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No. 4373
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we bare bears is my new favorite show. its very laid back and surprisingly funny (at least to me). ice bear is my favorite
No. 4374
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Yotsuba is my favorite comforting manga ever,cuz i love how real and beautiful everything can be.Some slice of life manga doesnt really catch or describe these things naturally,they tend to be more stiff but im just a picky reader kek
No. 4375
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>>4373Reminds me of Shirokuma Cafe
No. 4376
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Bob's Burgers is the ultimate comfort show to me. There's nothing better to soothe the nerves than the Belcher family. If you haven't started it, you really should. I remember watching the first episode long ago thinking eh it's ok and then abandoning it. I'm so happy I picked it back up. They keep getting better and better.
No. 4377
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Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san is about a girl who travels with her friend to Kyoto in hopes of becoming a maiko, but fails and instead becomes the caterer for a small manor for maiko. If you like cooking and comfy slice of life manga then you'll probably enjoy this. And of course there's lots of interesting facts about maiko and geisha sprinkled in there as well.
No. 4378
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Only Yesterday is a huge comfort film. i watch it whenever i feel scared that i'm wasting my life. please watch it, it's lovely.
No. 4379
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i find my brother my brother and me to be really refreshing in terms of humour, personally. i love all of griffin and justin's content on polygon too (the second life and fallout 4 monster factory episodes are probably my favourite). it's understandable, but also a shame that they've moved on from that, though. i'm also getting into their d+d podcast, which they do with their dad, that's also good fun.
they give me hope that there are some good and kind men in the world, in a time where it all seems so bleak, tbh
No. 4380
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Natsume Ono manga, especially the slice of life ones like Gente and Tesoro. I love her characters and how she changes her art a bit for each series.
>>4379I listened to one of their podcasts and love the way the guys laugh, one of my friends from school would laugh the same way and it’s so contagious
No. 4381
Malcolm in the Middle has always been a favorite of mine. It's nice seeing a dysfunctional family that still loves and cares for each other but are just bad at showing it–reminds me of my own childhood.
>>4380I loved Not Simple!
No. 4385
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Mine is Moomin , is juts a nice show i like the 90 japanes anime is the one i saw as a kid and juts fall in love wint, all the chracter are nice, they have no worrys and even toche some lgtb staff since the autor was a bisexual women just lovely
No. 4388
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Ranma! Whenever I feel like shit I watch any random episode (which you can enjoy without any context) and I feel safe and cozy again. It's simple and funny, also I absolutely LOVE the animation, it's so cute.
Another personal bonus is the latin Spanish dub that makes the show for me even more cute and funnier, but that's also my nostalgia playing up
No. 4393
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adding witch hat atelier to the comfy manga list. there's some light drama/mystery but its mostly about apprentice witches learning magic
No. 4394
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LOTR books and movies are my comfy go-to media especially in the winter. There's so many lighthearted moments, things are simple, and I like that the characters are willing to band together and look out for one another even if they're just first meeting.
No. 4395
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Mushishi, both the manga and the anime
I'm hoping a Kodansha will publish physical copies of the manga since the Del Rey volumes are impossible to find for a reasonable price
No. 4397
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Vashti Bunyan is a folk artist from the 70s, she makes very soft beautiful music about nature, nostalgia, and growing old with an almost fairytale aesthetic.
Her stuff is really uplifting and wholesome. No. 4399
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I don't know if this counts but I love paradise kiss and nana, both stories about women finding themselves.
No. 4400
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Whenever I need to watch a series that is just pure dumb fun I turn on Cougar Town. It's always my go to comfort media when things are otherwise difficult in life.
No. 4401
>>4399I love ParaKiss so freakin much. It hurts me that NANA will never be finished due to the creator's declining health.
I'm also a salty anon that didn't like Yukari and
George not ending up together in the end… No. 4402
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The Haunting of the Hill House is surprisingly wholesome, people are calling it a fucked up This is us.
It's a great family focused horror series, great atmosphere.
No. 4404
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this show is fucking adorable and the ultimate cozy fall show. right next to over the garden wall but that show is lowkey creepy as much as it is wholesome
No. 4407
I'm surprised nobody talked about Animal Crossing. There's also Pokemon, it's cute and the main games are very easy nowadays so playing them is pretty relaxing, unless you want to 100% complete the game and beat the battle frontier.
