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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 367812

Since it's been a popular topic on /m/ lately and other gacha games have their own generals, let's give it its own too!

>favorite boys and SSRs
>favorite hscenes
>favorite ships
>favorite fanart/fanartists
>lore, events, the fandom, and hopes for upcoming content
>flex your SSRs and builds
>swap codes
And anything else nucanu related!

Discussion of other EROLABS BL gacha games such as the upcoming Noctilucent: Before Dawn is also welcome. But please keep normal BL and BL game discussion in the dedicated fujo general.
/fujo/- Yaoi and BL general: >>361298
Mobage general: >>186848
Fujo imageboard: https://fujochan.org/

No. 367816

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Happy to finally have a place to go fully feral with my love for this game

No. 367817

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I can't fucking wait nonnies

No. 367819

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Please have a muzzle, I beg of you

No. 367821

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Maybe they can finally utilize parts of this scrapped design from Astral Duo

No. 367823

Nonnies how do I get to know the characters and enjoy the porn without actually playing the game? Is there a wikia I can read or something?

No. 367831

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You can check out this wiki, but the porn isn't there, only character profiles, event details and porn room previews. People sometimes share porn room recordings in private messages on discord but it's discouraged to mass share recordings to prevent hurting dev revenue. You can find the free main story and event story videos on youtube though, like this channel.

No. 367872

No. 367907

Are any of the Nucani discords worth it? I heard the official ones are full of tifs asking about Aster being some tiffany. I hope they make another Aster SSR but we get to see his cock in action. While it's great that we saw the familiars fucking each other, I wish we got to see Eiden take on Aster's big vampire dick

No. 367914

I just dont interact with the actual discord much cause yeah its swarming with tifs.

No. 367915

I would recommend joining the official discord! It does have a number of TIFs, but they get overwhelmed by the regular shitposting and memes from normal posters and end up shutting up until the next TIF joins kek. Many of them have the attention span of a caterpillar and don't end up staying for long anyways. I blocked anyone who ever tried to trans the guys and/or posted gross titchop art in the fanworks channel, and now my experience there is pretty garbage free. None of the TIFs contribute in any meaningful way to the community so I only see an occasional blocked post, I hardly notice them participating in the usual stuff I go there for (sorcere trials and lost relics guides, gameplay questions, meaningful lore discussions etc).

No. 367916

I'm on two (the official Discord and the /r/NuCarnival Discord) and they're both filled with gendies. The subreddit one is worse because one of the mods gets on my nerves kek. I'm on them mostly to check the guides and stuff.

No. 367946

there's a gofile link for all the H scenes, https://gofile.io/d/gJ8Uei

No. 367967

nice, I've only seen the ones reposted on MRM

No. 367987

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He looks so beautiful nonitas, this might be my new favorite Edmond even though normally I love his long hair.

No. 367988

Those pants look downright criminal kek, he's the one that needs to be jailed
Praying to RNGesus to give him to me within my pathetic 90 pulls

No. 367997

these are the pants cowboy dante deserved not whatever shitty fit pants he had

No. 368000

Begging for a dicking. Can't wait to see Quincy tomorrow

I wish the devs were kinder to Dante

No. 368007

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Did any of you nonas get the official online nucani manga on DLsite? I found it to be a very good adaptation, the text is all true to the game but there are so many little extra visual details that it makes for a very enjoyable reading experience. Sadly there isn't any English version yet, but it's almost 98% rhe same as the game text, so you should be able to match the context.

No. 368094

This is the most masculine I've ever seen Yakumo. He looks amazing right there

No. 368178

You're an angel, nonnie, thank you!

No. 368232

Can you share nanny?

No. 368342

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What do you think, nonnies? He looks kinda ugly to me kek but I'm not really a Quincyfag to begin with. The undercut is nice and Topper is adorable as always

No. 368343

He should be bottoming in this one. As a treat

No. 368346

yes pls prison rape Quincy when

No. 368347

topper is cute i love love love his matching outfit, i only wish Dante showed up with Sooley sometime but i guess she's too big and would be distracting.

No. 368354

I find him hot. Despite the orange color being ugly, it fits the prison jumpsuit theme, and the hairstyle is flattering him. Also boobs+abs+muzzle like thingy = awooga

No. 368371

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I bought it but DLSite makes me read it in their exclusive reader, no pdf for me to share. Maybe if some other nona can figure out how to rip from dlsite I can give it a try.

No. 368378

I think https://github.com/xuzhengyi1995/Manga_downloader can rip from DL site but it's kinda of a pain to use.

No. 368379

I'm a Quincyfag, and he looks gorgeous. I am so happy

No. 368403

Oh my God, he looks delicious, I can't wait to see him fucking.

No. 368469

I don’t intend to play NU:Carnival since it’s hard for me to get into gacha games but I watched a handful of Edmond’s scenes and he’s super cute!

No. 368498

Even if you don't play the game, you should take a look at the main story chapter videos on YouTube that previous nonas posted for getting better context and just more fun scenes overall. Even though it starts a little wacky, the later chapters are honestly pretty interesting lore and world building wise, and the interactions between the cast are fun to watch.

No. 368502

I’ll give it a try, nona. I was mostly interested in Edmond because I saw his pictures in this thread and he reminded me of a character I like. But he’s super cute from what I’ve seen so I’d love to get more context on the story.

No. 368757

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Got into plushie making last year and made a tiny Yakumo a few months ago. Currently making a bigger one, wish me luck.

No. 368765

How did you make this? Is there a template or something? It's soo cute I want to make one just like this

No. 368766

Great job, nonnie! I really need to learn to make my own plushies so I can make my yaoi OCs and take them everywhere for cute photos

No. 368779

Wow you did an amazing job. He's your first? I applaud you, that's so cool! Good luck with the big version! You got this

No. 368987

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The following link has a step by step tutorial for plushie making. Step 4 links to a bunch of patterns, I used the MiNi盒子 10 cm one for Yakumo.
I also highly recommend checking out this youtube channel:
This channel basically held my hand through every single step of sewing plushies. Some of her newer tutorials assume that you already know xyz and link to previous vids, but the first few videos she added English subtitles to were super detailed. Even the Japanese only videos have subtitles so they can be easily understood with google translate's camera app. I was so grateful that I ordered the sewing book she wrote even though it was in Japanese and I already knew most of the advice there thanks to her videos.
He's my second nucani plush actually, I made a slightly uglier Eiden before that kek.
Thanks nona!

No. 369001

He looks amazing nonnie! Plushie making is super intimidating to me but I enjoy crocheting a lot and I've been thinking about making an Edmond doll for a while. I've been putting it off because I'm lazy kek, but seeing your Yakoomer gave me some much needed motivation.

No. 369032

I tried it out, it let me rip pages from my stuff on bookwalker, but nothing from dlsite worked sadly

No. 369539

Are they doing the fucking dick shadow meme with Edmond? I think I'm going insane nonitas. How am I going to survive 20 more hours until this drops

No. 369542

Oh my god his expression is so adorable in this preview! Thanks for linking nonny, I can’t wait either

No. 369557


No. 369619

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The devs already proved their gigachad meme skills with the line stickers, and now this dick shadow meme drop has me kneeling down to worship them kek
Preview looks really good, bgm not in my top favs (abo bgm supremacy) but still catchy, can't wait for tomorrow.

No. 369705

God that size difference (both body and dick) in Quincy's second room is making me feral
Also bless Eiden for being the assertive bottom I have forever wished for(do not post nsfw imagery/porn on /m/)

No. 369718

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No. 369728


No. 370385

>lore, events, the fandom, and hopes for upcoming content
Double-posting but I want to start a discussion. It's not necessarily a positive hope, but in the wake of the prison riot theme, it made me think of other scenarios they may go with and there's one I absolutely would loathe to see and that's mermaid/merman. If they ever pull this, I will unironically seethe. I am a fan of mermaids but there's something about merman and merman porn that makes me cringe hard. I hope these guys don't get the merman treatment and maybe have a sailor theme or something else nautical related.

No. 370414

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>but there's something about merman and merman porn that makes me cringe hard.
its the genitalia isn't it? in most BL merman stuff i've seen, they have to come up with some weird fantastical stuff, like some tongue looking "penis" coming out of some labial looking hole, or some screwdriver looking thing like in Jawbone by Hydra(picrel)

No. 370425

That looks horrendeous and vomit inducing. But yes it's the genitalia. It's disgusting and I don't want to see any of the Nucani men with that.

No. 370460

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The only mermaid I want is mermaid dress kek. They need to bring back putting the boys in dresses, maid Blade was peak design

No. 370461

I love maid blade so fucking much, I want to grab him and squeeze him until his eyes pop out.

No. 370462

After watching the new rooms, I must subject nonnies to my TLDR thoughts on Eiden characterization in Edmond Rooms: I feel like Edmond got spooked at first seeing Eiden employ seemingly 'dishonorable' tactics such as threatening a guard with the power of money and framing him later, as well as putting himself in danger for reasons that didn't make sense to Edmond. But when he realized the motivations behind Eiden's actions, he gained newfound appreciation for the fact that the usual uwu nice guy Eiden is indeed real and his 'meaner' side isn't a contradiction or something brought about by him getting corrupted by the prison vibes.
Eiden has always been aware of the dark sides of society because of his struggles in life as an orphan, but he tries to always be positive and good. However, he isn't a pushover and is pragmatic enough to play dirty with assholes like that prison guard, while making sure not to hurt any innocents. (He still is reckless and puts his loved ones ahead of his own safety though, but I don't think that's something he plans to change any time soon)
Finding the answers to the 'mystery' behind Eiden's erratic behavior gives Edmond a big sense of relief, and ofc he choses to unwind with horny acts kek

No. 371058

kek nonnie now I know who you are in the NuCani discord, I remember you posting this there
I really liked Edmond's rooms this time, there was a sense of trust and mutual understanding between him and Eiden that we don't usually see. It was nice seeing Edmond getting right into the roleplay without going through the tsundere shtick (not that I don't love his tsuntsun side), it really shows how far he's come in his relationship with Eiden and how he's more comfortable with himself and his horny side now.

No. 372002

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The latest even was so fun, the plot was interesting and well balanced between serious stuff and hilarity. On one hand you have prison drama, poaching mystery and struggles again corruption, on the other hand you have cute Quincy and Edmond bonding moment, funny guest appearances from the rest of the clan and Eiden being herpderp in general. My favorite moment would be the scene where Edmond revealed Eiden's "crime" though, it suit so well that I kek'd super hard just like the characters did. I love how Edmond finally has reached a point where he can joke like that. It also made me happy because last week I was bitching about how it was illogical that the warden didn't suspect the grand sorcerer suddenly being jailed, I'm so glad to be wrong. Last couple of events like blood key and desert of dusk were kinda weak logic wise so I'm glad that the flow of events in this new one is so smooth.

