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/m/ - media

File(20 MB max)
(For post deletion)

Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1728743531762.png (474.83 KB, 480x576, f9hQk7O.png)

No. 423262

post pics of attractive or even average to cute looking couples whether in real life or art
m/f couples only

No. 423263

File: 1728743785136.png (2.19 MB, 1714x2048, 22PNMqK.png)

No. 423264

shit thread pic

No. 423266

File: 1728743815805.png (1.74 MB, 1000x1380, qqQTnfu.png)

No. 423267

Seethe, weeb

No. 423269

File: 1728744069142.jpg (74.95 KB, 564x682, c05b472a430b4f149025ee8d817fc9…)

No. 423270

sorry I didn't find your ooga booga literal apeman husbando cute kek I guess that does make me a weeb. The art itself sucks too there were so many nice pictures to choose from last thread that aren't anime.

No. 423272

These two are twins in the source material kek

No. 423273

File: 1728744238942.jpg (118.63 KB, 736x1308, 3f2d297c121ef77b0a1bdaa2dd6a26…)

No. 423278

File: 1728744704221.gif (1014.39 KB, 500x221, 1000050355.gif)

No. 423281

File: 1728745021491.jpg (48.81 KB, 564x741, d4c7ccf34cd280d676cf23e1d1f800…)

No. 423284

File: 1728745236797.jpg (1.62 MB, 2048x2048, illust_118838134_20241011_2318…)

Is this a safe space?

No. 423285

File: 1728745575134.gif (5.98 MB, 540x480, 6b9375601b960f59fa9e777261b869…)

No. 423289

arent they siblings?

No. 423290

File: 1728745820421.jpg (27.79 KB, 564x376, 4d68fa52f1a93093346449a05bb850…)

I loved their relationship

No. 423291

File: 1728745874877.gif (928.87 KB, 245x140, 1000002322.gif)

No. 423292

File: 1728745897785.gif (920.73 KB, 245x158, 1000002323.gif)

No. 423293

File: 1728746085733.jpg (89.15 KB, 690x1146, download (13).jpg)

No. 423294

same, great taste nonna

No. 423296

File: 1728746488772.gif (5 MB, 450x498, a34e3f59300e0ab18a263eb7cca6f1…)

No. 423297

I love their relationship even more knowing how much it made shippers seethe

No. 423299

File: 1728746637783.jpg (51.11 KB, 564x705, 797f13fe0f73cb7cfb96f75556d45e…)

No. 423305

File: 1728747377852.jpg (746.72 KB, 1165x1747, illust_108435356_20240715_1827…)

Why do you think I asked?

No. 423314

File: 1728748574635.png (2.67 MB, 1531x2048, TvXJBZL.png)

No. 423317

File: 1728748678333.png (2.56 MB, 2048x1536, cEcCq5B.png)

No. 423320

File: 1728748888295.jpg (36.18 KB, 564x846, 0047663aefd256a1762ac337da04da…)

No. 423325

File: 1728749134393.jpg (54.73 KB, 736x981, 6eacef5272463c03b93a9329d2bfb0…)

No. 423333

File: 1728749461446.jpg (122.97 KB, 564x798, 921bd0fe60b8a1f533710a6ea21ce7…)

No. 423341

File: 1728750467429.jpg (108.99 KB, 564x884, 93a61dc79492157bca0f18f2452b05…)

No. 423349

File: 1728751111590.jpg (110.69 KB, 564x1010, dea2a5c4942e85c97c9f5a21570907…)

No. 423353

File: 1728751319760.png (339.92 KB, 500x588, pjKuoMf.png)

No. 423360

File: 1728752124793.jpg (53.28 KB, 564x605, 2be02d99f94203d8acf6f5436d1a52…)

No. 423377

File: 1728754281561.jpg (72.34 KB, 736x768, 7ae23001996d7787aaa304ef6957d4…)

Wildest looking iteration

No. 423380

Is it bad that I actually like this Ladybug design

No. 423388

File: 1728755137536.png (1.95 MB, 736x1217, Jgfi7QB.png)

(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 423438

The moid looks so atractive god damn

No. 423446

No. 423451

No. 423563

File: 1728778030332.jpg (89.62 KB, 563x797, 5920d55335a233b6ac4f167d80ac78…)

No. 423566

File: 1728778278257.jpg (74.81 KB, 736x995, 3880303edb713509258efc005fc75e…)

No. 423584

File: 1728780752528.jpg (33.37 KB, 564x421, bc9972c28d7752e24395643005acf2…)

No. 423586

File: 1728781454202.png (79 KB, 1290x255, 8415763258642.png)

He’s gay.

No. 423588

>the doll is gay
Male dolls are literally just glorified accessories for the female dolls

No. 423595

and he was turned straight by her and swore off faggotry forever. incredible

No. 423597

holy based

No. 423602

No. 423619

File: 1728789924043.jpg (876.08 KB, 2048x1595, 1000016446.jpg)

No. 423623

why did they add m/f only

No. 423624

I guess they expect the f/f or m/m shippers to post in yuri or yaoi threads?

No. 423626

The first thread was m/f only but the op forgot to mention it before until people started posting gay ships

No. 423630

File: 1728791522065.jpg (160.48 KB, 736x1041, 122029caea62b306165ecfb64d2b74…)

No. 423631

No. 423632

File: 1728792239607.jpg (52.81 KB, 735x594, 43005682116fd0c7c1aa11b275585f…)

No. 423635

File: 1728792650457.jpg (132.86 KB, 564x881, 7a041a730f50db6c4a3e65fe148a0d…)

No. 423639

No. 423640

calm down they're fictional characters kek

No. 423643

It’s not the incest. It’s because they’re ugly and fat.

No. 423645

File: 1728794536815.jpg (321.37 KB, 1564x1000, GMgD6SLawAACqUK.jpg)

No. 423646

Anime shouldn’t glorify obesity.

No. 423647

you're weird

No. 423649

Says the incest shipper…

No. 423652

File: 1728794859583.jpg (816.57 KB, 1116x1116, 119830338_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 423655

Their children will be obese AND deformed. Good job.

No. 423657

i dont think you know what obese people look like

No. 423658

I do not. You on the other hand only need look at a mirror.

No. 423659

fun fact if you see something you dont like online you can just scroll away instead of doing whatever this is

No. 423660

I can scroll online, but you can’t scroll down on your weight.(infight bait)

No. 423661

do you know how to hide threads? its a very helpful feature, maybe you should try it out. consider closing lolcow as well

No. 423664

this is the worst comeback i've ever read its almost impressive kek

No. 423669

File: 1728798525714.jpg (77.3 KB, 541x937, 1b1eda3dbd183ee4be1125207019be…)

No. 423673

who cares? just hold him down

No. 423677

File: 1728800352704.jpeg (160.1 KB, 1199x832, IMG_7485.jpeg)

No. 423681

File: 1728800812687.jpeg (696.8 KB, 710x800, IMG_4499.jpeg)

No. 423682

File: 1728801097255.png (1.56 MB, 1290x716, 8315367952468.png)

No. 423688

So true.

No. 423690

OP of the original thread was probably a somewhat conservative woman with homophobic leanings, the ships that get posted here give catholic tumblr user vibes.

No. 423692

File: 1728802280962.jpeg (87.02 KB, 678x960, IMG_9028.jpeg)

No. 423697

They’re mostly from children’s media KEK

No. 423700

File: 1728803274189.jpeg (125.76 KB, 600x600, IMG_7504.jpeg)

No. 423702

File: 1728803618519.jpeg (98.34 KB, 748x421, IMG_8817.jpeg)

No. 423706

File: 1728804786247.png (5.6 MB, 2048x1374, IMG_0205.png)

No. 423708

They look related

No. 423711

gigabasado ship, love how often he'd end up stripping

No. 423712

They are twins

No. 423713

Genuinely one of the only couples I can think of where it's a gothic boy with a preppy/normie girl kek

No. 423717

File: 1728807451454.jpeg (171.91 KB, 639x794, IMG_5827.jpeg)

No. 423722

File: 1728808661459.jpeg (80.5 KB, 549x618, IMG_4416.jpeg)

I’ve come to realization what comic I saved was made by polyglotplatypus. Internet is small.