>>4405Nana is super comfy at the beginning once the heroines meet until
this fucker cheats on Hachiko with Sachiko. Then it gets worse. I miss it so much.
No. 4410
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>>4407Probably because it's one of the more obvious comfy media. It doesn't need to be stated lol.
>>4409Fuck yes. Style savvy is adorable and fun. I remember a thread about it here 2-3 years ago.
No. 4411
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Most comfy anime series
No. 4412
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Star Trek the original series is my go to show for when I feel down. The campy aesthetic is always comfy, paired with exploration adventures that always end up okay just makes me really happy
No. 4414
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>>4411Sketchbook is so good. I always try to watch more action-packed stuff but slice of life anime are my faves, they make me feel so relaxed and happy
No. 4415
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On the topic of slice of life anime, I loved Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru. At first I thought it was the worst weeb shit ever but it's a comforting anime. Basically you follow the daily life of many different swordguys at a citadel and it's heartwarming how nice and supportive they are to each other.
No. 4417 into watching some of these lately theres something comfy about them
its weird how they dont make serious specials for kids anymore on stuff that they will be exposed to
No. 4426
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I've started watching pic related on Netflix, it's Hallmark kitsch but very calming and wholesome and Canadian. There's a cute Mountie.
Reminds me a bit of Little House or Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
No. 4427
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>>4409YESS comfort games!
I'm seriously so content to watch playlists of people playing games while I play something on my handheld.
I would recommend checking out story of seasons, a cute-ass little farming game. (I suppose a bit similar to harvest moon?)
I'm heavily anticipating coffee talk on steam. I played the demo and it's so relaxing and cute (I mean coffee, rain and lo-fi - a winning combo). I can't wait to see more about the world. I hope they pull it off well.
No. 4428
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It has some dark/grim moments but the beautiful scenery/directing and happy nature of Anne really lifts my spirits.
No. 4431
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>>4428Most Anne of Green Gables adaptations are really cozy. My personal favorite is the Sullivan version (the first movie). Megan Fallows was an exquisite Anne.
No. 4432
>>4429oh okay that makes sense.
I haven't played harvest moon before so I thought it was just a similar game.
No. 4434
>>4427This looks a lot like Va11-h11a (or however it's spelled, really lmao), is it from the same studio?
I already love it.
No. 4435
>>4434don't think so as Va-11-hall-a was created by a small indie studio and this is literally natsume's harvest moon.
Thought the same tho lmfao, those games look vaguely similar
No. 4436
>>4435Coffee talk ISN'T by Nastume.
>>4434Va11 halla isn't made by the people of coffee talk, but I see how you'd think so!
No. 4440
>>4434yeah as other anon's have said, it is a diff studio that's making it. But! I'm pretty sure they've said they were inspired by Va11halla
>>4438I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm so impatient since it comes out next year so i'm just gonna shill it in the meantime.
No. 4441
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Maybe noone mentioned them cause it's obvious but just in case… The old gameboy color/gameboy advance Hamtaro games are the best. They are adorable, cozy and fun.
I've spent half of elementary school afternoons retreating into the colorful world of cute hamsters to forget that I am feeling like shit because of being bullied as fuck
They are really well made. I wish Hamtaro games got revival but I guess it's a dead franchise. Such a shame.
No. 4444
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I don't ever know how to talk about this without sounding like a massive dweeb (especially since no one in the US ever seems to have heard of this show even though there's 8 seasons of it on Netflix)….but no show has made me believe in friendship and community and love and family like Call the Midwife has. I've more or less been an atheist/agnostic my whole life but this show always got me wonderin if I should be a nun.
>>4441Fuck, this just gave me childhood flashbacks. I loved that game so much as a kid.
No. 4449
>>4402When I saw the kittens in episode 2,i already knew they were going to be killed (and looking it up on doesthedogdie verified it). Apparently a dog and multiple birds die in that show, too.
It's a shame because I really liked the first episode but if other farmers are sensitive about animal deaths you might want to skp this one!
No. 4450
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>>4431>>4428I'm watching the anime one by Takahata rn and it's super comfy. The watercolor scenery is gorgeous. Highly recommend!
No. 4451
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Hakumei to Mikochi is super comfy
No. 4453
>>4402I finally sat my ass down to watch this on my day off and i legit marathoned it in about two days. I really enjoyed it. It felt like horror going back to horror roots. I also appreciate that it wasn't filled with gore for no reason of sexual assaults (esp on women) the way a lot of modern horror can be. I really appreciate a lot of what the show did.