No. 373404

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Anyone else want another no banner event like Klein Star? It was honestly so sweet and full of good vibes, I found Eiden's life advice so inspiring that I sent vidrel to a friend who was feeling down, she appreciated it kek

No. 373728

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They announced Rin's VA and it's just another alias for Netoru (Eiden's VA) lmaoooooo

No. 373748

They were the same being all along!!

No. 376232

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He's such a cutie I love him nonas, gonna go broke for him if I have to

No. 376247

Did you see his slutty garters?

No. 376251

He's so fucking cute.

No. 376285

Why did they create the cutest character in the world. What did they mean by that.

No. 376323

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No. 376352

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Yes! Feeling so blessed

Kek Blade would be besties with Herlock, same chaotic energy

No. 376445

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i was hoping for Rei to have booty shorts with matching thigh garters but from the silhouette it looks like he's got full pants on sob

No. 376457

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He looks so delicious though, not complaining (and it's not like his pants will stay on during the hscenes)

No. 376463

I love his shirtless sleeves.

No. 376465

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He's wearing an autism awareness shirt.

No. 376480

Rei is too classy to have booty shorts on. He may be an unabashed cockslut, but that doesn't mean he has to look like shit.

No. 376481

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>the little peek of chest mole

No. 376497

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No. 376728

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im crying, he's so beautiful

No. 376757

I want to bully him into tears

No. 376885

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Did anyone catch the Drama CD that’s on Dlsite? Its basically audio of Eiden with Yakumo, Edmond, Olivine, and Aster/Morvay as they were exploring an abandon castle and each room had its own theme such as Mirrors, Flowers, Armor, and Clouds. I came for the Olivine track since it’s awesome to hear him beg and moan while Eiden is being a tease as usual.

No. 376975

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I have it but RL is kicking my ass so haven't gone around to listening to it, sadge. I'm considering putting a summary of it on my blog, but I also might not since there is supposed to be a English translation of the CD script later.
Such a sexy design, I don't feel bad about him not being an SSR (I really hope his next SSR comes in an event with Rei and Kuya so he can be bullied to the max kek)

No. 376988

There’s already people who’s giving summary of the drama cd but not the translation, so feel free to do what you want!

No. 382126

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How are we all doing this event, nonnies? I was very lucky with Rei, got 2 copies of him in 11 pulls #blessed Haven't unlocked r5 yet but room 2 was so hot

No. 382592

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I'm legit crying, Blade bb the cutest
I love how most of the events in nucani have such sweet messages, it heals my shriveled up soul

No. 382691

Precious retarded robot. He's really such a sweetheart and must be protected!!

No. 383721

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I'm planning to buy this plushie and get started on a little Blade shrine

No. 385484

Kek, it looks like he's wearing purple underwear for some reason.

No. 385485

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mildly interesting but if you batter up Incognito Cafe Yakumo, there's a small triangular space where it's transparent and shows the background behind him.

No. 385487

kek nonnie, when i first saw it i thought it was offering a tiny peek into his taste in underwear but no just a tiny error

No. 385488

should the devs be informed of this?

No. 385569

That’s our special edroid! This game amazes me how someone who you thought would be a bottom happens to be a top like Yakumo and Blade. Same with Olivine, a big bro character who’s a slutty bottom.

No. 385805

I recently joined a Discord server for my favorite boy and it's full of gendies. I just want to talk about his cock but they keep going off about trans headcanons (of course he's one of the bottoms, they never headcanon the tops as trans because they want to be fucked by them kek), I'm about to end it all

No. 385961

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Hugs to you nona, I experienced similar things in a gendie infested server myself and ended up leaving. It's so fucking annoying how they can't get a fucking clue that everyone without their gender brainrot wants to see MEN fucking MEN, and not their pathetic self inserts. I am mostly active in the official server and even that gets attacked by these idiots time to time. But most of the frequent posters and mods seem allergic to it. I periodically search "trans" in the server, blocking the idiots with cringe trans hcs and befriending the ones that complain about transwashing kek.

No. 385969

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New main story part dropped yesterday, you nonas playing? I cried so much over Garu's past, poor poor puppy. Also poor Eiden with all that depressing shit attacking him, I want to German suplex Rin for doing this to him. Kuya and Rei collab moments were great, I love how the writers manage to put effort in the characterization and interpersonal relationships of the clan members

No. 386067

I want to get into a NuCani discord so bad, but I keep hearing these gendie tendie horror stories. I recently got into a Quinya server and of fucking course it's littered with pig-disgusting tiffanies and enbies. I just want to talk about Kuya getting brat tamed by Quincy's giant cock without any vaginas or mastectomy scars raping my eyes.

No. 386588

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>devs at me after making me roll 164 times and giving me SSR Midnight Pursuit Blade three times, SR Incognito Cafe Yakumo twice but SSR Treasured Vestige Rei not even once

No. 387194

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Me but with Blade, little shark doesn't want to come to me
Started watching some rooms at random to cope, and gosh this scene from Crimson Phantom Yakumo still makes me feral, so good

No. 387195

maybe we should make our own terven discord server kek

No. 388038

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Nice design overall but the middle part of the top isn't viking with me, will pull still for naughty priest

No. 388068

Olivine wearing fucking lace panties he's so cute.

No. 388213

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Kuya braids!!!!

No. 388241

I’m very excited for this event since it’s the firstTime where my favorite top and bottom are together at the same time. Both of them look amazing!

No. 388426

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AU Yakumo x Demon king Eiden x Regular Eiden 3p doujin free to read online for a limited time! (Text JP, but it's comedy sex mostly and there's always google translate camera)
Password is 1208

No. 388437

I don't even play this game but he's the cutest thing in the world. Obsessed with him.

No. 390361

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Any thoughts of the rooms scenes for the new event?

No. 390383

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I'm still working on unlocking Oli's r2 (r1 made me howl in laughter, using his priest outfit as stripper garb is such a beautiful idea), but took a look at Kuya's rooms and passed away. The accident at the end of r2 made me cringe a little bit, but otherwise great character development in the non h rooms and super romantic end to r5, my heart feels very warm.

No. 391996

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Any nonas have little shrines of your favorite boys?

No. 392429

No shrine, but yours is really cute!

No. 392696

shibari, sounding and omo? Sign me the fuck up. I used to not like kuya as a character but this room changed my mind completely lol, are his other rooms similar?

No. 392925

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His room 2s tend to be more sadistic and the room 5s more gentle. So far there has been frotting, fingering mouth, face fucking+blindfolding, foodplay,master slave roleplay involving collar and tail buttplug, orgasm denial+spreading bar and the shibari+sounding you mentioned in room 2s.
Room 5s have had magical self moving dildo, breeding kink, exhibition kink, nipple biting, drunk sex, soap play, egg vibrator, implied knotting, roleplaying to be strangers

No. 393004

Despite being the kinkiest of the clan members, I can't seem to get into Kuya. Too much of a cunt for me to care

No. 393548

I just can’t get enough of Olivines room. The newest room with the licking and dildo using was just fabulous!

No. 394891

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Beautifully autistic fashion analysis on Dante's designs from a past thread. I miss nonnies like this, come back plz. This thread needs more sprerging

No. 394897

i can't believe my sperg out didn't go unnoticed, i will not take it back however, i meant everything except maybe the three shades of grey comment, i'm fine with the jacket and shirt, and the leathercloth pants, his kneecaps look stupid though

No. 394943

Dante is so underrated. I love that tsundere idiot so much!

No. 396398

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his swimpants' crotch is so detailed i feel like i could cup and shake it in my hand

No. 396403

That board is so fucking tiny!!

No. 396404

he's just tall okay

No. 396458

Please understand, he's from the desert

No. 396654

I like this.

No. 396722

what are your favorite rooms/scenes? Haven't watched through all of them (saving for later), but so far I don't think anything will top eiden selfcest lol

No. 396803

he needs those bulging kneecaps to carry the weight of his dick

No. 396809

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Shadow Lineage Yakumo room 2, all day everyday, i like the card to begin with because i love his long hair, long nails, long dress, long nails, long everything, it's prettiest he's looked, plus i like the headpatting and Yakumo's yearning, room 5 is really good too i loooooove the position. also i know you didn't ask but the one i hate most has to be SSR Infernal Treatymaker Dante just because i think his side profile is distractingly stupid

No. 396893

File: 1719852744636.gif (1.88 MB, 500x282, tumblr_inline_p2bb2iE24n1t44hw…)

i finally found a twitacc for all my Dante faggotry needs

No. 396903

Please share

No. 397171

its https://twitter.com/azukite_wow on twitter, beware there's one drawing of a female character, but they do post a lot of sketches of dante.

No. 397713

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can't wait to cry and end up broke over the new event u gaisssss

No. 397716

I will roll until I get Quincy. Nothing is going to stop me!

No. 397787

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40 contracts in, no SSRs, lessgo nonnies

No. 397878

totally depleted after last banner and i didn't even get who i wanted, shitting and crying rn, hope whoever you're wishing for comes home nonnies <3

No. 397903

I'm so sorry nonny!
Fighting for my life out there but I managed to get Quincy. Garu is so repulsive in this banner wtf

No. 397918

why? is it the ass kek?

No. 398165

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Got some new doujins! Pretty good stuff, the bunny art one is my favorite doujin artist
For the current event, I got Garu and Quincy but no Dante. My dorito luck has always been very bad, sadge. Unlocked only r2 for Quincy so far but it seems like getting trolled by nature is a common trope in the rooms this time lol.

No. 398168

Is that your hand? Damn what a fatass.(infight bait)

No. 398170

There's demon lord Eiden doujin? Tell how it is! The only Nucarnival doujin I have is the Quincy x Kuya one from Taiwan

No. 398205

garu ass killed nonny's family

No. 398285

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It was pretty short fun pwp, similar setting as the event. The Eiden is our usual isekai'd boy who came from Klein and Yakumo is the mage one from the parallel world, but there is obviously minor changes like him kidnapping Yakumo as a way to scare the heroes and then getting dirty thoughts while bullying the poor snake kek.