No. 423723

No. 423724

>children media
Exactly the type of shit religious girls on tumblr post kek.

No. 423726

File: 1728809258402.gif (4.32 MB, 640x360, IMG_9031.GIF)

No. 423734

File: 1728810498644.png (3.63 MB, 1779x1489, image (5).png)

I can't believe we reached a second thread kek, but also I thought OP would explicitly put m/f only. Even the usual bait and spam is here too.
I see the appeal, as a Laimar shipper. She's just so unbelievably attached to Laios to the hip.

No. 423735

Based. Where do they come from? Need to read.

No. 423743

If only Simon didn't fucked it all up…

No. 423744

Holy shit, this brings back memories. I used to watch the show on KissCartooon which gave my device viruses.

No. 423746

Resident evil code veronica

No. 423755

File: 1728817012931.jpg (35.64 KB, 720x540, c3085de4d6cb4ded8e5b7a8c4a72e7…)

No. 423766

File: 1728822690064.gif (781.41 KB, 245x150, IMG_9041.GIF)

No. 423794

File: 1728829989889.jpg (133.42 KB, 919x1280, 1000016456.jpg)

No. 423876

And incest too KEK
Delete this before Aladdinfag sees it

No. 424057

File: 1728884041332.jpeg (255.78 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_7929.jpeg)

No. 424060

File: 1728884804110.jpeg (74.77 KB, 640x640, IMG_0530.jpeg)

No. 424061

ik ur trolling but so many people actually think this

No. 424064

how can you date someone with a similar name to yours, it's like incest-lite

No. 424070

it technically is incest

No. 424071

File: 1728888771602.png (805.76 KB, 966x792, 702491241892464493.png)

No. 424092

File: 1728899356494.png (504.53 KB, 720x540, IMG_7404.png)

No. 424272

File: 1728943094058.jpg (58.88 KB, 600x777, IchiRuki.600.3790496.jpg)

No. 424297

These are siblings.

No. 424319

File: 1728955580617.jpg (36.15 KB, 500x656, 6a262446199cdb4d9aff8bf70b5b9c…)

No. 424344

File: 1728963240568.jpeg (127 KB, 564x789, 1708029216548.jpeg)

No. 424348

This is super cute, where is it from?

No. 424350

So? Let her cook

No. 424361

File: 1728977414582.png (74.82 KB, 250x250, CETYuFM.png)

No. 424414

File: 1728993362064.jpg (409.03 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_32036c94c0b7e84648c543e…)

No. 424416

File: 1728993778635.jpeg (326 KB, 1200x1600, r4hap4vokxtc1.jpeg)

No. 424417

I love you Miraculous AU nonny

No. 424432

This is so cute

No. 424474

File: 1729007607070.jpg (72.28 KB, 567x783, 1000016508.jpg)

Who are they?

No. 424476

They're not even a couple.

No. 424484

Joseph and Suzie Q from jojos bizzare adventures

No. 424491

I think nona was asking about the alien stage characters

No. 424533

File: 1729015812273.jpg (273.62 KB, 700x670, 27194947_p27.jpg)

I used to have heated arguments with my elementary school friends over who should number 4 be with, number 3 or numbah 5. For me, it's tsun manlet x chill cool girl.

No. 424536

but do they have a zine

No. 424542

Okay this is gonna sound fucked up, but I was never really into Numbah 3 being shipped with anyone because she struck me as too retarded/autistic for a relationship.

No. 424543

I just know she would grow up to be a BPDemon

No. 424544

Okay I wanna hear your take on why that would be. I don't like Numbah 3 that much, but I'm genuinely curious as to how she would be BPD. I thought she was just a big autist.

No. 424545

i met a lot of girls like her who grew up to be bpdemons, just pattern recognition

No. 424561

File: 1729024419108.jpeg (2.11 MB, 2715x1644, 354A2E99-A811-4648-8A92-5DE777…)

No. 424575

the recent uptick in astolfo posting is making me happy

No. 424577

File: 1729034572118.jpeg (275.71 KB, 736x1028, IMG_9084.jpeg)

No. 424584

File: 1729038320390.jpeg (79.12 KB, 726x1024, IMG_1864.jpeg)

Couple or not idc

No. 424604

File: 1729050356137.jpeg (86.46 KB, 736x552, IMG_9120.jpeg)

No. 424605

File: 1729050964080.jpeg (197.37 KB, 736x938, IMG_9115.jpeg)

No. 424607

File: 1729051648496.jpeg (140.75 KB, 736x736, IMG_9043.jpeg)

No. 424647

File: 1729072144241.jpg (356.55 KB, 1863x1863, alice and jasper.jpg)

No. 424679

same, astolfo is cute

No. 424681

Who are these two? I love these whole emo guy with a cool girl type of pairings.

No. 424685

File: 1729084022693.jpg (127.46 KB, 704x629, tumblr_61e80ad09e2e541ccc8b0c8…)

No. 424720

File: 1729099580845.webp (38.42 KB, 375x500, XKT4aoEt343pXjfuhJuWF75AgiLsZP…)

They are Raf and Sulfus from angel's friends nonnie.

No. 424776

I would've snorted this like crack as a teenager.

No. 425154

File: 1729235334883.jpeg (95.75 KB, 655x951, 74437dac405ba714840ab64c83f0b2…)

No. 426887

File: 1729820462723.jpg (51.84 KB, 564x623, 2faeb6366772436cad293de2b1c75e…)

No. 426945

File: 1729837459746.jpg (709.98 KB, 1932x2048, nv4ypf6yy2681.jpg)

No. 427951

File: 1730183733594.jpg (91.16 KB, 827x1063, cc09cb0d119dfda211fedd78fc4e22…)

No. 427952

File: 1730183770280.png (210.66 KB, 800x600, 37213934_p2.png)

No. 427979

File: 1730206542759.png (2.64 MB, 1600x1300, 676cdd6608c71cb30638397217b5fe…)

lol wtf?

No. 427987

File: 1730209552067.png (778.28 KB, 1240x1142, b1fd4021a3d1a846689d615a798015…)

No. 427988

File: 1730209580981.jpg (992.23 KB, 1700x1100, 585950dfb7e96bc3dd25a6ed965805…)

No. 427989

No. 428000

File: 1730213953431.jpg (1.56 MB, 3384x3508, GUY6McyawAAEZ2_.jpg)


No. 428058

>lol wtf
Kek more proof that this thread is occupied by normie girls.

No. 428126

I know who those two are, it's just not what you would expect to see ITT.

No. 428150

File: 1730243878904.jpg (517.35 KB, 1378x1459, 82749809_p1.jpg)

OP you forgot to link the previous thread

No. 428252

File: 1730288145226.jpg (137.83 KB, 736x1136, 552d7ceaed143efc82119be96173ea…)

No. 428260

I'll ignore the fact that they are siblings.

No. 428444

File: 1730343624424.jpg (395.64 KB, 1200x1400, Shugo.Chara!.full.3427720.jpg)

No. 428445

File: 1730343658894.jpg (378.97 KB, 860x894, Shugo.Chara!.full.3950124.jpg)

No. 428463

File: 1730355084419.jpg (64.97 KB, 630x646, bd46807685ad14a42aa5195e1368b0…)

No. 428466

File: 1730355620791.jpg (49.75 KB, 736x920, a8ee74bdf54b99e473ed42d8604199…)

No. 428487

File: 1730368389368.jpg (134.52 KB, 736x981, a4fadf4326e284db88271e5602b469…)

No. 428771

File: 1730477759466.jpg (170.64 KB, 1079x1970, Screenshot_20240210_234233_Chr…)

I love couple outfits

No. 429045

File: 1730542905981.png (4.56 MB, 1620x2160, IMG_9557.png)

No. 429047

File: 1730543400252.png (5.49 MB, 2048x1505, IMG_9558.png)

No. 429048

why does her weird tank top offend my soul so deeply

No. 429050

File: 1730544905456.jpeg (220.91 KB, 736x1037, IMG_9564.jpeg)

No. 429055

File: 1730548665219.jpeg (40.14 KB, 734x410, IMG_9566.jpeg)

No. 429316

File: 1730647034592.jpg (94.14 KB, 736x1299, cloudxtifa.jpg)

So qt3.14

No. 429404

File: 1730668571468.webp (32.85 KB, 1280x720, 7235795258095.WEBP)

Tifa is coombait. Cope.

