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No. 386291

Previous thread: >>>/m/379810

No. 386302

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Wonder what was the agreement

No. 386319

we were 25 minutes away from a croatia win god fucking damn it

No. 386321

a life time supply of ikea meatballs

No. 386329

Man I hope some of the artist spill the details on what happened BTS

No. 386332

Yeah usually June-August are pretty dry months for esc news, but I’m hoping they’ll spill plenty of tea this summer

No. 386335

>What do you nonnies think, do you think this will impact next year's edition in any way?
I think the only way the EBU will kick out Israel is if their contract with Moroccanoil ends this year and artists/their country’s broadcasters spend the summer still pushing them to answer for everything that happened this year.

They’ll definitely have to review how staff and artists interact with each other after Joost. Hoping we see a lawsuit from AVROTROS against the EBU this summer.

I think they also need to do a better job of vetting journalists and make clear boundaries for them. The behavior I saw this year primarily from Israeli journalists was appalling and completely unprofessional. Unprofessional behavior should lead to journalists being kicked from the venue/having their press credentials revoked

No. 386337

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Moroccanoil is confirmed as a sponsor for 2025. https://eurovision.moroccanoil.com/

No. 386350

Of course lmfao

No. 386373

man that would have been such good dramu. and we would have been spared that themoid

No. 386384

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I'm in two Whatsapp groups that are saying we should get tickets to her Halloween show

No. 386386

Tbh that dumbass nonbinary shit aside I thought her performance was pretty cool. I'd consider going if the ticket prices aren't too expensive.

No. 386387

you should do it

No. 386388

It should be pretty cheap like €30 for that venue. I'd imagine the crowd will be insufferable though

No. 386391

A goth witch in the Academy on Halloween sounds good tbh, but I don't want non binaries getting my money kek

No. 386425

Do it to people-watch, bring back stories.

No. 386449

ugh king tuts is an awful venue

No. 386462

Hm. I might go to the Manchester one as a hatewatch

No. 386529

Oh fair, that's a good point lmao

No. 386533

someone has to pay for the surgeries.

No. 386542

I doubt she’ll get surgery. She’s nb not ftm

No. 386549

do you think they will remove israel next year?

No. 386550

I fucking wish. It seems like they have one more year left of their contract with Moroccanoil. If they’re smart, they won’t renew and will then kick Israel. Or maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll decide since there’s only one year left, who cares about pissing off their sponsor?

No. 386551

I don't think they will unless a significant amount of broadcasters threaten to withdraw.

No. 386554

Hopefully by then the war will be over.

This >>386551 (that's what happened with Russia too) and I'm starting to think that may become a real possibility given the shitshow partially caused by Israel behind the scenes this year

No. 386590

Not a chance. Israel was the main sponsor with Moroccanoil (the name is misleading). I could see them removing themselves though.

No. 386604

Why would they voluntarily leave? ESC is a fantastic source of soft power propoganda for them.

No. 386605

That only works if it's going well. There was tonnes of clips shared on Twitter and Tiktok of people booing their performers and votes

No. 386608

They don’t care about that. They love to play the triumphant victim. They cry about booing and “bullying” then pay thousands to get their diaspora vote and get a top 5 finish for them to brag about

No. 386700

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how do they keep calling this ugly unstylish creature gorgeous sorry to that one anon that thinks he is cute

No. 386706

literally just an ugly moid with makeup kek. these people are so brain dead. i cant believe croatia lost to this thing

No. 386707

why can't they make him look at least a bit better kek

he was 5th in public vote so idgaf about baby lasagna losing to him. shit's rigged to its core

No. 386708

if they wanted to thirst over an enby moid, they could at least go for silvester belt, he's nowhere near as inbred-looking as this specimen kek

No. 386928

Manbys are never styled in an attractive androgynous way, they’re always made to look as ugly as possible for some reason.

No. 386948

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>skill level of a 6 year old playing with toy makeup

No. 386952

even just the 3/4 of a face in the back looks 10 times better than him, he's so pug faced

No. 387881

I don't know about you nonnas, but as someone who used to watch the show to get a good laugh at the performances (costumes, and choreography included) since 2010 to forget that the votes and results are tedious and bullshit anyway, I didn't really "farm a lot of keks" this year, except for drinking myself silly to remain in good spirits and awake up until 1-2am.
I'm considering not staying up for the results next year, because it's left me absolutely gutted and unable to fall asleep without checking out Twitter reactions forever to feel vindicated etc., since at least 2019 tbh.
It might be me getting old saying that but anyone else considering the same for 2025?