No. 398350

It's true. My parents are dead when the ugly fag was revealed. He was cute in other banners but this one they decided to sell their soul to the Ugly Devil and ruined him. Now mom and dad aren't here anymore and my sister's in critical care. Things aren't looking good for her either

No. 398432

File: 1720297996434.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1080x2408, 1000018219.jpg)

Kek nonny, I was like you towards Garu's OG SSR(his facial expressionn looked weird and unnatural and the fur + jacket combo was awful) but I find this event SSR to be pretty cute. His choice or underwear was interesting kek (picrel spoilered for Garu ass)

No. 398479

File: 1720316851782.jpg (8.99 KB, 235x227, 24004f4c9290a8cdf113cee8df3bcd…)

um exkuz me anon, the fact that you posted the recent banner SSR when i don't have one is acksually very triggering

No. 398487

File: 1720318426660.png (325.28 KB, 589x526, Screenshot 2024-07-07 073603.p…)

really didn't need to see this after failing 50 pulls REEEEEEEE

No. 398539

Olivines SR and his Silver Confessor R2 scene (minus the breast pump part). The way Eiden handled him was something I love. Plus the frosted virtue r5 scene with Eiden whispering dirty shit to Olivine. I dunno I just love whiny ukes and younger semes lol

No. 402511

File: 1721202925735.png (341.4 KB, 1067x1011, Nooo.png)

Nonnies :(

No. 402538

File: 1721212690539.jpg (616.88 KB, 1079x1838, 1000018662.jpg)

New game hype, nukani will go back to being the king soon.
I did try out velvet react myself, its story was average but the UI was absolute dogshit and the character lines were kinda corny and didn't hold my attention so I uninstalled. My friend showed us Chinese fujos vehemently shitting on the game for committing some common fujo sins in their standards (mc is kind of self insert-y, two LIs are fwbs, multiple playboy characters talking about sleeping with women etc). English fandom probably doesn't care that much about those things, but I did hear from English fans that the game doesn't have as much lewd content as nukani does so they were also not satisfied.

No. 402634

>two LIs are fwbs
They are weak for getting mad at this. Nothing wrong with other ships, especially if the MC is the one fucking everyone in the ends.

No. 402639

> Rotten cucumbers

No. 402666

I'm happy that bl games are becoming more popular. I hope all of them last long and enough. I enjoy both nucani and velvet and going to play the other upcoming one too. What in hell is bad is bad though and not close to bl since the bl choice was a past minute decision.

No. 402668

File: 1721237963876.jpg (65.4 KB, 244x326, 293367_302599.jpg)

Give him his well deserved SSR card. 1st place? HA. With the Rin card they'll top the booba games too.

No. 402674

Looks like there are only three bottoms and two of them look like girls, I hope I never have to see any character from this game again

No. 402676

I can't wait to see him getting fucked, I'm sure he's going to get fucked by Eiden, I can feel it in my bones, like his face screams power bottom.

No. 402680

Do you think nucani would ever do a reversible couple? Which characters would u want to see switch roles?

No. 402686

Most likely is Rei and Eiden.

No. 402688

I want to see Quincy bottom so badly but it'll never happen kek the average fujo prefers fixed positions

No. 402689

I want to see Kuya getting fucked tbh.

No. 402691

samee, though I don't see him getting fucked by Eiden unless maybe as a dom bottom. I'm so sad that we don't have any scenes between clan members, the Aster/Morvay one was so good, I wouldn't mind more of those kek

No. 402770

Kuya needs brat correcting

The top to bottom ratio is skewed so making Rin a bottom will balance it out and we'll have less instances of constant bottom rotating over and over. I swear it feels like Garu keeps appearing nonstop while the tops take forever to cycle

No. 403005

>WHB in third place
how is that dogshit game there? especially after the recent thing with them screwing over the stores and fucking f2p players in the ass. Do the users from other countries not mind the paywalls as much?

No. 403017

It used to be 2nd place before velvet released.

No. 403020

File: 1721319629637.png (47.93 KB, 282x358, 1721317605218043.png)

Didn't take long.
People probably pay bc these mfcs hired sugitan for the new king lol. Even otomate can't afford to hire him for lead roles nowadays.

No. 403023

there are like 3 nsfw games for women what did you expect kek

No. 403074

I’m curious if any nonas ship clan members together or want to see scenes between them. If so what pairings?

No. 403078

I do ship some together.
Quincy x Kuya (fave)
Dante x Blade (they're hilarious together, switch)
Dante x Edmond
Quincy x Rei
Rei x Kuya (and switch)

-Olivine: I ship him with faceless men because that's what he would've wanted, and the devs are too cowardly to let him have that. I also see Olivine as a friendly sort of guy who doesn't really have a love interest. I see him and Eiden as fwb tbh.
-Yakumo: He's too Eidensexual so I can't really see him with other clan members in terms of a ship. Plus he'll cry at the thought of being with another if it's not Eiden.
-Blade: Too ridiculously retarded to ship with others but his bants with Dante are great and it's why
-Garu: I can't take this guy seriously but he was cute in that one scene with Rei
-Rin: Only for his brother to hold captive and power-bottom rape
-Familiars: They deserve each other

I know it'll never happen but I'd kill for one banner to take place in the past and have Quincy and Kuya sex scene. Wouldn't happen but I like to dream.

How about you, nonitz?

No. 403133

I love Quincy x Olivine, for the sole shallow reason of they're my favourites and I think they'd be so hot together.

No. 403154

Careful joining any nukani discord servers nonnas, they're chock full of women with gender identity issues

No. 403180

yessss i love love eiden but i'd also love to see some clan members together, threesomes would be hot as well
kuya x quincy is an obvious one, but a ntr scenario with eiden could be soo good as well and since they both have a jealous streak it would be fun with either of the clan members getting cucked, and then getting even later<3 i like the idea of them sharing eiden probably as much as i like them together
exquisite taste nonna, think i agree with everything you've written

No. 403183

blade x rei otp
aster x morvay

and what nona said about olivine, 100% agree

No. 403218

I made the mistake of joining a Quinya server. I'm still upset at all the alleged "gay men" and gendie tendies

No. 403369

I join just for leaks and never interact with anyone.

No. 403632

People get really upset if you say you don't want pussy in a BL game. The whole weird theory that aster is a trans man is so annoying

No. 403946

It was a fucking mistake to make him fuck Morvay with a strap-on.

No. 403954

ftms ruined cuntboys. i love a MAN with an inexplicable vagina he was born with, not a dumpy zitty girl who mutilated herself.

No. 404020

ugh yes, was just thinking about this, no aster dick on cgs, not sure if they even reference him being hard. He does look younger but so does garu, and aster even had an aged up scene, such a waste there tbh… i hope we get more aster and morvay cards

No. 404199

seriously, why do they keep depriving us of aster cock, i'd think it'd be some risk of being flagged as cp that's preventing them, but then the ssr too?

No. 404736

File: 1721803003932.jpg (84.42 KB, 1080x617, Astercock69.jpg)

Aster cock receipts

No. 404737

File: 1721803049468.jpg (105.81 KB, 1080x817, Astercock4.jpg)

No. 404738

I think i tagged the wrong posts in my reply but im not fixing sorry @ astercock

No. 406911

File: 1722644279399.jpg (502.09 KB, 1079x1344, 1000019194.jpg)

Eiden is so pretty and erotic I'm going insane every event, I love being an Eiden Stan

No. 406915

I love eiden so much…hes truly top tier MC and so cute yet sexy

No. 406921

His voice is so cute, I love listening to him fucking with Blade or Yakumo, it's honey to my ears.

No. 406923

Cute whore

No. 408397

File: 1723160981695.jpg (7.19 MB, 2039x2894, 1000019362.jpg)

One if my favorite YakuEi dj is now is online and free on pixiv, I'm so happy. Please give it a try Yakumo loving nonnies

No. 412325

File: 1724318997732.jpg (Spoiler Image,623.02 KB, 1080x2408, 1000019924.jpg)

New chapter dropped today and there was so much good lore and characterization, we were fed so well ♥

No. 412694

File: 1724407828845.jpg (406.38 KB, 1080x1080, 1000019939.jpg)

The new Yakumo is so damn beautiful, time to go broke for him. Event seems mermaid and sacrifice themed, I hope he doesn't turn into foam kek

No. 413510

this is the best possible outcome for an ocean themed event, fuck mermaids

No. 414458

File: 1724925831826.png (743.4 KB, 1070x792, 1000020194.png)

Pretty disappointed with the new Kuya r5, showing that even nukani has drunk the choking is hot and violence is sexooo coolaid. I am just so tired of female oriented media shoving this choking psyop on its female audience, many of whom actually have had porn addicted male partners in real life jumpscare them with surprise choking and traumatized them. An r18 game is obviously going to have sexy shit but why is something that's a way to murder people even considered kinky in the same way as, say, foot fetish/using sex toys/roleplaying/orgasm control etc? The story tries to integrate the choking as a part of their convo and convince us that it's Kuya teaching Eiden life lessons or some shit, but at the end of the day it's definitely there as a result of some writer's kink.
I'm extra sad since this game until now has had actually sexy situations, unlike garbage like WHB that relies on extreme kink garbage to make up for the lack of chemistry.
I wonder if nukani devs always had plans to insert more and more extreme kinks in the rooms, or if they are being influenced by audience surveys and responses. Eng fandom is full of weird kinksters, I don't think it's as bad among the Asian audience though. If any CN/JP/KR nonnies are here, can please let me know what is the overall verdict of asian fujos? Are they indifferent about the choking? Appreciative? Or angry like me?

No. 414472

Men getting choked is hot.
I knew this before mobile gacha existed as a concept, not really a psych op.

No. 414474

Looking it up, its probably still a bit early but I don't see anybody bothered by it, couple of fanart of Eiden getting choked already exist.
Wasn't Kuya known for kink play from the start though? That's a part his character, they make it clear he's violent in character dialogue and he's killed people onscreen before. He's forced Eiden to vomit and choke in past rooms, and pretty sure drugged and slave sex was a thing?
I think it's set up that if you want vanilla, you'd naturally turn to characters like Blade instead.

No. 414487

Choking as a kink isn't something I observed often in female oriented media until the internet raised the degeneracy levels across the world. Even old murder chin BLs full of rape usually had forced sex/ kidnapping/ blackmail etc., stuff that were obviously bad but nothing potentially lethal.
Kuya is obviously one of the kinkiest in nukani, him being spicy isn't news (and I'm not calling the room ooc), but the game (that 4channers like to shit on for being boringly vanilla in their eyes) leveling up so hard in terms of kink is. Just because Kuya is capable of xyz thing doesn't mean it has to be in the game in a sex context, you can say that the essence going haywire plot point makes it possible to write every LI a potential (unwilling) rapist but obviously the game shouldn't become a rapefest. Kink can range from tame blindfolds to absolute body horror anal prolapse shit, I'm just worried the devs might end up going too far in their attempts to come up with "new" kinks. Personally what attracted me to the game was its vanillaness and lack of rape, and I've seen other people stating the same, I don't want it to become WHB v.2 with better plot. Being Taiwanese, I hope the devs won't be listening to the woke twitter all kink is good without exception crowd, but you never know.

No. 414491

I think not listening to woke twitter is why they can have rooms like this tbh.
When I used to check out the reddit, way before anything like choking, they were advocating for verbal consent, safe word, and a prep tutorial for every single room.