No. 429407

I can't believe I forgot about this anime! Amu is the first character I ever Literally Me'd kek

No. 429472

No kissu?

No. 429612

File: 1730754129812.jpg (194.99 KB, 1201x1159, CalemSerena.jpg)

No. 429631

File: 1730758398114.jpeg (295.11 KB, 1214x1920, F7v-lrKaUAArQ4d.jpeg)

>cloti vs clerith arguments on even fucking lolcow
Jesus Christ

No. 429643

Michel my beloved

No. 429694

File: 1730788158957.mp4 (2.4 MB, 480x854, QFEt7fR.mp4)

No. 429696

Eww what the fuck? Why are 3D pigs even allowed in here? Why can't you fags make your own thread instead of subjecting the world to this garbage?(infight bait)

No. 429772

File: 1730821552675.jpg (2.9 MB, 1414x2000, AdamanIrida.jpg)

nta but this thread was never solely for 2D. OP clearly says so.

No. 429784

File: 1730825593293.png (1.51 MB, 2000x2000, image (6).png)

Soulful art.

No. 430005

File: 1730870559057.gif (486.71 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n4kv9zNlMb1sial0xo1_128…)

Same, Amu is pretty cool and she gets a hot cat bf. Idc if they have a 5 year age gap.

No. 430042

File: 1730875447246.png (521.17 KB, 513x620, QAIUTob.png)

No. 430043

File: 1730875470416.jpg (130.09 KB, 542x680, a-first-nations-couple-1886-v0…)

No. 430046

File: 1730875636058.jpg (32.46 KB, 563x720, 1699964264391.jpg)

No. 430230

File: 1730951638910.jpg (154.96 KB, 1024x1280, media_FaC3T1lUEAA4UlI.jpg)

No. 430578

File: 1731081799865.jpg (154.47 KB, 800x800, 1000023510.jpg)

No. 430598

File: 1731089546501.jpg (175.15 KB, 722x750, tumblr_958aa1fb9a8fc73ebdc1300…)

Gudrid and Thorfinn are so cute together i'm not ready for when he's gonna die

No. 430761

File: 1731140231689.png (166.5 KB, 717x513, __johnny_joestar_and_higashika…)

No. 430983

File: 1731219499337.png (1.31 MB, 1818x1433, phantomland.png)

No. 431367

God please no.

No. 431368


No. 431389

File: 1731333388899.png (1.46 MB, 1204x1834, lhqkERz.png)

No. 431391

File: 1731333433846.png (1.56 MB, 1000x1414, 0xzqffe.png)

No. 431392

File: 1731333513398.png (2.67 MB, 4096x2048, VXxnaTJ.png)

No. 431393

File: 1731333536858.png (713.01 KB, 1228x842, KIrFaue.png)

No. 431394

File: 1731333560939.png (317.02 KB, 1200x1400, aNrSjyG.png)

No. 431395

File: 1731333596610.png (2.19 MB, 1838x2275, sTBhmO5.png)

No. 431396

File: 1731333672514.png (953.56 KB, 1159x1213, H55zQ7A.png)

No. 431397

File: 1731333694535.png (1.48 MB, 1472x2048, wK8I1tW.png)

No. 431568

Where are they from?

No. 431647

File: 1731420972003.jpeg (151.14 KB, 736x830, Cik48dt.jpeg)

No. 431855

File: 1731497875742.jpg (385.33 KB, 1668x1668, 1610398691654.jpg)

No. 431874

Resident Evil Code Veronica.
The blonds are twin siblings.
Poor Steve…

No. 431883

File: 1731508660136.png (2.25 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9712.png)

No. 431934

File: 1731521307543.jpg (274.39 KB, 2048x2048, F51jewYbYAA92R5.jpg)

No. 431936

File: 1731521371867.jpg (308.95 KB, 2048x2048, F51jewWa8AAUagx.jpg)

No. 432146

File: 1731573730181.png (706.69 KB, 800x1115, jGvZG4P.png)

No. 432203

File: 1731594590669.jpg (72.25 KB, 526x677, 460667474_9250328348330072_788…)

No. 432204

File: 1731594669225.jpg (102.51 KB, 1179x1466, 463305593_8535994043162062_670…)

No. 432449

File: 1731656201921.png (1003.61 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20241114-233452~2.p…)

No. 432534

File: 1731685867111.jpg (2.4 MB, 2880x3840, GU-6pE8a4AEKSyO.jpg)

No. 432712

File: 1731732841770.png (173.35 KB, 441x503, 44444.png)

I don't ship very many straight pairings but I was obsessed with picrel when I was ten.


No. 432716

Almost all shit ships ITT. Not even because they're straight

No. 432718

File: 1731733738945.png (89.5 KB, 500x460, deliberately.png)

Don't make me tap the sign

No. 432720

>Not even because they're straight

No. 432722

It's a ship-dump thread. You're going to see ships you don't like. That's life.

No. 432741

I think because there's some incest posting itt which is super weird

No. 432743

File: 1731741620893.jpeg (178.4 KB, 700x1027, IMG_8771.jpeg)

No. 432746

File: 1731742168631.jpeg (255.31 KB, 2048x1440, IMG_8774.jpeg)

No. 432791

gross, half this thread is incest fetishposting

No. 432795

It is ABOOS but Courtney is the one doing it so it's fine

No. 432797

File: 1731761355109.jpg (61.41 KB, 453x640, 1000029130.jpg)

No. 432799

File: 1731761376336.jpg (198.71 KB, 1280x720, 1000029125.jpg)

>blah blah flood filter

No. 432800

File: 1731761435854.jpg (85.73 KB, 736x871, 1000029131.jpg)

>blah blah

No. 432801

File: 1731761544877.jpg (34.69 KB, 466x500, 1000029132.jpg)


No. 432803

File: 1731761887261.jpg (56.24 KB, 602x463, 1000029133.jpg)

No. 432804

File: 1731762108196.jpg (107.42 KB, 640x682, 1000029134.jpg)

No. 432806

File: 1731762262915.jpeg (119.49 KB, 431x480, IMG_1980.jpeg)

No. 432807

File: 1731762409422.jpg (139.58 KB, 1200x1010, 1000029135.jpg)

No. 432808

Who are they? This looks cool

No. 432826

yuta okkotsu and rika from jujutsu kaisen.

No. 432863

File: 1731790288311.jpg (307.77 KB, 1128x1594, 31c6aa34763c9556d6a19ec46623c6…)

No. 432865

Only moids and pickmes like this ship.

No. 432871

[extremely loud incorrect buzzer]

No. 432919

File: 1731810124480.jpeg (513.47 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8788.jpeg)

No. 433070

He seems to like being abused by her. Total sub kek

No. 434433

File: 1732300361596.webp (25.39 KB, 456x512, 860041526.jpg.jpeg)

No. 434436

File: 1732300579922.jpeg (195.77 KB, 1866x2048, E8YM0RiVcAMmeM1.jpeg)

No. 434498

File: 1732311079451.png (1.51 MB, 859x902, WpBJgtt.png)

No. 434555

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No. 434696

File: 1732377659841.jpeg (65.25 KB, 735x588, IMG_9975.jpeg)

No. 434697

Oh no… kek

No. 434698

nona no

No. 436494

File: 1732857300345.jpg (52.92 KB, 736x552, some haikyuu shit I found acci…)


No. 436497

File: 1732857396860.jpg (132.06 KB, 700x900, atsumi-japanese at tumblr_nme5…)

No. 436498

File: 1732857422731.jpg (226.07 KB, 899x1067, atsumi-japanese at tumblr_nlz8…)

No. 436499

File: 1732857474000.jpg (302.88 KB, 800x1055, atsumi-japanese at tumblr_nmlh…)

Sorry if I had already posted these in the previous thread, I'm not sure if I did.