Very sad though, so have tissue ready.
No. 4457
>>4452Just wanted to say thank you!
I'm studying japanese (lower intermediate level) and his Minecraft videos are perfect because I understand most of what he says and even learn a few new things. Plus he has subtitles in english and japanese and they're not the auto generated kind.
His videos are calming indeed. I lol'd when he started drowning in that first walkthrough and just went nani in the most calm manner. There's something so cute and childish about his way of playing.
No. 4459
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deltarune is very cute! it has the same vibe and humour as undertale (same creator, not necessarily pt 2 of undertale but they're interconnected i think) and i spent like 2 hours playing it today instead of revising haha
No. 4462
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kids baking championship always makes me smile. the kids are all so passionate and talented, and they always help each other out. a sweet little show
No. 4465
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>>4463This used to be my favourite game when I was young, totally still adorable as I remembered it to be
It would always make me sad whenever I finished it tho
No. 4467
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>>4457Really glad you enjoyed it! And yeah it's great for learning Japanese, one of the reasons I even started watching was because it's so easy to understand.
Idk if you already watch it but another wholesome series that also aids with studying is Terrace House, a show on Netflix where 6 random Japanese persons live under the same roof and live their daily lives. It's really soft-paced for a reality tv series, and very comfy and wholesome most of the time (there are bits of drama here and there, as you would have with normal human relationships, but it's pretty realistic and not blown out). What makes it great for learning the language is that it's unscripted, so you hear how people actually speak, so naturally it's better than watching j-dramas or anime. Oh, and I recommend it to anyone regardless of whether they speak Japanese or not. Great for binging.
No. 4468
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Night vale is very comforting for me and i always like the weather at times in night vale
No. 4469
>>4465you revived some very comfy childhood memories, I loved this game.
>>4466Not above anon, but you basically choose a puppy from the petstore and raise/train him. Super cute and simple game.
No. 4470
>>4466Not OP but this game was my childhood, you basically just raise a dog of your choosing for 30 days (I think) until you start again, but you can still visit your previous dog.
I love it because the amount of effort you have to put in to each dog to unlock things is super fun and relaxing, you could go the entire 30 days and not train your dog up to the point it can go on walks so every dog feels unique. Plus there are little timed in-game moments that are adorable, like the phone ringing at random, and if you catch it before it stops, you have a small convo with your aunt, just small things really make a difference.
Plus you can clean your house, play videogames, play with her toys (like a remote control car), and just live your life + pup. Really great, many a fun time, I used to cry whenever the 30 days were up lel.
No. 4471
>>4470>Not OP but this game was my childhood, you basically just raise a dog of your choosing for 30 days (I think) until you start againOh, it sound so much like pic related, except with dogs and not ponies…
>but you can still visit your previous dog…except for this point, the bad thing about the Friendship Gardens MLP game was that once your pony went over the rainbow, you would never see her again. Which sucked.
No. 4472
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>>4471Sorry, dropped my pic and I am on mobile so cannot edit easily.
No. 4473
>>4471Unfortunately you can't do as much as you used to with your dog when visiting it, plus if you didn't learn how to do things you can't ever progress with it, like if, after the 30 days, I never taught the dog to catch, it'll never be able to learn :(
>>4472I used to play this too! Then again I've played every essential 'girly' game, old graphics are so fun.
No. 4474
>>4465Holy fuck! I didn't expect to see other fans of these games. I actually researched the company that made them (MTO) because I find their games so cute and comforting.
Catz is good too, but the style is very different. I preferred being able to walk around in Dogz. Dogz on DS and Dogz 2 on GBA both are in the same style as the first GBA Dogz game, for anyone interested or looking for these games.
>>4458Harvest Moon! More Friends of Mineral Town is the girl version, Friends of Mineral Town is the boy one. There are also gay mods now. I also second all of the suggestions other anons made. I'll post again if I think of other cutesy games. Can they be games for GB/GBC since you can play those on GBA?
As a stressed out adult, the cute games I played as a child are coming back and I don't want to bother with feeling embarrassed for liking cute kids' games anymore.
No. 4476
>>4472Yesss I played this too. But I thought I'd be able to follow my pony when they went over the rainbow and I was so sad when I couldn't lol.
I think I got this game in a package of CDs with a Barbie Rapunzel game and a Crayola Dress Up game. Did anyone else have that?