No. 414492

>prep tutorial
Lmao imagine, that's probably the least sexy thing ever, why can't those losers just admit they enjoy the porn and write their own fancomics/fanfics where everyone takes their time to get ready to fuck in the library while hiding from insane cult members?
If this Game had been released in the early 2000's no one would have even bat an eye and it would be considered a classic like dramatical murder.
I honestly knew this was going to happen at some point, Kuya is a creepy and bratty old man that needs to get rape corrected to turn his antics down a notch. But it's exactly because it's Kuya that this can't be news.
They don't really tend to repeat kinks (if you can call asphyxiation a kink) as far as I've noticed, so I doubt there will be more like, explicit choking with bare hands in new rooms unless they run out of ideas.

No. 414696

File: 1726063634850.jpg (761.35 KB, 1836x2128, 1000020268.jpg)

Made this 20 cm Eiden plush while waiting for lc to return online, he turned out cuter than I expected ♥

No. 414700

This is so fucking cute I want to cry.

No. 414707

File: 1726065561002.png (119.54 KB, 1092x760, Screenshot.png)

Actually curious, nona why do you feel the need of re-posting the same thing in 5 different languages?

No. 414716

Men getting choked is hot. WHB is not BL, and the whole appeal of violence-heavy BL is exactly bacause its not a woman being in pain, i think the majority of fujos dont self insert when playing a BL game. Kuyas rooms are more extreme in general, dont like dont read.

No. 414730

Wtf, I never posted it in different languages (I posted only in English), is reddit on crack???

No. 414779

File: 1726091266148.jpg (1016.92 KB, 1080x2408, 1000020186.jpg)

Eiden's fit in the current event confuses me, where are his nipples, the semi transparent cape thingy shouldn't be hiding them

No. 415018

Found it hot too and not out of his chara. Loved how pathetic and desperate he turned out to, breaking chara.
The pissplay though, in his previous room, really turned me off but that's just me, many nuc fujos like pissplay it seems, since this isn't the first they pulled that fetish.

No. 415443

File: 1726318810811.jpg (257.87 KB, 1080x1600, 1000020733.jpg)

Happy birthday Quincy!! Lmao at that topper placement. I'm considering buying his birthday initiary, I saw some screenshots and it looked very heartwarming
Also why does he attract so many TIFs that are obnoxious about wanting him to bottom? Even in non-nukani BL discords I can't escape these 17 year old he/hims screaming about wanting to fuck him

No. 415446

He's going to smash Topper with his tits, damn Quin.
If they wanted to larp as gay moids more realistically, they should say that they'd want to fuck topper instead lol.

No. 415451

Do like nocticulent nonas? Nucani is still my number one, but I'm having fun with nocticulent too. Do you have a fav yet?

No. 415602

File: 1726367528269.jpg (1.25 MB, 2408x1080, 1000020608.jpg)

I'm playing it nonnie! I'm on the same boat as you, nukani is still the number one in my heart but noctilucent is a decent game on its own. It has the vibes of shounen animes and adventure JRPGs (can't belive Cypar literally appeared with a background song as bgm kek) with the Pokémon style nakama collection and the found family dynamics. The writing of some of the scenes are a bit too "anime" for me, but overall the writing seems emotionally intelligent and treats the characters with respect, unlike garbage like whb. Characters are cute, not super complex but not just personified tropes either. I like how their OG SSRs come with their backstories, I'm super invested in merman boy's past despite being repulsed by mermaid bussy. While more complex than nukani, its UI is intuitive and not confusing like velvet react (that I dropped immediately). The game seems quite grindy so I might drop it in the future, but I'm in a discord server that shares vids of cards and I plan to keep up with the stories they share.
As for the scenes, they don't feel nearly as sexy as the nukani ones for me, but the only one that LEGIT turned me off was the prologue one (in the field), the purple prose was horrendous there. I was super close to quitting, but I'm glad I didn't since the translation got better soon.
One funny thing I've noticed is the game's tendency to suddenly spam us with food porn, it's funny (picrel)

No. 415736

I like whb but I don't think that it's bl enough. The translation is a little bit weird.

No. 415805

I'm playing Noctilucent too. Just finished chapter 7 on the weekend. It's actually my first and only BL gacha and I'm enjoying myself a lot. My favourite is Mishe, I like cute, needy boys. Can't stand Hyasha though for no reason other than gendies will absolutely claim his as one of theirs for wearing female clothes as a man. In the past, stuff like that wouldn't have bothered me, it's just another trope, but now I'm allergic to anything that allows the tumblr crowed to claim a character is trans.

No. 415947

Silhouettes drop tomorrow, who do you guys think will be in this event? I'm pretty stumped, I thought they'd do Dante and Rei for sure but I don't think the cutesy cafe theme suits them at all. It would've been perfect for Yakumo and Edmond actually, but I guess that would've been too similar to White Day.
nayrt but I really liked Hyasha at first glance (I like his thighs kek), but the fact that he and Sen are a thing just totally killed my hype. You're right about trannies claiming him too, they've been bitching for weeks about him not being a bottom because of their belief that women's clothes = female = bottom. Very progressive. They bitch about Cypar being a top too, it's funny how they always want the more effeminate/pretty characters to be bottoms and the more rugged/masculine characters to be tops.

No. 415951

Totally agree with you wrt Hyasha and Sen. I have no problems with Anli getting into threesomes or the LIs getting it on with each other (I don't self-insert as the MC), but those two being a couple and just involving Anli so they can have sex without feeling the curse left me very unimpressed. Which is a shame because I'd otherwise like Sen.
As for the trannies being obsessed with gender stereotypes - that's just water being wet, though I hate them for it. I wish they could stay away from these games, it's bad enough that they've been whining about it being problematic too…

No. 415988

>they've been whining about it being problematic too…
What did trigger them lol, it's from the tamest bl I've ever played. Not even a single dubcon scene.

No. 416022

I shit you not, they complained a about the "inappropriate timing" of some of the sex scenes, e.g. right after finding those caged children kek. Ignoring just how dumb it is to complain about smut in an eroge, they also don’t seem to grasp that the curse flares up when you're shaken, so it actually makes sense lore-wise that you'd get horny in such a situation.

No. 416182

File: 1726597007919.webp (54.11 KB, 1024x1024, unnamed.webp)

> I thought they'd do Dante and Rei for sure but I don't think the cutesy cafe theme suits them at all.
you look so dumb rn

No. 416209

File: 1726608435630.mp4 (124.27 KB, 320x320, 1000020853.mp4)

Moe moe kyun is real!? What a time to be alive

No. 416252

really, and Eiden selfcest was also real, incredible

No. 416300

File: 1726661509840.png (967.88 KB, 831x1344, GXkIMCVbwAAGuD6.png)


No. 416920

File: 1726828910187.jpg (833.71 KB, 1080x1080, 1000020946.jpg)

Dan-Dan lmfaooo
I'm so hyped for this event

No. 416929

File: 1726831225358.jpeg (80.79 KB, 952x694, GSUSQzKW4AAQLU5.jpeg)

GOD BLESS, just in time, i was having a terrible day bc my college eval went shit, but who cares, LEOGER BOY DANTE WOO HOO

No. 416930

File: 1726831348456.jpeg (93.99 KB, 1170x1462, GXq6PTjbsAEUJp1.jpeg)

pisses me off that they were too cowardly to give him a full peekabutt cutout or make him squish his pecs together

No. 416935

Literally what the fuck? This is blatant censorship and no one should be okay with it. Makes me worried what direction this series is gonna go down. They're already trying to make their game safe, next they're gonna add old man and fat characters. Fuck this shit.

No. 416937

wait, is it just me or does Dante get "props" often? like random stuff that he holds or has next to him, he has an entire champagne bottle and glass in one SSR, a treasure chest behind him and a sword in hand in another SSR(which is not bad imo), a cane in another, and in the beach event he holds a surfboard and now an entire cart in this one, its like they like making his SSRs take up lots of space, i wish they'd put him in something a tad more subdued and elegant.

No. 417067

Was Dante a virgin before Eiden?

No. 417090

File: 1726863211572.png (29.6 KB, 374x65, 1000020961.png)

No, he mentions his past experience in multiple occasions. People assumed Dante is a virgin from his main story H because Eiden was mocking him. But the jp voiced line for picrel actually made me realize that wasn't the case, a more direct translation would be "Out of the people I've done it (sex) with, you're the only one who seems to think about nothing but your own pleasure". His SR and SSR scene further clarify that he indeed has slept with people before, just was too full of his ego (and his partners too polite) to realize that he wasn't a good lay and Eiden was the first one to set him straight. He improves quickly over the future cards though ♥

No. 417096

File: 1726865007955.png (1.11 MB, 980x3736, 1000020970.png)

Samefag, just dropping the lines from his SR. Can't seem to find the SSR lines I was thinking of.

No. 417244

File: 1726922158756.jpg (141.68 KB, 799x615, 1000021017.jpg)

Rei-nyan seems to be wearing something spicy underneath

No. 417249

would it be possible to booly them into giving him an ass window?

No. 417254

Give us the ass. the big ass

No. 417260

>>416930 >>417244
where did you find the sketches nonnies?

No. 417263

they're from the nucarni artbook nonnie, can be found in the gofile link(posted itt)

No. 417298

File: 1726938680000.jpg (234.91 KB, 1080x1080, GX0n8Voa4AAIzu2.jpg)


No. 417316

I really want to fuck Olivine.

No. 417329

wait wait when they'd release this? they release the teasers for rei and dante then post the actual SSRs then post a teaser again?

No. 417337

Yeah, that's how the teasers work for event SRs. The order is: SSR teaser - SSR reveal - SR teaser - SR reveal.

No. 417352

Um, the golfie link isn't working, now it says something about a discord link but I can't seem to find it. I just want to see them fucking.

No. 417353

download the text file and open it

No. 417354

File: 1726951428446.jpg (1.34 MB, 1080x2408, 1000020869.jpg)

Yeah the gofile is down atm, so you should join the discord if you want the scenes, they have other links in #the-goods and #yaoi-contributions
Picrel just because.

No. 417417

Sadly no. Female fans aren’t screeching apes like moids are about censorship when they really should be. Worried for the future of this game, we’re just gonna start getting more and more modest outfits aren’t we?

No. 417429

please god i hope not, i hope we're just overreacting, but yeah Dante never really seems to come out with many intriguing skin exposure, a peek of the tummy or pecs is it(Scorching Sun was peak and i stand by it), devs seem afraid to make him too gay, maybe his personality makes it seem like he's too prideful to slut out but that's literally the appeal. imo i think his physical appeal point should be his tan skin and legs(as it is with most slender Dramatic body types) Quincy has his huge pecs, Blade and him have the abs too, Kuya's factor is his slutface and literally just be a kink dispenser, Yakumo is tall and slender as well, hence why i said tan skin too but Yakumo has a real slender waist(Cocoa Liqueur, im OBSESSED).