No. 387930

It’s not just you. I haven’t enjoyed the full show from start to finish since 2021. 2022 had pity televoting for Ukraine. 2023 had a clearly rigged jury. 2024 had a clearly rigged jury and mass Israeli diaspora televoting for the most boring song. It’s just not fun anymore

No. 387949

I think most people who follow the contest for a long time feel this way. I remember back in the day when I was actually excited about the results, supporting my favourite countries, hoping they would do as well as I'd expect. Yes, block voting was and is a thing but people genuinely voted for what they liked. As years went by and especially since the war in Ukraine, things have been way less exciting for me. Yes I love following the contest to find new singers and music, but the finals themselves are so anticlimatic. This year, before the bookmakers closed the bets, Croatia had over 50% chance of winning and they had to crush it by pushing the gendie. It would be so cool if he actually won. And let's not even talk about the disqualification fiasco. Pure bs. I know some anons still think Joost did something terrible, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case otherwise they wouldn't be so vague about it. And Joost recently asked for extra witnesses from the Nehterlands or something so it seems like whatever "investigation" happened was pretty half-assed and against him. I've seen some video of Bambie Thug saying there's an investigation going on and she can't talk for now but when she can, she will. Can't wait kek

No. 387981

>clearly rigged jury
People keep saying this with no evidence to back it up

No. 387984

>I haven’t enjoyed the full show from start to finish since 2021
I feel the opposite. Looking back like 10 years the quality of the songs and performances were so shit, I always used to be bored with 90% of the songs and at most like 2-3 songs. The last 4 or so years maybe I've loved the show so much, I've enjoyed watching all of it even if I didn't like all songs. And there's significantly more songs I do actually enjoy now. The political stuff is annoying of course, but I guess since I never really care who wins it's not too big of a problem to me.

I think one of the best ways to enjoy the show is to quit all social media, literally don't read any of it, and just watch it with your friends. If you hadn't checked social media you wouldn't have known about the joost stuff or that israel was booed by the crowd. It would just have looked like a nice fun show.

No. 387989

Nta. There's no evidence but strong suspicions. It's not like EBU is going to give us the facts on a silver platter.

It's been less fun to me ever since I discovered betting odds a few years ago and how scarily accurate they are. There's a few misses every year obviously but they're at least 75% accurate. The show gets largely decided before it even takes place.

That said the song quality has gone up sooooo much in recent years.

No. 388076

Samefag here
Tbh, I don't check out ESC shit before the finale though, because I wanna be surprised at the finale on purpose, so as to not get spoiled of the fun. I even only heard about the Netherlands during the show when it jumped from contestant number four to number six suddenly. But, like I said, since 2019 if not 2018, the show has lost me because the actual fun has been put on the back burner to use songs, contestants and/or moderators to send insert whatever message that is mostly biased if not as vapid as Miss USA wishing "World peace" out there.

Quality is a question of perspective and that's another thing we can argue about. Admittedly there were some older editions with ballads that bored me to tears too. But there were also other contestants that brought the fun spirit of what ESC represents to me, as someone who started watching on the year of Epic Sax Guy.
Quality and fun are not necessarily mutual exclusive, but I find very little quality music every new edition as far as my personal tastes go, and I see no fun, only big performances that want to rival with Beyonce's Superbowl performance from three years ago (if not more) and I don't care for that shit.

So yeah, even if you were meaning well, whatever you said didn't exactly concern my case, I only ever check out social media after the shit storm of the results pissed me off again, to see if I'm the only one feeling that way.
But now I'm tired of being aggravated and deprived of a good night sleep because of a tedious hour and a half of a nothing burger.