No. 4477
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>>4454I haven't seen the scene, I just read about it on so I can't say anything about that but the description make me glad I didn't see it.
Of course not everyone is sensitive about this, I just wanted to add my 2 cents in case other anons might be sensitive about animal deaths, especially when they expect wholesome spook.
I'm glad you could enjoy it regardless and I hope many more anons do!
Picture related, those are only comments about the kittens, apparently a dog dies, too.
No. 4478
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>>4467This is perfect, thank you again!
> Great for binging.Yeah, I guess my exams can wait lol
Also, I would recommend the game Okami as wholesome. It's probably on my top 5 games list. I played it first on my ps2 and it was released on PC I think last year. I just like the characters, the music, the art, and the gameplay. You kill enemies with your brush and you get new brush moves by interacting with Japanese gods. It's super satisfying restoring a place and breathing life into it. And the game itself is really long so after finishing all the quests you get attached to the characters and immersed into the story. I was crying a few times which I usually don't.
No. 4480
>>4449I haven't finished it but ugh more deaths? I might figure out where they are and skip them because things like that add nothing to the story.
>>4477I think it's good you mentioned it for sensitive anons, tbh. It didn't bother me too much because we didn't get attached to them, they die very quickly after they're found. To summarise for curious anons or anyone who wants to prep themselves before they see it:
They find the kittens in a shed and the dad lets her keep them. She tries feeding them cow's milk which would obviously not keep them alive. She finds the first kitten dead and as they're burying it, it starts moving again. The girl is convinced that the kitten is still alive and doesn't want to bury it. Turns out it was a bug crawling in the dead kitten's body. The rest have some kind of disease and have gone blind. It's implied that the rest of the kittens were killed by the father. The parents have an argument about it. The mother thinks it was traumatising and the father thinks it was a good lesson for her to learn and that's why he let her keep them instead of leaving them in the shed for the mother to return to. No. 4484
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I thought the Yo-kai watch games were comfy.
The monster designs depend on person to person but I don't mind too much. I felt like a little kid again exploring areas and using my imagination to pretend there's magic in mundane, everyday things.
I'm disappointed that they did a 180 and made it edgy in the recent games but I won't forget the fun I had
No. 4486

I've been listening to my Red Velvet playlist and this song seems super wholesome to me. I feel comfy listening to it in the car when I drive home from a stressful work day.
>>4402I avoided this series when it first came out because I didn't want it to turn into a shitty Amittyville 5.0. I was surprised by the fact that all of the adult children have realistic but fucked circumstances they try to heal from but it keeps reeling them back.
When Nell died, I appreciate the fact that they didn't make the funeral process gritty and "accepted". Shirley has seen death and never accepted it healthily since the kittens died. When she was handling Nell she felt emotion that was different than her recycled job tasks. Even Theo was broken upon seeing Nell and she's the most badass of the group. Their family bond was strong despite them talking shit about each other all the fucking time. Wholesome I guess? I'm at the episode where Luke apparently "OD's" in the house so let's see where it takes us. I wonder about the Red Room and what's in it. I'm glad it's not spoodfed to me yet. No. 4491
>>4487I'm just going to repeat what others said, but thank you so much. It's truly wholesome and comfy.
I'm so glad that this thread exists.
No. 4494
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Pure and sweet anime.
No. 4495
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Three of Atelier games come out on Stream in 4 days.
I only saw some gameplay since never had PS3, but games seem so adorable. Art is cute too.
No. 4496
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Hyori's Bed and Breakfast
honestly binge watched both seasons whilst being depressed in bed this winter so far and it's been great. got me onto drinking buckets of pu'er tea and actually cooking properly again
No. 4499
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I'm watching the 1995 bbc version of Pride and Prejudice at the moment and it's wholesome as fuck. I was always put off Austen adaptations by the nutty fanbase, but I actually really like it.
No. 4502
>>4501NTAYRT but it is helpful if you can reverse image search. It's Natsume Yuujinchou. I also recommend it even though I sometimes cry while watching it since Natsume (the main character) didn't have the best childhood, yet he's still so pure. Otherwise it's very beautiful, art and story wise, and the soundtrack is always amazing, kinda like impressionist music mixed with some traditional Japanese music elements. Also bonus points for the countryside comfiness.
Honestly just watch any anime with the Iyashikei tag and you're set for a pleasant time. (
No. 4503
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Ojamajo Doremi. It was one of my favorite shows as a kid. It has a really good message, and is really nice to just relax and watch after a long day.