No. 417459

File: 1726991262829.jpg (20.7 KB, 532x735, bulge.jpg)

I would say it's overreaction, did everyone forget about the summer event? They slutted out the tops so hard and Garu was practically naked. I understand some nonnies had an emotional connection to the Dante sketch ass window, but pretty much every SSR design in the artbook changed slightly when being implemented in the game, chill. It's not a sign of the devs suddenly turning into catholic prude nuns

No. 417467

File: 1726999671345.jpg (69.62 KB, 751x1024, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

thank you for bringing me to reason, but the dick bulge close up is making me kek to death

No. 417515

I wish I could suck that irl

No. 417535

Quincy is so perfect

No. 417563

BOOOOOOO nonas are right, this isn't porny at all! If anything it's comparable to the undress of a generic female hoyoslop character in tights. They'd better sex that man the fuck up or they're not getting my wallet any time soon…

No. 417584

You are guaranteed to see his penis, you know.

No. 417595

File: 1727045264490.png (1.49 MB, 920x915, sdfghsdfhg.png)

Fortunately rei's outfit >>417244 is pretty lewd but yeah I feel like their designs have became less porny as of late which bothers me. Olivine's outfit is fully clothed ffs. I just hope they don't give into moids/safe horny gayden demands and go down the giving them burqa'd outfits path. I'm grateful for what they've given us so far but they need to step up their game with giving guys slutty outfits.

No. 417649

Olivine's an SR, anon. Of course he's not getting the whore maid look

No. 417657

File: 1727066646773.jpg (407.61 KB, 2048x1423, 1000021052.jpg)

Yaku being the only one to get a waiter fit makes me kek for some reason. Maybe it's because how he is usually considered ladylike by fans

No. 417798

KEK where is the audio from??

No. 417887

File: 1727134670275.png (7.62 MB, 4096x2294, 1000021098.png)

It's from the neon carnival event from last year!

No. 418304

This PV is abso-fucking-lute perfection, the heart hands are making me WHEEZE

No. 418596

File: 1727356445084.png (5.11 MB, 1892x2048, 1000021204.png)

The outfit tearing mechanic exists for a reason, you know.

No. 418608

The Gofile link was deleted and confuse where the new link? I wanna see the scene R2 and R5 with characters i don't manage to pull

No. 418609

Why is Olivine so fucking perfect? I wish I could extract his soul from his dick.

No. 418618

Blade still mogs

No. 419029

who tf posted the gofile link somewhere and got it fucking taken down

No. 419233


excuse me, do you know where the discord link is? i just found out the gofile link is now obsolete

No. 419249

I have the invite link but it has expired already. I don't want to generate a permanent link that might get leaked in more public places, so have a temp link that will expire in 12 hours. https://discord.gg/xPhvajw

No. 419258

File: 1727592024096.jpg (941.69 KB, 1080x2408, 1000021248.jpg)

So cute

No. 419320

Hi the discord link is not working, would you happen to have another link to the discord? Thank you

No. 419354

This is absolutely adorable.

No. 419509

Could you send another new discord invitation link? Or maybe you could send via dm?

No. 419514

File: 1727675238678.jpg (90.37 KB, 1280x1280, 20240901_023609.jpg)

Newbie nonnie, please learn the lolcow rules and post anonymously next time so you stop getting banned. As for the discord invite link, I suppose it expired early because the maximum number of people allowed joined through it. Can any of those nonnies post an invite?

No. 420162

The telegram was hacked or sold to a retard that is posting real porn of women now and trying to make money with his links, where can I watch the card scenes?

No. 421943

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For some reason Japanese fans are celebrating 10/8 as topper day, my twitter feed is full of cuteness ♥
Picrel from a quinei dj I have.

No. 421983

so cute! Thank u nonnie

No. 421998

Adorable! Thank you!!

No. 422081

Does anyone know where to watch the hscenes from Noctilucent? I don't plan on playing it but I'm curious since I enjoy NuCani kek

No. 423223

Is there any new gofile link to watch the h scene? or maybe can someone give a link to join the discord server please

No. 423247

Here are invite links to the discord servers that share hscenes.
nukani: https://discord.gg/3442BjZ7
noctilucent: https://discord.gg/dPMtrZuW

Links will expire in a week or after 25 uses, whichever comes first. After that nonnies who have joined should share a new link.

No. 423257

You're an angel, nonnie.

No. 423265

Omg, thank you so much nonnie ❤️

No. 424177

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I tend to unlock rooms but not watch them until I get some private time, so I watched winter Edmond r5 only now. EiEd are so sweet, I love hscenes with kisses so much
For the current event, I'm still trying to get Dan-Dan, pray for me nonnies

No. 424472

I hope you get Dan-Dan!!

No. 425399

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Quincy looks freaking exquisite, the design is so simple but flattering, I love it ♥

No. 425411

>more boring safe horny outfits that deliberately lack sex appeal
I'm worried for the direction this game is going in.

No. 425412

The other unit for this event looks like he's going commando with white tights on, tbf.

No. 425425

True, but I hate how it feels like Garu is the only one who gets the lewd outfits (because he's a shota). Give the adults some revealing clothes ffs

No. 425427

Despite the complaints about him being shota, I wouldn't consider Garu as one. He's 18 and going for a different archetype, imo.

No. 425433

Aaaaaa can someone share the dc link again? I was late wwww

No. 425439

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He "looks" 18 but is probably much older than that, being a yokai an d all. Based on the in-game information about Aster and Morvay and the dev answers during the neon carnival event, I would say he's somewhere between 20 to 80.

No. 425440

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Some more hints from chapter 14 where Rei first encounters Garu years ago.

No. 425694

Same here, any chance I could get invites to the discords too? I used to play and so do my friends but now they don't anymore

No. 426117

Do you know a place where they share velvet react videos? I joined one but they require dick sucking and sending proofs that you are a very active player level up blah blah and in general has cult tier worshipping. If you know a normal place without schizos like that please share nonnies.

No. 426419

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The AGF festival merch preview is making my wallet cry in advance, tiny Eito so cuuuute

No. 426621

Only a couple hours left until the new event drop! Vibrating from anticipation, I hope I can get both from the 140 pulls I have saved up

No. 426683

Does anybody have the discord link from the gofile that had most of the scenes? appreciate it a lot if anyone can share it!

No. 426756

Thank you NuGoverment for pampering to my fetishes. I can only dream of kuya bottoming.

No. 426999

File: 1729853412730.jpg (148.06 KB, 1079x1918, Screenshot_20241024_170627_NU_…)

He's so right
I feel so lucky to have gotten him early (after having to go broke for Dan-Dan in the last event), thank you RNG gods for supporting my 2D men simping

No. 427034

What other bl gacha are you playing nonas?
I'm really liking NoC and Nucarni, but I'm thinking of giving velvet react another chance, but nobody shares the ero scenes so I'm reluctant. WiHiB is more otome than bl so can't vibe with it. The story is ok though but can't see it as a bl game and I don't like non established- self insert MCs. I like both Anli and Eiden.

No. 427096

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I don't play any other BL gacha other than nukani and noctilucent, but I do recommend Blood Domination's PC version. I used to play its mobile version ages back and it's surprisingly fun despite the cringey dom x sub world setting. There are multiple couples of varying charm, Izayoi x Uzuki was trash while Takamine x Chihaya was chef's kiss. I also tried Anata Nikki but can't rec it cuz it didn't have any English version plus some of the yandere obsessing was just too cringe for me kek.
I preregistered for Velvet React and installed on the day it came out, but the UI was just too trash and the dialogue style was just too…anime?? I didn't even meet walter but everything I heard about the game later from other people ruined any desire I had to try it out. I find the same problem with the dialogue in noctilucent too, but in a lesser intensity so I can tolerate the occasional cheesiness (still laughing at Cypar emerging with a shounen bgm on his first appearance).
And don't even talk to me about WHB. It's writing is so horrendous I can't even. The mc is a complete complete pornsick shitbrain who swoons over how porn where women get choked until their face turns blue is actual love. I had no hope from it but I still stuck around for a bit, but eventually dropped because of the shit gameplay and paper-thin characterizations.

No. 427107

Oh shit that's my fetish, but to a woman boring,not interested.
Velvet react had cuckshit, so I rage dropped it too, kek.
Noc is okay to me for now, the plot more interesting than nucs, but i prefer nucs gameplay and LIs,any day. Noc has very mild porn too,even the schizo LI has vanilla sex with anli. Just ties his hands for a bit and calls it bdsm,lol.
>Anata nikki
Haha,that was crazy shit,didn't know it had a pc version,thanks anon.

No. 427298

Recently found out Aster's seiyuu has a youtube channel where he streams video games. Right now he is streaming Lethal Company together with Quincy's seiyuu and man, his normal speaking voice is niiice

No. 427783

Do you have a link to this Aster+Quincy VA stream, nonny? Also I agree about his voice, I noticed that the last time he and Morvay's VA (whose voice is good too, I loved his performance as Sitri in WHB even though I'm a hater of the game itself) did that stream where they played the mini games from the summer event. I am hoping familiars will get another SSR this year that's not a scam like the last one in terms of h rooms and character interaction, their normal banter with Eiden is cute I want to believe

No. 427995

I was talking about Quincy's voice lol. Here you go

No. 428326

WHB is so ass, they keep all the hot cards behind a paywall, also, such blatant cowardice that they give the most real life scrote aligned the largest cock out of the entire cast. can't wait for the CGs to be ripped and uploaded somewhere, tho doubtful since so few play it.

No. 428958

WHB might be shit but at least last month, they made 270k while nuc bliss made 150k. So people do pay for it.
I think it's time nuc changed a little. They should focus on making the plot more interesting and release chapters more often. The plot is really blant and gets repetitive. Still don't know enough about Edmond and a lot of LIs. They should gatekeep Rin more though.

No. 428960

Many cg lurk on tumblr nona.

No. 430024

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Excited for the official nuis, hope they turn out cute.
Recent event was nice, I didn't go insane over it like I did for maid but nice rooms and baby Quincy lore made me happy. The only question I have is: doesn't Quincy hunt for meat in the forest? Imagine him treating an animal as a doctor and then eat it a couple months later lmao

No. 430130

Someone's gotta feed Topper's bloodlust kek

No. 430192

I want to lovingly eviscerate blade nui

No. 430209

I want to get blade so I can hug him while I masturbate to his sex scenes.

No. 433736

Eiden looking so handsome, can't wait for tomorrow ♥ I've been waiting for an event like this since Klein Star

No. 437253

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Kpop Kuya is making me laugh to death (will pull ofc)

No. 437308

Brat needs correcting

No. 437455

>boring safe horny non revealing outfit
Seriously worried about the fate of this game

No. 437456

No. 437467

stfu coomer

No. 437469

I just want to fuck this old man.

No. 437473

Do you know what thread you're on?