No. 436965

File: 1732989489434.png (2.27 MB, 2480x1748, illust_99012547_20241124_23512…)

No. 436969

they don't really have chemistry together, compared to her and falin imo

No. 437012

File: 1732995149844.jpg (52.65 KB, 500x460, MV5BYTZmZDc1ZjctZWQyMi00MjMwLW…)

No. 437019

File: 1732995966052.png (495.05 KB, 640x640, 1669358763568384.png)

No. 437022

File: 1732996557892.jpg (35.08 KB, 636x473, image (4).jpg)

No. 437808

File: 1733227345761.jpeg (111.02 KB, 736x746, IMG_0239.jpeg)

No. 437815

File: 1733229487276.jpeg (91.56 KB, 540x540, IMG_0240.jpeg)

No. 437820

File: 1733229871904.jpeg (220.91 KB, 1200x1372, IMG_0241.jpeg)

No. 437835

File: 1733237271948.jpg (298.57 KB, 900x870, 03 (2)_edit_19469779972548.jpg)

I disagree. They have a very entertaining dynamic that get increasingly cute as the story progress. I hope season 2 bring more laicille shippers.

No. 437836

File: 1733237749264.jpg (94.25 KB, 850x1060, __marcille_donato_and_laios_to…)

I'm with you, there is way more chemistry with them than Falin. No hate of you like that pairing but I love them together.

No. 437837

File: 1733237931707.jpeg (310.14 KB, 1240x1748, uwpgeq7yeqxc1.jpeg)

No. 437840

File: 1733238130544.jpg (83.2 KB, 850x1079, __marcille_donato_and_laios_to…)

No. 437841

I don't ship it but man, amon deserved better than that shit he got in that fucking cartoon. Way to ruin a character… korra too.

No. 437890

File: 1733250915138.jpeg (375.75 KB, 1649x2048, 4s4e52l.jpeg)

No. 437891

one true stacy itt

No. 437911

File: 1733252854263.png (990.1 KB, 1006x1390, ou4zof1.png)

No. 437912

File: 1733252877434.jpeg (875.63 KB, 1654x2048, dHlxwdO.jpeg)

No. 437922

File: 1733253689462.jpeg (72.88 KB, 564x480, IMG_0244.jpeg)

I wish he was there the entire series as a recurring antagonist maybe teaming up with korra gang sometimes

No. 437926

Me too, he was a great villain and was perfect to give some grey shades to the other characters and a great opportunity to expand on the world building of republic city but idk what the writers were thinking, everyone had to be perfectly good for some reason, god forbid someone good makes mistakes kek I also liked seeing korra not as confident as she initially was and then getting over her fear, it would've worked better if it wasn't so rushed.
I miss how crazy the fandom was, rip.

No. 437927

File: 1733255027567.jpg (191.37 KB, 1709x1612, 20241130_230810.jpg)

No. 437959

File: 1733261644146.jpg (178.93 KB, 986x763, Gdyi_VqWoAAxhRv.jpg)

No. 437964

wtf is this

No. 437970

Miss saying hi to light

No. 438187

No. 438286

File: 1733380782048.jpg (130.47 KB, 1077x1279, GdTa0guXAAA6NLe.jpg)

No. 438292

File: 1733381257670.jpg (66.76 KB, 1093x1235, Gc6AJoGXkAAoHCn.jpg)

No. 438401

File: 1733426202589.jpg (460.14 KB, 1718x2048, Tumblr_l_25138740340434.jpg)

I don't watch this anime but some of the fanarts are cute.

No. 438443

File: 1733437462637.jpg (60.82 KB, 736x903, bb0b434005d2b381160b7ab59f4342…)

No. 438444

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No. 438506

KEK. Oh to be Toji's worm

No. 438871

m/f drarry kek

No. 439589

File: 1733794395598.jpg (1.9 MB, 1627x2894, __mr_crawling_homicipher_drawn…)

No. 439659

File: 1733829437523.jpeg (346.87 KB, 2048x1539, IMG_9269.jpeg)

No. 439693

File: 1733841178979.png (254.01 KB, 682x759, rNIcMlq.png)

No. 439790

File: 1733886739815.jpg (1.11 MB, 2480x3508, GdfV5DaWkAABOOH.jpg)

No. 439838

File: 1733912637200.jpg (1.45 MB, 2000x1419, artist yomunow.jpg)

No. 439870

File: 1733933562076.png (1.26 MB, 800x1185, 1s8f6m5.png)

No. 440022

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No. 440024

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No. 440127

File: 1734042443377.jpg (102.36 KB, 640x1277, 469959439_10234512319698962_59…)

No. 440143

who are they?

No. 440190

zechs and noin from gundam wing

No. 440224

File: 1734066945286.png (2.36 MB, 1324x2048, PDBVDE2.png)

No. 440234

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No. 440235

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No. 440267

File: 1734073920687.png (1.93 MB, 1434x2048, FiVFdEh.png)

No. 440268

File: 1734073942483.png (2.42 MB, 1440x1499, ysP1PpX.png)

No. 440269

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No. 440291

File: 1734076944775.png (1.64 MB, 1431x2048, BsELJMN.png)

No. 440295

File: 1734077057948.png (1.79 MB, 980x1306, uBMdfgu.png)

No. 440313

kek his arm

No. 440318

What a Stacey

No. 440319

File: 1734085062062.jpg (76.26 KB, 735x892, 1000030178.jpg)

To be fair, the Korra team thought they were only making a one-season miniseries. That's why they put all the best concepts and ideas in season one. I agree that Amon was wasted potential though and it's no excuse for how much the next few seasons dropped the ball in comparison. Anyway, thread tax.

No. 440564

File: 1734175013560.jpg (1.86 MB, 2480x3508, illust_118424552_20241213_0014…)

No. 440593

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No. 440600

File: 1734198012579.jpg (Spoiler Image,712.61 KB, 2048x2897, tumblr_1210d10b0b9959e6c45779d…)

bit gorey

No. 440601

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No. 440602

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No. 440604

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No. 440606

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No. 440607

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No. 440608

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No. 440609

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No. 440611

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No. 440612

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No. 440613

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No. 440676

File: 1734228810369.jpg (118.16 KB, 720x902, a7e2676840dca25b7b131e23310846…)

based romy enjoyer

No. 440693

File: 1734239613165.jpg (78.71 KB, 828x1071, tumblr_5e79120c693c5041e0d8a6b…)

Where's their movie ya bastards
I honestly hope if they do make one they go full chick flick on it.

No. 440696

They should, they’ve explored the X-men through other genres.

No. 440740

File: 1734267105549.jpg (498.32 KB, 720x960, 52159427_p0.jpg)

No. 440745

File: 1734268758769.jpg (Spoiler Image,499.98 KB, 2110x2979, FsQXCFkaMAIrVMd.jpg)

a bit? lol

No. 440747

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No. 440750

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No. 440752

Spirit Tracks! Is this the only game where you can play partly as Zelda? I love their interactions in the game

No. 440774

File: 1734277897507.png (1.76 MB, 837x1465, a751d241be63055a1d438dff01ce53…)

Yeah! You do technically partly play as her in Tears of the Kingdom during the final fight.

No. 440784

Oh dang, I wouldn't know because I accidentally entered the boss fight way too unprepared item-wise and now I'm stuck because it won't let me leave.

No. 440795

File: 1734284843410.png (Spoiler Image,551.98 KB, 2062x1712, gyogyo_hjj myrori.png)

Oh I do love them

No. 440797

File: 1734284907878.jpg (Spoiler Image,386 KB, 1818x1648, by_1zz.jpg)

No. 440813

No. 440818

That’s supposed to be a brother murdering his sister, btw.

