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No. 425066

Liam aftermath addition. Feel free to post updates from the boys and nostalgiafag to your heart's content.

No. 425067

Statements from the boys so far
>Louis- l am beyond devastated to be writing this but yesterday I lost a brother. Liam was somebody I looked up to everyday, such a positive, funny, and kind soul.

I first met Liam when he was 16 and I was 18, I was instantly amazed by his voice but more importantly as time went on I got a chance to see the kind brother l’d longed all my life for.

Liam was an incredible song writer with a great sense of melody, we often spoke of getting back in the studio together to try and recreate the writing chemistry we had built up in the band.

And for the record, Liam was in my opinion the most vital part of One Direction. His experience from a young age, his perfect pitch, his stage presence, his gift for writing. The list goes on. Thank you for shaping us Liam.
A message to you Liam it you’re listening,
I feel beyond lucky to have had you in my life but I’m really struggling with the idea of saying goodbye. I’m so grateful that we got even closer since the band, speaking on the phone for hours, reminiscing about all the thousands of amazing memories we had together is a luxury I thought l’d have with you for life. I would have loved to share the stage with you again but it wasn’t to be.
I want you to know that if Bear ever needs me I will be the Uncle he needs in his life and tell him stories of how amazing his dad was.
I wish I got chance to say goodbye and tell you one more time how much I loved you.
Payno, my boy, one of my best friends, my brother, I love you mate. Sleep well X

>Zayn- Liam, I have found myself talking out loud to you, hoping you can hear me, I can’t help but think selfishly that there was so many more conversations for us to have in our lives.

I never got to thank you for supporting me through some of the most difficult times in my life.
When I was missing home as a 17 yr old kid you would always be there with a positive outlook and reassuring smile and let me know you were my friend and that I was loved.
Even though you were younger than me you were always more sensible than me, you were headstrong, opinionated, and gave no fucks about telling people when they were wrong. Even though we butted heads because of this a few times, I always secretly respected you for it.
When it came to the music Liam, you were the most qualified in every sense. I knew nothing in comparison, I was a novice child with no experience and you were already a professional.
I was always happy to know, no matter what happened on stage we could always rely on you to know which way to steer the ship next.
I lost a brother when you left us and can’t explain to you what I’d give to just give you a hug one last time and say goodbye to you properly and tell you that I loved and respected you dearly.I will cherish all the memories I have with youin my heart forever, there is no words that justify or explain how I feel right now other than beyond devastated.
I hope that wherever you are right now you are good and are at peace and you know how loved you are.
Love you bro
>Harry- I am truly devastated by Liam’s passing.
His greatest joy was making other people happy, and it was an honour to be alongside him as he did it.
Liam lived wide open, with his heart on his sleeve, he had an energy for life that was infectious. He was warm, supportive, and incredibly loving. The years we spent together will forever remain among the most cherished years of my life. I will miss him always, my lovely friend.
My heart breaks for Karen, Geoff, Nicola and Ruth, his son Bear, and all those around the world who knew and loved him, as I did.

No. 425069

The difference between Harry's statement and the other two is kind of insane kek

No. 425070

I know it's kind of a pessimistic thought but I would be stunned if he even goes to the funeral tbh. It's no secret that Harry and Liam were never very close even during the 1D days. I think Liam said he doesn't even have Harry's phone number. I think the only one Harry has had any meaningful interaction with post-1D is Niall when he went to his concert.

No. 425072

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i once gifted my friend a liam doll in 7th grade. she took it out of the box, undressed it, and tried to shove it up her ass in the school bathroom during lunch.

No. 425073

Was this a special school nonnie? kek

No. 425074

Do you think someone hexed these dolls with voodoo magic and that's why Liam spiralled into hard drug addiction?

No. 425075

no but it was a catholic school which was basically the same thing.

No. 425078

i swear this video is what got me into self inserting

No. 425079

they honestly as a collective peaked visually here I would say for sure this was at least where Zayn peaked.