No. 437474

nta but im pretty sure nona means the pedoshit slang "brat needs correction"

No. 437476

passerby but I laughed so hard at this exchange

No. 437491

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Not surprised by the weirdness tbh. I remember lots of fun nonnies discussing nucani unit designs/character interactions/world setting etc when it used to get brought up in the fujo threads, but now a days it's just a couple people sharing announcements, periodic "safe horny reeeee", periodic "nukani needs more rape especially Kuya" and random crying over pulls. I've sunk so far to start visiting nukani sub on plebbit again
(Picrel by @MOBUgorilla)

No. 437521

Why do you weird asexuals get so mad when people discuss sexual things… about a yaoi smut game. Stop acting like you're morally superior. People have every right to complain about safe horny bland burqa outfits in a game like nucani of all things.

No. 437526

Kek really
>be woman
>like hot anime guys
>play literal porn game
>can't say that you find the characters hot
>can't say that you want to fuck or rape a character
>can't get mad because a character in a porn game is fully covered and the outfits aren't truly sexy anymore
Next time we will have to create a censorship thread where we all are only allowed to post fully covered anime guys.
And I get that the rape correction meme comes from pedoshit but it's dumb to get mad about it in this mongolian basket weaving forum.

No. 437528

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The maid outfits secret lingerie were pretty revealing, though I personally don't care for crossdressing
What are the chances of Olivine having freaky shit underneath again?

No. 437529

> but it's dumb to get mad about it in this mongolian basket weaving forum.
>the term literally comes from forcing rape on a child
oh i didnt know lc allowed pedofags here oh right it doesn't. if you want to use pedoshit slang go fuck off to 4troon.

No. 437530

Fuck off, this is literally a porn game. Kuya is a bratty male and he gets away with so much bullshit in most banners, so yes, he needs a big fat, veiny, virile cock to tame him into something less bitchy.

Don't know where these tards came from, but heaven forbid we talk about sex and other adult subjects in a 18+ game with uncensored asshole and dick

100%. Olivine is such a cute freak. There's no way he doesn't have a sexy thong or more chained piercings

No. 437535

Tbh I'm broke as hell in the game since my rolls have been complete dogshit so the nonsexy outfits are honestly great for me, personally.
If the rooms are actually worth it I will scream.

No. 437547

Just quit it, I will say that I want to correctively rape Kuya as many times as I want in this site because he's a sexy brat and he deserves it.
Ita crazy that we can't talk however we want about characters we like.

No. 437549

Take your meds and get lost. You add nothing of value here.

No. 437622

On the topic of which, are we even gonna get lewd outfits anymore? I’m honestly worried tbh. One of the things that set nucani apart was its slutwear and I know many women like it for that, if they start moving away from that direction I’ll be pretty upset tbh

No. 437624

Just vote with your wallet, mention it in surveys, tweet at them, maybe make sure to like lewd fanart ig.

No. 437626

Oh absolutely, I just wonder where this upstream of modest clothing is coming from. I was gonna mentioned cccp censorship but I don’t think Taiwanese law is affected by that? Moid hire?

No. 437630

Might have something to do with them making the sfw Bliss version.

No. 437642

I'm tired of the tops looking like nuns. Where is Yakumo and Kuya wearing slut suits? Dante has not ONCE shown his legs.

No. 437665

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You have your rapeape fantasies in 99% of BL, why the fuck are you shitting up a thread about one of the only BL that has plenty of sex but zero rape? It's glaringly obvious that it isn't and will not be the genderflipped version of moids' waifu rape simulator, go play N+C or pil/slash games that are more likely to indulge your fetish.

No. 437667

Nta but Rei has rape in his backstory tbf.

No. 437673

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>anyone who doesn't share my opinion = asexuals
>tinfoil about designs becoming more covered over time
>can't sage to save her life
Your posting style is so damn obvious. Did you get tired of shitting on LADS and have returned to annoy nukani fans instead? It's extra funny to see sperging over winter outfits cuz ofc they will be more covered?
And? It's treated as the serious traumatic event it is and there is no sexualized detailed rape shown for gooning purposes

No. 437676

It feels like a nitpick but I remember when it happened, people got really pissy about it. In the small chance that someone might be lurking this thread and thinks "Finally, a moral yaoi for me", I just don't want them to get the wrong impression and end up joining the mob, ranting about how Nucarni tricked them when they get to the Rei part.
This has somehow fucking happened to multiple series I've liked and I'm so tired of it.

No. 437680

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Lmao, peak twitter behavior where they don't get that portraying bad things =/= excusing or fetishizing said thing. I sympathize with you nona.
On a completely different note, did anyone pull on the ongoing fragments banner? (I got picrel, love this Dante so much) It was such a weird banner, on one hand you were guaranteed your fav at 37500 gems = win, but on the other hand the fragment mechanic was unusual enough that I saw TONS of people misunderstanding the way it worked and ruin their savings without realizing that the banner would only give fragments and not whole SSR.

No. 437695

>can't sage to save her life
You don't need to sage in the non-cow boards, newfag

No. 437696

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Brat correction is a lolicon meme though https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/need-correction-slang

No. 437697

Sshh dont point that out it ruins her narrative

No. 437699

I don't care if they want to rape the fictional male, but the use of a lolicon meme is strange

No. 437700

I think she knows. I think everybody in this thread knows and most don't really care.
The outfits are whatever, the slang is whatever, who the fuck really cares. Can't this thread be about how Blade looks cute or how Olivine's sweater is ugly af?

No. 437702

Well alright

No. 437703

Yeah reusing scrote lolicon memes is weird as fuck. Imagine being so far gone you dont even see the issue with it.

No. 437705

>heckin' valid rape enjoyer stacies
Why thank you! I think winter Blade is absolutely adorable in his get-up. It's the cutest one yet

No. 437706

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I could talk about Blade's cuteness all day, but I assume these heckin' valid rape enjoyer stacies are not interested in that so they must derail. I will never understand their interest in this thread about a vanilla milktoast sex game.
Anyway, I love all the boys have some sort of cute animal mascot with them. Blade's fluff fluffs are adorable, Olivine literally has a cat on his head (I hope it doesn't cockblock during rooms lmao) and Kuyaball is finally real (picrel by @nukani_). I'm seeing so many Asian artists drawing fanart of that ball, there will be a riot if the event or the Kuya rooms don't give some comedy related to it kek

No. 437708

>I assume these heckin' valid rape enjoyer stacies are not interested in that so they must derail. I will never understand their interest in this thread about a vanilla milktoast sex game.
This does not help. This is as baity. I am tired of this shit.

No. 437709

It’s a fun, colorful sex game with sexy designs. No shit it attracts people who are into coom from all sides of the spectrum. Once again, more asexual screeching. Bet you play the censored version too

No. 437710

And she took the bait, good for you.
Guess you can now keep this stupid shit going for a couple more hours.

No. 437712

Blade is so fucking cute, I wish I could squish his cheeks and tell him that he's cute until his retarded brain gets it.

No. 437716

Blade is the world's no.1 cutie

No. 437729

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I want to kiss the hand of whoever is in charge of Blade's outfits, they are always very unique and fun. I'm an omnivore so I usually am excited almost every event, but not every design is equally creative. For example, space Edmond looked too "normal" beside space Blade's cute astronaut like outfit. I didn't mind that much since I ended up loving Ed's rooms to death anyway, but anyway thanks Blade mom at infinity alpha ilu

No. 437733

the frappo in his hand is making me laugh the most kekekekekekekke, so not necessary, also i'm liking the way the bulge is drawn and rendered in his pants, wish there were more references for stuff like that that isn't softcore porn.

No. 437734

i like this outfit, sure it's detailmaxxed to clusterfuck, but the palette is sweet, i love his bag so much tho, it'd be nice if it was made into merch.

No. 437735

you're right, even in the beach episode event, he wore a wetsuit, damn

No. 437753

I laughed similarly at summer Quincy holding a soda, I'm going to die if Kuya's special animation is him taking a sip kek

No. 437791

ftm in 2 six months(bait)

No. 437798

File: 1733222186983.jpg (Spoiler Image,718.54 KB, 1079x1886, 1000023772.jpg)

Beloved nonnie….we barely got a fangirling party started, please
(I am the one who brought up how this game isn't for anyone who wants to see fictional rape, but I do agree with the other nonnies that it's a much better use of our time to talk about fun things instead)
Picrel is my latest unlocked room, Rei is so hot

No. 437813

FTM is when you aren’t sexually attracted to moids in a way that isn’t ladylike, because somehow a woman wanting to rape a fictional moid makes you a tranny. Some of you faggots come dangerously close to reinforcing gender stereotypes just as much as the average troon

No. 437814

*Arent sexually attracted to moids in a way that’s ladylike

No. 437818

just report, its a chronic ban evader that has reposted that same sentence dozens of times to try and infight bait

No. 437833

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God I just want to lick all of his body and make him fuck me for hours, he's so cute, I love his hair, his dumb smile and his retarded way of speaking like a sped. And it's so cute when you can see his waist.
Seriously a threesome with Blade and Kuya would be heavenly.

No. 438070

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>What are the chances of Olivine having freaky shit underneath again?
Called it.

No. 438073

As expected kek.
Currently being a wage slave, will watch and sperg more in an hour.

No. 438078

Ngl I'm a bit confused by the anons here saying they imagine themselves fucking the guys because… isn't this a fujo game where the appeal is that guys fuck each other? I used to play this and I would expect non-fujo players to seethe because all the boys are literal slaves to Eiden's cock or ass.

No. 438085

Some yume are able to look past Eiden ig.

No. 438088

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In my case I just misuse the terminology I guess. As he is my favorite character, I joke about Eiden being my number one husbando (Yakumo and Edmond are #2) and make merch of him, but I would never imagine myself with him, I am perfectly happy to see him having a good time with his army of simps.

No. 438095

I'm both so I don't mind but imo there is next to no good yume content where you get to see well drawn submissive and expressive men sadly so I'm sure people are just taking what they can get and looking past Eiden

No. 438099

Why cant it be both? Fujos are attracted to men,no? Two attractive 2d men fucking each other is appealing. The idea of fucking either or both of these 2d men is also appealing. I don't get what's so hard to understand.

No. 438104

I'm a fujo and a yume, but I don't imagine myself as Eiden, I instead imagine them fucking me because I'm straight as well. Having porn where the characters are hot, wear retarded clothes and have nice voices is quite difficult to achieve.

No. 438112

That makes sense I guess.

Yeah but fujos like seeing two men fucking, not thinking about themselves fucking the anime boys, and they tend to dislike straight porn. And then yumes typically hate the thought of a character other than their self-insert fucking their husbando (and they especially hate gay content of him), so the two things usually clash. However if they can see past that and imagine them being anywhere near straight (I wouldn't be able to kek) good for them.

No. 438142

>so the two things usually clash.
I personally don't enjoy putting female sexuality in such restrictive boxes. I think plenty of women can enjoy both while preferring either yaoi or yume. Each to their own but I have no problem fantasizing about the characters as either straight or gay. They are fictional and they exist for my pleasure kek

No. 438145

This insistence of putting women in rigid boxes based on anime porn tendencies is a uniquely LC flavor of spergery, you seem to be taking what the schizos in the containments say at face value.

