 358099

File: 1708728601415.webm (3.84 MB, 704x480, 1600291411871.webm)

No. 358100

File: 1708728626873.webm (2.19 MB, 704x480, 1600291336700.webm)

No. 358104

File: 1708730750899.jpeg (153.22 KB, 1000x1150, 1654879660380.jpeg)

I hope everyone is having a nice day.

No. 358147

File: 1708757409716.png (271.88 KB, 600x434, RFVGhEr.png)

thank you, nonna

No. 358176

File: 1708779598804.jpg (465.14 KB, 990x990, Tumblr_l_1107338038840655.jpg)

No. 358745

File: 1709024476529.png (642.47 KB, 800x800, imagen_2021-10-12_134321.png)

No. 358746

File: 1709024512935.jpg (245.55 KB, 1333x1555, tyrannosaurus-juvie_01_2020101…)

No. 358779

File: 1709045351204.jpg (269.18 KB, 2048x1536, FjrOCDiUAAMBext.jpg)

i want to live in this thread

No. 358809

File: 1709048816474.jpeg (98.82 KB, 735x792, IMG_4495.jpeg)

No. 358810

File: 1709048925554.jpeg (83.84 KB, 633x621, IMG_2858.jpeg)

No. 358812

File: 1709049769336.jpeg (101.2 KB, 960x735, 1678168189802.jpeg)

No. 360623

File: 1709796902571.png (955.87 KB, 800x1214, TnXedEt.png)

No. 365474

File: 1711360943716.jpg (126.45 KB, 1280x720, its gonna b okay.jpg)

No. 365517

File: 1711384897665.jpg (316.25 KB, 1080x552, Screenshot_20240314-131817_X.j…)

No. 403984

File: 1721554289559.png (354.54 KB, 700x875, ArjbOfE.png)

No. 403985

File: 1721554315783.png (389.79 KB, 3001x3010, mScp26n.png)

No. 405975

File: 1722277308847.png (2.38 MB, 969x1280, wTx1u8b.png)

No. 405976

File: 1722277344035.png (54.97 KB, 206x275, WmSZ6yD.png)

No. 406479

File: 1722501577573.png (245.96 KB, 926x649, AnAAaZp.png)

No. 406487

File: 1722502239412.png (146.43 KB, 540x540, tumblr_2a2d4657b9c9dde669d0b22…)

i love miffy

No. 415880

File: 1726496009929.png (915.43 KB, 1177x782, rRJ8BzH.png)

No. 427235

File: 1729925585868.png (41.39 KB, 748x322, Z4LNlDn.png)

No. 427244

simply kek

No. 427245

File: 1729927316761.png (419.04 KB, 510x500, 1000028103.png)

No. 427268

File: 1729937824725.jpeg (179.71 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4446.jpeg)

No. 427873

File: 1730156585395.jpeg (37.11 KB, 670x458, images.jpeg)

This entire comic. It's so feel good and cozy. It's called "Call of the Sentinel" and it's free on itch.io. Everyone should read it, it's adorable!

No. 427874

How is it wholesome for a woman to shackle herself to a loser moid who will inevitably become fat and ugly and gross? The bit where he's petting her like an animal and creepy and weird, too.

No. 427880

i think the animal head petting this an autistic anime trope that moids think is cute, when it isn't

No. 427996

he's mocking her height as she used to be taller than him, hence why she is on her tip toes to try and be taller
also jfc its just a cute drawing of childhood friends falling in love and getting married

No. 430025

File: 1730874199312.jpeg (839.94 KB, 1125x1734, 0C69B95B-E605-447A-9746-48A66E…)

No. 430030

File: 1730874375265.jpeg (620.67 KB, 1125x745, B53AC912-F6CC-404A-B624-3FA121…)

No. 430031

File: 1730874404928.jpeg (150.35 KB, 736x732, 1727503443005.jpeg)

No. 430032

File: 1730874461770.jpeg (60.52 KB, 420x379, 1728095618418.jpeg)

No. 430092

File: 1730894360816.png (260.44 KB, 640x446, 1727896527801.png)

No. 439694

File: 1733841257131.png (115.81 KB, 540x545, tjrueA0.png)

No. 440248

File: 1734069632251.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2136x2552, ecIY0ed.jpeg)

No. 459969

File: 1739446688950.png (72.34 KB, 540x636, XzTKIA7.png)

No. 459970

File: 1739446714074.png (110.8 KB, 500x500, GwPbKXs.png)

No. 459971

File: 1739446754756.png (598.27 KB, 828x819, v585oqR.png)

No. 459972

File: 1739446783949.png (362.13 KB, 800x450, zStlMtG.png)

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