No. 4504
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winx club too, but for god's sakes don't watch past season 3. loved this show on 4kids for years, but after s3 it went to shit.
No. 4506
>>4500I did played 2/3 of Atelier Rorona, and it's rather targeted towards girls, with female leads and side-characters guys being your typical bishie.
Main gameplay is gathering items for alchemy from maps that you explore + jRPG fights.
The only fanservice'y thing I can complain about is changing you character's clothes to swimsuits.
No. 4511
>>4504I have a soft spot for this franchise even though it's pretty bad. It's like a worse version of W.i.t.c.h but it was enjoyable and exciting to watch when I was a kid.
You heard that next year we will get a live action Netflix series? I believe it might be geared towards original fan of the series (but not only, obviously). I pray that it's good or at least fun cause I like the idea overall.
No. 4512
>>4511i'm that anon, i was a fan of w.i.t.c.h. too. the comics were awesome, but the tv series was terrible af. i don't think winx is a worse version of it tbh, it's still kinda different, though they do both come from italy.
with winx, only the first three seasons are watchable. i remember watching when s4 came out and was like… what the fuck happened to the animation? recently re-watched and saw a tiny bit from the new seasons… like, what happened to this show? it's still going on and it looks awful. the movies and anything past s3 are so shitty. it should have ended after 3 tbh. and when nick picked it up they ruined it so bad. rainbow did a better job dubbing, hell even 4kids did.
No. 4513
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I recommend the new Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on netflix. It's relaxing to watch and Marie is adorable.
No. 4514
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city pop is god's music. i know many people think it's only popular because weebs but i like it because of the instrumentals. it's disco, but because japan was late to the party so it's disco with 80s synths and that is such a vibe. some songs i recc:
>kaoru akimoto - dress down
>momoko kikuchi - adventure
>junko ohashi - dancin'
>tatsuro yamashita - love talkin
No. 4524
>>4521tamaki doing a cover of 'isso serenade' for a tv drama
so relaxing
No. 4525
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I still play this every single day
No. 4526
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I bought the 'second' game on a whim because it was like 5 dollars at game stop (already an older game/out of date) and I fell in love with it. It's such a cozy game, and I love fashion so it was a perfect stress reliever.
No. 4527
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>>4372Little Forest is the comfiest movie I've seen in a long time. I highly recommend it. It's about a girl that leaves the city, and basically becomes a farmer. Lots of comfy scenes of her cooking food and gardening.
Apparently there is a Japanese version, and a Korean version. I've only seen the Korean one, and I think it's actually on youtube, although it may get taken down. But its also available for anyone with Amazon Prime.
No. 4528
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>>4525How are you getting the games to work for you? I cant seem to get any of them to work(inb4 update flash, it is )
No. 4529
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stardew valley will always be my go to wholesome game. you farm, raise animals, fish, and relax. i have over 500+ hours because whenever i'm feeling down and load it up and play
No. 10692
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>>4525>>4528Don't be ashamed, anon. I still feed my pets every few months. Pretty much everyone who uses the site is in their twenties lol
Ixis and Cybunnies were my favorite pets. Also, I used to ship Illusen and Jhudora.
No. 11914
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>>11848OK I feel like I'm the only person who ever played this game because I never hear people talk about it but I absolutely love the Sim Animals game. It's pretty easy and simple since it's meant for kids but it's very cute and wholesome. You just take care of woodland animals and you can manipulate the habitat and grow different plants and trees. There's different animals and habitats to unlock as you progress through the game.
There's also a second game that's set in Africa which is also cute and improves on a lot of the gameplay.
No. 17016
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kyou, curry is a really cute one off manga about a father & daughter that sell curry in a food truck
No. 19484
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Okan is about a mother leaving her gambling husband to have a better life with her son while teaching him how to be a good person.
I love the mother in this, she's so strong through all the hardships and her relationship with her son is too wholesome despite the art being kind of crude sometimes. No. 20525
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Yesterday watched kdrama Hello my twenties! and it was so fun. You can find it on netflix.
This is about group of girls, various ages living in one apartament. Loved how instead of focusing too much on romance, writers explored girls relationship with one another.
2nd season is trash thought.