No. 438157

Unfortunately this kind of thing has existed since before lc and you can see it in a lot of fandom spaces (especially on twitter). Fujos disliking hetero porn or husbandofags/yumes being very aggressive towards gay ships involving their husbandos are a thing, so it's not really me putting them into boxes but them doing it to themselves. But again I don't really care and this is not the place, good for you if you can enjoy things like nucani in many ways.

No. 438168

There's plenty that gay ships but also husbandofag, also plenty of fujo that have heterosexual and gay ships at the same time.
Guess it might be something that's more noticable in smaller, more niche fandoms that manage to stay under the radar of fotm shipping.
As long as nobody gives Eiden a vagina it's square.

No. 438497

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Got all my boys! How are you faring nonas?

No. 442761

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I love Kuya as he is but I'm so tired of the portion of Kuya fans (often extreme TRAs or fujo aidens that never shut up about kinks, bdsm and their nonexistent dick) that are like ooh daddy dom Kuya is 2deep4u vanilla bitches and get into imaginary fights with people who supposedly are slandering their poor boo. Like no dumbass, he's a well written asshole with depth but an asshole nevertheless, people who aren't into that type of character are free to dislike him. Any time anyone even offhandedly mentions not liking Kuya they violently go for the person's throat, and spend the next 12 months bringing up stories of this puritan boogeyman who doesn't have reading comprehension/ doesn't actually read the lore/ is a prude who needs to stop playing the game yadda yadda. Why the fuck is liking bdsm a requirement for liking sex? I'm so fucking done, I don't want to hear about the degenerate bdsm practices you get up to in RL and how you think nukani devs should insert such shit in their games, fuck off

No. 442888

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Merry Christmas nonnies! I love it when artists share their djs for free on holidays, picrel is from this yakuei dj that's free to access today

No. 442914

Kuya's rooms make me roll my eyes because he's the only one with the BDSM crap, and yet the other characters have way better sex scenes without the 3edgy5me content. I don't mind Kuya, but I feel he doesn't get any comeuppance at all. He's never wrong, never told off by anyone save Quincy and Rei. Eiden can't get a single word of dissent without being threatened or have Kuya's BPD manifesting. I wish they would include more Quincy in his scenes because he's literally the only character who shuts him down entirely, but lately it feels like he's been appearing less in their respective banners.

>I'm so tired of the portion of Kuya fans (often extreme TRAs or fujo aidens that never shut up about kinks, bdsm and their nonexistent dick

kek did you know that in AO3 with the Eiden/Character tags, Eiden/Kuya significantly outnumbers even the most popular of guys? Quincy and Edmond are among the top three with Kuya worldwide but if you look at AO3, the gap is comically high. You just know they're self-inserting as either Eiden or Kuya

No. 442935

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>I don't mind Kuya, but I feel he doesn't get any comeuppance at all
Exactly my thoughts, nonnie. I don't want the story to preach at me about the negative impact of being an asshole or anything, but I just want more variety in who extends the olive branch when there is an disagreement. I loved how in his OG room 4 Eiden did complain about Kuya being shitty to his face and while Kuya didn't apologize in words, he offered Eiden to see and touch his tail which I found to be an acceptable peace offering. However, too many of his later rooms had conflicts that involved him throwing a fit over some harmless action by Eiden and the narrative justifying it every single time. I constantly see Kuya fans screeching "don't judge him by human standards!", and I'm like aren't y'all insulting the whole yokai race by claiming yokai == asshole? Bro doesn't have any issue judging humans by yokai standards but gets his knickers in a twist when he perceives (99% incorrectly because Eiden my boo is open minded and doesn't actually discriminate) that he's being judged by human ones.

No. 442937

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Brainrotted Kuya fans see opinions like mine and immediately call me a hater, but I am just the type of Kuya liker who isn't into him for the bdsm (rather I enjoy the more fluffy rooms like the dream wedding one and the recent pillow fort one) and loves when he acts derp/pathetic or outs himself as an Eiden simp without realizing (picrel). I'm happy that there have been many moments like that and almost every room tends to have him become a little more open towards showing emotional vulnerability in front of Eiden, but I'm just getting tired of how such developments always are accompanied by him being a karma houdini and the main reason for his softening is often Eiden FUCKING apologizing despite having done nothing wrong. I would be fine with him just taking baby steps like doing something to cheer up a pouty Eiden after an argument, or idk maybe Eiden just NOT doing 100% of the emotional labor for their relationship, the bar is on the floor please devs

No. 442993

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>in AO3 with the Eiden/Character tags, Eiden/Kuya significantly outnumbers even the most popular of guys
>You just know they're self-inserting as either Eiden or Kuya
Top kek, I'm entirely unsurprised
Anyway, the official plushie previews came out today, they are cute but I wish the space between the eyes was a bit less. Eiden, Blade and Rei look kinda cross-eyed and Yakumo looks yandere

No. 443465

File: 1735394211009.jpg (372.74 KB, 1080x1080, GfyveZNbwAA9Mcq.jpg)

>more boring non revealing outfits
So sick of this shit.

No. 443536

Nah yeah I can't defend this one lol.
I do blame bliss though.

No. 443541

>bunny motif
>dressed ultra conservatively with ears

No. 443640

File: 1735445004841.jpg (218.4 KB, 1097x1103, 1000025666.jpg)

As an Eiden simp I'm on fire rn, my boo looks so seductive ♥ Going to speedrun the rooms asap, I hope devs will keep the selfcest trend (seems to be hinting at that with the "best to rely on yourself" thing), demon king Eiden was peak so I'm hopeful

No. 443647

File: 1735446402189.jpg (366.83 KB, 1080x1080, SocialMedia_-_Preview_-_Charac…)

Are the cards limited in this game? or do they get added to a common pool. I want to give it a try but i always hate the FOMO that comes with starting already stablished gachas. I mostly just like Garu and Blade.

No. 443652

File: 1735448643124.png (1.89 MB, 1284x2778, 1000025669.png)

No, they don't get added to the common pool, the common pool is useless except some specific times when devs give free pulls only usable in that banner.
Limited cards get reruns but it may or may not be a good idea to pull on those depending on the time. Usually around one year after the original release, SSRs get a rerun that's almost only viable for whales because you can only use the expensive af pink gems to pull, but some time after that there is a second rerun which has amazing value, you are guaranteed to get your boy after 90 pulls and you can use regular contracts and blue gems, like picrel. There are also some anniversary banners from time to time that feature the most popular units (they took a poll last time to select the characters)

No. 443654

Thanks anon, do you get all the characters for free or do you also have to pull for their starters?

No. 443659

You get SR Aster and SR Morvay for free right after the prologue who work very well as attacker and tank respectively, and soon after that you get R Yakumo who is a good healer (his SR variant is way better though), but you have to pull for everything else. Newbies are, however, are guaranteed to get 1-3 SSRs in their first 20 pulls, so if you keep making guest accounts until you get lucky and only bind the account with an email address after that, you should be able to get a couple early SSRs. After that it's advised to save your contracts and gems, and only pull during the events your favorite boy appears.
After you finish the main story and build up your team (if even the fights in last chapter of main story feel easy to you then you know you're ready) you can try clearing the challenge stages that give extra contracts and gems. This game doesn't require much effort in daily grind but it takes a while to set up a gigachad team.

No. 443768

Has there ver been a character popularity poll? I am dying to know who's the most popular guy.

No. 443858

If Eiden is there, he'd definitely #1. If it's only the clan members and the familiars, then it's between Edmond, Kuya, and Quincy, but that depends on the region. Edmond dominates Japan while Taiwan flutters between Kuya and Quincy

No. 444020

Hey does anyone have the discord server link?

I got logged out of my old discord and just created a new one but I can't seem to find an active link anywhere.

Thank you so much in advance!!!!

No. 444051

I'm outside rn, but I'll log into my discord and share a link to the server that'll last a week once I get home.

No. 444097

?? I thought I posted the invite link but it seems gone now?? Am I being paranoid, or is someone from that nukani server a lc mod and deleted my post because they want the server under wraps?
It's bedtime now, maybe I'll set up a burner mail tomorrow and share link through that instead.(do not post discord links here)

No. 444176

>we will never get an outfit like the first two again
Can't believe Nucani of all games is now moid pandering and affected by retarded Bliss censorship. What the fuck happened to lewd outfits?

No. 444183

Dumb newfag

No. 444185

Isn't the problem minors? I remember when the game first got popular, minors were already asking for a safe to play no sex version.

No. 444226


Okay, thank you! I've been trying to find an active link everywhere but can't. And I can't even log back into my old discord.

Thank you in advance once again!

No. 444241

File: 1735622026438.jpg (2.58 MB, 2144x1812, 1000025696.jpg)

See mod response >>444097, I can't post the discord link here. I thought it'd be fine since it was ok before, but I guess mods simply missed banning the previous posts.
Sorry nonny no link for you then. May if you are in the friend finder thread I could send it to you directly in another way, idk. I don't really share stuff anonymously on lc, can other nonnies advise me?
Also please stop using reddit spacing before you get banned for not integrating to board culture kek.
Picrel by @b100mm at twt

No. 444297

i was a noob around the time demon king eiden came around and was retarded and got fucking NOTHING from the event and i still seethe to this day.

No. 445248

How are you faring nonnies? I am 10 pulls away from hitting pity, drowning in tears rn (at least I have enough time to gather pulls, though)

No. 449492

File: 1737139036693.jpeg (357.39 KB, 1080x1080, Ghe4NM0bcAAQPJr.jpeg)

New Rei is looking so hot, very grabbable waist ♥

No. 455424

Man, I was expecting some sort of cute slutty art for snake year with Yakumo. Oh well :(

does anyone have a link to a folder of sorts with the intimacy rooms? I would rather scalp myself than join a fucking discord.

No. 457129

File: 1738731030606.png (16.32 MB, 3072x4096, 1000027506.png)

The devs are so fucking funny, the meme art they release on every clan member's birthday make me wheeze every time.

Sorry nonnie, I get my videos only from one stupid discord full of gendies. I don't interact with anyone and just grab the videos kek. Mrm has some videos but it's just the r2/r5s, I'm not satisfied with those and need the full story. I unlock 80% of the rooms manually in game anyways

No. 461319

Anyone wanna share a quick link to those scenes? - v -'

Been missing the GoFile link…

No. 462074

File: 1740060296922.jpg (434.93 KB, 1080x1080, my eyes are bleeding.jpg)

We finally have new Edmond SSR but it looks like shit. The uniform's color is ugly, that half-mask looks like something Orange-kun would wear, and no cute thights/butt. Fuck I'm angry about this ugly ass design.

