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No. 391491

>Smiling Friends is an adult animated television series created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack for Cartoon Network's night-time programming block Adult Swim, which revolves around the surreal misadventures of a small company and its four employees dedicated to spreading happiness.

Feel free to discuss the newest episodes and post fanart of the show.

No. 391556

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Whats everyone's fave episode? Mine is still Enchanted Forest because of the Ralph Bakshi LOTR reference.

No. 391562

Either Mr. Frog or the fast food murder mystery

No. 391570

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Who's your favorite smiling friend nonnas?
Probably the Brazil one or A Allan adventure

No. 391574

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No. 391585

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No. 391589

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Charlie Dompler, he's beautiful!
The Gwimbly episode is by far the funniest to me.

No. 391601

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Alanfag here. Love his awkward ass.

No. 391613

I love his voice and spine bones kek

No. 391633

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Cool thread, I really like the show. Maybe we could share some responses to get the thread going?
>What's your favourite episode so far?
>Who's your favourite character?
>What the funniest moment from the show?

No. 391642

Haven't seen season 2 yet so I'm going off of what I've seen
>Vid is cute and funny

No. 391643

watched the first two episodes of the show after seeing this thread and was immediately attracted me. mm what a freak

No. 391653

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I love this one Japanese autist woman who posts her commentary of the show. Zach’s gf commissioned her to draw the characters with their cats and now both follow her. I’m happy for her. I think she’s probably attracted to Charlie though lol

No. 391654

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No. 391655

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Can he do it sisters?

No. 391656

same i love westaboo autistic women

No. 391662

Queen love that for her
Same! The brazil one is how I got into this show and of course Allan could always use more screen time

No. 391699

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Pim is cute… CUTE!!!

No. 391713

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i personally discovered smiling friends through yolo crystal fantasy and was a fan of cusaks work in general except for that morty shot really love how the show is actually well written and funny, cant decide on one episodes but any episodes with the boss in it are hilarious

No. 391717

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>Ralph Bakshi LOTR
Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s more likely the Rankin/Bass Hobbit

No. 391721

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Does anybody else find this episode incredibly distressing to watch?

My friend group and I typically go on at least one trip together every year and everyone in the group has their own task for planning. One person does the hotel, one person does flights, one person takes care of any driving/car arrangements, and one person figures out food/snacks. Everything is spread out pretty evenly so no one person is overly burdened.

In this episode Charlie, Alan, and Glep place an unfair amount of planning on Pim’s shoulders. How was it fair for them to expect him to book both the flights AND the hotel? And apparently at no point in time did any of them check in about that. You’d think they would at least want to know the total price of the hotel, which tells me that none of them had even thought about paying Pim for their share of the room yet either. Sorry for the rant, but this really bothered me and then I saw a ton of comments online of people shitting on Pim which made me even angrier

No. 391766

i thought the whole point was that they were being unfair assholes to pim

No. 391769

i haven't watched the episode, but when i travel with my best friend she usually takes charge of planning and booking stuff. i'm constantly thanking her and telling her i appreciate it though, and she says she likes to make schedules, while i don't, so.

No. 391771

Not really, I had plenty of bad trips, think being scammed by airbnb and going to a place that doesn't exist, bed bugs, getting stuck extra days because of weather, air company losing my baggage. It's the funniest episode because of my experiences in my opinion.
But yeah they apologize to Pim in the end for a reason, people online will always hate on a character unfairly so don't bother (think Skyler White)

No. 391774

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ngl, i loved the first season and laughed my ass off but haven't been motivated to check out the new stuff because i am really put off by the weird fandom around this show (mostly perpetuated by tifs for some reason?) i find it so fucking weird to be sexually attracted to these characters and i feel like i can't talk about it anywhere without some aiden popping out of a trash can to tell me she thinks charlie is hot. i just think they're silly and cute.

