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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

File: 1743049629222.jpg (64.18 KB, 616x353, inzoi-pc-game-steam-cover.jpg)

No. 475302

inZOI Early Access releases on Steam in 24 hours! The Creative Studio is free to play currently.

>What is inZOI?

inZOI is a highly anticipated life simulation game. It offers a dynamic, open world simulation where every character, known as a "Zoi," operates with unique personalities and behaviors, driven by over 400 mental elements. Players can experience realistic interactions, unexpected events like trends or illnesses, and a vibrant community environment. It is built on Unreal Engine 5, featuring stunning graphics, extensive customization options for characters and homes, and on-device generative AI tools for personalized creations.

No. 475304

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To kick off the thread, I'm sharing a character I created today. An elvish ice queen of sorts?

Pleast post your creations! Zois, houses, AI objects, etc.

No. 475308

Sorry for spoonfeed request but can someone post the free creative studio? Is it on mobile or PC?

No. 475309

No. 475310

Thank you

No. 475329

what exactly do you do? is it like the sims, or are you just watching people do AI things?

No. 475344

It says video memory is insufficient. After I installed Steam and made an account just to play it. Sad.

No. 475375

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the system requirements for the game are… slightly insane, even the minimum requirements ask for a gaming PC from the past five years. I'm worried it'll hurt the game's popularity quite a lot, because these requirements are high for any game, and I feel like the core audience for life sim games aren't exactly "gamers" with high-end PCs. Like, Sims 4 will run on a 10-year-old laptop just fine, and that's what a lot of people play it on. This requires ~1000$ of monetary investment just to get running.

No. 475385

I want to try this but I'd have to buy a new expensive pc or laptop, which I can't do atm. I hope you nonnas who can play it have fun, the character creator looks incredible.

No. 475386

i thought this game might be fun at a first glance but i don't have high hopes for it. i wanted to try it out at the very least but their EULA is a minefield and their privacy policy is enormous. would love to see what nonas creations are though so i hope the thread stays active

No. 475389

All these options and you can't change height?
And the hair is very barebones.
Anybody with an iOS device know what the face capture is about? Can it actually make a likeness of yourself?

No. 475390

Here's the thing, I own a gaming laptop with the recommended requirements. It still doesn't work. I tried some fix I found on YouTube but it didn't work.

No. 475401

i have a laptop from 5 years ago that barely fits the minimum requirements, and the game runs perfectly and i have a stable framerate. it's just, people and women especially that are into the sims have no clue about pc specs, the most important thing here is vram and you need at least 6gb of vram to run the game.

No. 475411

How do I find the VRAM of my windows 11 laptop?

No. 475419

File: 1743081602716.png (53.75 KB, 745x550, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 15.16…)

you can type in dxdiag into the search, it should show a X shaped logo and read "Run command" or similar. Click that, and it'll open up a window asking you about whether you want to verify driver signatures and whatever, press "no". then after a while it'll open a window like pic related, choose the "Display" tab and it should show there. My example picture looks slightly weird because it's of a Windows virtual machine on a Mac, but it should say something either in the "Shared Memory" or "Display Memory (VRAM)" fields.

No. 475420

1. make sure your drivers are updated and you have updated driver software from nvidia/intel
2. open task manager, click performance, click gpu, and see what it says under "dedicated memory". NOT "shared memory".

No. 475421

shared memory is incorrect. you don't want the shared memory, it takes into account vram from motherboard or other hardware. the DEDICATED MEMORY is from the gpu and is what's important here.

No. 475426

ideally i would like to see both. i'm trying to take into account the possibility that that anon's device might not have a dedicated GPU (in which case they're screwed either way but still). If you just look in task manager and don't have any dedicated memory then that Dedicated Memory field won't even show up, it'll just show Shared GPU memory and GPU Memory.

No. 475531

This game looks craaaaaazy good in comparison to TS4 even with mods installed. I can't afford a new PC right now… sigh.

No. 475538

File: 1743095398831.jpg (113.48 KB, 736x1362, ✥ Bunny Boy Set✥.jpg)

Cant wait to see those horny ass women who mod the sims 4 get their hands on this.

