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No. 460675

>Transformice is an online multiplayer free-to-play platformer game by French indie studio Atelier 801. Transformice was released as a browser game on May 1, 2010, and on Steam as a free-to-play game on January 30, 2015.

A thread to talk about the game and organize rooms so we can play together.

No. 460676

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i'm going to post the room name and password in this thread on Jan 16 18:00 GMT. hope that's okay with everyone, if you have any suggestions leave them below.

No. 460678

>having to wait a whole year for the room name and password
I-i guess nona…

No. 460704

uuh shit i forgot it's february. i meant february. february 16 18:00 GMT

No. 460727

holy fuck i used to play this game all the time with /v/ like 15 years ago

No. 460729

what fag flag is she holding?

No. 460731

oh my god this just triggered a bunch of old buried memories

No. 460733

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It's the UK suffragette flag.

No. 460738

Fyi you can download the game directly from their site if you don't wanna risk your exposing your steam account

No. 460749

this used to be my shit in 2017-2019 i even bought hundreds of dollars worth of fraises kek

No. 460979

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room: *LC_farm
password: nonny

No. 460986

damn I wish I wasn't already in bed I fucking live transformice

No. 460989

dw nobody came so i left kek. we should probably create a tribe for farmers so we can friend and join eachother to play in different rooms

No. 460991

I'm interested but I can't play today. If you wanna get more users maybe do a post like 5 days before, 24 hours before and an hour before like the moovie room. It's easy for posts to get lost even on a low activity board like /m/. Get the full timezone thingy they use too, most users here are American and they won't know what GMT is relative to them.

No. 460992

Samefag even just having +00 after the timezone

No. 460994

Aw I wanted to play but I have to write a paper. I second >>460991 and >>460989 though

No. 460996

Ah, forgot my password and i made my profile before @mail was required, all my fashion gear is gone.

No. 461001

ehh you're right but i don't have enough time for all that. i should've done this when i was still a neet.. if anyone else wants to organize the rooms feel free to take it up.

No. 461008

lol i just tried to join like a retard
also i found my old account from 2014 which was a nostalgia bomb. sadly no cosmetics…

No. 461309

KEEEK How long have you been playing this game nonas? I used to play everyday for years and I was quite well known I'd say. Any other nonnas who were in popular circles? I wonder if I knew any of you

No. 461324

i wasn't in any circles (was not aware of that) but like i said i played with /v/ all the time back in the day. my username was "Stairs" lol

No. 461325

I played on EN2 for years (mostly vanilla rooms though) so if you did too I probably came across you at some point. What were you known for? I'd have guessed most anons on here were cafeshitters.

No. 461328

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Damn I've gotten rusty after not playing for years. I forgot how to fucking cornerjump

No. 461352

No way, a TFM thread??? I have been autistically playing this game since 2013, there is no escape; it's part of my identity at this point

No. 461580

aw I don't remember that username
Me too. Mostly stayed in Vanilla1 and private rooms. I wasn't known for anything special I guess because I never used the cafe (I knew some women who would write the vilest shit on there though so if you're here fess up) but if you were around for long enough you'd probably recognize my name and the people I hanged around with

No. 461585

I used to be known on the Atelier801 forums for behaving like a retard

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