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No. 455330

General thread for the girly girl anons to discuss any overtly girly media, be it a current interest or for the nostalgia of a girly childhood.

Examples of girly media:
>girl groups/bands
>shoujo anime/manga/comics such as Sailor Moon, W.I.T.C.H. or Winx
>hobbies like doll collecting
>games such as dress-up or fashion games
>toys you had growing up
>any media involving fairies, mermaids and such(redundant thread)

No. 455331

Why do we need this thread?
Because any other place we try to discuss it immediately gets infected by tim troons larping out their fetish, or tif troons screeching “but what about us boys who like it???” and saying anything against them gets you kicked out. Just because we like feminine coded shit doesn’t mean we are tradthots who think that makes someone a woman or that not liking it is bad. We just want to enjoy girly media in peace!

No. 455334

hey fellow girls does anyone else like painting their nails a pretty pink!!! teehee i plan to go to the mall tomorrow im so excited omg!!!

No. 455335

We already have appropriate threads for almost everything you listed, what is the point?

No. 455337

>fairies mermaids and such
What kek

No. 455344

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was anyone else obsessed with these myscene games as a kid?

No. 455346

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Oh to be so young as to not know how dominated girls toys were by magical beings like fairies and mermaids in the 90s-early 2000s

No. 455347

Yeah you're right I'm 5

No. 455349

The handmaiden types who are constantly making social media posts about “where’s the feminine girly characters? strong female characters are all NLOGs!!!!” have found this website. Radfem grifting at least spread the word that you shouldn’t be acting like a drag queen if you have any sense of dignity and shame but I guess we’re regressing back into retardation. Oh well

No. 455350

You mean you don't want to discuss fairies and mermaids?

No. 455360

We discuss plenty of things here without the need to go "I'm such a dainty girly feminine girl uguu"

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