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File: 1546647052635.png (499.79 KB, 952x975, 1546226782000.png)

No. 7847

Post art you find hideous or bad.

previous thread >>268249

No. 7848

File: 1546647273264.jpg (736.61 KB, 1100x936, dcw6shi-2ffa9f91-5949-4f1f-801…)

i already hate anthro ponies and this person went and drew them with ugly muscles

No. 7849

File: 1546647446886.jpeg (113.71 KB, 967x1200, 53920C5A-57D7-4780-BCC4-73C80D…)

No. 7850

File: 1546650050367.jpg (101.62 KB, 1154x692, __cheap_adopt_batch_2____open_…)

What exactly is the point of adoptables?

No. 7851

my understanding is that, the design of the character you adopt belongs to you and you can claim them as yours/draw them/whatever? idk.

No. 7852

File: 1546651259097.png (339.46 KB, 571x563, dcsmm1e-2c990ffc-7f3b-4950-8f5…)

No. 7853

This isn’t that bad, but I don’t understand why they outlined the nose shadow.

No. 7854

It took me a long time to figure this out but I think it’s just selling a character design. Then that person can make an OC with it and use that image as a reference to commission other artists.

No. 7855

ugh, another reason why i don’t want that shitty ship to happen

also fuck steven universe for popularizing the bean mouth

No. 7856

File: 1546661719455.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.76 KB, 730x1095, creepypasta_oc_goatface_by_biz…)


ah, okay. So when you draw that character in the future, instead of saying "This is Anon's character" they can say "This is MY character!"
And then, they can pay even more money to other artists to draw porn of it, or whatever. Sound about right?

pic not related

No. 7857

File: 1546663084489.jpg (99.68 KB, 1242x1692, sq06b9muio901.jpg)

I hope this is a phase.

Also I never remember being this hardcore cringy as a teen like vampire freaks was the max to my edgy days.

No. 7858

File: 1546663135613.png (554.07 KB, 883x1200, CISVybLUwAA2nyY.png)

No. 7859

File: 1546663166476.png (386.02 KB, 798x1001, tumblr_kun_by_miss_zi_zi-dc9x7…)

No. 7860

posting a Rory is cheating

No. 7861

This is what happens when someone copies anime style without understanding what the lines are based on. The outlined nose part should mark out a shadow, but instead, she highlighted it.

No. 7862

I will NEVER wrap my head around the appeal of adoptables.

I get artists and writers having OCs but the whole culture around it is so strange. They're treated like collectables almost.

And then there's buying/selling rights to a SPECIES, which is even weirder.

No. 7863

Ugh i hate this ship, i hope toby doesnt go with it

No. 7864

File: 1546697051121.png (345.29 KB, 509x1029, 20190105_220234.png)

No. 7865

File: 1546697103262.png (233.76 KB, 581x930, 20190105_220314.png)

No. 7866

Got the Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff edit?

No. 7867

Get ready for the crossover of the century, y'all!

Is this…fanart of Mahouprince?

No. 7868

File: 1546723616620.jpg (105.8 KB, 900x1236, scp_tale_au_ref__d_class_subje…)

dropped pic

No. 7869

File: 1546741859080.jpeg (406.79 KB, 1662x1846, 10907DEF-CB1F-4A88-BE23-A585E4…)

I know what you guys want, something sexy right? Well, you’re welcome.

No. 7870

This was satire made by Miss Zi Zi to make fun of SJW art.

No. 7871

No. 7872

File: 1546755664485.jpg (126.29 KB, 960x640, pride_day_by_miss_zi_zi-d8yxdb…)


still ugly tho

No. 7873

File: 1546758823930.jpg (1.98 MB, 3072x3742, 20190106_150935.jpg)

'Gay anger'

No. 7874

I don’t get it

No. 7875

Well, that's the point.

No. 7876

File: 1546781133897.png (Spoiler Image,54.64 KB, 1231x1160, dayzagz-08cc757d-5112-471d-826…)

No. 7877

Most artists are in for the money (depending on your popularity, there's a ton of money to make easily), most buyers are impressionable teenagers, who love to show off how many OCs they have and/or how much money they can piss away for this kind of crap.

Same with the closed species thing: the artist can make a shitton of money without drawing porn. I've never met an artist with a closed species who was not in just for the money.

No. 7878

anon is stil fucking ugly art don't mater if is a parody , is ugly art

No. 7879

File: 1546816006089.jpg (722.76 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190106_230943.jpg)

Not a bad artist because of a creepy factor, but bad because I would draw cartoons on MS paint as a 10 year old on Windows 2000 and it still turned out better that the shit this 30 year old woman does.

No. 7880

File: 1546818196953.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.47 KB, 800x998, um ew.jpg)

No. 7881

Her shirt says it all

No. 7882

File: 1546889710304.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.24 KB, 360x582, AS-01.jpg)

i dont understand this ~equating yourself to food~ trend tbh
its not cute

No. 7883

File: 1546900720374.png (79.64 KB, 1378x374, KEK.png)

that's funny bc tumblr used to reeeEEEE over describing skin color with food

No. 7884

File: 1546907256941.jpg (134.89 KB, 540x540, ugly.jpg)

it’s canon that peter parker is Jewish so i decided to draw his bar mitzvah! complete with a rainbow tallit and red-blue kippah!

reblogs are soooo appreciated! follow me on insta as jungkyard!" , the art is so fucking ugly you can even tell is peter fuckin parker lmao

No. 7885

what gets me the most is the lack of form on the scroll. how lazy can you fucking get?

No. 7886

why is peter black when they could have drawn miles morales who is canonically a person of color? not only that, but this shit looks like a rugrats art style.

No. 7887

Because it doesn't matter to these people if the character is POC, it's not THEIR POC so therefore it is wrong. Nothing will ever please them

No. 7888

is that supposed to be vomit? what the fuck
this is the first post on this thread to actually trigger me, fuck. it's so inconceivably ugly.

No. 7889

becase Miles is not a latino jew like they will like, is aslo funny they make peter parker black becase is not a real reason to make him one, but tumblr only care abute woke points so how cares, at las is not a trans peter parker huh?

No. 7890

File: 1546986331393.jpg (248.98 KB, 1300x1298, 333.jpg)

i can't stand these art styles that have fat elephantiasis legs
bonus blackwashing as always

No. 7891

I really like this style, I guess I'm a tumblrfag, but the thigh gap seems a bit hypocritical to the bodyposi vibe

No. 7892

It's so easy to tell when people make characters 'poc' so they won't get backlash for only drawing characters with pale skin. Imo, it makes no sense for most of the characters to have the same skin tone, then throw a random brown person in there, unless it's based off of real people or someone from a show or something.

No. 7893

File: 1546995019189.jpg (124.36 KB, 680x1000, 66.jpg)

the characters are from tokyo mew mew and they're all japanese
but every japanese magical girl group needs to have a black one according to these artists (and usually a fat one and a trans one too)

No. 7894

File: 1547041944742.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 720x898, 20190109_214951.png)

This is just fucking wierd

And that face just looks so dead

No. 7895

It's weird that they always draw fat girls pigeon toed because in my experience every fat girl I've known has had legs that are wildly splayed out at the knee.

No. 7896

File: 1547054936851.jpg (560.18 KB, 1080x1195, elvira.jpg)

No. 7897

I actually dig this, whose the artist?

No. 7898


No. 7899

File: 1547089186087.jpg (160.79 KB, 1200x1200, Dk92jVyW0AYqAkc.jpg)

No. 7900

Cringy but interesting style and good drawing overall.

No. 7901

File: 1547090453710.jpg (166.79 KB, 1400x1938, uwu pastel guro monstergirl.jp…)

ghoulkiss on twitter

No. 7902

I actually like this…

No. 7903

this is very well made but who the hell looks at Bart and thinks "that'd make an hot teen

No. 7904

File: 1547167231439.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.36 KB, 1023x723, atomick_boy___daddy_daddy_plea…)

No. 7905

File: 1547167268081.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.42 KB, 752x1063, neko_neko_afraid___by_puercagi…)

No. 7906

File: 1547167315712.jpg (154.93 KB, 1024x768, dbx8lds-0b2c6384-d2af-4433-abb…)

No. 7907

File: 1547167522806.jpg (202.51 KB, 1828x2416, knightofbunnies.jpg)

You ever look at someone's art and wonder if they might be colorblind?

No. 7908

That's so bad it's actually hilarious.

No. 7909

>not understanding monochromatic art

No. 7910

File: 1547167716207.jpg (587.73 KB, 3203x2522, DveNtuLX4AAYyt8.jpg)

This isn't good, fam.

No. 7911

But it's not really bad either, just kind of stiff. It's an okay drawing.

No. 7912

You think those color choices look good?

No. 7913

They are meh, it's not gorgeous but not like the person is completely clueless.

No. 7914

This is the bad/hideous art thread and that’s not bad or hideous.

No. 7915

They're ok, not super beautiful but it's just a stylistic choice. Not everything has to be technicolor.

No. 7916

They're fine, anon. Not my personal taste but from a theory standpoint there's nothing wrong. The values are cohesive, and the colour story is making use of a clean analogous palette with the warm mustard and brown hues contrasted by the teal.

No. 7917

maybe you're the colorblind one, anon. looks fine.

No. 7918

Smells like vendetta.

No. 7919

That's what I'm thinking too.

The colour scheme in the first one is pretty great actually.

No. 7920

I don't get it, is it bad because it's Bart? This artist clearly has a professional level understanding on character design
Maybe a little boring but it isn't bad. The palette seems intentional and part of the mood

No. 7921

File: 1547230681591.jpeg (39.26 KB, 288x450, CAE9B060-30C2-4F2F-9938-06CD85…)

Let’s get back to the real stuff now mkay

No. 7922

File: 1547261790068.jpg (265.13 KB, 776x1199, DwfqyhHX0AAf.jpg)

No. 7923


No. 7924

It looks fine.

No. 7925

Especially compared to the way this genre of comics are it's skillfully done and delivers the point without feeling like an unnecessary virtue signal. I don't see the problem, there's not even a tumblr nose in sight!

No. 7926

File: 1547266821107.jpeg (173.06 KB, 1159x1500, A0726539-0983-45EA-9CC8-F7FF3E…)

No. 7927

The issue I always have with things like this, is that the reason the artwork/media is so white centric is because it’s from a white majority country. I never see people giving a shit about the fact that non-white countries have art and media centred around their majority ethnic groups

No. 7928

Yes this is a skilled guy who obviously has had a lot of art education.

No. 7929

oh my god please post this

No. 7930

Holy shit, this is humanized gender bent Cars fan art isn't it

No. 7931

does it change your mind this artist is one of those asian guys who resents asian women for dating white guys

No. 7932

Maybe there should be a thread for art you hate but isn't necessarily bad?

No. 7933

ntayrt but nope. Speaking as an Asian woman myself Asian women who obsess over white dick and shut out every other race including their own are real, common, and pathetic.

No. 7934

I vouch for this, there’s a million borderline-bad artworks I wish I could bring up. Maybe a Art Nitpick thread?

No. 7935

What is the point of making fun of art made by amateurs?

No. 7936

They should call it the vendetta thread instead because that’s all it would be at this point.

No. 7937

I mean there's plenty of art I don't like but that doesn't mean I have a vendetta against the artist

No. 7938

Yeah, is this a thread about art that is legit shitty from a technical point of view or is it about artists you dislike for personal reasons?

No. 7939

i'd say the comic is really well drawn but has a shitty regurgitated concept, so this qualifies for bad art, it reminds me of a subreddit where people post tacky horrifying ideas that are masterfully executed !

No. 7940

File: 1547315167106.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.88 KB, 576x813, oof.jpg)

No. 7941

File: 1547323111315.jpg (129.43 KB, 1024x566, alkins_family_photo_by_sinewyp…)

>Sorelle took inspiration from Vincent's massive triceps to start up their own croissant bakery.


No. 7942

i'm the one who posted it, forgot to mention that i like the art, it's just cringy. i guess it doesn't go here? my bad if so

No. 7943

File: 1547327838599.png (153.18 KB, 500x411, tumblr_pkw14lnPlc1v1qgzn_500.p…)


No. 7944

I'm so tired of monkey ears

No. 7945

I thought it was Nagisa and Rei from Free! …

No. 7946

dan Nicky your bobbies

No. 7947

the art is ok is juts the tipical "i'm and artist but i'm ASIIAN AMERICAN artists uwu i need to draw only poc becase white people look dead lol, why are white/cis/het so boring lol?" like dude stfup go and study art in asia if you want to draw only asian/poc people

No. 7948

Noodle looks blazed as fuck

No. 7949

i can smell the autogynephilia on this

No. 7950

I'm "Asian" in the broader sense and still find his theme annoying and racist. It's a weird superiority-inferority complex you find in subs like aznidentity how they're better than anyone else.

He's got a good technique, but remember that 3d perspective was invented first in art from 'the west', that's why we got 'dead white men' (mostly Italian, which is at one point wasn't at the same level of whiteness as anglo American) as the old masters here. And if you come to my country, the traditional art style is much more upholded as being superior, morally too.

Also is that a drag queen for extra wokeness

No. 7951

What subreddit anon?

No. 7952

No. 7953

Me too

No. 7954

this dude makes similar shit like this when he's not doing comic book art, which isn't even better because he feels entitled to draw only women. his older comics depict women in sexual situations. now he's SO WOKE.

No. 7955

no wander he now makes this shit i love when man do this like "look i'm WOKE and OPRESS JUTS LIKE U GUYS!!!

No. 7956

I would probably agree with the point he's trying to make if his examples weren't conventionally attractive skinny people with different skin colors and samefaces, so progressive

No. 7957

I would probably agree with the point he's trying to make if his examples weren't conventionally attractive skinny people with different skin colors and samefaces, so progressive

No. 7958

I would probably agree with the point he's trying to make if his examples weren't conventionally attractive skinny people with different skin colors and samefaces, so progressive

No. 7959

I would probably agree with the point he's trying to make if his examples weren't conventionally attractive skinny people with different skin colors and samefaces, so progressive

No. 7960

File: 1547429798591.png (816.8 KB, 720x910, 20190114_093539.png)

This art is as trashy as this ship

No. 7961

since they "drae ur otp like" poses become popular bad artist thing they can juts badly recolors it and call it a day, also lmao the fucking ship, is a fucking triangles and teen / kid dear lord

No. 7962

Pfft, ha i know right

No. 7963

File: 1547467056164.png (226.71 KB, 720x799, 20190114_190317.png)


The pose ref they used btw

No. 7964

File: 1547476375320.png (250.17 KB, 720x732, 20190114_223207.png)

The perspective looks wack af

No. 7965

even from that angle, it wouldn't give them humpbacks. so bad. that thimble sized right hand…

No. 7966

File: 1547478445111.jpg (173.1 KB, 626x718, 20190114_223705.jpg)

>give me trans mystery twins or give me death
>Then perish.

Honestly wtf. Im gonna be salty for a minute but-

Why does this au exist…

I have NO idea who is who. I know that 'dipper'(?) Referred to'mabel'(?) But i can srsly be just wrong. Are they like switching identities or something?? Uuugh, i really dont like this tranny au

And this drawing sucks i hope it just stays in tumblr and no more art gets produced in this au

No. 7967

oh this au, i remeber how people got the idea that dipper was trans and that he heated been a women , becase in the cartoon they are identical twins so in ther main one of them MUST be trans, the funny fart is mabel and dipper are base on the autors sisther and in hin self is so stupid also is creepy that you have to post teen/kids in underwear to make a point abute trans kids like yeah lest not…

No. 7968

File: 1547512945582.jpg (136.44 KB, 1200x1200, Dvq5UdvU8AA_9ON.jpg)

Remember that cute little game called Cuphead that got everyone hooked like 2 years ago? Yeah, the fandom was fucked up. Think of a FNAF kinda situation, lots of weeby kids (and autistic adults like with pic related) doing strange sexualized fanart and weird edgy AUs

No. 7969

File: 1547513077777.jpg (94.86 KB, 1200x1200, Dvey0KUUwAAG1N_.jpg)

No. 7970

File: 1547513175819.jpg (60.79 KB, 623x490, sWRDff34.jpg)

No. 7971

File: 1547515073609.png (743.11 KB, 640x960, A2CE675C-FAB4-44F9-A20D-D863CB…)

No. 7972

Yeah i know about that, its so stupid, it just goes to show that the lgbt will go out of their way to push their agenda on everything

Wow just because their twins both have them MUST be the same gender RIghT?? Dipper isnt manly enough?? BOOM hes trans ((Guys you do know dipper and mabel are based off of real ppl right?)

I actually met someone online who has the whole dipper is trans headcannon, i disagreed then they just admited that they only wanted to believe it because it makes them feel validated…-_-

No. 7973

Sakura looks like a man

No. 7974

Sniff God, whyyyy. I hate when PC artists try to colorize/PC up my fandoms. Complete disservice.

Sasuke looks like a gigalo.
/Sage for minirant

No. 7975

Please don‘t tell me that aunt May‘s tallit means she is trans.

No. 7976

File: 1547797340867.png (1.75 MB, 1000x2852, daxbblc-0111cc11-6c1d-405e-83c…)

You'd think this is some young artist just starting out, but she's about 22 and has been drawing like this for years (she's even in school for art I think…?)

No. 7977

At least she's realistic about her prices. Maybe she picked up on art just a little later? I don't think that bc someone is 22 they're necessarily even better than a child's work bc it is ultimately a skill you develop

No. 7978

File: 1547815274591.png (347.96 KB, 720x559, 20190117_110436.png)


Most of the comments in this piece agrees too. It couldve been good but those fucking thighs killed that chance. Her abdomen looks like a stick compared to those massive thighs

Sure the hands in the new one got better but this artist honestly regressed

No. 7979

File: 1547815378583.png (310.79 KB, 660x780, 20190117_123108.png)

Genderfluid Bill Cipher"

I smell tumblr

No. 7980

File: 1547816671510.png (441.17 KB, 720x831, 20190118_203945.png)

Everything is bad

But that tail is BEYOND FUCKED

No. 7981

Her art is good in 2014 but got worse in 2018 imo. This thicc trend makes artists blind to balanced proportions.

No. 7982

Unless this was made by some autismo adult with 50,000 more followers than they deserve, I don't really see how it's that terrible. Looks like a 12-14-year-old drew it

No. 7983

It's not just the proportions. Her abdomen is at an angle that does not work with the angle of her pelvis and legs. The body doesn't work like this. Thats a shame.