No. 388124

>If you hadn't checked social media you wouldn't have known about the joost stuff or that israel was booed by the crowd. It would just have looked like a nice fun show.
I know what you mean and it's 100% true but having known what was going on it feels almost like what you suggested isnt real like ones amusement would be based on a false picture,
i know this is true for a lot of things like when you find out one of the actors from a favourite film you had as a child was later revealed to be a sex pest or when you have a friend who you later find out is a shitty person, it makes you feel like the enjoyment was based on a lie

No. 388169

So many songs in 2023 and 2024 were snubbed to such a severe degree that it makes the integrity of the juries as a whole feel questionable. Despite that I'm still not in the abolish the jury camp. Instead I really think juries need to be overhauled. Most countries have 5 jurors typically with a pop/classical background or are loosely related to the music industry like radio show host or talent show judge. I think each country’s jury needs to be expanded to 7-10 jurors and be required to have jurors affiliated with more genres than just pop/classical (rock background, opera background, jazz, punk, etc.) It wouldn’t have to be the same genres every year, but just a variety requirement in general would help a lot to get a more well rounded vote instead of a massive echo chamber. As it currently is, there was a clear runaway winner both in 2023/2024. If they were weak years it would be understandable, but both years were musically strong in my opinion.

No. 388183

Sorry when I say enjoy the show from start to finish, I didn’t mean the songs were bad. I agree that song quality, staging, and performances have greatly increased in quality in recent years. I just haven’t been able to enjoy the voting sequence. It’s an hour long which is 25% of the show. It used to be fun and would keep you guessing who would win until the end, but the past few years it’s been so obvious who the winner was going to be that the last quarter of the show wasn’t very enjoyable to me

No. 388191

>no fun, only big performances that want to rival with Beyonce's Superbowl performance from three years ago
Estonia? Netherlands? Finland? Croatia? Norway? Slovenia? Spain? Belgium? We had so many performances that were fun and/or not a bombastic "girlbop"

No. 388193

>It used to be fun and would keep you guessing who would win until the end, but the past few years it’s been so obvious who the winner was going to be
Do you follow ESC online/look at the betring odds online beforehand? I feel like I would've never guessed Switzerland or Croatia would go top 3, Loreen and Unicorn top 3 last year etc.

No. 388424

I'll agree on Estonia. Croatia I wouldn't consider "fun" but I looked up the Metal band that Baby Lasagna used to be part of before thanks to it, I would say the same for Norway. But that's about it.
I didn't have "fun" watching Spain, Netherlands I didn't get to see because I don't watch the selection rounds to not spoil the finale, same for Belgium, and Slovenia wasn't my cup of tea.

I've watched fourteen editions in a row and only truly found ten contestants from the different finales to have good and/or fun songs that I can still listen to now.
We can argue about what quality and fun means. Again. But that's moot because that's a personal tastes thing.

No. 388469

Idk I thought Switzerland this year and Loreen last year were pretty obvious jury bait

I’m curious. What are the 10 songs you’ve truly liked?

No. 388470

>watched fourteen editions in a row
lmfao anon

No. 391719

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Some very unexpected, but good news for all of us Jann stans. Obviously this changes nothing for 2023, but the transparency will be nice

No. 396885

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they really said a whole bunch of nothing with this

No. 396887

the "threatened to withdraw at the last moment" story was fake and the majority of the rumored delegations denied considering such a thing in different interviews. I think by now it's pretty obvious the "problems" this year came from a few cluster b contestants doing the cluster b thing combined with online misinformation and delulu stan behavior.

No. 396897

Can we have a bunch of broadcasters drop out already, I want to see drama

No. 397909

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Please please please please. I want all the microstates to join

No. 397999

>Population 40k
The university I go to has more students than Liechtenstein has citizens kek. I wonder if they're planning on a similiar scheme San Marino does to make money for their broadcaster (the pay a big entry fee for your audition and the winner funds their participation themselves)

No. 398127

Idk I mean Liechtenstein has a way higher gdp per capita than San Marino. I could see them doing something like that down the line, but if this is their first ever year in Eurovision then I think they would try to do something really special for their premiere

No. 398442

Do any of you have artists that you would love to see at esc in the future?

For Italy I would love to see Margherita Vicario or M¥SS KETA. And for Estonia I want to see the band Night Tapes (although with their dreamy sound I could see them ending up like Sudden Lights and just barely missing the cut off for the grand final)

No. 398444

No. 398445

No. 400819

Käärijä and Joost collabed on a song.