No. 440822

File: 1734294946026.jpg (431.95 KB, 1424x1424, 3cec67d237fb2aac763a0e0f5748de…)

So romantic

No. 440825

Nta but didn't they undo that? Can't remember Halloween's messy af lore.

No. 440826

File: 1734296685486.jpg (111.93 KB, 850x541, 6126885247527.JPG)

>brosis fag
>ryona fag
>cloti fag

No. 440840

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No. 440841

No. 440842

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No. 440843

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No. 440844

File: 1734300811308.jpg (366.48 KB, 1080x1302, GKBRZigWIAAHqjp.jpg)

No. 440845

Link is the perfect silent mc.

No. 440846

I want link to sit on my lap too.

No. 440892

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No. 440894

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No. 440895

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No. 440972

File: 1734338803578.jpg (368.67 KB, 2048x1448, GL3K9bHaAAAI517.jpg)

I can't get enough of these two

No. 440994

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No. 440997

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No. 441006

The volleyball pimple tits…

No. 441009

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No. 441010

File: 1734350173879.png (473.81 KB, 548x857, XsKmrmy.png)

No. 441015


No. 441030

It's a staple in this thread for some reason.

No. 441038

File: 1734364031867.jpg (723.49 KB, 1100x1100, Fg5KtK0UAAAz6dy.jpg)

I like twincest but I won't explain why

No. 441041

File: 1734365331530.png (735.93 KB, 1000x666, KF48yh6.png)

I think it boils down to the fact that familial relationships are often portrayed more organically, rather than simply being 'the main character's love interest,' which limits their personality to just that role. So they can bicker playfully, but ultimately, they genuinely love and support each other.

No. 441046

>disney channel incest
That’s it lock the thread

No. 441048

it's probably just one anon continuously posting as an act of rebellion because she doesn't like the thread or something. i also hate this thread but it's kind of a dumb thing to do.

No. 441050

Hate. And Yoko was apparently 14

No. 441068

NTA but incest anon please keep it coming. Some people are degenerate, it's not our fault. Straight brother sister ships that aren't for male coomers are so rare

No. 441083

>Straight brother sister ships that aren't for male coomers are so rare
Something that doesn’t exist can’t be rare

No. 441085

File: 1734377044736.png (486.72 KB, 462x591, 1733820382236071.png)

wow I never knew that! that's crazy

No. 441089

>Some people are degenerate
Yeah… that's you anon…

No. 441093

File: 1734381026881.jpg (838.44 KB, 2600x2728, GC-0o0dbcAAVj4J.jpg)

No. 441096

This was supposed to be canon at first before the ending was changed btw

No. 441097

No. 441099

Please dump actually good couples instead of giving her attention, you're just making her post more kek

No. 441100

I would have read that manga if they actually got together in the end, very disappointed. The isekai plot where he's a pedo groomer scrote and she was a kid also put me off. If they had just played it straight and kept the original ending it would have been kino.

I'm sorry…

No. 441110

Dropped the story, but fwiw from what I remember, I think it was more "boy has memories of past life which effect his personality" and less "man reborn into a new body". The blonde guy was way more edgier and emo than the doctor guy, it felt like a different guy.
Not sure about the girl though because I dropped it.

No. 441113

File: 1734387194240.jpg (173.84 KB, 850x1199, FZkgqjzX0AAgee3.jpg)

Less bait, more couples

No. 441421

File: 1734484898033.jpeg (477.14 KB, 1754x2048, IMG_8557.jpeg)

Looksmaxxed couple

No. 441657

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No. 441659

File: 1734572283479.jpg (261.56 KB, 1392x1677, Geavo3eaoAAp5D-.jpg)

No. 441665

mr. standing?

No. 441673

File: 1734576365020.jpg (591.04 KB, 2480x4096, GeHbKFnW4AAq8k4.jpg)

Kek you're right

No. 441939

File: 1734688407982.jpg (192.8 KB, 1125x1600, Asper Kanojo 45.jpg)

No. 442261

File: 1734822361441.jpg (2.93 MB, 1650x1650, illust_106545984_20241130_1913…)

Sorry for posting them again. I don't understand why this ship get so much hate, it's just too sweet. Marcille doesn't hate laios and she isn't a tsundere either. She very openly praise him when she think he deserve it. She find comfort in him, always clinging to him in difficult situations. Laios admire and respect marcille deeply. Her smile put him at ease. He literally said so. I believe marcille serve as a bridge between him and the rest of humanity. Laios always counted on his doormat sister for support but getting closer to marcille actually helped him to grow as an human being.

No. 442341

Keep postin, I love them too. I only think they get hate because people want Marcille and Falin to be lesbians.

No. 442349

i dont think people hate this ship, its just relatively unpopular people hate falin x laios instead

No. 442368

File: 1734882010492.jpg (824.93 KB, 1080x5821, Very normal people .jpg)

If you look up laicille on Twitter and sort by most recent, most of the posts are just complaining that the ship exists at all. To be fair, there's also some coomers and tradthots pushing the ship as well. Since dunmeshi got memed into being a yuri in the mainstream's mind, the fandom think laicille is lesbian erasure. At least, the hatred for toudencest is warranted even if I like it

No. 442398

File: 1734894068471.jpg (148.73 KB, 1356x1028, 4212c915751c57f97e8f04b0c8df9e…)

not me

No. 442400

File: 1734895620066.jpg (439.59 KB, 900x873, edward winry.jpg)

kek you need to stop wasting your time on that insane asylum

No. 442401

There is more chemistry wih Liaos and Marcille than with Falin but I feel like these people are trannies that like to larp as lesbians and want to think of themselves as them. Marcille is scared of living longer than all her friends and Falin was a childhood friend so she fears losing her. The manga and show throw in little teases of Liaos and Marcille liking each other too.

No. 442408

really? i thought laois and marcille stay best friends at the end of the series (which i honestly prefer). we don't need a whole lot of random couples in every series (yes im talking to you fucking demon slayer and naruto)

No. 442410

They belong together

No. 442411

File: 1734898337574.webp (23.1 KB, 1000x418, ekkoxjinx2.webp)

in a world were jinx isn't a psychopath, it's absolutely adorable

No. 442412

holy shit can we please ban incest shit in this thread? or at least fucking spoiler it

No. 442415

That would be banning the entire thread KEK

No. 442422

what about making a containment thread for incest ships or something? though it looks like it's just one person incest posting so maybe not

No. 442454

File: 1734916371695.jpg (497.44 KB, 1766x2048, Tumblr_l_784878051424237.jpg)

They do stay platonic but their are a few scenes that tease it or imply something. I'm fine with it not having romance but I can wish kek
Love the Link and Zelda stuff

No. 442457

File: 1734916479425.jpg (784.43 KB, 1079x1538, Hifddyyr.jpg)


No. 442458

File: 1734916513717.jpg (303.44 KB, 1000x844, Tumblr_l_1453344678555223.jpg)

No. 442463

I don't approve but this is a great pic

No. 442534

Agree. It's like one or two incest posters are doing it for the attention and it's kinda autistic for posting this much.

I like the idea. Hopefully it would keep peace to this thread and the incest posters away though the degeneracy should be kept to a minimum. Like most incest is already scroteshit but yaoi incest is totally fine for me and to some other fujos. So no mommyshit or yuri incest. I do have a few hetero incest ships that I'm guilty of but I'd never post them here itt.

No. 442548

File: 1734949640860.jpg (202.1 KB, 900x1291, 22.jpg)

>for the attention
Some of us grew up reading flowers in the attic and genuinely enjoy siblingcest ships anon. Is that hard to accept? It's fiction, close your eyes if you don't like it. None of the drawings are even suggestive.

No. 442550

File: 1734950695920.jpg (461.38 KB, 1252x1800, 299400a57c535b4d28fe44bc3841b7…)

I prefer the first version. Make the change in tone more impactful. There's something bittersweet about laios smiling to his sister one last time before putting her down. It was an act of love after all and it's kind of a disservice to laios's character to make his reaction more appropriate.