No. 391778

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I just stay away from the fandom, I sometimes have my friends send me memes/fanart and I'm enjoying season 2 a lot until now, fandom or no fandom I'd recommend you watch it anyways.
The simping being for Charlie feels especially weird since he feels the most realistic of them, you can meet a guy just like that anywhere, what's so amazing about Charlie?

No. 391782

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I am glad i am not the only one that find the charlie simping weird. Like, c'mon, if you are going to husbandofag at least do it for a bishie thats unrealistically shredded and has chuuni super powers, simping for the ugly yellow blob with the personality of your average joe is pathetic.

No. 391788

It's easy. TIFs commonly simp for and project themselves onto fat unkempt characters, because that's what they envision their male self to be, since most already are. This is why you have a bunch of TIFs that want to fuck Wario
The simping for non traditional characters is nothing new. This is why tumblr sexymen exist. Lots of women go for the weird little guy over the typical bishie protag

No. 391944

>What's your favourite episode?
So far I've really liked the Alien Abduction episode from season 2, and I like the episode from season 1 where Charlie & Pim go into that fantasy world to help the princess.
>Who's your favourite character?
From the main bunch I really like Pim but for side characters or one-offs I thought Shrimp was a funny character and so was the president.

No. 391946

Kek, I love how this show has a bunch of cute fanart, these two characters are just great for making cute drawings.

No. 391954

I hope so. He really looks like a cute mango chile gummy to me
Same. It's the one that episode I always skip

No. 391962

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No. 391979

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Does anyone else have lines that live in your head rent free? For me it’s pic related and
>you’re just a shrimp you was born like that

No. 391983


No. 392001

>you look like you're about to tell your friend not to come to school tomorrow

No. 392008

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So sad that the latin american dub got the shitty version of this, so many possibilities for funny bits ignored

No. 392009

the ending line here lmao

No. 392038

Pim is my favorite character! I think it’s cute how often he tells people he loves them and I like his optimism. I also wanted to say that I think Zach and Micheal are really talented voice actors. I had no idea that Alan was also played by Micheal. I know they’re just doing silly voices, but I think it’s cool that most of the show is voiced by just two guys.

No. 392044

I've never watched this show but that was really funny kek

No. 392045

I have no idea who's doing the Latin American dub but it's genuinely terrible, what annoys me the most is that they dubbed Glep for some reason.

No. 392082

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No. 392086

Is that Joe Cappa on the left?

No. 392092

watch it on kimcartoon.li nonna, the episodes are super short and can be completed in an evening

No. 392097

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I do actually love the band Ween, and I unironically do think Charlie is cute, but this is the worst thing I've ever seen.

No. 392098

The episodes also get posted on /co/ in a mega all the time, and you can find them uploaded to twitter by a user called Badgerclops.

No. 392101

Why is he wearing a bra if he got his tits chopped off

No. 392102

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love this one from her

No. 392105

I love her! Her reactions to the clips are so cute

No. 392106

I'm an Allan fucker, sorry not sorry

No. 392107

rare spain dub win

No. 392110

>Wouldn't it be the equivalent of American English vs English dubs?
yeah, but the spanish accent is attrocious and no one likes it

No. 392111

So certain English accents and they don't get redubbed

(I was asking why there's separate Spanish dubs in case anyone was wondering)

No. 392113

I'm 100% she'll be a feature in an episode somehow

No. 392115

Yeah the thing is, if you live in Latin America, the Spaniard dub is going to sound super jarring, not just the accent and the stupidly bad acting but also the jokes and weird word play doesn't land. It's basically a meme at this point that everything the Spaniard dub touches it turns into shit. That said, we also have bad dubs in Latin America. Also why even delete your post.

No. 392117

Ah I get you

>Also why even delete your post

I live in a pretty isolated place. The only foreigners I know are a Polish couple and a Brazilian girl. Was a little worried about I sounding offensive like I was calling all Spanish speakers a monolith.