No. 7984

I just randomly saw this on pinterest

No. 7985

File: 1547818883647.jpeg (127.97 KB, 353x498, tyler 2.jpeg)

What's worse to me than bad art by nobodies, is bad art in large franchises owned by large companies. The need for speed's official mobile app art is SO BAD. This is an actual game published by EA.

No. 7986

File: 1547818934957.png (1.52 MB, 655x1220, _almost__all_need_for_speed_no…)

More characters. They're all horrific. It's so unbelievably bad. The worst part is that the rest of the game looks great.

No. 7987

Good example of artists who distorts female anatomy in an attempt to make it look sexy, but it just looks repulsive.

No. 7988

i honestly dont think it looks that bad

No. 7989

File: 1547867900873.jpg (148 KB, 1200x1200, Carousel_JAMES_7_6f163124-9232…)

No. 7990

Omg im dying anon

No. 7991

File: 1547953868047.png (475.35 KB, 720x713, 20190120_110919.png)

Wtf is up with that gigantic head

No. 7992

File: 1547953917081.png (505.45 KB, 720x934, 20190120_111000.png)

No. 7993

File: 1547963362926.jpeg (127.01 KB, 749x766, F7CB1563-867F-4B91-9E2E-ADCC84…)

The nose is bothering me so much

No. 7994

File: 1547976956084.png (1.97 MB, 2304x1180, bad art timeline.png)

No. 7995

This isn't too bad. Coloring, shading and line artis pretty good imo. Regarding the nose situation: She's a furry, what do you expect?

Look at the feet. She somehow managed to get worse in those 7 years

No. 7996

Who would draw Raven for 7 years straight

No. 7997

Obviously it’s a furry, but the nose still doesn’t make any sense on that face - it’s just floating there

No. 7998

File: 1547978308944.png (295.41 KB, 500x1156, comic page numbers.png)

it's all apart of their Teen Titan's fan-comic series

pic related is the number of pages for each comic

No. 7999

How do you draw that bad without improvement for 7 years and not lose your mind. Do these people even practice?

No. 8000

File: 1548063871999.jpg (57.46 KB, 831x961, persona_tired_blue_boy_by_tire…)

No. 8001

haha the leg hair keeps him warm

No. 8002

No. 8003

what I don't understand is how she's supposed to be a trauma surgeon AND a superhero? Do you know how many hours trauma surgeons work a week, let alone having to be on call nearly 24/7? they barely can take holidays or time off let alone have a whole other job. Unless it's a metaphorical superhero for being a doctor and saving lives in that way?

No. 8004

calm your autism

No. 8005

File: 1548119922824.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.04 KB, 1080x1080, ew.jpg)

Ya'll haven't recognized the untapped potential of shitty sex art on Instagram

No. 8006

>those teeth
>the dick and scrotum somehow are just emerging from the jeans without any material being folded over
>those neck lines
>her abdomen blending in with her vagina making her look even more deformed

A dude drew this right? At least he captured the deadness of the eyes from whatever pornstar he referenced well

No. 8007

File: 1548121406931.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.77 KB, 720x821, 20190121_204051.jpg)

There's so many much worse than the one you posted too.

No. 8008

File: 1548124643538.png (136.95 KB, 600x600, AB37ED71-4EF2-4320-9E7E-3AE894…)

All their effort went to the eyes, if you’d like to makey your own ugly beautiful man, then here you go ladies

No. 8009

File: 1548124898884.png (114.5 KB, 600x600, 5428_AYWj3NWL.png)

No. 8010

File: 1548125272544.png (139.31 KB, 600x600, 2A4B80C6-A232-48AE-B59A-118E87…)

me bursting an artery

No. 8011

File: 1548125816648.png (142.55 KB, 600x600, 5428_xqSYmPoT.png)

loving the randomize feature

No. 8012

Wtf is that thing under the dick supposed to be?

No. 8013


No. 8014

File: 1548135159637.png (172.96 KB, 600x600, 5428_rduVzl3Q[1].png)

i raise you

No. 8015

File: 1548164035426.jpg (420.23 KB, 2433x3162, DiHVJbfX4AApquR.jpg)

why are the artists spawned from tumblr so hung up on masses of disgusting freckles

No. 8016

because freckles are unique and speshiul.
also fits in perfectly with their sjw desires since freckles aren't beauty standard

No. 8017

I’d say this is really a non-issue, freckles are pretty common and I wouldn’t think most people find them disgusting
I don’t see how freckles are sjw virtue signalling unlike giving characters something like vitiligo

No. 8018

Yeah, but… when everyone's doing freckles, wouldn't an artist recognise how they're just blending in? lmao

Red head tier level of freckles are not that common

No. 8019

Can we stop with posting mediocre art and start posting bad art? Not everyone feels the same way about freckles as you do.

No. 8020

Freckles as a trend is a valid point tho

No. 8021

trapezoid ass-chan is not fucking "mediocre.

No. 8022


My new favorite reaction set. Thank you based anon/s.

No. 8023

the miracle of art school in action

No. 8024

File: 1548178266668.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_2019-01-22-09-26-33…)

No. 8025

File: 1548178364808.jpg (737.46 KB, 1076x1697, 2019-01-22 09.29.16.jpg)

i'd make fun of this artist but if they're willing to post crap art like this because cartoon characters smoking weed makes bank then more power to em

No. 8026


5,000 people collectively sharing one brain cell

No. 8027

It feels bad to be a hardworking artist on instagram and compare your likes and followers to people like this.

No. 8028

File: 1548214555541.png (735.53 KB, 720x761, 20190123_113414.png)

No. 8029

File: 1548248625110.jpg (53.01 KB, 540x405, tumblr_inline_pkfhtdA5ai1vnjk0…)

No. 8030

File: 1548249025228.png (1.73 MB, 1440x1416, Screenshot_2019-01-23-08-03-39…)

What an improvement

No. 8031

Face got a little better, doesn't look so fucked up. Still looks weird tho.
But what is it? 2 months improvement?

No. 8032

File: 1548300981302.png (164.96 KB, 720x706, 20190124_113540.png)

No. 8033

I mean, they made her look like a monkey just like the show did

No. 8034

File: 1548312322510.jpg (105.41 KB, 599x754, d9hdhn6-1b13e822-0852-4c3c-850…)

Cross dressing cartman

No. 8035

File: 1548312464117.png (1.25 MB, 720x897, d9i1wjp-622df46b-6bd5-46b9-bf8…)

No. 8036

File: 1548312501843.jpg (85.81 KB, 632x632, d9krs0g-7af80a20-7346-4186-b27…)

No. 8037

File: 1548374170925.jpg (117.37 KB, 670x1192, zombie_kink_by_fleshpalace_dbi…)

No. 8038

File: 1548403607336.jpg (23.36 KB, 618x412, Steven-Universe-White-Diamond-…)

Really anon

No. 8039

File: 1548407876014.jpeg (208.25 KB, 984x906, 0DA2675F-D184-412E-9368-DE56F9…)

Really anon. The head shape looks like a monkey head, and the nostrils don’t help

No. 8040

File: 1548452665741.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.82 KB, 1200x1142, Dw89hLzUwAA-pCh.jpg)

24 year old "Artist

No. 8041

File: 1548452944179.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.27 KB, 800x720, katarina_gift_by_kittew_dcxxlm…)

them drumstick legs…

No. 8042

File: 1548454989747.jpg (412.1 KB, 1024x1353, Nell_Brinkley_Bride-4.jpg)

anon White diamond was inspired by the art of Nell Brinkley , she made the nostrils, eyes and lips like that

No. 8043

that dick looks so gross lamo and the fucking FACE, also aren't this two bothers? i'm not the best jojo fan

No. 8044

i love sakimichan copycats, they render so nice, the colors are so good, but the anotomy and faces are all the same

No. 8045

It's not stated one way or the other if they're related. Pesci calls Prosciutto "aniki" (big brother/bro) but that's a way to address your superiors or someone you look up to in specific groups. Calling someone "aniki" doesn't mean you're related by blood, kind of the same way someone calling another person "onee-san" doesn't mean that person is literally their big sister.

I don't think I've ever come across a fan that thinks they're related, though. Bad art, though.

No. 8046

ah thanks for telling me anon! yeah is still terrible art the face is so bad

No. 8047

File: 1548462131372.png (Spoiler Image,1005.51 KB, 1149x705, wVV59Sr.png)

there's so much going on here…

No. 8048

Is that supposed to be Yuri and Flynn from Tales of Vesperia? Christ

No. 8049

oh no…. oh god no, why??

No. 8050

That doesn’t mean that the execution wasn’t poor?

No. 8051

looks traced the faces, the semen the pines, all looks off is kinda funny

No. 8052

Eww fuckin gay

No. 8053

File: 1548499334457.png (472.28 KB, 720x893, 20190126_094759.png)

The stubble looks like its on the lip?? Like literally on the mouth

No. 8054

I think that's the point.
But regarding >>8047 I hate traced art where it's obvious that the "artist" has no actual grasp of anatomy.

No. 8055

Nah that's one year "improvement

No. 8056

File: 1548599002858.png (1.06 MB, 701x877, Capture _2019-01-27-08-22-14.p…)

No. 8057

That's not bad, that's hilarious

No. 8058

That’s funny, because Miles IS half black, half Latino (at least in the spiderverse movie) but since he’s not Jewish it’s not good enough so they made peter parker black AND Latino when it would be a lot easier to just make miles Jewish.

No. 8059

This is what the ideal male body looks like

No. 8060

File: 1548645958365.png (352.14 KB, 720x819, 20190128_112440.png)

This is apparently a steven universe oc…

And its male btw…

No. 8061

How does a guy who's 90% ass, wearing a thong leotard and has a huge visible shiny package NOT fit in with the rest of a children's show cast? Perfectly reasonable design and definitely not made by someone so pathetic that they're unable to imagine anything without porn.

No. 8062


Ikr its pissing me off so much. I bet this person only draws porn with this"steven universe" oc

No. 8063

>And its male btw

Does this person know all Gem's are women?

No. 8064

b-but muh transwomen!

No. 8065

File: 1548724878269.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1590, sketch-1548724848551.png)

This person is a cow for many reasons but her "art" is spectacularly bad. She traces photos of popular ~oppressed~ IG users on her iPad pro which she can somehow afford despite being so very, very poor.

No. 8066

File: 1548726694972.png (313.42 KB, 1044x1280, 8E6C720C-F9B4-45F0-B5F3-0F9E79…)

Speaking of terrible SU art

No. 8067

>hire disabled artists!

Guess they’re salty no one wants to hire them

No. 8068

File: 1548809580158.png (101.3 KB, 400x300, tumblr_pkbhxiCQ1a1tsxwfpo1_400…)

No. 8069

File: 1548809601203.png (229.56 KB, 400x406, tumblr_phhlfaFbqw1tsxwfpo1_400…)

No. 8070

File: 1548809637699.png (60.53 KB, 400x293, tumblr_p9gx74aCHN1tsxwfpo1_400…)


No. 8071

who are these characters?

No. 8072

yu gi oh??

No. 8073

That's Pegasus and Weevil from Yugioh. The latter somehow looks simultaneously three and thirty.

No. 8074

File: 1548828883190.png (34.6 KB, 850x372, dcxz30c-2427d97c-f9cd-433c-a1d…)

Lazy recolors physically hurt me.

No. 8075

File: 1548862571064.jpg (104.56 KB, 930x860, bad_fanart_by_homosenpaidesu_d…)

No. 8076

File: 1548864588174.png (Spoiler Image,624.38 KB, 588x542, 34.png)

Jfc, this reminds me of the shitty "art" some guy I know does.
>go to art school
>have artist mentors who guided you and literally offered you a spot so you could have your own art exhibition despite your non-skills
Years later
>no progress whatsoever, if anything art gets worse
>get so lazy that you start tracing (badly) the porn pictures you take of your gf
>post them on instagram with a thousand tags

No. 8077

File: 1548864819389.jpg (109.9 KB, 576x1023, 20190131_001323.jpg)

No. 8078

Oh man that's bad
Shitty teenage art, but now they have access to porn

No. 8079

He's kinda cute, if they keep practicing they can be good

No. 8080

why collarbones are connected? everything about him looks so wrong

No. 8081

File: 1548871930805.jpg (143.02 KB, 491x750, fatefanart.jpg)

No. 8082

File: 1548879309082.png (320.07 KB, 478x322, you horse's ass.png)

No. 8083

wow… that is embarrassing.

slightly related, WHY do people trace? that's not how you build skill. don't they want to improve?

No. 8084

I like it

No. 8085

how "hideous", really…?

No. 8086

We can all agree SU art is ugg, but thats not her face shape but the hair going in

No. 8087

Not really bad, just awkward anatomy. Shading and color and stuff is good, just the anatomy is disjointed. Don't think it's hideous, just awkward.

No. 8088

File: 1548897264534.jpg (54.15 KB, 774x1032, favorite_this_is_die_instantly…)

This is the last thing you see before you die

No. 8089

Anon, I’m spooked

No. 8090

File: 1548899667361.png (24.81 KB, 179x217, 2016-12-14_0959.png)

he made think of this nigga

No. 8091

Ily anon

No. 8092

Yeah, because it kills you. Just look at the filename…

No. 8093

File: 1548911147408.jpg (114.5 KB, 626x845, pencil_portrait___james_sunder…)

>mfw all my sins are personified

No. 8094

is this supposed to be the guy from sh2

No. 8095

judging from the filename, probably

No. 8096

It's a Filthy Frank quote

No. 8097

Because they're lazy and want results as fast as possible, even when it means not actually having skills.

On the other hand, this is something I don't understand. Why do some artists (Sakimichan and similar) have very good painting skills but unfortunate anatomy? Aren't they both based on technique and practice? How can someone be great in one and awful in the other?

No. 8098

The answer is animu.

No. 8099

File: 1549033003145.jpg (740.82 KB, 1080x1818, ugly.ass.shit.jpg)

No. 8100

File: 1549033292531.jpg (86.11 KB, 1500x1500, maid_deku__by_chaotic_spectrum…)

No. 8101

File: 1549033325586.png (127.71 KB, 758x758, soft_vamperoki_by_chaotic_spec…)

No. 8102

File: 1549033362415.jpg (121.92 KB, 2000x2000, _3_by_chaotic_spectrum_dcs7gnz…)

No. 8103

File: 1549033401387.jpg (169.01 KB, 2000x2000, the_neko_and_thevampire_by_cha…)

No. 8104

File: 1549033460362.png (368.94 KB, 5352x4568, to_cuddle_or_not_to_cuddle__by…)

No. 8105

File: 1549033519266.jpg (149.87 KB, 2000x2000, when_your_crush_kisses_you__by…)

No. 8106

File: 1549033610891.jpg (5.39 KB, 390x52, age.jpg)

No. 8107


the classic combo of extreme self-rightousness and total lack of skill. delicious.

No. 8108

>racebending japanese characters
I guess asians aren't "poc" enough for these people

No. 8109

File: 1549050519958.jpg (114.19 KB, 1063x752, happy_holidays_by_patchwork__h…)

a (formerly) patreon exclusive "pinup" by a 22 year old

No. 8110

shit, I'm getting myself a graphics tablet and setting up a patreon.
Patreon bux, here I come

No. 8111

tbh u just gotta make furshit and you'll be swimming in $$$

No. 8112

File: 1549129906602.jpeg (560.5 KB, 1125x607, C611DE68-FF52-4691-8401-AEF376…)

This whole trend of huge lips and dark block brows Kylie Jenner threw into the mainstream is getting on my nerves

No. 8113

you can tell when an artist gets their reference photos from instagram. drawing a bunch of bratz dolls and drag queens

No. 8114

This is the most boring style. Autistic anime has more charm than this shit

No. 8115

File: 1549173208047.png (1.72 MB, 885x7944, awful shit.png)

No. 8116

What the fuck. Can people please stop pretending to fuck their parents already

No. 8117

File: 1549175634108.png (489.2 KB, 1133x1920, Adrien-and-Marinette-miraculou…)

this was actually a fancomic on these characters
in the show, they're classmates, not mother and son

No. 8118

I’m aware, I was referring to the mommy kink, why would his mum be in class with him

No. 8119

File: 1549180216240.png (682.41 KB, 1280x1543, tumblr_pkux548MjJ1r6a1vco1_128…)

wtf is that nose

No. 8120

This style is really weird but I honestly dig it

No. 8121

They're also 12-13 years old. Shudders

No. 8122

That pic would’ve been fine except testicle nose eww

No. 8123

File: 1549288796802.png (156.52 KB, 540x298, tumblr_pkn9grsSXA1xhc9m7o1_540…)

No. 8124

File: 1549320868256.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.62 KB, 1638x2048, 47680627-8551-44F8-A51A-6050A3…)

Found this on a Discord server. Ironically, she’s supposed to be a “lolicon catcher.”

No. 8125

No. 8126

anon pls this is an image board

No. 8127

ooof, this reminded me I really liked playing those games when I was like 13

No. 8128

sorry didn't know how to post a whole comic but you're right

No. 8129


I actually really like Monir's comics but she herself makes me so fucking uncomfortable

No. 8130

Lol the one on the left though. Those damn puffy lips and the eyeless expressions…

No. 8131

I like how his nose just disappears 10/10

No. 8132

File: 1549493864619.jpeg (Spoiler Image,713.45 KB, 750x913, A387316F-CFBA-4E16-BCD3-F5E127…)

saw this on my instagram explore page

No. 8133

fuck now THIS is the ultimate galaxy brain

No. 8134

Obviously the way to reach enlightenment is through a dick in your ass!

No. 8135

The way one of his claws is just in her hair and his other is wrist deep in her ass is just too funny for words

No. 8136

I saw the dude's head as a fish and I cannot unsee the dude's head as a fish

No. 8137

That's some human centipede shit right there. Notice the connection lines through the ass goes through the mouth?

No. 8138

File: 1549515538164.jpg (176.54 KB, 595x817, wehaveabrightfuture.jpg)

No. 8139

She looks like a downie, yet at the same time doesn’t. Interesting.

No. 8140

this is fucking epic

No. 8141


The Shape of Water?

No. 8142

I can hear them laughing

No. 8143

Apparently, the shape of water is a human-centipede-esque space abomination with tiny claw hands

No. 8144

They really wanted to include that thigh gap

No. 8145

can someone explain to me what is going on here …is this a troon

No. 8146

File: 1549620443774.png (571.63 KB, 720x718, 20190208_180407.png)

The technique is actually pretty good but this just looks uncanny af. She looks like miss piggy

No. 8147

File: 1549635350632.jpg (521.61 KB, 1000x1294, father why have you forsaken m…)

yeah it is. that comic was the first one I was unfortunate enough to come across from this betiful tranz wimmin uwu and my creepdar alarm went all the way off. First thing I thought was "only a male could be… like this" and I was right.