No. 400910

came here to post about it, here is the vid

No. 400926

Lol nice. Fun high energy vid. The end was mysterious tho. Hope they collab more.

No. 400938

Absolute banger. Big fan.

No. 400944

he also made a song about his eurovision experience

No. 408015

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Montenegro is returning next year

No. 408017

They need to stop saying the N word for that.

No. 408026

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That "joke" was never funny

In other news since this thread got bumped, Joost is coming to the US. The fact he has tour dates for the US and not my country/a country close to mine is annoying kek.

No. 408948

Lol wow two whole dates. Nothing to be salty about

No. 409636

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Joost ha been cleared of all wrongdoing

No. 411077

It's just two dates but still an Eurovision act who doesn't even sing in English or Spanish making it across the pond on ESC clout alone is pretty wild.

How much you wanna bet Netherlands isn't participating next year now that he's officially proven not guilty?

No. 411078

Samefag but considering he didn't even participate in the final that's even wilder.

No. 412467

europapa has more views on youtube than the winner

No. 414624

Cyprus already selected and revealed their participant for 2025. It's some guy called Theo Evan

No. 414693

So glad Cyprus announced this early. I’ve been so parched for esc content. His music seems pretty boring/bland, but he seems like he can sing and dance, so they’ll probably find some good writers and producers to pair him up with

No. 430811

Man 2024 had such great songs and performances, I really wonder how and if 2025 is going to top it! I know a few people cry about stupid politics but it's just really so much fun to get to see songs performed in different languages every year and the stage in Sweden was used amazingly for visual effects.

I know it's early but does anyone wanna play predictions with what next years trends will be? Usually mediocre countries ape after the previous winner, so I think unfortunately there will be a bunch of no-effort enby troons who sing about their totally deep amazing journey to discover that they're not a Real Man/Woman because they like to sometimes wear a skirt and nail polish (but only while cameras are on them, they're genderfluid like that).

I think the Netherlands will still participate, because if they don't nobody will miss them anyway. I mean if I asked "did you miss Denmark in the big final this year?" most people would go "huh, didn't even notice they were gone". People only really keep track of their own country. And Joost got a lot of support (despite having a very shit song kek) so they'd just give up on that momentum instead of using it, and if they wait an extra year literally nobody will remember he even got banned.

No. 430818

This is why North Cyprus is the superior Cyprus. Fuck this fag

No. 430824

kek why, details?

Netherlands will participate, they've confirmed it already. Apparantly Anouk (2013 I think?) wants to come back and people are big mad about it because she made a post on twitter with a picture of a used tampon and some anti-men-in-wigs statement along with it lol

No. 430827

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Samefag found it. Spoilered it because the picture is kind of gross but kek I love her

No. 430830

Remember this robbed song? The singer is going to try for ESC again in Montenegro's new national final later this month.

Who wants to watch that NF? It's on the 27th, not sure what time. I bet it'll be budget tier production but I'm sure it'll be fun.

No. 430831

Samefag actually I don't know if it'll even be watchable from abroad now that I think about it

No. 430836

Oh my god I would love an open terf in ESC! I'm sure depending on how woke the host country/audience is the audience would boo her though.

The ESC this year surprisingly had a live audience of mostly brits despite not being held in the UK, explaining why Israel got booed to hell while people of Europe actually voted for them enough to make it too the top songs.

No. 436272

Montenegro for 2025. I haven't listened to it yet.

No. 437323

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The Sanremo list was released today

No. 438167

They withdraw kek it's back to 0

No. 442894

Albania's song for 2025

No. 444222

Head over heels in love and completely obsessed. This is the best thing Albania has ever sent imo

No. 444535

Aaaah I cant decide if I want to listen to it or not!! Your comment has made me so curious but it's all or nothing

No. 444542

Okay I gave in and FUCK it's so good and cool!! I'm blown away, totally didn't expect this out of Albania.

Watch them revamp it into English and completely screw themselves over though.

Did you happen to watch the Albanian NF? I wonder what kind of songs it was up against because it doesn't seem like a song with the most broad/mainstream appeal, right?

No. 444804

I’m so glad you like it too!

>Watch them revamp it into English and completely screw themselves over though.