No. 392154

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Haven’t seen the show, the art’s so painfully bad I can’t bring myself to sit and watch it. Also a lot of the clips I’ve seen are sprinkled with the sort of 3edgy5me “adult” (teenage boy) cartoon humor that I can’t stand.

No. 392156

Eh, I think it keeps itself from being overtly edgy and has enough of a sincere "genuinely trying to make people smile" vibe.

No. 392159

Listen to any compilations involving “Zach” telling stories or improvising on OneyPlays YouTube channel and you’ll get the gist of what the humor is like

No. 392164

personally i only watch it because of the art direction. The humor is too zoomie and cringe for me, it has never made me genuinely laugh but didnt make me cringe either. Its good background noise.

No. 392277

Screencapping this. That would be so cool.

No. 392311

Nah it's ok don't worry about that. As a spanish speaker I don't get offended over natural curiosity type of questions like that

No. 392322

The humors a little juvenile but I wouldn't call it 3edgy5me. Dumb silly stuff is fun sometimes

No. 392323

>What's your favourite episode so far?
>Who's your favourite character?
Charlie. It's nice to see a Christfag that's just a regular person and not a pious religious schizo
>What the funniest moment from the show?
When they say the flat Earth in the last episode

No. 392488

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The flat earth scene was so funny. I replayed it like 4 times because I just kept laughing, all the stills are so funny to look at but picrel is my favourite. Just the absolute horror of the realization.

No. 392970

Just started watching, I saw the puppet version of the mr.frog episode, then the shrimp episode. I love the fast food episode, the show is great and the yellow ethustic guy is my favorite.

No. 392971

I meant purple guy, I'm drunk, the one with the little hair.

No. 393092

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T-that was a stressful episode. They gotta chill with this manic stuff.
Poor Tyler. He didn't deserve to be fired.

No. 393093

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That's Pim Pimling!

No. 393113

I am just glad Jason is alive. Hope he continues to appear in his new form.

No. 393114

They originally wanted the puddle of grease to be played by Chris Chan kek

No. 393120

What's funny is I remembered that. I first saw that fact on kiwifarms (after Chris raped his mom. They decided not too). This was before I saw the show. So when I watched it yesterday I was like "oh yeah. That puddle was supposed to be Chris chan".

No. 393261

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now, hear me out(derailing)

No. 393264

shut the fuck up

No. 393270

why do you guys have to turn every single thread into ugly moid thristing

No. 393272

what's the appeal of a man wearing a raggedy ass sweater? Have they no shame?

No. 393274

You have an entire containment board, /g/tard

No. 393301

You were not fucking kidding about stressful, my god. Even the Halloween episodes didn’t put me on edge like this one

No. 393309

Ignoring the moid that sweater is cute I want it

No. 393319

This episode made me laugh so fucking hard. I liked it better than the aliens one

No. 393479

same. best funniest episode of this season so far, it wasn't stressful at all kek

No. 393521

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I can hear it in Zachs voice

No. 394770

i love this autistic guy's edits of smiling friends clips. they're oddly well made and and funny in an absurd way.

No. 394796

lmao i hate hazbin but this is so funny

No. 394880

Wtf I heard it in his voice too kek

No. 394884

I don't like hazbin but this is funny and I would tolerate watching a crossover just for this interaction to happen.

No. 394912

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No. 394913

So yellow guy has to show his asshole now.

No. 395108

Just saw this and I agree with the video, I much prefer Smiling Friends over Rick and Morty simply because it's less cynical, and more optimistic too somehow? Let me know what you think, I genuinely think SF is way better than most comedy oriented adult cartoons of the past 10 years bojack was also good but that's like, the exception

No. 395126

Kind of a retarded take given that SF is full of depressing shit, too. The first episode is about a homeless video game character whose best friend died of a fentanyl overdose. Also, Bojack is a better written show than SF. Just is, sorry.