No. 21647
>>20525>2nd season is trash thoughIt was a big disappointment and I have lots of problems with it and them doing characters dirty, but I was still glad they made it. I was amazed when they did, I really never expected to get another series
This kdrama affected me so much, it's probably the only one that I would ever call myself a fan of
No. 21653
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Tentative recommendation for Gokushufudou, a slice-of-life manga about an ex-yakuza who becomes a house husband to a businesswoman. The jokes are typically set up that Tatsu, the MC is doing something that appears menacing due to his appearance, but it’s actually wholesome/innocuous/silly. I love it. Also if you’re like me and husbando someone from the Yakuza series this manga is really cathartic read
No. 22023
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this picture reminded me of this thread
No. 22497
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No. 22508
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No. 22858
>>22838Thanks! Downloading it now and will give it a shot.
I would really like to read some books on the topic of beautiful lifestyle, something like Mari Kondo's ones but about living in general rather than cleaning. lol
No. 22925
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Whenever I feel depressed, I break out my GameCube and play the original Chibi Robo. It's so wholesome, it almost feels like it knows I'm playing because I'm so unhappy in my life at that moment.
No. 27461
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>>20525Netflix anon here again! I found another amazing wholesome show on Netflix. It's called Rilakkuma and Kaoru, from what I understand it is stop motion animation, very heartwarming and not overly childish, plus there are various things that young woman can relate to.
No. 27804
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>>27510What is your damage anon
it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be.
No. 28967
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Never had one until I started watching this cartoon
Must protect my boy's smile And he's not trans ffs
No. 29039
>>28967It's a nice show.
I see season 2 is out now too!
I really hope he doesn't turn out to be in the name of being "progressive" No. 29080
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I swear to God I posted this to the sonfu thread, even went out of my way to search for "sonfu"
But alas it's a comfy wholesome show indeed so I guess it's fitting anyway
No. 32904
This is not exactly fluffy or anything but so much heart, moved me: bel-air trailer. Anyone saw it?
No. 36888
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Do you know any youtubers that have a wholesome persona on their videos? I'm tired of seeing people talking about their shitty opinions on social media and having to unfollow them because they start to reeeee and cry like adult-babies.
I don't really care about the content, everything but ASMR or people eating. I've already seen PiroPito and I really like his videos, even the creepy ones or the ones talking about his ant-farm.
No. 36936
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>>4503Oh god, I was obsessed with the purple one… Had a cool keychain of her that I used as a mini action figure lmao
My favorite from y childhood was W.I.T.C.H. the Italian comic! Cornelia was my favorite character as a kid but now I like Irma and Elyon a lot more.
No. 36938
>>36936>now I like Irma and Elyon a lot moreThey are the best characters!
I disliked Cornelia for being a snarky bitch, but a lot of girls liked her the most because she's blone and stereotypically girly (into fashion, figure skating and romance).
No. 36956
>>36938Fashion-wise I've always liked Hay Lin's kooky outfits the most. Her hair was really off-putting for me, though. She looks like a weird alien toddler. Taranee's witch hair is dumb too also hated that. Her normal hair and outfits were cool, though. Will is probably my least favorite character from the comic. I think I have something against ketchup colored hair.
Hay Lin's bf Eric was the best guy by far. She really lucked out with that dude, especially considering Irma's dating prospect…
No. 37304
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New suggestion! The coziest of the cozy, the cute and wholesome , Summer camp island.
Check it out and get swooped by wonder-full summertime magic!
No. 37317
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>>36936Oh I just used to love W.I.T.CH.! I kind of wanna reread the books / watch the programme now for the nostalgia… I think Irma was my favourite as a kid, but I remember also loving Will. I loved all the girls though, I kind of went through phases of having different faves.
No. 37355
>>36936God damn I still love witch! They had such a huge impact on my childhood and early teenage years. I had the biggest crush on Will.
I collected all the comics, books, dolls and whatever merch I could get my hands on and I kept them to this day. I plan to read them again in a couple of years
No. 37655

>>36888Kinda late response but I wanted to reply with a few YouTubers I watch. I'm always on the hunt for content creators who are entertaining and fun without being obnoxious or douchey so I'd love recommendations too. Anyway here are a few YouTubers I like:
>Jenna MarblesThe queen of wholesome content. Everybody already knows about her but I can't not mention her lol.
>Naomi JonA German YouTuber who makes makeup/beauty/lifestyle videos. She's really cute and bubbly and has a super goofy sense of humor which might not be your thing but I like her videos, they're just lighthearted and silly without any stupid drama or anything.