Anyway here's some incredible art from an artist who was featured on Tumblr radar last week or so. Big fan of the messed-up chromosomes #lewk

No. 8148

i honestly quite like this. it reminds me of those drawing where people try to draw cartoon characters what they would look like irl if they were interpreted literally like those creepy ass drawings of the simpsons.

No. 8149

File: 1549646633736.jpg (266.24 KB, 1200x1107, Dyr3BADU8AAcJ7X.jpg)

anything from this bitch, really

No. 8150

File: 1549646740781.jpg (124.72 KB, 1200x852, DysMGLqXgAE2dIS.jpg)

people pay for this shit… her nsfw art is even worse

No. 8151

T..that's not how skulls work? What is it with shitty artists and not knowing proper anatomy, so many issues could be solved if they opened a fucking anatomy text book for 5 seconds.

No. 8152

Oh, that's funny, I found this person incredibly annoying because of tweets like
>I'm not like other gurlzz
>I hope my bf becomes rich so I can stay at home
>lol sjw feminists btfo
Glad to see somebody else thinks she's shit.

No. 8153

I’d hang this on my wall. Love creepy art

No. 8154

File: 1549766105704.jpg (Spoiler Image,541.46 KB, 1078x1725, 20190209_213145.jpg)

yeah, I think we can tell by your art

No. 8155

I know this is an older post now but even if it's creepy I felt simultaneously called out and comforted by this nasty comic.
Thanks for posting it I guess.

No. 8156

File: 1549782247310.png (283.73 KB, 2647x2629, D264AD24-A16C-45DD-AE29-6F765F…)

No. 8157

File: 1549842540547.png (459.13 KB, 720x678, 20190211_074631.png)

A transformers oc i think

Well looks like someone draws sans fanart alot

No. 8158

File: 1549842616118.png (428.38 KB, 720x711, 20190211_074711.png)

No. 8159

File: 1549842682070.png (322.43 KB, 720x719, 20190211_074737.png)

Wtf is up with those 'hands'?

Also the mouth is on the hair lol

No. 8160

Gotta love woke armor redesigns.

No. 8161

File: 1549870911195.png (177.37 KB, 547x540, tumblr_pk965owbFE1vi89npo1_640…)

No. 8162

File: 1549874996201.jpg (236.67 KB, 720x835, Screenshot_20190211-045110.jpg)

I'm not the only one that thinks this looks off, right?

No. 8163

File: 1549876859055.jpeg (36.49 KB, 486x630, 92B8BEF2-3666-4CEF-AB69-EA76AB…)

Why do people try to make cartoon characters realistic and chuck them into the uncanny valley

No. 8164

File: 1549878568727.jpg (84.6 KB, 736x739, 65fb58d482e292f3b0e3f3ca46ddfd…)

No. 8165

File: 1549878668787.jpeg (60.08 KB, 621x760, Sailor Moon FAT.jpeg)

No. 8166

File: 1549878800326.jpg (64.34 KB, 500x667, 43c515137b5c55bb1cfd41683ce72d…)

looks like the dude nemu has a fetish for minus the bangs

No. 8167

Go away /ic/

No. 8168

This one is cute though and very true to her character.

No. 8169

File: 1549881549030.gif (104.8 KB, 560x560, 1d23a0fb3899ee78e72810fe2037c1…)

I found this, too, which is much cuter imo and true to her figure (actually cute art)

No. 8170

File: 1549881995968.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.18 KB, 600x847, fabde36a253b77595740b3d07d99f6…)

I hope this isn't feeder shit but I found this one pretty funny. I imagine this to be a horror fantasy of hers

No. 8171

Ugly sailor moon art hurts my souls

No. 8172

I love it! So cute

No. 8173

Lol fat sailor moon with one giant eye and one tiny eye

No. 8174

File: 1549945793138.jpg (422.88 KB, 1280x1567, meet_the_artist_by_liberlibelu…)

No. 8175

File: 1549945836486.png (399.49 KB, 720x900, d8wxb5j-b12a77d9-a70f-439e-b94…)

meet the artist are always so cringe

No. 8176

Ngl, I misread her name as "Libtard". I would've thought this was a troll " meet the artist" thing if I didn't look back a second time.
Either way, I chuckled a bit even though it was my fault lol

No. 8177

File: 1549973784447.png (798.02 KB, 720x959, 20190212_201353.png)

Honestly tho this couldve been good if it wasnt for that FUCKED up anatomy!

This is like houseki no kuni levels for broken spine in an attempt to make it look "sexy" and the chest just looks…weird

No. 8178

No. 8179

File: 1549974006524.png (382.65 KB, 720x885, 20190212_201908.png)

Ok calm down snowflake fag

I srsly fucking hate the constant proclamation of someone being gay just stfu…

No. 8180

I see nothing wrong with this, art is nice and it's ironic (something that more people should have). It gives off the vibe of a fun person to have around.

No. 8181

I swear it’s always INFJ, which makes me self-conscious as I’m also INFJ.

No. 8182

Why do you hate the gays, anon? The straights killed all the nice gays!! etc. The "I'm Gay" meme is unfunny and i wish it would fall out of fashion already.

No. 8183

I agree anon

No. 8184

It looks like he has boobs but flattened. Like a genderbent version of those medieval paintings where women's breasts were painted as round lumps of far on top of manly pecs.

No. 8185

It reminds me of teenagers who are bad at art so they just exaggerate and draw stupid random things so the viewer would be busier with the xDDD raWr potato rather than the art mistakes. It's kind of obnoxious and reeks of insecurity.

No. 8186

this and it's cringey as fuck
>le hairy balls of the highlander xDDD lol iM sO rAndOm

No. 8187

File: 1550013091251.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.11 KB, 850x644, sample_614b2cfa740c04aa5623758…)

I know porn is cheating but this is the most bizarre image I've seen in a while.

No. 8188

File: 1550018755758.jpg (168 KB, 2048x506, DzPEfaNWoAE_4Ym.jpg)

Jesus Christ.

No. 8189

File: 1550019163145.jpg (19.09 KB, 640x350, 00c5fbd1b3b3a546ef6644b546cc45…)

No. 8190

File: 1550019244447.jpg (11.1 KB, 420x315, Donotwant.jpg)

Some of those I like. I like the fluidity and movement in some of the bodies, but the race changing and Junko/the detective chick's general hideousness just ruins it.

No. 8191

if it wasn't for the unnecessary race binding, these are quite cool imo

No. 8192

File: 1550021082056.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1680, 20190212_192146.png)

So tired of seeing these comics in my explore tab…

No. 8193

File: 1550021127099.png (997.94 KB, 1080x1670, 20190212_192217.png)

No. 8194

they are so boring jesus fuck, and the art is so bad same as >>8193
is the same idea over and over wint diferent bad art

No. 8195

File: 1550046678121.png (263.42 KB, 623x1175, dcz8lgr-208b34b5-2e7c-4878-896…)

No. 8196

holy shit LOL

No. 8197

File: 1550083457044.jpg (983.43 KB, 2288x1456, 20190213_204307.jpg)

This girl has the cringiest, bad english "comics" on ig, i made a shit collage thing to showcase some

No. 8198

File: 1550085100541.png (810.13 KB, 720x999, Screenshot_20190213-201045.png)

I lost two seconds of my life reading this

No. 8199

File: 1550085176367.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.67 KB, 1080x1349, 52272335_1956799697782024_7367…)

this one is actually hilarious

No. 8200

File: 1550085215068.jpg (88.37 KB, 720x900, 52474747_1378508478958712_6514…)

oh yeah baby

No. 8201

File: 1550086387833.jpg (49.5 KB, 632x790, 50520793_481961245541843_80283…)

No. 8202

File: 1550086515927.jpg (44.07 KB, 718x884, 49279346_2224430407804936_6010…)

No. 8203

File: 1550086679738.jpg (47.69 KB, 667x834, 50088360_1967379356694454_2582…)

No. 8204

File: 1550087613126.png (991.34 KB, 1112x719, __we_ll_punish_you____by_bellf…)

No. 8205

File: 1550087677552.jpg (73.78 KB, 1192x670, cc___all_human_lives_matter_po…)

No. 8206

File: 1550087807541.jpg (67.47 KB, 1192x670, cc___minawen_valentine_s_hug_b…)

No. 8207

File: 1550087989176.jpg (56.89 KB, 1024x576, cc___sexuality_headcanon_7_by_…)

these are by a 24-year-old

No. 8208

File: 1550088270346.jpg (102.54 KB, 1080x864, 50308316_2265436983674482_4498…)

No. 8209

File: 1550088466540.jpg (63.91 KB, 1080x864, 50138741_793136241039320_87759…)

No. 8210

File: 1550088592154.jpg (80.95 KB, 1080x864, 46378394_207944273453999_14014…)

No. 8211

File: 1550088829412.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.37 KB, 1080x1350, 49823264_2198277303536046_8874…)

No. 8212


Bless you, anon. These are hilarious.

No. 8213

I feel like this is on purpose.

No. 8214

Only baguettefags could get it but this genuinely looks like the joueur du grenier lmao.

No. 8215

wym on purpose? dude is selling prints and merch and calendars and goes to cons

No. 8216

Art targeted towards gay men is so obvious and crude.
This pseudo-realism is incredibly gross.

No. 8217

I felt kind of sick because i recognized all the games

No. 8218

What's the sauce anon

No. 8219

File: 1550128469653.png (536.91 KB, 720x481, 20190214_151033.png)

That smile is pissing me off more than anything atm

No. 8220

File: 1550128590883.png (592.72 KB, 720x705, 20190214_151131.png)


No. 8221

File: 1550128781551.png (1003.53 KB, 720x826, 20190214_151100.png)

No. 8222

I can see chris evans face there

No. 8223

It's not that bad. Looks like generic chibi style. But where are the nipples, and why do people draw profiles like that. What a shame

No. 8224

His hair is literally different in each drawing

What is consistency?

No. 8225

No. 8226

I dig this, and i dig the reference

No. 8227

File: 1550143713585.jpg (194.8 KB, 800x800, promo_orig.jpg)

No. 8228

File: 1550150354350.jpg (610.03 KB, 1439x869, Screenshot_20190214-234746_WEB…)

No. 8229

File: 1550154135108.png (586.85 KB, 644x635, 20190214_222141.png)

No. 8230

File: 1550154187841.png (346.59 KB, 720x755, 20190214_222041.png)


No. 8231

File: 1550154433366.png (469.26 KB, 720x871, 20190214_222621.png)

This is actually so bad its funny wtf is he floating?

No. 8232

Still sucks tho

No. 8233

Not sure why but as I was scrolling I thought the dude was trump lmao.

No. 8234

File: 1550205028626.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1365, 021419.png)

Made by a 20 year old. I know people can get started late and all that, but I feel like at that age you should be able to see such obvious mistakes.

No. 8235

Is this from maximum ride? god I hate that book.
Also why don't these people at least try to use references?

No. 8236

File: 1550260185975.png (2.23 MB, 2048x1536, 82D57A84-74D2-4A76-8BEA-F7CEE6…)

Apparently this is improvement. Improvement totally is making a girl look deformed.

No. 8237

Wait which one's new, left or right? Because right looks ok.

No. 8238

i kinda like the one on the left honestly. it has character.

No. 8239

the Left one is the new one. I think the old one was better the new one just makes it look like a curse was put on her.

No. 8240

Eh, I dig both

No. 8241

File: 1550323504592.png (227.13 KB, 700x800, daivno7-fa5090fb-cb27-488a-afc…)

This is just cringey

No. 8242


Left: when the shrooms kicked in.

No. 8243

File: 1550366934539.jpg (71.31 KB, 1291x1603, FB_IMG_1550366124151.jpg)

A "bimbo adopt

No. 8244

I feel like posting porn artists is kinda cheating, it’s never good because it’s drawn with a dick in one hand

No. 8245

As far as I know the artist doesn't do porn, it's just super sexualized because it's a bimbo. I was more focused on the giant foot and the nonsensical thunder thighs than the titties

No. 8246

Everything looks like porn artist anatomy, same with the pose, so I assumed that’s what they primarily do

And ridiculously large thighs are absolutely a porn artist thing, they don’t just draw huge tits

No. 8247

File: 1550378311809.jpg (62.99 KB, 640x640, 42922036_529197404159526_40971…)

No. 8248

File: 1550378581551.jpg (149.76 KB, 900x944, 1113551001v3.jpg)

No. 8249

File: 1550378742893.png (179.52 KB, 941x1137, 1115991001v3.png)

No. 8250

File: 1550378858486.jpg (257.37 KB, 729x927, 1114991002v3.jpg)

No. 8251

File: 1550378952187.png (378.89 KB, 1200x1200, 1072991002v3.png)

No. 8252

File: 1550379059482.png (296.75 KB, 750x1041, 1082571001v3.png)

No. 8253

File: 1550379233459.png (363.46 KB, 1200x1048, 1105671002v3.png)

No. 8254

File: 1550379715699.png (687.74 KB, 1200x831, 1109581002v3.png)

No. 8255

File: 1550379773769.png (403.35 KB, 1200x1357, 1121051001v3.png)

title: be my mistake
caption: you make me hard but he makes me weak

No. 8256

File: 1550379916352.png (43.94 KB, 220x407, marionettegirl_by_polarbearshy…)

the artist is 24

No. 8257

File: 1550380113912.png (207.7 KB, 1000x1000, 1127051001v3.png)

No. 8258

I feel like the artist might be lying about their age. I know I for sure set my age as like 28 and plastered my shitty ms paint warrior cats fanart all over

No. 8259

File: 1550381556415.png (1.31 MB, 1280x1232, artvsartist_2019_by_polarbears…)

the face of the artist

No. 8260

File: 1550383114995.jpg (159.28 KB, 1000x1800, 1130671001v3.jpg)

No. 8261

File: 1550383236318.png (2.08 MB, 1200x1624, 1130491001v3.png)

No. 8262

File: 1550383285497.png (917.9 KB, 1000x2583, 1102381004v3.png)

No. 8263

File: 1550383545535.png (2.55 MB, 1200x1855, 1083991002v3.png)

No. 8264

File: 1550384574030.png (439.93 KB, 794x964, 1045441005v3.png)

No. 8265

Oh god terrible arcana art

No. 8266

I actually saw that before i cant remember where tho (that terrible billford art deserves to be here)

Whered you find it anon?

No. 8267

I don't think this is that bad, but the fish looks like it's eating her tit

No. 8268

all of the recent posts were from wysp
dl to the billford art: https://www.wysp.ws/post/1109581002/

No. 8269

No. 8270

Ah i see

Bill's hair is god awful tho wtf are those flaps

No. 8271

File: 1550416208391.png (753.11 KB, 720x959, 20190217_230804.png)


Also she straight up just doesnt have her left eye lol

No. 8272

File: 1550417480118.png (819.24 KB, 1067x1858, Mabel.png)

Is this supposed to be Mabel from Gravity Falls? If it is, they failed to remember she's 12-13, also what's going on with her neck…is that an Adam's apple? And wonky lines on her neck kinda makes a weird face…

No. 8273

File: 1550417656643.png (619.72 KB, 1024x709, holyshit.png)

No. 8274

File: 1550417848265.png (198.46 KB, 371x589, 910401003v3.png)

i don't know which is worse, the obnoxious watermarks, or the actually art

No. 8275

File: 1550418007109.png (1.32 MB, 1200x1782, 890291001v3.png)

No. 8276

File: 1550418531198.jpg (514.96 KB, 1200x1616, 1069111001v3.jpg)

trans Bakugou and Deku from My Hero Academia

No. 8277

File: 1550418655463.jpg (144.02 KB, 1200x2383, 920991001v3.jpg)

No. 8278

File: 1550418705987.png (1.12 MB, 1200x1738, 710421001v3.png)

No. 8279

File: 1550418749653.png (501.1 KB, 1200x879, 1036901001v3.png)

No. 8280

File: 1550418789453.png (167.42 KB, 593x777, 930271001v3.png)

No. 8281

File: 1550418831239.png (191.48 KB, 700x600, 902641001v3.png)

No. 8282

File: 1550418897128.jpg (129.9 KB, 454x564, 63661001v3.jpg)

No. 8283

File: 1550419001733.png (477.4 KB, 800x1000, 687991003v3.png)

No. 8284

File: 1550419066058.png (623.25 KB, 900x1200, 904681001v3.png)

No. 8285

File: 1550419173924.png (417.13 KB, 790x800, 1116551001v3.png)

No. 8286

File: 1550419326978.png (1.06 MB, 1101x1467, 171601001v3.png)

No. 8287

File: 1550419440319.png (307.62 KB, 726x617, 7061059v3.png)

No. 8288

I thought the upper lip was a mustache…

No. 8289

File: 1550419701088.png (671.18 KB, 800x1200, 780581003v3.png)

No. 8290

is this the infamous kyle?

No. 8291

File: 1550419889127.jpg (120.11 KB, 1200x1697, 534761001v3.jpg)

No. 8292

File: 1550420329054.jpg (510.72 KB, 1200x1416, 1092381001v3.jpg)

No. 8293

This is honestly cute, and even without their names being written you can still tell what characters they are

No. 8294

It's not that bad

No. 8295

File: 1550420624500.jpg (205.11 KB, 1200x1697, 474351006v3.jpg)

No. 8296

File: 1550420682340.jpg (163.46 KB, 1200x1697, 479371002v3.jpg)

No. 8297

File: 1550420731215.jpg (132.14 KB, 1200x1697, 449271001v3.jpg)

No. 8298

This is just vendetta posting at this point, fuck off already. It becomes really bitter when you dump a lot of shit, asshat

No. 8299

Sorry you got posted.

No. 8300

It’s unhinged to have so much artwork you dislike saved so that you can dump it
Sorry you have no self-restraint.

No. 8301

now that you mention it, it does kinda look like the shit art one anon posted in the redraw thread. i think that was a steven universe character too.

No. 8302

Samefag, but anon, what are the actual odds of someone who posts here to have their work posted in the shirt art thread unless it’s a self-post.

No. 8303

Yikes anon posted like three pictures but it’s suddenly vendetta? The “art” in question fits perfectly into this thread and is absolutely fuck-ugly. If this truly is your work, it’s bad and you should feel bad enough to learn from it. Go take an art class.

No. 8304

There’s suddenly an influx of 17 images posted in a thread that’s usually slow, none of them with any sort of comment attached. Vendetta may not have been the right word but it’s excessive and weird.
None of the pieces posted are mine but who the hell is so bitter to post so many works in one go?

No. 8305

It looks like anon only posted 3 or 4 pieces though. That's not unhinged, particularly when your art really is bad.