Good news nonnie, they’ve already said in interviews that they aren’t changing the language

>I wonder what kind of songs it was up against because it doesn't seem like a song with the most broad/mainstream appeal

There were a few other songs that I liked too, but vid related was considered the biggest competition. A lot of the Eurovision fandom was acting like it was a sure thing that karnaval would win, but Zjerm ended up winning both the jury and the overall televote. Albania finally decided to take a chance on something experimental and I couldn’t be happier about it

No. 444836

I'm laughing my ass off, the way she entered the stage was so dramatic and made me think we were gonna get a dramatic sappy breakup song only for it to turn into a generic danceble pop song lmfaoo

Zjerm is the superior choice for sure

No. 444839

What do we think of Montenegro 2025?

No. 445487

I feel bad saying this, but it already feels like NQ to me. She’s a very talented vocalist, it’s just the song itself isn’t anything special. Obviously anything could happen since there’s only two songs so far, but I have a hard time imagining this qualifying in an all televote semi. That being said I am happy to see another country back in the contest

No. 446299

will israel participate this year?

No. 446320

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Well they certainly won't be banned from participating

No. 446322

i still don't give a shit if they do or don't, literally changes nothing

No. 446325

If you could have any artist/band come in and participate for any country (no relation to the country needed), what would it be?

I think it would be funny if some big pop star entered for a country they have no relation to for shits and giggles, just because the internet would go wild and speculate how much they paid them to do that, what dirt they have on them etc

No. 446336

i don't care either but
>it changes nothing
do you remember how much drama it caused last year

No. 446338


Taylor Swift for Israel kek

No. 446341

imo it changed nothing except all the brits in the crowd were booing Israels song, which was filtered out so nobody watching on TV (which is like 99.9%) even knew it happened and the song did great in the rest of EU voting. That europapa guy getting banned was WAY bigger drama news everywhere I looked. Though I did predominantly mean it changes nothing about the war, nobody is more pro/anti because they went on ESC and it doesn't benefit them to be there or not imo.

Speaking of the British dominated live crowd, I think since 2022 there's been a very deliberate push to make the UK more interested in the ESC. They're already part of "the big 5" so it's beneficial for the ESC if they want to sink even more money into it. Otherwise it doesn't make sense that Sweden would randomly hold a 70% British crowd out of nowhere, it "should" be mostly local people or at least a mix of nationalities…

No. 446702

I didn't care until I saw the votes for Israel's lukewarm song this year. Top 5 for a song that would've struggled to qualify any other year is ridiculous.

No. 447595

Anyone watching Lithuania's first semi-final tonight?

No. 453708

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im very sad about what this poor girl went through but i am worried that based on what happened last year isreal are trying to politicise this year as well

No. 453715

She looks like a episode character. watch them win this too joost number 3 coming soon

No. 453736

seems joost is up to his usual

apparently he has been getting death threats recently

No. 453872


The outfit transition at two minutes in is a choice..

No. 454385

Erika Vikman is gonna be in UMK 2025! i was so happy when i found out

No. 454389

It's catchy and I apreciate it's in german and finnish(?) but tired of female artists being porny.

No. 454405

Will they ever stop sending controversial yet somehow boring entries and fit in with actual Europeans who just act goofy and sing about gay sex?

No. 456120

No. 456121

No. 456122

Wish this would've won instead.

No. 456130

I think she sounds better than the woman who won, but I don't like either of the songs.

Tbh I'm not enthusiastic about any of the songs so far aside from Albania

No. 456254

Based who is that diva? Finnish nonnies do vote for her she's so bolt i love her.

No. 456456

I feel like I have seen so many people going crazy for this one and I just don’t get it. The vocals, outfits, and choreo aren’t great. The song feels very basic and forgettable to me too, which annoys me when they are really pushing this as some sequel to France Gall who had one of the greatest songs of all time in this competition

No. 456573

I agree, it doesn't sound or look good.

No. 456574

Can we talk about the thumbnails this year? What the hell they're so fucking ugly.

No. 456581

I've seen so many comments praising him for his vocal ability and I ????? It sounds mostly off key and weak to me? Am I crazy? The song and visuals are cool but the vocals completely put me off.

No. 457058

A lot of the design choices last year were bad and the trend seems to be continuing this year

No. 457065

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kek thoughts? apparently Brazil, Cuba, India, China and others will participate

No. 457293

Laughable. Will never ever reach the kind of audience ESC does.