No. 442646

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No. 442648

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No. 442649

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No. 442650

File: 1735003210877.png (4.49 MB, 1636x2048, __frieren_and_himmel_sousou_no…)

No. 442654

Praying you don’t have siblings…

No. 442715

File: 1735024451935.jpg (1.21 MB, 2117x1451, Gesv2rebsAMJ7tT.jpg)

No. 442716

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No. 442717

File: 1735024670503.jpg (607.68 KB, 1880x2048, Ge4YHnrWUAAyDNF.jpg)

No. 442748

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No. 442828

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No. 442940

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No. 442942

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No. 442943

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No. 443636

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No. 443689

File: 1735464673887.png (2.58 MB, 2048x1448, bLnd1ZX.png)

No. 443714

File: 1735468919716.png (2.17 MB, 1536x2048, hdMSWJO.png)

No. 443715

File: 1735468942500.png (906.74 KB, 962x1068, JSsIzNW.png)

No. 443763

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No. 443764

File: 1735481562369.png (103.89 KB, 500x321, gCdzYUE.png)

No. 443864

They were so cute together. This show deserved another season.

No. 444284

File: 1735633055982.png (2.35 MB, 1648x2048, bmrxE7Q.png)

No. 444304

Who is this?

No. 444330

File: 1735646348616.jpg (192.81 KB, 1500x1303, GUkfkr0aEAABgKL.jpg)

No. 444334

Kate and Anthony Bridgerton i think

No. 444388

File: 1735671169235.jpg (28.73 KB, 811x792, Terezi-Pyrope-Homestuck-MS-Pai…)

I'm still salty.

No. 444390

still cant believe dogshit davekat became canon over this

No. 444395

Omg this is so cute ughhgjh

No. 444401

To be fair karkat was kind of a faggot

No. 444404

An angry fag not a gay fag.

No. 444405

Wasn't he blackrom for John a bit there? It's been so long I can't remember

No. 444430

really? hussy really had the worst parts of the fandom write for him

No. 444448

File: 1735690227701.jpg (327.59 KB, 2000x2000, kurisu okabe.jpg)

No. 444709

File: 1735769876543.jpg (151.49 KB, 2048x793, GQQj6awbAAAvtVX.jpg)

No. 444711

File: 1735770192135.jpg (156.79 KB, 2048x622, IMG_0707.jpg)

There's at least two of us. It's not my fault shipcest artists are so fucking good.

No. 444712

No. 444877

File: 1735831800015.jpg (65.99 KB, 750x942, 1513405126587.jpg)

>all this incest
>not posting the classic

No. 444932

File: 1735852668792.jpg (248.09 KB, 1706x1280, 137fde81d5d46b0b976ee84759b0a8…)

What is it from?

No. 444952

File: 1735859371283.png (123.22 KB, 270x360, ryH7t6o.png)

nta but it's carrie fisher and mark hamill, they had a brief fling while filming, but they decided not to pursue a relationship and they remained close friends afterward, there are still a ton of behind-the-scenes photos of them flirting and a few outright making out

No. 445068

File: 1735906974847.jpg (108.78 KB, 736x981, Tumblr_l_9842018339643.jpg)

Right, of course. I didn't recognize them from the picture.

No. 446130

File: 1736207995269.png (271 KB, 600x400, JKQW8Q6.png)

No. 446131

can’t believe we were robbed of this…

No. 446192

File: 1736223660304.jpg (708.81 KB, 1900x1400, 1572878351739.jpg)

No. 446194

File: 1736223689406.png (197.74 KB, 638x360, croma.png)

No. 446224

This is yuri though…

No. 446331

File: 1736267341281.jpg (322.09 KB, 2048x1696, 20250107_182821.jpg)

No. 446333

Crona's a femboy, you can't convince me otherwise.

No. 446339

don't use pedotroon terms

No. 446356

File: 1736270630971.jpeg (240.12 KB, 749x1344, IMG_0870.jpeg)

No. 446362

Is that ladybug? The guy doesn't look like Adrian

No. 446365

File: 1736271289024.png (297.07 KB, 410x1435, 127368213.png)

It's Claw Noir Adrien.

No. 446390

what the fuck did they do him

No. 446394

sorry i dont use shitter, and i dont think you should let the ragebait website dictate your opinion of the average person

No. 446413

File: 1736279447903.jpg (491.06 KB, 1611x1000, 1000004555.jpg)

I missed you, my people. I tend to avoid this theead because it's hardly peaceful here, kek. Please populate the Dungeon Meshi thread so we can fangirl about the romantic subtext.
I would like to be optimistic, but twitter/normies/those who refuse to think of media any deeper if it doesn't have anything to do with gender have occupied the anime/manga fandom spaces.

No. 446419

they made him emo

No. 446424

is that actual canon art, i laughed out loud when i saw it.. who approved this

No. 446628

File: 1736339389417.jpg (263.06 KB, 900x732, GeYIzg1WEAA1zdd.jpg)

MC x rival every time

No. 446629

File: 1736339448552.jpg (299.03 KB, 1000x1175, GPBzvt3bMAAoLOG.jpg)

No. 446778

It’s for a special episode they did of the characters meeting villain AU versions of themselves. Weirdly enough the villain versions seem to be more liked than the main series versions

No. 446782

File: 1736376745439.jpg (227.82 KB, 850x1008, __kamille_bidan_and_four_muras…)

No. 446785

File: 1736377437143.png (1.29 MB, 1191x839, ce0ee894dc1a8125c3dae8581c64a7…)

No. 446807

So cute

No. 446811

Carrie was 19 and Mark was 33, he was also married with two kids at the time. Definitely not hot or cute.

No. 446822

Mark was five years older than Carrie. You’re mistaking him for Harrison Ford.

No. 446852

File: 1736397909941.jpg (57.29 KB, 567x600, a911f256cd1a82f47a70b24e85a4a2…)

No. 447556

File: 1736602680950.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.49 KB, 769x900, GPunRpIaUAARhvR (2).jpg)

No. 447653

File: 1736634542674.png (184.7 KB, 600x600, __selene_and_gladion_pokemon_a…)

No. 447654

File: 1736634586350.png (174.73 KB, 727x639, __selene_and_gladion_pokemon_a…)

No. 447655

They were both so damn attractive. I still do a yearly watch of The Mummy. it never gets old.

No. 447744

File: 1736650784362.jpg (54.96 KB, 850x443, __kamille_bidan_and_four_muras…)

Nice to see someone in agreement, anon

No. 448468

File: 1736823103693.jpg (103.02 KB, 1056x981, GgQLkYdb0AEJ-V0.jpg)

No. 448558

File: 1736882728322.jpg (238.52 KB, 786x1203, Tumblr_l_6236056464673.jpg)

Why hasn't anyone posted the goat yet?

No. 448565

we're all angry about casca's treatment

No. 448597

File: 1736892757450.png (1.25 MB, 1280x1506, tumblr_ded432436a103cf3b0557fb…)

They had such a cute relationship, one of my favorites from hs. shame they weren't endgame

No. 448617

File: 1736897033077.gif (33.72 KB, 650x450, 622.gif)

They were my everything I won't lie.
Now the non-faggy Karkat at least has another snarky woman in his life,I love these two. If they also mess this up, I don't know how I can live on.

No. 448625

because berserk is poorly written crap, the few good aspects are probably lifted from other fantasy series, that said, it's really well drawn and I wish miura wasn't a degen coomer

No. 448627

Millennium Falcon Arc exists

No. 448926

File: 1736980267238.jpg (231.33 KB, 1197x1414, Heart By @Kepchuk_art.jpg)

No. 448952

File: 1736985642151.jpg (89.95 KB, 977x1387, illust_76481676_20250116_00464…)

The show suck but this relationship was one of the best thing to come out of the later seasons, even if they ruined it terribly for the sake of their pet pairing.