No. 8306

lol why don't you look at the rest of the fucking thread. most posts ITT are just a picture with no comment.

No. 8307

My point was that it was all dumped in one go and obviously by the same person, guess I’m the only one who finds it weird that someone is neurotic enough to just save all the work they don’t like and then dump it to be laughed at
I’ll stop detailing since I’m obviously an outlier in finding this behaviour obsessive and weird.

No. 8308

>guess I’m the only one who finds it weird that someone is neurotic enough to just save all the work they don’t like and then dump it to be laughed at
Yeah, you probably are. It's the whole point of this thread, retard.

No. 8309

File: 1550425061114.gif (323 KB, 256x192, 8BB78B92-084B-46CF-8FB9-9E4A67…)


It’s okay anon, you can post pictures too if you want. We’re all just here to laugh.

No. 8310

Meant to reply to you dear anon, not >>8305

No. 8311

i think you're the only one. i often see something and save it to post later for luls. most of us do that i think, what, do you think people just search for shit art on the fly to post ITT?

No. 8312

Again, I just find it weird that they suddenly posted so much at once as though they have been collecting all of these for ages. I’ve posted a few things here and there too it’s the sheer amount of it being posted within such a short space of time that comes off as sad
I was under the impression most ITT will come across something that’s really bad and will post it, not have an entire folder to dump

No. 8313

Please stop sperging already. Wether you post pics you found on the fly or dump pics you've accumulated over time doesn't fucking matter.

No. 8314

File: 1550435229751.jpg (90.23 KB, 1024x768, car.jpg)

No. 8315

File: 1550436002916.png (316.19 KB, 604x416, Screenshot 2019-02-17 at 2.37.…)

daddy lighning is a switch uwu

No. 8316

Okay I hate you for making me look at this but it raises so many questions. First of all, what the fuck? Second of all, how does this work? What's the car equivalent of a vag? The exhaust pipe I guess, but those are pretty small and thin, but whatever. And what would he be fucking her with anyway? What kind of dick would a car have? I just… why

I need to rinse my contact lenses with bleach now

No. 8317

File: 1550437081139.png (306.21 KB, 500x500, 3212.png)

on tumblr all of the rwby girls are black trannies
i think it's weird too but your reaction was ott

No. 8318

File: 1550437119222.png (194.05 KB, 500x500, 211.png)

No. 8319

>slightly deeper skin tone
u wot anon

No. 8320

What's wrong with this, looks pretty nice.

No. 8321

they look so ugly and ther bodys are so fuck up lol what a pice of tran uwu art i love it

No. 8322

anon come on this is true art!

No. 8323

so it's true that lolcow goes to /ic/ to shit the place with this self jerking

No. 8324

File: 1550439667631.jpg (75.44 KB, 500x438, 443.jpg)

lol i meant the second pic my bad
imo everything
but to each their own, i've seen some art in here that i think is alright too

No. 8325

She's clearly pink anon
At least they looks humann nothing too hideous

No. 8326

Oh well, okay

No. 8327

File: 1550441186760.jpg (164.83 KB, 1102x1631, IMG_20190217_180442.jpg)

No. 8328

Yeah its mabel possesed by bill apparently

No. 8329

From the thumbnail it looked fine but once I got past the light flare tricks and generic anime face the fun never stopped

The safest part is that the gesture of these literal cars fucking still has more life than most of the pretty girl art on instagram

No. 8330

File: 1550452841331.png (413.38 KB, 720x1022, 20190218_091928.png)

Im not entirely sure bit thus kinda looks traced

And i still hate this ship

No. 8331


No. 8332

File: 1550453586424.jpg (1.09 MB, 3072x1597, 20190218_093157.jpg)

No. 8333

kinda decent but looks like a vickisigh knockoff (even then her stuff is boring but not bad/hideous)

No. 8334

File: 1550481682333.png (337.53 KB, 720x708, 20190218_171947.png)

That fucking blue blush and deformed hands and feet…

No. 8335

File: 1550481783031.png (Spoiler Image,465.75 KB, 720x961, 20190218_172017.png)

Trypophobia warning

No. 8336

File: 1550484735433.png (460.87 KB, 720x719, 20190218_181130.png)


No. 8337

I like this. Who's the artist?

No. 8338

Why they gotta do my girl Goromi like this

No. 8339

File: 1550524585730.png (816.96 KB, 1080x1438, IMG_20190218_141503.png)

This is just a step away from looking really good, but the things that make it bad make it really bad. The I'll defined eyes look bad in my opinion.

No. 8340

I think it's because her eyelashes are pale. Tbh, people with pale eyelashes exist in real life, and it always looks uncanny.

No. 8341


yupe. pale eyebrows + eyelashes always look kinda weird because it's an unusual combination. combine that with the pale/red dot eyes and the whole thing looks creepy, but that's probably the vibe the artist was going for.

the eyes aren't that well defined IMO they match the rest of the art style just fine

No. 8342

How is it uncanny? Are you sheltered and never go outside or what

No. 8343

File: 1550528671979.jpg (23.91 KB, 608x342, depositphotos_184824162-stock-…)

looks like old people eyes, if she made the eyes more defined, like the outine of the character it would look better

No. 8344

The hands and arms look like old lady ones too

No. 8345

It's unusual. I had a teacher with strawberry-blond eyelashes and I couldn't pinpoint what looked confusing about his face. Then I realised it was his lashes. I'm watching STD and it's the same think with Stamets.

No. 8346

Who cares though fr. Wow people have different hair colours. It's really childish, nitpicky, and off topic to point out itt. I get the art looks bad but this >>8340 is unnecessary.
Reminds me of the same anon in /g/ who was trying to call another anon a midget because she said she was short or the anon who said straight people shouldn't hug each other in public.

No. 8347

No. 8348

It's not unusual at all for light featured people in general. I'm blonde and have blonde eyelashes, my mom is a redhead and has red lashes. However, we both use mascara, so our eyelashes are dark. You're probably used to seeing so many bottle redheads/blondes (who are naturally brunette and therefore have dark eyelashes) and natural redheads/blondes who appear to be dark lashed because of makeup. It's very rare that someone who has naturally light head hair has dark eyelashes (although not denying it's possible).

No. 8349

File: 1550539061105.png (339.06 KB, 720x1010, 20190219_091601.png)

Gotta love that hat tho

No. 8350

File: 1550539136082.png (387.5 KB, 976x819, cuck_by_lucid3m_dcgb8g3-pre.pn…)


No. 8351

Where are these characters from anon?

No. 8352

Lol what the fuck. I don't care that someone has pale eyelashes. It's just really rare to see. WTH? I'm certainly not gonna bully or nitpick on someone's eyelash colour. Lmao.

No. 8353

Maybe, most redheads and blondes I've saw have dark eyelashes. I can count people with light eyelashes I've mean on one hand. Always make me focus on their eyes in ways I wouldn't otherwise. Look kinda ethereal and otherworldly.

No. 8354

And, if there's a miscommunication Anon. I like the work overall, the arms look unfinished, though. Just pointing out why Anon may think the eyes look "unrendered" or it looks off in some way.

No. 8355

I dunno i just saw em in the recommended part of deviantart

Theyre probably ocs anon

No. 8356

I don’t see how pale eyebrows + lashes are a weird combo, natural blondes and redheads will have hair that matches that on their heads on their entire body. Have you somehow gone through life not coming into contact with more than just a handful of Europeans? They’re common features

No. 8357

What animal is she mixed with? Goat?

No. 8358

File: 1550545840908.png (355.47 KB, 489x542, dc8qd2r-738bfee1-3549-48c1-a5a…)


unfortunately i recognize the 'species', it's one of those bullshit 'original species' things from deivantart called dainties. https://www.deviantart.com/darling-dainties

basically all uguu twink fuckboy deer with stockings. probably a goldmine of its own for bad art.

(sorry for bad posting newfag and all that)

No. 8359

Ooooh yeah! Its definitly those dainties stuff. I see em alot, those species is just bait for furry aesthetic gay soft boi uwu loving fujos

No. 8360

File: 1550546828039.png (373.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190219-112521.png)

This dainty base alone just kinda reeks of fetish fuel

No. 8361

>Oatmeal curves and flat chest

Well, it certainly checks out. Ugh.

No. 8362

*Pancake chest

Just to follow through with the food theme.

No. 8363

I don’t understand the appeal of male characters that have almost female anatomy. It always kinda reeks of self-hating lesbians

No. 8364

I mean I like a man with a nice curvy, soft round ass, but this is a bit much. He also looks about 8, no Bueno.

No. 8365

File: 1550548638393.png (550.18 KB, 1280x1631, tumblr_ph4z5fYibV1qe7hs1o4_128…)

off tumblr….

No. 8366

Well ppl love some good ol boy pussy amiright?

No. 8367

A nice man ass looks nothing like a woman’s body though, they have a full on pear shape going on

No. 8368

Are those the sexuality flag colors? When will this stupid shit die off?

No. 8369

Honestly I find femboys hot because I'm bisexual and they conbine my personal likes for each sex.

Like I basically hate everything about men except their dicks and butts. So a character that is basically a girl but with a dick and a flat chest appeals to me.

Sage for my weird autistic opinion.

No. 8370

Honestly same but im straight i just find femboys hot

No. 8371

File: 1550585706001.jpg (168.36 KB, 774x1032, bored_by_anglerfssh_dcg9lhp-pr…)

I dunno other people might like this but this just looks reallt obnoxius to me

No. 8372

Red, vertical text is pretty obnoxious.

No. 8373

File: 1550587794534.jpg (79.67 KB, 333x339, 20190219_224514.jpg)

This face bothers me the most. Did you not noticed how ridiculous the placement of the eyes are??

No. 8374

Aren’t dainties as a whole fetish fuel? Also Pajuxi is a fujo little boy diddler who scammed my sister out of $1000’s lel

No. 8375

Story time?

No. 8376

Why was your sister willing to pay thousands for fujo shit

No. 8377

they look like they're melting together. it's bad

No. 8378

No. 8379

Yeah it is

Can you pls elaborate on what happened

No. 8380

File: 1550596562233.png (741.11 KB, 826x1374, Scaming dumbass fujos 101.png)

Okay this is what I remember:
Back in 2013-2014 on DeviantART adoptables (Basically an artist posts a character design like pic related and either asks a select price for 'ownership' of it or they make an auction where others can bid on it too) were the big trend, everyone and their mom was buying these things. They sold like hotcakes and for good money to. Big name adoptable artist's could expect to sell a design for around $100-$500 during peak time, and usually the adoptables weren't even drawn with new art and were instead made lazily coloring a premade base and making what amounts to an edgy sparkle wolf oc, posting it to DA and then selling it immediately for hundreds. It was fucking insane as an outsider looking in.

Now I won't go in depth about my sister but she is a very, shall we say, impulsive person. To an extreme extent. I could write a novel on the stupid insane things she has done, not even considering what those decisions mean for the future. She is also a very kind person who tries hard to impress her friends, more on that later. Anyway, she got hooked on these things and I had no idea why. I think she got obsessed with the idea of having the coolest character, getting said character from the most popular artist and it mattered very little what the character actually looked like, she just had to have it. She would buy the most asinine things, cats with emo hair, copy and pasted anime men wearing nothing but panties and see through tights, fucking dogs with sushi taped to them. That was a thing, Sushi Dogs. The maker of those got a fucking trademark on them. Insane.

So began this obsession, she would work a 9-5 job, come home, get on her computer and just do nothing but look at these things. Every day. She never tried to involve me in it apart from to help her bid on auctions but I watched at a distance, it was fascinating seeing artist's have such little integrity they were willing to do this. They were selling jpg's to people like my sister and other suckers, like a gacha game except worse and more expensive. It was so damn gross. I went with it for a while, however once I found out how much of these she was buying and how much she was spending I had to intervene. I can't remember exact numbers but her most expensive purchase was around $1100. On a jpg. I remember telling her that this was like beanie babies and the bubble would pop, and when it did all these pixels would be worthless. Of course, she didn't listen to me. She continued spending all her wages on these things and all I could do was watch, nothing I said got through to her. I even attempted to beg an artist not to sell to her anymore, got ignored by them to.

I will end this story time here because it only get's longer from here but in the next part I will get into how dainties come into all of this. Hope you found this interesting.

Honestly I couldn't tell you. She was a fujo, a non ashamed vocal one at that so I guess the art catered to her interests. It wasn't like her earned a lot in her job either, she would go paycheck to paycheck only buying adopts. To say these things didn't have a hand in making her life worse would be an understatement.

No. 8381

I like the teeth on the last pannel a lot though

No. 8382

Damn. Well i am interested in the next part

Also, you rlly sure that it over $1000?? Thats like beyond over priced. Theres just absolutely no way an adopt could be that high, maybe you mean deviantart points?

No. 8383

ya, im like chill with lesbian and gay and nonbinary, but WHO could care about ace

No. 8384

not to mention the ace flag one is doing a eating pussy gesture

No. 8385

Thanks anon, I'm looking forward to the next part
I had a friend that was still blowing hundreds on gaia at 19 but this is crazy money, can I ask how old your sister was?

No. 8386

NTA but I could believe that her sister spent a grand on one of these adoptables. Back at the peak of this adoptable craze I remember seeing the most popular artists would put the adopts up for auction instead of a fixed price. It was actually a really smart business move for the artist because all their rabid fans would leap to bid on an adopt made by their favorite famous artist idol and since they had such a large following, the bids were endless and the final price would end up being something ridiculously expensive. Some people have no limits.

No. 8387

Yeah no that's totally common, this is why you will see most artist do this. And honestly furry/fetish artist make even more for those and ychs.

No. 8388

File: 1550608123381.png (Spoiler Image,745.27 KB, 972x839, gross.PNG)

there's something special about how off the anatomy on this is
not to mention the everything else

No. 8389


oh my god her pussy is coming out of her stomach

did a male draw this bc I can’t accept some woman drew a pussy where a fucking mons pubis should be

No. 8390

It’s sad too, the colors are appealing and the billowing skirt has a really nice gestural shape to it. All destroyed to make shitty porn.

No. 8391

File: 1550609669981.jpg (80.58 KB, 608x667, d6fbk3k-0fe803e3-3213-4a86-85e…)

When this character in white auctioned for $900 USD (most go for $100) I started to make my own feminine little boy designs.

But you had to already have a loyal following in either the highly specific anime femboy pedo women or the full on furry community to earn their money/trust.

No. 8392

I really hate how in so much of porn, the clitoris is actively protruding, almost like a penis.
I'm sure it's like that for some women, but I feel like most clitorises don't balloon up and push themselves beyond the actual hood/outside of the vulva to that extent.

Whenever I see it I just can't stop thinking that it's males trying to justify whatever they put their female characters through because she is visually "aroused", almost as if they are fucking baboons or something.

No. 8393

File: 1550621506959.png (945.46 KB, 720x881, 20190220_081055.png)

No. 8394

i feel i have seen this character some were in tumbrl the person that draw her at the point was nb (aka a women that hate to be a women so she is now a special baby)

No. 8395


Surprise, the artist is actually a chick. They made sub par porn on Tumblr before that got nuked so now they sit on twitter making art of their lackluster OCs.


They're known as McSiggy and got popular making mediocre Homestuck art back when that was in it's peak.
And now they make a equally mediocre, if not worse, webcomic called Various Everything's.
They have the vibe of pandering to make everyone feel "included" but their art is so fucking lazy that you can't even enjoy it.

No. 8396

That's exactly how male made porn works lol. Think ' baboon' levels of exaggeration and you're right on the money.

No. 8397

File: 1550629250166.jpg (Spoiler Image,207.91 KB, 1177x2048, IMG_20190219_211823.jpg)

And it just gets worse. The faces are the biggest offenders.

No. 8398

File: 1550629345083.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.7 KB, 722x690, IMG_20190219_211806.jpg)

The faces always look the same on everyone and the legs are usually disproportionate.

No. 8399

File: 1550630515629.png (162.5 KB, 500x305, tumblr_inline_oyalnh9iAA1qfblq…)

oh my GOD now i remember her for the love of god hahaha she was popular because she made some basic kinky homestuck porn "comics" with rape and other problematic topics, is so funny to see how her art is so bad now

No. 8400


I used to follow her a long time ago, she’s not super terrible but it sucks to see she still hasn’t improved very much. Does anyone know why she was chased off tumblr?

No. 8401

i actually think this is kind of cute… if it was less fetishy it'd be really cute. it's like almost wholesome in a way? i like that about it.

No. 8402

File: 1550643772980.png (282.02 KB, 1258x926, tumblr_pmjud06qSH1tirn93o4_128…)

i know it's low hanging fruit but i will never not laugh at hideous racebent homestuck fanart

i will never not laugh at how these people completely miss the point of the characters being tryhard white people stereotypes

No. 8403

File: 1550676795007.png (326.54 KB, 1280x1133, tumblr_p3ntpx4cln1u1ydjmo2_128…)

Speaking of shit tier homestuck artists who solely use thr fandom to pander and soap box rant, this artist is an SJW (surprising I know) and just talks about being a lesbian 100% of the time. Cause having a personality ain't progressive.
Her blog will make your brain ooze out of your ears though.

No. 8404

File: 1550677488545.png (471.58 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pmqbddwIWP1x6fsiso1_128…)

on that blog

"i look nothing like my art"

yeah but you look like the kind of person who draws this sort of shit, lol

No. 8405

File: 1550677679722.png (671 KB, 1250x916, tumblr_pccje6WWDI1u1ydjmo1_r1_…)

i'm also real glad i bailed out of the homestuck fandom before this garbage really caught on. why do they have to make everyone so ugly. why can't they be butch lesbians or black but also, like, pretty. why do they draw them so ugly

No. 8406

>I look nothing like my art

I don’t know, they all have potato noses.

No. 8407

> Hairy Manhater
Ironic when this person looks like a dude? Is this a dude? S/he looks like a dude.

No. 8408

File: 1550686979460.jpg (640.55 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_plqrd90LE11t37l3t_1280.…)

Its 100% the artist projecting on the character since she has to the same fucking face.

No. 8409

tbh shes prettier than her characters though

No. 8410

There's a lot of artists like this on Twitter/Tumblr
It starts to get annoying when they have no other interests besides making every single character they can find a lesbian.

No. 8411

File: 1550701443658.png (362.32 KB, 592x601, Screenshot 2019-02-20 at 4.22.…)

Why do some artists draw themselves more attractive than they really are? Like, FFS I get that it's supposed to be stylized but this girl I know IRL keeps posting her shitty anime art "self portraits." Like, it doesn't make you kawaii or special.