No. 457309

I'd watch it. I imagine there will be less genderspecials and the performances will be a lot more diverse.

No. 457333

How will they ever compete without gays

No. 457346

every masterpiece has its cheap copy

No. 457347

list of participants


>South Africa

No. 457354

Azerbaijan and Armenia are in Eurovision. Is double dipping allowed?

No. 457366

This would be a disaster waiting to happen. Hell no

No. 457418

why would't it be?

I'd rather watch the occasional genderspecial in ESC than garbage from several muslim countries

No. 457502

a quarter of these countries have active border skirmishes, azerbaijan committed an ethnic cleansing of the armenians just a year ago

No. 457572

id be super interested in the central asian countries tbh

No. 457710

How tf can they afford this when they can’t even afford the war they’re 3 years into?

No. 457791

Same reason Ukraine still participates, there's always money for propoganda.

No. 457897

I am rooting for Tommy Cash. I hope he wins Eesti Laul and Eurovision 2025.

No. 458085

This concept sounds exciting, there is potential for so many interesting cultural performances unlike modern ESC which is full of generic radio slop that all sound the same and never-ending tranny pandering.
Some of these countries are much larger than the entirety of Europe on their own, with the right marketing, it could be way more successful.

No. 458106


No. 458119

ESC had the chance to build it's audience and legacy over literal decades, this didn't. If they want to have any chance at competing with ESC they're going to have to deliver the same production quality right off the bat, where's the money and production knowledge for that?

I also think "muh culture" is overrated especially from most of those shitty 3rd world countries. Not all cultures are valuable, I'll take a ban for that.

ESC fans are kinds hypocritical about wanting/valueing "culture" in ESC anyways because they only want a specific flavour of "ethnic culture". If, say, Germany would send Schlager no one would vote for it because it sounds and looks dated and uncool. You all claim to want culture but only as long as it sounds thrilling to the modern ear and looks flashy and fits within a narrow box of culture that's exciting.

No. 458122

Samefag but what you actually want is entertainment, not culture.

No. 458124

Ireland's entry. We have a Norwegian artist. It's a pure Eurovision core but like it's a song about a Soviet space dog. The witch was cringe bit she had a connection to Celtic paganism.

No. 458163

Like it, don't love it. Wonder how it'll do since dance/EDM traditionally doesn't do well at ESC.

No. 458182

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>I also think "muh culture" is overrated especially from most of those shitty 3rd world countries. Not all cultures are valuable, I'll take a ban for that.
It's not even that cultures are overrated, but that this mix clashes hard. Do we really think Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan etc would happily be celebrating other cultures like Brazilian dancers wearing bikinis and feathers? They look sluttier and more gay than anything in ESC by default! And do we think China would gracefully accept their national treasure singer getting dead last year after year because the other cultures are more similar and nobody voted for them?

No. 458185

>the kind of viewership esc has
someone needs to tell you no one in those countries gives a shit about eurovision and the satanic tranny bullshit it panders. It’s too degenerate to be enjoyable to anyone outside the west. I’d rather listen to halal acapella from Afghanistan or Mongolian throat singing performed entirely by mountain goats than another radio slop from a white man with painted nails. Felt the need to say this when I saw this thread pop up again.

No. 458199

It's 95% regular pop music and ballads dumbass. ESC has this queer reputation when in reality the vast, vast majority of entries are mundane. 40 entries last year and you're getting mad about 1 'devil worshipper' and an enby, which were both outliers.

No. 458206

Whatever slop Eurovision makes is gonna be leagues more catchy and memorable than whatever throat gurgling happens in some desert. They've had years of experience crafting Eurotrash radio pop. Also, looking at this list here >>457347 I genuinely don't think all of the countries here care about each other enough to take the contest seriously. Eurovision works because its centered on European nations. That Soviet eurovison might work if it only included former USSR satelites but otherwise its just a list of 3rd world countries, some of whom already follow Eurovision anyways.