No. 395129

That's season 2 nona, season 1 was about a depressed person who wanted to kill himself but then he discovered killing things made him happy so he became an exterminator.
I'm happy about this. The whole cynical "nothing matters" bullshit of the 2010s is so done with. I'm tired of people that think Rick is some aspirational character. And I'm also tired of seeing Rick and Morty bongs, they're everywhere.

No. 395146

There's depressing shit in it but it doesn't make it completely cynical. A show like Rick and Morty is cynical as fuck and it's so tired by this point.

No. 395147

>And I'm also tired of seeing Rick and Morty bongs, they're everywhere.
Kek I want to see smiling friends bongs now

No. 395210

Rick and morty is like condensed millennial humor

No. 395292

Basically this. Bojack as a series is very smart in comparison, like it actually made me think while Rick and Morty makes me feel brain damaged as I keep watching it

No. 395303

I'm really afraid of SF going the same route as R&M ngl. I don't wanna sound like a gatekeeping hipster but as soon as we see SF bongs it's over.
Part of me thinks that it's not as pseudo philosophical as R&M so stoners won't attach to it. But you can't deny the lol randum so trippy wtf did I just watch factor of the show that might appeal to those types. But I also have faith in Zach and co to keep the show fresh and original instead of Roiland's retardation

No. 395337

Why even include Bojack if Rick and Morty is the actual problem? Bojack isn't cynical; there are many instances where the show is heartfelt and the connections between the characters feel genuine. Hell, there are several episodes that actively criticize characters' cynicism, like the one where Diane is trying to write an angry memoir but ultimately ends up writing a happy YA series instead, because she realizes thar ruminating on her trauma isn't making her feel better.

SF is a solid show, but Bojack is transcendent. I'm still impressed that it pulls off toggling between absurdist humor and genuine insight. I also like that it's a story about showbusiness that isn't pretentious or masturbatory.

No. 395483

SF is clean newgrounds humor imo

No. 395597

Tell that to the person who made the video, not me

No. 396425

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No. 396426

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No. 400198

>I'm happy about this. The whole cynical "nothing matters" bullshit of the 2010s is so done with. I'm tired of people that think Rick is some aspirational character. And I'm also tired of seeing Rick and Morty bongs, they're everywhere.
Agreed also smiling friends has an episode making fun of those types kek

No. 400199

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It's canon, Alan fucks. you just know he's packing heat, the skinny quiet ones always are

No. 400200

I'm not super into the show but it's tiring seeing there's no complex women. All characters of desire and the sole reason to date other men

No. 400202

I hadn't really noticed but I mean, yeah. It's basically Oneyplays and Co.: The Cartoon

No. 400203

I love Bojack but it really cause an influx of less talented writers trying and failing at what are essentially sad clown MCs. Rick and Morty’s cynicism worked at first because the writers weren’t beating everyone over the head with it the first two seasons but after that I just became obvious that Rick was a mouthpiece for Dan and Justin to cry about how hard it is to be abusive.
I really doubt doomer R&M fans are gonna latch onto SF. The TiF fans are annoying but I highly doubt they’ll ever get to the level of szechuan sauce retards. I think SF is just Gen Z’s Aqua Teen Hunger Force which is a good thing

No. 400204

What were you expecting from spergs who have gotten their fame from being crude and edgy? They’re retards and I like laughing at retards

No. 400402

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No. 401300

alan sounds like yms

No. 401349

I don’t think every show needs to have deep complex female characters, especially a dude humor show like this. What I do like about what they’ve done with the women of this show, though, is not make them all retarded and/nor obnoxiously sexualized.

No. 401367

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No. 420550

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Based Allan yumejoshi

No. 420850

This is Charlie's Dead Grandma erasure.

No. 424327

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Good news for the Charliefags, the Allan yume shipper pictured here >>420550 is working on Charlie next!

No. 425590

uhm darling I don't think this man should be here. He's scaring me-

No. 449375

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Kek how I did I not know that Mike Stoklasa and Rich Evans from Red Letter Media voiced the bully aliens in this episode

No. 470107

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