No. 8412


If this weren't a Homestuck character I'd be fine with this conceptually

No. 8413

File: 1550710281773.png (110.9 KB, 400x370, tumblr_pmyzi82KBz1sz914go3_400…)

Currently Homestuck, along with most Tumblr based fandom, has a fuck ton of shitty artists who don't nsee issue with what they're making cause they think it's unique and inclusive. When its most just white kids drawing POC people is a damn near offendsive way.

Official-Spec is another kid in the wormhole of people who got popular for making the most basic and pandering fan art possible.


The blog is also cancer, so beware.

No. 8414

A way to escape reality?

No. 8415

File: 1550716166068.jpeg (76.89 KB, 1024x704, DzY5UH4XcAEel-C.jpeg)

No. 8416

I don’t see how that’s making her prettier anon, even in a moe anime style she still looks frumpy. Nothing about this seems to be trying to make her look prettier, and majority of artists will do self-portraits, it’s a bit sad to post beginners and even sadder when you know them irl.

No. 8417

File: 1550718000692.jpg (181.62 KB, 1024x1024, jennifer-swann-2018-pencil-str…)

seeing this image makes me want to commit genocide.

No. 8418

yeah i think she's gorgeous, it's a shame she's wasting her time being a tumblr sjw and drawing homestuck fanart

No. 8419

File: 1550720159722.jpeg (46.21 KB, 480x480, 23AC80B1-F032-44DC-8EB2-7D92CC…)

No. 8420

oh wow

No. 8421

File: 1550753621151.png (448.82 KB, 720x521, 20190221_204948.png)

No. 8422

File: 1550753747194.png (415.55 KB, 720x520, 20190221_205013.png)


I think both are just bad in my opinion…

No. 8423

he looks like that guy from Holly's comic

No. 8424

where else can we do that? cringey school clubs? with straight friends/family? on insta? lesbian is a 100% taboo shadowbannable search term literally everywhere else but shitty tumblr
yeah they try to make "inclusive art" but their only idea of black/lgbt is a really ugly caricature lmao

No. 8425

These are just generic bishounen not hideous. Generic tho.

No. 8426

File: 1550775243920.png (119.55 KB, 600x600, download20190204195256.png)

No. 8427

File: 1550793289987.png (385.37 KB, 715x871, 20190222_075354.png)

No. 8428

File: 1550793381622.png (859.13 KB, 720x893, 20190222_075429.png)

I actually find this pretty hilarious

No. 8429

File: 1550799010106.png (70.47 KB, 600x600, 5428_uKp8n87a.png)

I know the thread has moved on but..

No. 8430

So avant garde

No. 8431

File: 1550801151614.png (436 KB, 421x584, oh.PNG)

Something about this photo is so funny to me.

Is this yaoi art of a Christmas tree and an ornament or….

No. 8432

Omg i didnt think of it that way…

As funny as that sounds i dont think it is, it probably some dumb kink when two people dress up for the ocassion or something

No. 8433

File: 1550812237391.jpeg (125.53 KB, 745x455, A820EF7C-9CCB-44A7-AD24-1C43B5…)

Think this fits the thread

No. 8434

File: 1550815128009.jpg (79.19 KB, 500x984, edbaf5939786fef755fca344dd16dd…)

No. 8435

wolds shittiest saccstry ripoff

No. 8436

this is from a radfem lesbian webcomic, they're supposed to look like that

No. 8437

fucking HATE the stock speech bubbles and font, this would look so much better if the speech and lettering wasn't so damn janky

No. 8438

fucking mcsiggy drew that shit???? Jesus Christ if thats recent how has her art gotten SO much worse thats amazing

No. 8439

File: 1550842525558.png (593.77 KB, 477x595, creepshow1.png)

No. 8440

File: 1550842630055.png (368.24 KB, 590x592, creepshow2.png)

No. 8441

Not really, this is pretty accurate since they're meant to be MTFs.

No. 8442

I fucking love it when bad artists draw boobs squishing up into the clavicles but flattening out at the shirt it's so wild how the artist can be so stupid not to notice how bad it looks but needing their drawings to be 'sexy'

No. 8443

I fucking love it when bad artists draw boobs squishing up into the clavicles but flattening out at the shirt it's so wild how the artist can be so stupid not to notice how bad it looks but needing their drawings to be 'sexy'

No. 8444

I know this is an old post but I genuinely can't help but
>Look world I'm and GA
>out cuz here i'm Y

No. 8445

File: 1550869830827.png (468.56 KB, 500x728, tumblr_pi7fnrPg1B1u6s1qjo1_500…)

This character is male.

My favorite part is the low-res background pattern stolen from Google.

No. 8446

In a way it's good that Tumblr is dying bc these shitty artists are losing their community.

No. 8447

File: 1550871802330.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.68 KB, 640x480, Grandma-Finds-The-Internet.jpg)

No. 8448

I actually thought this looked quite nice until I saw it was supposed to be a male. As a female character it would have been a rather cute design, I think. It's not too badly drawn either, had the eyesorew of a background been left out.

No. 8449

Goddamit how is that male?? Fucking fetish fuel all over again

No. 8450

File: 1550881848105.png (Spoiler Image,619.65 KB, 720x758, 20190223_082657.png)

No. 8451

File: 1550881932323.png (Spoiler Image,613.59 KB, 720x754, 20190223_082730.png)

Boy pussy

No. 8452

This person's work is usually(on a technical level) pretty good

But these are just trashy af

No. 8453

You're too nice, anon. This drawing is awful. The eyes being to far apart and too high up on the head makes it look like he has the downs. The fingers looks broken. The pants he's wearing look like a weird origami skirt. God only knows where the hell the light source is supposed to be, and don't even get me started on the proportions.

No. 8454

File: 1550936335279.jpg (32.44 KB, 480x480, 50073120_2185358611523907_3172…)

>41k followers on instagram
This artist pops up in my feed all the time.
Lazy, uninspired Rasbii-tier art, everything looks the same, same colors and all.

No. 8455

File: 1550937479272.jpeg (91.2 KB, 500x497, 3C896CB7-267F-468C-84B7-7762C2…)

Nice stolen character design

No. 8456

File: 1550937507084.jpeg (24.01 KB, 202x250, B174C711-AD5D-481C-AA53-DFEE24…)

No. 8457

I don't think the character design is stolen, blonde hair, light eye effeminate boy is a popular trope(?) I guess. I mean look at Leo in tekken.

No. 8458

I've seen this artist on my explore page. Instagram recommends the shittiest artists and they always got so many followers. mostly kids tho.

No. 8459

File: 1550940006338.jpeg (99.36 KB, 534x848, F39B6757-1ABF-4F05-969F-F15D83…)

Nah, exact hair style, eyes, clothes
Character is Gilbert Cocteau btw

No. 8460

File: 1550941404185.png (122.73 KB, 690x1061, 4B8EF5B7-AF26-4001-902D-59023A…)

>stolen character design
And the one you’re posting is a ripoff of Bjorn Andresen, like every other protagonist of seventies shoujo. It’s a character type.

No. 8461

Dark skinned people don't have red clits/dicks, usually its the same color or a darker brown. Is her pussy inflamed?!

No. 8462

The stolen design is not even the bad part, the bad part is how pedo it is.

No. 8463

You are kinda right anon

The artist actually made a post about this guy that was pretty much a mix of several characters that 'inspired' him and that anime character is one of them

Lemme try i could find the post

No. 8464


No. 8465

File: 1550944771955.png (511.81 KB, 720x789, 20190224_015826.png)

Found it

Ok i was wrong with the several characters bit but the guy is still there, barely even tried to make him look a bit more diffrent…

No. 8466

The anime character's name is Gilbert

This character's name is Gillian btw…real smooth

No. 8467

Knew it, what an unskilled slob, copied the exact hairstyle and character design

No. 8468

File: 1550951750924.png (1.24 MB, 1280x1536, tumblr_pme0u94osY1r9uqs0o1_128…)

Kinda crazy to think that McSiggy's older homestuck art just has a better quality than their new stuff. It just feels more like they tried back in the day. They're slowly getting worse and more lazy as time goes on.
Don't get me started with their NSFW comics that they sell on GumRoad.

No. 8469

All this over a hairstyle.

No. 8470

What the fuck is that between her legs??

No. 8471

is this meant to be a "style" evolution? it's the exact same style, just a revisited character design lol.

No. 8472

It's about the characters design specifically it's stated at the top lol. Not saying their stuff isn't boring but this isn't supposed to show growth just that their samey OC now has notches in their eye brows and is less pale…?

No. 8473

File: 1550962705193.png (526.03 KB, 756x554, ukimeki.PNG)

I hate the way this artist draws heads.

No. 8474

File: 1550967270689.png (269.49 KB, 720x802, 20190224_021516.png)

No. 8475

Oh my god it's like super defined Pokemon anime style

No. 8476

File: 1550973041505.png (1.29 MB, 720x859, 20190224_095013.png)

No. 8477

File: 1550973092405.png (1001.9 KB, 720x756, 20190224_094941.png)

No. 8478

This is cute tbh, even with the bad colouring

No. 8479

I like it too.

No. 8480

File: 1550978940969.jpg (110.64 KB, 894x894, akemi_fujikawa__reference_shee…)

No. 8481

More of these again…

No. 8482

File: 1550980384125.png (473.26 KB, 593x397, stuntedlegs.png)

No. 8483

File: 1550980994490.png (Spoiler Image,876.04 KB, 702x1138, man ass doesnt work like that.…)

No. 8484

File: 1550981078828.png (Spoiler Image,946.81 KB, 720x1280, WHERE IS HIS DICK.png)

Self proclaimed fujoshis are great for having both hideous art and being cows.

No. 8485

It's so funny when yaoi art just looks like a woman. Kinda defeats the purpose.

No. 8486

Isnt that from d angelo? I saw the same image in the general artist thread

No. 8487

How can that still be considered a man??

No. 8488

Simple, his yaoi bungus works like a vagina. The only requirement for a man in fujo art

No. 8489

I'm sure the same bitter anon posted it here

No. 8490

I also had the feeling

No. 8491

The torso/limb ratio are resemble plucked chickens. (Similarly the drawing is as bland as boiled chicken).
Why is the torso so long and the legs so short?(samefagging)

No. 8492

Idk I like it, especially the big hands

No. 8493

Because he's an art station reject(more samefagging)

No. 8494

Aren’t they supposed to be dwarves

No. 8495

They're not, it's an art station trend of making the legs at half length or even less, then elongating the arms.
I'm not sure how it started but I see it everywhere.

No. 8496

I don't understand why people run around proudly proclaiming that they're fujoshis. It's like telling everyone you're a foot fetishist.

No. 8497

is becase fujoshis ahave no shame they thing they are also the best allys becase they jack off to yaoi

No. 8498

File: 1551072955739.jpg (123.33 KB, 1200x990, DzGNQ69VsAEf3et.jpg)

Can anyone explain to me the appeal of making characters look like melting candles?

No. 8499

File: 1551077346642.jpg (81.73 KB, 525x750, 12187700_1127093200634456_4572…)

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but I think about this all the time.

This guy I used to work with drew his girlfriend…..and she….looks nothing like this….she looks like a character from James Cameron's Avatar or something kek. He always says "my net worth is going to be $5 million dollars"….. okay

No. 8500

was… she offended? she should be…

No. 8501

I haaaate when people draw mouths/jaws like this. Is there a name for that shit?

No. 8502

>women liking attractive men is equal to a niche paraphilia
get off the internet susie

No. 8503

File: 1551093277981.jpg (83.72 KB, 730x1015, 20190225_191511.jpg)

The placement of the nipples and the long arm and short arm is hilarious

No. 8504

File: 1551093552447.png (568.84 KB, 720x1150, 20190225_191805.png)

That skeleton hand and noodle arm tho

No. 8505

File: 1551093749962.png (605.22 KB, 720x538, 20190225_192147.png)

Just another sad attempt of a fujo making boys look "hot

No. 8506

is that supposed to be a dorito? it looks like one of those transparent triangles from those kindergarten transparent shape play kits

No. 8507

I think its a golden triangle trinket?

No. 8508

praying for fujoshis to stop

No. 8509

nah that's a 'rito

No. 8510

does anyone else think theres a crossover between extremely repressed lesbians and fujoshis? like the vast majority of them are just creepier than average straight girls but shit like this just really makes you think

No. 8511

more like
>women sexually obsessing over and fetishising gay sex and the dynamics of gay relationships
like I'm sure there are normal women out there who like gay erotica but the type of person who proudly calls herself a fujoshi is absolutely a freak who should be ostracised

No. 8512


No. 8513

These are fine they done belong here

No. 8514

hahaha I remember that one. what a classic.
Adopts go for 1K+ now, a record one was 21K recently. People go into debt for art, smh. Or go on payment plans for 3 years.

No. 8515

They look a bit wonky but I think the artist was just trying to add character with their facial expressions. I’d rather see art like this than same-face, expressionless art.

No. 8516

File: 1551139836243.png (422.91 KB, 720x895, Capture _2019-02-25-18-06-32-1…)

This ugly ass comic was recommended to me.

No. 8517

almost 3k likes, jfc is this fanart or something?

No. 8518

from the username, it seems it is. Some gay comic about two Voltron characters or however you spell it.

No. 8519

yeah it's voltron fanart

No. 8520


god i hope so, and it was SO embarrassing seeing other coworkers respond because he goes "guess who this is!" and people were like "Oh I KNOW who this is!"


No. 8521

File: 1551171982314.png (131.39 KB, 1074x956, tumblr_inline_pnio5lAtca1wxni0…)

it's supposed to be junkrat

No. 8522

File: 1551199631602.jpg (95.07 KB, 800x639, my_last_name_isn_t_ice_cream_b…)

No. 8523

I don't hate this. It's sloppy, but it doesn't shit on my soul like some of the art in here.

No. 8524

File: 1551206755307.png (429.02 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_peg4ikfPcf1vzb2qf_1280.…)

this person draws/requests art of cartoon characters with fake animal noses, and insists that it's NOT a fetish. thoughts?

No. 8525

they're obviously lying

No. 8526

Just on the handwriting alone I can tell it's made by some deviantart-tier weird fetish having degenerate

No. 8527

>Not a fetish
>Ridiculous cartoon looking breasts
Lol that's some CWC type shit. I wonder why theyb insist on freehand.

No. 8528


sage for blogpost, but I've had this person send me asks on tumblr requesting to draw this fetish. They go round practically every artist asking, in the off chance that at least one will draw it. Reminds me of the fetish art with rich blonde girls buying bread… not inherently bad but still fucking weird.

No. 8529

File: 1551221295864.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1180x1283, F00F9B5D-FF1C-4CBF-AF99-CF4E7C…)

when will the tumblr trend of drawing attractive anime characters as ugly and a different race die? i also can’t tell if some of them are genderbent

No. 8530

File: 1551224690719.jpeg (145.44 KB, 900x558, E73B7B7E-7B13-477D-8D58-073D5D…)

There’s literally no improvement. In fact it got worse.

No. 8531

To the artist, that's not genderbent. They're probably twaaaaans.

No. 8532

File: 1551226097252.jpg (110.87 KB, 1280x600, a_boyfriend_by_valleyofthedoll…)


No. 8533

Apparently they're only 14 so it may improve.

No. 8534

File: 1551227799861.png (472.53 KB, 720x819, 20190227_083619.png)

Just cringy af omg…

No. 8535

This is depressing, I refuse to believe it’s not satire.

No. 8536

Because being Japanese isn’t POC enough, lmao. I imagine a lot of the American artists that do this would shit themselves if they actually learnt any global history and found out that they dropped bombs on the Japs - would that give the anime boys higher victim poc status?

No. 8537

a classic

No. 8538

>a lot of the American artists that do this would shit themselves if they actually learnt any global history and found out that they dropped bombs on the Japs
uh… they teach that in sixth grade

No. 8539

This looks like a kid drew it though

No. 8540

Still looks like shit tho

No. 8541


What? WW2 is one of the first things American kids learn about in history class. This includes the bombing of Pearl Harbor and US’ bombing of Japan.

No. 8542

Probably because a kid drew it? Are we really stooping so low as to make fun of kids drawings.

No. 8543

is a male drawing this or?

i hate to say it, but i kind of like it. the 'no effort' thing is so tired, but it's cute.

No. 8544

definitely a guy. i found his youtube

No. 8545

oh wow, of course he'd have a literal middle aged man monkeyman hand/arm situation going on. exactly the kind of freak that would have a weird pig nose fetish.

No. 8546

he looks like a monkeyman too, but this is probably getting off topic so here's just a link to his face https://my.mixtape.moe/gxlzdg.png

No. 8547

File: 1551255982070.jpg (236.02 KB, 890x890, 20190227_162348.jpg)

This oc is just–

The actual description for this oc (thats on da) is also pretty fucking bad

No. 8548

>likes being called Daddy

I thought this was a woman

No. 8549

Why use a female body ref for a man when google exists?
And why would anyone pose like that if their arm is freshly cut off?

No. 8550

that's not woke anon

No. 8551

He actually only has one arm

No. 8552

Is it a ftm or what?
The stump looks bloody, like it very recently got cut off.

No. 8553

Pfft yeah your right anon haha

No. 8554

File: 1551290262379.png (539.77 KB, 720x981, 20190228_015559.png)

This is male btw

No. 8555

File: 1551290350352.png (307.01 KB, 517x387, 20190228_015628.png)

Unbelievably stiff looking

No. 8556

I can't help think when I see art like this, it's some niche fetish

No. 8557

I love the evolution of those boot heels, kek

These are kind of neat, actually, unless those pastel colored things are some weird gender or sexuality flags that make this character transthis grayasexualthat. I'm really into body hair drawn on characters, especially those who would have it in real life too, like turkish people who are often hairy af

No. 8558

that flags are for, bisexual and trans so the character is a tran man (ftm) that is bisexual, that why it have saggy tits

No. 8559

No. 8560

File: 1551320956372.png (116.14 KB, 540x357, tumblr_inline_oqhs1qboRp1t23pk…)


lol this looks like luke atmey from ace attorney 3

No. 10577

File: 1551380552850.png (114.49 KB, 500x527, tumblr_pngygsKpJP1xpspwdo1_500…)

I'm so sick of seeing mysillycomics on my tl. Between twitter and tumblr, she gets thousands of likes for… what. Comics that have zero substance and don't even hit on the ~nonsensical~ jokes like she's trying for. Their execution is just terrible, too. Yeah, it's valid to draw in a mspaint style, but this is just so… talentless? Especially for her being in art school. I don't get it.

No. 10582

File: 1551387465676.png (37.46 KB, 805x849, tumblr_pg07onnxm11xpspwdo1_128…)

Every time I see mysillycomics, I think of this cursed comic.