No. 458286

Ukraine's entry. Not a huge fan, thought there was multiple better options

No. 458290

and Finland's entry. Her vocals were pretty rough at some parts, especially in the beginning and the staging felt a little underwhelming to me. Love the song tho

No. 458292

what were the better options in your opinion?
i voted for #2 even though i knew she wouldn't win. i loved the song, performance and the message. #10 was alright too and it'd be fun to have post-punk on ESC for once but the random awkward stripper ruined it for me. wtf was that

No. 458301

I liked Dim and Kultura the best and I thought number 5 and 8 were decent as well. I didn't see entry 10 because I switched over to UMK, I'll have to watch it later kek

No. 458314

Malta what the hell is this

No. 458335

>i genuinely don't think all of the countries here care about each other enough to take the contest seriously
quite the opposite, most of them hate each other and one of these countries committed an ethnic cleansing of another's people group two years ago

No. 458339

File: 1739061396445.jpg (43.6 KB, 625x469, 499909eb62751ab279bdc7b3dc6ba1…)


Festival de Viña del Mar:

No. 458449

This will flop so badly kek. Would watch for the drama and memes alone.
As for the songs, they'll just going to send traditional songs i assume with ugly moids, since most of these countries are strict and Muslim. And some of these countries consider music and dancing haram so it won't be that popular to begin with. And not have many female participants. They'll only support each other in the votes. Might even censor the women from other countries or not show them at all like they do in the Olympics here. https://youtu.be/OcuomoJ3n0w?si=EIdA9K-6j4R511XQ
But China there lol. I don't know. I'd be interested in an east Asian one with China Korea Japan Thailand Taiwan Vietnam Singapore etc.
Putin is so retarded.
I'd rather take the alphabet people version.

What an icon. They need to fix the backing vocals asap.

No. 458476

tbf it's pakistan and Iran that are retarded Muslim, while other muslim countries are secular dictatorships

No. 458489

Latvia's entry

No. 458491

Seems like they really toned down the visuals for the National Final but I bet they will come up with something crazy for Eurovision, I am excited for her final performance now

No. 458555

Oh really? Any proof of that? Or are we regurgitating french propaganda again?

No. 458564

doesn't Finland usually mostly stick to it's NF performance?

No. 458599

I feel like this is one of their weakest songs. It lacks a certain OOMPH, with everything merging together too well.
Something that actually utilises the traditional sound, such as Raganu Nakts, Guli Guli (this would be sick on stage) or Pāde would be better imo. Maybe it'll grow on me.

No. 458723

This song is such a nothing burger for me. At least when Käärijä and Joost brought a “silly” song, they put their personality into it and made it catchy and dynamic. This song is repetitive and has zero meaning. Estonia has way better options this year

No. 458753

>they only want a specific flavour of "ethnic culture”
Exactly, this drives me crazy every year when I read stuff like that. Last year Australia finally sent something with an aboriginal influence and people were quick to shit all over it

No. 460752

Tommy Cash will represent Estonia! Kaarija was in the audience supporting him

No. 460806

i'm a native english speaker and i am so tired of songs not being in the native language, take some pride guys.

No. 460813

hate this retard

No. 460814

Love this retard!! Yessss

No. 460848

Fuck this disgusting moid and his shitty bland meme song.

No. 460875

No. 460876

No. 460877

No. 460878

No. 460902

I really like this one

anyone wants to watch Armenia's NF together in the cytube room? It starts in 3 hours at 17:00 CET and it's streamed on the ESC YouTube channel so easily accessible. Not sure if it'll be any good, don't think Armenia had a national final in recent years.

No. 460906

Another year of Hungary not making it in. sigh

No. 460935

ESC is too gay for Chudgarians

No. 461026

i miss them too nonnie

No. 461115

Apparently enough for Serbia, Romania, Albania, and other eastern European countries with heavily right-wing governments.

No. 461259

File: 1739807678844.webp (23.26 KB, 640x376, nemo-i-never-wanted-to-withdra…)

I've spent the last year referring to Nemo and the ESC as "the guy in an (ugly) skirt who won ESC" and I'm curious what the non-binary debate following that guy's win looked like in other countries and how it looks now that the next ESC is creeping in.

Here nobody who I've talked to have reacted or even flinched to me saying the above, everyone just goes "oh yeah that guy" using he/him without a second thought. One single time a girl got mad about it and "corrected" me kek she was of course very woke. A few times I've tested the waters and brought up things like how it's a bit strange that in 2024/25 it's still "progressive" to say a man wearing a skirt on a very gay stage is somehow ground breaking, or that a man wearing a skirt somehow makes him "not a man" anymore. Usually they go "huh, yeah that is dumb!" and laugh and then the conversation moves on.

