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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 460397

Post and discuss your favorite girly books.

No. 460399

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just read gone girl, the book is definetely favoring the male perspective and making amy seem more irrational which sucks. the husband should've gotten more punishment for his behavior but whatever… the writing was good, the police seemed very unbelievable, if you watch literally any video on real life crime investigations on youtube you will realize that cops withhold information (obviously) here they just kind of spilled everything to the primary suspect as a 'gottcha' moment which was dumb. with how stupid the husband and police were acting i'm surprised amy didn't get away. anyways, apart from that it was a good read although disappointing at times

No. 460408

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The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets is one of my favorite books. It's comfy, fun, and all the characters feel like real people. The sad parts make sense and they aren't milked. The ending is ultimately happy and hopeful.
It's a great read, highly recommend it to any nonna who wants something fun and chill set in the 1950s.

No. 460495

Is this a rare instance of the movie being better than the book? I love the movie.

No. 464415

Lesbian fantasy books recs? I'm looking for something in specific one of them beign an angel but I don't have high hopes

No. 473357

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Do old romance/fashion comics count as chick lit?

No. 473404

This is late, but this site lets you sort by genre.

No. 473405

Was the book thread not slow enough for you already?

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