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File: 1720086009354.jpg (48.27 KB, 564x574, buns.jpg)

No. 397654

Cute animal art for furry-haters. Realism, antro and kawaii art is all ok as long as it's cute!

No coomer, fetish or sexual posts allowed.
No defending of furries allowed.
No self-identifying as a furry allowed, keep your fetish to yourself.(bait thread OP made by autist who has been sperging/infighting for a month)

No. 397655

File: 1720086042677.jpg (62.17 KB, 564x663, otterfishy.jpg)

No. 397656

File: 1720086090164.jpg (73.37 KB, 564x752, katriaradenart.jpg)

No. 397657

File: 1720086113035.jpg (53.82 KB, 564x381, 3511a4fe03d32b0f4b7a1a8d68b594…)

No. 397658

File: 1720086151231.jpg (45.23 KB, 736x736, frogknight.jpg)

No. 397659

File: 1720086763762.png (1.81 MB, 1280x642, IMG_1199.png)

No. 397661

OP is a furfaggot(infight bait)

No. 397664

File: 1720087001005.jpg (34.96 KB, 564x564, afaa9b38fd1b3979569ee25e202e46…)

I love AC!

No. 397666

File: 1720087183833.jpg (46.87 KB, 563x559, b83c322100cec99ef5cd8a6e946fb4…)

i'm a sucker for cute bunny art

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