No. 461281

Queen. I wish I'm like that at 53 too!

No. 461592

Not a fan

No. 461628

What happened to this one? Didn't watch it before it was taken down

No. 462128

The songs are mostly kinda mediocre so far this year honestly.

No. 463018

Jedward died and reincarnated in Iceland

No. 463019

Time is a flat circle.

No. 463020

No. 463025

was scrolling fast and thought it was two of verka serdyuchka kek
I'm in Ukraine and I always call him a he, nobody cares (even well-meaning normies who call still him "they" don't mind it). the only people i've seen get butthurt over it are the turbo-sjw chronically online types on twitter. IRL no1currs

No. 463060

agree. I was feeling way more hype for ESC this time last year.

No. 463176

a few megawoke press outlets used made up gendie pronous (iel), the rest eiher went ou of their way no to use pronouns at all or called him a he. everyone stopped talking about him within a couple days.

No. 463820

That asshole did a copyright strike against the Eesti Laul and esc channels to get the videos taken down. He sounded fucking awful live so you aren’t missing anything

No. 464199

File: 1740591633917.png (318.59 KB, 615x767, ....png)

This thing was made for awful character design thread

No. 464220

This can't be real KEK

No. 464310

File: 1740615894572.jpg (21.1 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

No. 464350

No. 464445

Apparantly it's designed by an art student? An ART student.

What does ESC even need a mascot for anyway

No. 464760

Oh he did? I saw it a few days ago and the singing(?) was bad kek. He’s truly disgusting. After I watched it I was recommended his ’Untz untz’ music video making of which was about porn olympics. There is apparently an actual uncensored video posted on pornhub! He was so giddy about it, said it was his life-long dream or some shit. What a sexpest tard

No. 464941

No. 464942

I'm obsessed with this horrific creature.

No. 465013

with dora happening right now, i just want to rant about how fucking retarded everyone has been about the lead singer of ogenj. everyone is shitting themselves over him being homophobic, which he's half apologised for and should be shamed, but not one fucking soul has talked about him being openly pro-life, no one has called him a misogynist, no one has said a fucking peep about it despite him doubling down on it. i really shouldn't be surprised, the modern eurovision space is filled with faggot handmaidens who will put the fee-fees of troons and gay moids over the wellbeing of women. women here are worse and worse off with each year but of fucking course no one will even care to think about us. rant over.

No. 465594

No. 465596

It's in German and I think I'm obsessed

No. 466219

No. 466556

so sad serbia is not sending this but some generic ballad

No. 466651

people are sending him bad comments and threats literally daily, even making petitions to have him step down from the competition kek
it was rigged as hell so i'm not surprised, his song literally got a bunch of jury votes out of nowhere. Recently some dirt on him has been resurfacing, eurovision fans can be pretty rabid and they're doing their best to bully him into stepping down which is not going to happen, but still, this is the first time i've seen this amount of hate and trashtalking
i also really wish the non boring entry was sent, would make eurovision more fun and chaotic to watch

No. 466688

Before they started singing I thought they were drag queens.

No. 467251

Croatia's dead on arrival

No. 467252

Vocals are insane on this one

No. 467254

there was a compilation of funny eurovision moments that was taken down and i have been mourning its loss for years…

No. 467256

It's a fucking tame song for a guy who dresses like that

No. 467295

I despise how gay Eurovision has become. Used to watch it as a little girl and have so much fun but now it's all homo worship. I feel like participating in a 30 men gay orgy would make one less of a faggot than enjoying watching this slop.

No. 467310

Don't be such a downer, out of like 40 entries the vast vast majority isn't gay moids/queer propoganda shit whatsoever

No. 467321

There are two drag queens there

No. 467330

what a mess lmao this is embarrassing for us croatnonnas

No. 467366

He's bad but everyone in italy likes to suck his fag dick. But I guess he was the best choice of the Sanremo finalists, but it's obvious they didn't want women to win because their songs were a lot better than this shit.

No. 467374

the singer is the only woman afaik

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