No. 475645

No. 475764

well, i get the video memory error and i'm lost on what to do. fuck this game.

No. 475792

how much vram do you have nonny?

No. 475922

lmao what the fuck???

No. 475987

Not interested in life sims at all but this game looks amazing. The fact that there’s a girl game that isn’t gachaslop or mobile first AND high quality is huge: I hope you ladies enjoy playing this

No. 476090

As much as I want there to be a Sims killer, I've played this one for 4 hours and it's very soulless.

No. 476134

I watched my sister play and besides the graphics, I have not seen anything…interesting? It looks like heavily modded sims 3 but without the charm/style.
Also, when I went to go actually see people talking about gameplay/details on the Inzoi reddit, the first comment in the thread was, "Deleting Sims 4!"
I've watched videos as well. I know it's early access but it does seem very soulless. It's very odd how people talk about InZoi. If they aren't in some corny "This is going to kill the Sims!" bullshit, it's just very vague or about the CAS.
I'm not impressed, lowkey it reminds me of a more polished "Drug Simulator/Theif Simulator" you know those kind of games?
I guess I just enjoy the charm of the Sims series. I assume this is the type of game for people who like IMVU or those types of games.

No. 476161

by the time early access is over the gameplay cycle is going to be a more advanced sims 4. i don't think you understand what early access is…
>acknowledges that it's ea
>continues to shit on it anyway

No. 476168

NTA but buying early access games is risky because there's 1) no guarantee the game will ever become good 2) no guarantee the devs won't just fuck off with the money and never finish the game. Kerbal Space Program 2 is an example of this. There's a non-zero chance Inzoi will miss whatever metric Krafton wants and they'll close the studio.

No. 476176

Just because its EA doesn't mean it can't be judged. I can acknowledge its EA and give my first impressions.

No. 476186

It should have never been released as an early access game to begin with.

No. 476190

yeah i'm sure the company making this game, the same company behind pubg, is gonna run away with the money. with tencent backing the game. yawn.

No. 476191

EA shills are funny to witness. Shouldn't you be playing The Sims 4 on your potato PCs?

No. 476196

I’m optimistic for this game. I played the demo and enjoyed making characters. But the way the fandom can be so cultish and defensive when it comes to criticism is so offputting. Any amount of criticism is met with an immediate “BUT SIMS 4!!11!” Like why does that even matter. The quality of inzoi is independent of sims sucking. This game shouldn’t be defined by being a “sims killer” anyways. Just let it be it’s own thing and build it’s own identity. You’re just as annoying as the ea shills.

No. 476214

What even is a EA Shill at this point? >>476191 came in here accusing people of being EA Shills when the mildest of criticism was given.

No. 476230

512, it's over for me right?
before this i installed a cracked version of the character creator (only because i couldn't get it in time) and it managed to run. i'm now running a cracked version of the early access and it works, albeit it doesn't look as pretty as it should.

No. 476292

>512mb of vram in 2025
What the actual fuck?

No. 476328

It's so confusing seeing "EA" in this context because it could mean either Early Access or Electronic Arts.

No. 476351

how do you have 512mb of vram in 2025? i'm surprised you're able to run any game at all. could you post a screenshot of all your hardware specs?

No. 476364

She probably has integrated graphics instead of a dedicated GPU. It's not as crazy or rare as you think, and 512MB can still run a surprising amount of 3D games.

No. 476372

>It's not as crazy or rare as you think
with integrated graphics chips, which is basically in every single notebook in the low-medium price range, your “dedicated VRAM” is actually regular RAM that's allocated by your BIOS for graphics. having real VRAM requires having a dedicated GPU, so a gaming laptop.

No. 476718

Krafton owns PUBG and if you know anything about how they shill that game, you'd know they're just Korean EA. They are not the small indie, underdog company your pretending them to be.
Any AAA game company releasing their game in EA, should be criticized just like any other.

No. 476870

I have a 2080 super but I run it just fine on Geforce now!

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