No. 10599

File: 1551404106806.png (245.92 KB, 400x538, 2yV0bTo.png)

bnha 'resdesign'

No. 10601

File: 1551404498412.png (425.36 KB, 720x783, 20190301_094105.png)

Those dead faces and diamond hands

No. 10603

File: 1551405899543.png (368.14 KB, 888x1037, tumblr_p2233aWDhF1sqf10go5_128…)

No. 10606

the disparity between how many followers she has on her main account and the mysillycomics account is the funniest thing

No. 10615

you better keep yur mouth shut boi i swear-

No. 10618

constantly declaring how ~gay~ you are and putting your preferred pronouns in your bio is mediocre, unfunny art girl culture

No. 10701

File: 1551545588658.jpg (137.72 KB, 549x1455, billdip_smoosh_by_vitamin_emo_…)

No. 10704

File: 1551552077371.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-36-10…)

just found this artist on instagram, she posts nasty nsfw "art" and is pissed that her account's been taken down for it 3 times

No. 10706

File: 1551552191290.png (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-36-55…)

these following pics will each be worse than the last, fair warning

No. 10707

File: 1551552271438.png (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-37-03…)

No. 10708

File: 1551552438784.png (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-36-42…)

No. 10709

File: 1551552583658.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-37-31…)

No. 10710

File: 1551552641447.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1080x1221, Screenshot_2019-03-02-10-37-22…)

last one

No. 10718

File: 1551567178406.jpeg (613.69 KB, 1727x2048, 7BDF264E-1419-4952-B2AB-5011B9…)

No. 10730

File: 1551575053269.jpg (82.93 KB, 1080x834, 51292059_2115703035406391_1501…)

i couldn't help but notice how fucking big their chins are…

No. 11728

Poe looks like Kramer from Seinfeld

No. 11740

File: 1551585703588.png (528.68 KB, 588x575, dd148i4-8215ebd9-2b99-4190-be4…)

No. 11741

Finn looks fine but Poe is having issues lol

No. 11742

Ew wtf what a fucking edgelord.

No. 11743

This is so fucking cringy. Is the artist an adult or a kid? Adults that age up kid cartoon characters to teenagers for this shit creep me tf out.

No. 11744

File: 1551588105309.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.56 KB, 1280x2048, 1E285D50-B4BF-407D-BFB1-568F17…)

Something is wrong with his right ear.

No. 11745

ew, fakeboi porn

No. 11767

Kek. Something is wrong with "his" entire anatomy.

No. 11771

Yeah ikr

Not to mention making them extremely out of character of gay uwu points

No. 11772

Cunt boy

No. 11773

this isnt bad at all

No. 11797

File: 1551621122204.png (340.25 KB, 720x601, 20190303_215058.png)

No. 11800

File: 1551622152948.jpg (218.78 KB, 774x1032, 076_nightmare_parade_by_decora…)


Just ew

No. 11811

wish this ugly ass hentai trend would die already because it always looks so shitty when it’s imitated by stupid porn addicted webs

No. 11841

File: 1551665027082.jpg (131.58 KB, 907x881, lapis_ahegao__by_theounpaduia_…)


I think what bothers me most about it is that most artists/costhots that try to capitalize on it don't even get it right

No. 11846

File: 1551668644494.png (357.02 KB, 881x601, daz8hlj-6a744991-e462-479f-a21…)

No. 11852

why is abuse so prominet in trans or cunt boy porn art? and good lord is so fcuking ugly ,but at last it dosen't have thos clit pines

No. 11853

why is abuse so prominet in trans or cunt boy porn art? and good lord is so fcuking ugly ,but at last it dosen't have thos clit pines

No. 11854

why is abuse so prominet in trans or cunt boy porn art? and good lord is so fcuking ugly ,but at last it dosen't have thos clit pines

No. 11858

Because the people who draw this are mentally ill.

No. 11866

File: 1551699318661.png (Spoiler Image,426.41 KB, 535x889, 1516789878.vincon_oc_sale.png)

who the fuck would buy this?

No. 11900

Because theyre worthless whores that why

No. 11931

File: 1551720550364.jpg (287.88 KB, 1076x597, 2019-03-04 09.28.52.jpg)

thought this was the same artist as pic

No. 12671

Jfc it's cringe but y'all be out for blood lmao

No. 12783

File: 1551776341332.png (Spoiler Image,691.5 KB, 720x707, 20190305_165654.png)

What the hell

No. 12785

File: 1551776644315.png (648.65 KB, 570x921, 20190305_165825.png)

the coloring is ok i guess but the rest is trash

What the hell is up with that bulge?? Its gross and distracting as hell (its suppose to be a boy)

No. 12812

File: 1551791887984.jpg (205.92 KB, 1080x1051, 20190305_234752.jpg)

No. 12815

well that doesn't look so ba…
>sees simpsons face

everything else about that image is good but that face is ugly af.

No. 12821

Those nipples and broken shoulders tho

No. 12960

for some reason youtube keeps recommending this stuff to me and i have no idea why but it's definitely terrible art so i had to share. where do you even put this? in a toilet?

at first i thought this was all frustrated suburban moms quietly going insane because they've got waaaay too much free time and money (all this wasted paint, wtf!) but there's some people in there that aren't suburban moms, so i'm left wondering who the fuck came up with this. comments can be pretty funny too, criticisms of 'a bad pour' and 'too much canvas manipulation' appear frequently. wat.

like, there's no actual talent involved!

tbh i like watching some of the vids because of the music and seeing how they turn out or whatever, but this is literally just crafty shit that they want to get paid for, and there's a lot of people doing it. wild.

No. 12986

It's a technique like any other. When people can do it well, it looks incredible, but a lot of it (especially on youtube) is bad and amateurish.

No. 13041

File: 1551866768144.png (517.04 KB, 598x502, jesuschrist.png)

No. 13053

File: 1551876376742.png (834.01 KB, 1280x1422, tumblr_pkx9vizBwe1xc2mfwo1_128…)


No. 13054

File: 1551876449770.png (607.46 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pnpfue29v81waa33oo1_128…)

No. 13077

I find it hideous. It's so soccer mom. There's one woman who talks about composition all the time. Honey, there's nothing to compose. You put paint in a cup and flip it onto a canvas. The most artistic thing about it is the color choice. Congrats, I do the same with my eyes and wardrobe every single day.

No. 13082

It's for fun. Tbh I appreciate any medium that gets non-artistic people making art.

No. 13107

File: 1551897707049.jpg (273.95 KB, 900x1093, this_is_war_by_green_najotake-…)

I know this just screams 13 year old, but jokes on you, she's 30 and has been drawing with this same art style for like 15 years!

No. 13108

File: 1551897942047.jpg (220.99 KB, 1280x818, eat_some_sugar_out_by_green_na…)

No. 13109

this is strangely wholesome

No. 13124

File: 1551918952892.jpg (371.08 KB, 500x500, ForPeace_cover_thumb.jpg)

No. 13125

File: 1551919154273.jpg (172.12 KB, 750x803, q2e.jpg)

No. 13127

File: 1551919386298.jpg (133.56 KB, 500x713, tumblr_m7mtvvBO2y1rpp093o1_r1_…)

As an art teacher, I disagree. Getting everyone do make art is a noble cause, in my opinion. Bob Ross made his career giving non-artists a way to make something they can be proud of.

Besides, you can compose it to a certain extent with enough experience.

No. 13130

eh, the people want you to buy, which makes it less about fun and more about talent. given the materials, you or i or hell, even a sixth grader could do this and get fairly similar if not exact results. money for this is over the top. why pay if it's so much fun? do it yourself and hang it in your garage or your basement.
it takes much, much less talent than bob ross and it's suitable for hanging precisely nowhere, imo. art is subjective anyhow and also imo, it's lacking in any appreciable talent aside from color theory.

the thread isn't 'is it nice to see non-artists get engaged in art' because of course the answer to that is always going to be yes. unfortunately it's still hideous.

no one is attacking anyone personally here.

No. 13136

File: 1551922735208.jpg (619.23 KB, 1595x3209, 20190305_083405.jpg)

Didn't mean to imply otherwise. Onto laughing at shitty art!

The kiwifarms redraw thread is a goldmine of people managing to draw worse versions of images they're mocking.

No. 13140

The art in our own redraw thread sucks just as much tbh

No. 13316

File: 1552014979201.jpg (18.72 KB, 379x178, phil.jpg)

there's a meme format in here somewhere

No. 13319

File: 1552016792206.png (770.47 KB, 800x1029, ddac930a2e7a_valentines2018web…)

No. 13332

I wanna ask this artist where the other nostril is.

No. 13428

File: 1552061153580.jpg (65.21 KB, 564x1104, f064c1ab1ad5dc6f5010ab832431dd…)

fucked up anatomy mcgee over here.. looks like a petitepasserine copycat

No. 13450

Eyes too far apart and facial features need to be moved up. They have potential but damn if weeb ain't a disease to art skills.

No. 13451

What even is a spine am I rai

No. 13464

Does anyone have any more really bad "progress" memes like >>8530
They're my fave!

No. 13470

File: 1552088171993.png (557.37 KB, 720x514, 20190305_165738.png)

The stolen background is ths funniest part

No. 13471

I forgot to add

He looks hes about to fall over and damn those tiny hands and feet render him useless

No. 14721

File: 1552107790186.png (1.24 MB, 1248x702, cursedwokemha-jpg.png)

It's incredibly annoying how every fandom now has this shit. You get all kinds of excuses, from "there are black people in japan too!" to "I'm deconstructing ideas of light skinned beauty". Am i the only one that doesn't get this shit? I'm nowhere near being a """white cishet""" but i don't sit here crying because i don't see a person that looks exactly like me on TV.

No. 14723

If they really gave a shit about representation they would watch series made by black people, about black people. Not indulge themselves in whatever series has characters they find cute and then retroactively pretend they care about diversity amongst the cast for woke points. It's obvious deep down they prefer anime the way it is if that's what they latch onto in the first place.

No. 14789

The reason this is annoying is that black foreiners in Japan are what they focus on. How about the Ryuukushians and Ainu? Actual dark skinned natives that are treated poorly and never represented because Japan is pretty discriminatory? But naw we're American so let's make this about our own issues. Idiots.

No. 14790

Same I really love those. I love the improvement ones too but when they spend years drawing and never improve there is something truly cringey and entertaining there.

No. 14798

File: 1552143745585.png (695.96 KB, 794x1006, magic_meat_march___day_6___wei…)


No. 14809

File: 1552148308179.jpg (106.42 KB, 640x422, 20190309_111708.jpg)

not exactly the same thing but still funny

No. 14925

File: 1552191521747.png (656.44 KB, 1163x817, 57348818-fffb-437a-8c00-ec88c3…)

No. 14928

I love how you can tell the fujos apart from the way they draw, it's great. They always draw characters a certain way and you can just TELL.

No. 14948

How so I'm curious explain pls

No. 14956

File: 1552207701059.jpg (263.26 KB, 1024x1025, 20190310_164819.jpg)

No. 14957

File: 1552207760009.jpg (244.04 KB, 1024x1000, 20190310_164759.jpg)

No. 14959

File: 1552207979635.jpg (286.81 KB, 1024x1025, 20190310_164737.jpg)


Oh look another tearzah/dollieguts rip off

I really hate the trend when dirty fujos draw men with disgustingly wide hips and thigh gaps. Theyre Pretty much just a girl with a dick and flat chest

No. 14960

Honestly same

No. 14961

File: 1552208662943.jpg (154.89 KB, 1200x1200, tiddy.jpg)

crazy stupid tiddy physics

No. 14963

File: 1552210103114.jpg (71.23 KB, 800x700, tumblr_pljojs1HAE1wsh396_1280.…)

Pink haired person is a boy, by the way.

No. 14964

File: 1552210132426.png (122.18 KB, 500x359, tumblr_p9zooqOrZS1w81hrto1_500…)

No. 14965

Oddly enough i like this artist

No. 14967

File: 1552210485675.jpg (175.84 KB, 1107x1200, Di-3hepU4AABbh-.jpg)

This would have been pretty cute if not for the arm hair.

No. 14968

I just mentioned her

No. 14969

the pink haired boy is also a rapist, iirc

No. 14970

File: 1552211846890.png (286.84 KB, 751x1064, 1090811002v3.png)

No. 15043

Wait like this post? I really jus wanna know help a bitch out yo

No. 15047

Not that post specifically, but it's just something i picked up being forced to see terrible fujo art. They're always attracted to twink characters and draw them really androgynous looking, and regardless of series they always follow the uke/seme archetype. I can't explain it exactly, but sometimes i'll just look at an artist and know they probably draw south park characters raping eachother or something.

No. 15500

File: 1552288602342.jpg (123.31 KB, 1079x740, neck_by_lady_beiia_dcrlg6n-pre…)


I know what you exactly mean. Like the weird bimbo tits on dudes? Not the mention the art would look like it was drawn by some horny virgin. I also notice a lot of fujo art are shiny for some reason.

No. 15513


Like this anon? >>14798

No. 15515

File: 1552297666086.jpeg (37.63 KB, 480x480, images (1).jpeg)

That fucking mouth is trying to leave his face

No. 15517

File: 1552297732475.png (829.95 KB, 593x594, 61d17c36c1ad0d40063984a648e363…)

No. 15528

Add random hentai-inspired drooling to that.

No. 15537

I actually like how its colored but the face just looks retarded

No. 15539

File: 1552304774371.jpg (49.92 KB, 754x1060, relax_by_kappa9_dckx7xx-pre.jp…)

No. 15543

File: 1552305035965.png (511.67 KB, 791x1011, __he_s_too_cute___by_lunaticli…)


A good example of the archetype, fujo artist always make gay couples the uke and seme cuz well yknow there HAS to be a man and a woman in the relationship RIGHT??

No. 15545

File: 1552305269531.jpg (107.73 KB, 894x894, goretober_day_7_bites_by_shayg…)

No. 15546

File: 1552305299015.jpg (122.47 KB, 894x894, ce__opposite_attract_by_shaygo…)

No. 15548

Why is sailor moon grandmother?

No. 15582

Those colors make me assume they're making out in their own shit

No. 15591

>yknow there HAS to be a man and a woman in the relationship RIGHT??

And the "woman" must look underage and be victimized. Yaoi fans are sexist as fuck.

No. 15632

File: 1552330919423.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.59 KB, 422x750, CEC2CEE8-BEC1-4963-8D2C-08C1C0…)

saw this on Facebook. Jesus

No. 16724

File: 1552344403202.jpg (102.22 KB, 1024x585, puff_adopts_4___open___by_thes…)

These are like adobtables

They honestly look like pedobait

No. 16750

God this is so fucking true. I'm a bi chick and I like same sex couples but these fucking fujos just hate women so in their universe there are only men but the special uwu ukes are just their genderbent self inserts. The moment you critisize their bullshit suddenly these straight autistic women are calling you homophobic. Fucking kill me lol.

No. 16793

File: 1552356814833.jpg (160.09 KB, 1080x1246, 50536319_582375532261940_51454…)

someone paid for this thing.

No. 16820

Honestly true

Its such bullshit

No. 16821

File: 1552362654610.png (195.13 KB, 540x511, jasonwip_by_amakai411-db4lrar.…)


No. 16822

File: 1552362735988.jpg (84.66 KB, 1032x774, _oc__tohru_daiki_by_saisuta_d8…)

This is just terrible the description for him is also bad

No. 16823

The description isnt here its on DA

No. 16844

File: 1552367972152.png (346.91 KB, 482x702, proxy.png)

If women exists in their self insert verses, they're in on it encouraging the seme to rape/love the poor delicate uke, or egging the uke on. Strange how even as the years come and go and series phase in and same out, fujos still enjoy the same flavour of shit. Definitely people to steer clear from.

No. 16846

File: 1552367997032.png (191.52 KB, 500x555, unknown.png)

No. 16884

File: 1552379188742.png (522.99 KB, 719x1112, ginger_by_creativeowlet_dbxyig…)

No. 16885

File: 1552379268930.png (536.22 KB, 911x877, floating_on_a_cloud_by_creativ…)

No. 17021

Women come in two flavors for fujos: bff sister character that exists briefly to provide "girl talk" about their love life OR they are evil catty bitches trying to steal the seme. Lesbians don't exist. Endgame bff gets tacked on boyfriend for double dates. I could make a fucking bingo card istfg.

No. 17026

Dear god no what the fUCK is that is that supposed to be tharja and libra???

No. 17248

File: 1552438895630.png (146.51 KB, 800x800, proxy.png)

I steer clear of artists that do any racebending bullshit, but it's all over the bnha fandom at this point.

No. 17250

File: 1552438931158.png (1.55 MB, 1280x1085, proxy (2).png)

No. 17369

you can tell this person only did thus becase they draw futa porn

No. 17417

prince nuada is now a 3head
not jojo, please God don't let these bastards in, i can smell the white guilt through the screen

No. 17419

File: 1552445264549.jpg (156.56 KB, 1024x1448, 3head.jpg)

dropped pic

No. 17884

File: 1552451054912.jpg (92.47 KB, 767x1041, kenn_or_kenny__by_mentalcrash_…)

No. 17885

File: 1552451090715.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.54 KB, 769x1040, commission__stripper_boy_by_cu…)

No. 17890

File: 1552451461303.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.19 KB, 539x1481, reward__snow_villiers_feminisa…)


Yknow i really hate the fetishising of trans ppl, theres like a gold mine of those kind of stuff on da (like all other gross fetish fuel)

Particularly the ones were an unwilling or closeted man suddenly gets turned into a woman or futa, its fucking repulsive

Ive seen some where men drink like potions or gets kidnapped then turned into women to get fucked its so sick

No. 17993

I feel like this has nothing to do with transgender people. This is clearly forced feminization/fetish art.
Men find it horrifying and degrading to be treated/seen as a women, so it becomes one of the most humiliating things a man can possibly go through. It's all about being seen as a sex object or how far you can be objectified/sexualized.

No. 18010

you can tell when a transformation artist is doing it for just their fetish, and when they're doing it for weird sissy/bimbofication/transgender fetish stuff. they seem slightly different despite the overlap now and then.

No. 18028

>yfw most of the people in the west drawing these feminization fetish and futa pics are mtf trannies themselves

No. 18029

> i really hate the fetishising of trans ppl
First of all, lmao who cares other than that it is physically gross. Second of all you must be naive to think that forced transformation/futa type stuff is about actual trannies. It's more like the other way around, and they get influenced by seeing too much of this and other stupid types of hentai.

No. 18032

This. Being trans is a fetish in itself.

