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No. 391280

I love everything about Haibane Renmei, from the story, to the characters and the OST. It's one of my comfort shows. It has a special place in my heart as it used to be one of my only copes.

No. 391286

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Same here all the way. It's very special and important to me. My favorite anime of all time and it helped me process things when I felt the most suicidal for a while.

No. 391291

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Nonnas I want a haibane renmei tattoo but I have no idea what to get. If someone has a cool picture that could work please let me know, it's ok if it's fanart

No. 391294

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>feeling like an unlovable sinner
>watch haibane renmei
>immediately feel better

Thank you for this thread nonna, this anime is so special to me.

No. 391330

Nonna I'm sad I'm the only retard ass bitch who replied to your thread, I love haibane renmei so much

No. 391332

haibane renmei is so important to me, i watched it recently when i was very sick in the hospital recently and it genuinely made me have some sort of mental breakthrough where i decided to love being alive again. im going to dump some of my favourite screencaps i took back then

No. 391333

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No. 391334

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No. 391336

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No. 391337

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No. 391338

but it became her true nature.

No. 391339

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No. 391340

what do you guys think about the crow motif? and more generally, im very interested in lcf's analysis of the show

No. 391341

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No. 391342

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i especially love the still, silent scenes like this one

No. 391347

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No. 391349

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No. 391350

I'm really happy more people are talking about haibane renmei. I've seen more fanart and discussions recently and it cheers me up

No. 391369

Nonna that's beautiful

No. 391373

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Depends on what kind of tattoos you're into and if you want something simple or more elegant. I think a good handpoke artist could make a great Charcoal Feather Federation tattoo and I've been thinking of getting one for a long time, but tattoos in this style aren't too liked usually kek

No. 391374

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Is watching the anime a good way to get a grasp on this series? I've always had the impression that there's a lot of scattered media that takes effort to get through to get into it, not sure how substantiated thay impression is.

No. 391377

Yeah watch the anime, it's the complete version of the story, author is deeply involved. The manga is also cute so you can read it after as a treat. I'm not sure about the scattered media thing

No. 391395

Thanks. I tried reading the manga eons ago and had no idea what was going on so that's probably what my issue was kek

No. 391428

seconding that the anime is wonderful, you really can just get the whole story from the anime.

No. 391474

very cute suggestion nonna

No. 391506

haibane renmei is one of the most painful shows i have watched. people call it a comfort show but honestly it made me hyperventilate because it made me cry so much kek

No. 391631

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No. 430627

I was never a fan of the anime. I liked the story, but I don't feel like ever rewatching it. I had a hard time memorising who was who, because none of them had anything remarkable apart from the MC and Reki.
The early digital era produced plenty of ugly-looking anime and HR is one of them - the muted colours with hardly any contrast, characters blending in with the background, the mouldy tint everywhere, 1001 shades of brown etc.

No. 430657

absolute shit taste. you need help

No. 430741

Triggered. There are a reasons nobody remembers this show anymore, even though others from the era (FMA, FMP, Gundam SEED, Azumanga, GitS SAC, Fruits Basket) get talked about routinely.

No. 446282

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No. 446286

I see it being discussed all the time but ok. It's never going to be as big as FMA or Fruit Baskets but it's there, it has its fan base.

No. 446606

comfy asf

No. 463355

no shit nonna, action series, shonen, and shoujo with mass appeal and marketability are going to be more popular than an ambiguous and slow-paced anime aimed at an adult audience

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