No. 462082

I don't dislike the blue (but maybe it would be better if it were a lighter shade) but there are so many different elements going on and they don't mix well. There are the brownish frills, the golden veil, the transparent veil, that bit of transparent fabric that goes into his vest (?), the black boots, and the gold is just very washed out… it's not great.

No. 462138

The black corset thing over the white shirt gives off "censorship"

No. 462296

In my humble opinion it's the first Edmond fit in a while that doesn't look like shit. It fits his personality. I was getting bored of skin tight and spandex

No. 462300

File: 1740129750295.jpg (377.07 KB, 1080x1080, 1000031884.jpg)

Most people I've spoken to actually don't seem to have an issue with the skin exposure or lack thereof, the color and design choices seem to be what bothers them (and me). I turned the pic black and white and it immediately looked better to me.

No. 462301

File: 1740130198497.png (995.06 KB, 1002x2311, 1000031894.png)

Samefag, while nukani sub is pretty chaotic overall found some posts that summarized the situation well

No. 462679

File: 1740220764687.png (3.25 MB, 2476x820, rgb.png)

All three are here. Edmond looks kinda shitty in comparison to other two, Oli's and Yakumo's outfits feel more balanced colorwise imo. Yakumo looks cute as fuck.

No. 462708

The Edmond one has grown on me a bit (still least appealing), the oli one pleases my eyes the most color wise, Yakumo looks nice but his expression looks a bit constipated lol. I wish he had a little less white but I suppose they went with the formula of changing up the ratio of white to RGB in every outfit, with Ed getting mostly blue, Oli is 50-50 and Yaku is mostly white.
Also realizing that the Japanese text uses "薔薇の君" instead of crownholder made me kek. Now I'm imagining Eiden in a rose prince themed outfit

No. 462716

>all of them are burqa'd and not revealing at all
Is this the end for Nucani's reign on having slutty moids? I'm gonna switch to LADS at this point, how disappointing. Seriously wtf is this weird censorship. And of course since women won't openly go ape over censorship like moids do we're just gonna have this continuous watering down of what Nucani become popular for in the first place. Disappointing.

No. 462717

I think it's because they're using same designs for all-ages version. Honestly it kinda sucks and I hope we'll get some more revealing outfits, seeing how jp twitter is also bitching about designs not being ero enough.

No. 462719

>Honestly it kinda sucks and I hope we'll get some more revealing outfits, seeing how jp twitter is also bitching about designs not being ero enough.
Based. Idk why the western fandom is just sitting there and taking it, this is what happens when you're used to media that features ugly heckin dadbod moids or attractive ones that are always fully clothed

No. 462981

File: 1740291820881.png (466.62 KB, 889x1175, 3a8.png)

Neon carnival event in 2 hours, excited
Will report back with any new announcements!

No. 463735

Are you retarded? Look at the more recent outfits, all of them with the exception of Rei’s are highly censored. It’s ridiculous that nowadays we have to pay just to see some skin.

No. 463784

Samefag, work kept me busy so couldn't report right after the event ended.
Anyway, if you follow the official accounts you probably already know 90% of this but (edited ver of a maincord post) we're getting
>Huey with voice over in upcoming msin story
>new opening song (vidrel)
>new title screen illustration,
>online manga vol 2,
>audio drama vol 2,
>Eiden figurine (in collab with BINDING whose usual expertise seems to be in big boobed bunny earred waifu characters, surprised that they okay'd an R18 BL figure)
>voice in non-h rooms for specific cards that won in an official survey
>mini plush keyholder merch

No. 463800

The singer sounds a bit like Shakira, I love this new song, it makes me think of the first song which is still amazing.

No. 463958

File: 1740525131823.jpg (337.77 KB, 2400x2400, 1000031987.jpg)

Bright purity my beloved, still my favorite.
As for the stream, it was slightly different than last couple of times in the way they didn't invite any bands to play music, we just had prerecorded story segment + live talk with the seiyuus + announcements about >>463784
. Personally I don't care, I remember cringing to death during the 1st anni when some other singer butchered bright purity. The story segments had a lot of funny interactions between the clan members and memes(picrel), I enjoyed them a lot. The big improvement was having the Aster and Morvay VAs as the hosts, they were very good and my weeb ass appreciated that I could understand them (I know jp but not Chinese). On the other hand, the Quincy VA, being pretty new, was pretty nervous and didn't really manage to entertain the audience like Oli and Yaku VAs from the previous years.
Still, I enjoyed the overall experience and appreciated that they let us rewatch the stream even afte the event (until March 2). If any nonnie wants you can still buy a ticket actually. People in the sharing discord I'm in also recorded the stream so it seems like they didn't implement any anti-recording mechanism either, love that. Also there are will be tons of codes for the game shared on the official nucani twitter this week, nonnies who actually play the game might want to take a look.

No. 464133

Ma boi yakumo looking so sexy, I'll be vibrating nonstop until tomorrow, going bankrupt contractswise as soon as the banner drops

No. 464536

>didn't know that life was not E-zeh

No. 464552

File: 1740680466492.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.05 KB, 874x971, 1000032137.jpg)

I can't believe that the devs actually put boinking chibis in the game, absolute madlads(spoiler your shit)

No. 466029

File: 1740986918837.jpg (990.05 KB, 1079x2160, 1000032228.jpg)

Dante is such a cute cat dad

I'm really liking all the extra the stuff the game is giving out right now (new cabin system, unlockable illustrations from current event, free pulls on non-event banner, daily codes from twitter)

No. 468816

File: 1741599165437.jpg (508.95 KB, 1820x1800, 1000032865.jpg)

I don't really spend money on nukani gacha but fuck these cute merch, I want to buy everything

No. 469065

They need bigger bulges and asses but cute Edmond tummy

No. 470421

it's so retarded but how do i use Marks of Desire?

No. 470478

Love how well the outfits compliment their personality, Rei looks so cute

No. 470537

File: 1742056398846.jpg (1.18 MB, 1079x2145, 1000033148.jpg)

From here

They all look so relaxed and comfortable, also I love the plushies they are carrying so much, so cute

No. 470555

They're adorable.

No. 470556

I don't go here but that vampire guy is hot af

No. 472890

File: 1742567581563.jpg (428.45 KB, 1080x1080, GmY2WPNasAAtk_e.jpg)

>new dante card is boring burqa trash
I'm so fucking sick of this and the women who support this game no matter what. Even Edmond's birthday card is boring suit slop. Women need to learn how to stand up for themselves instead of being complacent with this shit.

No. 472894

Samefag, Bliss is 100% trying to sabotage this game from the inside. They have a smuttier female focused game on the app store called Rise of Eros meanwhile the game focused on males is reduced to prudish trash.

No. 472917

Where is the burqa?

No. 473013

Ngl I am tired of suits/uniform. I find them sexy but other clothing exists too

No. 473123

File: 1742617200820.jpeg (85.4 KB, 894x1200, GmkdY5UXIAAAONV.jpeg)

he is covered head to toe, the average muslimah would have no problem wearing this if not for it being masculine and gaudy. it's also such a rip off

No. 473206

Wtf are they even thinking? The sexualised designs are the only reason wuy nu:carnival is popular in the first place. If I wanted a game focused on male characters, I would just play enstars.

No. 473211

Wow this is garbage. Not only is it a horrendous design but there is nothing attractive about it. Looks like the kind of scraps mihoyo throws yumes once a year.

No. 473214

File: 1742632469401.png (1.15 MB, 970x1019, Profile_-_Honest_John.png)

is he supposed to be the fox from pinocchio

No. 473308

I wonder why Nucani has gone down such a path, only the shota characters have slutty clothing now. I 100% blame Bliss and we need more fujos throwing peanuts at them.

No. 473363

>only the shota characters have slutty clothing now
what do you mean, the only shota is Aester and he rarely gets new cards.

No. 473364

4chan threads say they got a new illustrator.

No. 473434

More info on this?

No. 474258

File: 1742834842230.gif (14.06 KB, 220x193, tired asf.gif)

Got the Random Select SSR Chest finally

No. 474260

File: 1742835053269.gif (4.02 MB, 220x140, 1000003090.gif)

i got raincoat Quincy

No. 474279

File: 1742838595222.webp (19.73 KB, 320x256, vugsq8x7zxm81.webp)

He's a great healer who also makes the ultimate attacks of your strikers stronger, I hope he serves you well in fights nonnie
(Meanwhile I'm getting my ass handed to me in lost relics kek. I fucking hate the fight where you fight that mafia duke bitch)

No. 474281

no thank you, i'm faithful to my lvl 60 full potential 5 star Yakumo ive spent too much on him to leave him

No. 474286

samefag, SR Yakumo too, cutest snakey

No. 474326

File: 1742845787668.jpg (423.09 KB, 3949x1777, 20250109_000417.jpg)

ayrt SR Yakumo is such a goat considering he's a free unit, I love him too. Sadly I'm having to invest in multiple healers to clear lost relics, my poor potential mats
(picrel is a card set I got with an a yakuei food anthology I bought)

No. 474501

I got SSR Morvay. At least Raincoat Quincy is a top tier healer

No. 474953

File: 1742992527866.jpeg (Spoiler Image,973.27 KB, 3000x3000, Gm73Y83bYAA9zLQ.jpeg)

Unofficial Rei daki, i don't really like the face, feels like they took Rei's face in official art, grabbed it by the chin and stretched it. but man is it sexo

No. 474965

Hate when companies make two sided dakis and then have the character in the same position but slightly different on both sides. LAZY!

No. 474966

File: 1742993878199.webp (173.87 KB, 1080x1080, salacious-king-eiden-v0-9vgh0y…)

Agreed, nonnie. Isn't it funny that this design and the canon Eiden design in picrel looks way more incubus like than the actual incubus Morvay?

No. 475124

File: 1743018557483.gif (138.22 KB, 220x154, tardraging.gif)

you shouldn't've posted this, i was happy not remembering that he never came home to me, the damn slut

No. 475129

next Solaria themed event, Eiden tracks down the first person Dante fucked to ask what Dante looked like getting touched

No. 475187

File: 1743025140770.jpg (755.78 KB, 1664x2717, 1000033612.jpg)

Nonnie…I'm crying for you, everyone deserves a slut Eiden for themselves
Hold onto 90 contracts and dream of the day he gets a blue gem rerun, believe
(or be like me and buy Eiden 3P doujinshi to cope kek)

No. 476384

File: 1743256892956.jpg (406.4 KB, 2048x1964, 1725564754209.jpg)

I got cuntboy Dante on my twitter feed

No. 476434

File: 1743267881037.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.36 KB, 900x1288, everydaysleep__-(20240706_1537…)

OH HELL NO. I sympathize nonnie, it's always so disgusting when the TIFs inflict their mental illness on our handsome men, have some queen everydaysleep art to wash out the nasty aftertaste.

No. 476481

Wow nonnie that’s sounds awful. You should link it to me so I can block the artist in advance and inform all of my bisexual female friends to steer clear hahaha… Stay safe out there guys!

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