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No. 377224
A discussion thread based around the SCP Wiki and it's surrounding community, specifically about the decline in quality in recent years, and the cow-ish behavior of community members. The SCP Wiki is a creative writing site known for it's article-style writings about anomalous people, places, objects, and phenomenon, and also for having a staff team that puts your average discord mod to shame in how fucking pompous they are.
Notable individuals
>One of the original moderators of the site and writer of many popular tales. In May of 2022, he was banned from the site for innapropriate interactions with other users, some of which were minors. He's also known to have attended BDSM events.
>Author of many popular SCPs and a raging narcissist. While his writing can be quite good, when it's bad it's complete purple-prose ridden pretentious garbage. Has been kicked off the subreddit's mod team.
>TIF, LARPer, and known to act a complete fool in forums. Became a turncoat for KiwiFarms to save her own skin.
>SJW moderator known to power trip. Banned a user for criticizing Islam.
>Original writer of the 049 article. Was exposed as a pedophile who did violent ERP with a minor.
Lord Bung
>Not a member of the site but adjacent to it. Creator of the "Confinement" YouTube animated series, which ran for seven episodes and featured several animated "music videos" of sorts. The animated series was very popular with the community, up until Lord Bung went inactive, practically embezzled Patreon money, spending most of it on weed and making a four minute softporn short, and then deleted his channel.
No. 377244
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i think it's amusing how horny fan artists collectively decided to only ever draw bright looking like a ginger-haired 2012 wheatley gijinka with terminal molester face considering he's supposed to take the form of whatever body is wearing 963 at a given moment. doubtless the real bright took advantage of the yaoification of his cringe self insert to get away with sending porn to teenagers, because look at him. he's a fucking beast in real life
No. 377247
>>377242its a really food example of how things on the internet get hijacked and taken over by egomaniacs
correct me if i'm wrong but…
>SCP started on the /x/ board of 4chan as one off posts>it was something new and became popular>some people wanted a site were they could see all the posts togeather>the wiki was born>the wiki was then taken over by egomaniacs strutting around as if they created iti wonder what the orignal creator of the first 4chan post things about where their creation ended up
No. 377252
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The SCP wiki is a great example of how trannies ruin everything they touch. A subset of it I really enjoyed which turned the garden of Eden into a real place bloated with articles and stories until there was an article about how Hell was actually a series of layered chambers with idyllic polyamorous tranny furries. Getting randomly slapped with gendie shit somehow feels even more gross than the gratuitous weird rape themes in earlier entries. Moids will moid.
For any
nonny who loves the lore though there's an offshoot/bootleg called the RPC Authority that isn't as heavyhanded with the circlejerking and tranny dicksucking from what I've seen. It gives me my dose of miscellaneous paranormal bullshit without as much cringe. you can find it at
http://rpcauthority.wikidot.comImo everything fell off after the Homestuck satellite article written by Kate Mitchell. He has a history of destroying any community he joins.
Are examples of in-wiki cringe welcome in the thread?
No. 377271
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>>377252>Are examples of in-wiki cringe welcome in the thread?They should be. Scp-686 (picrel) is basically the writer's fetish and it's not even barely disguised. fucking embarrassing and iirc it's an early one. I'm not surprised they got overrun by furries and trannies if they kept fetish articles like these.
No. 377275
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One issue I notice with majority of modern SCPs is that instead of trying to create actual interesting creatures or unique self contained stories, half of the time it's some attempt at 'eldritch horror' that is poorly written and genuinely overdone. The other half is fetish bait. It's kinda insale how awful the quality of SPCs have become in just a few years. cause the wiki was known for a level of quality control. I would spend hours going through and reading random articles that were genuinely interesting (and you can still find some), but there's so much bullshit now
No. 377286
>>377224i know they went through the site removing images even if they were iconic, because of copyrigh as they were trying to monetise scp
but i do have a question who actually has the legal rights to scp would it be the orignal 4chan post creator mentioned in
>>377247 ?
No. 377461
nonny, you give the SCP moids too much credit! She's described as being in her late teens. One can only assume the ambiguity of that is
very intentional. That article has been heavily edited btw. The author claims this was because it "aged poorly"…yet a conspicuous reference to dietary restrictions remains.
No. 377483
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>>377224There's a longform write-up on the Lord Bung fiasco on the HobbyDrama subreddit. There was a whole side-fiasco with his TIF girlfriend but unfortunately the retard who wrote this used discord for hosting some of the screenshots. I'll include the link anyway since most of the links still work: No. 377549
>>377483I'm interested to hear if there's any SCP-adjacent people who
aren't weird in at least one way. TheVolgun is inoffensive enough although I was on his discord server and his mod team was less than stellar to put it nicely. SCPreadings is a TIF and of fucking course her twitter is filled with yaoi bishonen faggotry. EastsideshowSCP is going strong so that's good. Haven't heard anything bad about SCPillustrated.