No. 18139

File: 1552503023194.gif (Spoiler Image,994.89 KB, 165x144, piranha.gif)

No. 18140

File: 1552503170287.png (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 1024x768, DW7hxk3VQAALUnP.png)

I swear, the ugly bastard fetish ruins almost every single decent hentai there is. I just want to see an attractive woman banging an equally attractive man.

No. 18169

>this is what trannies actually believe

No. 18173

File: 1552509164950.jpeg (169.5 KB, 1243x1280, 2BEB761F-76D8-4BD7-AC4F-8534E5…)

It looks like literal shit.

No. 18217

File: 1552513653386.jpg (150.66 KB, 800x600, Great_Mighty_Poo.jpg)

No. 18247

>trannies think biology works this way ever

whew lad

No. 18249

>turning Snow into a fat futa fetish

I fucking hate this.

No. 18278

please do. we should make a thread for calling out fujos and their homphobic/anti-lesbian bullshit

No. 18358

File: 1552527844395.png (Spoiler Image,714.96 KB, 833x959, this_is_fun_by_primrose_draws_…)

No. 18388

File: 1552529747344.png (154.7 KB, 337x566, tumblr_pe1qh5jmTf1vmr0ct_400.p…)

Why does deku get the worst of the bnha shitty reedits?

No. 18390

File: 1552529853771.png (304.18 KB, 439x750, tumblr_pah4e9EWoh1x7evmxo1_500…)

No. 18395

File: 1552530107459.png (80.28 KB, 400x489, tumblr_pestirAh4W1vpcj5g_400.p…)

Good luck. The fujos will probably come out of their containment thread and shit up your thread if you do that.
To get it started you'd probably need to collect a lot of milk and cringe.

No. 18419

Maybe you should make another callout post on tumblr instead, aiden.

No. 18447

I would honestly want a thread for them, theres just too damn much of that shit nowadays

And Its nice thing to stay anonymous

No. 18448

But i do think their more anti straight/hetero than lesbian

No. 18539

Maybe they're anti lesbian/straight. That's pathetic

No. 18572

They aren't anti straight they are anti female in general. They are self hating morons. I knew one in high school that was literally against same sex marriage but loved her some 12 year old boy being raped by his uwu seme porn. They are delusional and prefer this type of narrative to m/f relationships because they think they are special soft bois on the inside that aren't like all the women they know and hate.

No. 18612

File: 1552552305138.png (259.42 KB, 324x750, tumblr_ooy8qv63Uk1tvnboho1_500…)

Used to be in a discord server with a bunch of fakebois who always shat on fujoshis on their main tumblr blogs, but were all buddy buddy with one right in our server. She posted the good "gay shit" so they let her stay. I remember her being salty as fuck that my guy ocs were straight.

>what is wrong with kirishima's face?

No. 18621

What did they say when they found out your oc was straight anon?? Just curious

No. 18627

Yes please. My favourite fujo moment recently was actually here on LC where one insisted that girls who like straight couple art were lesbians and she was the only straight one.

No. 18630

File: 1552560053755.png (225.11 KB, 800x293, 3.png)

these are minecraft/minecraft-related ocs

No. 18654

File: 1552565680338.png (444.91 KB, 720x959, 20190314_201215.png)

This is suppose to be a houseki no kuni oc

Like…everything about this is bad, its so bad i thought that it was like a satire oc or something but this is a serious one

The thigh fat on the leggings wouldnt rlly make any sense considering how theyre basically gems/rocks but yknow ItS HAwttt AmiRIGHT???

No. 18702

That's hilarious. Because you can't possibly be straight if you tolerate a woman in a ship. You must want vagina duh. /s

No. 18747

File: 1552581280033.jpg (244.08 KB, 975x1500, il_fullxfull.937667522_55va.jp…)

No. 18856

File: 1552591925384.png (647.46 KB, 700x987, tumblr_pb9x14GCA31sue0fvo1_128…)

Sage for blogposting

She essentially said that "an ass an a vagina feel the same once you get enough lube in", and that was about me not wanting to ship my borderline bara oc with her fairy twink boy. Among other things she also mentioned how that same oc could crossdress and 'look just like a girl' like my oc wanted. Not to mention whenever i was on voicechat with her she would borderline beg for my characters to turn gay, and asking if under any circumstance they would fuck "boy pussy". Oh, and of course the fakebois in the server did nothing about it and even collaborated with her.

Surprise! She was also a moderator in the discord, so when i finally burst and complained about it she told the other mods that i had internalized homophobia and wouldn't make my characters gay for that reason.

No. 18857

File: 1552591982543.png (442.41 KB, 1089x1280, tumblr_pbd4s3hBaN1usriw1o1_128…)

No. 18895

>internalized homophobia
This shit again. We need a crazy fujo thread.

No. 18909

You making an OC with a set heterosexual identity is you being homophobic?? Wtf lol. What an idiot. That sounds like such a headache anon. I'm bi and I can't stand fakebois and fujos, they can take their bullshit "LGBT representation uwu" and fuck right off.

No. 18914

There already is one in /ot/. go bump it.

No. 18923

Ah yes. It's called "fujo cringe

No. 18932

No. 18942

File: 1552602143262.png (86.39 KB, 500x670, tumblr_pddjcpcVW81uuqkh1o2_r1_…)

I would love to contribute to that thread with added screencaps, but that would almost certainly rat me out.

No. 18997

File: 1552622122084.jpeg (128.92 KB, 776x1040, 4FC7E11E-2DD4-405D-B60E-E03BCF…)

I know this was done by a teen, but the sexualising is just so fucking bad. What is going on with the tits and thighs.

No. 19076

File: 1552642336901.jpg (191.23 KB, 1024x840, 8_.jpg)

No. 19114

File: 1552664049715.jpg (47.83 KB, 764x1046, xandir__fairy_princess_by_clar…)

No. 19115

File: 1552664251804.png (533.11 KB, 894x894, commissions_50__off_by_animefa…)

50% off or not you shouldnt pay for bad art like this

No. 19121

File: 1552665484802.jpg (26.14 KB, 300x300, gillian-anderson-rick-hill.jpg)

this is Gillian Anderson

No. 19189

File: 1552691031174.png (209.28 KB, 592x922, D47A15EB-6CEB-429D-95B1-033F58…)

This looked 10x worse than the original drawing. The original drawing at least looked interesting even though it was ugly. Now it just looks like it was drawn by a child. Other fixes on the thread looked good or decent.

No. 19230

File: 1552714770645.jpg (150.65 KB, 720x713, Screenshot_20190316-023331.jpg)

It's a boy. What is wrong with his lips?

No. 19246

Unfortunate shading but it's still very recognizable imo

I don't like femboys either but this is good art.

No. 19247

Whos the artist anon?

I swear this looks familiar

No. 19251

File: 1552734872952.jpg (28.84 KB, 500x742, tumblr_nzmbbxP1Gv1sqzxtmo1_500…)

Just randomly found this lol

No. 19258

File: 1552739959066.jpg (176.56 KB, 903x1280, image.jpg)

This pathetic fucker has been following an unfollowing me costantly for days and I was thinking about messaging him to stop or just block the shit out of him. "I want you to follow me" my ass. This dude is like in his 20s

No. 19260


Oh god thank you so much anon

No. 19266

vanotyarts on IG, found her while searching for size difference stuff. There's not much on the search itself, but her profile scares me a little bit. Every dude she draws looks like James Charles….

No. 19275

Don’t confront, just block. They’re worthless.

No. 19277

File: 1552752367391.jpeg (163.24 KB, 1280x985, 84189E4C-C2A4-4B6B-962E-F69399…)

It just changed poses……..

No. 19286

File: 1552757241619.png (761.88 KB, 1280x1363, tumblr_po50seYpO61uxruc2o1_128…)

This artists art style always looked extremely ugly to me and its a bit hard for me to tell which of her characters is a boy or a girl cuz everyone looks like they have tiddies

Everyone in the comment section in this one keeps saying that this is hAWT sexy bois owo uwu

Is there something wrong with your eyes?? This is anything but sexy

The colors can be nice i guess but this one in particular with the mix with those grays just makes it look a bit more unnapealing…

No. 19309


those nails are horrifying

No. 19329

The thing I hate about majority of pastel artists is that they have absolutely no variation in tonal value, a piece can be majority pastel while having enough contrast to actually be able to discern shapes from a thumbnail

No. 19388

File: 1552789679656.jpg (76.63 KB, 1200x776, 33.jpg)

No. 19389

I feel like this is almost cute, but a few extra lines and weird proportions ruined it.

No. 19404

As the other anon said, this almost looks alright. I thought you were on some bullshit posting this, but it does look weird. Specifically the first pose irks me because his nose is jutting out when in other similar perspectives the nostrils are laying flat. I see other things too, but i think it comes down to poor placement of lines.

No. 19405

It can be cute my lord, but the face is to big and it look like a old man in a kids body so is super wird :/

No. 19414

Yes exactly he has a man's face. Pushes this to caricature levels.

No. 19417

File: 1552800927998.jpg (190.22 KB, 1224x792, 34.jpg)

yeah, i think the whole face is just too big

No. 19425

the cat guy looks like onision

No. 19435

File: 1552808078503.png (511.63 KB, 720x812, 20190317_152742.png)

God your right anon

Most of her characters look like blow up dolls, Well she just another typical gross fujo. I thought i already seen the artist but i was wrong the art style is just a another rip off of the typical pouty girl instagram art trend except that theres more gAY

The hands on this pic look like yaoi hands and the anatomy is bad

No. 19442

Fujos love their pedo shit huh.

No. 19449

Ofcourse they are they cant get enough of that uke shit

No. 19450

*they do

No. 19460

File: 1552830725041.png (407.46 KB, 720x771, 20190317_214550.png)

No. 19627

File: 1552870544607.jpg (97.62 KB, 1200x686, DzpLgwMWsAIDSjN.jpg)

No. 19628

File: 1552870645117.jpg (62.02 KB, 1075x738, DzpC9stW0AUdJjk.jpg)


I honestly don't know how anyone could think that this looks good.

No. 19687

File: 1552890256694.png (Spoiler Image,259.22 KB, 655x750, tumblr_pmxgq1vHUw1x155s1o1_128…)

Remember to take your daily dose of hawt yaoiz

No. 19707

File: 1552910235742.png (421.52 KB, 720x410, 20190318_195659.png)

No. 19759

they look like adults in babys bodys i hate this

No. 19800

File: 1552931735927.png (229.73 KB, 500x641, tumblr_pfwcyeZQ8U1uog0xm_500.p…)

imagine paying any sum of money, let alone 20 fucking dollars, for this shit

No. 19945

this is so bad… how old is this person?

No. 19970

Im not sure but its probably a grown ass woman

No. 20029

File: 1553003419789.png (Spoiler Image,953.25 KB, 750x1334, 0E485705-81F0-4F31-B1CB-D5EBF2…)

So so much of this

No. 20055

Anon why. All pedo art is bad art.

No. 20240

File: 1553036851485.jpeg (Spoiler Image,65.15 KB, 640x619, F9B567C3-83D6-4C31-AEEF-68F291…)

No. 20241

File: 1553037053542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,121.24 KB, 638x637, 2EF76E72-15E5-4EAA-A38A-7C887F…)

No. 20259

File: 1553043491009.png (Spoiler Image,40.26 KB, 220x311, JdFo9bc.png)

This was traced from furry porn

No. 20261

File: 1553043680064.png (Spoiler Image,98.26 KB, 314x409, IMG_01.png)

someone's porn of their persona with cursed anatomy.

No. 20266

It took me a moment to realize that's Illuso from JoJo.

No. 20380

File: 1553089959711.gif (137.13 KB, 340x340, kek.gif)

absolutely kekking that they made Minas already in-human pink skin darker as if there are real world pink skinned human beings who need to be represented with darker pink

No. 20451

File: 1553126204133.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.71 KB, 741x1199, lmao.jpg)

They spent 45 hours on this. The longer you look at it, the funnier it gets.

No. 20475

Remember, in the event of an emergency that guy's shirt can be used as a flotation device.

No. 20497

File: 1553138423518.jpg (107.38 KB, 939x664, momokunsassonananimegirliguess…)

The back….. the ass….. why

No. 20520

that one guys torso looks like a corncob

No. 20535

File: 1553171218035.png (1.36 MB, 1621x1024, Redraw 2015 vs 2018.png)

No. 20600

File: 1553202607453.jpg (737.93 KB, 2896x2896, 20190321_170406.jpg)

when you're a very original person and have a very original aesthetic and original ideas

No. 20633

File: 1553222373457.jpg (313.53 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190321_232957.jpg)

I don't even come to this thread but once this popped up on my timeline, I knew I had to share

No. 20634

File: 1553236996088.jpg (229.05 KB, 1280x1564, tumblr_o7i09cJD2P1uwd7b5o1_128…)

Oh god why
This person is like, moderately okay at painting too but the proportions are all fucked

No. 20635

File: 1553237106883.jpg (301.38 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_padzsoMhVr1va9v4qo1_128…)

No. 20636

File: 1553238392305.png (1.57 MB, 852x3678, tumblr_dump_8_by_princesscally…)

No. 21654

File: 1553304195592.jpeg (18.04 KB, 480x640, images (1).jpeg)

No. 21655

File: 1553304226605.jpeg (20.89 KB, 384x512, images (2).jpeg)

No. 21671

File: 1553317414187.jpg (95.33 KB, 492x492, abba.jpg)

so…this is supposed to be ABBA..

No. 21681

File: 1553326264676.png (136.09 KB, 600x600, 5428_yczIIEXP.png)

No. 21683

>on dollar revision
People do this? Even I don’t stoop that low. It’s not hard to fix mistakes.

No. 21694

File: 1553334728520.png (284.81 KB, 500x598, tumblr_p7wvzvOKUN1uira8ho1_r1_…)

The fujos finally got moved to /m/, It's time to post jack off material for them.

No. 21696

so sexy

No. 21713

File: 1553348915248.png (406.12 KB, 720x831, 20190323_214643.png)

The faces are just funny to me

No. 21725

The face on the left reminds me of that one Archer picture

No. 21757

File: 1553384915000.jpeg (327.97 KB, 1448x2048, 08FE0507-C771-4718-8238-D21CAC…)

No. 21759

No, this is beautiful anon.

No. 21774

File: 1553395427348.png (238.42 KB, 540x1155, dd0rcvl-7e9822de-66f9-473a-818…)

this is a boy btw

apparently the title for this piece is "its for the interrogation" -_-

No. 21778


no pelvis

No. 21798

File: 1553410260877.png (511.46 KB, 1000x870, tumblr_oqwtodYpVR1v4sfk3o1_128…)

They look nothing like the source characters. Why is this shit so accepted?

No. 21807

File: 1553414390414.jpg (72.73 KB, 732x1091, dia_by_sophingers_dcwhql8-pre.…)

Why is everything so long??

Because tumblr

No. 21808

I forgot to mention that the other foot looks longer than the other

No. 21816

He'll be good someday, very good. I believe in him

No. 21833

that file name is appreciated anon. that art is so bad

No. 21838

File: 1553441677578.png (Spoiler Image,850.89 KB, 600x779, dd1qtho-f65f9778-2275-47d6-a61…)


No. 21853

File: 1553453343229.png (1.31 MB, 638x892, atjte.PNG)

I discovered this weird, autogynephilic "manga". The plot is that a guy turns into a girl overnight for whatever reason, and the story is just fetishizing the fact that the boy now has tits and an ass (the author is, you guessed it, a tranny). It was even made as two books by a well respected comic publisher which absolutely blows my mind.

It's called Clownfish twister, if anybody's interested

No. 21854

File: 1553453409902.png (356.32 KB, 617x859, arhfrgs.PNG)

Here is a sample page, it's so fetishy I want to die

No. 21856

File: 1553456214951.jpg (144.33 KB, 1080x1351, 42161325_298392947655969_43630…)

Yeah the whole comic is simply fetish fuel, the author must have some strong connections to the publisher because I have no idea how else this shit would've gotten a publication. The fetishy art style alone makes it unreadable, it reminds me of the trashy sex comics with traced cartoon characters hosted on shady porn sites.

No. 21857

Lmao how can you miss something so basic as that the ass cheek that’s closer should be bigger not half the size

The face the eyes omfg this is the worst art I’ve seen the past year

No. 21885

File: 1553464049753.jpg (571.82 KB, 1063x1167, IMG_20190324_1.jpg)

No. 21895

File: 1553470415617.png (Spoiler Image,235.73 KB, 480x792, Capture _2019-03-24-18-41-20.p…)

Jesus Christ anon. It's an absolute gold mine of terrible art…

No. 21904

File: 1553477397265.jpg (311.46 KB, 1063x1072, IMG_20190325_1.jpg)

This is a prize for someone

No. 21906



No. 21919

Daily reminder that this whole comic is made by an autogynephilic pornsick tranny who obsesses over Yurikuma and anime traps, even his school work art is just blatantly displaying his fetishes. If you can handle it, the comic is readable online in English.

The worst thing is that all the reviewers are treating this as some serious "gender identity exploration" piece with actual philosophical undertones despite it being full on fetish smut. But it has a boy turning into a girl so it must have some deep ass sociopolitical lore to it!

No. 21920

File: 1553506935725.jpeg (89.41 KB, 1260x903, D2eDxj9UYA07uG4.jpeg)

Apparently, this OC is.. Asian.

No. 21921

OK but that's a joke, right?

No. 21922

She just wanted kpop oc

No. 21923

She just wanted kpop oc

No. 21924

Holy shit what's with the lips?

No. 21929


>>big gay, also a big sub, also a big hoe


No. 21931

Looks like it got stung by bees

No. 21932


No. 21933

Well, he is allergic to bees.

No. 21939

File: 1553526295075.png (271.72 KB, 793x630, 20190325_230350.png)

No. 21943

File: 1553527210404.png (237.91 KB, 470x557, 20190325_231921.png)

Its ciel from black butler

No. 21945

God, fujos

No. 21947

What's the bad part other than the obvious paedophilia?

No. 21950

The grimacing face and the wierd broken lower abdomen part

No. 21951

It looks ok, too bad it's pedo

No. 21958

File: 1553537250757.jpeg (17.75 KB, 288x450, images (2).jpeg)

No. 21963

File: 1553539535993.png (332.4 KB, 443x451, edit.PNG)

Saging for a shit edit but this one makes me so mad because if the artist just fucked with the proportions a bit more it would have looked semi decent.

No. 21964

First of all, there is zero improvement lol and second of all, pls take this to the redraws/edits/redlines thread.