>buffcorrellOkay this one is really weird and idk if it counts as wholesome but hear me out… this channel is a dude who makes bizarre but fucking hilarious dance/singing covers. They're so bad that they're good. He uploads new songs constantly and has been at it for years. You have to experience it for yourself, please go watch one of his videos because it's truly captivating.
>OrsaraCookingAdorable Italian grandpa who uploads recipes of delicious Italian food. I don't even like watching cooking shit but I would die for this man without hesitation.
>Simone GiertzShe's the one who makes all those ridiculous shitty robots, her videos are all super fun and entertaining if you like robotics/science/tech and that kind of stuff. I'd recommend checking out her newest video about making the Tesla truck, it's great. All her videos have great production quality, too.
>Squirmy and GrubsA channel run by Hannah and Shane, an 'interabled' couple talking about their daily life and disabilities and such. They're both sweet and wholesome and Shane has a great sense of humor. (They just got engaged too!)
To close this off I'm just gonna put a buffcorrell video here because his videos are seriously an experience. No matter how shitty I'm feeling they always make me laugh.
No. 37726
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Va-11 Hall-A is my go to cozy game. there’s no score, no timer, you just get to know the bar patron’s stories and favourite drinks while listening to cute music
No. 37734
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No. 38274
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>>38011I'd recommend the Legendary Starfy if you like kirby-esque platformers. I don't feel like this game is super well known, but it's adorable. Also Rythym Heaven/Warioware if you need to kill time with some quick mini games
No. 39708
>>39673At least you have arcades, in my town 'arcade' is code word for underground gambling.
>>39701Yeah in one of his videos he stated he stopped looking at bad games in the 'holly shit this is terrible' way, but more in the 'this is interesting' way.
No. 41659
>>41655>>41653 Oh I was about to suggest Peaceful Cuisine , but it seems you are aware of it!!! I enjoy it so much
Also you can check out emmymadeinjapan, she does retro recipes and various other foods. She also so eloquently spoken that you can almost taste dishes from just her descriptions.
No. 41675
>>41659I love Emmy! Her voice is so soothing. She sounds like she's great with children.
I've been binge watching TabiEats videos during my downtime at work. I like how honest they are with things they try, it's great.
No. 41709
>>41708I love BA. Rank your favorite chefs there!
This is petty af but I high key dislike Priya bc she only cooks shit her mom makes and seems to have no culinary education. Even her mechanical skills are lower than the rest of the staff, kinda feels like she got hired merely to diversify or something. No. 41713
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>>41709Comprehensive ranking of BA chefs:
#1-5. Toby Goofy (the smallest boy)
No. 41714
>>41708Y'know, I really learned a lot about myself from trying to run the numbers on why Brad was SO attractive to me. I learned my exact type is "constant chaotic energy", so, not for nothing.
Anyways, I had to stop before getting to the newer episodes, but I can't imagine the show would be as good without Vinny? Like, even if the new guy can do Vinny's editing, Brad speaking directly to Vinny was half the fun.
No. 45574
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i just watched this movie, missing link from laika studios. It was so cute and heart felt. Plus the animation quality + vivid colors were very comforting.
No. 45647
>>41714Vinny was never the editor.
Vinny was the camera man.
The editors are the same.
On that note, I think the editing is getting a little out of hand these last few months, it charming on It's Alive, but I prefer more professional editing on the other BA series.
No. 58778
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>>45647>On that note, I think the editing is getting a little out of hand these last few months, it charming on It's Alive, but I prefer more professional editing on the other BA series.Yeah, I feel like it's gotten better though maybe? I don't mind the sort of "callback" jokes (i.e. putting clips of Claire losing her mind over previous chocolate tempering attempts when she finds out she has to do it again etc) but I think they've been good about keeping the jokey clip art stuff on Brad's turf.
Anyways I just wanted to come and talk about how Chris Morocco is definitely becoming one of my favs with the Recreation series. The seriousness with which he approaches what is a very silly/absurd task is so good and I hope they keep making him do it. I love watching him legitimately lose his mind over Red Leicester cheese.
No. 59002
>>58778I'm the anon you replied to! And you're right - the new editing has actually grown on me since I posted last and
Chris Morocco's series is really good. My favorite on the channel. Got me riled up over pork belly and shredded beef!