No. 425085

you've just unlocked a memory of me repeating this vid just to look at zayn

No. 425091

Never forget Halseys song she made when she was on 1d Tumblr and had a meltdown over Haylor kek

No. 425092

Only true Directioenrs remember Cristobel Rileygate kek 'If Harry wants booty he has to wait' so ghoulish. I can't believe this never blew up in mainstream more this was an iconic piece of media.

No. 425095

Honestly kills me how casual they're all being kek. Why did they pick that name out of all names.

No. 425099

Wasn't it the name of one of their managers or something?

No. 425100

Nonas lets talk faves… Who was it for you?
When I first started getting into 1D just a bit after WMYB came out I liked Niall because I felt the other boys were lowkey bullying him and it made me feel defensive over him lol. But then I came to be a Liamfag around the 3rd album because I came to realize he was by far the best singer out of them all and I always felt bad that he would always have foot-in-mouth moments and cause a bunch of drama in the fandom kek. I haven't really kept up with any of them post-hiatus. I vaguely kept up with Liam because he would constantly have controversies that were almost always started by the Harries.
Honestly his whole death feels so surreal. A few weeks ago I was getting a bunch of TikToks about Liam after he caused a scene at Niall's concert and even yesterday morning before the news dropped I was seeing tiktoks of people just bashing him (perhaps rightfully).

No. 425101

He started taking drugs cause he "felt like shit for some reason"

No. 425102

Harry didnt even try. Someone else wrote that. It feels devoid of any actual emotion.

No. 425103

Was he a crackhead before hand cause they were literally only active for like 4 years, what's got him crashing out like that

No. 425104

Louis was my fav when they first came out up until around 2012, I thought he had indie vibes" and would leave the group to make Arctic Monkeys type music. but he turned out to be a EDM guy which I actually got way into in college and abandoned indie music for myself lol . After 2012 i only kept up with Zayn a bit during his pillowtalk solo era. He fell off hard in music though, apparently by his own intentions.

I'm not a fan of Harry at all, he's been doing that coy "I hate fame and people prying into my personal life" thing since the very beginning despite literally competing in a competition to become famous. It's sad to me that he's the only one with a career anymore because back in the day I always liked all the other boys more than him .

No. 425109

So for the first few years of 1D Liam was pretty straight edge because he thought he had a non-functioning kidney so he had to abstain from alcohol. At some point he got his kidney checked again and it turns out his kidney was fine and so he started drinking (maybe around 2013?). I think once he could start drinking is when things started to take a turn and he could finally party with the boyz. I assume during this time he was leisurely using coke and other uppers to keep up with the alcohol. A bit after the 2015 hiatus, I think is when things took a /darker/ turn. He went to rehab at some point and vaguely mentioned how after the boys went their own ways he didn't know what to do with his life and he admitted he was an alcoholic and dabbled in drugs although he didn't specify what kind. He seemed pretty normal/back to business when he started dating that Maya chick but I guess toward the end of their relationship he fell off the wagon and became a coke and alcohol fiend. A few years back after he broke up with Maya there was a pap pic of him with a bloody nose coming out of a club, probably some rusty pipes from snorting. He said at some point in 2023 that he was 100 days sober. He for sure took another dark turn this summer tho where he was back to partying his way through Latin America.

No. 425110

Samefag but I think his drug of choice has always been alcohol and coke. Idk where the crack allegations are coming from kek.

No. 425116

I agree. They all seemed so much older to me when I was younger but they were all pretty young here.

No. 425117

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>perhaps rightfully
well, yeah..he also met his ex when she was 15

No. 425119

Some things from his prelim autopsy came out
> suggested that he "did not adopt a reflexive posture to protect himself and that he could have fallen in a state of semi or total unconsciousness."
>Forensic experts found a total of 25 injuries "compatible with those produced by a fall from height." The singer's brain and skull (cranioencephalic) injuries in particular were "sufficiently suitable to cause death."
>The internal and external hemorrhages in his skull, chest, abdomen and limbs "contributed to the mechanism of death," according to the release.

No. 425121

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Nta but some anon said she recognized crack in the photo of drugs from the hotel, but idk

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