No. 448953

File: 1736985853397.png (1.37 MB, 938x1500, illust_67622090_20250116_01030…)

This artist draw them so cute

No. 450254

File: 1737298079384.png (2.55 MB, 2048x1474, Obte4pr.png)

No. 450554

File: 1737340022689.jpg (237.18 KB, 1396x2048, GapahepakAA-IJs.jpg)

No. 450556

File: 1737340157012.jpg (281.43 KB, 1430x2048, GdSphRLaoAEDcJf.jpg)

No. 450571

File: 1737341811387.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.5 KB, 800x1000, __america_japan_and_america_ax…)

No. 450581

god help me, but I'm actually starting to get into the idea of throuples

No. 450645

File: 1737359689148.jpg (327.56 KB, 1596x2048, 20250120_090505.jpg)

No. 450646

i don't remember that character in johnny bravo

No. 451155

File: 1737466683762.jpg (254.01 KB, 1280x984, 06598ac358e25a2d2871f29a6f58f3…)

At first, I didn't really cared for any ship among the main cast. But I always liked orihime, she's a cutiepie. So the deranged hatred she received by ichiruki shippers was bothering me. But then I read the bleach Manga instead of reading the anime and realized that their relationship is really sweet and that orihime was always dear to ichigo.

No. 451162

Ichiruki never made sense to me, they are just really good friends.

No. 452398

File: 1737733333519.jpg (379.85 KB, 876x601, 117695487_p1.jpg)

No. 452480

File: 1737741936849.jpg (276.11 KB, 850x1540, __kamille_bidan_and_four_muras…)

No. 452550

File: 1737746996436.png (2.47 MB, 1559x2048, ukj9UyC.png)

No. 452551

File: 1737747018137.png (2.3 MB, 1684x1672, ofETTbI.png)

No. 452552

File: 1737747043256.png (1.37 MB, 1293x1088, LI1XA6v.png)

No. 452554

File: 1737747064512.jpeg (769.77 KB, 2193x4096, fXNyZJH.jpeg)

No. 452556

File: 1737747122452.jpeg (Spoiler Image,890.96 KB, 3016x2058, U2FP436.jpeg)

No. 452558

File: 1737747169878.png (754.19 KB, 1200x712, 6Ssebm3.png)

No. 452559

File: 1737747193807.png (723.89 KB, 1056x1043, G00qa60.png)

No. 452561

No. 452649

File: 1737753459343.jpg (862.38 KB, 4093x2894, GTWWRBga4AAGEyg.jpg)

No. 452650

File: 1737753524180.jpg (111.51 KB, 850x1187, __link_midna_and_midna_the_leg…)

No. 452652

File: 1737754148132.jpg (173.48 KB, 882x1200, 4342.jpg)

No. 452836

All these years later, why did she break the mirror…

No. 452860

File: 1737794198485.png (1.69 MB, 1124x1581, J3d78mP.png)

No. 452861

File: 1737794220823.png (2.43 MB, 2048x1178, AoTxnOZ.png)

No. 452862

File: 1737794244010.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2048, Q5lAaF2.png)

No. 452863

File: 1737794265631.png (1.63 MB, 2240x2360, JxzRZan.png)

No. 454885

File: 1738177810734.jpg (275.72 KB, 2048x1152, cloudwtf.jpg)

i romanced her for the cute kissu and left disappointed bc he kept bringing up another woman during our date??? i thought this was true love kek

No. 455593

File: 1738356776670.jpeg (634.56 KB, 3790x2580, 9AtZ2fm.jpeg)

No. 455595

File: 1738356799603.jpeg (588.92 KB, 4096x3439, ObotFC6.jpeg)

No. 455596

File: 1738356824252.png (1.62 MB, 1969x2048, 6XBbtPM.png)

No. 455597

Gary Oak/Blue was my first childhood crush…

No. 455598

File: 1738356872220.png (637.14 KB, 640x795, UJ1cpMD.png)

No. 455599

File: 1738356895218.png (616.19 KB, 736x920, c173sLI.png)

No. 455600

Source series? Because I want to make that guy cry as he eats me out.

No. 455601

the cruel prince

No. 455605

File: 1738357270683.png (717.78 KB, 1440x1800, RXNOQNl.png)

No. 455606

File: 1738357296656.png (2.39 MB, 1200x2133, zPx0ywD.png)

No. 455610

File: 1738357494910.png (661.21 KB, 736x981, zCMEcYJ.png)

No. 455611

File: 1738357516824.png (509.97 KB, 736x900, erQCc6h.png)

No. 455617

No. 455641

File: 1738363709958.png (646.61 KB, 1080x1350, f2MJ0Pt.png)

No. 455642

File: 1738363731335.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1350, icYKAm4.png)

No. 455643

File: 1738363752318.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1350, oRzox5V.png)

No. 456050

File: 1738462591391.jpeg (360.82 KB, 1448x2048, blMnuup.jpeg)

No. 456056

why are these so sinister, they provoke dread and alarm

No. 456059

This sucks. Guy should be naked and collared.

No. 456067

File: 1738469149625.jpg (114 KB, 735x516, 1000001115.jpg)

Call me basic if you want but I love Mario and Peach as a ship. They're so cute together and their interactions so sweet.

No. 456165

File: 1738512907893.jpg (99.3 KB, 593x986, c729edca335533e1694213437f1c8a…)

No. 456173

File: 1738515033558.jpg (146.68 KB, 928x779, Princess Peach's boyfriend.jpg)

No. 456287

File: 1738534842753.jpeg (329.43 KB, 1818x2048, GyxE9SH.jpeg)

No. 456291

who is this ugly pinocchio-nose-shaven freak?

No. 456314

File: 1738537508534.png (1.61 MB, 1516x2048, 3cfufC0.png)

No. 456316

File: 1738537611309.gif (6.02 MB, 540x500, tumblr_f24c06b4bf8a9ff14478ebb…)

No. 456522

File: 1738587610895.jpg (Spoiler Image,521.56 KB, 1580x1508, 43542397_p0.jpg)

Based moids seething at this couple is so typical of them lol

Next thread a rule should be added to the OP:
>no coquette, tradthot or daddydom shit and the like

No. 456523

File: 1738588183547.jpg (Spoiler Image,269.41 KB, 1080x987, 472777927_1128593662390077_709…)

I thought this was another artist who drew a fantastic NSFW piece of Hector and Lenore from the Castlevania Netflix show called duskidraws. But then I looked at her current Twitter, became disappointed, and realized that there's no way someone that draws BDSM maledom crap would be related to this other artist.

Anyway, her online name is Frostbite Studios and she draws a lot of beautiful stuff like this.

No. 456529

File: 1738590134038.jpg (255.87 KB, 1440x1800, 462681040_1037145481443831_810…)

Oops, I didn't mean to spoiler this.

No. 456530

File: 1738590357452.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.36 KB, 669x614, 43123357_p0.jpg)

No. 456531

File: 1738590575823.jpg (296.11 KB, 1280x1809, by florsdelluna on tumblr_9561…)

No. 456571

File: 1738603106181.jpg (387.5 KB, 480x564, Tumblr_l_15863641738203.jpg)

I miss chivalry.

No. 456698

I actually really like this pose…

No. 457499

File: 1738851933243.jpeg (189.04 KB, 720x850, YW6Aku5.jpeg)

No. 457500

File: 1738852008153.jpeg (176.67 KB, 804x959, UlwBmCr.jpeg)

No. 457503

pickme bitch shit taste(infight bait)

No. 457587

Who are these? Why is her finger missing?

No. 457687

File: 1738908464326.jpg (113.74 KB, 1080x1920, 1000004192.jpg)

(ai outside of containment)

No. 457689

damn, thats what the moid looks like in that coomery official art? he's so fine

No. 457690

i guess the pose isn't half bad, it's her skirt riding up bc of his hand that puts the emphasis onto her and her ass than his "submission"

No. 457691

they're characters from The Cruel Prince, and her finger is missing in the actual story
>Before the events of The Cruel Prince, Jude lost the top digit of the ring finger on her left hand to a goblin guard who hated humans.
something like that.