Looking back at SCP it's a lot like the Simpsons to me. A zombie community just going through the motions. Reminisce on it and then it just gets sad. Something that was such a big part of my years on the internet reduced to a husk, devoid of anything I once liked about it. It's dead and has a troon-ridden fanbase parasite piloting it's body.
No. 377566
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>>377483vidrel is the full scene btw, this took 4 years and cost over 150,000 dollars No. 377568
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holy fuck i'm an oldfag who was into scp right in the beginning and i had no idea it'd become this depraved. i stopped reading around the time people were fawning over picrel because i felt like the whole project had lost its way and was becoming annoying and uncreative, with creators caring more about gimmicks and making the next character to get fanart made of their shit, hoping they'd emulate slenderman's success. wow.
No. 377870
>>377710I know the one you're talking about, I can kind of appreciate the horror of that scp in a way and I think about it sometimes. There's so many articles that there's going to be a broad spectrum of quality.
>my #1 favorite>longer ones I like>short, weird reads>>377857nona you have good taste those are all classics! If you like the experiment logs of 914 you may also like 294, very similar concept
No. 377874
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>>377568I feel you. It went from good old web horror to DeviantArt tier degeneracy. Picrel is some of the recent ones. I much prefer those that are less gimmicky, and that are either really scary or "weird but cute".
My favorites are 3288 (the aristocrats), 087 (the staircase) and 524 (the bunny).
No. 378063
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Was lurking TVTropes page for SCP wiki and someone (most likely an insecure TiF with internalised misogyny) made lolcor into an scp keeekkkkkk
>word of god says he'll get a happy ending
Voluntary detransition after he realises the truth mashallah
No. 378065
>>377710it's not but it is indicative of the fact that the concept was spawned by scrotes. there's more than one like that even in the early days.
Personally I love the Japanese interdimensional vending machine. Both the incredibly creative concepts for instant food, and how it seems to have a degree of sentience. like 914 or 294, the meat is in the craziness of the experiment log, but of all of them, the vending machine is my favourite. also can't find the number for the life of me right now and would love if a
nonnie remembers it, but one was a batch of bootleg/knockoff life forms, like cheap plagiarism of existing animals and humans, made by a knockoff god. It toed the line between body horror and hilarious in a way I really liked. I'll try to find the link.
No. 378068
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>>378065samefag- found it! 2699, "counterfeit creatures". No. 378090
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>>378065nona im scared, i googled “Pepsi: Dragon Twist” out of curiosity and that specific name doesnt exist but they did in fact make a dragonfruit pepsi in the future past the time the article was written… what other horrors will it predict?
No. 378091
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>>378063I got curious and skimmed through this one, it's hardly even an SCP. Just pages of discord logs dripping in TIF seethe kek. The little "graphic content
trigger warning abuse!!" on the start of each page because there's troonphobia is a nice touch
No. 378141
>>377710Personally, these are the ones I remember liking. Some names censored for effect.
>SCP-4999 Someone To Watch Over Us>SCP-2295 Patchwork Bear>SCP-3092 Gorilla Warfare>SCP-1609 Remains of a Chair>SCP-871 Self-Replacing Cake>SCP-169 The Leviathan>SCP-2006 Too Spooky>SCP-1111 The White Dog>SCP-4000 Taboo>SCP-3998 The Wicker Witch _____>SCP-1057 Absence of Shark>SCP-100-JP Attic Room Space>SCP-2764 The Eldritch Antarctic>SCP-2935 O, Death (longest one)>>378063I remember seeing that when I last tried getting back into SCP. It made me think the author had never met another woman in her life. Then I saw that the comments were full of TIFs telling her how "realistic" and "well written" it was. It felt very eye-opening to me, just not in the way the author intended kek.
No. 381111
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Just a reminder that TIF Aphrodite SCP exists.
No. 381301
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my all time fave is the otamatone roomates one. No. 382189
I remember when people started initially talking about how SCP went to shit several years ago and trannies decided to push back, denouncing SCP's 4chan roots and posting fictional accounts of tranny SCP employees praising the company for funding their transition and other bullshit, proving once and for all that they completely missed the point. Canonically SCP never had any problems with letting their staff be killed or performing inhumane experiments on them. Sure, they're totally gonna pay for your transition, hon (then again…).
>>378065Good taste nonna, vending machine is my fave as well.
No. 445457
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SCP-7179 really sticks with me as someone who gets lost in existential thought a lot, the big numbers the author talks about also really stick in my mind, I think more people should read this and know the inspirations for it