No. 59331
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>>59002That moment in dakbokkeumtang when he says “I just don’t wanna have a Red Leicester moment where I walk right by the key ingredient that I should have seen, you know?” while standing right in front of apples is just……
chef's kiss No. 64483
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I was watching this video about how to make chocolate whipped frosting and the video and the comments are just so wholesome
No. 66636
>>37655Sorry for necro but I just wen't to check out OrsaraCooking because my italian grandpa just passed away 2 months ago and I've been missing him. Turns out they have the same name and I'm crying rn. Thank you anon!
Great Depression Cooking is one of my fave comfy series. The grandma shares her stories while cooking meals from when she lived through the great depression as a young person. Wholesome grandma content and the recipes are good!
No. 75371
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wasn't sure whether to post this here or on one of the video game threads but since it's an app and is more calming/ wholesome than it is anything else, here probably fits well
anyway if you're anything like me and desperately need something cute and comfy but still fun to play and humorous to escape to/ distract from reality without becoming too obsessed with it: DOWNLOAD ANIMAL RESTAURANT!!! it is an idle game phone app that I have very quickly fallen in love with in the last couple weeks after randomly getting IG ads for it where you're basically running a restaurant, all the workers are cats and the customers are pretty much every animal, they have distinct little personalities/ preferences, you can eventually get a garden and a fishing pond and a mail owl and it gets cuter with every new step. If you ever played Neko Atsume back when that was the hot new thing it reminds me a loooot of that game (same kind of art style too) and has rly helped my depression/ ruminating thoughts and gives me something to easily do while I multitask. apparently it isn't that popular because I can't find anyone else talking about it on social media and that makes me sad because it deserves a bigger audience!
No. 75659
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Maple Town is such a cute and cosy anime <3 slice of life from the late 80s centered around this little rabbit lady
No. 75660
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>>75659Wata no Kuni Hoshi has the same vibes as well, though it's a movie and not series. It's about a small chibi neko girl who falls in love with a human boy
No. 75720
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I love animal crossing pocket camp. I was never a huge fan of the other AC games but pocket camp is just so cute and easy to play… love it
No. 75803
>>75720>pocket camp>wholesomefuck off shill. pocket camp is one of the most predatory games nintendo has ever put it's name on. it's literally the worst in the series and has one of the worst gacha drop rates in history.
>inb4 i don't spend real moniesthat's not the problem. the game is designed to squeeze money out of you. most animal crossing fans hate the game because of how hollow it makes the wholesomeness of the other games feel.
No. 75868
>>75371I wanted to like this because of the cute art, but my god the ad pushing is ridiculous. Want double tips? Watch an ad. Want customers? Watch an ad. There's even a TV-shaped character whose whole purpose is to get you to watch an ad.
The customization options are also very minimal. In Neko Atsume you can move objects, here you're gridlocked. There's only like 3 options for furniture and none of the customers are individual, they're simply classes of animals (like rabbits).
No. 75960
>>75803fucking thank you. Everything
>>75720 said is so wrong it's disgusting. I don't understand how can you shit on original AC games and praise the soulless app which is meant to turn you to an addict and get as much money as possible out of you? Not to mention how little effort was put into the game compared to the real AC games. How can you prefer an app where all vilaggers of a type share the same dialogue?
I also hate that the game pushes you to log in every three hours cause otherwise you will miss resources and friendship points from animals.
Console AC is peak laidback and comfy, Pocket Camp is a huge piece of shit.
No. 77416
>>77274>I feel like I play it more out of obligation than anythingIt's exactly what they want you to do, sis. Which is why I opted out ASAP. I would recommend the same to you if the game is no longer fun.
And don't get me started on the furniture collections in the cookies where they bombard you with 'only X hours left!!! hurry up and buy as much as possible'.
I can't believe anyone can prefer this
toxic waste of a game to the original series which promotes taking things at your pace and doesn't force you to constantly throw money at it (beyond the one-time purchase of a game).
No. 79516
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>>22925I randomly thought about this post and it made me cry for no reason. I hope OP is doing good (or as good as it is possible now). I feel like shit so I think I will play Chibi Robo.
I am also playing pic related, I wish that the western release had the same cute cover. The Dog Island is criminally underrated. I love going on an adventure in a world where everyone is a doggo.
No. 96195
>>4404I LOVE HILDA. Never fails to make me comfy asf! Something about it!
>>4527Idk if you’re still around anon but thank you, I legit cried watching this, I too wanna escape to beautiful countryside and be a farmer.