No. 457767

File: 1738930170058.jpeg (733.58 KB, 2048x2048, E9Uqp05.jpeg)

No. 457768

File: 1738930200897.jpeg (691.44 KB, 2671x1500, 8KK67MW.jpeg)

No. 457769

File: 1738930223002.jpeg (602.88 KB, 3605x2904, EFI7Yw2.jpeg)

No. 457770

File: 1738930252558.jpeg (373.41 KB, 1465x2048, 5WXAd4n.jpeg)

No. 457771

File: 1738930291643.png (3.17 MB, 2232x1488, sEKEwSD.png)

No. 457772

File: 1738930316507.png (490.8 KB, 695x892, 1ZHt9eb.png)

No. 457773

File: 1738930339060.png (766.29 KB, 819x1200, WQFDbfO.png)

No. 457774

File: 1738930362201.png (1.03 MB, 1100x1400, u4JFLKZ.png)

No. 457805

No. 458137

File: 1739017232471.png (2.82 MB, 1680x2242, xI65Q5p.png)

No. 458138

Kek this is wholesome

No. 458317

File: 1739059426952.jpeg (64 KB, 634x586, BB1jBlnL.jpeg)

No. 458318

File: 1739059553109.jpeg (53.91 KB, 676x676, 7b268033-124d-4ca0-b7c2-9d8b4e…)

No. 458319

File: 1739059663993.jpeg (57.13 KB, 640x960, c4320f9c-6815-4a11-9640-25658a…)

No. 458321

File: 1739059725566.jpeg (94.75 KB, 736x907, 0b9b1d97-b8d2-4225-8e9b-40b6f7…)

No. 458322

This is freaking me out, who are these people?

No. 458330

File: 1739060604324.jpg (74.79 KB, 1080x1349, SaveClip.App_274046944_1141826…)

1.Estelle Lettuce and Franco Colapinto
6.Bailee Madison and Alex Lange
5.Kaia Gerber and Wellington Grant in

No. 458332

File: 1739060818541.jpeg (41.57 KB, 736x425, 86061f06-625e-43c0-ae7e-321de1…)

No. 458337

File: 1739061187899.jpg (1.27 MB, 3264x1842, befunky_2025-1-6_20-32-23.jpg)

No. 458340

File: 1739061467431.jpg (781.76 KB, 3264x1083, befunky_2025-1-6_20-31-42.jpg)

No. 458341

File: 1739061490417.jpg (83.92 KB, 682x1024, gettyimages-1714086631-1024x10…)

No. 458342

Firts one is Oliver Bearman

No. 458350

File: 1739062523931.jpg (243.84 KB, 1080x1080, rs_600x600-180725125232-600.dy…)

No. 458363

No. 458366

File: 1739063433956.png (332.87 KB, 564x486, y8PqmcN.png)

No. 458375

File: 1739064378358.jpg (124.99 KB, 1500x1125, dylan-sprouse-barbara-palvin-1…)

What's wrong? They are both hot

No. 458380

No. 458384

Dylan looks like a 60 year old here
and then looks like a tif here kek

No. 458387

>and then looks like a tif here kek
he's ugly but let's not go that far, that gives the soon to be tifs here hope that they'll pass as males

No. 458390

ot, but most of them on test do pass facially, being 5’2” with soft, feminine body features usually gives them away imo.

No. 458404

File: 1739068242892.png (712.46 KB, 1085x629, 1732621728303.png)

lol they don't, even rare tif outliers who "pass" still look small and disproportionate standing next to regular men, not just in height but shoulder length and the fucking size of their skulls

No. 458406

File: 1739069090673.jpg (163.49 KB, 728x910, 4c2ed95632b95821bb33af9392.jpg)

No. 458407

Balloon head

No. 458777

File: 1739174379847.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1181, jcubUmv.png)

No. 458981

File: 1739230407273.png (2.29 MB, 1963x2020, UWas268.png)

No. 458982

File: 1739230435706.png (1.53 MB, 1799x1487, 10vJFDH.png)

No. 459074

File: 1739249552591.png (468.75 KB, 1200x511, 7IHYLDF.png)

No. 459356

File: 1739329300642.jpeg (22.24 KB, 400x492, 3653165_images_-_2023-09-20T13…)

No. 459363

I really like this one. They did a good job recreating the original.

No. 459413

File: 1739339283289.jpg (628.31 KB, 1500x2250, 85328210_p1.jpg)

No. 460121

File: 1739476944936.jpeg (96.13 KB, 1119x840, a33d7fe2-d7a7-4201-963e-5f93d1…)

No. 460188

File: 1739488002936.jpg (117.53 KB, 600x747, vxii0otk71shdts2o1_640.jpg)

No. 460193

File: 1739488856347.jpg (265.12 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_bc699f3c177cb2ef5af3216…)

No. 460228

who are they?

No. 460442

File: 1739563606384.jpg (144.32 KB, 808x984, 476464818_1100807598511356_421…)

No. 460458

File: 1739565491404.jpg (131.64 KB, 736x1085, 1000028339.jpg)

No. 460491

>Unga have no unibrow
Unga disappointed, unibrow look good on all unga. grug no deserve unga

No. 460493

Unga pluck unibrow hairs off with stag beetle, grug never do the same. Grug need hit head with stone.

No. 464010

File: 1740542886327.mp4 (3.55 MB, 720x1280, 2867809F-BC0B-41E8-B5FD-2E179F…)

No. 466747

File: 1741166845703.jpg (212.57 KB, 736x1033, GlKa_QkXkAACYIE.jpg)

No. 467673

File: 1741381314841.jpg (299.58 KB, 549x946, illust_126629423_20250201_1233…)

No. 467677

File: 1741381567192.jpg (509.94 KB, 1280x900, gnomemarchil.jpg)

No. 467679

File: 1741381599431.jpg (208.6 KB, 1280x766, gnomemarchil02.jpg)

No. 469314

File: 1741705739832.jpg (363.14 KB, 1000x1414, media_GZSXAU7bYAA3D_3.jpg)

No. 471912

File: 1742375284856.jpg (44.85 KB, 1080x1037, Glm_eiWX0AA71iN.jpg)

No. 471918

>Dating a 6ft scrote that is so cute both in looks and mind i feel like calling him my baby
Unf, i can only dream

No. 471963

File: 1742395952377.jpg (73.39 KB, 508x677, CwGhyFbUMAAhch-.jpg)

Don't you love it when couples connect on such a level?

No. 472081

File: 1742412835167.jpg (274.31 KB, 817x560, 52030724_p3.jpg)

No. 472353

File: 1742473615106.jpg (304.4 KB, 700x990, 1672135631409.jpg)

No. 472363

File: 1742473935193.jpg (244.63 KB, 1080x1618, 1000002647.jpg)

No. 472366

They're literally perfect together.

No. 472436

File: 1742491532671.png (3.33 MB, 1200x1350, 118603163_p4.png)

No. 472511

File: 1742496841409.jpg (275.84 KB, 1000x707, 39901506.jpg)

No. 472513

File: 1742496870061.jpg (77.69 KB, 580x691, 39816132.jpg)

No. 472515

File: 1742496940247.jpg (868.58 KB, 1000x804, 41613542.jpg)

No. 472749

File: 1742540620848.png (1.5 MB, 1290x964, Screen Shot 2025-03-21 at 3.02…)

No. 472752

File: 1742541099535.png (1.28 MB, 1030x870, ahdgHGGDGhsjdfka.png)

No. 472757

File: 1742542049020.png (1.25 MB, 952x876, ahdhHDGGDHJAhdhd.png)

No. 472758

eru erufu, my beloved

No. 473095

File: 1742609582102.jpg (1.83 MB, 2000x2900, media_GmkPuqwaEAMRelY.jpg)

Don't know the comic, but I like how this looks. Korean women are so good at making het couples for some reason

No. 473099

File: 1742610405071.jpg (1.11 MB, 2480x3508, by @anna_neukdae Gmkk_r1agAAyE…)

Fanart of the comic. Pretty sure this isn't a genderbent.

No. 473101

File: 1742610902836.jpg (128.25 KB, 915x556, nierkai_replicant.jpg)

No. 473110

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