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No. 408677

Talk about Seth Macfarlene’s animated shows
>Family Guy
>American Dad
>The Cleveland Show

Containment Thread For Husbando Sperging Out About Stan Smith >>>/m/405149

Conversation starters
>Rank the 3 from best to worst
>Do you think the shows fell off?
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
>If you gave up watching why?
>Newer or older seasons?
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?

No. 408681

I’ll start
>1. American Dad
>2. Family Guy
>3. Cleveland Show
>FG is a bit boring now, AD is still pretty funny, TCS was pretty consistent
>I wish it did but I get why it ended
>I don’t watch them much but no, they have their fanbases still, especially from TikTok
>I don’t keep up that much from lack of free time and being kinda uninterested at times, I do watch when I can though
>Older and newer are both a bit boring, I like their mid run better, Seasons 2-3 of AD are better than Family Guy’s IMO. Cleveland show ended early but I think there’s no difference between any of the seasons
>They all bring something different to the table, I loved Roberta for example and think she was different enough to Meg to create some interesting plots and Hayley is different from both of them too. Stan and Peter can be kinda same-y but are different enough and Cleveland is vastly different, Francine, Lois, and Donna were all unique but I love the fact that they’re all hinted to be friends. Klaus and Roger, Rallo and Cleveland JR, and Stewie and Brian are similar at times but it’s pretty surface level all things considered

No. 408685

Didn't watch it enough to form an opinion.
Top out of all three, but with limits. I can only watch so much of Seth MacFarlane stuff before I start to feel crappy. It's like junkfood for your brain. I like every character in the show
Clever in early seasons. When the writing became edgier and there was more Meg abuse, it wasn't even funny. Just distasteful. And this is coming from someone who loves Drawn Together, Metalocalypse, and other "edgy" shows. FG also tries to be too many things at once. Like trying to get away with meaningful and deep episodes to make up for the rest of it. I know this is a super common critique though. Honestly, I haven't watched any of it from the last few years. The last ep I saw I think was when Meg got diabetes, which was 2021 I think? But I really don't care for it. Everyone sucks, and not in the fun everyone's an asshole and meant to be hated way.

No. 408758

>Do you think the shows fell off?
only speaking for family guy because i've never watched the other two but no, i think it aged perfectly
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
again in regards to family guy, hopefully never
>Newer or older seasons?
i fluctuate between both but i actually enjoy a lot of the newer seasons and unpopular opinion probably but i think the social commentary is funnier than that of south park or other shows especially in recent years. and i think the changes made to stewie's character for example was a good and mature choice even if a lot of people complain that it doesn't feel the same anymore.
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?
i've never watched american dad nor the cleveland show but naturally i wish they'd just focus everything on family guy because it's my favourite and also the OG.

a question for family guy enjoyers, what's your favourite episode(s)?

No. 408782

Obligatory steve singing appreciation post

No. 408810

I need some B12 stat
I was honestly surprised to find out Steve's VA wasn't in a boy band. He's got chops

No. 408815

No. 408840

Still love the takedown South Park did of Family Guy. Shame both of these episodes got banned (for reasons unrelated to Family Guy).

No. 408843

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Seth shows are trash but I love my comfy trash. South Park can be morally superior but I'm happy here.

No. 408845

I swear I saw the uncensored version once.

No. 408847

I wish he did get in the plane that crashed in the twin towers, his shows are an absolute menace to adult animation. Its like a venign tumor that refuses to leave. That being said, i love family dad and i like meg and lois, specially that episode when meg goes to jail.

No. 408856

Ayart. I dislike Family Guy and Cleveland Show, but I don't think American Dad is trash at all. It feels like Seth (or whoever writes it) had the critiques of Family Guy in mind, because American Dad is more character-driven and has very few cutaway gags. The family in American Dad has decent chemistry, too– not as good as the family in Bob's Burgers or the boys in South Park, but it's an improvement over the Griffins. The bar is in hell, but Francine and Hailey are better female characters than Lois and Meg.

That said, Family Guy did have a response to the South Park episodes, but it was the lamest clapback I've ever seen. They just called Matt and Trey gay, which was pretty retarded given that Matt and Trey had been making gay jokes about themselves for a decade at that point. Just… I'm amazed that their response to "your show is full of lazy non-sequitir," was "Y-yeah? Well you're GAY!"

No. 408945

Does anyone else not like the Independent Movie episode of American Dad? It’s legit just depressing and the side plot keeps killing any investment I have in it. Is the joke supposed to be “we’re a comedy show and taking ourselves seriously by not making any jokes but still adding a goofy subplot” or something? Honestly I feel like it was the first part of a two parter but they abandoned part 2. There’s a few episodes from AD that feel that way to me honestly

No. 408946

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>Rank the 3 from best to worst
>Do you think the shows fell off?
Family guy has fully flanderized itself and there was a point where it was unwatchable for me. American Dad has dipped in quality but I still watch it. I never really liked The Cleveland Show.
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?
No, really should’ve never existed. Cleveland’s family was so boring compared to FG and AD.
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
Family Guy should’ve ended for good before it became depressing to watch and American Dad should probably end soon.
>Newer or older seasons?
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?
The only thing that ties these shows together are the styles and creator imo. The dynamics are the same but also family sitcoms aren’t exactly a novel idea. I wouldn’t put any of Seth Macfarlane’s show in my top ten favorite media but they all have their moments and are pleasing in a junk food sort of way. As a stupid burgerfag I like how dumb they are.

No. 409825

Related question but which of Seth’s shows has the best music? I think American Dad because I like the more pop moments from characters like Steve and there’s more variety with the other characters songs too, Family Guy is good but there’s less variety as it’s all mostly big band music and Cleveland show pretty much only did rap from what I remember

No. 409841

What are your favorite seasons of American Dad? I don't think I've ever watched a full episode but I do have feelings for Fran, so…

No. 409852

American Dad, easily.

The show is pretty consistent in terms of quality. I guess the middle seasons are the best? But it's basically all okay. It's the kind of thing that's easy to have on in the background.

No. 410834

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No. 410844

p-petah senpai…

No. 411298

>Rank the 3 from best to worst
I've only seen a handful of The Cleveland Show and it felt so derivative.
>Do you think the shows fell off?
American Dad kind of fell off. The very thing it was meant to parody (2000s era conservative) is now very dated. Watching Hayley go from SJW millennial to burnout zoomer was weird.
Family Guy fluctuated so much in quality over the years, it's hard to say. When it hits, it's golden, when it misses, it's painful.
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
Not sure. AD is becoming a parody of itself and FG passed that years ago, but has wrapped around to being ironically good.
>If you gave up watching why?
Kind of gave up watching American Dad. I'm not the biggest fan of the more aimless and abstract episodes.
>Newer or older seasons?
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?
Oddly enough, they are very different despite 2/3 shows taking place in the same state without overlapping (I know that AG and TCS technically share a universe but TCS is a direct spin-off of FG and could have taken place anywhere else but it is also set in Virginia like AG is)
I'd say Family Guy but only because I love big band, swing and those old Hollywood musicals. The AIDS song, Vasectomy, Down Syndrome Girl, Prom Night Dumpster Baby, Petarted and Mr. Booze are classics. The OJ Simpson opera still kills me to this day.

No. 411299

favourite banger?

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