No. 22039

File: 1553595252192.png (1.74 MB, 1260x1620, tumblr_pmqsolocD61vf0xqgo1_128…)

No. 22077

The kids spine is literally broken maybe? Lol weebs are y'all do entrenched in anime art you can't tell when anatomy is completely broken now

'filthy sinner' Whoop there it is. Fucking fujos. Filthy gay sinner uwu so sexy uwu

No. 22094

This is fucking terrifying actually

No. 22115

Thank you anon

No. 22132

File: 1553688245133.png (457.53 KB, 720x575, 20190327_200207.png)

This just looks uncanny….

No. 22135

File: 1553688595509.png (Spoiler Image,328.18 KB, 720x562, 20190327_200237.png)

No. 22151

It's such a weird mix of flat and overly rendered. And pokeball eyes.

No. 22153


Who's the artist? The purple one reminds me of a tearzah oc

No. 22190

File: 1553723640898.jpg (755.15 KB, 1078x1410, IMG_20190327_1.jpg)

No. 22196

File: 1553725935354.jpg (166.62 KB, 1280x1280, save_me_by_primrose_draws_dd35…)

pastel gore".

No. 22238

File: 1553764297294.jpg (28.37 KB, 415x739, images.jpeg-4.jpg)

Why is 90% of the arcana fan art so fucking hideous?

No. 22244

Ikr *sighs

Im assuming thats a male mc? I noticed that most gay mc art in the arcana are just the worst…

No. 22262

File: 1553778530442.png (737.83 KB, 718x894, Capture _2019-03-28-08-04-37.p…)

Why tf is this ugly SHIT an ad?

No. 22266

It's true to be honest. Though, i'm probably biased, to me the original arcana art just looks like shit. Most characters look like drag queens with huge noses to me.

No. 22334

Anyone can pay to advertise their art and it’s pretty cheap. I’ve done it myself a few times,

No. 22357

File: 1553833411380.jpg (609.01 KB, 1080x1631, 20190329_011413.jpg)

I could flood the thread with all the arcana crap out there, I'll spare other anons of this nightmare. Both Male and female MC are the bad imo.
A very selected few are good, most are regular to bad. I am biased because there is one route I got into for some reason, but even so, I know the art is inconsistent and storytelling is so weak. I could start a thread on this game, the sjws pandering, the ridiculous prices, the kickstart scam, the company sketchy crap… I am just too lazy to do one.

No. 22359

I play the game and i do notice the sjw pandering, from the non-binary bullshit to the gay uwu stuff

If possible can you pls elaborate the kickstarter scam and sketchy stuff about the company because im rlly curious i didnt know anything about that

No. 22361

I'll try to make it as brief as possible so I don't derail too much.
People said here they promised the full game to 10$ backers then took the offer back. Which is kinda fucked up taking in consideration how much 10 bucks gets you ingame.
The whole post goes in details about the prices.
About the company,after I saw their reply about the prices here
I thought the company sounded delusional and made a deeper search and found all these complaints:

No. 22362


Thank for sharing anon, yeah it definitly sketchy af

No. 22369

File: 1553847540341.jpg (87.04 KB, 637x1254, crime_and_punishment_by_softes…)

No. 22370

File: 1553847616287.jpg (100.66 KB, 894x894, this_is_bad_by_softesthope_dbh…)

Oh look more tearzah rip offs


No. 22372

I noticed the non-binary thing but what do you mean by the gay uwu stuff? It's a romance game where you can choose the sex of the one you go for, after all.
Those are some damning company reviews.
A pity, I enjoyed Arcana and it's story (haven't played it in a while)
The pay for the most romantic/sexy answer choice is crap though, glad I wasn't interested in that.

No. 22375

The gay uwu stuff going on between the characters in the game not mc, sometimes it can be a bit distracting

No. 22468

Gay people are distracting okay then lol

No. 22469

Yeah, what.

No. 22506

File: 1553920943151.jpg (145.86 KB, 2048x1401, D225TwtXcAAx5Mj.jpeg.jpg)

No. 22770

File: 1553939548558.jpg (353.33 KB, 1080x760, 20190330_105105.jpg)

I liked them, but jesus christ- shut up, i can draw something like this for free

No. 22774

File: 1553947115344.jpg (157.62 KB, 802x1600, D23VO2eUcAIT_ra.jpg)

This is an actual professional artist. He spends too much time drawing fetishy close-ups of women's butts so he doesn't know what anatomy is.
I mean wtf, the ear on this guy.

No. 22803

File: 1553979386452.png (616.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-03-30-16-47-21…)

Her eyes look they're running away from her face and the t-shirt logo just looks slapped on

No. 22805

File: 1553981088206.png (499.64 KB, 1145x945, tumblr_polatuTCFC1y8aj1oo1_128…)

Notch recently got benched from mineyman, so tumblr is all about their minecraft headcanons more than ever now.
Also cue all the fakeboi fujos doubling down on uwu gay and uwu lesbian ships even harder

No. 22806

File: 1553981160793.png (409.34 KB, 1280x1307, tumblr_pp4g2v7P5K1uz8wpxo1_128…)

No. 22815

File: 1553994749568.png (572.75 KB, 720x1207, 20190331_090706.png)

Im hopping on the arcana bandwagon

Sage. Ok the description just annoys me, yeah ok 'coming out as non binary' how about you just admit that you like that gay twink shit instead of trying to earn brownie points

No. 22828

Looks like bad hirschfeld rip off lol

No. 22832

File: 1554022992203.png (935.57 KB, 992x1403, 1553985128094.png)

Found on 4chan /ic/. Holy fuck the face on this thing

No. 22854

File: 1554036256454.png (618.81 KB, 1280x640, tumblr_pi07752gh31wcnuilo2_128…)

>uke is a small and feminine boy in a sexy dancer outfit
>seme is tall, rich and smug
>shoddily tries to cover it up by making the bottom nonbinary
Checks out

What is wrong with her face? This looks like one of those BJD dolls with a badly adjusted wig.

No. 22896

File: 1554066755860.jpeg (867.42 KB, 1125x1062, 35813C12-CEB0-484A-98B0-4A98C5…)

No. 22912

Im dying anon

No. 23267

File: 1554152174235.png (Spoiler Image,667.86 KB, 452x700, 61D780F7-4512-4DBB-92AA-3094AB…)

I used to follow Sakimichan on deviant art, and she used to be able to draw normal bodies. One could say a lot about her recent art but one thing that really gets me is the constant t-rex size hands on the women, boobs are obviously the most important part and hands come like, last on the priority list.

No. 23283

this looks like shit. i hate artists who over design pictures to hide their shoddy mistakes. you already pointed out the obvious things, but can we talk about how none of the clothing looks like clothing but the bra straps? the fabric just blends into her.

No. 23286

It's always so confusing to me when artists can render details at such a ridiculously skilled level, but completely forget about everything else. Literally tossing your own talent in the trash.

No. 23370

File: 1554216461653.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 681x930, 8654680547.png)

Honestly, seeing Sakimi's regression is the funniest art-related thing I've watched in years. It's just ridiculous at this point.

No. 23375

>Bg and cloth detail copy pasted from photos
>Dat anatomy

It's sad and fascinating at the same time. I am frustrated by someone like her making so many beginner errors like focusing on detail instead of proportions and the overall picture.

No. 23403

this is so shitty it looks like a prerendered model for some shitty animu imvu knockoff

No. 23415

I just love the anatomy of the arms, shoulders and breasts in this btw. The more I look at it the better it gets.
Also reminder that the artist is female and could easily check the pose in the mirror.

No. 23456

I usually hate the look in the mirror argument because the people that parrot it, are either too stupid or don't have the body type for the pose… But this? No matter what body type you have this looks idiotic.

No. 23496

File: 1554256523789.jpg (70.17 KB, 894x894, 13.jpg)

creepypasta adopts

No. 23515

You need the made of clay arms body type to pull this off, kek

No. 23520

File: 1554284428184.jpg (38.11 KB, 480x480, 50015914_114095123028278_17517…)

Some good ol lore olympus fanart

No. 23684

File: 1554375589266.jpg (117.35 KB, 723x1105, sora__original_character_updat…)


No. 23856

File: 1554422645354.jpg (554.63 KB, 1076x1497, 2019-04-04 16.59.39.jpg)

No. 23882

The style has potential, but everything else brings it down.

No. 23906

I just checked out this person and my god its just so edgy and cringy, always everything is apparently a vent..yeaa

This person keeps saying to not steal their oc when their just another tearzah rip off, im so sick of tearzah rip offs…

No. 23907


No. 23929

File: 1554461008620.jpg (95.39 KB, 773x1033, thot_by_yunexa_dd3nz6u-pre.jpg)


No. 23947

File: 1554477834356.jpg (454.2 KB, 1242x1242, tumblr_po0qnonnry1v1q76z_1280.…)

yeah i checked their tumblr and they have a "trauma blog" which is weird and cringy as hell

seriously, what the hell is with those blogs? they're always run by fake systems and post the same shit: pastel edits, gore, shit like "HURT ME USE ME ABUSE ME" written over pictures of hello kitty, self harm photos, and edgy poetry about being an angel or forever a scared child

they say it helps them cope but i really don't see how infatilizing yourself while fixating on traumatic/fucked up shit would benefit you at all. and if you say as much you get other creeps rushing to defend them saying they can cope however they want, and how dare you dictate how this fragile being deals with their trauma, clearly you don't understand!!

No. 23973

File: 1554491639612.jpeg (142.87 KB, 1162x1288, 3584B9A0-07F6-4781-92AE-C68DE2…)

No. 23993

Looks like one of those content aware scale images…

No. 23994

File: 1554504330985.png (202.61 KB, 600x600, Capture483.PNG)

how that be looking

No. 23998

That artist has 7k followers and it is mindblowing that people actively support that kind of content.
It reminds me of that one psycho Japanese? artist that would draw similar imagery with cute crying/bleeding animals with mean quotes above them, and ~* hurt pastel babydoll angel ~* people would always reblog them.
It’s an interesting how it kind of became a subculture of its own.

No. 24004

This looks like satire… Wow…

No. 24006


I pretty sure that the ppl who do this probably arent actually doing this as a coping mechanism but rather their just doing this to get attention and deflect any kind of critism thrown at them cuz "muh depression, anxiety, bipolar etc" and everyone would just rush to defend them but in actuallity its probably just a sick fetish and its gross

I would know cuz i used to do something similar, the drawings are not that over the top like these but still similar

No. 24019

The face ruined it

No. 24021

File: 1554512165705.png (2.96 MB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2019-04-05-17-52-47…)

you mean shoppingcartfullofpinkturd? apparently he's still around. this is from march. his stuff seems… not AS gross as it used to be?

No. 24241

File: 1554591326326.jpg (1.08 MB, 1211x992, hmmm.jpg)

I can't be the only one that sees the problem, right?

No. 24263

The other half looks detached from the body…

No. 24320

File: 1554635576210.png (8.57 MB, 1242x2208, 023AE34F-F3B1-4949-B2C8-2855A1…)

No. 24327

they look like the deformed titans from snk

No. 24406


Holy fucking hell, they do. Who tf approved this??

No. 24467

lol I used to see so many of those blogs back when I used tumblr! most of them consisted entirely of b&w photos of self harm scars and out of context angsty sceeenshots from tv & movies. None of these people ever seemed to want to actually feel better or less anxious or depressed,

No. 24497

File: 1554710787402.png (661.46 KB, 720x716, 20190408_160338.png)

Wow the anatomy is almost as bad as the anime

No. 24499

File: 1554711695622.png (652.56 KB, 720x825, 20190408_160229.png)

Sage for off topic

Ok the craze on larry x sally is just dumb, they really act more like bros, if anything, sally x ash makes more sense especially with the recent part of the game (sal even confirmed that none of them are gay except for that ginger guy and his bf, i dont remember his name) but ya know


The art here is terrible tho

No. 24500

Leave them be so that theyll get worse im sure thats what they want

No. 24505

File: 1554715937039.jpg (278.45 KB, 1079x783, IMG_20190408_1.jpg)

I hate the way they draw faces

No. 24506

Oh god i see that kind of artsyle EVERYWHERE

I hate sideviews like that…

No. 24587

I personally can't bear the game's horrid low quality edge artstyle. The game is kind of interersting though…? I see a lot of russians are into it and draw the ship you posted.

No. 24663

File: 1554779234987.jpg (54.98 KB, 540x291, ladywhy.jpg)

No. 24664

What's so bad/hideous about this? I'd hardly even call it mediocre, it's decent.

No. 24665

At first glance I thought it looked good too, but take a closer look at the girls mouth on the right.

No. 24678

I still dont see it anon

No. 24679

File: 1554792913803.png (309.67 KB, 720x686, 20190409_145257.png)

I honestly dunno how to feel about this

No. 24706

I think the anatomy is kind of bad, but the face and coloring seems fine. Guess its personal taste if you like the style or not, but it looks Ok to me

No. 24722


The coloring is good but the anatomy, facial expression and hair color is what puts me off

No. 24779

File: 1554845513614.jpg (498.51 KB, 1075x1207, IMG_20190409_1.jpg)

Thicccccc head

No. 24780

The occipital bulb is not that wide. The artist but be extremely ignorant of their skills If they feel they could make a tutorial

No. 24788

? it looks fine

No. 24794

This is why i'm deathly afraid of making a tutorial. I don't want to teach my imperfect anatomy to people who are learning, they're going to learn to do it wrong in the first place.

No. 24826

ah mochi and her "vent" art always so ugly is kinda funny looks so bad good lord

No. 24827

File: 1554855167857.jpg (206.12 KB, 960x800, mouth guard.jpg)

Wut. Then am I the only one that's seeing pic related? Her teeth are like one big chunk of white. No effort on defining the teeth for something that's attempting to look as realistic as this. And the mouth doesn't sit like a relaxed mouth would. It'd hard to explain but it's like it's stretched. The bottom lip is too wide, it doesn't taper near the end like you think it'd would, and just fades in. Also, the depth is a little wack. The girl looks like she's copypasta'd behind the guy, like a movie poster instead of directly behind him. I think some shading there, along the shoulders would be good but that's probably just me.

No. 24830

File: 1554856396084.png (Spoiler Image,387.47 KB, 720x737, 20190410_083232.png)

No. 24832

Can you give the full username anon?

No. 24905

Her URL on Tumblr is mochiiviri

No. 24911

ngl anon you sound like a hardcore vendettafag

No. 24926

File: 1554891723396.png (Spoiler Image,244.26 KB, 720x812, 20190410_182154.png)

It just gets worse

No. 24937

>UgLy QuEeR
>twink with cum on face as icon
>girly uke
>probably a fakeboi fujo
Every time. I looked at that username and already knew what i was going to see.

No. 24955

File: 1554908022537.png (349.49 KB, 720x664, 20190410_225244.png)

Reminds me of jeffree star for some reason

No. 24956

File: 1554908270746.png (242.3 KB, 720x486, 20190410_225318.png)

No. 24958

File: 1554908968554.png (235.26 KB, 720x488, 20190410_225339.png)

No. 24963

File: 1554909274474.png (Spoiler Image,402.78 KB, 720x904, 20190410_111726.png)

Sage. Sure whatever helps you sleep at night

No. 24969

File: 1554910665027.png (420.12 KB, 720x855, 20190410_232234.png)

Is it me or does this look worse than her usual work

No. 24998


No. 25036

File: 1554937850654.png (856.31 KB, 1280x1375, tumblr_oqw93s1RGz1squs7eo1_128…)

Since OPM is back, i went and reminisced on how fakebois and fujos got super triggered when Saitama said he wasn't into dudes. Good times.

No. 25037

File: 1554937997273.jpg (85.82 KB, 500x489, tumblr_pppznwGAyC1t0q30q_500.p…)

No. 25038


No. 25041

Head up anon the post is gone cuz insta removed it but i remember in the comments she said shes dissapointed in some people that think that its a kiddo because they didnt read the description that she wanted to draw a midget getting fucked

No. 25049

File: 1554943821189.png (2.11 MB, 4000x3000, 12330900099333.png)

some ugly art from sally face + some ugly oc, i love how sally face a white/gray character is now black and have vitiligo

No. 25052

I'm not the og anon who posted it though. I don't even know who made it.

No. 25057

saitama looks like an a man-sized baby in this

No. 25146

File: 1555004112920.png (1 MB, 976x1280, tumblr_ppqmq9Jovh1uqpghe_1280.…)

What is wrong with allmight's face?

No. 25243

He looks like Caillou

No. 25284

File: 1555054393735.png (541.98 KB, 735x1088, fool_for_you__2_ych_ii_by_koik…)

Its no THAT bad but this looks extremely awkward imo

And what the actual fuck is up with the hands??

No. 25287

File: 1555056388145.jpg (146.93 KB, 894x894, v_i_l_l_a_i_n___d_e_k_u_by_vir…)

S m e x y v i l l i a n d e k u

No. 25327

Why the fuck are their lower eyelids split is what I’d like to know

No. 25391

Thats like a popular thing that artists do nowadays

No. 25467

Some of Steven universes concept art is just horrible.

No. 25468

File: 1555101536380.png (470.76 KB, 541x443, steven universe.PNG)

woops forgot pic

No. 25504

Gonna have to agree but atleast they all look different from each other but its still ugly tho

No. 25559

If i was an art director and somebody brought this to my table, i'd vomit on the spot. Thank god none of these made it in.

No. 25589

File: 1555170969117.png (490.69 KB, 720x704, 20190413_235357.png)


No. 25591

File: 1555171080518.png (496.51 KB, 720x775, 20190413_235424.png)

I dont know but this just makes me laugh

No. 25702

File: 1555209052245.jpg (187.2 KB, 762x1049, _comm__ashley_by_xyuutoo_dd4f6…)


i cant–

No. 25703


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 25708

new thread

No. 29130

>>7978 sage because this is 3 months old and nobody cares but I think this is pretty good. If they just got rid of the thigh gap and filled out the right thigh a bit more it'd be fine.

No. 34972

File: 1560048475763.png (174.61 KB, 450x550, d56p8h7-54d223bd-30b2-4759-a19…)

Fujos really don't know anatomy. Damn. That isn't even a man at this point.

No. 34973

File: 1560048533291.jpg (333.26 KB, 500x669, d5ezqs9-2c956183-cbc0-4c18-934…)

Also same artist. What is with those boobs?

No. 34980


As great as these are, there is a newer thread for these here >>25707

No. 34991

Is that fucking lewd Happy Tree Friends fanart

I'm done. Stop the internet, I want to get off.

No. 37814

File: 1561574033979.jpeg (274.56 KB, 750x913, EE673CBF-92A0-43E4-B181-1A43CE…)

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