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No. 446407

Post your favorite rap songs, discuss drama in the rap world, call rappers ugly, etc etc

No. 446486

I'll go ahead and start this thread, anyone here like Lil' Simz?

No. 446516

Idk if you would be fine with scrote rappers, but i had an era where i was very obsessed with kendrick Lamar, both damn and to pimp a butterfly, as well as Denzel Curry Imperial and TA13OO. I don't listen to rap as much anymore, but i wish i didn't always gravitate to scrote rappers.

No. 446526

he's so kissable

No. 446545

This song slaps my tits off

No. 447109

Omg nona I also went through a Kendrick phase!! It got so bad thatI started reading RPF of him…

No. 454218

Masterpiece idc

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